This document is a research project report submitted for a Master's degree in Business Administration. It examines customer satisfaction with the promotional schemes of Lux soap in India. The report includes an introduction outlining the scope and objectives of the study. It describes the various promotional schemes used by Lux soap, including offering gold coins to winners of contests, trips for lucky scratch card winners, and discount offers printed inside soap wrappers. The report aims to analyze the effectiveness of these promotions in driving brand proposition and celebrating Lux soap's 75 years in India. It will use research methodology to evaluate customer satisfaction with Lux promotional activities and provide findings and recommendations.
This document is a research project report submitted for a Master's degree in Business Administration. It examines customer satisfaction with the promotional schemes of Lux soap in India. The report includes an introduction outlining the scope and objectives of the study. It describes the various promotional schemes used by Lux soap, including offering gold coins to winners of contests, trips for lucky scratch card winners, and discount offers printed inside soap wrappers. The report aims to analyze the effectiveness of these promotions in driving brand proposition and celebrating Lux soap's 75 years in India. It will use research methodology to evaluate customer satisfaction with Lux promotional activities and provide findings and recommendations.
This document is a research project report submitted for a Master's degree in Business Administration. It examines customer satisfaction with the promotional schemes of Lux soap in India. The report includes an introduction outlining the scope and objectives of the study. It describes the various promotional schemes used by Lux soap, including offering gold coins to winners of contests, trips for lucky scratch card winners, and discount offers printed inside soap wrappers. The report aims to analyze the effectiveness of these promotions in driving brand proposition and celebrating Lux soap's 75 years in India. It will use research methodology to evaluate customer satisfaction with Lux promotional activities and provide findings and recommendations.
This document is a research project report submitted for a Master's degree in Business Administration. It examines customer satisfaction with the promotional schemes of Lux soap in India. The report includes an introduction outlining the scope and objectives of the study. It describes the various promotional schemes used by Lux soap, including offering gold coins to winners of contests, trips for lucky scratch card winners, and discount offers printed inside soap wrappers. The report aims to analyze the effectiveness of these promotions in driving brand proposition and celebrating Lux soap's 75 years in India. It will use research methodology to evaluate customer satisfaction with Lux promotional activities and provide findings and recommendations.
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A Study of Satisfaction with Promotional Scheme of Lux Soa! Submitted To "ttar Pradesh Technical "ni#ersity$ Luc%now In partial fulfillment of required for the degree of &ASTER O' ("S)*ESS A+&)*)STRAT)O*
Su,mitted ,y- "nder the suer#ision of- .uldee .umar &iss/ Ra0yashree M.B.A IV Semester Lecturer, Roll No. 0704070013 Department of Busness A!mnstraton
1232 Technical Education and Research )nstitute "ost #ra!uate $olle%e, Ra&n!rapur #'a(pur)*33001+,.".- CERT)')CATE .'s s certf/ t'at, .uldee .umar perusn% &(A )4 semester from t's nsttute, 'as prepare! t'e researc' pro0ect report enttle! A Study of Satisfaction 5ith Promotional Scheme of Lux Soa66 n partal fulfllment of t'e re1urements of Master of Busness A!mnstraton from ,ttar "ra!es' .ec'ncal ,n&erst/, Luc2no3, for t'e sesson *004) *010 . .'s report s 5ase! on 5ona f!e researc' un!erta2en 5/ .uldee .umar un!er m/ super&son !urn% t'e course of fort' semester an! fulflls t'e re1urements of re%ulatons relatn% to t'e nature an! stan!ar!s of MBA course of ,.". .ec'ncal ,n&erst/. I recommen! t'at t's researc' pro0ect report ma/ 5e sent for e&aluaton. Rahul Anand Sin7h Ra0yashree Assist/ 8 Head Lecturer of +et/ of (usiness Administration +et/ of (usiness Administration +ECLARAT)O*
I, .uldee .umar 'ere5/ !eclare t'at t's researc' pro0ect report enttle! A Study of Satisfaction with Promotional Scheme of Lux Soa66 'as 5een prepare! 5/ me on t'e 5ass of researc' !one at #'a(pur un!er t'e super&son of Mss Ra0/as'ree / .'s researc' pro0ect report s m/ 5ona f!e 3or2 an! 'as not 5een su5mtte! n an/ form to an/ ,n&erst/ or Insttute for t'e a3ar! of an/ !e%ree or !ploma pror to t'e un!er mentone! !ate. I 5ear t'e entre respons5lt/ of su5msson of t's pro0ect report/ .uldee .umar &(A )4 Semester +eartment of (usiness Administration Technical Education 8 Research )nstitute P/9/ Colle7e$9ha:iur Ac%nowled7ement 6rst of all I t'an2 to alm%'t/ %o!, 3'o 'a! ma!e me a5le an! competent enou%' to pursue MBA an! pro&!e me 3t' t'e opportunt/ to carr/ out m/ researc' pro0ect report 3or2. I ta2e t's opportunt/ to t'an2s &iss Ra0yashree$ lecturer of &(A T/E/R/)/P9/ Colla7e for m/ %u!e. .'er &alua5le %u!ance an! super&son at e&er/ sta%e of t'e stu!/ 3'c' pla/e! a ma0or roll n a successful compeletaton of t'e pro0ect. I 3oul! l2e to t'an2 +r/ *eetu Sin7h$ lecturer of &(A T/E/R/)/P9/ Colla7e 3'o pro&!e me opportunt/ to %ettn% 2no3le!%e a5out t'e fnancal en&ronment of #'a(pur. M/ %rateful t'an2 to &r/ Rahul Anand sin7h$ Head of deartment of &(A T/E/R/)/P9/ Colla7e for t's &alua5le cooperaton an! %u!ance !urn% completon of m/ researc' pro0ect report. 6nall/ I am t'an2ful to all t'e facult/ mem5ers, offce staff an! fren!s 3'o 'a! 5een assocate! 3t' t's pro0ect et'er !rectl/ or n!rectl/ for sparn% t'er tme out of t'er 5us/ sc'e!ule. .uldee .umar PRE'ACE M.B.A. pro%ram s one of t'e most repute! professonal courses n t'e fel! of mana%ement. .'s course nclu!es 5ot' t'eor/ an! ts applcaton contents of currculum. .'s report s at contnuaton of t'e a5o&e tra!ton. .'e topc of t'e researc' 3as As a stu!ent of M.B.A. +Master of Busness A!mnstraton-, one of t'e most repute! professonal courses, I 'a&e to un!er%o for t'e !ssertaton n t's semester. .'e attract&e feature of t'e M.B.A. course s t'at alon% 3t' t'eor/ 3e also %et to 'a&e t'e e7posure of t'e practcal en&ronment. .'e topc for m/ !ssertaton s8 9A Stu!/ of Satsfacton 3t' "romotonal Sc'eme of Lu7 Soap: In present scenaro no 5usness small or lar%e can offere! to ma2e man/ errors or processe! 3'c' a!e1uate 2no3le!%e of facts mar2etn% researc' 5e tool 5/ 3'c' a mana%ement s supple! 3'c' nfo 3'c' co&ere! ma%naton nto a stron%er compett&e poston t'e frst an! foremost tal2 of an/ 5usness corporate 'ouse. $'apter frst s t'e ntro!ucton of t'e compan/ an! also !efne t'e scope of t'e stu!/, mpartment of t'e stu!/ an! o50ect&e of t'e stu!/. Secon! $'apter s !efnn% as t'e researc' met'o!olo%/. .'r! $'apter !efne as t'e Data Anal/ss an! Interpretaton. $'apter four contans tren!s n rural mar2et. 6ft' c'apter contans researc' met'o!olo%/. S7t' c'apter contans fn!n%s an! recommen!aton, an! last conclu!n% c'apter se&en contans concluson an! lmtaton follo3e! 5/ 55lo%rap'/.
Chater ;3 )*TRO+"CT)O* Sales Promotion Sales promoton, a 2e/ n%re!ent n mar2etn% campa%ns, conssts of a collecton of ncent&e tools, mostl/ s'ort term, !es%ne! to stmulate 1uc2er or %reater purc'ase of partcular pro!ucts or ser&ces 5/ consumers or t'e tra!e. ;'ereas a!&ertsn% offers a reason to 5u/, sales promoton offers an ncent&e to 5u/. Sales promoton nclu!es tools for CO*S"&ER PRO&OT)O* Samples $oupons $as' Refun! <ffers "rces <ff "remums "r(es "atrona%e Re3ar!s 6ree .rals ;arrantes .e n "romotons $ross "romotons "ont <f "urc'ase Dspla/s Demonstratons TRA+E PRO&OT)O* "rces <ff A!&ertsn% an! !spla/ Allo3ances 6ree #oo!s ("S)*ESS A*+ SALES;'ORCE PRO&OT)O* .ra!e S'o3s an! $on&entons $ontests for Sales Reps Specalt/ A!&ertsn% O,0ecti#es of sales romotion- Sales "romotons &ar/ n t'er specfc o50ect&es. Sellers use ncent&e t/pe promotons to attract ne3 trals, re3ar! lo/al customers, an! to ncrease t'e repurc'ase rates of occasonal users. Sales promotons often attract 5ran! s3tc'ers, 3'o are prmarl/ loo2n% for lo3 prce, %oo! &alue, or premums. Sales promotons are %enerall/ unl2el/ to turn t'em nto lo/al users, alt'ou%' t'e/ ma/ 5e n!uce! to ma2e su5se1uent purc'ases. Sales promotons use! n mar2ets of '%' 5ran! smlart/ can pro!uce a '%' sales response n t'e s'ort run 5ut permanent %an n t'e mar2et s'are. In mar2ets of '%' 5ran! !ssmlart/, sales promotons ma/5e a5le to alter mar2et s'ares permanentl/. In a!!ton to 5ran! s3tc'n%, consumers ma/ en%a%e n stoc2pln%) purc'asn% earler t'an usual or purc'asn% e7tra 1uanttes. But sales ma/ 't a post promoton !p. A num5er of sales promoton 5enefts flo3 to t'e manufacturers an! consumers. Sales promotons ena5le manufacturers to a!0ust to s'ort term &aratons n suppl/ an! !eman!. .'e/ ena5le manufacturers to test 'o3 '%' a lst prce t'e/ can c'ar%e, 5ecause t'e/ can al3a/s !scount t. .'e/ n!uce consumers to tr/ ne3 pro!ucts nstea! of ne&er stra/n% from current ones. .'e/ lea! to more &are! retal formats, suc' as e&er/!a/)lo3)prce store an! t'e promotonal prcn% store. 6or retalers, promotons ma/ ncrease sales of complementar/ cate%ores as 3ell as n!uce some store s3tc'n% 5/ consumers. .'e/ promote %reater consumer a3areness of prces. .'e/ permt t'e manufacturers to sell more t'an t'e/ 3oul! normall/ sell at lst prces. .'e/ 'elp t'e manufacturer to a!apt pro%rams to !fferent consumer se%ments. $onsumers t'emsel&es en0o/ some satsfacton from 5en% smart s'oppers 3'en t'e/ ta2e a!&anta%e of prce specals. Ser&ce mar2eters also emplo/ sales promotons to ac'e&e mar2etn% o50ect&es. Some ser&ce frms use promotons to attract ne3 customers an! esta5ls' lo/alt/. Sales Promotion Schemes Used By LUX Lu7 presente! 30 %m %ol! eac' to t'e frst t'ree 3nners of t'e Lu7 #ol! Star offer from Del'. Accor!n% to t'e promotonal offer t'at Lu7 un&ele! n <cto5er *000, a consumer fn!n% a **) carat %ol! con n 's or 'er soap 5ar %ot an opportunt/ to 3n an a!!tonal 30 %m %ol!. .'e frst 10 callers e&er/ 3ee2 %ot a 30 %m %ol! eac'. .'e offercoul! 5e a&ale! onl/ on 100 %m an! 1=0 %m pac2s of Lu7 soap. Lu7 Star Bano, As' >aro contest 3'c' starte! on Aprl 1? an! 3ent on tll @ul/ 1= of *00=. All one nee!e! to !o 3as 5u/ a specal promotonal pac2 of Lu7 soap. .'e pac2 comes 3t' a specal scratc' car!. .'e =0 luc2/ 3nners an! t'er spouses 3ere flo3n !o3n to Mum5a to l&e a !a/ l2e As'3ar/a Ra 3oul!. .'e/ coul! also 5e %&en %ft &ouc'ers 3ort' Rs =0,000 from S'oppersA Stop alon% 3t' an e7clus&el/ !es%ne! Neeta Lulla sar an! a 5eaut/ ma2eo&er 5/ Mc'elle .un%, As'3ar/aAs preferre! !es%ner an! st/lst. .'e pBce !e rCsstance 3as a !nner !ate 3t' As'3ar/a Ra 'erself. .'e Lu7 Star Bano, As' >aro contest ams to !r&e t'e 5ran! proposton D Mu0' men star 0a%a/e D furt'er. .'e Lu7 EBe a StarA promoton s an un1ue offern% t'rou%' 3'c' L,F 5rn%s 3'at star!om feels l2e to customers. Lu7 s cele5ratn% 7= /earGs of star!om n In!a an! to 2c2 start t'e cele5raton, Lu7 'as launc'e! t'e Har Star Luc2/ Star act&t/. Har Star Luc2/ Star offer s 5oun! to %o !o3n n 'stor/ as t'e onl/ act&t/ 3'ere e&er/ consumer s a 3nnerI All 3rappers of Lu7 'a&e a star prnte! ns!e t'em. If t'e consumer fn!s 3rtten ns!e t'e star, an/ num5er from 91: to 9=:, s'e 3ll %et an e1u&alent !scount +n rupees- on 'er purc'ase from 'er s'op2eeper. If t'e consumer fn!s 97= /ears: 3rtten ns!e t'e star, s'e 3ll %et a /earGs suppl/ of Lu7 free, courtes/ t'e 5eaut/ stars. Pu,lic Relations- Not onl/ must t'e compan/ relate construct&el/ to customers, supplers an! !ealers, t must also relate to a lar%e num5er of ntereste! pu5lcs.A pu5lc s an/ %roup t'at 'as an actual or potental nterest n or mpact on a compan/Gs a5lt/ to ac'e&e ts o50ect&es. "R n&ol&es a &aret/ of pro%rams !es%ne! to promote or protect a compan/Gs ma%e or ts n!&!ual pro!ucts. .'e/ perform t'e follo3n% functons8 Press relations8 "resentn% ne3s an! nformaton a5out t'e or%an(aton n t'e most post&e l%'t. Product Pu,licity8 Sponsorn% efforts to pu5lc(e specfc pro!ucts. Cororate Communications8 "romotn% un!erstan!n% of t'e or%an(aton t'rou%' nternal an! e7ternal communcatons. Lo,,yin78 Dealn% 3t' le%slators an! %o&ernment offcals to promote or !efeat le%slaton an! re%ulaton. Counsellin78 A!&sn% mana%ement a5out pu5lc ssues an! compan/ postons an! ma%e !urn% %oo! an! 5a! tmes L"<- THE STAR PER'OR&ER .'e %reat In!an 5ran! 3a%on starte! nearl/ four !eca!es a%o. #reat 5ran!s sometmes outlast t'er am5assa!ors as pro&en 5/ Lu7 3'c' s cele5ratn% ts 7=t' ann&ersar/ n In!a. .'e frst am5assa!or, Leela $'tns feature! n a Lu7 a!&ertsement 3'c' fla%%e! off t'e Lu7 3a%on. S'e %a&e 3a/ to a %ala7/ of stars 3'c' nclu!es Ma!'u5ala, Nar%s, Meena >umar, Mala Sn'a, S'armla .a%ore, ;a'ee!a Re'man, Sara Banu, Hema Maln, Jeenat Amaan, @u' $'a3la, Ma!'ur D7t, Sr!e&, As'3ar/a Ra an! >areena >apoor. .'e last fronter for most actors asprn% to star!om s 5ecomn% a Lu7 am5assa!or. .'e 5ran! 'as outlaste! man/ soaps. 6rom t'e 5e%nnn%, Lu7 5ecame a 'ouse'ol! name across t'e countr/. Actor Hema Maln sa/s, 9<ne of t'e turnn% ponts n m/ career 3as 3'en I 3as s%ne! up 5/ Lu7. It 3as t'en t'at I 2ne3 I 'a! ma!e m/ mar2 n In!an cnema as a lea!n% la!/. .o 5e a Lu7 star s a muc' sou%'t after 'onour amon%st lea!n% la!es an! t trul/ means a lot to me.: After =0 In!an female actors lat'ern% up 3t' Lu7, t s no3 t'e turn of a male actor, S'a' Ru2' >'an, to sa/, 9Aa0 men aap2o 5atane3ala 'oon mer 2'u5suraten 2a raa( D Lu7. A5 5ata/en aap2a fa&ourte Lu7 Star 2aun 'aK +I 3ant to tell /ou a5out m/ 5eaut/ secret D Lu7. ;'o s /our fa&ourte Lu7 StarK-: In 14*?, #n%er Ro%ers 5ecame t'e frst Holl/3oo! %reat to appear n a Lu7 commercal. .'e frst Lu7 5ar ma!e n In!a 3as sol! for t'e prncel/ sum of t3o annas n 1434. L"<- 4AR)A*TS In t'e countr/ snce 14*4 an! en!orse! 5/ popular flm stars, Lu7 s t'e 5%%est 5ran! n t'e soap cate%or/. Lu7 .olet Soap, n t'e popular se%ment, offers ts consumers a ran%e of soaps enrc'e! 3t' t'e %oo!ness of a &aret/ of nours'n% n%re!ents LAlmon! <l, <rc'! M7tracts, Ml2 $ream, 6rut M7tracts, Saffron, San!al3oo! <l an! Hone/. .'e Lu7 premum ran%e offers specal(e! s2ncare to ts consumers n t'e form of Lu7 Internatonal. It also nclu!es Lu7 Bo!/ ;as' for superor 5at'n% 5enefts 2eepn% n step 3t' t'e c'an%n% nee!s of t'e Lu7 consumer In a!!ton to t'ese &arants lu7 'as come up 3t' a fe3 more &arants to cele5rate ts 7= /ears n 5usness. .'e Lu7 $ele5raton Ran%e s a set of t'ree e7clus&e &arants) Aromatc #lo3 an! $'ocolate Se!ucton an! Lu7 ;'te Spa 5o!/ 3as' contann% e7otc n%re!ents, ne&er seen n t'e In!an mar2et 5efore. &ar%et .'e personal 3as' mar2et s &alue! at Rs. 4= 5llon +Source8 <R#)MAR#-. It s a '%'l/ penetrate! mar2et t'ou%' per capta consumpton la%s e&en Sout' Asan countres l2e In!onesa. .'e mar2et 'as seen sta%nant sales o&er t'e last four /ears an! t'e lo3 entr/ 5arrers 'a&e le! to ntense competton 5et3een natonal an! local 5ran!s. Achie#ements Lu7 s t'e lar%est personal 3as' 5ran! n t'e countr/ 3t' a &alue s'are of 17N. .'ree n e&er/ f&e In!an consumers en0o/ t'e lu7urous 5at'n% pleasure of Lu7 !urn% t'e course of a /ear. .'s stron% assocaton 3t' consumers 'as le! to Lu7 5ecomn% one of t'e most truste! 5ran!s n t'e countr/. Lu7 'as retane! ts lea!ers'p status 5/ stron%l/ !fferentatn% tself L no soap 5ran! can clam to 5e more aspratonal for t'e In!an consumer t'an Lu7 ) Ot'e 5eaut/ soap of flm starsG. .'e last t'ree /ears 'a&e seen Lu7 contnue to %ro3 far a'ea! of t'e mar2et. It 'as %ane! close to 4N s'are n t's pero!. A 2e/ ntat&e t'at 'as fuelle! t's %ro3t' 'as 5een t'e launc' of Mn Lu7 L strate%call/ prce! at Rs. = to 5rn% t 3t'n t'e reac' of 300 mllon rural consumers. .'e ntro!ucton of ne3 perfume an! n%re!ent &arants, a!!ressn% ne3 5eneft se%ments, 'as 5een t'e ot'er %ro3t' !r&er. )*TRO+"CT)O* A(O"T CO&PO*= History Lu7 soap 3as launc'e! n In!a n 14*4. .'e frst 5ar of Lu7 3as ma!e n In!a an! sol! for a prncel/ sum of t3o annas n 1434. 6rom t'e &er/ frst a!&ertsement n 14*4 featurn% Leela $'tns, t'e %or%eous faces of t'e sl&er screen 'a&e come out n t'e open 3t' t'er 5eaut/ secret L Lu7. "opularl/ 2no3n as Ot'e 5eaut/ soap of flm starsG, Lu7 'as 5een a fa&orte 3t' %eneratons of users for t'e e7perence of sensuous, lu7urous 5at'n%. Snce ts launc' n In!a, Lu7 'as offere! a ran%e of soaps n !fferent colours an! fra%rances. .'e/ 'a&e eac', 'o3e&er, offere! t'e same 5eneft of 5eautful s2n. Desra5le pro!uct sensorals, especall/ ts 3orl! class fra%rances an! nours'n% n%re!ents, 'a&e ma!e t'e Lu7 5at' a pleasura5le e7perence. But Lu7 5en% t'e mar2et lea!er 'as e&ol&e! alon% 3t' t'e c'an%n% nee!s of ts consumers. .'e late 14P0s sa3 t'e emer%ence of a premum se%ment n t'e soap cate%or/ L a ne3 consumer set 3'ose 5eaut/ an! 5at'n% nee!s 5e%an to e&ol&e. In 14P4, to tap nto t's se%ment, Lu7 launc'e! a ran%e of premum soaps to sut t'er !fferent s2n t/pes. The 'O"R P6s >A?Product A pro!uct s an/t'n% t'at can 5e offere! to a mar2et to satsf/ a nee! or 3ant. "ro!ucts t'at are mar2ete! nclu!e p'/scal %oo!s, ser&ces, e7perences, e&ents, persons, places, propertes, or%an(atons, nformaton an! !eas. Product Classification Mar2eters 'a&e tra!tonall/ classfe! pro!ucts on t'e 5ass of c'aracterstcs8 !ura5lt/, tan%5lt/, an! use. L"< is a Tan7i,le$ *on +ura,le 9ood on the ,asis of this classification/ Consumer 9oods Classification .'e &ast arra/ of %oo!s consumers can 5u/ can 5e classfe! on t'e 5ass of s'oppn% 'a5ts8 Con#enience 9oods8 .'e consumer purc'ases suc' %oo!s fre1uentl/, mme!atel/ an! 3t' a mnmum of effort. Shoin7 9oods8 Are %oo!s t'at t'e consumer, n t'e process of selecton an! purc'ase c'aracterstcall/ compares on t'e 5ases of suta5lt/, 1ualt/, prce an! st/le. Secialty 9oods8 Ha&e un1ue c'aracterstcs or 5ran! !entfcaton for 3'c' a suffcent num5er of 5u/ers are 3lln% to ma2e a specal purc'asn% effort. "nsou7ht 9oods8 Are t'ose t'e consumer !oes not 2no3 a5out or !oes not normall/ t'n2 <f 5u/n% L"< and other soas fall into the cate7ory of Con#enience 9ood Product Life Cycle L"< (eauty (ar s n t'e maturt/ sta%e of ts lfe c/cle 3'ereas t'e L"< (odywash s n t'e %ro3t' sta%e. L"< (eauty Soa; 'orm$ 'eatures$ Style ;t' cons of 5eaut/ en!orsn% t'e 5ran!, t'e offern%s ma!e 5/ Lu7 'a&e al3a/s 5een superor an! 'a&e al3a/s le! t'e mar2et, settn% 5enc'mar2s for competton. Lu7 'as 5eaut/ offern%s n t3o of t'e four mar2et se%ments L popular an! premum, spannn% t'e nee!s of &are! consumers. Lu7 .olet Soap n t'e popular se%ment 'as n t'e past four /ears offere! ts consumers a ran%e of soaps enrc'e! 3t' t'e %oo!ness of a &aret/ of nours'n% n%re!ents L rose e7tracts, almon! ol, ml2 cream, frut e7tracts an! 'one/ 3'c' are 2no3n to 'ar5our t'e secrets of ncre!5l/ perfect s2n. At t'e upper en! of t'e mar2et s t'e premum ran%e 3'c' contnues to offer specalse! s2ncare to ts consumers n t'e form of Internatonal Lu7 L a ran%e of mostursn%, !eep cleansn% an! sunscreen soaps. >eepn% n tune 3t' t'e c'an%n% tmes t 'as also launc'e! Lu7 Bo!/ ;as' 3'c' offers superor 5at'n% 5enefts. .o esta5ls' t'e presence of nours'n% n%re!ents n t'e ne3 Lu7, a un1ue concept, On%re!ents /ou can see n t'e soapG, 3as 5orn. A no&el metallc su5strate pac2a%n% 5eautfull/ s'o3case! t'e n%re!ents an! ts %lo5all/ accepte! n%re!ent)ln2e! perfumes 'e%'tene! t'e sensoral e7perence. Mac' of t'e soaps n t'e ran%e 'as ml2 cream, 3t' t'e act&e n%re!ents of rose e7tracts, san!al saffron, almon! ol an! frut e7tracts. .'ese create an e7perence n pampern% n!ul%ence an! lu7ur/ !es%ne! to 5rn% out t'e star n e&er/ 3oman. .'s s t'e frst tme n t'e In!an c'apter of t'e 5ran! t'at t'e 5eaut/ 5ar &arant 3as 5en% !fferentate! on t'e 5ass of ts n%re!ents rat'er t'an ts perfume an! colours. .'ou%' Lu7 Internatonal, a premum &arant of t'e tolet soap, launc'e! n 14P4, s !fferentate! on t'e 5ass of ts n%re!ents, t'e popular &erson, Lu7 Beaut/ Bar 3as al3a/s pro0ecte! as a 9pure an! ml!: soluton to soft an! smoot' s2n. )nternational Lux (ody 5ash @ the last name in luxury It s t'e ne7t re&oluton n t'e realm of personal care. .'e art of st/ln% s2n an! %&n% t t'at en&a5le %lo3. .'e ne3 Internatonal Lu7 Bo!/ ;as' comes n t3o rc' &arants. Rc' Mosture em5o!es an e7otc com5naton of %reen apple an! orc'! e7tracts. An! 6res' Mosture e7u!es t'e tn%ln% fres'ness of oran%e peel e7tracts. .o ensure a complete s2n st/ln% e7perence, 3t' eac' ele%ant 5ottle comes a free loofa'. It s prce! at Rs. 40 for *=0 ml an! Rs. 44 for 1=0 ml respect&el/ Internatonal Lu7 Bo!/ ;as' comes n an e71ustel/ !es%ne! 5ottle an! s a&ala5le at select outlets n select ctes. Trade Character La,ellin7 .'e L,F .ra!e $'aracter or Lo%o s present promnentl/ on t'e pac2a%e. A no&el metallc su5strate pac2a%n% s'o3cases t'e n%re!ents, an! a female mo!el s s'o3n on t'e pac2. Also !pla/e! %rap'call/ are t'e 2e/ n%re!ents. .'e n%re!ents, place of manufacture 'a&e 5een lste!. Also lste! s t'e consumer complant cell a!!ress n case of unsatsfactor/ pro!uct. Pac%a7in7 A no&el metallc su5strate pac2a%n% 5eautfull/ s'o3cases t'e n%re!ents, n case of t'e soaps. A female mo!el s s'o3n on t'e pac2. .'e colors are !fferent for !fferent &arants suc' as saffron for t'e saffron &arant, pn2 for t'e rose e7tracts etc..'e Bars come n pac2a%e s(es of 100%, 1*0%, 1=0 % .'e L,F Bo!/ ;as' comes n an e71ustel/ !es%ne! 5ottle 3t' t'e tra!e c'aracter promnentl/ !spla/e!. Lu7 'as launc'e! a 4=% &arant calle! Mn Lu7 prce! at Rs. = +e#eloin7 *ew 4ariants .'e ne3 Lu7 Beaut/ Bar s s%nfcantl/ 5etter on all aspects nclu!n% aest'etcs, sensorals, s2n care, &alue for mone/, perfume an! n%re!ents. .'e compan/ clams t'at a ne3 ntat&e 5e'n! Lu7 5eaut/ 5ar 3as al3a/s n t'e offn%, mar2et con!tons not3t'stan!n%. HLLGs structure! nno&aton pro%ramme 3as t'e !r&n% force. .'s pro%ramme, 3'c' c'arts t'e route for e&er/ HLL 5ran!Gs pro%ress, 3or2s e%'t to 1* 1uarters a'ea! of t'e compan/Gs 5ran!s. 6or nstance, at t'e tme 3'en Lu7 Internatonal 3t' a superor mostur(er 3as launc'e! n 1444, t'e compan/ clams to 'a&e 5een 3or2n% smultaneousl/ on Lu7 Sunscreen 3'c' 3as launc'e! n *000. Lu7 s al3a/s a step a'ea! of tren!s rat'er t'an follo3n% t'e tren!. It 3oul! rat'er orent an! !rect t'e c'an%e rat'er t'an follo3 t. .'s fla%)5earn% pro%ramme accor!n% to t'e compan/, 'elpe! n tmn% t'e relaunc'. Also 5/ usn% 5ran!)orente! researc', t'e compan/ !entfe! t3o sets of consumers. <ne 3as t'e lo/al 5ase of e7stn% Lu7 Beaut/ Bar consumers. .'e ot'er 3as t'e tar%et se%ment 3'c' 3oul! 5e t'e source of %ro3t' for Lu7. .'s se%ment comprse! of t'ose customers 3'o 3ere 5u/n% soaps n t'e su5)popular se%ment, 5ut coul! s'ft up3ar!s f a 5etter pro!uct 3as offere! n t'e popular se%ment. A compan/ e7ecut&e sa/s, 9.'e entre relaunc' e7ercse 3as ame! at !el&ern% a superor m7, 3'c' 3oul! tap nto t's source of %ro3t'.: .'e consumer nee!s an! tr%%ers 3'c' 3ere !entfe! nclu!e!8 fra%rance, 1ualt/ of lat'er, lon%)lastn%, &alue for mone/ pro!uct, famlart/ an! 5elef 3ere factors t'at translate! nto a sense of rela5lt/ an! 1ualt/. .'s 'elpe! n t'e !el&er/ of t'e ne3 pro!uct. Se&eral optons 3ere cons!ere! for t'e Lu7 relaunc'. .'ese nclu!e! moo!)en'ancn% perfume postonn%. S2n)care 5ase! n%re!ents l2e %l/cern, san!al an! saffron 3ere cons!ere!. .'e compan/ sa/s t'at after scannn% ?0 or 70 optons across 5ot' natonal an! nternatonal mar2ets almon! ol, 'one/ an! ml2 cream 3ere t'e c'osen ones. ;t' ts latest stance, t'e compan/ s 5an2n% on t'e su5)popular se%ment soap 5u/ers to 5u/ nto t'e ne3 Lu7. ;'le t'e tar%et se%ments reman t'e SM$ B, $ an! D, t'e soapGs performance n ts top mar2ets nort' an! 3est 3'c' contr5ute to o&er t3o)t'r!s of ts sales, 3ll 5e crucal to ts future %ro3t'. .'ou%' retalers n Mum5a spell Lu7 on t'er lst of 5est sellers, t'e/ sa/ t'at t'e 'one/ &arant s /et to catc' on, as t'e consumer 'as ne&er assocate! 3t' Lu7Gs 5lac2 colour pac2a%n%. >(? Promotion .'e promoton m7 s classfe! as follo3s8 Ad#ertisin78 1- .ranst *- Mlectronc Me!a 3- "rnt Me!a 4- Drect Sales Promotion
Personal Sellin7 1- Drect Selln% *- In!rect Selln% Pu,lic Relations +irect &ar%etin7 Ad#ertisin7 A!&ertsn% s an/ pa! form of non)personal presentaton an! promoton of !eas, %oo!s an! ser&ces 5/ an !entfe! sponsor. A!s can 5e a cost effect&e 3a/ to !ssemnate messa%es, 3'et'er to 5ul! a 5ran! preference or to e!ucate people. Ad#ertisement Analysis ,S" or t'e common t'rea! t'rou%' all t'e a!&ertsements s t'e Presence of &o#ie Stars t'rou%' t'e a%es. .'e pro!uct 'as 5een postone! on t'e 5ass of RM6MRAN$M #R<," 5/ usn% a cele5rt/ popular at t'at pont n tme. Some amount of attr5ute postonn% 5/ mentonn% t'e &arous n%re!ents 'as also 5een !one Lu7 campa%ns 'a&e 3ooe! mllons of people o&er t'e !eca!es. "opularl/ 2no3n as t'e 5eaut/ soap of flm stars, Lu7 'as 5een an ntmate partner of t'e 5r%'test stars on t'e sl&er screen for !eca!es. An o!e to t'er 5eaut/, an announcer of t'er star!om, a!&ertsn% campa%ns on Lu7 'a&e feature! flm stars across t'e naton, promsn% t'er 5eaut/ an! comple7on to or!nar/ 3omen. ;t' top mo&e stars L from Ma!'u5ala to Ma!'ur, from Ba5ta to >arsma an! >areena 'a&n% en!orse! t'e %oo!ness of Lu7 o&er %eneratons, t 3as natural t'at t'e 5ran! 'as 5ult e1ut/ as t'e 5est 5eaut/ soap n In!a. 6rom t'e 5e%nnn% Lu7, 5/ usn% a lea!n% flm star of t'e tme, 'as fulflle! t'e consumersG aspratons of usn% 5eaut/ soaps &a t'e ratonale Of tGs %oo! enou%' for a flm star, tGs %oo! for me. .'s later mo&e! nto a transformaton role of 'a&n% a 5at' 3t' Lu7, 3'c' transports t'e user nto a fantas/ 3orl! of cons, flm stars an! far/ lan!s. Chan7e in communication strate7y Ho3e&er, t'e communcaton 3as slo3l/ seen to 5e losn% rele&ance, as consumers 3ere 5e%nnn% to 1ueston f t'e flm star actuall/ use! t'e 5ran!. In a!!ton to t's, se&eral compett&e 5eaut/ soap 5ran!s 'a! 5e%un a!&ertsn% usn% smlar met'o!s of communcaton. In t's conte7t, t'e %lo5al 5ran! team for Lu7 !e&elope! a ne3 communcaton strate%/. .'s strate%/ L 5rn% out t'e star n /ou L for t'e frst tme mo&e! t'e 5ran! a3a/ from t'e lon%)runnn% flm star route. .'e flm star stll features n t'e ne3 communcaton 5ut not as 'er %or%eous self 5ut rat'er as an alter e%oQpro0ecton of t'e prota%onst +a re%ular %rl-, for a fe3 secon!s of t'e entre a!. .'us, for t'e frst tme t'e flm star 3as use! as a communcaton !e&ce an! not as t'e man feature of t'e a!. .'e mo&e a3a/ from t'e flm star an! 'er fantas/ 3orl! to a re%ular Lu7 user, 3t' t'e focus on t'e prota%onstGs star 1ualt/, s a c'an%e from t'e norms set 5/ Lu7 a!&ertsn% n t'e past. ;t' t'e ne3 communcaton strate%/, t'e flm star s use! purel/ as a communcaton !e&ce to portra/ star 1ualt/ n e&er/ Lu7 user. .'s !ea L 5rn% out t'e star n /ou L puts t'e consumer at t'e 'eart of t'e 5ran!sG promse. .'s promse %oes 5e/on! t'e functonal !el&era5les of soap, 5e/on! 5at'n% an! t'e 5at'room to t'e 3orl! outs!e. ItGs a 3orl! 3'ere 3t' Lu7 on 'er s!e, an or!nar/ 3oman can mpact 'er 3orl! 3t' 'er o3n star 1ualt/. .'s s a successful attempt to 5rn% t'e 5ran! closer to ts users an! to %&e t a more /out'ful an! contemporar/ ma%e. >C? Price APriceA s prett/ self)e7planator/ 5ut tOs &er/ mportant to success. "rce Somet'n% too '%' an! a compan/ ma/ ne&er sell a sn%le tem of t. "rce t too lo3 an! one can lose mone/ on e&er/ sale once all of costs of !on% 5usness are cons!ere!. So /ou 3ant to prce t attract&el/ so t'at /ou can sell t to /our clents an! t'e/Oll feel %oo! a5out t'e purc'ase. HLL seems to 'a&e mastere! t's !ea. "rces of HLL are cons!ere! t'e most compett&e n In!an mar2et. ;t' an operatn% proft of 470 MnR an! a turno&er of *,140 MsnR, HLL 'as no nee! to loo2 5ac2 on t'e fact t'at t s a lea!er. .'e man fact for t's 'u%e success stor/ s t'e strate%c prcn% !ecson t'e compan/ 'as a!opte! from tme to tme. HLL al3a/s %&es &alue for mone/ to 's consumers. It s 2no3n for ts compett&e prcn%. HLL 'as t'e a!&anta%e of 1uotn% a reasona5le prce !ue to ts econom/ of scale. HLL also can 1uote a &er/ compett&e prce !ue to ts superor tec'nolo%/ an! optmum utl(aton of n&entor/. HLL 'as t'e pro!uct ran%e t'at meets t'e nee!s of all classes of consumers. It 'as t'e pro!ucts t'at are cate%or(e! as premum an! mass pro!ucts, 3'c' 'a&e 5een !escr5e! a5o&e. HLL matc'es ts prces 3t' t'e compettor 3'o s operatn% n t'e same cate%or/. HLL also %&es prce offs on ts pro!ucts to re3ar! consumers 3'o are usn% t for a lon% tme an! also to attract ne3 consumers. .'e L,F Beaut/ Bars are prce! as follo3s8 3227ms- Rs/ 3B 3C27ms- Rs/ 3D L,F Internatonal s prce! at 31C7m- Rs/ 13 Internatonal Lu7 Bo!/ ;as' comes n an e71ustel/ !es%ne! 5ottle an! s a&ala5le at select outlets n select ctes. It s prce! at Rs/ E2 for 1C2 ml Rs/ F2 for 3C2 ml Lu7 'as also ntro!uce! t'e 9Mn Lu7: t'at 'as 'elpe! n 5etter penetraton of t'e rural mar2et. "rce! at 4=%8 Rs. = >+? Place Cuttin7;ed7e distri,ution networ% HLLGs !str5uton net3or2 s reco%n(e! as one of ts 2e/ stren%t's )) t'at 3'c' 'elps reac' out ts pro!ucts across t'e len%t' an! 5rea!t' of t's &ast countr/. .'e nee! for a stron% !str5uton net3or2 s mperat&e, snce HLLGs corporate purpose s 9to meet t'e e&er/!a/ nee!s of people e&er/3'ere.: At Hn!ustan Le&er Lmte!, !str5uton net3or2 s one of t'e 2e/ stren%t's t'at 'elp t'em reac' t'er pro!ucts across t'e len%t' an! 5rea!t' of t's &ast countr/. It 'as *000S supplers an! assocates, 4= $T6.A.s, 7,000 stoc2sts an! !rect co&era%e n o&er 1 mllon retal outlets across In!a. .o meet t'e e&er)c'an%n% nee!s of t'e consumer, HLL 'as set up a !str5uton net3or2 t'at ensures a&ala5lt/ of all t'er pro!ucts, n all outlets, at all tmes. .'s nclu!es, mantann% fa&ora5le tra!e relatons, pro&!n% nno&at&e ncent&es to retalers an! or%an(n% !eman! %eneraton act&tes amon% a 'ost of ot'er t'n%s. HLL 5oasts of placn% a pro!uct across t'e countr/ n less t'an 7* 'rs. .'e frst p'ase of t'e HLL !str5uton net3or2 'a! 3'olesalers placn% 5ul2 or!ers !rectl/ 3t' t'e compan/. Lar%e retalers also place! !rect or!ers, 3'c' comprse! almost 30 per cent of t'e total or!ers collecte!. .o!a/, t'e %oo!s are transferre! from t'e factor/ to t'e compan/ 3are'ouses +$T6.A %o!o3ns- an! are sent to t'e !str5utor from t'ere on a !al/ 5ass. 6rom t'e !str5utor, t'e stoc2 reac'es t'e mar2et t'rou%' !al/ sales. ./pcall/, t'ese nclu!e t'e salesman re%stern% t'e or!er of a retal outlet an! !el&ern% t'e %oo!s t'e ne7t !a/. Recentl/ HLL 'as c'an%e! ts tra!tonal 3a/ !str5uton an! came out 3t' a ne3 strate%/ of !str5uton. ItOs 5ecause of t'e c'an%e n 5u/n% pattern of t'e consumer !ue to more !sposa5le ncome. .'ere are !fferent c'annels of !str5uton l2e Mo!ern .ra!e, 3'c' co&ers all c'ans of super mar2ets l2e 6oo! ;orl!, 3'o %et t'e stoc2s !rectl/ from t'e compan/. ;'olesalers an! secon! le% of 5% retal outlets calle! Super Value stores come un!er t'e sur&ellance of t'e !str5utor alon% 3t' t'e mass retal outlets. .'ere s also t's ne3 concept n t'e HLL !str5uton c'annel calle! >os2. >os2 s a small s'op t'at sells onl/ sac'ets an! lo3 prce! tems +5elo3 Rs.10Q)-. >os2 also !oes not come un!er t'e sur&ellance of t'e !str5utor. In a!!ton to t'e on%on% commtment to t'e tra!tonal %rocer/ tra!e, HLL s 5ul!n% a specal relatons'p 3t' t'e small 5ut fast emer%n% mo!ern tra!e. HLLAs scale ena5les t to pro&!e superor customer ser&ce nclu!n% !al/ ser&cn%, mpro&n% t'er ran%e a&ala5lt/ 3'lst re!ucn% n&entores. HLL s usn% t'e opportunt/ of nterfacn% more !rectl/ 3t' consumers n t's retal en&ronment t'rou%' specall/ !es%ne! communcaton an! promotons. .'s s 5ul!n% traffc nto t'e stores 3'le /el!n% '%' %ro3t' for t'e 5usness. An I.)po3ere! s/stem 'as 5een mplemente! to suppl/ stoc2s to re!str5uton stoc2sts on a contnuous replens'ment 5ass. .'e o50ect&e s to catal/se HLLGs %ro3t' 5/ ensurn% t'at t'e r%'t pro!uct s a&ala5le at t'e r%'t place n r%'t 1uanttes, n t'e most cost)effect&e manner. 6or t's, stoc2sts 'a&e 5een connecte! 3t' t'e compan/ t'rou%' an Internet)5ase! net3or2, calle! RSNet, for onlne nteracton on or!ers, !spatc'es, nformaton s'arn% an! montorn%. RS Net co&ers a5out P0N of t'e compan/As turno&er. .o!a/, t'e sales s/stem %ets to 2no3 e&er/ !a/ 3'at HLL stoc2sts 'a&e sol! to almost a mllon outlets across t'e countr/. RS Net s part of "ro0ect Leap, HLLAs en!)to)en! suppl/ c'an, 3'c' also nclu!es a 5ac2)en! s/stem connectn% supplers, all compan/ stes an! stretc'n% r%'t ,pto stoc2sts. RS Net 'as come as a force multpler for HLL ;a/, t'e compan/As acton)plan to ma7m(e t'e num5er of outlets reac'e! an! to ac'e&e lea!ers'p n e&er/ outlet, 5/ uns'ac2ln% t'e fel! force to solel/ focus on secon!ar/ sales from t'e stoc2sts to retalers an! mar2et act&aton. HLL ;a/ 'as also le! to mplementn% 5est practces n customer mana%ement an! common norms an! processes across t'e compan/. "o3ere! 5/ t'e I. tools t 'as furt'er mpro&e! customer ser&ce, 3'le ensurn% superor a&ala5lt/ an! mpactful &s5lt/ at retal ponts. 6or rural In!a, HLL 'as esta5ls'e! a sn%le !str5uton c'annel 5/ consol!atn% cate%ores. In a s%nfcant mo&e, 3t' lon%)term 5enefts, HLL 'as mounte! an ntat&e, "ro0ect Streamlne, to furt'er ncrease ts rural reac' 3t' t'e 'elp of rural su5)stoc2sts. It 'as alrea!/ apponte! ?000 suc' su5) stoc2sts. As a result, t'e !str5uton net3or2 !rectl/ co&ers a5out =0,000 &lla%es, reac'n% a5out *=0 mllon consumers. S5OT A*AL=S)S S;<. anal/ss s a 5asc, stra%'tfor3ar! mo!el t'at pro&!es !recton an! ser&es as a 5ass for t'e !e&elopment of mar2etn% plans. It accompls'es t's 5/ assessn% an or%an(atons stren%t's +3'at an or%an(aton can !o- an! 3ea2nesses +3'at an or%an(aton cannot !o- n a!!ton to opportuntes +potental fa&ora5le con!tons for an or%an(aton- an! t'reats +potental unfa&ora5le con!tons for an or%an(aton-. S;<. anal/ss s an mportant step n plannn% an! ts &alue s often un!erestmate! !espte t'e smplct/ n creaton. .'e role of S;<. anal/ss s to ta2e t'e nformaton from t'e en&ronmental anal/ss an! separate t nto nternal ssues +stren%t's an! 3ea2nesses- an! e7ternal ssues +opportuntes an! t'reats-. <nce t's s complete!, S;<. anal/ss !etermnes f t'e nformaton n!cates somet'n% t'at 3ll assst t'e frm n accompls'n% ts o50ect&es +a stren%t' or opportunt/-, or f t n!cates an o5stacle t'at must 5e o&ercome or mnm(e! to ac'e&e !esre! results +3ea2ness or t'reat- +Mar2etn% Strate%/, 144P-. .'e nternal an! e7ternal stuaton anal/ss can pro!uce a lar%e amount of nformaton, muc' of 3'c' ma/ not 5e '%'l/ rele&ant. .'e S;<. anal/ss can ser&e as an nterpretat&e flter to re!uce t'e nformaton to a mana%ea5le 1uantt/ of 2e/ ssues. .'e S;<. anal/ss classfes t'e nternal aspects of t'e compan/ as stren%t's or 3ea2nesses an! t'e e7ternal stuatonal factors as opportuntes or t'reats. Stren%t's can ser&e as a foun!aton for 5ul!n% a compett&e a!&anta%e, an! 3ea2nesses ma/ 'n!er t. B/ un!erstan!n% t'ese four aspects of ts stuaton, a frm can 5etter le&era%e ts stren%t's, correct ts 3ea2nesses, captal(e on %ol!en opportuntes, an! !eter potentall/ !e&astatn% t'reats. Internal Anal/ss ) .'e nternal anal/ss s a compre'ens&e e&aluaton of t'e nternal en&ronmentAs potental stren%t's an! 3ea2nesses. 6actors s'oul! 5e e&aluate! across t'e or%an(aton n areas suc' as8 $ompan/ culture, ma%e <r%an(atonal structure >e/ staff Access to natural resources "oston on t'e e7perence cur&e <peratonal effcenc/, capact/ Bran! a3areness Mar2et s'are 6nancal resources M7clus&e contracts "atents an! tra!e secrets .'e S;<. anal/ss summar(es t'e nternal factors of t'e frm as a lst of stren%t's an! 3ea2nesses. External Analysis ) An opportunt/ s t'e c'ance to ntro!uce a ne3 pro!uct or ser&ce t'at can %enerate superor returns. <pportuntes can arse 3'en c'an%es occur n t'e e7ternal en&ronment. Man/ of t'ese c'an%es can 5e perce&e! as t'reats to t'e mar2et poston of e7stn% pro!ucts an! ma/ necesstate a c'an%e n pro!uct specfcatons or t'e !e&elopment of ne3 pro!ucts n or!er for t'e frm to reman compett&e. $'an%es n t'e e7ternal en&ronment ma/ 5e relate! to8 $ustomers $ompettors Mar2et tren!s Supplers "artners Socal c'an%es Ne3 tec'nolo%/ Mconomc Q "oltcal en&ronment .'e S;<. anal/ss summar(es t'e e7ternal en&ronmental factors as a lst of opportuntes an! t'reats. O(JECT)4ES O' ST"+= .'e man o50ect&es of t'e stu!/ are8 - .o assess t'e consumer sales promoton sc'emes offere! t'e companes. - .o %et an ns%'t nto retalersG &e3s re%ar!n% t'e sc'emes 5en% offere! 5/ companes.. - .o stu!/ consumer perceptons re%ar!n% &arous sc'emes an! responses to 3ar! t'em. &-.o anal/ses consumer 5u/n% !ecson 3t' reference to scope/ SCOPE O' THE ST"+= .'e %eo%rap'cal scope of t'e stu!/ 3as restrcte! to t'e #'a(pur !ue to tme an! resource constrants. .'e stu!/ 'as 5een !one on t'e promotonal sc'eme of Lu7 soap an! t'e affect of t'e purc'ase !ecson on t'e satsfacton of consumer. 6ocus 5en% manl/ on n)!ept' pro5n%, t'e %eneral(atons !ra3n are onl/ n!cat&e an! not conclus&e. )&PARTE*CE O' THE ST"+=
.'e man o50ect&es of t'e stu!/ are8 +1- .'s pro0ect 3ll 'as n un!erstan!n% t'e &aras promoton sc'eme offere! 5/ Lu7 soap . +*- .'s pro0ect 3ll !oes t'e concluson re%ar!n% t'e satsfacton 3t' &ares "romoton sc'eme start 5/ Lu7 . +3- .'s 3ll 5e anal/ses affect on promotonal sc'eme on t'e sales of t'e Lu7 n t'e &e3 of retaler +4- .'s pro0ect 3ll maser t'e satsfacton of customer 3'c' promotonal sc'eme an! affect on purc'ase !ecson of Lu7 . $'apter )* Researc' met'o!olo%/) Researc' Met'o!olo%/ Defnton of researc') Researc' s a 'uman act&t/ 5ase! on ntellectual n&est%aton an! s ame! at !sco&ern%, nterpretn%, an! re&sn% 'uman 2no3le!%e on !fferent aspects of t'e 3orl!. Researc' can use t'e scentfc met'o!, 5ut nee! not !o so. Scentfc researc' reles on t'e applcaton of t'e scentfc met'o!, a 'arnessn% of curost/. .'s researc' pro&!es scentfc nformaton an! t'eores for t'e e7planaton of t'e nature an! t'e propertes of t'e 3orl! aroun! us. It ma2es practcal applcatons poss5le. Scentfc researc' s fun!e! 5/ pu5lc aut'ortes, 5/ c'arta5le or%an(atons an! 5/ pr&ate %roups, nclu!n% man/ companes. Scentfc researc' can 5e su5!&!e! nto !fferent classfcatons. .'e 3or! 9Met'o!olo%/: spells t'e meann% tself .e. t'e met'o! use! 5/ t'e researc'er n o5tann% nformaton. .'e !ata +Informaton can 5e collecte! from t'e prmar/ sources an! secon!ar/ sources.- B/ prmar/ !ata 3e mean, !ata collecte! 5/ researc'er 'mself, for frst tme to colla5orate, t'e !ata 3'c' 'as pre&ousl/ not 5een use!, s 2no3n as prmar/ !ataU 5/ secon!ar/ !ata 3e mean, t'e !ata collecte! from &arous pu5ls'e! matters, ma%a(nes , ne3spapers status of pre&ous researc' reports etc. In ot'er 3or!s 3e can sa/ t'at t'e !ata 3'c' 'as alrea!/ 5een use! for !fferent purposes 5/ !fferent people s 2no3n as secon!ar/. 9"rmar/ !ata ma/ 5e !escr5e! as t'ose !ata t'at 'a&e 5een o5ser&e! a recor!e! 5/ t'e researc'er for t'e frst tme to t'er 2no3le!%e:. Da&! .@. Luc2 "rmar/ !ata can 5e collecte! t'rou%' 1uestonnare an! personal nter&e3s. I met consumers personall/ an! to some consumers I MADM $ontac 5/ .elep'one, Some consumer flle! t'e 1uestonnare t'em sel&es an! some as2e! us to !o t I o5ser&e! some nterestn% !urn% t'e nter&e3. Secon!ar/ !ata are collecte! from t'e offce of Mure2a 6or5es Lt!. RMSMAR$H DMSI#N) A researc' !es%n s smpl/ t'e frame3or2 of con!uctn% researc'. It s a plan for a stu!/ t'at s use! to %u!e n collectn% an! anal/(n% t'e !ata. Researc' can 5e con!ucte! 3t'out a researc' !es%n 5ut t ma/ not sol&e t'e pro5lems. Researc' !es%n s 'elpful n collectn% necessar/ nformaton. It !ec!es sources of nformaton an! met'o!s for %at'ern% !ata. It tells a5out 3'at nformaton s to 5e collecte! from 3'c' sources an! 5/ 3'at proce!ures. In t's researc' nformaton 'as 5een collecte! 5/ t'e researc'er form t'e peoples an! t'e nformaton are anal/(e! 5/ mat'ematcal T %rap'cal tec'n1ue. Man 'ea!s to 5e cons!ere! n a researc' !es%ns. Defntons of Researc' Des%n L A plan of 3'at !ata to %at'er, from 3'om, 'o3 an! 3'en to collect t'e !ata, an! 'o3 to anal/(e t'e !ata o5tane!. A s/stematc plan to coor!nate arc'aeolo%cal researc' to ensure t'e effcent use of resources an! to %u!e t'e researc' accor!n% to scentfc met'o!s. S/stematc plannn% of researc', usuall/ nclu!n% +1- t'e formulaton of a strate%/ to resol&e a partcular 1uestonU +*- t'e collecton an! recor!n% of t'e e&!enceU +3- t'e processn% an! anal/ss of t'ese !ata an! t'er nterpretatonU an! +4- t'e pu5lcaton of results. Also 2no3n as a mar2et researc' 5refn%, t's s a 5asc plan 3'c' %u!es t'e !ata collecton an! anal/ss p'ases of t'e researc' pro0ect. It acts as a frame3or2 3'c' !etals t'e t/pe of nformaton to 5e collecte!, t'e !ata sources an! t'e !ata collecton proce!ure. .'e state! structure an! process of con!uctn% a researc' pro0ect. Inclu!es specfcatons, sc'e!ule an! 5u!%et. Success Stor/ "*)4ERSE-; .'s partcular stu!/ s con!ucte! n eastern ,.". n #'a(pur ct/. So all t'e samples 'a&e 5een collecte! form #'a(pur s t'e un&erse for t's researc'. SA&PL)*9 +ES)9*-; Sampln% !es%n !eals 3t' t'e met'o! of selectn% tems to 5e o5ser&e! for t'e %&en stu!/ .6or t's researc' 3or2 t'e sampln% !es%ne! 'as 5een c'osen are smple ran!om sampln%. .'e c'oce of researc'er s frst preference n t's !es%n an! researc'er selecte! all t'ose persons 3'o coul! fulfll t'e nee!s of t'e researc'er an! satsf/ 'm. .'e man reason to c'oose t's sample !es%n 3as to sa&e tme an! mone/.
SURVEY S @ Search "; "tili:ation R; Resources 4; 4isuali:e E; Elect ant =;=ield
9#eneral(aton t'rou%' lo%calQ statstcal n o5ser&aton n an/ specfc fel! of an/ specfc propert/ s 2no3n as sur&e/.GG 9Sur&e/GG 3or! s ma!e 5/ searc', n se&eral 3or!s, sur&e/ means 9to searc'GG for somet'n% a5out pros T cons of t'at partcular tem or t'n%. Sur&e/ s t'e most mportant functon of mana%n% process, sur&e/ ma2es as effcent a5out all steps of an/ mana%ement .e. ;'at, ;'/ , ;'o, ;'ere T ;'en K If t concern to 9mar2etn% sur&e/GG t can 5e !efne! n some ot'er 3or!. In t's concern t'e term Osur&e/G can 5e !efne! as stu!/ of consumers atttu!e as 3ell as sellers atttu!e a5out an/ partcular tem to conclu!e T 2no3 a5out ts mert T !emerts of t'at partcular tem. Sur&e/ s 5en% use! as met'o! of mana%ement to %et nformaton +ata Collection ðod Data collecton met'o! s smpl/ as2e! Vuestoner to t'e retaler an! consumer an! sample s(e s t'e 100 an! t'e sampln% area n #'a(pur ct/ . Chater ;B +ata Analysis 8 )nterretation +ATA A*AL=S)S A; RETA)LER6S A*AL=S)S >3? 5hat is the sales romotion schemes offered on Lux G Cash refund Cross romotion Price off Pri:es Product ,uildin7 C H 32 H F2 H 3C H B2 H 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 1 2 3 4 5 Series1 Analysis .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Price off! s t'e 5est sales promoton sc'emes offere! on Lu7 +40N of t'e retalers a%ree! on t's-. Product (undlin7! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 30N of t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! Pri:es sales promoton 1= N a%ree!, Cross romotion s %et 10 N an! last $as' refun! to Cash refund = N a%ree! . )nterretations .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Price off! s t'e 5est sales promoton sc'emes offere! on Lu7 an! Product (undlin7! 3as t'e ne7t 5est of t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! Pri:es sales promoton a%ree!, Cross romotion an! last Cash refund to sales promoton a%ree! . >1? 5hat will affect on sales of Lux due to sales romotional schemesG Can6t say )ncrease on sales *o affects 3C H EC H 32 H 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 1 2 3 Analysis .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at sales promoton sc'emes offere! on Lu7 cause! an )ncrease in sales! +7=N of t'e retalers a%ree! on t'at-. Can6t say! 3as t'e ne7t 5est opnon 3t' 1=N of t'e retalers n fa&or of t'e same an! 10 N no affect !ue to promotonal sc'eme )nterretations .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at sales promoton sc'emes offere! on Lu7 cause! an )ncrease in sales! an! Can6t say! 3as t'e ne7t 5est opnon 3t' t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! last no affect !ue to promotonal sc'eme on t'e customer. >B? 5hat affect communication of sales romotion scheme G Print media 5holesaler Electronic media Sales reresentati#e 3C H F2 H 12 H 1C H 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 1 2 3 4 Analysis .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at 5holesalers! 3ere t'e 5est me!um of communcaton of sales promoton sc'emes +40N of t'e retalers a%ree! on t'at-. Sales reresentati#es! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' *=N of t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! *0 N Electronic &edia: affect sales promoton an! last 1= N 9Print &edia! affect t'e sales promoton sc'eme . )nterretations .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at 5holesalers! 3ere t'e 5est me!um of communcaton of sales promoton sc'emes Sales reresentati#es! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! Electronic &edia: affect sales promoton an! last 9Print &edia! affect t'e sales promoton sc'eme. >F? 5hat le#el of ser#icin7 durin7 sales romotion with cometitorsG )nferior and more freIuent similar and more freIuent Suerior and less freIuent Suerior and more freIuent 32 H BC H 32 H FC H 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 1 2 3 4 5 Analysis .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e le&el of ser&cn% !urn% sales promoton &s)W)&s compettors 3as Suerior and more freIuent +4=N of t'e retalers a%ree! on t'at-. Similar and more freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 3=N of t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! ne7t 5est s t'e Suerior and less freIuent an! )nferior more freIuent to e1ual 10 N retaler a%ree! . )nterretations .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e le&el of ser&cn% !urn% sales promoton &s)W)&s compettors 3as Suerior and more freIuent an! Similar and more freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 3=N of t'e retalers n fa&our of 'e same an! ne7t 5est s t'e Suerior and less freIuent an! )nferior more freIuent to e1ual retaler a%ree! . >C? 5HAT )S THE A''ECT O* SALES PRO&OT)O* SCHE&ES O* +)''ERE*T A9E 9RO"P O' C"STO&ER G 3J;1C 1J;FC FJ;J2 B2 H 3C H CC H 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 1 2 3 Analysis .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at 1J;FC a7e 7rou! 3ere t'e most affecte! 5/ sales promoton +==N of t'e retalers a%ree! on t'at-. 3J;1C a7e 7rou! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 30N of t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! 91J;FC a7e 7rou! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 1= N of t'e retaler . )nterretations .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at 1J;FC a7e 7rou! 3ere t'e most affecte! 5/ sales promoton an! 3J; 1C a7e 7rou! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! 91J;FC a7e 7rou! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e retaler >J? 5HAT PRO(LE&S )S 'ACE+ +"R)*9 8 A'TER SALES PRO&OT)O* SCHE&ES G Pro,lem handlin7 Stoc% out )mroer information FC H FC H 32 H 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 1 2 3 Analysis .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Stoc% out! an! Pro,lem handlin7! 3as ma0or pro5lems face! !urn% an! after sales promoton sc'emes +3t' 4=N of t'e retalers n fa&or of t'e same- an! 9)mroer information! s t'e retaler n fa&or at 10 N far t'e Lu7 soap . )nterretations .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Stoc% out! an! Pro,lem handlin7! 3ere ma0or pro5lems face! !urn% an! after sales promoton sc'emes an! last 9)mroer information! s t'e retaler n fa&or far t'e Lu7 soap . CO*S"&ER6S A*AL=S) >3? 5hich is the most referred criterion for soa selection G 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Analysis .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Price! s t'e most preferre! crteron for soap +*P N of t'e consumers a%ree! on t'at-. (rand 4alue! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 1=N of t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e same, Promotion scheme 1* N, Beneft 13 N, 'ra7rance of soa 10 N, Ad#ertisement at P N, Pac%a7in7 at ? N, color at 3 N an! last 5ord of mouth = N proffere! at t'e soap selecton . )nterretations .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Price! s t'e most preferre! crteron for soap an! (rand 4alue! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e same an! ne7t Promotion scheme s less, (enefit s less, 'ra7rance of soa s less , Ad#ertisement s less, Pac%a7in7 s less, color s less an! last 5ord of mouth s less proffere! at t'e soap selecton >1? 5hat customer thin%s ercetion a,out Lux G (eauty soa *othin7 Secial Soa total Soa for stars Ad#ertisement (rand 'ra7rance of soa Price Promotion scheme (enefit Color Pac%a7in7 5ord of &outh K H 3C H 32 H 1K H 31 H 3B H B H J H C H C2 H 33/1C H 1B/EC H 3C H 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 1 2 3 4 Analysis .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e ma0or percepton a5out Lu7 s t'at as a (eauty Soa! +=0N of t'e consumers a%ree! on t'at-. Soa for all! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' *3.7=N of t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e same an! Soa far stars 3as t'e ne7t 1= N an! last *othin7 secial 3as t'e 11.*= N percepton a5out Lu7 , )nterretations .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e ma0or percepton a5out Lu7 s t'at as a (eauty Soa! an!. Soa for all! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e same an! Soa far stars 3as t'e ne7t an! last *othin7 secial 3as t'e percepton a5out Lu7 , >B? 5H)CH )S THE &OST E''ECT)4E &E+)"& O' SALES PRO&OT)O* G Personal sellin7 Ad#ertisin7 Sales romotion 32 H CK/EC H B3/1C H 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 1 2 3 Analysis .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Ad#ertisin7! s t'e most effect&e me!um for sales promoton +=P.7=N of t'e consumers a%ree! on t'at-. Sales Promotion! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 31.*=N of t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e same an! last Personal sellin7 s t'e most affect&e 10 N consumer a%ree! on t'at )nterretations .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Ad#ertisin7! s t'e most effect&e me!um for sales promoton. Sales Promotion! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e same an! last Personal sellin7 s t'e most affect&e consumer a%ree! on t'at >F? 5HAT )S THE )&PACT O* C"STO&ER G *o chan7e ,uyin7 ,eha#ior (uy it durin7 sales romotion (uy it e#en after end of scheme &a%es you switch Lux 1J/1C H 13/EC H BK/EC H 3B/EC H 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 1 2 3 4 Analysis .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e t/pe of mpact of sales promoton 3as Continue ,uyin7 e#en after sales romotion offer is scraed +3P.7=N of t'e consumers a%ree! on t'at-. *o chan7e in ,uyin7 ,eha#iour! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' *?.*=N of t'e consumers n fa&ors of t'e sc'eme. (uy it durin7 sales romotion! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' *1.7=N of t'e consumers n fa&ors of t'e sc'eme an! last &a%es you switch Lux! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 13.7= N of t'e consumers n fa&ors of t'e sc'eme. )nterretations .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e t/pe of mpact of sales promoton 3as Continue ,uyin7 e#en after sales romotion offer is scraed an! *o chan7e in ,uyin7 ,eha#iour! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&or of t'e same. (uy it durin7 sales romotion! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&ors of t'e sc'eme an! last &a%es you switch Lux! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&ors of t'e sc'eme >C? 5HAT CO&&"*)CAT)O* O' SCHE&E A''ECT O* C"STO&ER G Comany staff Electronic media Print media Sales reresentati#e 33/1C H CK/EC H 1J/1C H B/EC H 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 1 2 3 4 Analysis .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e communcaton of sc'emes s'oul! 5e Throu7h electronic media! +=P.7=N of t'e consumers a%ree! on t'at-. Throu7h rint media! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' *?.*=N of t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e sc'eme an! 9Comany staff! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 11.*=N of t'e consumers n fa&our an! last Sales reresentati#e! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 3.7=N of t'e consumers n fa&our )nterretations .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e communcaton of sc'emes s'oul! 5e Throu7h electronic media! and Throu7h rint media! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&or of t'e sc'eme an! 9Comany staff! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our an! last Sales reresentati#e! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our >J? 5HAT &OST A''ECT O* CO&PAR)S)O* 5)TH CO&PET)TORSG Similar less freIuent Similar more freIuent Suerior less freIuent Similar more freIuent B/EC H BC H 31/C2 H FK/EC H 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 1 2 3 4 Analysis .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Lu7Gs promoton sc'emes 3ere Suerior and more freIuent! &s)W)&s ts +4P.7=N of t'e consumers a%ree! on t'at-. Similar and more freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 3=N of t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e sc'eme Suerior less freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 1*.=0N of t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e sc'eme an! last Similar more freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 3.7=N of t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e sc'eme )nterretations .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Lu7Gs promoton sc'emes 3ere Suerior and more freIuent! &s)W)&s t an!. Similar and more freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e sc'eme an! ne7t Suerior less freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' of t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e sc'eme an! last Similar more freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e sc'eme Chapter -4 Finding & Recomondation 'indin7 .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Price off! s t'e 5est sales promoton sc'emes offere! on Lu7 +40N of t'e retalers a%ree! on t's-. Product (undlin7! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 30N of t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! Pri:es sales promoton 1= N a%ree!, Cross romotion s %et 10 N an! last $as' refun! to Cash refund = N a%ree! . .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at sales promoton sc'emes offere! on Lu7 cause! an )ncrease in sales! +7=N of t'e retalers a%ree! on t'at-. Can6t say! 3as t'e ne7t 5est opnon 3t' 1=N of t'e retalers n fa&or of t'e same an! 10 N no affect !ue to promotonal sc'eme .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at 5holesalers! 3ere t'e 5est me!um of communcaton of sales promoton sc'emes +40N of t'e retalers a%ree! on t'at-. Sales reresentati#es! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' *=N of t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! *0 N Electronic &edia: affect sales promoton an! last 1= N 9Print &edia! affect t'e sales promoton sc'eme . .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e le&el of ser&cn% !urn% sales promoton &s)W)&s compettors 3as Suerior and more freIuent +4=N of t'e retalers a%ree! on t'at-. Similar and more freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 3=N of t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! ne7t 5est s t'e Suerior and less freIuent an! )nferior more freIuent to e1ual 10 N retaler a%ree! . .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at 1J;FC a7e 7rou! 3ere t'e most affecte! 5/ sales promoton +==N of t'e retalers a%ree! on t'at-. 3J;1C a7e 7rou! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 30N of t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! 91J;FC a7e 7rou! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 1= N of t'e retaler .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Stoc% out! an! Pro,lem handlin7! 3as ma0or pro5lems face! !urn% an! after sales promoton sc'emes +3t' 4=N of t'e retalers n fa&or of t'e same- an! 9)mroer information! s t'e retaler n fa&or at 10 N far t'e Lu7 soap . .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Price! s t'e most preferre! crteron for soap +*P N of t'e consumers a%ree! on t'at-. (rand 4alue! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 1=N of t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e same, Promotion scheme 1* N, Beneft 13 N, 'ra7rance of soa 10 N, Ad#ertisement at P N, Pac%a7in7 at ? N, color at 3 N an! last 5ord of mouth = N proffere! at t'e soap selecton . .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e ma0or percepton a5out Lu7 s t'at as a (eauty Soa! +=0N of t'e consumers a%ree! on t'at-. Soa for all! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' *3.7=N of t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e same an! Soa far stars 3as t'e ne7t 1= N an! last *othin7 secial 3as t'e 11.*= N percepton a5out Lu7 , .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Ad#ertisin7! s t'e most effect&e me!um for sales promoton +=P.7=N of t'e consumers a%ree! on t'at-. Sales Promotion! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 31.*=N of t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e same an! last Personal sellin7 s t'e most affect&e 10 N consumer a%ree! on t'at .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e t/pe of mpact of sales promoton 3as Continue ,uyin7 e#en after sales romotion offer is scraed +3P.7=N of t'e consumers a%ree! on t'at-. *o chan7e in ,uyin7 ,eha#iour! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' *?.*=N of t'e consumers n fa&ors of t'e sc'eme. (uy it durin7 sales romotion! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' *1.7=N of t'e consumers n fa&ors of t'e sc'eme an! last &a%es you switch Lux! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 13.7= N of t'e consumers n fa&ors of t'e sc'eme. .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e communcaton of sc'emes s'oul! 5e Throu7h electronic media! +=P.7=N of t'e consumers a%ree! on t'at-. Throu7h rint media! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' *?.*=N of t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e sc'eme an! 9Comany staff! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 11.*=N of t'e consumers n fa&our an! last Sales reresentati#e! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 3.7=N of t'e consumers n fa&our RECO&&E*+AT)O*S +1- .'e/ s'oul! pro&!e more promotons l2e prce)offs an! samples. +*- Retent&e strate%/ re1ure! as t'e soap se%ment s n t'e mature sta%e of ts pro!uct lfe c/cle +3- Lne e7tenson L pro5a5l/ 3t' more &arants catern% to t'e 5eaut/ se%ment l2e natural, 'er5al soap etc. +4- L1u! 5o!/ 3as' s currentl/ n t'e %ro3t' sta%e L Lu7 s'oul! come out 3t' more &arants n t's se%ment. +=- Le&el of ser&cn% s lo3 !urn% sales promoton sc'emes L t's coul! 5e 5rou%'t up. +?- It s 'a&n% onl/ 14.P N rural mar2et presentaton 3'c' coul! 5e furt'er en'ance!. Chater ;C Conclusion & Limitation CO*CL"S)O* Lu7 soap 3as launc'e! n In!a n 14*4. .'e frst 5ar of Lu7 3as ma!e n In!a an! sol! for a prncel/ sum of t3o annas n 1434. 6rom t'e &er/ frst a!&ertsement n 14*4 featurn% Leela $'tns, t'e %or%eous faces of t'e sl&er screen 'a&e come out n t'e open 3t' t'er 5eaut/ secret L Lu7. .'e L,F .ra!e $'aracter or Lo%o s present promnentl/ on t'e pac2a%e. A no&el metallc su5strate pac2a%n% s'o3cases t'e n%re!ents, an! a female mo!el s s'o3n on t'e pac2. Also !pla/e! %rap'call/ are t'e 2e/ n%re!ents. .'e n%re!ents, place of manufacture 'a&e 5een lste!. Also lste! s t'e consumer complant cell a!!ress n case of unsatsfactor/ pro!uct. .'e compan/ clams t'at a ne3 ntat&e 5e'n! Lu7 5eaut/ 5ar 3as al3a/s n t'e offn%, mar2et con!tons not3t'stan!n%. HLLGs structure! nno&aton pro%ramme 3as t'e !r&n% force. .'s pro%ramme, 3'c' c'arts t'e route for e&er/ HLL 5ran!Gs pro%ress, 3or2s e%'t to 1* 1uarters a'ea! of t'e compan/Gs 5ran!s. 6or nstance, at t'e tme 3'en Lu7 Internatonal 3t' a superor mostur(er 3as launc'e! n 1444, t'e compan/ clams to 'a&e 5een 3or2n% smultaneousl/ on Lu7 Sunscreen 3'c' 3as launc'e! n *000. Lu7 s al3a/s a step a'ea! of tren!s rat'er t'an follo3n% t'e tren!. It 3oul! rat'er orent an! !rect t'e c'an%e rat'er t'an follo3 t. .'s fla%)5earn% pro%ramme accor!n% to t'e compan/, 'elpe! n tmn% t'e relaunc'. .'e researc'er foun! t'at all Lu7 promotonal sc'eme to more attract t'e retaler to ncrease sales of t'e Lu7 soap n our s'op an! also consumer satsf/ t'e Lu7 promotonal sc'eme an! more attract t'e uses of t'e 5ot' soap n most use t'e Lu7 soap So t'e some result %et t'e researc'er n our researc' to as2e! t'e consumer an! retaler .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Price off! s t'e 5est sales promoton sc'emes offere! on Lu7 an! Product (undlin7! 3as t'e ne7t 5est of t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! Pri:es sales promoton a%ree!, Cross romotion an! last Cash refund to sales promoton a%ree! . .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at sales promoton sc'emes offere! on Lu7 cause! an )ncrease in sales! an! Can6t say! 3as t'e ne7t 5est opnon 3t' t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! last no affect !ue to promotonal sc'eme on t'e customer. .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at 5holesalers! 3ere t'e 5est me!um of communcaton of sales promoton sc'emes Sales reresentati#es! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! Electronic &edia: affect sales promoton an! last 9Print &edia! affect t'e sales promoton sc'eme. .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e le&el of ser&cn% !urn% sales promoton &s)W)&s compettors 3as Suerior and more freIuent an! Similar and more freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 3=N of t'e retalers n fa&our of 'e same an! ne7t 5est s t'e Suerior and less freIuent an! )nferior more freIuent to e1ual retaler a%ree! . .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at 1J;FC a7e 7rou! 3ere t'e most affecte! 5/ sales promoton an! 3J;1C a7e 7rou! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! 91J;FC a7e 7rou! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e retaler .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Stoc% out! an! Pro,lem handlin7! 3ere ma0or pro5lems face! !urn% an! after sales promoton sc'emes an! last 9)mroer information! s t'e retaler n fa&or far t'e Lu7 soap . .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Price! s t'e most preferre! crteron for soap an! (rand 4alue! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e same an! ne7t Promotion scheme s less, (enefit s less, 'ra7rance of soa s less , Ad#ertisement s less, Pac%a7in7 s less, color s less an! last 5ord of mouth s less proffere! at t'e soap selecton .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e ma0or percepton a5out Lu7 s t'at as a (eauty Soa! an!. Soa for all! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e same an! Soa far stars 3as t'e ne7t an! last *othin7 secial 3as t'e percepton a5out Lu7 , .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Ad#ertisin7! s t'e most effect&e me!um for sales promoton. Sales Promotion! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e same an! last Personal sellin7 s t'e most affect&e consumer a%ree! on t'at .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e t/pe of mpact of sales promoton 3as Continue ,uyin7 e#en after sales romotion offer is scraed an! *o chan7e in ,uyin7 ,eha#iour! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&or of t'e same. (uy it durin7 sales romotion! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&ors of t'e sc'eme an! last &a%es you switch Lux! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&ors of t'e sc'eme .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e communcaton of sc'emes s'oul! 5e Throu7h electronic media! and Throu7h rint media! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&or of t'e sc'eme an! 9Comany staff! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our an! last Sales reresentati#e! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Lu7Gs promoton sc'emes 3ere Suerior and more freIuent! &s)W)&s t an!. Similar and more freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e sc'eme an! ne7t Suerior less freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' of t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e sc'eme an! last .'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Price off! s t'e 5est sales promoton sc'emes offere! on Lu7 an! Product (undlin7! 3as t'e ne7t 5est of t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same. L)&)TAT)O*S O' THE PROJECT +1- Response 5asness coul! 5e one of t'e lmtatons. +*- .'e sample c'osen ma/ not 5e t'e true representat&e of t'e 3'ole populaton. +3- As t'e researc' 3as e7plorator/ n nature, t 3as not poss5le to stu!/ t'e accurate p'enomenon of t'e fact. +4- .'ere s'oul! 5e mo&e promotonal sc'eme n comparson n compettor. +=- "romotonal sc'eme s'oul! 5e mo&e affect attract more all se%ment of customer. +?- Sample s(e 3as small. +7- Sample ara s narro3 . +P- .'ere 3as t'e lesser tme to collect t'e 'ole nformaton t'e pro0ect . Chater; J ()(LO9RAPH= (i,lio7rahy 3/ .otler Philli$ &ar%etin7 &ana7ement- Analysis$ Plannin7$ )mlementation and Control$! D th ed/$ Prentice Hall of )ndia$ 3DDE/ 1/ Stran7 Ro7er$ Sales Promotion fast 7rowth faculty mana7ement$! Harvard Business Review$ 3DEJ/ B/ www/indiainfoline/com F/ www/hll/com 3/ Luestionnaires "sed RETA)LER6S L"EST)O**A)RE Name8XXXXXXXXXX.. S'opGs Name8XXXXXXXXXXXXX. A!!ress8XXXXXXXXXX $ontact No.8XXXXXXXXX +1-;'at s t'e sales promoton sc'emes offere! 5/ 5eaut/ soap companesK +a-"rce off +5-Dscount coupons +c- "ro!uct 5un!ln% +!-$ontests +e-Scratc' car! +f-$ross promoton +%-$as' refun! +'-"r(es +-6ree tral +0-An/ ot'er +*- ;'at affect on sales of !ue to sales promoton sc'emes offere!K +a- Increase n sales +5- Decrease n sales +c - No affect +!- $anGt sa/ +3- Ho3 s t'e sales promoton sc'eme communcate! to /ouK A. .'rou%' 3'olesalers B. .'rou%' sales representat&es $. .'rou%' prnt me!a D. .'rou%' electronc me!a +4- ;'at s t'e le&el of ser&cn% !urn% sales promotonK +a- Ver/ "rompt +5- "rompt +5- Mo!erate +c- Slo3 +!- Ver/ slo3 +=-;'at affect t'e $omparson of sales promoton sc'eme offere! on Lu7 3t' compettorsK +a-Superor an! more fre1uent +5-Superor an! less fre1uent +c-Smlar an! more fre1uent +!-Smlar an! less fre1uent +?- ;'at are t'e pro5lems face! !urn% an! after t'e sales promoton sc'emesK A. Han!ln% pro5lem B. Stoc2 out $. Improper nformaton D. Lefto&er C"STO&ERMS L"EST)O**A)RE Name 8 .................................................A%e8.................................Se78................... A!!ress8.............................................$ontact No8................................................... +1- Ho3 3oul! /ou ran2 follo3n% crteron for selectn% a 5at'n% soap K +a- $olor of soap +5- 6ra%rance of soap +c- Bran! &alue +!- "rce +e- Benefts +f- "ac2a%n% +%- ;or! of mout' +'- A!&ertsement +- "romotonal sc'emes +*- ;'at comes n to /our mn! 3'en /ou t'n2 a5out soaps K +a- Soap of flm stars +5- Beaut/ soap +c- Not'n% specfc +3- ;'c' s t'e most effect&e me!um for promotn% t'e pro!uctK +a- A!&ertsn% +5- Sales promoton +c- "u5lc relaton T "u5lct/ +!- "ersonal selln% +e- Internet +%- "r(es +'- 6ree tral +4- ;'at t/pe of mpact !oes t'e sales promoton sc'eme creates on /ouK +a-Ma2es /ou s3tc' to Lu7 +5-Bu/ t !urn% sales promoton offer +c-$ontnue 5u/n% e&en after sales promoton offer s scrappe! +!- No c'an%e n 5u/n% 5e'a&or +=-Ho3 s t'e sales promoton sc'eme communcate! to /ou K a. .'rou%' sales representat&es 5. .'rou%' prnt me!a c. .'rou%' electronc me!a !. .'rou%' compan/Gs stall +7- Ho3 !o /ou rate Lu7 on follo3n% parametersK 4ery satisfied Satisfied *eutral +issatisfied 4ery dissatisfied +a- "rce +5- Vualt/ +c- A!&ertsn% +!- "romotonal Sc'eme