Lux Soap

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A Study of Satisfaction with Promotional Scheme of Lux Soa!
Submitted To
"ttar Pradesh Technical "ni#ersity$ Luc%now
In partial fulfillment of required for the degree of

Su,mitted ,y- "nder the suer#ision of-
.uldee .umar &iss/ Ra0yashree
M.B.A IV Semester Lecturer,
Roll No. 0704070013 Department of
Busness A!mnstraton

Technical Education and Research )nstitute
"ost #ra!uate $olle%e, Ra&n!rapur
.'s s certf/ t'at, .uldee .umar perusn% &(A )4 semester from t's nsttute, 'as
prepare! t'e researc' pro0ect report enttle! A Study of Satisfaction 5ith Promotional Scheme of
Lux Soa66 n partal fulfllment of t'e re1urements of Master of Busness A!mnstraton from ,ttar
"ra!es' .ec'ncal ,n&erst/, Luc2no3, for t'e sesson *004) *010 .
.'s report s 5ase! on 5ona f!e researc' un!erta2en 5/ .uldee .umar un!er m/ super&son
!urn% t'e course of fort' semester an! fulflls t'e re1urements of re%ulatons relatn% to t'e nature an!
stan!ar!s of MBA course of ,.". .ec'ncal ,n&erst/.
I recommen! t'at t's researc' pro0ect report ma/ 5e sent for e&aluaton.
Rahul Anand Sin7h Ra0yashree
Assist/ 8 Head Lecturer
of +et/ of (usiness Administration +et/ of (usiness Administration

I, .uldee .umar 'ere5/ !eclare t'at t's researc' pro0ect report enttle! A Study of
Satisfaction with Promotional Scheme of Lux Soa66 'as 5een prepare! 5/ me on t'e 5ass
of researc' !one at #'a(pur un!er t'e super&son of Mss Ra0/as'ree /
.'s researc' pro0ect report s m/ 5ona f!e 3or2 an! 'as not 5een su5mtte! n an/ form to an/
,n&erst/ or Insttute for t'e a3ar! of an/ !e%ree or !ploma pror to t'e un!er mentone! !ate. I 5ear
t'e entre respons5lt/ of su5msson of t's pro0ect report/
.uldee .umar
&(A )4 Semester
+eartment of (usiness Administration
Technical Education 8 Research )nstitute
P/9/ Colle7e$9ha:iur
6rst of all I t'an2 to alm%'t/ %o!, 3'o 'a! ma!e me a5le an! competent enou%' to pursue MBA an!
pro&!e me 3t' t'e opportunt/ to carr/ out m/ researc' pro0ect report 3or2.
I ta2e t's opportunt/ to t'an2s &iss Ra0yashree$ lecturer of &(A T/E/R/)/P9/ Colla7e
for m/ %u!e. .'er &alua5le %u!ance an! super&son at e&er/ sta%e of t'e stu!/ 3'c' pla/e! a ma0or
roll n a successful compeletaton of t'e pro0ect.
I 3oul! l2e to t'an2 +r/ *eetu Sin7h$ lecturer of &(A T/E/R/)/P9/ Colla7e 3'o pro&!e me
opportunt/ to %ettn% 2no3le!%e a5out t'e fnancal en&ronment of #'a(pur.
M/ %rateful t'an2 to &r/ Rahul Anand sin7h$ Head of deartment of &(A
T/E/R/)/P9/ Colla7e for t's &alua5le cooperaton an! %u!ance !urn% completon of m/ researc'
pro0ect report.
6nall/ I am t'an2ful to all t'e facult/ mem5ers, offce staff an! fren!s 3'o 'a! 5een assocate! 3t' t's
pro0ect et'er !rectl/ or n!rectl/ for sparn% t'er tme out of t'er 5us/ sc'e!ule.
.uldee .umar
M.B.A. pro%ram s one of t'e most repute! professonal courses n t'e fel! of mana%ement. .'s
course nclu!es 5ot' t'eor/ an! ts applcaton contents of currculum.
.'s report s at contnuaton of t'e a5o&e tra!ton. .'e topc of t'e researc' 3as
As a stu!ent of M.B.A. +Master of Busness A!mnstraton-, one of t'e most repute! professonal
courses, I 'a&e to un!er%o for t'e !ssertaton n t's semester. .'e attract&e feature of t'e M.B.A. course
s t'at alon% 3t' t'eor/ 3e also %et to 'a&e t'e e7posure of t'e practcal en&ronment.
.'e topc for m/ !ssertaton s8
9A Stu!/ of Satsfacton 3t' "romotonal Sc'eme of Lu7 Soap:
In present scenaro no 5usness small or lar%e can offere! to ma2e man/ errors or processe! 3'c'
a!e1uate 2no3le!%e of facts mar2etn% researc' 5e tool 5/ 3'c' a mana%ement s supple! 3'c' nfo
3'c' co&ere! ma%naton nto a stron%er compett&e poston t'e frst an! foremost tal2 of an/ 5usness
corporate 'ouse.
$'apter frst s t'e ntro!ucton of t'e compan/ an! also !efne t'e scope of t'e stu!/, mpartment of t'e
stu!/ an! o50ect&e of t'e stu!/. Secon! $'apter s !efnn% as t'e researc' met'o!olo%/. .'r! $'apter
!efne as t'e Data Anal/ss an! Interpretaton. $'apter four contans tren!s n rural mar2et. 6ft' c'apter
contans researc' met'o!olo%/. S7t' c'apter contans fn!n%s an! recommen!aton, an! last conclu!n%
c'apter se&en contans concluson an! lmtaton follo3e! 5/ 55lo%rap'/.

Chater ;3
Sales Promotion
Sales promoton, a 2e/ n%re!ent n mar2etn% campa%ns, conssts of a collecton of ncent&e tools,
mostl/ s'ort term, !es%ne! to stmulate 1uc2er or %reater purc'ase of partcular pro!ucts or ser&ces 5/
consumers or t'e tra!e.
;'ereas a!&ertsn% offers a reason to 5u/, sales promoton offers an ncent&e to 5u/.
Sales promoton nclu!es tools for
$as' Refun! <ffers
"rces <ff
"atrona%e Re3ar!s
6ree .rals
.e n "romotons
$ross "romotons
"ont <f "urc'ase Dspla/s
"rces <ff
A!&ertsn% an! !spla/ Allo3ances
6ree #oo!s
.ra!e S'o3s an! $on&entons
$ontests for Sales Reps
Specalt/ A!&ertsn%
O,0ecti#es of sales romotion-
Sales "romotons &ar/ n t'er specfc o50ect&es. Sellers use ncent&e t/pe promotons to attract ne3
trals, re3ar! lo/al customers, an! to ncrease t'e repurc'ase rates of occasonal users. Sales
promotons often attract 5ran! s3tc'ers, 3'o are prmarl/ loo2n% for lo3 prce, %oo! &alue, or
premums. Sales promotons are %enerall/ unl2el/ to turn t'em nto lo/al users, alt'ou%' t'e/ ma/ 5e
n!uce! to ma2e su5se1uent purc'ases. Sales promotons use! n mar2ets of '%' 5ran! smlart/ can
pro!uce a '%' sales response n t'e s'ort run 5ut permanent %an n t'e mar2et s'are.
In mar2ets of '%' 5ran! !ssmlart/, sales promotons ma/5e a5le to alter mar2et s'ares
permanentl/. In a!!ton to 5ran! s3tc'n%, consumers ma/ en%a%e n stoc2pln%) purc'asn% earler
t'an usual or purc'asn% e7tra 1uanttes. But sales ma/ 't a post promoton !p.
A num5er of sales promoton 5enefts flo3 to t'e manufacturers an! consumers. Sales promotons
ena5le manufacturers to a!0ust to s'ort term &aratons n suppl/ an! !eman!. .'e/ ena5le
manufacturers to test 'o3 '%' a lst prce t'e/ can c'ar%e, 5ecause t'e/ can al3a/s !scount t. .'e/
n!uce consumers to tr/ ne3 pro!ucts nstea! of ne&er stra/n% from current ones. .'e/ lea! to more
&are! retal formats, suc' as e&er/!a/)lo3)prce store an! t'e promotonal prcn% store. 6or retalers,
promotons ma/ ncrease sales of complementar/ cate%ores as 3ell as n!uce some store s3tc'n% 5/
consumers. .'e/ promote %reater consumer a3areness of prces. .'e/ permt t'e manufacturers to sell
more t'an t'e/ 3oul! normall/ sell at lst prces. .'e/ 'elp t'e manufacturer to a!apt pro%rams to
!fferent consumer se%ments. $onsumers t'emsel&es en0o/ some satsfacton from 5en% smart
s'oppers 3'en t'e/ ta2e a!&anta%e of prce specals.
Ser&ce mar2eters also emplo/ sales promotons to ac'e&e mar2etn% o50ect&es. Some ser&ce frms
use promotons to attract ne3 customers an! esta5ls' lo/alt/.
Sales Promotion Schemes Used By LUX
Lu7 presente! 30 %m %ol! eac' to t'e frst t'ree 3nners of t'e Lu7 #ol! Star offer from Del'.
Accor!n% to t'e promotonal offer t'at Lu7 un&ele! n <cto5er *000, a consumer fn!n% a **)
carat %ol! con n 's or 'er soap 5ar %ot an opportunt/ to 3n an a!!tonal 30 %m %ol!. .'e frst
10 callers e&er/ 3ee2 %ot a 30 %m %ol! eac'.
.'e offercoul! 5e a&ale! onl/ on 100 %m an! 1=0 %m pac2s of Lu7 soap.
Lu7 Star Bano, As' >aro contest 3'c' starte! on Aprl 1? an! 3ent on tll @ul/ 1= of *00=. All
one nee!e! to !o 3as 5u/ a specal promotonal pac2 of Lu7 soap. .'e pac2 comes 3t' a specal
scratc' car!. .'e =0 luc2/ 3nners an! t'er spouses 3ere flo3n !o3n to Mum5a to l&e a !a/
l2e As'3ar/a Ra 3oul!. .'e/ coul! also 5e %&en %ft &ouc'ers 3ort' Rs =0,000 from
S'oppersA Stop alon% 3t' an e7clus&el/ !es%ne! Neeta Lulla sar an! a 5eaut/ ma2eo&er 5/
Mc'elle .un%, As'3ar/aAs preferre! !es%ner an! st/lst. .'e pBce !e rCsstance 3as a !nner
!ate 3t' As'3ar/a Ra 'erself.
.'e Lu7 Star Bano, As' >aro contest ams to !r&e t'e 5ran!
proposton D Mu0' men star 0a%a/e D furt'er. .'e Lu7 EBe a StarA
promoton s an un1ue offern% t'rou%' 3'c' L,F 5rn%s 3'at
star!om feels l2e to customers.
Lu7 s cele5ratn% 7= /earGs of star!om n In!a an! to 2c2 start t'e
cele5raton, Lu7 'as launc'e! t'e Har Star Luc2/ Star act&t/.
Har Star Luc2/ Star offer s 5oun! to %o !o3n n 'stor/ as t'e onl/ act&t/ 3'ere e&er/
consumer s a 3nnerI All 3rappers of Lu7 'a&e a star prnte! ns!e t'em. If t'e consumer fn!s
3rtten ns!e t'e star, an/ num5er from 91: to 9=:, s'e 3ll %et an e1u&alent !scount +n rupees-
on 'er purc'ase from 'er s'op2eeper. If t'e consumer fn!s 97= /ears: 3rtten ns!e t'e star, s'e
3ll %et a /earGs suppl/ of Lu7 free, courtes/ t'e 5eaut/ stars.
Pu,lic Relations-
Not onl/ must t'e compan/ relate construct&el/ to customers, supplers an! !ealers, t must also relate to
a lar%e num5er of ntereste! pu5lcs.A pu5lc s an/ %roup t'at 'as an actual or potental nterest n or
mpact on a compan/Gs a5lt/ to ac'e&e ts o50ect&es. "R n&ol&es a &aret/ of pro%rams !es%ne! to
promote or protect a compan/Gs ma%e or ts n!&!ual pro!ucts.
.'e/ perform t'e follo3n% functons8
Press relations8 "resentn% ne3s an! nformaton a5out t'e or%an(aton n t'e most post&e
Product Pu,licity8 Sponsorn% efforts to pu5lc(e specfc pro!ucts.
Cororate Communications8 "romotn% un!erstan!n% of t'e or%an(aton t'rou%' nternal an!
e7ternal communcatons.
Lo,,yin78 Dealn% 3t' le%slators an! %o&ernment offcals to promote or !efeat le%slaton an!
Counsellin78 A!&sn% mana%ement a5out pu5lc ssues an! compan/ postons an! ma%e !urn%
%oo! an! 5a! tmes
.'e %reat In!an 5ran! 3a%on starte! nearl/ four !eca!es a%o. #reat 5ran!s sometmes outlast t'er
am5assa!ors as pro&en 5/ Lu7 3'c' s cele5ratn% ts 7=t' ann&ersar/ n In!a.
.'e frst am5assa!or, Leela $'tns feature! n a Lu7 a!&ertsement 3'c' fla%%e! off t'e Lu7 3a%on.
S'e %a&e 3a/ to a %ala7/ of stars 3'c' nclu!es Ma!'u5ala, Nar%s, Meena >umar, Mala Sn'a,
S'armla .a%ore, ;a'ee!a Re'man, Sara Banu, Hema Maln, Jeenat Amaan, @u' $'a3la, Ma!'ur
D7t, Sr!e&, As'3ar/a Ra an! >areena >apoor. .'e last fronter for most actors asprn% to star!om s
5ecomn% a Lu7 am5assa!or. .'e 5ran! 'as outlaste! man/ soaps. 6rom t'e 5e%nnn%, Lu7 5ecame a
'ouse'ol! name across t'e countr/. Actor Hema Maln sa/s, 9<ne of t'e turnn% ponts n m/ career 3as
3'en I 3as s%ne! up 5/ Lu7. It 3as t'en t'at I 2ne3 I 'a! ma!e m/ mar2 n In!an cnema as a lea!n%
la!/. .o 5e a Lu7 star s a muc' sou%'t after 'onour amon%st lea!n% la!es an! t trul/ means a lot to
After =0 In!an female actors lat'ern% up 3t' Lu7, t s no3 t'e turn of a male actor, S'a' Ru2' >'an,
to sa/, 9Aa0 men aap2o 5atane3ala 'oon mer 2'u5suraten 2a raa( D Lu7. A5 5ata/en aap2a fa&ourte
Lu7 Star 2aun 'aK +I 3ant to tell /ou a5out m/ 5eaut/ secret D Lu7. ;'o s /our fa&ourte Lu7 StarK-:
In 14*?, #n%er Ro%ers 5ecame t'e frst Holl/3oo! %reat to appear n a Lu7 commercal. .'e frst Lu7
5ar ma!e n In!a 3as sol! for t'e prncel/ sum of t3o annas n 1434.
L"<- 4AR)A*TS
In t'e countr/ snce 14*4 an! en!orse! 5/ popular flm stars, Lu7 s t'e 5%%est 5ran! n t'e soap
cate%or/. Lu7 .olet Soap, n t'e popular se%ment, offers ts consumers a ran%e of soaps enrc'e! 3t'
t'e %oo!ness of a &aret/ of nours'n% n%re!ents LAlmon! <l, <rc'! M7tracts, Ml2 $ream, 6rut
M7tracts, Saffron, San!al3oo! <l an! Hone/. .'e Lu7 premum ran%e offers specal(e! s2ncare to ts
consumers n t'e form of Lu7 Internatonal. It also nclu!es Lu7 Bo!/ ;as' for superor 5at'n%
5enefts 2eepn% n step 3t' t'e c'an%n% nee!s of t'e Lu7 consumer
In a!!ton to t'ese &arants lu7 'as come up 3t' a fe3 more &arants to cele5rate ts 7= /ears n
.'e Lu7 $ele5raton Ran%e s a set of t'ree e7clus&e &arants) Aromatc #lo3 an! $'ocolate
Se!ucton an! Lu7 ;'te Spa 5o!/ 3as' contann% e7otc n%re!ents, ne&er seen n t'e In!an
mar2et 5efore.
.'e personal 3as' mar2et s &alue! at Rs. 4= 5llon +Source8 <R#)MAR#-. It s a '%'l/
penetrate! mar2et t'ou%' per capta consumpton la%s e&en Sout' Asan countres l2e In!onesa. .'e
mar2et 'as seen sta%nant sales o&er t'e last four /ears an! t'e lo3 entr/ 5arrers 'a&e le! to ntense
competton 5et3een natonal an! local 5ran!s.
Lu7 s t'e lar%est personal 3as' 5ran! n t'e countr/ 3t' a &alue s'are of 17N. .'ree n e&er/ f&e
In!an consumers en0o/ t'e lu7urous 5at'n% pleasure of Lu7 !urn% t'e course of a /ear. .'s stron%
assocaton 3t' consumers 'as le! to Lu7 5ecomn% one of t'e most truste! 5ran!s n t'e countr/.
Lu7 'as retane! ts lea!ers'p status 5/ stron%l/ !fferentatn% tself L no soap 5ran! can clam to 5e
more aspratonal for t'e In!an consumer t'an Lu7 ) Ot'e 5eaut/ soap of flm starsG.
.'e last t'ree /ears 'a&e seen Lu7 contnue to %ro3 far a'ea! of t'e mar2et. It 'as %ane! close to 4N
s'are n t's pero!. A 2e/ ntat&e t'at 'as fuelle! t's %ro3t' 'as 5een t'e launc' of Mn Lu7 L
strate%call/ prce! at Rs. = to 5rn% t 3t'n t'e reac' of 300 mllon rural consumers. .'e ntro!ucton of
ne3 perfume an! n%re!ent &arants, a!!ressn% ne3 5eneft se%ments, 'as 5een t'e ot'er %ro3t' !r&er.
)*TRO+"CT)O* A(O"T CO&PO*=
Lu7 soap 3as launc'e! n In!a n 14*4. .'e frst 5ar of Lu7 3as ma!e n In!a an! sol! for a prncel/
sum of t3o annas n 1434. 6rom t'e &er/ frst a!&ertsement n 14*4 featurn% Leela $'tns, t'e %or%eous
faces of t'e sl&er screen 'a&e come out n t'e open 3t' t'er 5eaut/ secret L Lu7.
"opularl/ 2no3n as Ot'e 5eaut/ soap of flm starsG, Lu7 'as 5een a fa&orte 3t' %eneratons of users for
t'e e7perence of sensuous, lu7urous 5at'n%.
Snce ts launc' n In!a, Lu7 'as offere! a ran%e of soaps n !fferent colours an! fra%rances. .'e/ 'a&e
eac', 'o3e&er, offere! t'e same 5eneft of 5eautful s2n. Desra5le pro!uct sensorals, especall/ ts
3orl! class fra%rances an! nours'n% n%re!ents, 'a&e ma!e t'e Lu7 5at' a pleasura5le e7perence.
But Lu7 5en% t'e mar2et lea!er 'as e&ol&e! alon% 3t' t'e c'an%n% nee!s of ts consumers. .'e late
14P0s sa3 t'e emer%ence of a premum se%ment n t'e soap cate%or/ L a ne3 consumer set 3'ose 5eaut/
an! 5at'n% nee!s 5e%an to e&ol&e. In 14P4, to tap nto t's se%ment, Lu7 launc'e! a ran%e of premum
soaps to sut t'er !fferent s2n t/pes.
The 'O"R P6s
A pro!uct s an/t'n% t'at can 5e offere! to a mar2et to satsf/ a nee! or 3ant. "ro!ucts t'at are mar2ete!
nclu!e p'/scal %oo!s, ser&ces, e7perences, e&ents, persons, places, propertes, or%an(atons,
nformaton an! !eas.
Product Classification
Mar2eters 'a&e tra!tonall/ classfe! pro!ucts on t'e 5ass of c'aracterstcs8 !ura5lt/, tan%5lt/, an!
L"< is a Tan7i,le$ *on +ura,le 9ood on the ,asis of this classification/
Consumer 9oods Classification
.'e &ast arra/ of %oo!s consumers can 5u/ can 5e classfe! on t'e 5ass of s'oppn% 'a5ts8
Con#enience 9oods8 .'e consumer purc'ases suc' %oo!s fre1uentl/, mme!atel/ an! 3t' a mnmum
of effort.
Shoin7 9oods8 Are %oo!s t'at t'e consumer, n t'e process of selecton an! purc'ase c'aracterstcall/
compares on t'e 5ases of suta5lt/, 1ualt/, prce an! st/le.
Secialty 9oods8 Ha&e un1ue c'aracterstcs or 5ran! !entfcaton for 3'c' a suffcent num5er of
5u/ers are 3lln% to ma2e a specal purc'asn% effort.
"nsou7ht 9oods8 Are t'ose t'e consumer !oes not 2no3 a5out or !oes not normall/ t'n2 <f 5u/n%
L"< and other soas fall into the cate7ory of Con#enience 9ood
Product Life Cycle
L"< (eauty (ar s n t'e maturt/ sta%e of ts lfe c/cle 3'ereas t'e L"< (odywash s n t'e %ro3t'
L"< (eauty Soa; 'orm$ 'eatures$ Style
;t' cons of 5eaut/ en!orsn% t'e 5ran!, t'e offern%s ma!e 5/ Lu7 'a&e al3a/s 5een superor an! 'a&e
al3a/s le! t'e mar2et, settn% 5enc'mar2s for competton.
Lu7 'as 5eaut/ offern%s n t3o of t'e four mar2et se%ments L popular an! premum, spannn% t'e nee!s
of &are! consumers.
Lu7 .olet Soap n t'e popular se%ment 'as n t'e past four /ears offere! ts consumers a ran%e of soaps
enrc'e! 3t' t'e %oo!ness of a &aret/ of nours'n% n%re!ents L rose e7tracts, almon! ol, ml2 cream,
frut e7tracts an! 'one/ 3'c' are 2no3n to 'ar5our t'e secrets of ncre!5l/ perfect s2n.
At t'e upper en! of t'e mar2et s t'e premum ran%e 3'c' contnues to offer specalse! s2ncare to ts
consumers n t'e form of Internatonal Lu7 L a ran%e of mostursn%, !eep cleansn% an! sunscreen soaps.
>eepn% n tune 3t' t'e c'an%n% tmes t 'as also launc'e! Lu7 Bo!/ ;as' 3'c'
offers superor 5at'n% 5enefts.
.o esta5ls' t'e presence of nours'n% n%re!ents n t'e ne3 Lu7, a un1ue concept,
On%re!ents /ou can see n t'e soapG, 3as 5orn. A no&el metallc su5strate pac2a%n%
5eautfull/ s'o3case! t'e n%re!ents an! ts %lo5all/ accepte! n%re!ent)ln2e!
perfumes 'e%'tene! t'e sensoral e7perence.
Mac' of t'e soaps n t'e ran%e 'as ml2 cream, 3t' t'e act&e n%re!ents of rose
e7tracts, san!al saffron, almon! ol an! frut e7tracts. .'ese create an e7perence n
pampern% n!ul%ence an! lu7ur/ !es%ne! to 5rn% out t'e star n e&er/ 3oman. .'s s t'e frst tme n
t'e In!an c'apter of t'e 5ran! t'at t'e 5eaut/ 5ar &arant 3as 5en% !fferentate! on t'e 5ass of ts
n%re!ents rat'er t'an ts perfume an! colours.
.'ou%' Lu7 Internatonal, a premum &arant of t'e tolet soap, launc'e! n 14P4, s !fferentate! on t'e
5ass of ts n%re!ents, t'e popular &erson, Lu7 Beaut/ Bar 3as al3a/s pro0ecte! as a 9pure an! ml!:
soluton to soft an! smoot' s2n.
)nternational Lux (ody 5ash @ the last name in luxury
It s t'e ne7t re&oluton n t'e realm of personal care. .'e art of st/ln% s2n an! %&n% t t'at en&a5le
.'e ne3 Internatonal Lu7 Bo!/ ;as' comes n t3o rc' &arants. Rc' Mosture em5o!es an e7otc
com5naton of %reen apple an! orc'! e7tracts. An! 6res' Mosture e7u!es t'e tn%ln% fres'ness of
oran%e peel e7tracts. .o ensure a complete s2n st/ln% e7perence, 3t' eac' ele%ant 5ottle comes a free
It s prce! at Rs. 40 for *=0 ml an! Rs. 44 for 1=0 ml respect&el/ Internatonal Lu7 Bo!/ ;as' comes n
an e71ustel/ !es%ne! 5ottle an! s a&ala5le at select outlets n select ctes.
Trade Character
.'e L,F .ra!e $'aracter or Lo%o s present promnentl/ on t'e pac2a%e. A no&el metallc su5strate
pac2a%n% s'o3cases t'e n%re!ents, an! a female mo!el s s'o3n on t'e pac2. Also !pla/e! %rap'call/
are t'e 2e/ n%re!ents. .'e n%re!ents, place of manufacture 'a&e 5een lste!. Also lste! s t'e
consumer complant cell a!!ress n case of unsatsfactor/ pro!uct.
A no&el metallc su5strate pac2a%n% 5eautfull/ s'o3cases t'e n%re!ents, n case of t'e soaps. A
female mo!el s s'o3n on t'e pac2. .'e colors are !fferent for !fferent &arants suc' as saffron for t'e
saffron &arant, pn2 for t'e rose e7tracts etc..'e Bars come n pac2a%e s(es of 100%, 1*0%, 1=0 %
.'e L,F Bo!/ ;as' comes n an e71ustel/ !es%ne! 5ottle 3t' t'e tra!e c'aracter promnentl/
Lu7 'as launc'e! a 4=% &arant calle! Mn Lu7 prce! at Rs. =
+e#eloin7 *ew 4ariants
.'e ne3 Lu7 Beaut/ Bar s s%nfcantl/ 5etter on all aspects nclu!n% aest'etcs, sensorals, s2n care,
&alue for mone/, perfume an! n%re!ents.
.'e compan/ clams t'at a ne3 ntat&e 5e'n! Lu7 5eaut/ 5ar 3as al3a/s n t'e offn%, mar2et
con!tons not3t'stan!n%. HLLGs structure! nno&aton pro%ramme 3as t'e !r&n% force. .'s
pro%ramme, 3'c' c'arts t'e route for e&er/ HLL 5ran!Gs pro%ress, 3or2s e%'t to 1* 1uarters a'ea! of
t'e compan/Gs 5ran!s.
6or nstance, at t'e tme 3'en Lu7 Internatonal 3t' a superor mostur(er 3as launc'e! n 1444, t'e
compan/ clams to 'a&e 5een 3or2n% smultaneousl/ on Lu7 Sunscreen 3'c' 3as launc'e! n *000.
Lu7 s al3a/s a step a'ea! of tren!s rat'er t'an follo3n% t'e tren!. It 3oul! rat'er orent an! !rect t'e
c'an%e rat'er t'an follo3 t. .'s fla%)5earn% pro%ramme accor!n% to t'e compan/, 'elpe! n tmn% t'e
Also 5/ usn% 5ran!)orente! researc', t'e compan/ !entfe! t3o sets of consumers. <ne 3as t'e lo/al
5ase of e7stn% Lu7 Beaut/ Bar consumers. .'e ot'er 3as t'e tar%et se%ment 3'c' 3oul! 5e t'e source
of %ro3t' for Lu7.
.'s se%ment comprse! of t'ose customers 3'o 3ere 5u/n% soaps n t'e su5)popular se%ment, 5ut coul!
s'ft up3ar!s f a 5etter pro!uct 3as offere! n t'e popular se%ment. A compan/ e7ecut&e sa/s, 9.'e
entre relaunc' e7ercse 3as ame! at !el&ern% a superor m7, 3'c' 3oul! tap nto t's source of
.'e consumer nee!s an! tr%%ers 3'c' 3ere !entfe! nclu!e!8 fra%rance, 1ualt/ of lat'er, lon%)lastn%,
&alue for mone/ pro!uct, famlart/ an! 5elef 3ere factors t'at translate! nto a sense of rela5lt/ an!
1ualt/. .'s 'elpe! n t'e !el&er/ of t'e ne3 pro!uct.
Se&eral optons 3ere cons!ere! for t'e Lu7 relaunc'. .'ese nclu!e! moo!)en'ancn% perfume
postonn%. S2n)care 5ase! n%re!ents l2e %l/cern, san!al an! saffron 3ere cons!ere!.
.'e compan/ sa/s t'at after scannn% ?0 or 70 optons across 5ot' natonal an! nternatonal mar2ets
almon! ol, 'one/ an! ml2 cream 3ere t'e c'osen ones.
;t' ts latest stance, t'e compan/ s 5an2n% on t'e su5)popular se%ment soap 5u/ers to 5u/ nto t'e ne3
Lu7. ;'le t'e tar%et se%ments reman t'e SM$ B, $ an! D, t'e soapGs performance n ts top mar2ets
nort' an! 3est 3'c' contr5ute to o&er t3o)t'r!s of ts sales, 3ll 5e crucal to ts future %ro3t'.
.'ou%' retalers n Mum5a spell Lu7 on t'er lst of 5est sellers, t'e/ sa/ t'at t'e 'one/ &arant s /et to
catc' on, as t'e consumer 'as ne&er assocate! 3t' Lu7Gs 5lac2 colour pac2a%n%.
>(? Promotion
.'e promoton m7 s classfe! as follo3s8
1- .ranst
*- Mlectronc Me!a
3- "rnt Me!a
4- Drect
Sales Promotion

Personal Sellin7
1- Drect Selln%
*- In!rect Selln%
Pu,lic Relations
+irect &ar%etin7
A!&ertsn% s an/ pa! form of non)personal presentaton an! promoton of !eas, %oo!s an! ser&ces 5/
an !entfe! sponsor. A!s can 5e a cost effect&e 3a/ to !ssemnate messa%es, 3'et'er to 5ul! a 5ran!
preference or to e!ucate people.
Ad#ertisement Analysis
,S" or t'e common t'rea! t'rou%' all t'e a!&ertsements s t'e Presence of &o#ie Stars t'rou%' t'e
.'e pro!uct 'as 5een postone! on t'e 5ass of RM6MRAN$M #R<," 5/ usn% a cele5rt/ popular at
t'at pont n tme.
Some amount of attr5ute postonn% 5/ mentonn% t'e &arous n%re!ents 'as also 5een !one
Lu7 campa%ns 'a&e 3ooe! mllons of people o&er t'e !eca!es. "opularl/ 2no3n as t'e 5eaut/ soap of
flm stars, Lu7 'as 5een an ntmate partner of t'e 5r%'test stars on t'e sl&er screen for !eca!es. An o!e
to t'er 5eaut/, an announcer of t'er star!om, a!&ertsn% campa%ns on Lu7 'a&e feature! flm stars
across t'e naton, promsn% t'er 5eaut/ an! comple7on to or!nar/ 3omen.
;t' top mo&e stars L from Ma!'u5ala to Ma!'ur, from Ba5ta to >arsma an! >areena 'a&n%
en!orse! t'e %oo!ness of Lu7 o&er %eneratons, t 3as natural t'at t'e 5ran! 'as 5ult e1ut/ as t'e 5est
5eaut/ soap n In!a.
6rom t'e 5e%nnn% Lu7, 5/ usn% a lea!n% flm star of t'e tme, 'as fulflle! t'e consumersG aspratons
of usn% 5eaut/ soaps &a t'e ratonale Of tGs %oo! enou%' for a flm star, tGs %oo! for me. .'s later
mo&e! nto a transformaton role of 'a&n% a 5at' 3t' Lu7, 3'c' transports t'e user nto a fantas/ 3orl!
of cons, flm stars an! far/ lan!s.
Chan7e in communication strate7y
Ho3e&er, t'e communcaton 3as slo3l/ seen to 5e losn% rele&ance, as consumers 3ere 5e%nnn% to
1ueston f t'e flm star actuall/ use! t'e 5ran!.
In a!!ton to t's, se&eral compett&e 5eaut/ soap 5ran!s 'a! 5e%un a!&ertsn% usn% smlar met'o!s of
communcaton. In t's conte7t, t'e %lo5al 5ran! team for Lu7 !e&elope! a ne3 communcaton strate%/.
.'s strate%/ L 5rn% out t'e star n /ou L for t'e frst tme mo&e! t'e 5ran! a3a/ from t'e lon%)runnn%
flm star route. .'e flm star stll features n t'e ne3 communcaton 5ut not as 'er %or%eous self 5ut
rat'er as an alter e%oQpro0ecton of t'e prota%onst +a re%ular %rl-, for a fe3 secon!s of t'e entre a!.
.'us, for t'e frst tme t'e flm star 3as use! as a communcaton !e&ce an! not as t'e man feature of t'e
a!. .'e mo&e a3a/ from t'e flm star an! 'er fantas/ 3orl! to a re%ular Lu7 user, 3t' t'e focus on t'e
prota%onstGs star 1ualt/, s a c'an%e from t'e norms set 5/ Lu7 a!&ertsn% n t'e past. ;t' t'e ne3
communcaton strate%/, t'e flm star s use! purel/ as a communcaton !e&ce to portra/ star 1ualt/ n
e&er/ Lu7 user.
.'s !ea L 5rn% out t'e star n /ou L puts t'e consumer at t'e 'eart of t'e 5ran!sG promse. .'s promse
%oes 5e/on! t'e functonal !el&era5les of soap, 5e/on! 5at'n% an! t'e 5at'room to t'e 3orl! outs!e.
ItGs a 3orl! 3'ere 3t' Lu7 on 'er s!e, an or!nar/ 3oman can mpact 'er 3orl! 3t' 'er o3n star
.'s s a successful attempt to 5rn% t'e 5ran! closer to ts users an! to %&e t a more /out'ful an!
contemporar/ ma%e.
>C? Price
APriceA s prett/ self)e7planator/ 5ut tOs &er/ mportant to success. "rce Somet'n% too '%' an! a
compan/ ma/ ne&er sell a sn%le tem of t. "rce t too lo3 an! one can lose mone/ on e&er/ sale once all
of costs of !on% 5usness are cons!ere!. So /ou 3ant to prce t attract&el/ so t'at /ou can sell t to /our
clents an! t'e/Oll feel %oo! a5out t'e purc'ase. HLL seems to 'a&e mastere! t's !ea. "rces of HLL are
cons!ere! t'e most compett&e n In!an mar2et. ;t' an operatn% proft of 470 MnR an! a turno&er of
*,140 MsnR, HLL 'as no nee! to loo2 5ac2 on t'e fact t'at t s a lea!er. .'e man fact for t's 'u%e
success stor/ s t'e strate%c prcn% !ecson t'e compan/ 'as a!opte! from tme to tme.
HLL al3a/s %&es &alue for mone/ to 's consumers. It s 2no3n for ts compett&e prcn%. HLL 'as t'e
a!&anta%e of 1uotn% a reasona5le prce !ue to ts econom/ of scale. HLL also can 1uote a &er/
compett&e prce !ue to ts superor tec'nolo%/ an! optmum utl(aton of n&entor/. HLL 'as t'e
pro!uct ran%e t'at meets t'e nee!s of all classes of consumers. It 'as t'e pro!ucts t'at are cate%or(e! as
premum an! mass pro!ucts, 3'c' 'a&e 5een !escr5e! a5o&e. HLL matc'es ts prces 3t' t'e
compettor 3'o s operatn%
n t'e same cate%or/. HLL also %&es prce offs on ts pro!ucts to re3ar! consumers 3'o are usn% t for a
lon% tme an! also to attract ne3 consumers.
.'e L,F Beaut/ Bars are prce! as follo3s8
3227ms- Rs/ 3B
3C27ms- Rs/ 3D
L,F Internatonal s prce! at
31C7m- Rs/ 13
Internatonal Lu7 Bo!/ ;as' comes n an e71ustel/ !es%ne! 5ottle an! s a&ala5le at select outlets n
select ctes. It s prce! at
Rs/ E2 for 1C2 ml
Rs/ F2 for 3C2 ml
Lu7 'as also ntro!uce! t'e 9Mn Lu7: t'at 'as 'elpe! n 5etter penetraton of t'e rural mar2et. "rce! at
4=%8 Rs. =
>+? Place
Cuttin7;ed7e distri,ution networ%
HLLGs !str5uton net3or2 s reco%n(e! as one of ts 2e/ stren%t's )) t'at 3'c' 'elps reac' out ts
pro!ucts across t'e len%t' an! 5rea!t' of t's &ast countr/. .'e nee! for a stron% !str5uton net3or2 s
mperat&e, snce HLLGs corporate purpose s 9to meet t'e e&er/!a/ nee!s of people e&er/3'ere.:
At Hn!ustan Le&er Lmte!, !str5uton net3or2 s one of t'e 2e/ stren%t's t'at 'elp t'em reac' t'er
pro!ucts across t'e len%t' an! 5rea!t' of t's &ast countr/. It 'as *000S supplers an! assocates, 4=
$T6.A.s, 7,000 stoc2sts an! !rect co&era%e n o&er 1 mllon retal outlets across In!a.
.o meet t'e e&er)c'an%n% nee!s of t'e consumer, HLL 'as set up a !str5uton net3or2 t'at ensures
a&ala5lt/ of all t'er pro!ucts, n all outlets, at all tmes. .'s nclu!es, mantann% fa&ora5le tra!e
relatons, pro&!n% nno&at&e ncent&es to retalers an! or%an(n% !eman! %eneraton act&tes amon% a
'ost of ot'er t'n%s. HLL 5oasts of placn% a pro!uct across t'e countr/ n less t'an 7* 'rs.
.'e frst p'ase of t'e HLL !str5uton net3or2 'a! 3'olesalers placn% 5ul2 or!ers !rectl/ 3t' t'e
compan/. Lar%e retalers also place! !rect or!ers, 3'c' comprse! almost 30 per cent of t'e total or!ers
.o!a/, t'e %oo!s are transferre! from t'e factor/ to t'e compan/ 3are'ouses +$T6.A %o!o3ns- an! are
sent to t'e !str5utor from t'ere on a !al/ 5ass. 6rom t'e !str5utor, t'e stoc2 reac'es t'e mar2et
t'rou%' !al/ sales. ./pcall/, t'ese nclu!e t'e salesman re%stern% t'e or!er of a retal outlet an!
!el&ern% t'e %oo!s t'e ne7t !a/.
Recentl/ HLL 'as c'an%e! ts tra!tonal 3a/ !str5uton an! came out 3t' a ne3 strate%/ of
!str5uton. ItOs 5ecause of t'e c'an%e n 5u/n% pattern of t'e consumer !ue to more !sposa5le ncome.
.'ere are !fferent c'annels of !str5uton l2e Mo!ern .ra!e, 3'c' co&ers all c'ans of super mar2ets
l2e 6oo! ;orl!, 3'o %et t'e stoc2s !rectl/ from t'e compan/. ;'olesalers an! secon! le% of 5% retal
outlets calle! Super Value stores come un!er t'e sur&ellance of t'e !str5utor alon% 3t' t'e mass retal
outlets. .'ere s also t's ne3 concept n t'e HLL !str5uton c'annel calle! >os2. >os2 s a small s'op
t'at sells onl/ sac'ets an! lo3 prce! tems +5elo3 Rs.10Q)-. >os2 also !oes not come un!er t'e
sur&ellance of t'e !str5utor.
In a!!ton to t'e on%on% commtment to t'e tra!tonal %rocer/ tra!e, HLL s 5ul!n% a specal
relatons'p 3t' t'e small 5ut fast emer%n% mo!ern tra!e. HLLAs scale ena5les t to pro&!e superor
customer ser&ce nclu!n% !al/ ser&cn%, mpro&n% t'er ran%e a&ala5lt/ 3'lst re!ucn% n&entores.
HLL s usn% t'e opportunt/ of nterfacn% more !rectl/ 3t' consumers n t's retal en&ronment
t'rou%' specall/ !es%ne! communcaton an! promotons. .'s s 5ul!n% traffc nto t'e stores 3'le
/el!n% '%' %ro3t' for t'e 5usness.
An I.)po3ere! s/stem 'as 5een mplemente! to suppl/ stoc2s to re!str5uton stoc2sts on a contnuous
replens'ment 5ass. .'e o50ect&e s to catal/se HLLGs %ro3t' 5/ ensurn% t'at t'e r%'t pro!uct s
a&ala5le at t'e r%'t place n r%'t 1uanttes, n t'e most cost)effect&e manner. 6or t's, stoc2sts 'a&e
5een connecte! 3t' t'e compan/ t'rou%' an Internet)5ase! net3or2, calle! RSNet, for onlne nteracton
on or!ers, !spatc'es, nformaton s'arn% an! montorn%. RS Net co&ers a5out P0N of t'e compan/As
turno&er. .o!a/, t'e sales s/stem %ets to 2no3 e&er/ !a/ 3'at HLL stoc2sts 'a&e sol! to almost a
mllon outlets across t'e countr/. RS Net s part of "ro0ect Leap, HLLAs en!)to)en! suppl/ c'an, 3'c'
also nclu!es a 5ac2)en! s/stem connectn% supplers, all compan/ stes an! stretc'n% r%'t ,pto
stoc2sts. RS Net 'as come as a force multpler for HLL ;a/, t'e compan/As acton)plan to ma7m(e t'e
num5er of outlets reac'e! an! to ac'e&e lea!ers'p n e&er/ outlet, 5/ uns'ac2ln% t'e fel! force to
solel/ focus on secon!ar/ sales from t'e stoc2sts to retalers an! mar2et act&aton. HLL ;a/ 'as also
le! to mplementn% 5est practces n customer mana%ement an! common norms an! processes across t'e
compan/. "o3ere! 5/ t'e I. tools t 'as furt'er mpro&e! customer ser&ce, 3'le ensurn% superor
a&ala5lt/ an! mpactful &s5lt/ at retal ponts.
6or rural In!a, HLL 'as esta5ls'e! a sn%le !str5uton c'annel 5/ consol!atn% cate%ores. In a
s%nfcant mo&e, 3t' lon%)term 5enefts, HLL 'as mounte! an ntat&e, "ro0ect Streamlne, to furt'er
ncrease ts rural reac' 3t' t'e 'elp of rural su5)stoc2sts. It 'as alrea!/ apponte! ?000 suc' su5)
stoc2sts. As a result, t'e !str5uton net3or2 !rectl/ co&ers a5out =0,000 &lla%es, reac'n% a5out *=0
mllon consumers.
S;<. anal/ss s a 5asc, stra%'tfor3ar! mo!el t'at pro&!es !recton an! ser&es as a 5ass for t'e
!e&elopment of mar2etn% plans. It accompls'es t's 5/ assessn% an or%an(atons stren%t's +3'at an
or%an(aton can !o- an! 3ea2nesses +3'at an or%an(aton cannot !o- n a!!ton to opportuntes
+potental fa&ora5le con!tons for an or%an(aton- an! t'reats +potental unfa&ora5le con!tons for an
or%an(aton-. S;<. anal/ss s an mportant step n plannn% an! ts &alue s often un!erestmate!
!espte t'e smplct/ n creaton. .'e role of S;<. anal/ss s to ta2e t'e nformaton from t'e
en&ronmental anal/ss an! separate t nto nternal ssues +stren%t's an! 3ea2nesses- an! e7ternal ssues
+opportuntes an! t'reats-. <nce t's s complete!, S;<. anal/ss !etermnes f t'e nformaton n!cates
somet'n% t'at 3ll assst t'e frm n accompls'n% ts o50ect&es +a stren%t' or opportunt/-, or f t
n!cates an o5stacle t'at must 5e o&ercome or mnm(e! to ac'e&e !esre! results +3ea2ness or t'reat-
+Mar2etn% Strate%/, 144P-.
.'e nternal an! e7ternal stuaton anal/ss can pro!uce a lar%e amount of nformaton, muc' of 3'c'
ma/ not 5e '%'l/ rele&ant. .'e S;<. anal/ss can ser&e as an nterpretat&e flter to re!uce t'e
nformaton to a mana%ea5le 1uantt/ of 2e/ ssues. .'e S;<. anal/ss classfes t'e nternal aspects of
t'e compan/ as stren%t's or 3ea2nesses an! t'e e7ternal stuatonal factors as opportuntes or t'reats.
Stren%t's can ser&e as a foun!aton for 5ul!n% a compett&e a!&anta%e, an! 3ea2nesses ma/ 'n!er t.
B/ un!erstan!n% t'ese four aspects of ts stuaton, a frm can 5etter le&era%e ts stren%t's, correct ts
3ea2nesses, captal(e on %ol!en opportuntes, an! !eter potentall/ !e&astatn% t'reats.
Internal Anal/ss ) .'e nternal anal/ss s a compre'ens&e e&aluaton of t'e nternal en&ronmentAs
potental stren%t's an! 3ea2nesses. 6actors s'oul! 5e e&aluate! across t'e or%an(aton n areas
suc' as8
$ompan/ culture, ma%e
<r%an(atonal structure
>e/ staff
Access to natural resources
"oston on t'e e7perence cur&e
<peratonal effcenc/, capact/
Bran! a3areness
Mar2et s'are
6nancal resources
M7clus&e contracts
"atents an! tra!e secrets
.'e S;<. anal/ss summar(es t'e nternal factors of t'e frm as a lst of stren%t's an! 3ea2nesses.
External Analysis ) An opportunt/ s t'e c'ance to ntro!uce a ne3 pro!uct or ser&ce t'at can %enerate
superor returns. <pportuntes can arse 3'en c'an%es occur n t'e e7ternal en&ronment. Man/
of t'ese c'an%es can 5e perce&e! as t'reats to t'e mar2et poston of e7stn% pro!ucts an! ma/
necesstate a c'an%e n pro!uct specfcatons or t'e !e&elopment of ne3 pro!ucts n or!er for t'e
frm to reman compett&e. $'an%es n t'e e7ternal en&ronment ma/ 5e relate! to8
Mar2et tren!s
Socal c'an%es
Ne3 tec'nolo%/
Mconomc Q "oltcal en&ronment
.'e S;<. anal/ss summar(es t'e e7ternal en&ronmental factors as a lst of opportuntes an! t'reats.
.'e man o50ect&es of t'e stu!/ are8
- .o assess t'e consumer sales promoton sc'emes offere! t'e companes.
- .o %et an ns%'t nto retalersG &e3s re%ar!n% t'e sc'emes 5en% offere! 5/ companes..
- .o stu!/ consumer perceptons re%ar!n% &arous sc'emes an!
responses to 3ar! t'em.
&-.o anal/ses consumer 5u/n% !ecson 3t' reference to scope/
.'e %eo%rap'cal scope of t'e stu!/ 3as restrcte! to t'e #'a(pur !ue to tme an! resource constrants.
.'e stu!/ 'as 5een !one on t'e promotonal sc'eme of Lu7 soap an! t'e affect of t'e purc'ase !ecson
on t'e satsfacton of consumer. 6ocus 5en% manl/ on n)!ept' pro5n%, t'e %eneral(atons !ra3n are
onl/ n!cat&e an! not conclus&e.

.'e man o50ect&es of t'e stu!/ are8
+1- .'s pro0ect 3ll 'as n un!erstan!n% t'e &aras promoton sc'eme offere! 5/
Lu7 soap .
+*- .'s pro0ect 3ll !oes t'e concluson re%ar!n% t'e satsfacton 3t' &ares
"romoton sc'eme start 5/ Lu7 .
+3- .'s 3ll 5e anal/ses affect on promotonal sc'eme on t'e sales of t'e Lu7 n t'e &e3
of retaler
+4- .'s pro0ect 3ll maser t'e satsfacton of customer 3'c' promotonal sc'eme an! affect
on purc'ase !ecson of Lu7 .
$'apter )*
Researc' met'o!olo%/)
Researc' Met'o!olo%/
Defnton of researc')
Researc' s a 'uman act&t/ 5ase! on ntellectual n&est%aton an! s ame! at !sco&ern%,
nterpretn%, an! re&sn% 'uman 2no3le!%e on !fferent aspects of t'e 3orl!. Researc' can use t'e
scentfc met'o!, 5ut nee! not !o so.
Scentfc researc' reles on t'e applcaton of t'e scentfc met'o!, a 'arnessn% of curost/.
.'s researc' pro&!es scentfc nformaton an! t'eores for t'e e7planaton of t'e nature an! t'e
propertes of t'e 3orl! aroun! us. It ma2es practcal applcatons poss5le. Scentfc researc' s
fun!e! 5/ pu5lc aut'ortes, 5/ c'arta5le or%an(atons an! 5/ pr&ate %roups, nclu!n% man/
companes. Scentfc researc' can 5e su5!&!e! nto !fferent classfcatons.
.'e 3or! 9Met'o!olo%/: spells t'e meann% tself .e. t'e met'o! use! 5/ t'e researc'er n
o5tann% nformaton. .'e !ata +Informaton can 5e collecte! from t'e prmar/ sources an! secon!ar/
B/ prmar/ !ata 3e mean, !ata collecte! 5/ researc'er 'mself, for frst tme to colla5orate, t'e
!ata 3'c' 'as pre&ousl/ not 5een use!, s 2no3n as prmar/ !ataU 5/ secon!ar/ !ata 3e mean, t'e !ata
collecte! from &arous pu5ls'e! matters, ma%a(nes , ne3spapers status of pre&ous researc' reports etc.
In ot'er 3or!s 3e can sa/ t'at t'e !ata 3'c' 'as alrea!/ 5een use! for !fferent purposes 5/
!fferent people s 2no3n as secon!ar/.
9"rmar/ !ata ma/ 5e !escr5e! as t'ose !ata t'at 'a&e 5een o5ser&e! a recor!e! 5/ t'e
researc'er for t'e frst tme to t'er 2no3le!%e:.
Da&! .@. Luc2 "rmar/ !ata can 5e collecte! t'rou%' 1uestonnare an! personal nter&e3s. I
met consumers personall/ an! to some consumers I MADM $ontac 5/ .elep'one, Some consumer flle!
t'e 1uestonnare t'em sel&es an! some as2e! us to !o t I o5ser&e! some nterestn% !urn% t'e nter&e3.
Secon!ar/ !ata are collecte! from t'e offce of Mure2a 6or5es Lt!.
A researc' !es%n s smpl/ t'e frame3or2 of con!uctn% researc'. It s a plan for a stu!/ t'at s use!
to %u!e n collectn% an! anal/(n% t'e !ata. Researc' can 5e con!ucte! 3t'out a researc' !es%n 5ut t
ma/ not sol&e t'e pro5lems. Researc' !es%n s 'elpful n collectn% necessar/ nformaton. It !ec!es
sources of nformaton an! met'o!s for %at'ern% !ata. It tells a5out 3'at nformaton s to 5e collecte!
from 3'c' sources an! 5/ 3'at proce!ures.
In t's researc' nformaton 'as 5een collecte! 5/ t'e researc'er form t'e peoples an! t'e
nformaton are anal/(e! 5/ mat'ematcal T %rap'cal tec'n1ue. Man 'ea!s to 5e cons!ere! n a
researc' !es%ns.
Defntons of Researc' Des%n L
A plan of 3'at !ata to %at'er, from 3'om, 'o3 an! 3'en to collect t'e !ata, an! 'o3 to anal/(e t'e
!ata o5tane!. A s/stematc plan to coor!nate arc'aeolo%cal researc' to ensure t'e effcent use of
resources an! to %u!e t'e researc' accor!n% to scentfc met'o!s. S/stematc plannn% of researc',
usuall/ nclu!n% +1- t'e formulaton of a strate%/ to resol&e a partcular 1uestonU +*- t'e collecton an!
recor!n% of t'e e&!enceU +3- t'e processn% an! anal/ss of t'ese !ata an! t'er nterpretatonU an! +4-
t'e pu5lcaton of results. Also 2no3n as a mar2et researc' 5refn%, t's s a 5asc plan 3'c' %u!es t'e
!ata collecton an! anal/ss p'ases of t'e researc' pro0ect. It acts as a frame3or2 3'c' !etals t'e t/pe
of nformaton to 5e collecte!, t'e !ata sources an! t'e !ata collecton proce!ure. .'e state! structure
an! process of con!uctn% a researc' pro0ect. Inclu!es specfcatons, sc'e!ule an! 5u!%et. Success
.'s partcular stu!/ s con!ucte! n eastern ,.". n #'a(pur ct/. So all t'e samples 'a&e 5een
collecte! form #'a(pur s t'e un&erse for t's researc'.
SA&PL)*9 +ES)9*-;
Sampln% !es%n !eals 3t' t'e met'o! of selectn% tems to 5e o5ser&e! for t'e %&en
stu!/ .6or t's researc' 3or2 t'e sampln% !es%ne! 'as 5een c'osen are smple ran!om sampln%.
.'e c'oce of researc'er s frst preference n t's !es%n an! researc'er selecte! all t'ose persons 3'o
coul! fulfll t'e nee!s of t'e researc'er an! satsf/ 'm. .'e man reason to c'oose t's sample !es%n 3as
to sa&e tme an! mone/.

S @ Search
"; "tili:ation
R; Resources
4; 4isuali:e
E; Elect ant

9#eneral(aton t'rou%' lo%calQ statstcal n o5ser&aton n an/ specfc fel! of an/ specfc
propert/ s 2no3n as sur&e/.GG
9Sur&e/GG 3or! s ma!e 5/ searc', n se&eral 3or!s, sur&e/ means 9to searc'GG for somet'n%
a5out pros T cons of t'at partcular tem or t'n%. Sur&e/ s t'e most mportant functon of mana%n%
process, sur&e/ ma2es as effcent a5out all steps of an/ mana%ement .e. ;'at, ;'/ , ;'o, ;'ere T
;'en K
If t concern to 9mar2etn% sur&e/GG t can 5e !efne! n some ot'er 3or!. In t's concern t'e
term Osur&e/G can 5e !efne! as stu!/ of consumers atttu!e as 3ell as sellers atttu!e a5out an/
partcular tem to conclu!e T 2no3 a5out ts mert T !emerts of t'at partcular tem. Sur&e/ s 5en% use!
as met'o! of mana%ement to %et nformaton
+ata Collection &ethod
Data collecton met'o! s smpl/ as2e! Vuestoner to t'e retaler an! consumer an! sample s(e s t'e 100
an! t'e sampln% area n #'a(pur ct/ .
Chater ;B
+ata Analysis 8 )nterretation
>3? 5hat is the sales romotion schemes offered on Lux G
Cash refund Cross romotion Price off Pri:es Product ,uildin7
C H 32 H F2 H 3C H B2 H
1 2 3 4 5
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Price off! s t'e 5est sales promoton sc'emes offere! on Lu7 +40N of
t'e retalers a%ree! on t's-. Product (undlin7! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 30N of t'e retalers n fa&our of
t'e same an! Pri:es sales promoton 1= N a%ree!, Cross romotion s %et 10 N an! last $as' refun! to
Cash refund = N a%ree! .
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Price off! s t'e 5est sales promoton sc'emes offere! on Lu7 an!
Product (undlin7! 3as t'e ne7t 5est of t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! Pri:es sales promoton
a%ree!, Cross romotion an! last Cash refund to sales promoton a%ree! .
>1? 5hat will affect on sales of Lux due to sales romotional schemesG
Can6t say )ncrease on sales *o affects
3C H EC H 32 H
1 2 3
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at sales promoton sc'emes offere! on Lu7 cause! an )ncrease in sales!
+7=N of t'e retalers a%ree! on t'at-. Can6t say! 3as t'e ne7t 5est opnon 3t' 1=N of t'e retalers n
fa&or of t'e same an! 10 N no affect !ue to promotonal sc'eme
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at sales promoton sc'emes offere! on Lu7 cause! an )ncrease in sales!
an! Can6t say! 3as t'e ne7t 5est opnon 3t' t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! last no affect !ue
to promotonal sc'eme on t'e customer.
>B? 5hat affect communication of sales romotion scheme G
Print media 5holesaler Electronic media Sales reresentati#e
3C H F2 H 12 H 1C H
1 2 3 4
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at 5holesalers! 3ere t'e 5est me!um of communcaton of sales
promoton sc'emes +40N of t'e retalers a%ree! on t'at-. Sales reresentati#es! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t'
*=N of t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! *0 N Electronic &edia: affect sales promoton an! last
1= N 9Print &edia! affect t'e sales promoton sc'eme .
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at 5holesalers! 3ere t'e 5est me!um of communcaton of sales
promoton sc'emes Sales reresentati#es! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an!
Electronic &edia: affect sales promoton an! last 9Print &edia! affect t'e sales promoton sc'eme.
>F? 5hat le#el of ser#icin7 durin7 sales romotion with cometitorsG
)nferior and more
similar and more
Suerior and less
Suerior and more
32 H BC H 32 H FC H
1 2 3 4 5
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e le&el of ser&cn% !urn% sales promoton &s)W)&s compettors 3as
Suerior and more freIuent +4=N of t'e retalers a%ree! on t'at-. Similar and more freIuent! 3as
t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 3=N of t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! ne7t 5est s t'e Suerior and less
freIuent an! )nferior more freIuent to e1ual 10 N retaler a%ree! .
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e le&el of ser&cn% !urn% sales promoton &s)W)&s compettors 3as
Suerior and more freIuent an! Similar and more freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 3=N of t'e
retalers n fa&our of 'e same an! ne7t 5est s t'e Suerior and less freIuent an! )nferior more
freIuent to e1ual retaler a%ree! .
3J;1C 1J;FC FJ;J2
B2 H 3C H CC H
1 2 3
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at 1J;FC a7e 7rou! 3ere t'e most affecte! 5/ sales promoton +==N of
t'e retalers a%ree! on t'at-. 3J;1C a7e 7rou! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 30N of t'e retalers n fa&our of
t'e same an! 91J;FC a7e 7rou! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 1= N of t'e retaler .
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at 1J;FC a7e 7rou! 3ere t'e most affecte! 5/ sales promoton an! 3J;
1C a7e 7rou! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! 91J;FC a7e 7rou! 3as t'e
ne7t 5est 3t' t'e retaler
Pro,lem handlin7 Stoc% out )mroer information
FC H FC H 32 H
1 2 3
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Stoc% out! an! Pro,lem handlin7! 3as ma0or pro5lems face! !urn%
an! after sales promoton sc'emes +3t' 4=N of t'e retalers n fa&or of t'e same- an! 9)mroer
information! s t'e retaler n fa&or at 10 N far t'e Lu7 soap .
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Stoc% out! an! Pro,lem handlin7! 3ere ma0or pro5lems face! !urn%
an! after sales promoton sc'emes an! last 9)mroer information! s t'e retaler n fa&or far t'e Lu7
soap .
>3? 5hich is the most referred criterion for soa selection G
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Price! s t'e most preferre! crteron for soap +*P N of t'e consumers
a%ree! on t'at-. (rand 4alue! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 1=N of t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e same,
Promotion scheme 1* N, Beneft 13 N, 'ra7rance of soa 10 N, Ad#ertisement at P N, Pac%a7in7 at
? N, color at 3 N an! last 5ord of mouth = N proffere! at t'e soap selecton .
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Price! s t'e most preferre! crteron for soap an! (rand 4alue! 3as
t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e same an! ne7t Promotion scheme s less, (enefit s
less, 'ra7rance of soa s less , Ad#ertisement s less, Pac%a7in7 s less, color s less an! last 5ord of
mouth s less proffere! at t'e soap selecton
>1? 5hat customer thin%s ercetion a,out Lux G
(eauty soa *othin7 Secial Soa total Soa for stars
Ad#ertisement (rand 'ra7rance
of soa
Price Promotion
(enefit Color Pac%a7in7 5ord
K H 3C H 32 H 1K H 31 H 3B H B H J H C H
C2 H 33/1C H 1B/EC H 3C H
1 2 3 4
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e ma0or percepton a5out Lu7 s t'at as a (eauty Soa! +=0N of t'e
consumers a%ree! on t'at-. Soa for all! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' *3.7=N of t'e consumers n fa&our of
t'e same an! Soa far stars 3as t'e ne7t 1= N an! last *othin7 secial 3as t'e 11.*= N percepton
a5out Lu7 ,
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e ma0or percepton a5out Lu7 s t'at as a (eauty Soa! an!. Soa
for all! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e same an! Soa far stars 3as t'e ne7t an!
last *othin7 secial 3as t'e percepton a5out Lu7 ,
Personal sellin7 Ad#ertisin7 Sales romotion
32 H CK/EC H B3/1C H
1 2 3
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Ad#ertisin7! s t'e most effect&e me!um for sales promoton +=P.7=N
of t'e consumers a%ree! on t'at-. Sales Promotion! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 31.*=N of t'e consumers n
fa&our of t'e same an! last Personal sellin7 s t'e most affect&e 10 N consumer a%ree! on t'at
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Ad#ertisin7! s t'e most effect&e me!um for sales promoton. Sales
Promotion! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e same an! last Personal sellin7 s t'e
most affect&e consumer a%ree! on t'at
*o chan7e ,uyin7
(uy it durin7 sales
(uy it e#en after
end of scheme
&a%es you switch
1J/1C H 13/EC H BK/EC H 3B/EC H
1 2 3 4
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e t/pe of mpact of sales promoton 3as Continue ,uyin7 e#en after
sales romotion offer is scraed +3P.7=N of t'e consumers a%ree! on t'at-. *o chan7e in ,uyin7
,eha#iour! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' *?.*=N of t'e consumers n fa&ors of t'e sc'eme. (uy it durin7
sales romotion! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' *1.7=N of t'e consumers n fa&ors of t'e sc'eme an! last
&a%es you switch Lux! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 13.7= N of t'e consumers n fa&ors of t'e sc'eme.
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e t/pe of mpact of sales promoton 3as Continue ,uyin7 e#en after
sales romotion offer is scraed an! *o chan7e in ,uyin7 ,eha#iour! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e
consumers n fa&or of t'e same. (uy it durin7 sales romotion! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers
n fa&ors of t'e sc'eme an! last &a%es you switch Lux! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&ors
of t'e sc'eme
Comany staff Electronic media Print media Sales
33/1C H CK/EC H 1J/1C H B/EC H
1 2 3 4
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e communcaton of sc'emes s'oul! 5e Throu7h electronic media!
+=P.7=N of t'e consumers a%ree! on t'at-. Throu7h rint media! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' *?.*=N of t'e
consumers n fa&our of t'e sc'eme an! 9Comany staff! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 11.*=N of t'e consumers
n fa&our an! last Sales reresentati#e! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 3.7=N of t'e consumers n fa&our
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e communcaton of sc'emes s'oul! 5e Throu7h electronic media!
and Throu7h rint media! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&or of t'e sc'eme an!
9Comany staff! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our an! last Sales reresentati#e! 3as
t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our
Similar less
Similar more
Suerior less
Similar more
1 2 3 4
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Lu7Gs promoton sc'emes 3ere Suerior and more freIuent! &s)W)&s
ts +4P.7=N of t'e consumers a%ree! on t'at-. Similar and more freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 3=N
of t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e sc'eme Suerior less freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 1*.=0N of t'e
consumers n fa&our of t'e sc'eme an! last Similar more freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 3.7=N of t'e
consumers n fa&our of t'e sc'eme
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Lu7Gs promoton sc'emes 3ere Suerior and more freIuent! &s)W)&s
t an!. Similar and more freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e sc'eme an!
ne7t Suerior less freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' of t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e sc'eme an! last
Similar more freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e sc'eme
Chapter -4
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Price off! s t'e 5est sales promoton sc'emes offere! on Lu7
+40N of t'e retalers a%ree! on t's-. Product (undlin7! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 30N of t'e
retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! Pri:es sales promoton 1= N a%ree!, Cross romotion s %et 10
N an! last $as' refun! to Cash refund = N a%ree! .
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at sales promoton sc'emes offere! on Lu7 cause! an )ncrease in
sales! +7=N of t'e retalers a%ree! on t'at-. Can6t say! 3as t'e ne7t 5est opnon 3t' 1=N of
t'e retalers n fa&or of t'e same an! 10 N no affect !ue to promotonal sc'eme
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at 5holesalers! 3ere t'e 5est me!um of communcaton of sales
promoton sc'emes +40N of t'e retalers a%ree! on t'at-. Sales reresentati#es! 3as t'e ne7t
5est 3t' *=N of t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! *0 N Electronic &edia: affect sales
promoton an! last 1= N 9Print &edia! affect t'e sales promoton sc'eme .
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e le&el of ser&cn% !urn% sales promoton &s)W)&s compettors
3as Suerior and more freIuent +4=N of t'e retalers a%ree! on t'at-. Similar and more
freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 3=N of t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! ne7t 5est s t'e
Suerior and less freIuent an! )nferior more freIuent to e1ual 10 N retaler a%ree! .
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at 1J;FC a7e 7rou! 3ere t'e most affecte! 5/ sales promoton
+==N of t'e retalers a%ree! on t'at-. 3J;1C a7e 7rou! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 30N of t'e
retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! 91J;FC a7e 7rou! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 1= N of t'e retaler
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Stoc% out! an! Pro,lem handlin7! 3as ma0or pro5lems face!
!urn% an! after sales promoton sc'emes +3t' 4=N of t'e retalers n fa&or of t'e same- an!
9)mroer information! s t'e retaler n fa&or at 10 N far t'e Lu7 soap .
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Price! s t'e most preferre! crteron for soap +*P N of t'e
consumers a%ree! on t'at-. (rand 4alue! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 1=N of t'e consumers n fa&our
of t'e same, Promotion scheme 1* N, Beneft 13 N, 'ra7rance of soa 10 N, Ad#ertisement at
P N, Pac%a7in7 at ? N, color at 3 N an! last 5ord of mouth = N proffere! at t'e soap selecton .
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e ma0or percepton a5out Lu7 s t'at as a (eauty Soa! +=0N
of t'e consumers a%ree! on t'at-. Soa for all! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' *3.7=N of t'e consumers
n fa&our of t'e same an! Soa far stars 3as t'e ne7t 1= N an! last *othin7 secial 3as t'e
11.*= N percepton a5out Lu7 ,
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Ad#ertisin7! s t'e most effect&e me!um for sales promoton
+=P.7=N of t'e consumers a%ree! on t'at-. Sales Promotion! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 31.*=N of
t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e same an! last Personal sellin7 s t'e most affect&e 10 N consumer
a%ree! on t'at
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e t/pe of mpact of sales promoton 3as Continue ,uyin7
e#en after sales romotion offer is scraed +3P.7=N of t'e consumers a%ree! on t'at-. *o
chan7e in ,uyin7 ,eha#iour! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' *?.*=N of t'e consumers n fa&ors of t'e
sc'eme. (uy it durin7 sales romotion! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' *1.7=N of t'e consumers n
fa&ors of t'e sc'eme an! last &a%es you switch Lux! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' 13.7= N of t'e
consumers n fa&ors of t'e sc'eme.
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e communcaton of sc'emes s'oul! 5e Throu7h electronic
media! +=P.7=N of t'e consumers a%ree! on t'at-. Throu7h rint media! 3as t'e ne7t 5est
3t' *?.*=N of t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e sc'eme an! 9Comany staff! 3as t'e ne7t 5est
3t' 11.*=N of t'e consumers n fa&our an! last Sales reresentati#e! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t'
3.7=N of t'e consumers n fa&our
+1- .'e/ s'oul! pro&!e more promotons l2e prce)offs an! samples.
+*- Retent&e strate%/ re1ure! as t'e soap se%ment s n t'e mature sta%e of ts pro!uct lfe c/cle
+3- Lne e7tenson L pro5a5l/ 3t' more &arants catern% to t'e 5eaut/ se%ment l2e natural,
'er5al soap etc.
+4- L1u! 5o!/ 3as' s currentl/ n t'e %ro3t' sta%e L Lu7 s'oul! come out 3t' more &arants n
t's se%ment.
+=- Le&el of ser&cn% s lo3 !urn% sales promoton sc'emes L t's coul! 5e 5rou%'t up.
+?- It s 'a&n% onl/ 14.P N rural mar2et presentaton 3'c' coul! 5e furt'er en'ance!.
Chater ;C
Conclusion & Limitation
Lu7 soap 3as launc'e! n In!a n 14*4. .'e frst 5ar of Lu7 3as ma!e n In!a an! sol! for a prncel/
sum of t3o annas n 1434. 6rom t'e &er/ frst a!&ertsement n 14*4 featurn% Leela $'tns, t'e %or%eous
faces of t'e sl&er screen 'a&e come out n t'e open 3t' t'er 5eaut/ secret L Lu7.
.'e L,F .ra!e $'aracter or Lo%o s present promnentl/ on t'e pac2a%e. A no&el metallc su5strate
pac2a%n% s'o3cases t'e n%re!ents, an! a female mo!el s s'o3n on t'e pac2. Also !pla/e! %rap'call/
are t'e 2e/ n%re!ents. .'e n%re!ents, place of manufacture 'a&e 5een lste!. Also lste! s t'e
consumer complant cell a!!ress n case of unsatsfactor/ pro!uct. .'e compan/ clams t'at a ne3
ntat&e 5e'n! Lu7 5eaut/ 5ar 3as al3a/s n t'e offn%, mar2et con!tons not3t'stan!n%. HLLGs
structure! nno&aton pro%ramme 3as t'e !r&n% force. .'s pro%ramme, 3'c' c'arts t'e route for e&er/
HLL 5ran!Gs pro%ress, 3or2s e%'t to 1* 1uarters a'ea! of t'e compan/Gs 5ran!s.
6or nstance, at t'e tme 3'en Lu7 Internatonal 3t' a superor mostur(er 3as launc'e! n 1444, t'e
compan/ clams to 'a&e 5een 3or2n% smultaneousl/ on Lu7 Sunscreen 3'c' 3as launc'e! n *000.
Lu7 s al3a/s a step a'ea! of tren!s rat'er t'an follo3n% t'e tren!. It 3oul! rat'er orent an! !rect t'e
c'an%e rat'er t'an follo3 t. .'s fla%)5earn% pro%ramme accor!n% to t'e compan/, 'elpe! n tmn% t'e
.'e researc'er foun! t'at all Lu7 promotonal sc'eme to more attract t'e retaler to ncrease sales of t'e
Lu7 soap n our s'op an! also consumer satsf/ t'e Lu7 promotonal sc'eme an! more attract t'e uses of
t'e 5ot' soap n most use t'e Lu7 soap
So t'e some result %et t'e researc'er n our researc' to as2e! t'e consumer an! retaler
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Price off! s t'e 5est sales promoton sc'emes offere! on Lu7
an! Product (undlin7! 3as t'e ne7t 5est of t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! Pri:es sales
promoton a%ree!, Cross romotion an! last Cash refund to sales promoton a%ree! .
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at sales promoton sc'emes offere! on Lu7 cause! an )ncrease in
sales! an! Can6t say! 3as t'e ne7t 5est opnon 3t' t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! last
no affect !ue to promotonal sc'eme on t'e customer.
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at 5holesalers! 3ere t'e 5est me!um of communcaton of sales
promoton sc'emes Sales reresentati#es! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e
same an! Electronic &edia: affect sales promoton an! last 9Print &edia! affect t'e sales
promoton sc'eme.
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e le&el of ser&cn% !urn% sales promoton &s)W)&s compettors
3as Suerior and more freIuent an! Similar and more freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t'
3=N of t'e retalers n fa&our of 'e same an! ne7t 5est s t'e Suerior and less freIuent an!
)nferior more freIuent to e1ual retaler a%ree! .
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at 1J;FC a7e 7rou! 3ere t'e most affecte! 5/ sales promoton an!
3J;1C a7e 7rou! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same an! 91J;FC a7e
7rou! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e retaler
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Stoc% out! an! Pro,lem handlin7! 3ere ma0or pro5lems
face! !urn% an! after sales promoton sc'emes an! last 9)mroer information! s t'e retaler
n fa&or far t'e Lu7 soap .
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Price! s t'e most preferre! crteron for soap an! (rand
4alue! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e same an! ne7t Promotion scheme s
less, (enefit s less, 'ra7rance of soa s less , Ad#ertisement s less, Pac%a7in7 s less, color s
less an! last 5ord of mouth s less proffere! at t'e soap selecton
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e ma0or percepton a5out Lu7 s t'at as a (eauty Soa! an!.
Soa for all! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e same an! Soa far stars
3as t'e ne7t an! last *othin7 secial 3as t'e percepton a5out Lu7 ,
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Ad#ertisin7! s t'e most effect&e me!um for sales promoton.
Sales Promotion! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our of t'e same an! last Personal
sellin7 s t'e most affect&e consumer a%ree! on t'at
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e t/pe of mpact of sales promoton 3as Continue ,uyin7
e#en after sales romotion offer is scraed an! *o chan7e in ,uyin7 ,eha#iour! 3as t'e
ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&or of t'e same. (uy it durin7 sales romotion! 3as t'e ne7t
5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&ors of t'e sc'eme an! last &a%es you switch Lux! 3as t'e ne7t
5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&ors of t'e sc'eme
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at t'e communcaton of sc'emes s'oul! 5e Throu7h electronic
media! and Throu7h rint media! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&or of t'e
sc'eme an! 9Comany staff! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our an! last Sales
reresentati#e! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Lu7Gs promoton sc'emes 3ere Suerior and more freIuent!
&s)W)&s t an!. Similar and more freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' t'e consumers n fa&our of
t'e sc'eme an! ne7t Suerior less freIuent! 3as t'e ne7t 5est 3t' of t'e consumers n fa&our
of t'e sc'eme an! last
.'e prmar/ anal/ss foun! t'at Price off! s t'e 5est sales promoton sc'emes offere! on Lu7
an! Product (undlin7! 3as t'e ne7t 5est of t'e retalers n fa&our of t'e same.
+1- Response 5asness coul! 5e one of t'e lmtatons.
+*- .'e sample c'osen ma/ not 5e t'e true representat&e of t'e 3'ole populaton.
+3- As t'e researc' 3as e7plorator/ n nature, t 3as not poss5le to stu!/ t'e accurate p'enomenon of
t'e fact.
+4- .'ere s'oul! 5e mo&e promotonal sc'eme n comparson n compettor.
+=- "romotonal sc'eme s'oul! 5e mo&e affect attract more all se%ment of customer.
+?- Sample s(e 3as small.
+7- Sample ara s narro3 .
+P- .'ere 3as t'e lesser tme to collect t'e 'ole nformaton t'e pro0ect .
Chater; J
3/ .otler Philli$ &ar%etin7 &ana7ement- Analysis$ Plannin7$ )mlementation and Control$!
ed/$ Prentice Hall of )ndia$ 3DDE/
1/ Stran7 Ro7er$ Sales Promotion fast 7rowth faculty mana7ement$! Harvard Business
Review$ 3DEJ/
B/ www/indiainfoline/com
F/ www/hll/com
3/ Luestionnaires "sed
$ontact No.8XXXXXXXXX
+1-;'at s t'e sales promoton sc'emes offere! 5/ 5eaut/ soap companesK
+a-"rce off
+5-Dscount coupons
+c- "ro!uct 5un!ln%
+e-Scratc' car!
+f-$ross promoton
+%-$as' refun!
+-6ree tral
+0-An/ ot'er
+*- ;'at affect on sales of !ue to sales promoton sc'emes offere!K
+a- Increase n sales
+5- Decrease n sales
+c - No affect
+!- $anGt sa/
+3- Ho3 s t'e sales promoton sc'eme communcate! to /ouK
A. .'rou%' 3'olesalers
B. .'rou%' sales representat&es
$. .'rou%' prnt me!a
D. .'rou%' electronc me!a
+4- ;'at s t'e le&el of ser&cn% !urn% sales promotonK
+a- Ver/ "rompt
+5- "rompt
+5- Mo!erate
+c- Slo3
+!- Ver/ slo3
+=-;'at affect t'e $omparson of sales promoton sc'eme offere! on Lu7 3t' compettorsK
+a-Superor an! more fre1uent
+5-Superor an! less fre1uent
+c-Smlar an! more fre1uent
+!-Smlar an! less fre1uent
+?- ;'at are t'e pro5lems face! !urn% an! after t'e sales promoton sc'emesK
A. Han!ln% pro5lem
B. Stoc2 out
$. Improper nformaton
D. Lefto&er
Name 8 .................................................A%e8.................................Se78...................
A!!ress8.............................................$ontact No8...................................................
+1- Ho3 3oul! /ou ran2 follo3n% crteron for selectn% a 5at'n% soap K
+a- $olor of soap
+5- 6ra%rance of soap
+c- Bran! &alue
+!- "rce
+e- Benefts
+f- "ac2a%n%
+%- ;or! of mout'
+'- A!&ertsement
+- "romotonal sc'emes
+*- ;'at comes n to /our mn! 3'en /ou t'n2 a5out soaps K
+a- Soap of flm stars
+5- Beaut/ soap
+c- Not'n% specfc
+3- ;'c' s t'e most effect&e me!um for promotn% t'e pro!uctK
+a- A!&ertsn%
+5- Sales promoton
+c- "u5lc relaton T "u5lct/
+!- "ersonal selln%
+e- Internet
+%- "r(es
+'- 6ree tral
+4- ;'at t/pe of mpact !oes t'e sales promoton sc'eme creates on /ouK
+a-Ma2es /ou s3tc' to Lu7
+5-Bu/ t !urn% sales promoton offer
+c-$ontnue 5u/n% e&en after sales promoton offer s scrappe!
+!- No c'an%e n 5u/n% 5e'a&or
+=-Ho3 s t'e sales promoton sc'eme communcate! to /ou K
a. .'rou%' sales representat&es
5. .'rou%' prnt me!a
c. .'rou%' electronc me!a
!. .'rou%' compan/Gs stall
+7- Ho3 !o /ou rate Lu7 on follo3n% parametersK
4ery satisfied Satisfied *eutral +issatisfied 4ery dissatisfied
+a- "rce
+5- Vualt/
+c- A!&ertsn%
+!- "romotonal

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