Rational Exuberance - Is There Method Behind The Madness in Internet Stock Valuations

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Equity Research
Americas U.S./Value-Based Strategy January 26, 1999
Rational Exuberance?
Is There Method behind the Madness in Internet Stock
Michael J. Mauboussin
1 212 325 3108
[email protected]
Bob Hiler
1 212 325 4341
[email protected]
Some of the key value drivers to Internet stocks are neither obvious
nor well understood.
Many Internet-based companies have superior business models ver-
sus their land-based brethren.
First-to-scale advantages are significant.
Real options valuation shows that greater volatility may mean greater
Rational Exuberance?
The valuations accorded some Internet-related technology companies are gener-
ating a broad range of reactions, from bewilderment and bemusement to disbelief
and disgust. Most value investors are appalled, and many growth investors find
themselves without calibration benchmarks. What is going on?
We are convinced that some recent Internet high fliers will fall back to earth. But
fundamentally, we sense that greater forces are at work here than most people
appreciate, and that these forces are not well understood by the average investor
or media pundit.
The goal of this report is not to defend valuations in the marketplace. Rather, it is
to offer some counterweight to the argument that current market values are com-
pletely unfounded. Indeed, we believe that some of the key value drivers in tech-
nology are not obvious and are, in some cases, counterintuitive.
Investment ideas
We highlight four central investment themesbusiness models, the network ef-
fect, first-to-scale advantages, and real optionsin our attempt to account for
current valuations. We worked on these ideas with our Internet/New Media ana-
lyst, Lise Buyer, who has used many of them in her analysis. Further we note that
there is an investment strategy, based on portfolio theory, that makes sense to
us. The ideas are as follows:
Business ModelsA business model explains how a company generates its
economic returns. While there are many approaches to creating value, under-
standing any business model requires appreciation of both the income statement
and balance sheet. We believe that the financial communitywith its predomi-
nately income statement-centric viewis missing the power of some Internet
business models.
The best way to illustrate this point is to turn to some standard finance theory.
The value of any business is the present value of its stream of future free cash
flows. Free cash flow, in turn, can be defined as the difference between cash
earningsderived from the income statementand the investment in future
growthderived from the balance sheet. Investment in future growth typically
incorporates changes in net working capital and growth in fixed capital.
Generally, earnings represent an inflow of cash, and investment in future growth
represents an outflow of cash. Still, free cash flow is the all-important sum be-
cause it represents the pool of cash available for distribution to all the claimhold-
ers of the business.
As an exemplar of the New Economy, Internet companies have business models
that highlight the risk of looking only at the income statement. There are two spe-
cific elements to note. First, the investment outflow is very often modest for New
Economy companies because their primary source of competitive advantage is
intellectual capital, not physical capital. More to the point, an investor should be
willing to pay more for earnings of a New Economy company that has modest
capital needs than for the earnings of an Old Economy business that requires lots
of capital, all things being equal.
Second, a number of companies are realizing cash inflows from their invest-
ments, or balance sheet changes. This is because fixed capital requirements are
negligible and there is a favorable cash conversion cycle. For example, if a
customer purchases a book from Amazon.com, the company will charge the
buyers credit card almost immediately. Furthermore, Amazon.com maintains only
two weeks of inventory. At the same time, AMZN takes about 45 days to pay its
suppliers. The result is that Amazon.com gets its cash roughly 30 days before it
Rational Exuberance?
pays its suppliers. This means that as the business grows, it actually generates
cash from working capital.
So some New Economy companies have turned the model on its head: their cash
earnings (losses) are an outflow, but their investment in future growth is an inflow.
Other companiessuch as Dell Computerare realizing double benefits by gen-
erating cash both from operations and from the balance sheet. If Old Economy
investors, accustomed to relying on earnings, are ignoring an important source of
cashand cash flow drives market valueits no wonder that these investors
perceive New Economy companies to be expensive.
Yahoo!the leading Internet portaloffers another fascinating case study. In
Figure 1, we charted YHOOs financial performance in what we call a cash eco-
nomics matrix. Over the past two years, Yahoo! has migrated from being a mod-
est negative free cash flow generator, for which both cash earnings and
investments were cash outflows, to becoming a super cash flow generator,
whose cash earnings and investments are both cash inflows. Said differently, the
earnings improvement at YHOOwhile dramaticactually belies the strength of
the positive cash flow swing.
Figure 1
Cash Economics Matrix
Yahoo!, Inc.
(60) (30) - 30 60
Q4 96
Q4 97
Free Cash Flow
Free Cash Flow
Q4 98
Source: Company SEC filings and CSFB estimates.
Another example contrasts the capital needs of Amazon.com versus its main
competitor in the book business, Barnes & Noble. Table 1 shows that AMZN es-
sentially invested no net operating cash in its business to achieve a $1 billion
revenue run rate (which the company achieved in fourth quarter 1998). Using
Barnes & Nobles operating statistics, one can estimate that a traditional bricks-
and-mortar retailer would have to invest more than $400 million to support the
same $1 billion run rate.
Rational Exuberance?
Table 1
Business Model Battle: Amazon.com versus a Bricks-and-Mortar Retailer
In $ millions; assumes achievement of $1 billion revenue run rate
Bricks and Mortar Amazon.com
Inventories and receivables $320 $35
Accounts payable (165) (90)
Fixed PP&E 260 50
Total $415 $(5)
Source: CSFB estimates.
AMZNs model is already more attractive than its competition in the book busi-
ness. Those onlookers that refuse to look beyond the income statement are
missing the substance of the model. It is true that Amazon.coms market value
anticipates earnings in the not-too-distant future, but it is starting with a better
economic proposition than its more familiar competitors.
Network Effect
Positive feedbackthe strong get stronger and the weak get
weakerhas always existed. However, the source of positive feedback is funda-
mentally different, and inherently more powerful, in the New Economy than in the
Old Economy.
In the Old Economy, positive feedback stems from economies of scale: the larg-
est companies sustain the lowest unit costs. Importantly, economies of scale are
driven by the supply side, and consequently, run into natural limitations. In other
words, positive feedback wanes at a point well below market dominance.
Positive feedback in the New Economy generally is driven from network eco-
nomicsoften called simply the network effect. The fundamental principle is
that a network becomes more valuable to each user as incremental users are
added. More specifically, the value of the network grows exponentially as the
number of members grows arithmetically.
A simple example underscores this point.
Assume that a company sells goods to
10 customers a day. If a new customer is added, sales rise 10%. Assuming that
fixed costs can be spread, earnings might grow slightly faster but the relationship
is basically linear.
Now assume, say, this company is an online auction site with a network of 10
customers that sells goods to each other every day (10
, or 100 interactions). Add
a new customer, and the interactions grow by 21% (11
, or 121 interactions).
In contrast to the Old Economy, the network effect is based on the demand
side. This is key because positive feedback does not dissipate when the market
grows. More users translate into more value, thus attracting more users, and so
on. This creates a virtuous cycle (see Figure 2).
Many of these ideas come directly from Information Rules, by Carl Shapiro and Hal Varian (Harvard Business School Press,
1999), pp. 173-225.
This example was inspired by Kevin Kelly of Wired magazine.
Rational Exuberance?
Figure 2
Popularity Adds Value in a Network Industry
Number of Compatible Users


Source: Information Rules , Carl Shapiro and Hal R. Varian.
The main point is that a network of users is very valuable, and becomes more so
as it grows over time. As companies start to enjoy the virtuous cycle, their reve-
nue growth often meaningfully outstrips their cost increases. Further, the in-
creasing utility of the growing network locks in the customer base, enhancing the
sustainability of excess returns. These phenomena in part explain the markets
enthusiasm for businesses like America Online, Yahoo!, and, of course,
First-to-Scale AdvantagesFirst-to-scale advantages describe those compa-
nies that establish user bases large enough to launch them into the virtuous cy-
cle. The best metric of success, then, is often the size of the amassed network. In
fact, it often makes sense for companies to forego current profits in an effort to
build their network of users.
Being first in a given space is important, as it offers the opportunity to establish a
brand, set industry standards, and increase switching costs. However, an indus-
trys first mover is not always the first to scale, for a couple of reasons. To start,
some early entrants do not appreciate the importance of building a customer
base, and thus, do not leverage the virtuous cycle. Prodigy and CompuServe are
examples in the on-line services market.
Second, large incumbents in adjoining businesses are often able to link-and-
leverage their established franchises into a new market once it becomes clear
the new market is viable. Microsofts foray into the Internet browser market pio-
neered by Netscape is a case in point.
In financial terms, first-to-scale businesses often enjoy meaningful valuation pre-
miums versus their competitors. User bases are important. Accordingly, valuation
metrics based on users may be a reasonable proxy for value creation.
Real OptionsReal options analysis extends financial option theory to options
on real, or nonfinancial, assets. A financial option gives its owner the rightbut
not the obligationto purchase or sell a security at a given price. Analogously, a
company that owns a real option has the rightbut not the obligationto make a
potentially value-accretive investment to enter a new market. For example, Ama-
zons e-commerce expertise and customer franchise in the book market gave it a
real option to invest in the e-commerce markets for music, movies, and gift.
Other examples include growth optionsoptions to pursue follow-on projects as-
Rational Exuberance?
suming initial investments work welland flexibility optionsoptions to switch
productionas needed.
Real options add an important dimension in thinking about New Economy busi-
nesses because they highlight the value of future opportunities. One interesting
and somewhat counterintuitiveaspect of real options is that the greater the un-
certainty surrounding the development of the Internet, the more valuable these
options may be.
Lets step back. Standard finance theory says that the greater the uncertainty, the
higher the appropriate discount rate, and the lower the present value. Uncer-
tainty, expressed as volatility, lowers value. Most analysts tend to use relatively
high discount rates to calculate the present value of Internet companies.
Based on the widely used Black-Scholes model, option value is a function of the
value of the underlying asset, a strike price, time, the risk-free rate, and volatility.
As options have asymmetric payoff schemes, volatility increases value. So an
Internet company with lots of real options will be much more valuable than a
standard discounted cash flow analysis would suggest.
We believe it is reasonable to think of Internet companies as a combination of
current, known businesses, and a portfolio of real options. The question then be-
comes: which companies have the most options and what are they worth? Market
signals analysisreading from stock prices what expectations are imbedded in
sharescan be helpful in this appraisal.
The Gorilla GameEven if these ideas are given full weight, considerable risk
obviously remains in investing in the Internet sector. How does an investor par-
ticipate intelligently?
We liked the idea espoused in the book The Gorilla Game
, which is based on
portfolio theory. The authors advocate buying the stocks of all companies that
have a chance of dominating a given sector. Then, as it becomes apparent that a
company will not dominate, positions should be sold with the proceeds rede-
ployed into the gorilla. In many technology sectors, positive feedback creates a
winner-take-all profit outcome. Hence, the valuation of the gorilla, while appar-
ently expensive, may become even richer as the company extends its lead over
its less-fortunate peers.
These are heady times in Internet investing. Only time will tell if the markets exu-
berance for many of these stocks is warranted. Our goal is not to suggest that the
basics of finance and strategy are no longer valid. Rather, it is to make the case
that the strategy and finance models driving current valuations are not widely un-
derstood or recognized.
N.B.: CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON CORPORATION may have, within the last three years, served as a manager
or co-manager of a public offering of securities for or makes a primary market in issues of any or all of the companies
mentioned. Closing prices are as of January 21, 1999:
Amazon.com (AMZN, $106, Buy)
America Online (AOL, $141, Buy)
Barnes & Noble (BKS, $39.375, Not Rated)
Dell Computer (DELL, $84.1875, Strong Buy)
Microsoft (MSFT, $158.3125, Strong Buy)
Netscape (NSCP, $60.6875, Not Rated)
Yahoo! (YHOO, $265, Buy)
The Gorilla Game, by Geoffrey Moore, Paul Johnson, Tom Kippola (HarperBusiness, 1998).
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