Income Inequality in America: Fact and Fiction

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Fact and Fiction




Diana Furchtgott-Roth, e21 Director, Manhattan Institute
Chapter 1: Should We Care About Income Inequality?
Scott Winship, Manhattan Institute
Chapter 2: The Importance of Consumption for Measuring Inequality
Bruce Meyer, University of Chicago
Chapter 3: How the Tops Share of Income Changes with Comprehensive Measurements
Philip Armour, Cornell University
Chapter 4: How Changing Demographics Affect Inequality
Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Manhattan Institute
Chapter 5: Historical Perspectives on Income Inequality and Mobility
Gerald Auten, U.S. Department of the Treasury
Chapter 6: Relative and Absolute Mobility Across Generations
Scott Winship, Manhattan Institute
Chapter 7: Has Worker Compensation Tracked Productivity?
James Sherk, Heritage Foundation
Chapter 8: Inequality and Risk-Taking in a 21st Century Economy
Edward Conard, American Enterprise Institute
About the Authors

Income Inequality in America: Fact and Fiction
he presence ofand, in some countries, increase inhousehold
income inequality has become a ash point in public policy and
political discussion.
For Winston Churchill, such inequality was an unavoidable part of economic
life in capitalist societies. The main vice of capitalism, remarked the British
Prime Minister, is the uneven distribution of prosperity. The main vice of
socialism is the even distribution of misery.
But for President Barack Obama, income equality is not only a pressing
problem, it is the dening challenge of our time. Against this backdrop,
e21 brought together leading economists to provide a primer on ways to
think about income inequality.
The extent of inequality differs with the measure used. An International
Monetary Fund report published in February 2014, for instance, measures
inequality using market incomedened as income before taxes on upper-
income individuals are removed and transfers to lower-income individuals
added back.
This pre-tax, pre-transfer measure of inequality is, however, misleading be-
cause it fails to properly measure well-being. Upper-income individuals can-
not spend the money that is taken away in taxes, so it gives them no benet
(other than, perhaps, higher social status). On the other hand, lower-income
individuals clearly benet from more spending power with, among others, the
Diana Furchtgott-Roth, e21 Director, Manhattan Institute




May 2014
academic research. In chapter 2, Bruce Meyer dis-
cusses the strengths and weaknesses of income and
consumption data, showing that the living standards
of the poor are, in fact, better captured by the lat-
terand that consumption inequality has risen less
than income inequality.
Philip Armour follows, in chapter 3, by identifying
several shortcomings of conventional measures of
income concentration, providing evidence that when
remedied, income concentration actually fell between
1989 and 2007.
In chapter 4, I describe how demographic changes
affect income comparisons, showing that inequality
in per capita expenditures between the top and bot-
tom fths has not grown in 25 years. In chapter 5,
Gerald Auten uses IRS data to examine patterns of
economic mobility, exploring movement over indi-
viduals lifetimes, historical trends, and mobility into
and out of, the top one percent.
In chapter 6, Scott Winship claries the distinction
between absolute and relative economic mobility,
arguing that absolute intergenerational mobility re-
mains strongand that relative mobility has changed
less and may be closer to levels in other countries than
widely believed. In chapter 7, James Sherk disproves
the conventional wisdom that worker compensation
has stagnated as productivity has increased.
And, in chapter 8, Edward Conard raises the radical
effect technological innovations have had on income
inequality, discussing the implications of this para-
digm shift.
In compiling this volume, we hope to shed light on
this important subject by debunking some of the
popular myths about inequality.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Medic-
aid, housing vouchers, and unemployment insurance.
As such, it would be inaccurate not to include the
latter in measures of their well-being.
Demographics also affect inequality. Things like in-
creasing life expectancy, greater likelihood of divorce,
and the rising percentage of births to single mothers
all affect the distribution of inequality. For example,
every time two earners marry or divorce, the distribu-
tion of inequality is affected.
No less important in measuring inequality is the
respective stage in the life cycle of different indi-
viduals. A graduate student, say, embarking on her
career has no income, and probably some debt, but
also a decent prospect of landing a job. If she mar-
ries another similarly-placed, penniless graduate
student, they might, before long, transform into a
two-income family located in the middle or upper
income quintiles.
This is the natural life-cycle progression, and the
graduate students income should not be a social
policy problem. Conversely, when the student retires
after 50 years in a successful career, she might have
assets but little income and return back, again, to the
bottom quintile. This, likewise, is not a social policy
problem in need of correction.
Lack of mobility between income groups is a policy
problem, however, and we devote time in these
pages to discussing it: has mobility indeed changed
over time, and, if so, is it intra-generational or inter-
Scott Winship begins this volume by observing, in
chapter 1, that much of the current conventional
wisdom on income inequality is not supported by
Income Inequality in America: Fact and Fiction
mong commentators today, primarily on the left,
there is a sense that President Obama put it mild-
ly when he declared inequality the dening challenge
of our generation. Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz has
written that, with inequality at its highest level since
before the Depression, a robust recovery will be dif-
cult in the short term, and the American dream a
good life in exchange for hard work is slowly dy-
ing. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman
also a Nobelistcalls inequality toxic. Economist
Thomas Piketty, whose
income concentration
gures are ubiquitously
cited, recently inveighed
against tax cuts by saying
they will:
eventually con-
tribute to rebuild a
class of rentiers in the
United States where-
by a small group of
wealthy but untal-
ented children controls vast segments of the U.S.
economy and penniless, talented children simply
cannot compete.
But claims about the supposed harm done by rising
income inequality are rarely substantiated, and a
comprehensive read of the evidence as to inequal-
itys consequences offers little cause for alarm. In-
equality has been rhetorically linked to stagnant
incomes among the poor and middle class, to
slow economic growth, to diminished opportunity
among children lower down the income ladder, to
macroeconomic nancial instability and household
indebtedness, and to political inequality. The state
of our knowledge about these links, however, sug-
gests little reason to prioritize income inequality as
a national problem.
Consider rst the relationship between inequal-
ity and the living standards of the poor and middle
class. It is widely believed that incomes below the
top have stagnated as the rich have pulled away, tak-
ing an outsized share of income growth with them.
However, the truth is
that there is no incon-
sistency between the top
receiving a large share
of income gains and the
poor and middle class
seeing signicant in-
come growth.
To be sure, income growth
below the top has slowed
since the Golden Age of
the 1950s and 1960s. As
the chart below shows, annual income gains among the
bottom 80 percent of households were stronger than
among the top ve percent between the peak years of
1948 and 1969, and gains were strongest among the
bottom fth (details on data sources here). Since the
1960s, income growth below the top has slowed. How-
ever, an indication that rising inequality has not been
primarily responsible for this slowed growth is the fact
that diminished income growth preceded the rise in in-
come concentration at the top. The 1970s were a lousy
decade for the poor, middle class, and rich alike. The
reason? A slowdown in productivity across the industri-
alized world.
Claims about the supposed harm
done by rising income inequality
are rarely substantiated,
and a comprehensive read of
the evidence as to inequalitys
consequences offers little
cause for alarm.
Scott Winship, Manhattan Institute




May 2014
Income inequality did not increase that much in the
1970s, and while it increased thereafter, within the
bottom 80 percent, the rise in inequality was conned
to the 1980s. Overall, inequality within the bottom
80 percent has increased only modestly since the
1960s. In 1969, the middle fth of households had an
average income 2.5 times that of the bottom fth
with the ratio rising only to 2.9 times larger in 2007.

Income concentration at the top rose after the 1970s,
though even here, the increase shown in the chart
is overstated. The guresfrom Piketty and col-
league Emmanuel Saezdo not account for public
transfers, the value of non-wage employer benets,
or redistribution occurring through the tax code.
They also focus on tax returns instead of households
and do not adjust for declining household size. Two
roommates constitute one household but two tax
returns, and teens and college students who work
part-time and le their own tax returns are count-
ed independently of their parents. Estimates from
the Congressional Budget Ofce that correct these
shortcomings show smaller increases in income
concentration over time. Figures from Piketty and
Saez that focus on earnings and exclude investment
income indicate even smaller increases in income
concentration. While the gures in the chart above
suggest that the share of income received by the top
ve percent rose from 21 percent to 34 percent from
1979 to 2007, the estimates using earnings show an
increase from 17 percent to 25 percent. (See also
Philip Armours contribution to this primer.)
Note, too, that incomes below the top 5 percent did
not stagnate. Incomes among the bottom fth were
one-third higher in 2007 than in 1979, and those
among the middle fth were 43 percent higher.
Turning to the relationship between inequality and
economic growth, despite the attention given to an
International Monetary Fund paper purporting to
nd that countries with more inequality experience
Figure 1. Annual Household Income Growth, 1948-2007
Source: For income below the top ve percent, 1948-69, Mean family income, by income group Table 2.1, The State of Working
America. Washington, D.C.: Economic Policy Institute, 2012, and author calculations. For 1969-2007, Current Population Survey and
author calculations. For top ve percent, Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez, Income and Wage Inequality in the United States,
1913-2002, in A.B. Atkinson and Thomas Piketty, eds., Top Incomes Over the Twentieth Century: A Contrast Between European and
English-Speaking Countries (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007), updated at, and author calculations. For details, see Scott Winship, Choosing Our Battles: Why
We Should Wage a War on Immobility Instead of Inequality, Testimony Before the Joint Economic Committee, January 16, 2014.
Income Inequality in America: Fact and Fiction
weaker recoveries from recessions, the academic lit-
erature comes to no consensus. Studies are as likely
to nd that more inequality corresponds with higher
growth, as they are to nd a negative relationship.
The IMF study was primarily focused on develop-
ing countries, while including only a few industrial-
ized nations in Asia. The liberal Center for American
Progress has published no fewer than three studies
concluding that, among the studies which directly
examine the question, there is little evidence that
higher inequality harms growth.
Of course, if inequality rises and economic growth
does not increase, then the implication is that growth
does not benet the middle class or poor. But research
by sociologist Lane Kenworthy shows that across in-
dustrialized countries, increases in inequality do not
correspond with lower median income growth. A
study by Christopher Jencks and his colleagues sug-
gests that in recent decades, greater inequality growth
corresponds with stronger economic growth, which
would be consistent with increases in median income.
Income distribution is not a zero-sum game. Yet
even if possible, limiting income concentration after
1979by keeping the shares received by the bot-
tom, middle, and top at their 1979 allocation
might have reduced subsequent income growth. If it
would have done so by 0.5 percent per year or more,
then preventing inequality from rising would have
successfully kept the share of income received by the
top from rising, but would have left the middle fth
no better off than they actually were in 2007. They
would have received a larger slice than they actually
did, but of a smaller pie.
What about the impact of inequality on opportu-
nity? The conclusion of mobility expert and soci-
ologist Michael Hout in 2004 remains true today:
[The] literature to date has offered surprisingly little
evidence that links intergenerational difference and
persistence (mobility and immobility) to economic
or other inequality. Economists Alan Krueger and
Miles Corak have argued in recent years that the pos-
itive association across countries between income in-
equality and intergenerational mobility implies that
the former diminishes the latter. However, this cor-
relation has not held up across labor markets within
the United States, suggesting that cultural and other
differences across countries may be responsible for
any correlation between inequality and mobility. In-
deed, the relationship is as strong between mobility
and population size as between mobility and income
inequality, and there is no association between mo-
bility and wealth inequality.
Furthermore, the mobility measure used by Krueger
and Corak indicates less mobility when inequality
increases more. When a measure of mobility is used
that is unaffected by changes in inequality and fo-
cuses on whether parental income rank is related to
the income rank of adult children, Sweden and the
United States have the same mobility (despite hav-
ing very low and very high inequality, respectively).
The implication is that when inequality is not baked
into the mobility measure, there may be little cor-
relation between inequality and mobility, let alone a
causal relationship.
Does income inequality lead to nancial crises and
indebtedness? While former Labor Secretary Robert
Reich and Raghuram Rajan, chairman of Indias cen-
tral bank, have suggested that high and rising inequal-
ity led to both the Great Depression and the Great
Recession, the most rigorous research on this ques-
tion indicates that this is a classic case of an omitted
variable. Economists Michael Bordo and Christopher
Meissner looked at nancial crises across countries
and over time, and found that rising inequality was
incidental. Rather than causing crises, rising inequality
tends to co-occur with the ination of credit bubbles.
But it is the credit bubbles that lead to nancial crises.
Another argument, made most prominently by
economist Robert Frank, is that when inequality
increases, people below the top feel pressured to
overspend to keep up with the Joneses. The not-
quite-rich spend more to keep pace with the rich,
the upper-middle-class follow suit, and so on, all the
way down to the poor. States and counties that saw
bigger increases in inequality during the 1990s also
saw more growth in bankruptcy lings. However, we




May 2014
do not know that the stronger rise in bankruptcy l-
ings in these counties was concentrated among the
poor or middle class.
In another study, middle class households in states
with more inequality also spent more relative to their
incomes than their counterparts in other states. That
could have reected greater spending out of housing
wealth as income concentration bid up the value of
homes, although middle-class households in high-
inequality states were also more likely to say they were
worse off nancially than a year ago. The specic ar-
eas of spending that rose disproportionately among
the non-rich in response to income gains at the top
mostly involved personal appearance and home main-
tenance, suggesting that if income concentration in-
creases spending, the additional dollars are spent on
discretionary items rather than necessities. These facts
hardly constitute a case for public policy to intervene
to save consumers from themselves.
Finally, concern about whether income inequality
leads to political inequality is also excessive relative
to existing evidence. Here, too, the alarmists case
is built on inapplicable research and selective cita-
tion. Many commentators cite the work of econo-
mists Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson, who
show that inequality in developing countries is as-
sociated with the creation and maintenance of po-
litical institutions that redistribute money into the
hands of elites. However, Acemoglu and Robinson
provide no evidence that this occurs in modern in-
dustrialized democracies.
Commentators worried about inequality often cite
the research of Larry Bartels and of Martin Gilens,
who separately nd evidence that political outcomes
are more aligned with the preferences of the rich,
than with those of the poor or middle class. Howev-
er, Robert Erikson and Yosef Bhatti nd no evidence
of unequal representation in research that directly
addresses the Bartels paper.
In 2004, a task force on inequality convened by the
professional association of academic political scien-
tists concluded, We know little about the connec-
tions between changing economic inequality and
changes in political behavior, governing institutions,
and public policy. More recently, a 2011 book sum-
marizing a political science conference on unequal
representation, summarized the conference ndings:
We discovered that no real consensus exists on
how different groups [including those dened
by income] inuence policy. Not only were there
debates about differences between groups, there
were also serious disagreements about whether
these differences matter....[T]he conference made
clear that we do not yet have a good answer to the
question of who gets represented.
The authors of the book found that the policy pref-
erences of poor, middle class, and upper-income
Americans do not differ all that much, and where
there are differences, they are long-standing ones
that have not changed as income inequality has risen.
The case that inequality has substantial costs is sim-
ply overstated by conventional wisdom. That is not
to say that new evidence will not emerge that could
change this conclusionand it may be that despite
the weak evidence, rising inequality really has been
problematic. But policymaking must be based on
evidence, not biases or hunches (unless, of course, it
is argued that inequality is just wrong even if it has
no costs). Looking at the facts, it is difcult to see
why we should focus on inequality over any number
of other potential policy issuesif we are concerned
about the poor and middle class, or the state of the
economy, or of our democracy.
In this volume, we evaluate several facets of the in-
come inequality debate. Empirical analysis shows
that many commonly accepted ideas about income
inequality are false or overstated. The debate over
economic mobilityand how income inequality
contributes to itis an important debate. However,
if policy recommendations are to be effective, they
must be informed by an accurate picture of the cur-
rent situation.
Income Inequality in America: Fact and Fiction
Bruce Meyer, University of Chicago
he most well-known work on inequality has fo-
cused on the distribution of wages, earnings, or tax-
able income, leaving consumption out of the discussion.
There are several reasons why consumption is a critical
tool in measuring inequality and well-being. Consump-
tion reects typical income and is thus more permanent
than measured income, which often uctuates from
year to year. This permanence is because people tend to
smooth their consumption over time, as income uc-
tuates, by borrowing or saving. Measures of income also
do not reect all available
resources, including wealth,
that improve well-being. For
instance, more than 80 per-
cent of people over 65 own
a house and may make small
or no payments on it. This is
not factored into measures of
income. Similarly, measures
of income do not reect ac-
cess to credit, which differs
across groups, nor do such measures reect price chang-
es in assets, such as houses and stocks.
There are also difculties in effectively measuring
income for the purposes of inequality. Measures of
income usually do not account for taxes and trans-
fers, which have large effects on income inequality.
For those near the bottom of the income distribu-
tion, income tends to be underreported, partly due
to the exclusion of many non-cash transfers from
the government.
There are also challenges to measuring consumption
accurately, but many of the supposed weaknesses of
consumption data are overstated or wrong. At least
for those at the bottom of the distribution, con-
sumption is more accurately captured in household
surveys than income.
In the Consumer Expenditure Survey, the accuracy
of the consumption measure depends on what type
of consumption is being measured. For instance,
the accuracy is high for rent, utilities, groceries, cars
and gasoline. As might be expected, people are less
accurate in reporting their
consumption on alcohol,
clothing, and furniture.
My coauthor, James Sul-
livan of Notre Dame, and
I used information from a
subset of total consump-
tion that includes im-
portant spending catego-
ries that tend to be well
reported, including housing and utilities, food at
home, and transportation. These categories make
up most of non-medical consumption, and relative
to overall price changes, those for this core group
have been small.
Even when using consumption rather than income,
the question still remains: has inequality changed
in the past 50 years? Looking at the ratios of the
incomes of the 90th, 50th, and 10th percentiles
compared to each other, the data do present a story
of generally widening inequality, increasing from
the 1970s on, even when taxes and non-cash ben-
ets are factored in. However, when these ratios are
The level of inequality is
much lower for consumption
than income, and since 1980,
consumption inequality has
risen considerably less than
income inequality.




May 2014
considered using comparisons based on consump-
tion, a very different story emerges. This shows that
inequality in consumption rose at a much slower
rate than income inequality over the past several
decades. In recent years, even the direction of the
change has differed.
Since 2006, the ratio of the 90th percentile to the
10th percentile shows rising inequality when in-
comes are compared, but a decline in inequality when
consumption is examined. What exactly caused this
shift is not entirely clear, but changes in housing
and nancial asset values can explain some of the
pattern. Furthermore, one observes lower absolute
levels of inequality when looking at consumption.
A similar phenomenon of lower inequality is seen
when comparing the 50th percentile and the 10th
percentile, or the 90th and 50th percentiles.
When talking about consumption, a common ques-
tion is Have people over-consumed? This question
is largely irrelevant. For measurement purposes, it
does not matter. A consumption measure shows us
whether a person drives a car or eats a meal regardless
of other factors, and spending cut-backs are record-
ed as well. The nancial crisis and recession forced
many people to adjust their consumption plans
when their incomes and asset values changedthere
are, perhaps, better questions to be asked when it
comes to how people are spending.
One such question is, Does the balance sheet of
the population look worse than in the past? Our
research provides the answer. In these terms, the bot-
tom 20 percent of the population has little assets or
debts, so there is little to examine. The middle 20
percent has seen a rise in debt, but this level is now
well below its peak. Moreover, the net worth of this
quintile is also above what it has been in the past,
except for the years around the peak of the housing
bubble. It would seem, then, that the balance sheet
of the population does not look worse than it has in
the past.
Over the past ve decades, both income and con-
sumption inequality have risen. The level of inequal-
ity is much lower for consumption than income,
and since 1980, consumption inequality has risen
considerably less than income inequality. Income
inequality has generally increased episodically, with
concentrated spurts in the late 1970s, early 1980s,
and in the last several years. And since 2006, though
income inequality has been rising, consumption in-
equality has been falling.
The causes of these differences are somewhat un-
clear. Demographic changes can account for some of
the changes in consumption and income inequality,
particularly in the 1980s, but account for few of the
changes overall. The quality of the income data at
the bottom may also explain some of the differences.
Changes in asset prices could play the biggest role
in explaining the difference, at least in recent years.
As for inequality being the dening issue of our time,
our research indicates that when looking at inequal-
ity from a more holistic perspective, and when mea-
surement tools are thoroughly analyzed, there may
be more facets to inequality than commonly con-
sidered. While there is evidence of income inequal-
ity increasing over the past ve decades, the increase
has only partially affected consumption inequality,
which is where policy-makers should concentrate
their efforts.
Income Inequality in America: Fact and Fiction
Philip Armour, Cornell University
ew serious scholars believe that middle class and
poor households have seen the income growth
experienced by top earners in recent decades. Both
the ubiquitous estimates from economists Thomas
Piketty and Emmanuel Saez and gures from the
Congressional Budget Ofce show dramatic in-
creases in the share of income received by the richest
one percent of Americans. Between 1979 and 2007,
the Piketty-Saez numbers rise from 10 percent to 24
percent, and the CBO share increases from 7 to 17
percent. Attempts to deny that the top has pulled
away have, generally, been wholly unpersuasive.
However, this does not mean the conventional wis-
dom is correct.
My colleagues, Richard Burkhauser (Cornell Uni-
versity) and Jeff Larrimore (Joint Committee on
Taxation), and I use data from the Bureau of Labor
Statisticss Current Population Survey to mimic the
approach used by Piketty-Saez, which focuses on the
incomes on tax returns, before accounting for taxes
and transfers. Doing so shows that from 1979-2007
the bottom quintiles income fell 33.0 percent, the
middle quintiles income rose just 2.2 percent, and
the top quintiles income rose 32.7 percent. If these
numbers are representative of the economic situa-
tion in the United States, an argument can be made
that there is cause for concern.
But are tax returns the best way to measure income
trends? Examining size-adjusted household income
is far better. Tax units are neither individuals
a married couple ling jointly is a tax unitnor
households (two roommates ling returns constitute
two tax units). Furthermore, household needs have
declined with household size.
Using households, and adjusting incomes for their
size, lowers but does not eliminate the measured
increase in income inequality. All groups experi-
enced income growth with this methodology: the
incomes of the bottom quintile rose 16.5 percent;
those of the middle rose 20.2; and those of the top
rose 41.0 percent.
But using pre-tax, pre-transfer incomealso known
as market incometo evaluate effects of more
progressive taxation and redistribution is pointless.
If only market income is used, then no matter how
much is redistributed through taxation and spend-
ing, inequality will be unaffected. When taxes and
transfers are included in household income, it be-
comes clear that government programs have been
successful in mitigating income concentration.
Non-cash transfers, including SNAP benets (food
stamps) and government health coverage, nanced
by taxes on the wealthy, are major tools used to com-
bat inequality. Taxes, it is true, have declined across
the board, increasing take-home pay. Additionally,
more and more compensation going to middle class
workers has come in the form of employer-provided
health insurance.
Once these factors are taken into account, incomes
of those in the bottom quintile improved 31.8 per-
cent, those in the middle quintile saw incomes rise
34.4 percent, and those in the top saw an increase




May 2014
of 54 percent. While inequality did increase, every-
one is now substantially better off. For those at the
bottom, an increase of 31.8 percent in income is far
different than a decrease of 33 percent (Piketty-Saez
From 1989 to 2007 (again comparing peak years),
the bottom fth, middle fth, and top 5 percent saw
gains of 26 percent, 20 percent, and 17 percent, re-
spectively, indicating a decline in inequality. A prob-
lem with these estimates, however, is that they do not
include any income from capital gains. Capital gains
derive from assets that appreciate in value, and since
assets are especially unequally distributed, inequality
estimates that leave capital gains out are potentially
problematic. We can incorporate capital gains into our
income measure, starting
in 1989, by imputing
amounts to households
using information from
other datasets.
To facilitate comparabil-
ity with the CBO and
Piketty-Saez gures,
gains that are both tax-
able and realized must
be added in rst. These
are gains which result in
taxable income directly
received as a consequence of selling assets in a given
year. After doing so, the data show the top 5 percent
pulling away from everyone else, even from 1989
to 2007. The poorest fth of Americans saw their
incomes rise by 28 percent, the middle fth by 22
percent, and the top 5 percent by 52 percent.
CBOs estimates conrm both the decline in poor-
middle inequality and the disproportionate rise in
income at the top. After applying the same cost-of-
living adjustment as in our paper, CBO income g-
ures show gains for the bottom fth, middle fth,
and top 5 percent of Americans of 31 percent, 23
percent, and 81 percent from 1989 to 2007. While
the CBO gures combine tax return and CPS data,
Piketty-Saez rely entirely on tax return data. They
ignore the bottom and middle fth but show an 87
percent increase in the income of the top 5 percent
of tax units. CBO and Piketty-Saez both show
bigger income gains for the top 1 percent (116
percent and 123 percent, respectively). The survey
we used cannot reliably capture changes in income
in the top 1 percent, but it is safe to say that if it
could, it would show a rise similar to that in the
CBO gures.
But this is not the last word, either. The CBO and
Piketty-Saez income gures are only able to account
for capital gains that are both taxable and realized.
We point out two big problems with this restriction.
First, tax-exempt, realized capital gains are ignored,
including those from the sale of homes. These con-
stitute a large share of
capital gains received by
the non-rich, so ignoring
them overstates the rise
in inequality. Another is-
sue related to tax exemp-
tion is that savvy taxpay-
ers at the top can alter
their asset allocations so
that more or fewer of
their realized gains are
taxable in response to tax
law changes.
Second, and more important, there is a conceptual
problem including realized capital gains in in-
come, but not the gains that accrue on assets that
are held rather than sold. For one, the distinction
is immaterial. Gains that accrue each year add to
the resources available for consumption or saving,
whether they are realized or not. No less than real-
ized gains, accrued gains not realized constitute part
of the annual ow of resources properly conceived
as income (as distinguished from the stock of
accumulated resources properly thought of as
wealth). In addition, investors strategically choose
to realize capital gains depending on the state of as-
set markets and on changes in the tax treatment of
different assets. Realization of gains accrued over
many years tends to show up in tax return data in
A shocking result emerges: from
1989 to 2007, the incomes of the
bottom and middle fth rose
(by 13 percent and 6 percent),
but the income of the top 5
percent declined by 5 percent.
Inequalityeven between the
top and everyone elsefell.
Income Inequality in America: Fact and Fiction
lumpy ways, as Cato Institute scholar Alan Reyn-
olds has argued. A sizable share of the capital gains
accruing to middle class households builds up over
adulthood in accounts, such as IRAs and 401(k)s,
and is not realized until retirement.
When we incorporate estimates of all capital gains
accrued by a household over the past yeartaxable
or tax-exempt, realized or notfrom investments in
public companies and housing into our ndings, a
shocking result emerges. From 1989 to 2007, the
incomes of the bottom and middle fth rise (by 13
percent and 6 percent), but the income of the top 5
percent declines by 5 percent. Inequalityeven be-
tween the top and everyone elsefalls. The decline
is even more pronounced when we incorporate gains
from privately-held businesses.
Should our results be discounted because they can-
not capture the incomes of the very rich, as Saez ar-
gues? This is surely a relevant question. Note, how-
ever, that the top 5 percents income growth taking
only realized capital gains into account is eliminated
by taking into account how much smaller total ac-
crued gains were in 2007, than in 1989. At the very
least, then, the income growth of the top 1 percent,
or the top 1 percent of the top 1 percent, also would
be expected to be signicantly lower after account-
ing for accrued gains. Furthermore, our imputation
of accrued gains draws from the Survey of Consumer
Finances, which is designed to give reliable estimates
for the top 1 percent.
Is our research the nal word on inequality trends?
Of course not. Of necessity, we use non-ideal im-
putation strategies to assign accrued gains to peo-
ple. Our ndings cannot tell us very reliably what
happened to incomes at, say, the 99.9th percentile.
There is little to suggest, however, that the ideal set
of estimates would look qualitatively different from
our results. The rise in income concentration has
been drastically overstated.




May 2014
Diana Furchtgott-Roth, e21 Director, Manhattan Institute
conomists often divide households into income
quintiles (fths) and measure the differences in
their incomes. However, the demographic charac-
teristics of these quintiles have been changing over
time, so comparisons of quintiles are misleading.
Quintiles differ in the number of people per house-
hold, as well as in the number of earners per house-
hold. Table 1 shows that in 2012, households in the
lowest fth had an average of 1.7 people, and in half
these households, there were no earners. The highest
fth, however, had 3.1 persons per household, with
two earners.

The lowest-income group contains at least three
signicant groups of individuals. Some have low
incomes because of lack of employment and are
searching for jobs, or better-paying jobs. A second
group comprises elderly people who may have small
amounts of retirement income, but substantial as-
sets, such as stocks and a home. These individuals
are not in the labor force. A third group consists of
students or recent graduates whose education lev-
els ensure that they will have a prosperous future.
Clearly, the rst group is a social problem in need of
a solution, but not the other two.
In 1990, median income for a family with one earn-
er was about $41,800. In 2012, median income for
that one-earner family rose to about $43,300, a 4
percent difference. But the increase between a family
with two earners in 1990 and 2012 was far greater.
That familys income rose from about $71,000 to
about $82,600, a 16.5 percent difference, resulting
in a measured increase in inequality.
This reects the contribution of the second earner,
which comes from increasing womens wages in the
job market, as young women have invested in their
education in preparation for a full-time career. If
there were more one-earner households, the distri-
bution of income would be far more even.
Another change is the shrinkage in household size
at the bottom of the income scale, adding to a false
Figure 2. 2012 Consumer Units by Income Quintile
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Expenditure Survey, September 2013.
Income Inequality in America: Fact and Fiction
perception of increased inequality. This is due to
the increased longevity of todays seniors and to the
higher numbers of divorced people and single-par-
ent households.
In 1960, 13 percent of households had just one per-
son. By 2011, 27 percent of households, more than
double the previous share, had one person.
It is notable that 30 percent of female households
without a husband are living in poverty. In contrast,
only 7 percent of married couples and 17 percent of
male households without a wife are poor.
Census data in Table 2 show
that men and women living
alone are most likely to be in
the lowest-income quintiles.
Some 46 percent of women
living alone were in the bot-
tom quintile in 2012, and
72 percent of women liv-
ing alone were in the bot-
tom two quintiles. Only 3.4 percent of women living
alone were in the top quintile. The trends are similar
for men. Some 60 percent of men living alone were in
the bottom two quintiles, and only 6.8 percent were
in the top quintile.

In contrast, married couples are more likely to be in
the top quintiles. Some 32 percent of married cou-
ples were in the top quintile, and 58.4 percent were
in the top two quintiles.
Another factor, which can inuence measures of in-
equality, is change to the tax code. The Tax Reform
Act of 1986 lowered the top individual tax rate to
28 percent, and the corporate rate to 35 percent.
In 1986, the top individual rate was 50 percent,
and the top corporate rate was 46 percent, so small
businesses would pay tax at a lower rate if they in-
corporated and led taxes as corporations. With the
implementation of the Tax Reform Act of 1986,
the top individual tax rate of 28 percent meant that
small businesses were of-
ten better off ling under
the individual tax code.
Revenues shifted from the
corporate to the individual
tax sector. In the late 1980s
and 1990s, that made it ap-
pear as though people had
suddenly become better off
and income inequality had
worsened. This had not happened; rather, income
that had been declared on a corporate return was
being declared on the individual return. This makes
any comparisons between pre-and post-1986 re-
turns meaningless.
A more meaningful measure of inequality that
avoids changes in tax laws and changes in demog-
Figure 3: Percentage of Households within Each Income Quintile
by Type of Household, 2012
Differences in per-person
spending, from the lowest-
income fth to the highest,
are not different from 25
years ago.




May 2014
raphy comes from an examination of spending, as
Bruce Meyer notes in chapter 2.
Differences in per-person spending, from the lowest-
income fth to the highest, are not different from
25 years ago. These measures of spending show less
inequality than do measures of income. Spending
is vital because it determines our current standard
of living and our condence in the future. It shows
how much purchasing power individual Americans
I calculate spending on a per-person basis in order to
produce comparable measures. These data are con-
verted into 2012 dollars using the Bureau of Labor
Statistics Consumer Price Index for all urban centers.
It is important to compute spending on a per-person
basis because the number of people in a household
varies by quintile. For a given level of income, a fam-
ily is better off with fewer people.
Table 3 shows that the average annual spending
for a household in the lowest quintile in 2012 was
$13,032 per person. In contrast, the average spend-
ing for a household in the top quintile was $32,054
per person.
On a per-person basis, the new Department of La-
bor numbers show that in 2012, households in the
top fth of the income distribution spent 2.5 times
the amount spent by the bottom quintile, as can be
seen in Table 3. That was about the same as 25 years
ago. There is no increase in inequality. In addition,
the overall level of inequality is remarkably small. A
person moving from the bottom quintile to the top
quintile can expect to increase spending by only 146

Many commentators today bemoan a supposed in-
equality in the United States. Much of this concern
is a problem in search of reality, caused by prob-
lems of measurement and changes in demographic
patterns over the past quarter-century. Government
data on spending patterns show remarkable stability
over the past 25 years and, if anything, a narrowing
rather than an expansion of inequality.
Figure 4. Annual Expenditures by Income Quintile 2012
Income Inequality in America: Fact and Fiction
Gerald Auten, U.S. Treasury
idely-cited gures from Thomas Piketty, Em-
manuel Saez, and the Congressional Budget
Ofceshowing that the top one percents share of
income has increased over timehave been inuen-
tial in debates over income inequality. The CBO trend
is slightly lower than the Piketty-Saez trend because it
uses a broader measure of income, adjusts for fam-
ily size and makes other important improvements. In
general, most studies have found a long-term trend of
rising inequality. Richard
Burkhauser, Philip Ar-
mour, and Jeff Larrimore
(in research described in
chapter 3) found that
the trend attens out af-
ter 1990 once employer
provided health care is
accounted for as part of
These studies compare
cross-section views of the
population over time. The actual experiences of in-
dividuals over time can be quite different. Thus it is
important to also consider income mobility, variabil-
ity, and other aspects of income dynamics over time.
Increasing inequality potentially affects mobility
because it means that the steps on the income
ladder are further apart, making upward mobility
more difcult and potentially leading to reduced
mobility over time. The ratio of income cutoffs for
the top one, ve and 20 percent income classes
to median income has generally grown over time.
For example, the income cutoff for being in the
top one percent rose from about 6.5 to 8.8 times
median income, from 1987 to 2011. Similarly, the
ratio rose from about 3.0 to 3.7 for the cutoff for
the top ve percent.
Because of the discussions about widening income
gaps and the fact that the experiences of individu-
als and families can differ from cross-section results,
it is important to look
at income mobility and
how this has changed
over time.
The income measure
used in this analysis is
intended to provide a
broad measure of current
year cash income using
consistent tax data start-
ing in 1987. In addition
to the regular income
that is reported on returns, the measure adds back
non-taxable social security benets, which is the sin-
gle largest transfer payment program, and tax-exempt
interest. It also adjusts for net operating losses, which
are really business losses in previous years, and makes
other adjustments to arrive at this years cash income.
While the tax ling rate for individuals age 25 to 65
is quite high, one problem with using tax data is how
to account for non-lers. For the results from the
2013 paper (intergenerational mobility), income of
non-lers was estimated using information returns
A signicant part of the income
mobility story is the life cycle of
income: incomes are typically
lowest for people in their rst
jobs, rise with seniority and
promotions, and then decline
after retirement.




May 2014
led with the IRS (i.e., W-2s, K-1s, and other types
of income information returns).
It is common to examine income mobility by track-
ing peoples positions in the income distribution
over a 10-year period. There are three ways of look-
ing at mobility: mobility relative to the comparable
population; mobility relative to the initial sample;
and absolute income mobility. Figure 5 shows the
results of the rst approach by tracking individuals,
age 25 and older, from their initial income quintile
in 1996 to their 2005 quintile. In this gure, they
are compared to the population that was 25 and
older in 2005.
Auten and Gee (2009) found that 43.7 percent of
those initially in the bottom quintile were in the bot-
tom quintile 10 years later as well (represented in the
upper left cell). This means more than half (56.3 per-
cent) moved up to a higher income quintile. About
4.5 percent had moved to the top quintile. About 69
percent of the top income quintile remained in the
top income quintile again 10 years later.
Of those that were in the top 1 percent in 1996,
fewer than half, only 41.5 percent, were there 10
years later. In the tax data, the analysis was able to
look at the top 0.1 percent and the top 0.01 percent,
where the percentages of people who remain in the
top groups were even lower (less than 25 percent for
the top .01 percent). This suggests that top income
earners are not a static group, year-after-year.
Notice that the totals in the bottom row are not
equal to 20 percent for each quintile. This is be-
cause there are new people in the population 10
Figure 5. 10-Year Mobility Relative to the Total Population,
Age 25+, 1996-2005
Source: Auten and Gee, National Tax Journal, June 2009.
Figure 6. 10-Year Mobility Relative to the Original Sample,
Age 25/35+, 1996-2005
Source: Auten and Gee, National Tax Journal, June 2009.
Income Inequality in America: Fact and Fiction
years later: new immigrants and new 25 year-olds
who, typically, have lower incomes. In addition, the
population is growing 1 percent per year, because of
immigration and births, so that there are more slots
in the top 1 percent. As a result, those in the initial
population tend to move up in the overall distribu-
tion: 27.6 percent of the initial population was in
the top income quintile by 2005.
Figure 7 again compares everyone 25 and older
in 1996but instead compares them to the same
group 10 years later. Under these conditions, it is
more difcult to move up in the population because
there are no new entrants to the comparison popula-
tion. The numbers are going to show more people
staying at the bottom, but also fewer people staying
at the top. This is the traditional way mobility stud-
ies have been done, but it ignores population growth
and new entrants to the population.
In order to see whether real, family-size adjusted in-
comes are increasing or decreasing, we need to con-
sider the third way we looked at mobility: absolute
income mobility. As shown in Figure 8, real incomes
rose 77 percent for people initially in the bottom
quintile and by 8.6 percent for those initially in the
top quintile. The higher you are in the distribution,
the less your relative income increase. Real incomes
of those initially at the top of the distribution tend
to decline. The real income of the median taxpayer
in the top 1 percent fell by nearly 31 percent over
this period. For those initially in the top 0.1 percent
and 0.01 percent, the drops in median income are
even more dramatic: around 70 percent for the top
0.01 percent.
The median real income rose by 22.7 percent over
this period, in contrast to some comparisons of cross-
sections over time. Thus, real incomes were found to
be rising for a majority of the population when the
incomes of specic individuals were examined.
A signicant part of the income mobility story is the
life cycle of income: incomes are typically lowest for
people in their rst jobs, rise with seniority and pro-
motions, and then decline after retirement. That is
why we would expect people age 46 to 55 to be over-
represented in the top income groups.
One way of seeing the effects of the life cycle of in-
come is to follow the Baby Boomers, Generation X
and the other generations as some of them occupy
positions in the top one percent. Back in 1987, 79
percent of the top 1 percent was occupied by the
Greatest Generation and the Silent Generation. Over
time their share declined, however, and was down to
22 percent by 2010. On the other hand, in 1987,
the Early Baby Boomers (then 32 to 41) accounted
for only 16 percent of the top classthough their
share rose to a peak (reaching 33 percent) in their
Figure 7. Absolute Income Mobility, Age 25+, 1996-2005
Source: Auten and Gee, National Tax Journal, June 2009.
Notes: Cash income is adjusted for family size and ination. Primary and secondary taxpayers
are followed separately.




May 2014
early 50s. In 2010, the combined early and later
Boomer generations occupied 59 percent of the top
one percent. The changing occupation of the top by
new generations provides another illustration of the
turnover at the top of the income distribution.
In 2011, 3.2 percent of Baby Boomers were in the top
1 percent. (As a ratio, this means Baby Boomers were
3.2 times the random probability of being in the top
1 percent.) In 2011, Baby Boomers, then in the 56-65
age group, were just past their peak earnings. Thus, if
we are looking for villains, we can blame the Baby
Boomers: they have more than their fair share of top
incomes, at least for now. This is another way to see
the effect of the life cycle of income on ones position
in the overall income distribution.
Mobility is mostly concerned with longer-term
movements, but we also want to think about short-
term income variability and turnover at the top as
well. Forty-one percent of those in 2005 were there
again in 2010, but only 25 percent of them had been
there every year. Most people in the top one percent
in a given year are likely to be there only once, or for
a few years, and others bounce in and out of the top
one percent. Its not, in short, the same people in the
top one percent every year.
One of the important mobility questions is whether
mobility has decreased as income gaps have widened
and the steps on the ladder are further apart. In an
examination of two 10 year periods, 1987 to 1996
and 1996 to 2005, there was identical mobility from
the bottom quintile in the two periods, as 43.7 per-
cent in the bottom quintile remained there after 10
years. In other words, 56.3 percent moved up. Over-
all, there is slightly more upward mobility into the
top income groups in the more recent period, even
though the income gaps were wider. For example,
2.6 percent from the bottom quintile rose to the top
quintile, as compared to 2.1 percent in the earlier
period. But since this earlier analysis did not have
access to the information returns of non-lers and
the differences are small, it is safer to conclude that
income mobility has basically stayed the same over
the two periods.
How is it possible that relative income mobility
remained the same even though the income gaps
widened over time? Figure 8 shows the percentage
Figure 8. Absolute Income Mobility Over Time: 1987-1996 vs 1996-2005
Source: Auten and Gee, National Tax Journal, June 2009.
Income Inequality in America: Fact and Fiction
changes in median cash income in the two time pe-
riods by income quintile and for the top 1 percent.
In every quintile, the percentage increases in real
family-size adjusted income were larger (or more
positive) in 1996-2005, than in the earlier period.
The change in median income for those in the top
quintile went from negative to positive. In other
words, absolute income mobility increased as there
was more upward change in real income in the more
recent periodand this offset the wider steps in the
income ladder. As a result, relative income mobility
remained about the same.
The results in Auten and Gee (2009) are not the only
ones to nd income mobility relatively unchanged.
At a presentation at the recent American Economic
Association meetings (available as NBER Working
Paper 19844), Raj Chetty and his co-authors pre-
sented results indicating that intergenerational mo-
bility has remained relatively unchanged among the
more recent birth cohorts. Adding their results to
those of earlier studies, they conclude that intergen-
erational mobility did not change signicantly be-
tween the 1950 and 1970 birth cohorts.
It is important to keep in mind that peoples incomes
and positions in the income distribution spectrum
can change considerably over time: over a life cycle,
across generations, and even in the short-term. Many
studies have shown that there is considerable income
mobility and opportunity for low-income people to
move up in the income distribution. While the out-
comes are not fully distributed equally, many people
in the bottom do indeed move upand some move
up to the top income groups. People looking at the
same data may, however, disagree on whether the ob-
served income mobility is sufcient or fair, as well as
on what policies are most appropriate.




May 2014
Scott Winship, Manhattan Institute
ntergenerational mobility has emerged in recent
years as a bipartisan policy priority. To the extent
that upward mobility rates are lowrelative to the
past, to other countries, or simply to our intuitions
about appropriate levelsthe health of the Ameri-
can Dream is called into question. However, there
are many misperceptions about the state of economic
mobility in the United States, and a fuller apprecia-
tion of the various facets
of the issue can aid poli-
cymakers as they devel-
op proposals to promote
upward mobility.
While it is often useful
to think about mobil-
ity over the course of a
persons adult life (see Gerald Autens contribution
in Chapter 5), discussions about opportunity gener-
ally have in mind intergenerational mobility: how
much adult outcomes do, or do not, depart from
those of their parents. Even focusing on intergenera-
tional mobility leaves open what outcomes should
be considered. Here I will discuss mobility in terms
of family income, but mobility researchers have also
considered earnings, educational attainment, occu-
pational status, and wealth, among other outcomes.
Even restricting the focus to income still leaves two
ways of thinking about mobilityin relative or abso-
lute terms. Relative mobility is about how the rank-
ing of adults against their peers is (or is not) tied to the
ranking of their parents against their peers. That is to
say, ignoring dollar amounts, did adults who rank high
or low in the income distribution also have parents
who ranked high or low? Careful research by the Pew
Economic Mobility Project divides adult and parental
income distributions into ve equally-sized groups, or
quintiles, ranked by income adjusted for family size.
It then asks how likely it is that children starting in
a given quintile end up in each quintile themselves
as adults. If there were no connection between par-
ent and child incomes,
then a child growing up
in any of the quintiles
would have a 20 percent
chance of ending up in
any of the quintiles as
adults. And for todays
forty-somethings who
grew up in the middle
fth around 1970, that is close to what we see: 19
percent ended up in the top fth, 23 percent in the
middle fth, and 14 percent in the bottom fth (Fig-
ure 3 in the Pew report).
But children who grow up poor or rich see more
limited mobility. Among those raised in the bot-
tom fth, 43 percent remain there as adults. Just 30
percent made it to the top three-fths (whereas 60
percent would have if parental income had had no
relationship to child income), and only 4 percent
made it to the top fth. Mobility among todays
adults raised in the top fth displays the mirror im-
age: 40 percent remain at the top, 37 percent fall to
the bottom three-fths, and only 8 percent fall to
the bottom-fth. (These gures indicate less mo-
bility than in Gerald Autens contribution because
While relative mobility in
the United States appears
uninspiring, the same cannot be
said of absolute mobility.
Income Inequality in America: Fact and Fiction
they average multiple years of income together to
net out volatility.)
While relative mobility in the United States appears
uninspiring, the same cannot be said of absolute
mobility. Absolute mobility ignores rankings and
simply considers whether adults tend to have higher,
size-adjusted incomes than their parents did at the
same age, after taking into account increases in the
cost of living. The answer is, unambiguously, yes.
Fully 84 percent of todays forty-somethings have
higher size-adjusted family incomes than their par-
ents did at the same age (Figure 1). Because poor
parents have especially low income, adults who grew
up in the bottom fth are most likely to experience
upward absolute mobility; 93 percent of them have
higher incomes than their parents, compared with
70 percent of adults who grew up in the top fth.
On the one hand, upward absolute mobility ought
to affect how we think about limited relative mobil-
ity. A person stuck in the bottom fth may end
up much better off in absolute terms than her par-
ents were. A forty-something in a family of four to-
day could have $56,000 in income and be in the
bottom-fth of size-adjusted income (Figure 4). But
that income would have put them squarely in the
middle-fth of size-adjusted income among parents
around 1970. The richest forty-something in the
bottom-fth today is 85 percent richer than the top
parent in the bottom-fth was back then. Similarly,
the forty-something, in the middle of the middle-
fth today, is 89 percent richer than the parent, in
the middle of the middle-fth of parents, was then.
On the other hand, even though those stuck at the
bottom are better off than their parents were, they
still occupy the lowest rungs of the economic lad-
der. If todays security guards or food service workers
wanted to be lawyers or architects growing up but
were unable to, that should temper our enthusiasm
for their upward absolute mobility.
Of course, as many observers have pointed out, the
fact of limited relative mobility does not necessarily
indicate that opportunity is unequally distributed,
and it is difcult to objectively assert what the ideal
rate of upward or downward mobility would be.
Reihan Salam put it well, noting that a world of per-
fect relative mobility is one in which no matter how
hard you work to provide your children with every
advantage in life, theyre just as likely to sink to the
bottom of the heap as to rise to the top.
Still, relative mobility has not improved over time as
we have become richer, and the United States has no
better relative mobility than other industrialized na-
tions that are less wealthy than we are (and probably
worse mobility than some). No one in the middle and
upper-middle classes would accept it if their children
had a 70 percent chance of dropping out of the mid-
dle class. We should resist accepting that poor chil-
drenwho do not choose their parentshave only
a 30 percent chance of making it to the middle class.




May 2014
James Sherk, Heritage Foundation
he debate over the minimum wage really gets to
the heart of one of the basic differences in how
the Political Left and Right see the world. It is, in
fact, one of the core misperceptions underlying the
Lefts economic prescriptions.
I read a recent New York Times op-ed describing
why we need to raise the minimum wage to $10.10
an hour. Figure 9 presents the core of the argument.
Productivity since 1973 has gone up 100 percent,
according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. When
you adjust payroll survey wages for ination using
the CPI, it looks as if average wages have gone down
about 7 percent.
The core of the New York Times argument is: busi-
nesses have been making more and more money;
workers have become more productive but are not
sharing in the fruits of their labor; instead, greedy
capitalists have expropriated it; something has to be
Figure 9. Comparing Productivity with Hourly Wages, Ination-Adjusted
with the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Income Inequality in America: Fact and Fiction
done so that companies give workers the raises they
have earned. This is not welfare, since businesses are
unfairly keeping what workers have earned from
them. The left repeats these claims over and over
again. Productivity has gone up, but workers do not
enjoy the fruits of their labor. So the government
must step in. This would be a compelling argu-
mentif only it were true.
This analysis makes an apples to oranges compari-
son. These gures come from different data sets that
measure different things, using very different meth-
odologies. What I nd in Productivity and Com-
pensation: Growing Together is exactly what many
of the Federal Reserve Banks, Martin Feldstein, and
even liberal economist Dean Baker have found.
When researchers compare the numbers carefully,
they can make an apples to apples comparison. Such
comparisons nd pay and productivity track each
other very closely.
One thing missing from Figure 9 is that the pay g-
ure only counts about 60 percent of workers in the
economy. Basically, it only measures hourly earners,
not salaried employees. Also, there is something ex-
cluded from hourly wages: benets. Figure 10 shows
what happens when one includes total compensa-
tion, as well as the average hourly compensation of
the entire economy. It shows that total compensation
has not gone down, but actually risen 30 percent.
However, this adjusts for ination using the Con-
sumer Price Index. The CPI has a lot of problems,
including formula issues. Indeed the CPI uses what
econometricians and statisticians know to be a less
accurate methodology when calculating ination.

If analysts use a better measure of ination, the Per-
sonal Consumption Expenditures Price Index, this
eliminates some, but not all, of the bias in the ina-
tion measurements. Using the PCE to calculate total
Figure 10. Comparing Productivity with Total Compensation, Ination-
Adjusted with the Consumer Price Index (CPI)




May 2014
compensation, as shown in Figure 11, nds average
hourly compensation has increased 56 percent
very different from the 7 percent drop the Left cites.
But still, even the PCE is not strictly comparable.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics uses another measure
of ination to calculate productivity changes over
time. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, quite sensibly,
measures productivity ination using changes in the
costs of the goods a company sells.
If a person runs ACME widget factory and sells
widgets in America, it really does not matter to that
person how the price of oil imported from Saudi
Arabia changes. That has no impact on their ability
to pay employees wages or benets. The only thing
that matters, in terms of compensation decisions, is
how much they can sell widgets for. The price of
widgets determines the productivity of employees
at this company. If people will pay more money for
the widget, then effectively workers have become
more productive. If people pay less for the widget,
the value of their labor has gone down. Changes in
prices of imported foreign goods really have no im-
pact on the ability of companies to compensate their
The BLS calculates ination in its productivity g-
ures by only looking at changes in the prices of goods
that American workers produce. These prices differ
from the price of goods Americans consume because
of imports and exports.
BLS does this with an ination measure called the
Implicit Price Deator for Non-Farm Business. Basi-
cally, it only looks at the changes in goods produced
by non-farm businesses in the United States. As
shown in Figure 12, total compensation, on an ap-
ples to apples comparison, has increased 77 percent
over the past 40 years. This is, again, very different
Figure 11. Comparing Productivity with Total Compensation, Ination-Adjusted
with the Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index (PCE)
Income Inequality in America: Fact and Fiction
from the very rst slide which showed wages falling
7 percent. Even this remaining 23 percent gap is ex-
aggerated, for two reasons. The government produc-
tivity is mismeasured and overstated, because BLS is
doing an incomplete job accounting for the prices of
imported goods that have been used in production.
Consider a widget factory that starts using cheaper
inputs from China. The BLS does not capture the
full cost-savings to employers. It appears to BLS that
factories are producing more widgets at lower cost.
This looks like increased productivity. However, the
gains are coming from trade and the lower priced
foreign goods, not worker productivity. This may ac-
count for about half of the remaining 23 point gap
seen in Figure 12.
Another factor that has changed is depreciation. To-
day, businesses use a lot more computers and robots
in production than 40 years ago. Buildings last for a
while, while depreciation rates on buildings have not
changed much. If a company built a manufacturing
factory 20 years ago, that business could still use the
same building and some of the heavy machinery to-
day. What about computers? Would anyone want to
use a 1994 computer to run a manufacturing facili-
ty? Computers and software depreciate. They do not
last as long and they become obsolete faster. Even
if a manufacturer had a 1994 computer in perfect
condition, he still would not want to use it.
Depreciation rates have increased. But BLS measures
productivity on the basis of gross productivity. They
do not factor in changes in depreciation rates, only
how many gross widgets get produced. If a company
has to replace computers and machines every ve
years instead of every eight years, this does not af-
fect gross productivity. However, when it comes to
measure earned income, whether of investors, busi-
ness owners, or workers, what matters is individual
net productivity: what remains after the machinery
and equipment used up in the process get replaced.
Depending on how it is measured, depreciation ac-
Figure 12. Comparing Productivity with Total Compensation, Ination-Adjusted
with the Implicit Price Deator (IPD)




May 2014
counts for another ve points or so of the remaining
gap between productivity and compensation.
So even the much smaller gap remaining in Figure
12 is exaggerated. Workers are indeed enjoying the
fruits of their labor.
This is both good and bad news. Good because it
means companies are not exploiting their workers.
Bad because it means there are no easy solutions. If
the minimum wage could simply be raised to $10 an
hour, and people could
just tell businesses, You
are making more, you
have tons of prots, just
pay more out of your
prots, this would be
easy to x by changing
the law.
In the actual world, the
reason minimum wage
workers do not earn
much is that workers in
those jobs have not become that much more pro-
ductive over time. The data goes back to 1987, and
if productivity in the fast food sector is examined,
pay and productivity track almost one to one. Both
have gone up about ten percent in ination adjusted
terms. If businesses have to pay employees $10 an
hour when employees do not produce that value,
they will spend a lot of time and money investing in
labor-saving technologies and nding ways to make
due with fewer workers.
The actual way to increase living standards is by in-
creasing productivity. Things such as charter schools
increase their students productivity and economic
mobility. There are studies about people who went
to charter schools, in
the mid-and late-1990s,
and who are now in
their 30s. Such people
are experiencing mea-
surably higher incomes
than their peers who
did not attend charter
schools. The govern-
ment should pursue
these sorts of solutions.
Make workers more
productive, and com-
petitive forces in the economy will force business to
pay more. It would be nice if we could just raise the
minimum wage and give workers morethe world,
alas, does not work that way.
The left repeats these claims over
and over again. Productivity has
gone up, but workers do not
enjoy the fruits of their labor.
So the government must step
in. This would be a compelling
argumentif only it were true.
Income Inequality in America: Fact and Fiction
Edward Conard, American Enterprise Institute
nderstanding inequality requires proper mea-
surement of both income and consumption,
along with an understanding of the ever-changing de-
terminates of income and its distribution. These de-
terminates have changed signicantly since the 1950s.
Information technology has opened an enormous
window of investment opportunities and changed
the nature of investmentfrom labor and capital-
intensive manufacturing carried out by large compa-
nies, to idea-intensive opportunities like WhatsApp
and Instagram. These opportunities require little
unskilled labor and capital, and can be created and
owned by individuals.
The rewards for properly trained talent have risen
despite a large productivity-driven increase in their
supply. This indicates investment opportunities have
grown even faster than the productivity-enhanced
supply of talent.
At the other end of the pay scale, circumstances that
increased middle class pay have run their course. We
saturated the population with education and discov-
ered a large pool of talented, but uneducated workers
whose productivity and pay rose substantially once
educated. Today, the potential for further saturation
is smaller. When technology hollowed out agricul-
ture, it drove the rural population to the cities where
they became much more productive. That one-time
migration is over. And while the capital intensity of
manufacturing continues to rise, it is no longer in-
creasing the productivity of a growing proportion of
unskilled workers.
At the same time, the United States has moved from
a shortage of unskilled workers to a surplus. A lack
of births during the Great Depression gave way to
the baby boom after World War II and increased
participation of women in the workforce. Over this
period, a growing trade decit exported jobs, and
massive migration to the U.S. added to the sup-
ply of domestic workers. Today, the United States
has 37 million foreign-born adults and 16 million
native-born adult children of foreign-born parents.
This growth in supply put pressure on the wages of
unskilled workers.
Nevertheless, it is inaccurate to conclude that the
middle and working classes have not beneted from
innovation. The U.S. economy has grown about
75 percent since 1991; U.S. employment grew 50
percent since 1980. Over these same periods, the
French and German economies grew by less than
half that amount, Japan by less than a third. The
U.S., moreover, achieved this growth with median
incomes that were already 25 to 30 percent higher.
In addition, had the United States not contributed a
disproportionate share of global innovationwhich
helped Europe and Japan grow faster than they oth-
erwise would havethe latters growth relative to
the U.S. would have been even slower.
Indeed, with a more restricted supply of labor, wages
in the U.S. likely would have grown more. Yet even
so, median incomes have grown nearly 40 percent
since 1979 when healthcare and government ben-
ets, like social security, are properly counted, and
proper adjustments are made for family size.




May 2014
Given this pronounced growth differential, it is
far-fetched to claim rising crony capitalism in the
United States accounts for growing income inequal-
ity. Had a misallocation of resources been the driv-
er of greater U.S. income inequality, U.S. growth
should have slowed relative to Europe and Japan,
with more equally distributed incomes. Relative
growth, however, accelerated.
Nor is there any credible evidence that U.S. income
mobility has declined (another possible symptom of
crony capitalism). In fact, U.S. mobility is identical to
countries such as Denmark (with more equally distrib-
uted incomes)except for the countrys bottom 20
percent, where we see
lower test scores, high-
er dropout rates, and
much greater decima-
tion of the family (fac-
tors which probably
transcend economics).
More likely, incomes
have risen because we
have seen a rise in the
opportunity cost of
deploying a scarcity
of properly trained talent. CEO pay has risen, for
example, but not relative to the pay of the 0.1 per-
cent, or relative to the pay of CEOs of privately
owned companies.
In the United States, we also nd that growth in the
share of GDP earned by the one percent has largely
come at the expense of the share of GDP earned
by capital and not the share earned by the 99 per-
cent. In both the United States and Germany, for
example, the 99 percent earns about half of GDP,
despite the fact that the one percent in the United
States earns a larger share of GDP than does the one
percent in Germany. In the United States, however,
capital earns a smaller share of GDP than it earns in
Germany. This may indicate that properly trained
talent in the United States, which is more produc-
tive than its counterparts in Germany and elsewhere,
may rightly have more negotiating leverage over in-
vestors. Regardless, the relative success of the one
percent does not seem to have signicantly affected
the share of GDP earned by the 99 percent.
If circumstances have beneted the one percent dis-
proportionately, why not tax and redistribute their
good fortune? The slow growth of Europe and Ja-
pan should give one pause for concern. Neverthe-
less, there are two opposing theories. One side ar-
gues that Americans are inherently entrepreneurial
and will continue to innovate, no matter the payoffs.
The other side claims payoffs drive risk-taking like
any game of chance; as such, culture is largely a by-
product of incentives.
Proponents of tax in-
creases often point to
the 1990s as evidence
that taxes dont affect
They forget, however,
that the invention of
the Internet drove the
NASDAQ from 800
to 4500. The resulting
increase in the payoff
for risk-takingand
we saw a large increase in entrepreneurialismthus
trumped any increase in the tax rate.
Proponents similarly point to the growth of Silicon
Valley in California, where higher tax rates reign.
Again, however, the payoffs for working in such a
community of experts likely trumps any difference
in state tax rates. (Where the payoffs are higher, we
consistently see more entrepreneurialism.)
Consider, further, the compounding effect on state
lotteries. When the size of the pool rises, ticket sales
increase exponentially. The U.S. has undoubtedly
beneted from the compounding effect on the pay-
offs for risk-taking.
Success is relative: one persons success raises the bar
for others. Our most talented workers are working
longer hours than their counterparts in Europe, and
The U.S. economy has grown
about 75 percent since 1991; U.S.
employment grew 50 percent since
1980. Over these same periods,
the French and German economies
grew by less than half that amount,
Japan by less than a third.
Income Inequality in America: Fact and Fiction
with higher productivity than their counterparts in
Japan. Our best students no longer want to be doc-
tors and lawyers. They are going to business school.
Their success creates companies such as Google
and Microsoft, as well as communities of experts,
like Silicon Valley, which give our workers far more
valuable on-the-job training. That training increases
their chances of success and, in turn, the payoff for
prudent risk-taking.
Meanwhile the success of these companies puts eq-
uity into the hands of successful entrepreneurs, who
are more willing to underwrite the risks that produce
innovation, and who are more skillful at choosing
which risks to underwrite. It is no coincidence that
the United States has more equity per employee and
per dollar of GDP, while also growing faster than
both Europe and Japan.
But this process is gradual and compounds slowly
over time. The resulting increase in payoffs is af-
fected by far more than just the tax rate. Without
these compounding benets, it is not as though Eu-
ropeabsent similar infrastructurecan slash tax
rates and immediately start growing as fast as the
United States.
The nancial crisis increased the importance of eq-
uity and risk-taking. With a nite capacity for bear-
ing risk, when the economy eventually reawakened
to the fact that banks were more unstable than ex-
pected, the economy, accordingly, dialed back risk-
taking elsewhere to compensate. As a result, growth
slowed, unemployment rose, and incomes declined.
Risk-averse savings sat unused for want of more eq-
uity to underwrite the risks of putting such savings
back to work. Unconventional monetary policy, a
growing level of public debt relative to GDP, and an
increased regulatory burden, also added to the risks
faced by our economy. Going forward, unless we
mitigate some of these risksor accumulate more
equity per dollar of GDP and per employeeeco-
nomic activity will, in the future, likely grow more
slowly from a permanently lower base of demand.




May 2014
u Philip Armour Cornell University
Philip Armour is currently a PhD candidate at Cornell University, jointly located in the Economics Department and
the Department of Policy Analysis and Management. Prior to Cornell, he worked as a researcher at the Federal Re-
serve Bank of San Francisco, earned a Masters in Econometrics from the London School of Economics, and was a
summer associate at the Congressional Budget Ofce. With Richard Burkhauser and Jeff Larrimore, Armour stud-
ies how different denitions of income can result in differences in trends in income growth and inequality in the
US during the 20th and 21st centuries. Additionally, he is an expert in Social Security policy, in particular disability
programs in the US, on which he wrote his dissertation. Armour will be receiving his PhD from Cornell this spring
and will start as an Associate Economist at the RAND Corporation this coming fall.
u Gerald Auten U.S. Department of Treasury
Gerald Auten is a Senior Research Economist in the Ofce of Tax Analysis, U.S. Treasury Department. Previous posi-
tions include Senior Economist at the Council of Economic Advisors (2004-2005), Professor of Economics at Bowl-
ing Green State University, Assistant Professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia, and Brookings Economic
Policy Fellow (1978-79). He has a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Michigan (1972). Autens research
interests and publications include behavioral effects of income taxes, charitable contributions, capital gains, and
income mobility.
u Edward Conard American Enterprise Institute
Ed Conard is a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. Conard is the author of the top-10 New York
Times best seller, Unintended Consequences: Why Everything Youve Been Told About the Economy is Wrong.
Prior to writing his book, he was a partner at Bain Capital, where he headed Bains New York ofce. Before joining
Bain Capital in 1993, Conard worked for Wasserstein Perella, an investment bank, Bain & Company, a manage-
ment consulting rm, and Ford Motor Company. He currently sits on the board of directors of Waters Corporation
and Unisource. Conard graduated with distinction from Harvard Business School. He also has an undergraduate
engineering degree from the University of Michigan.
u Diana Furchtgott-Roth Manhattan Institute
Diana Furchtgott-Roth, former chief economist of the U.S. Department of Labor, is director of Economics21, and
senior fellow, at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research. She has served in the White House as chief of staff of
the Council of Economic Advisers under President George W. Bush, as deputy executive secretary of the Domestic
Policy Council under President George H.W. Bush, and as an economist on President Reagans Council of Eco-
nomic Advisers. Furchtgott-Roth is the author, or coauthor, of ve booksmost recently, Regulating to Disaster:
How Green Jobs Policies Are Damaging Americas Economy (Encounter Books, 2012) and Womens Figures: An
Illustrated Guide to the Economic Progress of Women in America (AEI Press, 2012). She is a contributing editor
for and a columnist for The Examiner, Tax Notes, and Furchtgott-Roth
received her B.A. in economics from Swarthmore and her M.Phil. in economics from Oxford.
u Bruce D. Meyer University of Chicago
Bruce Meyer is the McCormick Foundation Professor at the Harris School of Public Policy Studies at the Univer-
sity of Chicago. He was a faculty member in the Economics Department at Northwestern University, from 1987
through 2004. Meyer has also been a visiting professor at Harvard University, University College London, and
Princeton University; a faculty research fellow and research associate for the National Bureau of Economic Re-
Income Inequality in America: Fact and Fiction
search; a faculty fellow at the Institute for Policy Research; and an afliate of the Institute for Research on Poverty
and the Joint Center for Poverty Research. He has been an editor of the Journal of Public Economics, Journal of
Business & Economic Statistics, Berkeley Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, and Journal of Labor Economics.
Meyer studies poverty and inequality, welfare policy, and the health-care safety net, among other topics. His most
recent work includes: research on measuring poverty in the U.S.; the consequences of disability; the effects of
welfare and tax reform on the well-being of single mothers; and the effects of Medicaid on child health. Meyers
work has appeared in the American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Econometrica, Journal of
Labor Economics, Journal of Public Economics, and other refereed journals.
u James Sherk - Heritage Foundation
As senior policy analyst in labor economics at The Heritage Foundation, James Sherk researches ways to promote
competition and mobility in the workforce. Sherks recent writings address ways to help recipients of unemploy-
ment insurance return to work more quickly; why participation in the labor force dropped during the recession;
and the economic consequences of raising the minimum wage. He frequently testies before committees of Con-
gress on labor policy issues. Sherk completed graduate studies at the University of Rochester, where he received a
master of arts in economics, with a concentration in econometrics and labor economics. He also holds a bachelors
degree in economics and mathematics from Hillsdale College in Hillsdale, Mich.
u Scott Winship Manhattan Institute
Scott Winship is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Previously a fellow at the Brookings Institution, his
areas of expertise include living standards and economic mobility, inequality, and insecurity. Earlier in his career,
Winship was research manager of the Economic Mobility Project of The Pew Charitable Trusts and a senior policy
advisor at Third Way. His research has been published in National Affairs, National Review, The Wilson Quarterly,
Breakthrough Journal, and Real Clear Markets, among other outlets. Winship received a B.A. in sociology and
urban studies from Northwestern University and a Ph.D. in social policy from Harvard University.

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