SAR AUN-QA MechanicalEng
SAR AUN-QA MechanicalEng
SAR AUN-QA MechanicalEng
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................... 3
ABBREVIATION ........................................................................................................................... 5
PART 1 .................................................................................................................................... 6
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 6
PART 2 .................................................................................................................................. 11
AUN-QA CRITERIA REQUIREMENT ............................................................................... 11
CRITERION 1 THE EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES .............................................. 12
CRITERION 2 PROGRAM SPECIFICATION ..................................................................... 17
CRITERION 3 PROGRAM STRUCTURE AND CONTENT .............................................. 21
CRITERION 4 TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGY ............................................. 30
CRITERION 5 STUDENT ASSESSMENT .......................................................................... 35
CRITERION 6 ACADEMIC STAFF QUALITY .................................................................. 42
CRITERION 7 SUPPORT STAFF QUALITY ...................................................................... 50
CRITERION 8 STUDENT QUALITY .................................................................................. 53
CRITERION 9 STUDENT ADVICE AND SUPPORT ......................................................... 55
CRITERION 10 FACILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE .................................................... 58
CRITERION 12 STAFF DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES ..................................................... 68
CRITERION 13 STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK ................................................................... 71
CRITERION 14 OUTPUT ...................................................................................................... 73
CRITERION 15 STAKEHOLDERS SATISFACTION ......................................................... 76
PART 3 .................................................................................................................................. 78
STRENGTH AND WEAKNESS ANALYSIS ....................................................................... 78
CHECKLIST ON THE QUALITY OF THE PROGRAM ..................................................... 84
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Table 1.1 Relation between current learning outcomes and training objectives ...................... 13
Table 1.2 Knowledge and skills blocks in curriculum learning outcomes ............................ 15
Table 3.1 Required and Elective knowledge ............................................................................ 21
Table 3.2 Relation matrix of courses and Expected Learning Outcomes ................................. 24
Table 3.3 Elective courses ........................................................................................................ 28
Table 5.1 Annual Enrolment Rate ............................................................................................ 35
Table 5.2 Example of Assessment method in the course syllabus ........................................... 38
Table 6.1 List of lecturers studying in foreign countries from 2003 to 2008 ........................... 41
Table 6.2 Age Structure of Mechanical Engineering Faculty lecturers .................................... 42
Table 6.3 The number of staff members in the Faculty ............................................................ 42
Table 6.4 The number of staff members teaching in honors program ...................................... 43
Table 6.5 The proportion of students / lecturers and graduates / lecturers ............................... 43
Table 8.1 Intake of second year ............................................................................................... 52
Table 8.2 Total number of Honors students ............................................................................. 52
Table 10.1 Information resources of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology library ...... 57
Table 10.2 List of Mechanical Engineering Faculty laboratories .............................................. 59
Table 10.3 Approved budget for laboratory equipment ............................................................. 59
Table 12.1 Ratio of lecturers degrees ....................................................................................... 67
Table 12.2 Plan for development of human resources ............................................................... 67
Table 12.3 The training and development activities .................................................................. 69
Table 13.1 Student evaluation schedule ..................................................................................... 71
Table 14.1 The number of students graduating the Honor Program following batches ............ 72
Table 14.3 Percent of graduated students from Honor Program get jobs .................................. 73
Table 14.4 Number of project and budget for student every year ............................................. 74
Table 14.5 Scientific research statistics of the lecturers of Honors Program ............................ 74
Table 15.1 Survey on students satisfaction (Number of surveyed courses: 24) ....................... 75
Table 15.2 Survey on enterprises opinion ................................................................................ 76
Table 15.3 Scholarship awarded annually ................................................................................. 77
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Figure 1.1 Process of developing learning outcomes ................................................................ 16
Figure 3.1 Coherence of knowledge blocks .............................................................................. 26
Figure 6.1 Organization chart of Faculty .................................................................................. 45
Figure 11.1 Design and development model of academic program 2008 .................................. 62
Figure 11.2 2010 CDIO based academic program design &development process .................... 62
Figure 11.3 Feedback from various stakeholders is used for improvement .............................. 64
Figure 11.4 Student learning assessment process ...................................................................... 66
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ABET Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology
ANOVA Analysis Of Variance
AUN-QA ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance
BKe-Learning Bach Khoa E-Learning
CAD Computer Aided Design
CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing
CDIO Conceive Design Implement Operate
CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing
CNC Computer Numerical Control
DSP- FPGA Digital signal processing Field Programmable Gate Array
FME Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
FTE Full-Time Equivalent
GPA Grade Point Average
HCMUT Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
HEEAP Higher Engineering Education Alliance Program
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
LO Learning outcome
NCT National Center of Technology
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
QA Quality Assurance
Robocon Robot Contest
SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
TOEIC Test of English for International Communication
Vifotec Vietnam Fund for Supporting Technological Creations
VND Vietnam Dong
VNU-HCM Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh
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AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 7
The Mechanical engineering Manufacturing engineering program of the Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering (FME) was selected for quality assessment according to AUN-
QA standards; and the Self-Assessment Report has been conducted as one of
requirements. This report was written with data updated until October 31, 2010. An
implementation team was formed on January 2011 to fulfill this task based on the
decision of the Board of Faculty. This team included five members involving four
members of the Board and the Head of Manufacturing Engineering Department, in which
the leader is the Dean of Faculty. In addition, there was a support team including five
secretaries and three assistants of Faculty. Each member of the implementation team was
responsible for one group of criteria; he had to collect data and evidences and then write
the report. However, the team leader is responsible to link the data from individuals and
finalize into a general and whole report. The first draft was completed on June 2011. It
was then distributed to all lecturers of the FME, especially those of honors program. The
modified report was then sent to experts to get their comments on August 2011. The final
report was completed at the end of October 2011. The data and evidences were collected
from the FME and related functional offices of the HCMUT.
Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM) is the largest and most
distinguished university in Vietnam. It was founded in 1995 by merging a number of
prestigious universities in Ho Chi Minh City. In 2008, there have been more than 50,000
students enrolled in VNU-HCM, into 120 Bachelor, 90 Master and 90 Doctorate
programs. To ensure that the University maintains its reputation as being the center of
excellence in education and research in Vietnam, our dedicated administrators are
continually striving to enhance the quality of education and academic programs within
VNU-HCM. This commitment guarantees highly capable graduates for the benefit of our
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With a fast-growing economy on the road towards global integration, Vietnam is in urgent
need of more and more young and well-trained talents of high educational standards to be
the driving force of our national advancement goals.
VNU-HCM endeavors to provide society with a high quality of human resources through
its innovative academic and research programs. VNU-HCM has ensured its relevance in
the international arena by forging reciprocal agreements with over 120 universities in 20
countries, to allow Vietnamese students to study abroad and also to train overseas
students at our campus.
VNU-HCM aims to develop the University into a leading institution in this region,
becomes a world-class university, and allows students and staff members to enjoy an
environment conducive to education and creativity.
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT) is the leading university in
teaching and research activities of Vietnam. We play the active role in the fields of talents
cultivation and providing manpower with strong technical skills to the Southern areas of
HCMUT is a center of technology - industry and management training. Graduate students
from HCMUT have strong professional skills, which are recognized equivalent to those of
advanced countries in the Southeast Asia. Our training activities have made remarkable
contributions to satisfy the requirements of man power for the industrialization and
modernization in Vietnam generally and in Southern Vietnam areas particularly.
Moreover, HCMUT is also the science research and technology transfer center which
plays the key role in providing information and applying advanced technologies of
developed countries and transferring to concerning industries in the Southern areas of
Up to 2010, HCMUT has 11 Engineering Faculties, 10 science research and industry
transferring centers, 4 training centers, 10 functioning offices and one limited company.
Actually, there are 35 undergraduate programs and 42 Master programs and 42 Doctorate
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 9
programs. Since the Liberation of South Vietnam and country unification, 48,000
engineers and Bachelors have been graduated from our university. Many of them are
either keeping management roles and/or leading experts in state-owned or foreign-
investment enterprises of different industries in Ho Chi Minh City and other southern
The university has 02 campuses:
- The 1
Campus locates in the inner of Ho Chi Minh City, which has an area of
14,8 hectares at 268 Ly Thuong Kiet, ward 14, dist. 10, Ho Chi Minh City. This
campus has 117 class rooms (14,479m
), 96 laboratories (12,197 m
), 3 workshops
(6,950 m
), and 01 library (1,145 m
- The 2
campus is located in the outskirts of the city. It, with an area of 26
hectares, is located in Linh Trung Ward, Thu Duc Dist., Ho Chi Minh City. In May
2005, the first building of the campus was constructed with a building area of
17,600 m2, totally costing 66 billion VND.
The HCMUT has an inner city dormitory at 497 Hoa Hao st., dist. 10, Ho Chi Minh City,
which is 1.5 km away from main campus. It was rebuilt and used as a new one in 2009.
The new dormitory has 12 floors with underground parking lot sitting on 38,000 square
meters. There is also the dormitory located in Linh Trung Ward, Thu Duc Dist., Ho Chi
Minh City for about 1,000 students.
The FME is one of the largest and oldest Faculties of the HCMUT. Up to now, the FME
has been 55 years old. The FME has the missions to provide a high quality human
resource in the field of Mechanical engineering to meet the demand of the
industrialization and modernization of the country, integrate into working environment in
the country and the world as well as conduct research in technological innovation to apply
into manufacturing. Actually, there are about 2,500 students enrolled into 6 undergraduate
programs, 6 Master and 6 Doctorate programs. The Mechanical engineering
Manufacturing engineering program is hereafter called Manufacturing Engineering
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 10
Program. This program aims at training engineers who have engineering knowledge and
skills of machining, manufacturing, and processing to produce quality products with high
productivity and economic efficiency. This field of study is currently served by three
Departments including Machine Design, Manufacturing Engineering, and Material
Processing Technology.
The FME has offered a full-time honors program specialized in Mechanical Engineering
under supports of Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh since 2002. Enrollment
norm is about 30 40 students annually.
Based on Manufacturing Engineering curriculum, the Honors Program is designed to
meet the high quality. However, it has some its own properties:
- The curriculum contents are designed in breadth and depth to provide students
enough foundation knowledge and skills to study themselves afterwards. There
are many electives that allow students study and select as much and wide as
their interest. The electives are based on science and technology trends as well
as social demand.
- Lecturers of the honors program are selected from the best lecturers of the FME
who have advanced teaching methods.
- The active teaching and learning methods have been applied for students of
Honors program.
- The assessment methods are based on course learning outcomes and student
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AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 12
The undergraduate program of FME is designed to perform the HCMUTs mission and
the FMEs mission in the context of HCMUT. In addition, the expected learning
outcomes for undergraduate students are presented to show the relationship between the
program objectives and the expected learning outcomes.
1.1 The expected learning outcomes have been clearly formulated and
translated into the program
The manufacturing engineering program at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ho Chi Minh
City University of Technology trains mechanical engineers in the field of manufacturing
engineering serving for the development of the country and contributing to the development
of science and technology. Mechanical engineers of manufacturing engineering program
have abilities to detect and solve problems relating to design and manufacturing technology
in industrial systems. In addition, they must have abilities to adapt and apply advanced
technology of the region and the world. Objectives of the academic program can be
summarized as follows:
Objective 1. Engineers have knowledge on mathematics, underlying natural
science to understand core and advanced engineer knowledge and pursue higher
level study.
Objective 2. Engineers have underlying and advanced engineering knowledge on
physical processes of manufacturing engineering, manufacturing and maintenance
systems, new products design and development, as well as economics, business
and entrepreneurship to work in industries.
Objective 3. Engineers have enough professional skills to work in the
interdisciplinary and multi-cultural environments.
Objective 4. Engineers have knowledge on economics, politics, socio-science and
humanities to contribute effectively to the sustainable development of the society,
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These objectives are reflected through 11 learning outcomes of the academic program as in
table 1.1.
Table 1.1 Relation between current learning outcomes and training
No. Learning outcomes Program objective
1 2 3 4
1 An ability to apply fundamental knowledge of
mathematics, science, and mechanical engineering
2 An ability to design and conduct experiments for
thermal, fluid and mechanical systems, as well as to
analyze and interpret results
3 An ability to design a system, component, or process
to meet desired needs include costing,
manufacturability, environmental, societal, ethical,
sustainability and other constraints
4 An ability to function as a successful team member
on multi-tasking and multi-disciplinary issues
5 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve well-
defined and open-ended mechanical engineering
6 An ability to understand and practice professional
and ethical responsibilities
7 An ability to communicate effectively, minimum
level of English - TOEIC 450
8 An ability to recognize and apply knowledge to solve
mechanical engineering issues in a global, economic,
environmental, and societal context
9 An ability to recognize the needs and motivation to
engage in life-long learning
10 An ability to apply knowledge of current and
contemporary issues
11 An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern
engineering tools (CAD/CAM/CNC, PLC
programming) necessary for mechanical engineering
1.2 The program promotes life-long learning
Expected learning outcomes aim to provide a modern, healthy and ethical person who can
quickly adapt to any working environment with enough expertise and ability to self-
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learning, self-research and self- develop. With the purpose of encouraging the capability
of self-learning, self-research and life-long learning, the expected learning outcomes of
the manufacturing engineering program have been designed with the skills and attributes
needed for self-learning, namely problem identification and formulation skills, survey of
print and electronic literature, curiosity and life-long learning, time and resource
management, communication skills. Such skills are integrated in subjects of the
program with appropriate methods of teaching and assessment to make sure students can
be aware of life-long learning. Most of courses have a good balance of the theory and
practice, group work and individual work. Students are also welcomed to ask for
lecturers assistance and encouraged to investigate the case studies with an aim to
enhancing the ability to use the obtained knowledge to solve the issues in real life.
In order to encourage students self-learning ability via scientific research activities, the
programs expected learning outcomes included research and knowledge discovery skills,
such as creative thinking, critical thinking. A number of the programs students have
been awarded with high prize in National Olympic, Robocon contest, scientific research.
To enable the students to access high - level knowledge, the Faculty has also introduced
the masters and doctoral programs in manufacturing engineering. The Faculty has also
given the advantage of being directly admitted to the master program for their graduate
students from manufacturing engineering program. In the past years, the number of
students who graduated from this Honors Program and continued their postgraduate study
in Vietnam and abroad has increased greatly, accounting for about 28% of 2004s batch
(Table 14.3).
1.3 The expected learning outcomes cover both generic and specialised skills
and knowledge
Expected learning outcomes of the academic program is designed and completed during
development process. Based on expected learning outcomes of academic program 2008
and 2010, the knowledge and skills blocks are shown as in table 1.2. These knowledge
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 15
and skills are provided to help manufacturing engineering engineers having enough
specialized knowledge as well as knowledge on socio-economics, and personal and
professional skills.
Table 1.2 Knowledge and skills blocks in curriculum learning outcomes
Knowledge and skills Learning outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1.1 Knowledge of underlying
1.2 Core Engineering
1.3 Advance Engineering
Fundamental knowledge
1.4 Other supportive knowledge
2.1 Engineering Reasoning and
Problem Solving
2.2 Experimentation and
Knowledge discovery
2.3 System thinking
2.4 Personal skills and attitudes
2.5 Professional skills and
3.1 Multi-disciplinary teamwork
3.2 Communications
3.3 Communications in Foreign
4.1 External and societal context
4.2 Enterprise and Business
4.3 Conceiving and Engineering
4.4 Designing
4.5 Implementing
4.6 Operating
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 16
1.4 The expected learning outcomes clearly reflect the requirements of the
Our training objectives are often reviewed. Since 2002, particularly in 2008 and 2010, we
have reviewed twice and adjusted the program objectives and the curriculum.
Based on CDIO standards, learning outcomes of the Mechanical engineering program
were developed as in following figure.
Figure 1.1 Process of developing learning outcomes
According to this process, feedback of stakeholders is one of factors affecting the
development of course and program content as well as teaching methods change and
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 17
FME provides information about the program specification on the HCMUT website. It
can also be found in the student handbook.
1. Awarding body/institution: Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology.
2. Teaching institution: Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology.
3. Accrediting Organization: Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City
4. Name of the final award: Bachelor of Engineering - Honors Program
5. Program title: Mechanical Engineering Manufacturing Engineering
6. Program objectives:
To train mechanical engineers in the field of manufacturing engineering who have strong
abilities to solve problems relating to design and manufacturing technology in industrial
manufacturing systems, as well as abilities to adapt and apply advanced technology in the
region and the world to the industrialization and modernization of the country.
7. Learning outcomes:
Graduated students from the Mechanical Engineering-Manufacturing Engineering have:
An ability to apply fundamental knowledge of mathematics, science, and
mechanical engineering
An ability to design and conduct experiments for thermal, fluid and mechanical
systems, as well as to analyze and interpret results
An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs include
costing, manufacturability, environmental, societal, ethical, sustainability and other
An ability to function as a successful team member on multi-tasking and multi-
disciplinary issues
An ability to identify, formulate, and solve well-defined and open-ended
mechanical engineering problems
6. An ability to understand and practice professional and ethical responsibilities
7. An ability to communicate effectively, minimum level of English - TOEIC 450
An ability to recognize and apply knowledge to solve mechanical engineering
issues in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
9. An ability to recognize the needs and motivation to engage in life-long learning
10. An ability to apply knowledge of current and contemporary issues
11. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 18
(CAD/CAM/CNC, PLC programming) necessary for mechanical engineering
8. Program structure
The designed program includes 156 credits which can be accumulated in 4.5 years on
average. There are two main semesters in which each semester lasts 18 weeks (included 2
weeks for midterm exam and 2 weeks for final exam) and a summer semester (10 weeks).
Each student has to cumulate at least 14 credits per semester. Summer semesters are
usually dedicated for students to visit companies in the technical practice and internship
programs. However, they can also take courses in summer semesters to cumulate credits.
In addition, students can register for auditing classes to shorten study period. At the final
year, all students have to fulfill a final project that relating to design-manufacturing.
Students are assessed based on a 10-score scale. In order to graduate, students have to
fulfill all courses of academic program (with score of 5 or more for each course). Students
are ranked based on their accumulated GPA, as in following table:
Rank Cumulative GPA
Very good
Fairly good
Fair (Average)
From 9,0 to 10,0
From 8,0 to less than 9,0
From 7,0 to less than 8,0
From 6,0 to less than 7,0
From 5,0 to less than 6,0
9. Strategies for teaching and evaluation:
Active learning strategy together with problem-based learning strategies is used in
implementing the program. Syllabi, documents, resources, assignments, and requirements
for each course are provided on the course website. In addition to official class hours,
students are allowed to come in labs, workshop for self-learning. Student evaluation is
the measurement of the students comprehension during his or her study. The process of
student evaluation uses different approaches and methods in order to cover the content
and objectives of the course. Each course has its detailed syllabus and metrics for
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 19
evaluation and also requirements to complete the course. For example, individual or
group assignments, practical exercises, weekly assignments, mid-term examination,
seminars, projects, and final examination. Besides, lecturers are trained on professional
knowledge and skills locally and overseas. Scientific research and technology transfer
activities are promoted at the Faculty.
10. Support for students during their study
Homeroom teachers are people who directly guide students in academic issues. The
Faculty has a system of enthusiastic and well understanding on academic regulations
homeroom teachers, so that they are mainstay for students during their study.
Online lectures and E-learning tools create a new learning mode that satisfies modern
education criteria like study everywhere, anytime, study as demanded, and lifelong
learning. E-learning system at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology was
established to support traditional learning system.
Forum is place students can exchange academic information as well as express their
opinions to the Faculty and University.
A system of more than 80 computers enables students to access information from the
Faculty and the University. The University and the Faculty also provide workspace and
open workshops that enables students acquire integrated and experience learning as well
as practice their skills by doing project works, research projects, and laboratory or
experiment courses.
The university library with abundance, variety, and up-to-date information sources
meeting the demand of readers and all academic programs is a good place to provide
materials and information for students. At the library students can also access and retrieve
materials from central library of Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh where
stores a huge amount of study and research materials among universities in Vietnam.
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During study period, students have opportunities to meet companies at conferences,
company visiting programs, and internship programs and so on. Thank to these chances,
students have deeper understanding on real working environments.
11. Admission
The Sophomore of FME can apply the Honors Program if they fulfill the following
- Number grade GPA 7.0.
- Number of accumulative credits is at least 34.
Intake: 30 40 students.
12. Achievements
Students of Honors program have been obtained many achievements in National Olympic
Competitions, Robocon contest, Vifotech awards and etc. Graduated student can pursue
higher levels studying or undertake important position in big companies.
All of information is available on the websites of the University and the Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering.
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3.1 Program content shows a good balance between generic and specialized
skills and knowledge
The Faculty has been operating 3 training degrees: bachelor degree, masters degree, and
Doctorate degree. The bachelor degree program of Manufacturing Engineering is based
on the program specification promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training. It
contains a total of 156 credits with detailed program objectives and learning outcomes.
These courses are allocated in four years and a half (9 semesters).
The curriculum includes mainly underlying science and engineering fundamental
knowledge, so that students can acquire strong fundamental knowledge to continue their
life-long learning as well as pursue higher study. In addition, students are provided
personal and professional, team work, communication, and problem solving skills.
Curriculum is allocated to knowledge blocks as shown in Table 3.1:
Table 3.1 Required and Elective knowledge
Knowlegde block Credits
1 General Education 55 35,2%
2 Engineering and mechanical fundamental knowledge 43 27,5%
3 Manufacturing engineering knowledge 21 13,5%
4 Practice, Internship and final project 21 13,5%
5 Engineering fundamental knowledge
6 Second major Engineering fundamental knowledge
Manufacturing, supportive knowlegde and scientific
Total 156 100%
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The general education knowledge is taught for all students, which is considered as
common courses including mathematics, natural science, social science and
humanities, economics, and politics and English. This knowledge block is considered
as fundamental knowledge enabling students to continue their life-long learning as
well as pursue higher studying.
Officially, engineering and mechanical fundamental knowledge is taught for all
students in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, which is considered as common
courses of mechanical engineering. This knowledge block provides students
fundamental knowledge to study advanced or specialized knowledge and solve basic
engineering problems.
In addition, manufacturing engineering knowledge enables students going into
professional works, solving specialized technical problems. This knowledge block
includes mechanical engineering design, manufacturing processes, measurement
techniques, and machinery and so on.
Furthermore, elective courses following technology and modern orientations provide
students core mechanical engineering fundamental knowledge, so they could apply in
their jobs and also study higher and deeper.
Professional skills and attitudes:
Engineering communication skills (Engineering communication and skills), experiments,
practice-work, project-work and humanity and social science courses (General Laws of
Vietnam, Project Planning and Analysis Ho Chi Minhs Ideology, Basic Principles of
Maxims-Leninism...) support students develop necessarily professional and engineering
skills and ability to work in modern and complicated environment as well as life-long
learning ability.
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English course 1, 2, 3 and 4 are allocated at the first semesters in orderly as in the
program structure, so students would have a certain English proficiency for studying,
doing research and making communication. As in design, English learning outcome has
been required on students, which equals TOEIC score of at least 450 from 2006.
To balance the knowledge and skill in curriculum, Faculty referred to ABET criteria,
undergraduate programs from Universities in Southeast Asia region, Asia, and the world
beside stakeholder survey.
3.2 The program reflects the vision and mission of the university
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT) is the leading university in
teaching and research activities of Vietnam; provide high quality manpower with strong
technical skills to industry in the Southern areas of Vietnam; is a center of technology -
industry and management training. Graduate students from HCMUT have not only deep
knowledge but also strong professional skills.
The Honors Program is developed with learning outcomes adapting labor market and
development of technology. Graduated student have deep underlying knowledge with
basic courses and professional knowledge with electives, strong personal and professional
skills. Basic science and professional knowledge are about two-third of programs load.
3.3 The contribution make by each course on achieving the learning outcomes
is clear
Beside knowledge, each course provides students personal skills, professional skills and
attitudes, teamwork, communication and problem solving skills. A relation matrix of
courses and Expected Learning Outcomes is shown in table 3.2.
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Table 3.2 Relation matrix of courses and Expected Learning Outcomes
Expected Learning Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Credit, Courses
101 2 English 1
102 4 Algebra
103 4 Mathematical analysis 1
104 3 Physics 1
105 3 General Informatics
106 2 General laws of Vietnam
201 2 General Chemistry B
202 2 English 2
203 4 Mathematical analysis 2
204 4 Physics 2
205 1 Physics Lab
206 3 Engineering mechanics
207 2 Engineering Drawing 1A
208 2 Engineering communication and skills
301 2 Basic workshop Practice 1
English 3
303 2 Method of Calculus
304 2 Strength of materials 1
305 2 Fluid Mechanics
306 1 Fluid Mechanics Lab
307 2 Electrical Engineering
308 2 Probability and statistics
Safety Engineering & Environment
310 2 Engineering Drawing 2A
401 3 Materials and heat treatment
402 2 English 4
403 2 Mechanical Drawing
404 2 Strength of materials 2C
405 3 Electronics Engineering C
406 3 Theory of Machine and Mechanism
407 2 Thermodynamics
408 2 Basic workshop Practice 2
501 3 Machine Elements
Basic Principles of Maxims-Leninism
503 2 Practice of Electronics and Electrics
504 2 Hydraulic and Pneumatic Engineering
2 Hydraulic and Pneumatic Engineering
3 Tolerance and Measurement
507 2 Manufacturing engineering 1
601 1 Machine elements Project
1 Tolerance and Measurement
Techniques Lab
603 3 Automatic Control Engineering
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604 2 Ho Chi Minhs Ideology
605 3 Manufacturing engineering 2
606 2 Elective A1
607 2 Elective A2
2 Electronic and Electric equipment for
2 Mechanical Engineering Design
703 2 Project Planning and Analysis
704 3 Manufacturing Automation Projects
705 2 Manufacturing engineering 3
706 2 Technical Practice
3 Revolutionary Policy of Vietnamese
Communist Party
708 2 Elective A3
709 2 Elective A4
801 3 Internship
803 1 Manufacturing engineering project
804 2 Machine tools
Elective C1
806 2 Elective B1
807 2 Elective B2
809 2 Elective B3
Final Project
Skills are integrated into courses at different levels as teaching. When students graduate,
they obtain expected learning outcomes.
3.4 The program is coherent and all subjects and courses have been
To find out relations among courses, a black-box method was used, in which each course
is investigated by input and output knowledge that helps to determine the course
sequence. Knowledge blocks of the curriculum 2010 were arranged as in figure 3.1.
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 26
General Education (57 credits)
(27 credits)
and Final
(21 credits)
and Natural
(29 credits)
science and
(18 credits)
(8 credits)
2 credits
(8 credits)
(8 credits)
(11 credits)
(3 credits)
Fundamental knowledge (51 credits)
(6 credits)
Final project
(10 credits)
(21 credits)
(22 credits)
(8 credits)
Figure 3.1 Coherence of knowledge blocks
3.5 The curriculum is structured to show breadth and depth
Curriculum is shown in table 3.2. All knowledge are arranged in order of
proficiency, from low to high, from basic to advanced. Conceive, Design,
Implement, Operate (C,D,I,O) skills increase from low (with Basic Project Work) to
high (with Final Project)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Mathematics and Natural Science
Social science and Humanities,
economics, political knowledge
Engineering Fundamental and Manufacturing
Basic project work
Machine design project
(D, O)
Figure 3.2 Curriculum structure
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 27
3.6 The curriculum structure shows clearly the basic courses, the intermediate
courses, the specialized courses and the final project, thesis or dissertation
Curriculum structure of Manufacturing Engineering program includes following
knowledge blocks:
- Courses in general education block.
Mathematics and natural
science courses
Algebra, Analytic Analysis, Physics and Lab, General
Chemistry, Method of Calculus, Probability and Statistics,
General Informatics,
Social science and
Humanities, economics,
political knowledge
General Laws of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minhs Ideology, Basic
Principles of Mac-Lenin, Revolutionary Policy of Vietnamese
Communist Party
- Core engineering fundamental knowledge.
Mechanics knowledge Fluid mechanics and Lab, Strength of Materials 1 and 2,
Engineering mechanics, Theory of Machine and Mechanism,
Machine Elements,
Electrics Electronics and
Automatic control
Electrical Engineering, Electronics engineering, Automation
Control Engineering
Graphical communications Engineering Drawing 1 and 2, Mechanical drawing
Others Thermodynamics, Heat transfer, Materials and heat treatment
- Mechanical engineering manufacturing engineering knowledge.
Manufacturing process Manufacturing Engineering 1, 2, 3
Metrology Tolerance and Measurement Techniques, Quality assurance
Equipment and tools Manufacturing Automation, Machine Tools, CAD/CAM/CNC
Design Mechanical Engineering Design Process, Electronic and
Electric equipment for Machines
- The knowledge block on practice, experiment, and workshop is very important in
the academic program. Allocation, assessment, and contribution of this knowledge
block in students skills accumulation are presented as followings:
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 28
Lab courses illustrate and interpret theory courses, so they are allocated after
theory course was just finished at previous semester.
Practice workshop courses in the university provide students practice skills on
manufacturing engineering, mechanical and electric- electronics engineering
Internship programs help students to be familiar with real working
environments. As in academic programs 2008 and 2010, internship course was
increased to 3 credits in comparison with 2 credits in academic program 2002.
Project works require students apply multidiscipline knowledge to solve a
specific engineering problem. These courses help students practice and
enhance presentation, team working, communication skills, as well as problem
solving skills by applying underlying science knowledge, core and advanced
engineering fundamental knowledge to solve a specific engineering problem.
The final project helps student to apply studied knowledge and skills following
CDIO approach to solve manufacturing and design problems in reality.
- Elective courses (Table 3.3) following technology and modern orientations.
Table 3.3 Elective courses
Economics, Engineering
skills (2 credits from 6)
Part C
Manufacturing and Second major (6 credits from 46)
Part B
Production management
Business Administration
Project management
Maintenance Management
Quality assurance
Concurrent Engineering
Precision Engineering
Advanced Manufacturing
Principles of Material
Design for Manufacture and
Design fixture and tools
Metals forming technology
Metals Rolling
Material Welding
Powder Metallurgy
Welding Metallurgy
Material Coatings Technology
Metals Casting Technology
Design of Forging Die
Rapid Prototyping
Technology of Plastic and Molding
Conveying and Lifting
PLC system
Industrial Robots
Mechatronics system Design
Fundamental mechanical
(8 credits from 18) Part A
Heat transfer
Geometric Modeling
Finite Elements Method
Reliability Engineering
Composite Materials
Engineering Vibration
Optimization and DOE
Dynamics of Mechanical
Theory of Plasticity
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 29
3.7 The program content is up-to-date
Undergraduate academic programs of all majors in the Faculty are revised after
every 5-6 years. In addition, they are reviewed and updated annually (around 5-7%), in
order to meet the demand on high quality human resource for the socio economic
development of the country.
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 30
4.1 The faculty or department has a clear teaching and learning strategy
To realize visions and missions of the University and Faculty as well as meet the demand
of the socio-economic development of the country, the lecturers always pay attention on
innovation of teaching and learning methods. The objective of the innovation is to help
students acquire expected learning outcomes of the program. All advanced learning and
teaching methods consider students as a center of teaching and learning activities
(Student-centered teaching strategy). Since 1993 onwards, the university has applied a
credits-based system in training and also innovated in teaching and learning methods,
curriculums and course syllabi.
From education accreditation campaign in 2005, the University began considering that
students would be who have to study actively new knowledge, and have to link new and
acquired knowledge. Lecturers would become the ones who implement or guide to
encourage and enhance students study activities by creating favorable study conditions
based on their owned teaching methods. The lecturers, therefore, have been initiative and
revising their teaching and learning methods towards the student-centered strategy. The
University has been implementing many activities like plan to enhance teaching quality of
lecturers; development of expected learning outcomes of course and program; creating a
friendly study environment to encourage students responsibility and activeness in their
study; and developing workspace to enable student conceive, idea development and
practical experiences.
From 2007 onwards, with support of BKe-Learning system, lecturers have applied active
and experience learning methods to enhance students activeness, creativity and
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 31
4.2 The teaching and learning strategy enables students to acquire and use
knowledge academically
Many teaching and learning methods are implemented by lecturers, which enable students
to acquire and use knowledge academically.
Integrated learning experiences enable students to obtain knowledge, personal and
communication skills, process implementation skills. These personal and professional
skills, teamwork, communication, and CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement, and
Operate) skills are integrated into courses such as Introduction to Engineering,
Mechanical design process, project works on Machine elements, Manufacturing
Engineering, Manufacturing Automation, and Final project.
Active learning methods are implemented in many theory courses under the support of
BKe-learning. BKe-learning (Bach khoa E-learning) was introduced from 2007 to
facilitate interactive learning on the basis of student-centered learning. This facility
creates active and possible environment for students and lecturers to communicate and
deliver subject matter via internet. Students have a chance to get more information and
resources related to the subjects. It also allows the lecturers to monitor the student
progress by using the discussion forum provided in the portal. Lecturers can also put the
assessments online or ask the students to submit an assignment through the portal.
Lecturers can track the students activities related to the subject, as well as their progress.
In addition, this method forces student and lecturer become more creative and innovative.
As a result, intensive communication between student and lecturer is high. With this
model, student can learn anytime, anywhere what are provided by available network. This
method is used for all honors programs courses.
Teaching and learning through seminar and discussions are applied often to students.
They are practiced on critical thinking, skills to define, display and solve problems and
propose their opinions. The communication environment between lectures and students is
open and friendly, which creates favorable conditions for students to raise questions or
opinions, and for lecturers to communicate with students via BKe-learning or course
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 32
websites. All mentioned above activities create an effectively interactive learning and
teaching method.
Learning by research: Beside teaching and learning activities, students research is also
considered seriously in FME. Lecturers start forming up student research groups from
their 3rd year school. Students are also encouraged to look for available research groups
to participate. In those groups, lecturers guide students to study and solve real problems.
The problems often lead to a topic of the final project later. Students who are active in
research with good results can participate in annual research contests at different levels
from university to nationwide.
In addition, students are encouraged to participate in student creation competition
(organized annually by the Faculty), Robocon contests, Olympic Competition and other
student research activities. In order to do so, University provides fund for students of the
Honors Program to attend conference domestic and/or oversea. These activities encourage
students to apply knowledge in to real problems, enhance creativity, as well as stimulate
students career passion.
Internship is a required course (with 3 credits) which enables students to familiar to real
working environments in mechanical engineering companies. The internship program
provides students practical job experiences before doing a final project. In addition, the
Faculty also organizes field trips for students to visit many companies in Mechanical
engineering field to see real working environments.
4.3 The teaching and learning strategy is student oriented and stimulates
quality learning
In the student-centered strategy, students are center, and they are supported by lecturers to
find out suitable study method and strategy. They have to determine accurate study
motivations, be responsible and active in study, experience accumulation and
establishment of suitable self-learning skills like skills to survey and summarize literature,
skills to study associated with practice, and skills to define, display, and solve problems.
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 33
The student-center strategy is shown clearly by the teaching and learning methods as well
as supportive tools that help students forming their knowledge and skills gradually, so that
they study effectively and have a good development potential. Student-oriented teaching
methods like think-pair share, questions-answers, debate, problem-based learning, group-
based learning, role play, game, project-based learning, simulations, case studies, demo,
and so on have been applied and received highly evaluation.
In recent years, study environment at the university has been improved significantly by
the renovation of classrooms, laboratories, change of regulations of laboratories,
workshops, which creates friendliness to help students develop ideas and study more
Course syllabi are developed based on criterion that courses expected learning outcomes
are consistent with program outcomes; and associated with teaching and assessment
methods; so that the training quality can be accredited and learning quality of students is
4.4 The teaching and learning strategy stimulates active learning and
facilitates learning to learn
To generate the innovation of teaching method towards the active teaching strategy, and
to encourage active studying, University pays much attention to the innovation of learning
environment like improving facilities and equipment as well as learning materials and the
usage of BKe-learning as an effective tool for students to interact with lecturers at
anytime and anywhere.
Besides, to create favorable learning conditions, the Faculty has been designing
workspace at the 1
stage including workspaces and support laboratories that support and
encourage learning experiences in product, process and system design, team work and
communication. Some typical types of teaching and learning in CDIO workspace:
- Design and implement products, processes, and systems: support students doing
required project works such as base project, design, implement and final projects;
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 34
support courses with assignments and model making requirements; support
students to make model to participate technical creation competition; and so on.
- Consolidate knowledge: provide favorable conditions for active and experiential
learning so that students have to think and solve problems by themselves.
- Explore knowledge: support students doing scientific research projects
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 35
5.1 Student assessment covers student entrance, student progress and exit
5.1.1 Students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering are recruited from pupils who
have been graduated from high schools. The enrollment is based on national entrance
examination scores. Annually, on July the university organizes the entrance examination
in a common university/college entrance examination of the whole country. The amount
of admitted students of the Faculty is based on its education capability and entrance
examination score of applicants. Table 5.1 shows the rate between number of applicants
and training target which can be called as competitive ratio.
Table 5.1 Annual Enrolment Rate
Year 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
Training target (quota) 500 500 370 210 210
Number of applicants 1488 1092 1034 728 607
Competitive ratio 2.98 2.18 2.79 3.47 2.89
According to historical data of recent five years, the competitive ratio has been
fluctuated lightly even though the training target has more than doubled, and it has a
promising increasing trend. This is an incentive which suggests that the number of
applicants has increased in absolute value.
After being enrolled, all students study the same courses in the first school year. After
finishing one school year, the Faculty will select students to join the Honors program.
In order to attend the Honors program, students must have a cumulative GPA (Grade
Point Average) of over 7.0, and the cumulative credits of over 90% of first school
year general academic program. Admitted number is about 35 students annually.
Students not only join the Honors program from the second year, but they can also
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 36
join from 4
, 5
or 6
semester if there are excluded students. Students of the Honors
Program would be excluded if their cumulative GPA was less than 6.5 or semester
GPA was less than 6.0 according to the regulation of the Honors Program.
5.1.2 Student assessment has been done through studying process
In order to graduate, students have to fulfill 62 courses, 2 project-works, and 1 final
project to cumulate 156 credits. Usually, a course grade includes a grade for quiz, a grade
for homework, one for midterm examination and a grade for final examination.
The program consists of theory, experiment, and practical, two project works (1 credit per
each one) and a final project (10 credits). Project works require student having large
knowledge from many courses to find out solutions for an engineering problem, and then
they defend projects in front of a committee.
Final project would be done after students complete all engineering courses as in
curriculum. Students have to solve a specific technical problem relative to their major, and
then defend the final project in front of a committee. The final project committee evaluate
the final project based on students understanding on engineering knowledge, creativity,
and skills.
5.2 The assessment is criterion referenced
Student quality assessment is also based on initial suggested criteria for students. At the
beginning of courses, lecturers would setup initial required criteria for students, which could
be an ability to search studying materials, presentation skills, and team-work skill and so on.
Students are assessed based on many activities such as assignments, presentation, team work,
and understanding of lecture, and so. Beside the evaluation of lecturers, the Faculty currently
applies a peer assessment method, which helps to evaluate students more closely and also to
avoid hunch decisions from lecturers.
For example the syllabus of Manufacturing automation
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 37
5.3 Student assessment uses a variety of methods
Process based evaluation attracts much attention. Before 2007, courses were assessed based
on only midterm and final examination. Since 2007, University has encouraged to applied
process-based evaluation to assess theory courses. Lecturers have the right to choose
evaluation methods for the courses which they are teaching based on common regulations
about grading system. Each course is usually assessed based on different assessment. (See
Table 5.2).
However, the processing of many score components is quite complicated, so currently
student evaluation score includes two parts:
- Part 1 includes scores of mid-term examination, skills evaluation, in-class discussion
evaluation, exercises and homework.
- Part 2 is final examination score.
The assessment methods and process during the course are listed clearly in the course
syllabus which is provided to students at the beginning. Grading results reflect students
performance throughout the course. Evaluation methods cover all contents of the course
and fulfill the course learning outcomes.
Manufacturing automation
Level: Basic Number of credit: 3
Course objectives
1. Given a manufacturing line, identify the principles of the automated equipment in the line and determine the capacity and
2. Given the concept of the work at a position in the line, design the body of equipment in 3D without inside details.
3. Given a manipulation of a worker, using the studied knowledge in previous course, design an automated equipment in detail
Final exam 30%
Mid-term test 30%
Mini design project and presentation 35%
Homework 5%
Homework: Given a product, each team must design basically a vibrating feeder with given methods
Mini design project and presentation: Each team will find out an automated manufacturing system by using internet and
given books. Analyze the strong and weak points of the system and show a method to solve the weak points. Each team
must show all works done and analyze by using power point software.
Exam and test
There are a mid-term test (90 minutes) and a final exam (120 minutes). They are both opened-book.
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 38
Table 5.2 Example of Assessment method in the course syllabus
No. Assessment method Percentage
1 Midterm examination 20 %
2 Final examination 30 %
3 Midterm practice test
4 Final practice test
5 Seminar presentation 10 %
6 Class exercises 5 %
7 Homework 20%
8 Oral test
9 Project work
10 Quiz 15%
Score calculation formulation
5.4 The assessment reflects the expected learning outcomes and the content
of the program
Since the implementation of CDIO model, course assessment methods, teaching methods
to obtain expected learning outcomes are clearly stated in course syllabi. In addition, the
correlation between course and program outcomes is also presented. Recently, some
courses such as Theory of machine and mechanism, Machine elements, Manufacturing
automation and so on have been assessed based on course outcomes, for example the
Rubric form of Manufacturing automation course
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 39
The lecturers have been developing processes to help assessing students more
completely. Formative assessment is implemented through evaluation of lecturers on
in-class exercises and discussions. Summative assessment is implemented by midterm
and final examinations. These two tests cover all teaching content of the course.
5.5 The criteria for assessment are explicit and wellknown
At beginning of each course, course syllabus is announced for all students in class and on
BKe-learning website. All essential information relating to a course like session schedule,
student assessment, content outlines, as well as textbooks and reference books are clearly
stated. Especially, assessment method and percentage of elements score must be
announced in class and at BKe-learning website. Explicit assessment method is an
important requirement for all courses in Honors program; and course assessment
percentage must be posted in the Facultys website.
All midterm and final examination questions and solutions as well as student scores must
be posted on the Faculty and/or BKe-learning websites. Students can directly request
1 Technical Explanation 70
1a Effectively explain information of the project to the audience 10
1b Clearly explain inspected dimension and origin for inspection. 10
1c Clearly explain principle of operation of inspection 10
1d Explain principle of operation of gauge and sensor 10
1e Suggested inspecting system is feasible. 10
1f Prove that suggested inspection is the best one 10
1g Apply innovation into inspecting system 10
2 Oral Presentation 30
2a Effectiveness of presentation (present well, does not block screen, does not exhibit
nervous behavior, Makes eye contact, Can be heard easily, Finishes on time,
Explains slides effectively).
2b Group cooperation
- Materials divided among group member appropriately
- Smooth transition between group members presentation
2c Professional appearance 10
0,1: Do nothing; 2,3: Weak performance; 4,5,6: Performed; 7, 8 Good performance; 9, 10: Excellence performance
Team number:.. TOTAL POINTS:
Assessed by:. Date:..
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 40
lecturers to re-evaluate their examination. For final examination, students can ask for a
secondary check in two weeks counted from the time score is announced.
5.6 The assessment methods cover the objectives of the curriculum
In the process of perfecting assessment methods to cover the objectives of the curriculum,
midterm and final examinations are based on courses expected learning outcomes which
are consistent with program outcomes. All questions in these examinations satisfy all
expected learning outcomes of the course at detail level as in CDIO syllabus.
5.7 The standards applied in the assessment are explicit and consistent
The regulations on organizing examinations are announced and written in the academic
regulations. Homework, quizzes, class exercises, seminar etc. are held by lecturers and
teaching assistants based on teaching schedule. However, midterm and final examinations
are held according to the common timetable of the whole university. The content of
examinations are reviewed and adopted by the Head of Department in order to assure the
course outcomes and course coverage. Examination scores are then announced publicly to
students after about 2 weeks. A student is failed if his score is less than 5.
For well assessment, the Faculty has set criteria to select assessment methods:
- Have to cover all course content
- Have to satisfy course outcomes
- Explicit and understandable for everyone
- Can be controlled
To perform the assessment of students learning quality well, assessment methods are
trained frequently for lecturers. In the training sessions, many assessment methods
were introduced and lecturers were advised to use method that most suitable to their
course outcomes. These academic programs were conducted by experts from oversea
or from domestic universities or consultant companies. On this basis, the assessment
methods applied for midterm and final examinations must be uniformed for all
lecturers teaching the same course, and must be approved by the Head of Department.
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6.1 The staff are competent for their tasks
Lecturers were graduated from different countries such as USA, England, France, Germany,
the Republic of Korea, Australia, Russia, Ukraine, East EU, Thailand, Singapore, and Viet
Nam. Age structure of lecturers is logical, in which experience lecturers and inheriting young
ones are equal in quantity. Most of them join the Honors Program permanently. Annually,
lecturers of Honors program are trained new teaching and assessment methods in line
with CDIO standards by foreign experts from USA, Singapore. Besides the teaching staff,
there are some experienced lecturers from university who are responsible for teaching
fundamental sciences courses
Table 6.1 List of lecturers studying in foreign countries from 2003 to 2008
Quantity (people) Country Level
02 Canada Doctor
10 South Korea Doctor
04 Taiwan Doctor
04 Taiwan Master
01 Norway Master
02 USA Doctor
01 Portuguesa Master
03 Australia Doctor
01 Singapore Doctor
01 England Doctor
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 42
Table 6.2 Age Structure of Mechanical Engineering Faculty lecturers
Age 24-30 30-39 40-49 50-59 60
Quantity 37 43 18 30 01
Ratio 29,25% 34% 12,25% 23,80% 0,68%
6.2 The staff are sufficient to deliver the curriculum adequately
Total number of Mechanical Engineering Faculty staff is recently 141. Among 141 staffs
of Mechanical Engineering Faculty, there are 78 teaching staffs. In addition, there are
about 15 experienced lectures of the university and 12 visiting professors teaching in the
honors program. As shown in table 6.4, number of student per FTE training is little high.
To support the lecturers in teaching, there are 51 teaching assistants as in table 6.3. The
TA number is equal to the number of lecturers approximately. Thus, the teaching staffs
are sufficient if TAs are included.
Table 6.3 The number of staff members in the Faculty
Category Male Female
Percentage of PhDs
People FTE
Professor 1 0 1 1 100
Assoc. Prof.
22 3 25 25 60
Full time lecturer 42 10 52 52 40
Visiting Professors 22 5 27 10 52
Serving staff 1 11 12 12 0
Teaching assistant 39 12 51 51 0
Total 168 151
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 43
Table 6.4: The number of staff members teaching in honors program
Category Male Female
Percentage of PhDs
People FTE
Professor 1 0 1 1 100
Assoc. Prof.
20 2 22 22 41
Full time lecturer 9 0 9 9 44
Visiting Professors 20 1 21 4.2 83
Total 53 36.2
Table 6.5 The proportion of students / lecturers and graduates / lecturers
Total FTE
for training
Number of
Number of
per year
Number of
students per
Number of
graduates per
79 2228 428 28.20 5.41 2008
80 2136 405 26.70 5.06 2009
88 2245 455 25.51 5.17 2010
6.3 Recruitment and promotion are based on academic merits
Recruitment process is very important to recruit the qualified lecturers. Recruitment process
of the university is very strictly. Recruitment processes in three steps:
- Step 1: Candidates are interviewed at the Department
- Step 2: The Department must defend the recruitment against the recruitment
committee of Faculty. If necessary, the candidates have to be interviewed by the
- Step 3: The Recruitment committee of the university make the final consideration and
issue the recruitment decision.
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 44
Period of probation is a year. During this period, new lecturer plays a role of teaching
Criterion for recruitment consists of:
- Education and academic activities (50%).
- Foreign languages (20%).
- Research activities (10%).
- Interview at the Department (20%).
The lecturer promotion process is based on seniority. Accordingly, their salary is
increased after every three-year period. However, this period can be shortened when they
have following achievements:
- Have an excellent research achievement and proposed by agreement of
- Have an excellent achievement on academic activities, and/or outstanding
publication on their research works.
- Actively participate in all activities of the Faculty.
Lecturers can improve their position by promoted from lower to higher rank as follows:
Lecturer, Senior Lecturers, Associate Professor, and Professor. The promotion based on
the research and academic achievement. There are Rank Committee and Title Committee
(In case of Assoc. Prof. and Prof.) to consider allocating higher rank for lecturer.
Faculty and Department always enable lecturer to teach well such as to train new teaching
method, to go abroad to get high degree; and to do research at the laboratories.
6.4 The roles and relationship of staff members are well defined and
Roles and relationship of staff members are well defined in teaching regulation and
published on webpage of the Office of Academic Affair. According to the teaching
regulation, lecturers are doing academic and research activities in their Department under
the administration of the Head of Department. Head of Departments are responsible to the
Faculty for activities of his Department. Academic and research activities are discussed at
the Department. The Head of Department assign a specific lecturer to teach courses. If
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 45
there is a disagreement, it should be propose to the Department, then to the Faculty,
before going to the University.
The organization chart of Faculty is shown in figure 6.1. With this structure, all
administrative commands will come from top, and opinions will come from the bottom.
Roles and relationship of staff members is often reminded in meeting at the Department
and the Faculty. However, a few lectures are still unmindful of teaching regulation.
Figure 6.1 Organization chart of Faculty
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 46
6.5 Duties allocated are appropriate to qualifications, experience and skills
The lecturers who teach in the Honors Program have to satisfy following criteria:
- Has a Doctorate or higher degree; if having Masters degree, he or she must have
at least five year experience in teaching.
- Have good teaching performance. He or she has never missed classes.
Experience lecturers with high major knowledge would be invited firstly.
Mechanical Engineering Faculty allocates teaching courses based on lecturer major
diploma, ability and expectation. From the school year 2009-2010, lecturers teaching the
courses for the Honors Program of Manufacturing Engineering would be invited directly
by Mechanical Engineering Faculty and they must sign a contract of teaching every
semester. This contract assigns the right and responsibility of lecturer. At the end of
semester, this contract is used to evaluate the performance of lecturer.
At the end of semester, teaching process would be evaluated by students. Their feedback
opinions are lecture contents, teaching methods, and assessment method. Based on
feedback of student, lecturers improve teaching method and enhance education
qualification and the Faculty will decide whether to invite that lecturer or not.
6.6 Staff workload and incentive systems are designed to support the quality
of teaching and learning
In Honors Program, each lecturer teaches 1 to 2 courses in a year. To maintain the quality
of the program, two lecturers are responsible for one course. The teaching load of each
lecturer varies from 200 to 600 hours per year. This workload is acceptable, thus lectures
still have time to conduct research activities. In addition, teaching assistant system is also
a measurement to reduce the workload of the lecturers.
Lecturers in Honors program have priority to train professional skills and enhance
academic degree in foreign countries.
Besides, to encourage lecturers in teaching and doing scientific research, the University
has an award system to good lecturers voted by lecturers of the Department. To receive
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 47
this award, lecturers must not miss class or interact with student in BKe-learning system;
and/or not receive bad comments from students about teaching method or not follow the
course syllabus in student opinion survey.
Finally, income is also an incentive issue. The allowance of lecturers in honors program is
higher than the one of regular lecturers.
6.7 Accountability of the staff members is well regulated
According to university regulation, lecturer must clarify feedback of students at the
Department. The Head of Department will monitor the remedy of lecturer in teaching
Every lecturer has to make a self-evaluation report annually; the Department assesses
report of all lecturers and notes a comment. The assessment is based on teaching
regulation. The Emulation Committee of the Faculty will gather these reports and conduct
an assessment. Then, the Committee will issue a list of lecturers who receive awards of
the year.
6.8 There are provisions for review, consultation and redeployment
The Department reviews activities of lecturers based on the self-evaluation report of the
lecturers and evaluate the improvement of lecturers. If he does not have any
improvement, Head of Department remind him. He can be redeployed if he has no
improvement more. The second lecturer will replace him to teach his course.
6.9 Termination and retirement are planned and well implemented
According to government regulations, all staffs are state employees therefore all lecturers
will have all benefits from government retirement system. As in regulations, the female
employees would retire at age 55 and the male employees would retire at age 60. If they
have worked more than 20 years and had social insurance, their pensions will be paid in
accordance with the government standards. If not, they will receive a large lump sum of
money known as social insurance. Faculty has done well in government policies on social
policies for labors. Lecturer who reaches retirement age would be invited to continue their
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 48
teaching job if they got during a limited period high diploma and/or academic title.
However, their research contributions are always welcomed at any time.
Every year, the Office of Personnel and Administrative Affairs review the list of lecturers
who will retire in coming years and send it to the Board of Faculty. Faculty and
Department discuss to make the decision of the retirement or to extend contracts of these
lecturers and make the recruitment plan.
The termination and retirement are planned and implemented well. Therefore, the
teaching staff of the Honors Program is stable.
6.10 There is an efficient appraisal system
There are two assessment systems: Student feedback and assessment of the Department.
Student assessment is implemented regularly, student get and answer questions in the
questionnaire from the Office of Quality Assurance. Questions in the questionnaire cover
all the activities of the lecturer in the class. The Office of Quality Assurance processes the
information, give comments and send back to the Faculty. The Faculty and the
Department then discuss with lecturers as mentioned above.
At the Department, the assessment is based on the teaching regulation. All the members
of Department vote the good lecturer. The vote is done in a democratic manner. The voted
lecturers will receive awards from higher management level.
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Support staff includes library, laboratory, computer and service staff. They play an
important role in implementing program and linking lecturers and students.
7.1 The library staff is competent and adequate in providing a satisfactory
level of service
The university has two campuses. At each campus, there is a library to serve students. The
library at the main campus can serves 500 students at a time. There are more than 22.000
books and journals and about 2,600 e-books. Besides the libraries of the university, student
can access the Central Library of the VNU-HCM.
The total library staff is 33, in which 16 ones graduated bachelor degree. To enhance the
competent of library staff, they are often trained on professional skills. Ratio of
student/Library staff is 1,000 now. It is rather high. However, students can refer
specialized books from lecturers at the department.
7.2 The laboratory staffs are competent and adequate in providing a
satisfactory level of service
Mechanical Engineering Faculty has had 8 laboratories directly managed by respective
Departments, 2 general laboratories managed by Faculty, 1 practical workshop, 1 computer
room. To manage laboratories and workshop, there are 12 experiment teaching lecturers with
bachelor degree, 4 researchers and 38 young teaching assistants. Total students of the
mechanical Faculty are around 2500 people, so the ratio of students per laboratory staff is
around 46/1. The open scheme of laboratory and workshop can also reduce the load of the
laboratory staff. According to the open scheme, students can register and do more experiment
without supervisor. The development of experiment course frameworks mainly has been
done by professional lecturers
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 50
7.3 The computer facility staffs are competent and adequate in providing a
satisfactory level of service
At Faculty, students can use computers at following places: computer room with more
than 40 personal computers, CAD/CAM laboratory with more than 30 computers, and
about 10 computers at library. At computer room there are one lecturer in charge and two
other for supporting. At CAD/CAM laboratory, there are one staff in charge and two
practical teaching lecturers. All staff is professional, they were trained to use specialized
software and tools. Faculty has plans to improve skills of these staff by sending them to
technical organizations.
7.4 The student services staffs are competent and adequate in providing a
satisfactory level of service
To serve students, there are offices as follows:
Office of Academic Affair takes full responsibility for teaching and studying
organization and management at undergraduate education. The office plays a key role
in successfully and strictly organizing National University Entrance Examination in
the past years. There are 34 staffs. Most of them were trained professional skills.
Office of Academic affair has plans to train staff every year.
Office of Student Activities acts as intermediary to organize and monitor emulation
movements; assists the Board of Rector in summarizing, and giving commendation
and reward annually; as well as manages scholarship funds, support oversea studying
budgets, and university support funds. There are 17 staffs. Most of them were trained
professional skills.
Student Services & Career Center is responsible for student services and
employment. Students can get the job information. The center also hold engineering
and soft skills seminar for students. The Center links the students and enterprises.
Coordinating with Office of Quality Assurance, the Center makes the survey of
employment of students. There are 9 staffs with 2 master holders, 4 bachelor degree
holders. Until now, the Center does well his functions.
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 51
Mechanical Engineering Faculty office staff includes 2 secretaries and 3 academic
staffs. They help Board of Faculty in contacting with students, managing official
document, and doing administrative tasks. Three of them graduated from university
and college; and others were trained on secretary profession. In addition, one part-
time staffs help Board of Faculty in task related to student activities. Office staff
works efficiently and effectively, and contribute much on good operations of
academic program.
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 52
8.1 There is a clear student intake policy
Faculty has a regulation of student intake for Honors Program. The program is available
for good students. Sophomore of the Faculty can apply for the Honors program if their
cumulative. If there are students of the program to be excluded, student of the third year
to the middle of the fourth year can apply for the Honors program. The intake of Honors
program from 2006 to 2009 is given in Table 8.1 and 8.2
Table 8.1 Intake of second year
Academic year
Full time
Male Female Total
2006 31 31
2007 28 28
2008 40 40
2009 32 1 33
Table 8.2 Total number of Honors students
Academic year
Full time
Male Female Total
2006 103 2 105
2007 135 0 135
2008 121 0 121
2009 130 1 131
There are few female students joining the Honors Program because in the Vietnamese
society, woman believes that Mechanical engineer is a heavy and dirty profession. The
Faculty has polities to invite pupils from high school to visit the Faculty and workshops
so that the pupils are able to be aware that mechanical engineer is not a heavy and dirty
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 53
8.2 The student admission process is adequate
In October, students who fulfill the requirements of the Honors Program must submit an
application form to the Faculty. The Board of the Faculty will examine and choose
student in order of GPA. The list of accepted students will issue in November. Students
start the Honors Program next semester.
In table 8.1, the number of enrolled students is smaller than the quota. The additional
intake is a measure to maintain the size of the intake. The addition intake process is
applied for the seniors and fourth year students at the beginning of the semester. The
admission requirements are same as the one of sophomore but this process is
implemented every semester.
This admission process is run well in recent years and the Honors Program received
qualified students.
8.3 The actual study load is in line with the prescribed load
Students have to finish the program with 156 credits for bachelor degree. The curriculum
is clearly organized, in which students could manage by themselves to get their bachelor
degree in 4 and a half years. As a result, the average number of passed credits is 17 ones
per semester. Each officially semester has 14 weeks for teaching and studying activities
and around 4 weeks for midterm and final tests or defending practical projects or theses.
In official semesters, each credit equals one theory hour a week, or 2 hours of doing
experiments in a week. In addition, to get a credit, a student has 3 hours for self-learning
on average. Then, student must spend about 12 hours a day. However, actual study load is
smaller than prescribed load because the students can register some courses in summer
term. All students of the Honors Program graduated in 4 and a half of years, therefore, it
shows that the Honor Program curriculum is well designed.
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 54
9.1 There is an adequate student progress monitoring system
At Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, all students information is stored in
university data base system that can be controlled and retrieved anytime. Each semester,
students can see their transcripts when accessing the Office of Academic Affairs website.
Homeroom teacher is responsible for the progress of his students. At the beginning of the
semester, when the students register courses, the homeroom teacher considers students
achievement and gives right recommendation.
The Academic Vice-Dean will assess achievements of all students every semester and
make a report. The report includes students transcripts, score distribution for each course,
and students score chart. Based on this report, data are analyzed and evaluated for quality
improvement. Courses in which most of students received bad scores and score
distribution is not normal would be reviewed by the Faculty. If there is any problem is
detected, the course content and teaching method would be examined.
9.2 Students get adequate academic advice, support and feedback on their
Homeroom teacher system of FME includes experienced lecturers who know clearly
academic regulations. Homeroom teacher would give advises and support students on
their studying process. They also follow and evaluate students in both studying process
and other activities. At the beginning of the semester, when student registers courses, the
homeroom teacher will advise him which courses should be registered. If a student got
bad studying results, he would be complained and if not any improvement, he would be
excluded the Honors Program.
BKe-learning system is an effective system for students studying. By BKe-learning,
students can interact with lecturer, download documents, and submit assignments
Students can find the learning outcome, assessment method, answers to exam.
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 55
To support students in studying, a forum was constructed and combined with the
University Web. Therefore, students could share course studying contents, learning
experiences, and career orientation, and so on.
Academic progress of students is also sent to their family at the end of every semester.
Then, students family could understand and cooperate with the Faculty to support
students to improve their studying in the next semester, if necessary. In addition, family
could access Academic Affair website to get more information on studying progress of
their son.
9.3 Mentoring for students is adequate
In the meeting of first year students, Office of Student Activities and the Faculty coach
students about the academic regulations, learning method, structure of University and
Faculty, how to contact with these organizations.
In the meeting of final year students, Office of Student Activities and Student Services &
Career Center introduce the labor market and the career prospects.
A homeroom teacher is assigned to a class which including from 40 to 50 students. The
homeroom teacher is in charge of supervising and giving academic advices to students.
He should guide students to choose suitable courses, advice and support students
whenever they get any academic troubles such as course or program attending suspense.
Homeroom teachers have to announce their schedules including time and place where
students can meet them at least once per week. Homeroom teachers have to organize class
meeting one time per semester.
9.4 The physical, social and psychological environment for the student is
Annually, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology organizes a job promoting day for
the last year students and alumni. Companies such as Intel Viet Nam, Fujikura Viet Nam,
and Doosan Vina usually organize seminar meetings to promote their operations in the
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 56
University. In addition, many companies welcome and setup advantageous conditions for
students who have to do practical project courses annually.
Mechanical Faculty has a scholarship budget sponsored from companies to support
students. There are two forms of scholarship: one used to encourage excellent students as
awards and one used to support poor students. As a result, scholarships encourage
students so much.
At the Faculty, Youth Union usually organizes conferences and playing activities,
camping for students. The Youth Union also organizes the Green Summer Volunteer
Campaign (this activity aims to help people living in poor and difficult conditions at the
summer times) which not only helps students release stresses, but also let them participate
community activities so that they can understand the difficult lives of people who live in
remote and inaccessible areas.
The University also has an Office of Psychological Counseling which managed by the
Office of Student Activity. At this office students are consulted by psychologists who
help them overcome difficulties in their lives.
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 57
10.1 The lecture facilities (lecture halls, small course rooms) are adequate
The Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology has two campuses. The inner city
campus has an area of 14.8 hectares at 268 Ly Thuong Kiet, ward 14, dist. 10, Ho Chi
Minh City. This campus has 117 class rooms with a total area of 14,479 square meters.
The 2nd campus is located in the outskirts of the city. It, with an area of 26 hectares, is
located in Linh Trung Ward, Thu Duc Dist., Ho Chi Minh City. Currently, it has 45
classrooms, 9 laboratories, 4 computer rooms, 11 language laboratories, 4 self-learning
room and 1 sport hall. Especially, there are 30 rooms with about 40 seats per room
dedicated for Honors program students. These rooms are equipped air conditioners, and
modern audio-video equipment. (
10.2 The library is adequate and up-to-date
University library usually opens 5 days and a half per week, from 7: 30 AM to 5:00
PM during the working days, and from 9:00 AM to 12:00 AM in Saturday. As a support
for students in examinational times, library also opens in Saturday afternoon and Sunday
morning. Total number of books and journal available at the library is shown as in Table
10.1. Specially, engineering Journals such as Science Direct, Springer and so on are
subscribed by university budget.
Table 10.1 Information resources of Ho Chi Minh City University of
Technology library
Type Quantity
Topic Copy
Book 16.921 58.005
Journal 627
Technical standards 2148 2156
Scientific report 1128 1175
Doctoral dissertation 187 187
Master thesis 4462 4462
E-book 2600 topics, 875 files, 68 CD,
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 58
Online database There are 13 jointed online database with the
central library of National University Ho Chi
Minh City
Offline Database (Science
Direct, Wilson, IEEE)
372 topics
Audio-book 64
CD-ROM 8.745
The library is funded approximately 1 billion VND annually to buy books, journals, and
to pay membership fees to the subscribed international journals. The selection of books to
purchase is from following sources:
- Lecturers requests
- Students requests
- The need to upgrade too old books.
Besides the university library, students can access the Central Library of VNU-HCM.
This is a big library in the Vietnamese university system with plenty resources.
10.3 The laboratories are adequate and up-to-date
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has 8 department laboratories, 02 Faculty laboratories, 1
PC room, 2 practical rooms for Textile & Garment department, 2 practical workshops on
mechanical practices, and 1 conference room and lecturer hall. Total area for all Faculty
laboratories and workshops is 3,976 m
. List of laboratories is shown in Table 10.2.
Laboratorial staffs are lecturers or professional experts. Some laboratories equipment of
the Faculty are quite modern and suitable for all academic programs which include CNC
machines, Tig welding machines, PLC, and electronic testing system. Besides modern
laboratories, there are laboratories that equip with basic machine to train technical skills.
Besides, all laboratories have fire extinguishing tools following local fire protection
regulations. Safety regulations are issued and published. Safety and protective clothes are
provided for students also. Obviously, all laboratories have fire extinguishers, which are
usually checked and maintained to assure that they are always in well working condition.
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 59
Table 10.2 List of Mechanical Engineering Faculty laboratories
Laboratories are funded for upgrading annually. In which budgets are mainly to purchase
new equipment. This equipment is suggested by departments to serve for experimental
courses. The up-to-date budget for laboratories of the Faculty from 2008 to 2010 is shown
in Table 10.3.
Table 10.3 Approved budget for laboratory equipment
Year Budget (VND)
2008 943,143,000
2009 1,294,577,000
2010 1,138,908,000
10.4 The computer facilities are adequate and up-to-date
At Faculty, there are 40 personal computers at the computer room, 30 computers at the
CAD/CAM laboratory, and 10 computers at library. All computers are for students.
Students can register to practice more or prepare for a final project.
PC room is mainly used for practical teaching and for application of special software in
computation, analysis, and design. Because lecturers and students have their owned
No. Name of Laboratories Note
1. CAD/CAM/CIM laboratory Belong to
to Faculty
2. Metrology laboratory
3. Mechanical workshops
4. Machine design laboratory Belong to
5. Manufacturing Engineering laboratory
6. Material Processing Technology laboratory
7. Textile and garment engineering laboratory
8. Heat and Refrigeration laboratory
9. Construction machinery and handing equipment laboratory
10. Mechatronics laboratory
11. Industrial Systems Engineering laboratory
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 60
laptop and PC, the Faculty installed a wireless system in Faculty for them to access the
Annually, the computer room replaces about 5 old computers that cannot use anymore.
10.5 Environmental health and safety standards meet requirements in all
For student relax and doing team exercises, University provides a green campus with a
soccer playground, a tennis court, and three volleyball playgrounds. In addition, facilities
serving for general sports such as running, walking, jumping, and so on are provided.
The Faculty pays much attention to the safety system. There are safe regulation and fire
protection instruction in the laboratories and workshops. Students have to wear personal
protective clothes, glasses, gloves as required when doing practicing work.
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 61
The University and Faculty have offices to assure training quality:
- Office of Quality Assurance established based on Decision No. 49/Q-HBK
issued on April 19
2005 to implement self-assessment according to guidance of
MOET and the university council.
- Education Inspector Committee established based on Decision No. 88/Q-HBK
issued on June 23
2006 to help the Rector to perform internal inspection tasks on
training activities to assure that laws, regulations are followed, and increase
management efficiency, as well as assure and improve training quality of the
- Office of Emulation established based on Decision No. 46/CK-HBK issued on
April 16
2008 to monitor quality of teaching and learning activities of the Faculty
of Mechanical Engineering.
11.1 The curriculum is developed by stakeholders
To obtain desired training quality, i.e. achieve expected learning outcomes, there must be
the participation of all stakeholders into the training process from the development of
learning outcomes to development of curriculum, training and assessment activities.
According to decision No. Q93/HBK issued on July 11
2007 about instructions on
academic program development, full-time undergraduate academic programs are
developed based on a model (Figure 11.1).
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 62
Figure 11.1 Design and development model of academic program 2008
In 2009, the Faculty was requested by president of VNU-HCM to improve the present
manufacturing engineering program based on CDIO model. Curriculum development
process was implemented as in Figure 11.2.
Figure 11.2 2010 CDIO based academic program design &development
According to schemes in figure 11.1 and 11.2, the feedback of stakeholders is considered
in developing the curriculum of the Honors Program.
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 63
11.2 The curriculum is regularly evaluated at reasonable time periods
Undergraduate curriculum of the Faculty has been redeveloped after every 5-6 years.
From 1993, the Faculty redeveloped curriculum in 1993, 1998, 2002, 2008 and has been
innovating curriculum of Manufacturing Program 2010 towards CDIO orientation. In
addition, academic programs are revised and amended annually (around 5 7%) to meet
demands of high-quality human resource serving for the socio-economic development of
the country.
11.3 Courses and curriculum are subject to structured student evaluation
The course and the curriculum are developed with clear defined learning outcomes. It is
easy for student to evaluate whether they get the learning outcomes or not.
As mentioned above, there are two student evaluations.
- Students evaluate the teaching activities based on the learning outcomes of
courses. This evaluation is conducted every semester.
- Students evaluate the program. This evaluation is conducted by just graduated
students. It is based on the learning outcome of the program.
In addition, the Faculty also collects students opinions at the student conference which is
organized annually with participation of all students and homeroom teachers. This is a
basic condition that helps the university improve teaching and learning activities, a
regular and planned assessment process. This process encourages students involve in
evaluation of teaching activities as well as study results.
Besides, students also suggest their opinions on teaching, courses, and curriculum etc. on
universitys forum or by sending email directly to the Faculty. This is an effective channel
to collect feedback. Helpful feedback is then sent to related departments.
11.4 Feedback from various stakeholders is used for improvement
Feedback from various stakeholders is used for improvement as shown on Figure 11.3
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 64
Figure 11.3 Feedback from various stakeholders is used for improvement
Every semester, The Board of Faculty meets each Department to listen opinions about
curriculum. In addition, the University and the Faculty organizes the Employee
Conferences to collect feedback on activities of Faculty and University annually, which
include feedback on curriculum. The Board of Faculty and the Scientific Committee are
organized at least 1 times per semester to discuss about curriculum adjustment based on
suggestions from the Board of Faculty and Departments.
Employers are who recruit graduate students, so, more than anyone, they know
necessary knowledge and skills that students must have when graduated. Always
keep this in mind, the Faculty considers employers as one of the most important
stakeholders to get opinions to design new curriculum. Employer feedback is
collected through many ways:
At seminar about curriculum, employers suggest their opinions about
graduated students and necessary changes in curriculum.
In the scientific committee, there is at least one member who is employer.
When designing CDIO-based curriculum, employers are also surveyed.
Their feedback plays a very important role in curriculum development
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 65
In addition, the Faculty also asks employers to assess student qualification
when sending them to attend internship programs at companies which is
considered as an important feedback for curriculum development.
Based on survey results, the Board of Faculty and the Scientific Committee conduct
essential adjustments annual or develop new curriculum. For example, in 2008,
based on interview result of Intel, the Faculty suggested to adjust course syllabus of
statistical and probability (increase statistical session and using Excel in that
subject), provide systematic control knowledge into some courses.
Student feedback is also a channel of information that the Faculty pays more
attention. To get the student feedback, the Faculty conducts many surveys as
mentioned above.
11.5 The teaching and learning process, assessment schemes, the assessment
methods and the assessment itself are always subject to quality
assurance and continuous improvement monitoring System
The homeroom teacher system was established when credit-based training system began
operating (1993), which help to monitor students study process in the Faculty.
Homeroom teacher sets meeting schedule with students every week to answer and consult
all questions relating to study process.
The study progress of each student is monitored through a university centralized database
system which is managed by the Office of Academic Affairs. The database records all
academic data of each student, which can be accessed by the students and their teachers.
Through this system, at each semester, students can receive or access, through the
universitys web, their academic records that summarize all courses taken and all grades
and credits obtained. This record becomes the basis for discussion of the study progress
and study plans between students and homeroom teacher.
The university has a regulation that requires the students to complete a certain number of
credits at certain points during their study period. The monitoring procedure through the
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 66
Office of Academic Affairs and homeroom teacher attempts to ensure that the majority of
students would pass these criteria for continuing study and to minimize the drop-out rate
during the study period.
The monitoring of academic progress is also conducted within each individual course, in
order to ensure that the students are able to follow the learning process satisfactorily.
Student learning assessment process
From 2010 onwards, course learning outcomes were developed based on CDIO model.
Teaching and student assessment activities have been implemented following the process
as in Figure 11.4. Selected student assessment methods are based on course learning
outcomes. The CDIO implement team has to supervise the assessment process to assure
that it follows teaching and learning process to acquire expected learning outcomes.
Figure 11.4 Student learning assessment process
For honors program, at each semester, the Executive Board of Program organizes
meetings to evaluate teaching and learning activities, as well as review regulations. In
2010, The VNU-HCM conducted self-assessment of honors program of manufacturing
engineering, from which conclusions contributing to increase of program quality were
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 67
12.1 There is a clear plan on the needs for training and development of both
academic and support staff
Recently, there are 129 lecturers and their degree as in table 12.1. The ratio of lecturers
who have PhD degree per total lecturers is low (around 29%). The ratio of
student/lecturer is rather high as mentioned above. Mechanical Engineering Faculty
heartily focuses on development of lecturer resource. It is considered as a vital factor to
assure a robust development of Mechanical Engineering Faculty in fast development of
technology background. Faculty sets objectives to increase doctor or master/lecturer ratio
to 60%, and professor or Associate professor/lecturer ratio to 15%. To do this plan,
Faculty sends about 3 to 7 lecturers to study for graduate degrees, and 3 to 7 ones to
exchange and do short time studying in foreign institutions to improve their special
knowledge every year.
Table 12.1 Ratio of lecturers degrees
Associate Professor PhD, PhD Master Engineer
Quantity 38 48 43
% 29% 37% 33%
Table 12.2 Plan for development of human resources
Year 2010 Year 2015 Year 2017
129 150 160
Doctor 38 40 90
Master 48 60 50
Bachelor 43 55 20
Faculty set up a long term strategy to develop lecturers resource by supporting lecturers
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 68
a) Study PhD, Masters degrees at universities in developed countries (the Republic of
Korea, Taiwan, EU and Singapore).
b) Attend short courses such as SCADA, Process Control, Servo Control, DSP- FPGA,
Mechatronics, at Rockwell Automation Singapore Company, Simulation ABB
Robot, Chemnitz University Germany
c) Enhance professional knowledge and skills by doing Post Doc in foreign countries
d) Enhance professional level through lecturer exchange programs.
e) Attend workshops, seminars, and scientific conferences in Viet Nam or foreign
f) Participate in joint research projects with other countries.
g) Visit universities in developed countries for professional knowledge exchange and
experience sharing on training systems.
12.2 The training and development activities for both academic and support
staff are adequate to the identified needs
The University and the Faculty always provide favorable conditions and requirements for
young lecturers and support staffs to enhance their professional knowledge and skills as
- The Faculty always asks new lecturers to sign in commitment that they have to study
at higher degrees as well as enhance their professional ability and skills. The
commitment provisions include required degrees, foreign language level that lecturers
have to obtain.
- The Faculty provides favorable conditions to enhance lecturers ability through
courses and programs as mentioned in section 12.1.
- In addition, the Faculty usually organizes academic programs to enhance teaching
ability and skills for lecturers. University invited experts from Singapore and USA to
train teaching methods and student assessment methods. Since 2010, eight lecturers of
the FME have been trained on teaching methods at the University of Arizona (the
USA) in 6 weeks academic programs.
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 69
Table 12.3 The training and development activities
Number of staff
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
1. Master
1 1 4 4 1 3
2. Doctorate
5 7 10 8 8 8
3. Conferences 2 6 6 5 13 10
4. Exchange - - - - - 10
5. Training
- 4 0 8 1 2
6. Visiting
3 9 0 2 1 1
7. Research 1 2 1 1 5 8
8. Others 3 8 7 22 21 17
15 37 28 50 40 59
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 70
13.1 There is adequate structured feedback from the labor market
Feedbacks from labor market are motivation to innovate the academic program and
teaching method. There are many channels that the Faculty can collect enterprises
opinions as follows:
- Collect enterprises opinions after each internship program. Every year, usually in
summer time, students will attend the internship program at enterprise. When the
students finished their internship program, the Faculty surveys enterprises opinions
about these students; in which it focuses mainly on students working ability at the
enterprise, lacking skills, and engineering knowledge that should be added. These
opinions are then summarized followed some certain criteria; based on them, the
Faculty will consider whether to change teaching method and add or remove some
engineering knowledge and so on.
- Organize workshops, conferences to collect enterprises opinions about academic
program. This activity is usually held on December annually. The Faculty receives
all opinions and discusses how to fix problems that mentioned in the meeting.
- When revising the program such as designing CDIO-based curriculum for
Manufacturing Engineering program, the Faculty conducts the detailed survey. The
enterprises are asked about course contents, engineering skills and expected level for
each skill that should be added into new curriculum.
13.2 There is adequate structured feedback from the students and alumni
Questionnaires for collecting student opinions on courses are designed with necessary
information, such as teaching methods, learning outcomes, course contents The survey
is conducted one time per semester. In addition, student conference is organized in one
time a year. Participants are students, Dean of Faculty, Deputy Deans, Head of
Departments, Academic assistants of Faculty, and homeroom teacher. At the meeting,
they discuss on education and training, facilities, and teaching quality. These feedbacks
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 71
are basic requirements that help the Faculty to improve teaching and studying activities.
Student evaluation is planned and conducted regularly.
Table 13.1 Student evaluation schedule
Time schedule Activities
Week 9 10
Office of Academic Affair prepares a list of course,
number of student, and questionnaires
Week 11 12 Faculty receives the questionnaires
Week 13 14 Conduct surveys
Week 15 Transfer questionnaires to Office of Quality Assurance
Week 16 19
Office of Quality Assurance processes data and make
Week 20 Return reports to the Faculty
Alumnis opinions survey is planned. These surveys focus on their employability,
curriculum, lack of skills and knowledge. It is done after students graduated 3 months, 1
year. Every year, there is an alumni meeting in which opinions on Faculty activities are
discussed informally.
13.3 There is adequate structured feedback from the staff
At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, there is an employee conference organized
annually. All questions usually focus on training issues, benefits for employees, facilities
and equipment, and development plan, and so on. Participants include Board of Faculty,
University representative, teaching staff, support staff. At the conference, all questions
and opinions from staff are answered by the Dean of Faculty and University
Lecturers opinion is also surveyed when the Faculty review or revise the curriculum.
Lecturers are the most important channel to survey about curriculum.
The Faculty organizes meeting one time every month. Participants are Board of Faculty,
Heads of Departments, staffs representative. At the meeting, the Board of Faculty
announces about what have been done and what have been doing. Solutions are discussed
in the meeting.
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 72
14.1 The pass rate is satisfactory and dropout rate is of acceptable level
The dropout rate of the Honors Program is shown in table 14.1. The number of graduated
students generally increases and the dropout rate decreases year by year. In early stage of
the program, the number of dropout is high (44%) because teaching and assessment
methods are not suitable. The Faculty organized lecturers meetings to look for reasons
that number of dropout students was high and found out that the main reasons were
teaching methods and student assessment. Then, the Faculty held training seminar on
teaching methods and student assessment as mentioned at 12.2. As a result, the number of
dropout is very low now (2%).
Table 14.1 The number of students graduating the Honor Program
following batches
from the
Number of dropout after % graduate
after 4.5
1 2 3 3.5
2002 41 18 23 8 10 0 0 100
2003 42 10 32 5 5 0 0 100
2004 45 7 38 4 3 0 0 100
2005 38 1 37 0 1 0 0 100
14.2 Average time to graduate is satisfactory
Curriculum is designed with credit academic program system in 4 years and a half with 9
official semesters. As shown in table 14.1, 100 percent of students of Honors Program
graduated on time althought they are dropped out or not. The excluded students (dropout)
return the regular program and all of them graduate on time. University and Faculty
organize the summer semesters, which could help students accumulate more credits.
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 73
14.3 Employability of graduates is satisfactory
As shown in Faculty survey, nearly all Honors Program students got the right jobs
immediately after graduating. Data in table 14.1 reveals that the employability of
graduates is satisfactory. The total number of graduate student getting job are high
(71.5%). Among them, the percentage of graduate student getting right engineering job is
61.2%. The Honors Program responds to the labor market well.
Table 14.3 Percent of graduated students from Honor Program get jobs
14.4 The level of research activities by academic staff and students is
The Honors Program always orientates to life-long learning. Teaching by research method
is applied to students of the Honors Program. All of students join the research activities.
Number of research projects annually is around 15. Budget for students is supported from
Faculty and University and increased year after year. By research, students achieve many
awards and prizes from government and university.
Classification of graduated level
Number of
getting right
Number of
getting not
Number of
studying for
Excellent Very
Good Fair
(%) (%) (%) (%)
2002 0 3 20 0 61.6% 7.7% 26.9% 3.8%
2003 0 17 15 0 53.25% 3% 43.75% 0
2004 0 9 19 0 61.2% 10.3% 28.5% 0
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 74
Table 14.4 Number of project and budget for student every year
No. of
Total budged
From University
2009 14 47.900.000 47.000.000
2010 13 61.000.000 60.000.000
2011 17 74.750.000 74.750.000
At the Ho Chi Minh City University, lecturers of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
are the most active in scientific research. It is convinced by the number of published
papers, projects, and project budget.
Table 14.5 Scientific research statistics of the lecturers of Honors Program
Year Number
Number of
Number of
Number of
2005 18 7 933 7 9 5 5
2006 18 8 790 6 10 1 3
2007 21 17 2,530 1 17 0 0
2008 16 8 6,727 9 14 10 12
2009 26 10 1,433 4 5 2 14
The scientific research work seems go down slightly in comparison to the year 2008
because of policy changing in scientific research by the Government. However, the
number of lecturers involved in scientific research increases from 50% to 80% after 5
years. This is an incentive to the Faculty. The Faculty aims at the goal of 100% lecturers
of the Honors Program involved in scientific research by 2015
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 75
Student satisfaction
Every semester, the Faculty makes survey of students on lecturers teaching method and
content of courses. According to assessment results, 87.5% of students satisfy lectures
teaching method. 95.8% of students satisfy content of courses. However, some criteria
need to improve such as face to face interaction, assignment.
Table 15.1 Survey on students satisfaction (Number of surveyed courses: 24)
Order Requirements
Number of good
Introducing content of
course and documents
23 95.8%
2 Quiz and homework 18 75.0%
Content of lecture
consist with learning
23 95.8%
Lecture relates to the
23 95.8%
5 Face to face interaction 19 79.2%
6 Lecture is attractive 19 79.2%
7 Ensure the lecture time 24 100.0%
8 General comments 21 87.5%
Research activity of students is appreciated. Students of the Honors Program are satisfied
with this activity as mentioned 14.4.
Alumni and enterprise satisfaction
The survey of enterprises opinion on quality of Mechanical Engineering students and
engineers is given in table 15.2. The enterprises give good comments on ability to apply
engineering knowledge, ability to understand and master new technology, discipline. In
general, enterprises are satisfied with students qualification. As shown in table 15.2, all
of criteria are scored more than three, i.e. from rather good to good. It also shows the
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 76
weaknesses of graduated students that are management and team work skills. To promote
the quality learning, scholarship awarded is shown as in following table 15.3.
Table 15.2 Survey on enterprises opinion
Content Average grade *
Internship assessment
Ability to apply engineering knowledge into jobs 3.7
Ability to understand and master new technology at
company 3.5
Flexibility and confidence in internship at the
company 3.1
Communication skill 3.2
Team work skill 3.1
Skill in collection and analysis of information 3.7
Skill in setting up an implementing plan 3.2
Regular personality 3.8
Internship syllabus for students is suitable with
Suitable: 73.3%; Unsuitable:
0.6%; No idea: 0.6%; Other
opinions: 13.3%
Graduated student assessment
Engineering knowledge 3.9
English skill 3.1
Information technology knowledge 3.8
Managing skill 2.9
Communication skill 3.1
Team work skill 2.8
Independent working skill 3.6
Ability to face with working pressure 3.3
Self-learning, studying 3.7
Creative in jobs 3.5
Information Processing 3.1
organizing ability 3.0
Evaluation on working ability of
Re-training: 10%; Basic: 50%;
Good: 30%
(*) Grade: (1) Very Poor; (2) Poor; (3) Medium; (4) Good; (5) Excellent
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 77
Table 15.3 Scholarship awarded annually
School year
Scholarship awarded
2006 94.500.000 2.250
2007 79.000.000 11.000
2008 226.500.000 13.438
2009 258.412.000 7.201
2010 359.014.178 5.420
In the annual meeting with alumni, they give good comments on the Honors Program that
they studied informally. However, they also recommend some improvements for the
Honors program to keep pace with progress of technology and economy.
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 78
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 79
I. Summary on strengths
Program objectives and learning outcomes:
The Mechanical Engineering Manufacturing Engineering program was developed to
realize the mission and vision of the HCMUT and FME. The expected learning
outcomes were designed based on CDIO model and ABET standards, which satisfy
demands of stakeholders.
Graduated students from this program have abilities to face with challenges like new
technologies in the interdisciplinary and multicultural working environment.
Officially in the program, students would study from general education to advanced
engineering knowledge as well as personal and professional skills.
Program specification provides enough information for stakeholders and people who
are interested in the program. The learning outcomes are explicit and able to assess.
The input criteria are explicit; and supportive conditions are appropriate for learning.
The program has reflected the vision and mission of the HCMUT and FME. Program
structure was developed based on CDIO model; therefore, courses have been
arranged in a logical, inherited, and integrated system. In addition, there are
reasonable allocations between general education, fundamental, and advanced
knowledge, and between personal and professional skills. Course learning outcomes
are consistent with and covered program outcomes. Skills and knowledge are
integrated into courses. Curriculum was developed flexibility with many elective
Studying and teaching strategies
The HCMUT has planned to apply student-centered strategy; therefore, we have
sent lecturers to academic programs domestic and/or oversea.
By active and integrated teaching methods, students would study from general
education to advance knowledge as well as personal and professional skills to form an
active and well study attitude. The program has created opportunities for students to
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 80
use acquired knowledge and skills in project works, practice, and internship
Resource to support quality assurance
Most lecturers of honors program have earned their professional and qualifications in
developed countries with advanced education systems. The ratio between lecturers
who have doctoral degree per total lecturers is relative high in comparison with that
of other universities in the country.
The supportive staff is limited in quantity but enthusiastic and experienced.
In recent years, facilities and equipment of the Faculty have been improved much,
especially on modern equipment such as CNC machines, modern welding machines,
most up-to-date hydraulic system, PLC system, and so on.
Quality assurance activities
Student quality is assessed from the admission until the completion of the academic
program. Course assessment criteria vary depending on each course. Officially, they
are announced to all students in the course syllabus at the first class hour
The curriculum was developed based on CDIO model. Actually, it is reviewed as well
as correlated with that of similar programs of domestic and foreign universities, and
included feedback from stakeholders. It is periodically assessed and improved
The course syllabi were developed with explicit learning outcomes so that managerial
staff and students would monitor the improvement progress of students and assess the
quality of courses accurately.
For development of lecturers professional, the policies on recruitment, training
lecturers and their working conditions have been concerned seriously by the board of
Stakeholder survey to collect feedback has been planned and conducted frequently.
The feedback would be concerned to improve curriculum.
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 81
I nput
Student selection process has done strictly through two rounds, in which the first round is
the national entrance examination and the second one is for program enrollment with
more rigorous requirements. Therefore, input of the program is high quality students.
During study period, criteria to exclude students out of program are also very rigorous.
Students, therefore, have to study actively.
All students including who were excluded to the common program of honors program
graduate on time. The ratio of students who achieve good and excellent ranks is high.
The labor market highly appreciates the quality of graduate students from honor
Stakeholder feedback and satisfaction
The feedback results of students of honors program shows that more than 90% of
students satisfied about teaching methods of lecturers. In general, the program
satisfies the students.
Graduate students from honors program would have jobs or continue their study at
higher level.
Employers highly appreciate the quality of graduated students from honors program,
especially on their ability to work independently, self-learning, attitude to face with
challenges and life-long learning ability.
II. Summary of weaknesses
Program objectives and learning outcomes:
The program has not revealed an adaptation to labor market when the industries of
developed countries enter Vietnam in the near future.
Information about program specification announced to stakeholders is still scattered
in different documents as well as not fully published.
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 82
Course content still does not catch up with the advancement of science and
technology in the world. Besides, the program still does not create the career interest
and passion for the first year students.
Studying and teaching strategies
Although the FME has organized many academic programs on teaching methods, a
few lecturers are still passive and afraid of difficulty to apply new methods.
The HCMUT still lacks policies to support the implementation of new teaching
Resource to support quality assurance
Some lecturers are still indifferent to improve teaching quality because there are still
some unsolved issues like salary, opportunities for every lecturer to do scientific
Currently, the amount of lecturers who own PhD degree is still limited.
Support staff is not enough in quantity, especial on the number of laboratorial staff
and librarians.
This equipment still has not met training requirements yet.
Quality assurance activities
Homeroom teacher system did not operate in effectively as expectation.
Currently, there is only about 30 percent of lecturers mastering and being able to
apply assessment methods well.
Students and enterprises have not been used properly to improve curriculum. The
FME has still not joined international systems in the same field, especially those of
the countries in the region.
I nput
The student is currently overloaded in study (complete 156 credits in 4 and half years).
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 83
Team work skill of engineers graduated from honors program is still weak.
Community awareness is not high.
Stakeholder feedback and satisfaction
Some feedbacks from enterprises were not considered properly to modify or adjust
The relationship of the Faculty and Alumni is weak.
Students have not seen clearly that their feedback is used by the FME.
III. Summary of improvements
Continue review the program to keep pace with the progress of local and worldwide
technology and economy.
Have a plan to join the ACTS system with 10 courses by 2015.
Implement the plan of human resource.
Design the structure of program to attract the students when they have just entered the
Organize more workshops to achieve a result that 100 % of lecturers understand and
apply assessment methods by 2015.
Enhance lecturers competence and skills step by step so that they can provide these
skills to students better by 2015, for example HEEAP project.
Design inter-programs offered in English which have high tuition free to pay suitable
salary to lecturers by 2015.
Issue the rotating policies on young lecturers for holding in experimental teaching
Improve facilities and equipment by donations from enterprises and supports from the
Issue a strictly homeroom teacher managing policy.
Reduce the number of required credits and encourage students self-learning
Improve the survey and feedback process of stakeholders to explicit the information.
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 84
Criteria for curriculum assessment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Expected learning outcomes
The expected learning outcomes have been clearly
formulated and translated into the program
The program promotes life-long learning x
The expected learning outcomes cover both generic and
specialised skills and knowledge
The expected learning outcomes clearly reflect the
requirements of the stakeholders
Overall opinion 4.25
2. Program Specification
The university uses program specification x
The program specification shows the expected learning
outcomes and how these can be achieved
The program specification is informative, communicated,
and made available to the stakeholders
Overall opinion 5.00
3. Program Structure and Content
The program content shows a good balance between
generic and specialized skills and knowledge
The program reflects the vision and mission of the
The contribution made by each course to achieving the
learning outcomes is clear
The program is coherent and all subjects and courses have
been integrated
The program shows breadth and depth x
The program clearly shows the basic courses,
intermediate courses, specialised courses and the final
project, thesis or dissertation
The program content is up-to-date x
Overall opinion 4.71
4. Teaching and Learning Strategy
The faculty or department has a clear teaching and
learning strategy
The teaching and learning strategy enables students to
acquire and use knowledge academically
The teaching and learning strategy is student oriented and
stimulates quality learning
The teaching and learning strategy stimulates active x
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 85
learning and facilitates learning tolearn
Overall opinion 4.75
5. Student Assessment
Student assessment covers student entrance, student
progress and exit tests
The assessment is criterion referenced x
Student assessment uses a variety of methods x
The assessment reflects the expected learning outcomes
and the content of the program
The criteria for assessment are explicit and wellknown x
The assessment methods cover the objectives of the
The standards applied in the assessment are explicit and
Overall opinion 4.42
6. Academic Staff Quality
The staff are competent for their tasks x
The staff are sufficient to deliver the curriculum
Recruitment and promotion are based on academic merits x
The roles and relationship of staff members are well
defined and understood
Duties allocated are appropriate to qualifications,
experience and skills
Staff workload and incentive systems are designed to
support the quality of teaching and learning
Accountability of the staff members is well regulated x
There are provisions for review, consultation, and
Termination and retirement are planned and well
There is an efficient appraisal system x
Overall opinion 4.5
7. Support Staff Quality
The library staff are competent and adequate in providing
a satisfactory level of service
The laboratory staff are competent and adequate in
providing a satisfactory level of service
The computer facility staff are competent and adequate in
providing a satisfactory level of service
The student services staff are competent and adequate in
providing a satisfactory level of service
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 86
Overall opinion 4.25
8. Student Quality
There is a clear student intake policy x
The student admission process is adequate x
The actual study load is in line with the prescribed load x
Overall opinion 5.33
9. Student Advice and Support
There is an adequate student progress monitoring system x
Students get adequate academic advice, support and
feedback on their performance
Mentoring for students is adequate x
The physical, social and psychological environment for
the student is satisfactory
Overall opinion 4.75
10. Facilities and Infrastructure
The lecture facilities (lecture halls, small course rooms)
are adequate
The library is adequate and up-todate x
The laboratories are adequate and up-todate x
The computer facilities are adequate and up-todate x
Environmental health and safety standards meet
requirements in all aspects
Overall opinion 4.0
11. Quality Assurance of Teaching and Learning Process
The curriculum is developed by all teaching staff
The curriculum development involves students x
The curriculum development involves the labour market x
The curriculum is regularly evaluated at reasonable time
Courses and curriculum are subject to structured student
Feedback from various stakeholders is used for
The teaching and learning process, assessment schemes,
the assessment methods and the assessment itself are
always subject to quality assurance and continuous
Overall opinion 4.28
12. Staff Development Activities
There is a clear plan on the needs for training and x
AUN Self Assessment Report Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Honors) Page 87
development of both academic and support staff
The training and development activities for both
academic and support staff are adequate to the identified
Overall opinion 4.50
13. Stakeholders Feedback
There is adequate structured feedback from the labour
There is adequate structured feedback from the students
and alumni
There is adequate structured feedback from the staff x
Overall opinion 4.6
14. Output
The pass rate is satisfactory and dropout rate is of
acceptable level
Average time to graduate is satisfactory x
Employability of graduates is satisfactory x
The level of research activities by academic staff and
students is satisfactory
Overall opinion 4.75
15. Stakeholder Satisfaction
The feedback from stakeholders is satisfactory x
Overall opinion 4.0
Overall Verdict 4.54
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