TABLA de SMARALD in Multe Versiuni

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The Emerald Tablet, also known as Smaragdine Table, Tabula Smaragdina, or The Secret of Hermes, is a text
purporting to reveal the secret of the primordial substance and its transmutations. It claims to be the work
of Hermes Trismegistus ("Hermes the Thrice-Greatest"), a legendary Hellenistic combination of
the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth.

1. 1. 1. 1. Arabic translation Arabic translation Arabic translation Arabic translation

A new translation bypassing the Latin has just been published by Nineveh Shadrach from the original Arabic
of Book on the Secret of Creation (also named Book of the Causes) attributed to Apollonius of Tyana.

1. 1. 1. 1. It contains an accurate commentary It contains an accurate commentary It contains an accurate commentary It contains an accurate commentary
that can't be doubted. that can't be doubted. that can't be doubted. that can't be doubted.
2. 2. 2. 2. It states: What is the above is from the It states: What is the above is from the It states: What is the above is from the It states: What is the above is from the
below below below below and the below is from the and the below is from the and the below is from the and the below is from the
above. The work of wonders is from above. The work of wonders is from above. The work of wonders is from above. The work of wonders is from
one. one. one. one.
3. 3. 3. 3. And all things sprang from this And all things sprang from this And all things sprang from this And all things sprang from this
essence through a single projection. essence through a single projection. essence through a single projection. essence through a single projection.
How marvelous is its work! It is the How marvelous is its work! It is the How marvelous is its work! It is the How marvelous is its work! It is the
principle [ principle [ principle [ principle [sic sic sic sic] part of the world and its ] part of the world and its ] part of the world and its ] part of the world and its
custodian. custodian. custodian. custodian.
4. 4. 4. 4. Its father is the sun and its Its father is the sun and its Its father is the sun and its Its father is the sun and its mother is mother is mother is mother is
the moon. Thus the wind bore it the moon. Thus the wind bore it the moon. Thus the wind bore it the moon. Thus the wind bore it
within it and the earth nourished it. within it and the earth nourished it. within it and the earth nourished it. within it and the earth nourished it.
5. 5. 5. 5. Father of talismans and keeper of Father of talismans and keeper of Father of talismans and keeper of Father of talismans and keeper of
wonders. wonders. wonders. wonders.
6. 6. 6. 6. Perfect in power that reveals the Perfect in power that reveals the Perfect in power that reveals the Perfect in power that reveals the
lights. lights. lights. lights.
7. 7. 7. 7. It is a fire that became our earth. It is a fire that became our earth. It is a fire that became our earth. It is a fire that became our earth.
Separate the earth from the fire and Separate the earth from the fire and Separate the earth from the fire and Separate the earth from the fire and
you shall adhere m you shall adhere m you shall adhere m you shall adhere more to that which ore to that which ore to that which ore to that which
is subtle than that which is coarse, is subtle than that which is coarse, is subtle than that which is coarse, is subtle than that which is coarse,
through care and wisdom. through care and wisdom. through care and wisdom. through care and wisdom.
8. 8. 8. 8. It ascends from the earth to the It ascends from the earth to the It ascends from the earth to the It ascends from the earth to the
heaven. It extracts the lights from the heaven. It extracts the lights from the heaven. It extracts the lights from the heaven. It extracts the lights from the
heights and descends to the earth heights and descends to the earth heights and descends to the earth heights and descends to the earth
containing the power of the above containing the power of the above containing the power of the above containing the power of the above
and the below for it is with the li and the below for it is with the li and the below for it is with the li and the below for it is with the light ght ght ght
of the lights. Therefore the darkness of the lights. Therefore the darkness of the lights. Therefore the darkness of the lights. Therefore the darkness
flees from it. flees from it. flees from it. flees from it.
9. 9. 9. 9. The greatest power overcomes The greatest power overcomes The greatest power overcomes The greatest power overcomes
everything that is subtle and it everything that is subtle and it everything that is subtle and it everything that is subtle and it
penetrates all that is coarse. penetrates all that is coarse. penetrates all that is coarse. penetrates all that is coarse.
10. 10. 10. 10. The formation of the microcosm is in The formation of the microcosm is in The formation of the microcosm is in The formation of the microcosm is in
accordance with the formation of the accordance with the formation of the accordance with the formation of the accordance with the formation of the
macrocosm. macrocosm. macrocosm. macrocosm.
11. 11. 11. 11. The scholars made thi The scholars made thi The scholars made thi The scholars made this their path. s their path. s their path. s their path.
12. 12. 12. 12. This is why Thrice Hermes was This is why Thrice Hermes was This is why Thrice Hermes was This is why Thrice Hermes was
exalted with wisdom. exalted with wisdom. exalted with wisdom. exalted with wisdom.
13. 13. 13. 13. This is his last book that he hid in the This is his last book that he hid in the This is his last book that he hid in the This is his last book that he hid in the
catacomb. catacomb. catacomb. catacomb.
2. 2. 2. 2. Latin text Latin text Latin text Latin text

Original edition of the Latin text. (Chrysogonus Polydorus, Nuremberg 1541):

1. 1. 1. 1. Verum, sine mendatio, certum et Verum, sine mendatio, certum et Verum, sine mendatio, certum et Verum, sine mendatio, certum et
verissimum: verissimum: verissimum: verissimum:
2. 2. 2. 2. Qu Qu Qu Quod est inferius est sicut quod est od est inferius est sicut quod est od est inferius est sicut quod est od est inferius est sicut quod est
superius, et quod est superius est superius, et quod est superius est superius, et quod est superius est superius, et quod est superius est
sicut quod est inferius, ad sicut quod est inferius, ad sicut quod est inferius, ad sicut quod est inferius, ad
perpetranda miracula rei unius. perpetranda miracula rei unius. perpetranda miracula rei unius. perpetranda miracula rei unius.
3. 3. 3. 3. Et sicut res omnes fuerunt ab uno, Et sicut res omnes fuerunt ab uno, Et sicut res omnes fuerunt ab uno, Et sicut res omnes fuerunt ab uno,
meditatione unius, sic omnes res meditatione unius, sic omnes res meditatione unius, sic omnes res meditatione unius, sic omnes res
natae ab hac una re, adaptatione. natae ab hac una re, adaptatione. natae ab hac una re, adaptatione. natae ab hac una re, adaptatione.
4. 4. 4. 4. Pater eius est Sol. Mate Pater eius est Sol. Mate Pater eius est Sol. Mate Pater eius est Sol. Mater eius est r eius est r eius est r eius est
Luna. Luna. Luna. Luna.
5. 5. 5. 5. Portavit illud Ventus in ventre suo. Portavit illud Ventus in ventre suo. Portavit illud Ventus in ventre suo. Portavit illud Ventus in ventre suo.
6. 6. 6. 6. Nutrix eius terra est. Pater omnis Nutrix eius terra est. Pater omnis Nutrix eius terra est. Pater omnis Nutrix eius terra est. Pater omnis
telesmi telesmi telesmi telesmi totius mundi est hic. totius mundi est hic. totius mundi est hic. totius mundi est hic.
7. 7. 7. 7. Virtus eius integra est si versa fuerit Virtus eius integra est si versa fuerit Virtus eius integra est si versa fuerit Virtus eius integra est si versa fuerit
in terram. in terram. in terram. in terram.
8. 8. 8. 8. Separabis terram ab igne, subtile ab Separabis terram ab igne, subtile ab Separabis terram ab igne, subtile ab Separabis terram ab igne, subtile ab
spisso, suaviter, magno cum ingenio. spisso, suaviter, magno cum ingenio. spisso, suaviter, magno cum ingenio. spisso, suaviter, magno cum ingenio.
9. 9. 9. 9. Ascendit a t Ascendit a t Ascendit a t Ascendit a terra in coelum, erra in coelum, erra in coelum, erra in coelum,
iterumque descendit in terram, et iterumque descendit in terram, et iterumque descendit in terram, et iterumque descendit in terram, et
recipit vim superiorum et recipit vim superiorum et recipit vim superiorum et recipit vim superiorum et
inferiorum. inferiorum. inferiorum. inferiorum.
10. 10. 10. 10. Sic habebis Gloriam totius mundi. Sic habebis Gloriam totius mundi. Sic habebis Gloriam totius mundi. Sic habebis Gloriam totius mundi.
11. 11. 11. 11. Ideo fugiet a te omnis obscuritas. Ideo fugiet a te omnis obscuritas. Ideo fugiet a te omnis obscuritas. Ideo fugiet a te omnis obscuritas.
12. 12. 12. 12. Haec est totius fortitudinis fortitudo Haec est totius fortitudinis fortitudo Haec est totius fortitudinis fortitudo Haec est totius fortitudinis fortitudo
fortis, quia vincet omnem rem fortis, quia vincet omnem rem fortis, quia vincet omnem rem fortis, quia vincet omnem rem
subtilem, omnemque solidam subtilem, omnemque solidam subtilem, omnemque solidam subtilem, omnemque solidam
pen pen pen penetrabit. etrabit. etrabit. etrabit.
13. 13. 13. 13. Sic mundus creatus est. Sic mundus creatus est. Sic mundus creatus est. Sic mundus creatus est.
14. 14. 14. 14. Hinc erunt adaptationes mirabiles, Hinc erunt adaptationes mirabiles, Hinc erunt adaptationes mirabiles, Hinc erunt adaptationes mirabiles,
quarum modus est hic. Itaque quarum modus est hic. Itaque quarum modus est hic. Itaque quarum modus est hic. Itaque
vocatus sum Hermes Trismegistus, vocatus sum Hermes Trismegistus, vocatus sum Hermes Trismegistus, vocatus sum Hermes Trismegistus,
habens tres partes philosophiae habens tres partes philosophiae habens tres partes philosophiae habens tres partes philosophiae
totius mundi. totius mundi. totius mundi. totius mundi.
15. 15. 15. 15. Completum est quod dixi de Completum est quod dixi de Completum est quod dixi de Completum est quod dixi de
operatione Solis. operatione Solis. operatione Solis. operatione Solis.

Contemporary rendering Contemporary rendering Contemporary rendering Contemporary rendering of Latin text of Latin text of Latin text of Latin text

1. 1. 1. 1. [It is] true, without error, certain [It is] true, without error, certain [It is] true, without error, certain [It is] true, without error, certain
and most true, and most true, and most true, and most true,
2. 2. 2. 2. That which is below is as that That which is below is as that That which is below is as that That which is below is as that
which is above, and that which is which is above, and that which is which is above, and that which is which is above, and that which is
above is as that which is below, to above is as that which is below, to above is as that which is below, to above is as that which is below, to
perform the miracles of the one perform the miracles of the one perform the miracles of the one perform the miracles of the one
thing. thing. thing. thing.
3. 3. 3. 3. And as all things were from the one, And as all things were from the one, And as all things were from the one, And as all things were from the one,
by mean by mean by mean by means of the meditation of the s of the meditation of the s of the meditation of the s of the meditation of the
one, thus all things were born from one, thus all things were born from one, thus all things were born from one, thus all things were born from
the one, by means of adaptation. the one, by means of adaptation. the one, by means of adaptation. the one, by means of adaptation.
4. 4. 4. 4. Its father is the Sun, its mother is Its father is the Sun, its mother is Its father is the Sun, its mother is Its father is the Sun, its mother is
the Moon, the Wind carried it in its the Moon, the Wind carried it in its the Moon, the Wind carried it in its the Moon, the Wind carried it in its
belly, its nurse is the earth. belly, its nurse is the earth. belly, its nurse is the earth. belly, its nurse is the earth.
5. 5. 5. 5. The father of the whole world [or The father of the whole world [or The father of the whole world [or The father of the whole world [or
"of all of the initia "of all of the initia "of all of the initia "of all of the initiates"?] is here. tes"?] is here. tes"?] is here. tes"?] is here.
6. 6. 6. 6. Its power is whole if it has been Its power is whole if it has been Its power is whole if it has been Its power is whole if it has been
turned into earth. turned into earth. turned into earth. turned into earth.
7. 7. 7. 7. You will separate the earth from the You will separate the earth from the You will separate the earth from the You will separate the earth from the
fire, the subtle from the dense, fire, the subtle from the dense, fire, the subtle from the dense, fire, the subtle from the dense,
sweetly, with great skill. sweetly, with great skill. sweetly, with great skill. sweetly, with great skill.
8. 8. 8. 8. It ascends from earth into heaven It ascends from earth into heaven It ascends from earth into heaven It ascends from earth into heaven
and again it descends to the earth, and again it descends to the earth, and again it descends to the earth, and again it descends to the earth,
and receives the pow and receives the pow and receives the pow and receives the power of higher er of higher er of higher er of higher
and of lower things. and of lower things. and of lower things. and of lower things.
9. 9. 9. 9. Thus you will have the Glory of the Thus you will have the Glory of the Thus you will have the Glory of the Thus you will have the Glory of the
whole world. whole world. whole world. whole world.
10. 10. 10. 10. Therefore will all obscurity flee Therefore will all obscurity flee Therefore will all obscurity flee Therefore will all obscurity flee
from you. from you. from you. from you.
11. 11. 11. 11. Of all strength this is true strength, Of all strength this is true strength, Of all strength this is true strength, Of all strength this is true strength,
because it will conquer all that is because it will conquer all that is because it will conquer all that is because it will conquer all that is
subtle, and penetrate all that is subtle, and penetrate all that is subtle, and penetrate all that is subtle, and penetrate all that is
solid. solid. solid. solid.
12. 12. 12. 12. Thus was the Thus was the Thus was the Thus was the world created. world created. world created. world created.
13. 13. 13. 13. From this were wonderful From this were wonderful From this were wonderful From this were wonderful
adaptations, of which this is the adaptations, of which this is the adaptations, of which this is the adaptations, of which this is the
means. Therefore am I named means. Therefore am I named means. Therefore am I named means. Therefore am I named
Thrice Thrice Thrice Thrice- -- -Great Hermes, having the Great Hermes, having the Great Hermes, having the Great Hermes, having the
three parts of the philosophy of the three parts of the philosophy of the three parts of the philosophy of the three parts of the philosophy of the
whole world. whole world. whole world. whole world.
14. 14. 14. 14. It is finished, what I have said about It is finished, what I have said about It is finished, what I have said about It is finished, what I have said about
the working[s] of the Sun. the working[s] of the Sun. the working[s] of the Sun. the working[s] of the Sun.

Newton's translation Newton's translation Newton's translation Newton's translation of Latin text of Latin text of Latin text of Latin text

One translation, by Isaac Newton, found among his alchemical papers as reported by B. J. Dobbs in modern

1. 1. 1. 1. Tis true without lying, certain most Tis true without lying, certain most Tis true without lying, certain most Tis true without lying, certain most
true. true. true. true.
2. 2. 2. 2. That which is below is like that That which is below is like that That which is below is like that That which is below is like that
which is above which is above which is above which is above that w that w that w that which is above hich is above hich is above hich is above
is like that which is below is like that which is below is like that which is below is like that which is below to do to do to do to do
the miracles of one only thing. the miracles of one only thing. the miracles of one only thing. the miracles of one only thing.
3. 3. 3. 3. And as all things have been arose And as all things have been arose And as all things have been arose And as all things have been arose
from one by the mediation of one: from one by the mediation of one: from one by the mediation of one: from one by the mediation of one:
so all things have their birth from so all things have their birth from so all things have their birth from so all things have their birth from
this one thing by adaptation. this one thing by adaptation. this one thing by adaptation. this one thing by adaptation.
4. 4. 4. 4. The Sun is its father, the moon its The Sun is its father, the moon its The Sun is its father, the moon its The Sun is its father, the moon its
mother mother mother mother, ,, ,
5. 5. 5. 5. the wind hath carried it in its belly, the wind hath carried it in its belly, the wind hath carried it in its belly, the wind hath carried it in its belly,
the earth its nurse. the earth its nurse. the earth its nurse. the earth its nurse.
6. 6. 6. 6. The father of all perfection in the The father of all perfection in the The father of all perfection in the The father of all perfection in the
whole world is here. whole world is here. whole world is here. whole world is here.
7. 7. 7. 7. Its force or power is entire if it be Its force or power is entire if it be Its force or power is entire if it be Its force or power is entire if it be
converted into earth. converted into earth. converted into earth. converted into earth.
Separate thou the earth from the Separate thou the earth from the Separate thou the earth from the Separate thou the earth from the
fire, the subtle from the gross fire, the subtle from the gross fire, the subtle from the gross fire, the subtle from the gross
sweetly with sweetly with sweetly with sweetly with great industry. great industry. great industry. great industry.
8. 8. 8. 8. It ascends from the earth to the It ascends from the earth to the It ascends from the earth to the It ascends from the earth to the
heaven again it descends to the heaven again it descends to the heaven again it descends to the heaven again it descends to the
earth and receives the force of earth and receives the force of earth and receives the force of earth and receives the force of
things superior and inferior. things superior and inferior. things superior and inferior. things superior and inferior.
9. 9. 9. 9. By this means ye shall have the By this means ye shall have the By this means ye shall have the By this means ye shall have the
glory of the whole world thereby glory of the whole world thereby glory of the whole world thereby glory of the whole world thereby
all obscurity shall fly from you. all obscurity shall fly from you. all obscurity shall fly from you. all obscurity shall fly from you.
10. 10. 10. 10. Its force is Its force is Its force is Its force is above all force. for it above all force. for it above all force. for it above all force. for it
vanquishes every subtle thing and vanquishes every subtle thing and vanquishes every subtle thing and vanquishes every subtle thing and
penetrates every solid thing. penetrates every solid thing. penetrates every solid thing. penetrates every solid thing.
So was the world created. So was the world created. So was the world created. So was the world created.
11. 11. 11. 11. From this are and do come From this are and do come From this are and do come From this are and do come
admirable adaptations whereof the admirable adaptations whereof the admirable adaptations whereof the admirable adaptations whereof the
means (Or process) is here in this. means (Or process) is here in this. means (Or process) is here in this. means (Or process) is here in this.
12. 12. 12. 12. Hence I am called Hermes Hence I am called Hermes Hence I am called Hermes Hence I am called Hermes
Trismegist, having th Trismegist, having th Trismegist, having th Trismegist, having the three parts e three parts e three parts e three parts
of the philosophy of the whole of the philosophy of the whole of the philosophy of the whole of the philosophy of the whole
world. world. world. world.
13. 13. 13. 13. That which I have said of the That which I have said of the That which I have said of the That which I have said of the
operation of the Sun is operation of the Sun is operation of the Sun is operation of the Sun is
accomplished and ended. accomplished and ended. accomplished and ended. accomplished and ended.

Beato's translation Beato's translation Beato's translation Beato's translation of Latin text of Latin text of Latin text of Latin text

Another translation from Aureliae Occultae Philosophorum by Giorgio Beato:

1. 1. 1. 1. This is t This is t This is t This is true and remote from all cover rue and remote from all cover rue and remote from all cover rue and remote from all cover
of falsehood. of falsehood. of falsehood. of falsehood.
2. 2. 2. 2. Whatever is below is similar to that Whatever is below is similar to that Whatever is below is similar to that Whatever is below is similar to that
which is above. Through this the which is above. Through this the which is above. Through this the which is above. Through this the
marvels of the work of one thing are marvels of the work of one thing are marvels of the work of one thing are marvels of the work of one thing are
procured and perfected. procured and perfected. procured and perfected. procured and perfected.
3. 3. 3. 3. Also, as all things are made from one, Also, as all things are made from one, Also, as all things are made from one, Also, as all things are made from one,
by the consideration of one, so all by the consideration of one, so all by the consideration of one, so all by the consideration of one, so all
things things things things were made from this one, by were made from this one, by were made from this one, by were made from this one, by
conjunction. conjunction. conjunction. conjunction.
4. 4. 4. 4. The father of it is the sun, the mother The father of it is the sun, the mother The father of it is the sun, the mother The father of it is the sun, the mother
the moon. the moon. the moon. the moon.
5. 5. 5. 5. The wind bore it in the womb. Its The wind bore it in the womb. Its The wind bore it in the womb. Its The wind bore it in the womb. Its
nurse is the earth, the mother of all nurse is the earth, the mother of all nurse is the earth, the mother of all nurse is the earth, the mother of all
perfection. perfection. perfection. perfection.
6. 6. 6. 6. Its power is perfected. Its power is perfected. Its power is perfected. Its power is perfected.
7. 7. 7. 7. If it is turned into earth, If it is turned into earth, If it is turned into earth, If it is turned into earth,
8. 8. 8. 8. Separate the earth from the Separate the earth from the Separate the earth from the Separate the earth from the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the
subtle and thin from the crude and subtle and thin from the crude and subtle and thin from the crude and subtle and thin from the crude and
coarse, prudently, with modesty and coarse, prudently, with modesty and coarse, prudently, with modesty and coarse, prudently, with modesty and
wisdom. wisdom. wisdom. wisdom.
9. 9. 9. 9. This ascends from the earth into the This ascends from the earth into the This ascends from the earth into the This ascends from the earth into the
sky and again descends from the sky sky and again descends from the sky sky and again descends from the sky sky and again descends from the sky
to the earth, and receives the power to the earth, and receives the power to the earth, and receives the power to the earth, and receives the power
and efficacy of things above and of and efficacy of things above and of and efficacy of things above and of and efficacy of things above and of
things below. things below. things below. things below.
10. 10. 10. 10. By this By this By this By this means you will acquire the means you will acquire the means you will acquire the means you will acquire the
glory of the whole world, and so glory of the whole world, and so glory of the whole world, and so glory of the whole world, and so
you will drive away all shadows and you will drive away all shadows and you will drive away all shadows and you will drive away all shadows and
blindness. blindness. blindness. blindness.
11. 11. 11. 11. For this by its fortitude snatches the For this by its fortitude snatches the For this by its fortitude snatches the For this by its fortitude snatches the
palm from all other fortitude and palm from all other fortitude and palm from all other fortitude and palm from all other fortitude and
power. For it is able to penetrate power. For it is able to penetrate power. For it is able to penetrate power. For it is able to penetrate
and subdue everything subtle and and subdue everything subtle and and subdue everything subtle and and subdue everything subtle and
everyth everyth everyth everything crude and hard. ing crude and hard. ing crude and hard. ing crude and hard.
12. 12. 12. 12. By this means the world was By this means the world was By this means the world was By this means the world was
founded founded founded founded
13. 13. 13. 13. And hence the marvelous And hence the marvelous And hence the marvelous And hence the marvelous
cojunctions of it and admirable cojunctions of it and admirable cojunctions of it and admirable cojunctions of it and admirable
effects, since this is the way by effects, since this is the way by effects, since this is the way by effects, since this is the way by
which these marvels may be which these marvels may be which these marvels may be which these marvels may be
brought about. brought about. brought about. brought about.
14. 14. 14. 14. And because of this they have called And because of this they have called And because of this they have called And because of this they have called
me Hermes Tristmegistus since I me Hermes Tristmegistus since I me Hermes Tristmegistus since I me Hermes Tristmegistus since I
have the three parts of the wisdom have the three parts of the wisdom have the three parts of the wisdom have the three parts of the wisdom
and Philosophy of the whole and Philosophy of the whole and Philosophy of the whole and Philosophy of the whole
universe. universe. universe. universe.
15. 15. 15. 15. My speech is finished which I have My speech is finished which I have My speech is finished which I have My speech is finished which I have
spoken concerning the solar work. spoken concerning the solar work. spoken concerning the solar work. spoken concerning the solar work.

Tabla de Smarald / Tabula Smaragdina Tabla de Smarald / Tabula Smaragdina Tabla de Smarald / Tabula Smaragdina Tabla de Smarald / Tabula Smaragdina

Traducere n romn [probabil din engleza, a versiunii latine]de Leonard Radutz

1. 1. 1. 1. Este adevrat, de la sine neles i fr Este adevrat, de la sine neles i fr Este adevrat, de la sine neles i fr Este adevrat, de la sine neles i fr
nicio ndoial. nicio ndoial. nicio ndoial. nicio ndoial.

2. 2. 2. 2. Ce e deasupra este la fel cu ceea ce Ce e deasupra este la fel cu ceea ce Ce e deasupra este la fel cu ceea ce Ce e deasupra este la fel cu ceea ce
este dedesupt; iar ce este d este dedesupt; iar ce este d este dedesupt; iar ce este d este dedesupt; iar ce este dedesupt e la edesupt e la edesupt e la edesupt e la
fel cu ce este deasupra, pentru a fel cu ce este deasupra, pentru a fel cu ce este deasupra, pentru a fel cu ce este deasupra, pentru a
mplini, astfel, miracolul ntregului. mplini, astfel, miracolul ntregului. mplini, astfel, miracolul ntregului. mplini, astfel, miracolul ntregului.

3. 3. 3. 3. i dup cum toate provin din UNUL, i dup cum toate provin din UNUL, i dup cum toate provin din UNUL, i dup cum toate provin din UNUL,
toate lucrurile au fost create de acest toate lucrurile au fost create de acest toate lucrurile au fost create de acest toate lucrurile au fost create de acest
UNIC, prin reflectare. UNIC, prin reflectare. UNIC, prin reflectare. UNIC, prin reflectare.

4. 4. 4. 4. Soarele i este tat, luna i este mam, Soarele i este tat, luna i este mam, Soarele i este tat, luna i este mam, Soarele i este tat, luna i este mam,
vntul l vntul l vntul l vntul l- -- -a purtat n pntec, a purtat n pntec, a purtat n pntec, a purtat n pntec, pmntul pmntul pmntul pmntul
i este doic. i este doic. i este doic. i este doic.

5. 5. 5. 5. Este printele ntregii minuni a lumii. Este printele ntregii minuni a lumii. Este printele ntregii minuni a lumii. Este printele ntregii minuni a lumii.

6. 6. 6. 6. Puterea sa este desvrit dac Puterea sa este desvrit dac Puterea sa este desvrit dac Puterea sa este desvrit dac
preschimbat n pamnt. preschimbat n pamnt. preschimbat n pamnt. preschimbat n pamnt.

7. 7. 7. 7. Separ pamntul de foc, subtilul de Separ pamntul de foc, subtilul de Separ pamntul de foc, subtilul de Separ pamntul de foc, subtilul de
grosier, cu bgare de seam i cu grosier, cu bgare de seam i cu grosier, cu bgare de seam i cu grosier, cu bgare de seam i cu
judecat. judecat. judecat. judecat.
8. 8. 8. 8. Urc de la pamnt la cer i apoi Urc de la pamnt la cer i apoi Urc de la pamnt la cer i apoi Urc de la pamnt la cer i apoi
coboar din nou pe p coboar din nou pe p coboar din nou pe p coboar din nou pe pamnt i strnge amnt i strnge amnt i strnge amnt i strnge
laolalt puterile lucrurilor superioare laolalt puterile lucrurilor superioare laolalt puterile lucrurilor superioare laolalt puterile lucrurilor superioare
i ale celor inferioare. Astfel, i ale celor inferioare. Astfel, i ale celor inferioare. Astfel, i ale celor inferioare. Astfel,
dobndi dobndi dobndi dobndi- -- -vei slava ntregii lumi, iar vei slava ntregii lumi, iar vei slava ntregii lumi, iar vei slava ntregii lumi, iar
intunericul se va deprta de la tine. intunericul se va deprta de la tine. intunericul se va deprta de la tine. intunericul se va deprta de la tine.

9. 9. 9. 9. Este puterea puterilor, cci biruie Este puterea puterilor, cci biruie Este puterea puterilor, cci biruie Este puterea puterilor, cci biruie
asupra tuturor lucrurilor subtile i le asupra tuturor lucrurilor subtile i le asupra tuturor lucrurilor subtile i le asupra tuturor lucrurilor subtile i le
ptrunde pe ce ptrunde pe ce ptrunde pe ce ptrunde pe cele solide. le solide. le solide. le solide.

10. 10. 10. 10. Astfel a fost creat mica lume, dup Astfel a fost creat mica lume, dup Astfel a fost creat mica lume, dup Astfel a fost creat mica lume, dup
modelul celei mari. Din aceasta i n modelul celei mari. Din aceasta i n modelul celei mari. Din aceasta i n modelul celei mari. Din aceasta i n
acest fel se fac minunate realizri. acest fel se fac minunate realizri. acest fel se fac minunate realizri. acest fel se fac minunate realizri.

11. 11. 11. 11. Iat pentru ce sunt numit Hermes Iat pentru ce sunt numit Hermes Iat pentru ce sunt numit Hermes Iat pentru ce sunt numit Hermes
Trismegistus, avnd cele trei pri ale Trismegistus, avnd cele trei pri ale Trismegistus, avnd cele trei pri ale Trismegistus, avnd cele trei pri ale
esenei lumii ntregi. esenei lumii ntregi. esenei lumii ntregi. esenei lumii ntregi.

12. 12. 12. 12. Ceea ce am avut a spune despre Ceea ce am avut a spune despre Ceea ce am avut a spune despre Ceea ce am avut a spune despre
luc luc luc lucrarea Soarelui este complet. rarea Soarelui este complet. rarea Soarelui este complet. rarea Soarelui este complet.

Tabl Tabl Tabl Tabla de Smarald a de Smarald a de Smarald a de Smarald

Traducere din englez dup versiunea arab de Nacu Ovidiu

1. 1. 1. 1. Con Con Con Conine un comentariu exact i fr ine un comentariu exact i fr ine un comentariu exact i fr ine un comentariu exact i fr
nicio ndoial. nicio ndoial. nicio ndoial. nicio ndoial.

2. 2. 2. 2. Aceasta prevede: Aceasta prevede: Aceasta prevede: Aceasta prevede:
Ce e deasupra este din ce e dedesubt i Ce e deasupra este din ce e dedesubt i Ce e deasupra este din ce e dedesubt i Ce e deasupra este din ce e dedesubt i
ce e dedesubt este din ce e deasupra. ce e dedesubt este din ce e deasupra. ce e dedesubt este din ce e deasupra. ce e dedesubt este din ce e deasupra.
Corola minunilor Corola minunilor Corola minunilor Corola minunilor provine provine provine provine dintru Unul. dintru Unul. dintru Unul. dintru Unul.

3. 3. 3. 3. i toate lucrurile au nit i toate lucrurile au nit i toate lucrurile au nit i toate lucrurile au nit din din din din
aceast Esen printr aceast Esen printr aceast Esen printr aceast Esen printr- -- -o unic proiecie. o unic proiecie. o unic proiecie. o unic proiecie.
Ce minunat i este lucrarea! Este Ce minunat i este lucrarea! Este Ce minunat i este lucrarea! Este Ce minunat i este lucrarea! Este
Principiul prta lumii Principiul prta lumii Principiul prta lumii Principiul prta lumii i pzitorul i pzitorul i pzitorul i pzitorul ei. ei. ei. ei.

4. 4. 4. 4. Soarele i este tat i luna i este Soarele i este tat i luna i este Soarele i este tat i luna i este Soarele i este tat i luna i este
mam. A mam. A mam. A mam. Astfel, vntul stfel, vntul stfel, vntul stfel, vntul l ll l- -- -a purtat a purtat a purtat a purtat n n n n
pntec i pmntul i pntec i pmntul i pntec i pmntul i pntec i pmntul i- -- -a fost d a fost d a fost d a fost doic oic oic oic
1 11 1
. .. .

5. 5. 5. 5. Printele talismane Printele talismane Printele talismane Printele talismanelor lor lor lor
2 22 2
i pzitorul i pzitorul i pzitorul i pzitorul
minunilor. minunilor. minunilor. minunilor.

6. 6. 6. 6. Desvrit n putere Desvrit n putere Desvrit n putere Desvrit n putere, ,, , care care care carele le le le dez dez dez dez- -- -
vluie luminile. vluie luminile. vluie luminile. vluie luminile.

7. 7. 7. 7. Este un foc ce a devenit pmntul Este un foc ce a devenit pmntul Este un foc ce a devenit pmntul Este un foc ce a devenit pmntul
nostru. Separ pmntul de foc i te nostru. Separ pmntul de foc i te nostru. Separ pmntul de foc i te nostru. Separ pmntul de foc i te
vei alipi mai mult de ce este subtil vei alipi mai mult de ce este subtil vei alipi mai mult de ce este subtil vei alipi mai mult de ce este subtil

Literal: vntul l-a purtat nluntrul su i
pmntul l-a nutrit.
Father of talismans. Talismane poate nsemna i:
imagini magice / incantaii / iniieri.
dect de dect de dect de dect de ce este grosier, cu ce este grosier, cu ce este grosier, cu ce este grosier, cu gr gr gr grij i ij i ij i ij i
nelepciune. nelepciune. nelepciune. nelepciune.

8. 8. 8. 8. Urc de la pmnt la cer. Obine Urc de la pmnt la cer. Obine Urc de la pmnt la cer. Obine Urc de la pmnt la cer. Obine
luminile din nlimi i coboar pe luminile din nlimi i coboar pe luminile din nlimi i coboar pe luminile din nlimi i coboar pe
pmnt cuprinznd puterea de pmnt cuprinznd puterea de pmnt cuprinznd puterea de pmnt cuprinznd puterea de
deasupra deasupra deasupra deasupra i de dedesubt, pentru c este i de dedesubt, pentru c este i de dedesubt, pentru c este i de dedesubt, pentru c este
cu cu cu cu
3 33 3
Lumina luminilor. De Lumina luminilor. De Lumina luminilor. De Lumina luminilor. De aceea aceea aceea aceea
ntunericul piere dinainte ntunericul piere dinainte ntunericul piere dinainte ntunericul piere dinainte- -- -i ii i. .. .

9. 9. 9. 9. M M M M reaa putere covrete t reaa putere covrete t reaa putere covrete t reaa putere covrete tot ce ot ce ot ce ot ce- -- -i ii i
subtil i ptrunde tot ce subtil i ptrunde tot ce subtil i ptrunde tot ce subtil i ptrunde tot ce- -- -i grosier. i grosier. i grosier. i grosier.

10. 10. 10. 10. Alctuirea microcosmosului cores Alctuirea microcosmosului cores Alctuirea microcosmosului cores Alctuirea microcosmosului cores- -- -
punde alctuirii macrocosmosului. punde alctuirii macrocosmosului. punde alctuirii macrocosmosului. punde alctuirii macrocosmosului.

11. 11. 11. 11. Crturarii au fcut din aceasta Crturarii au fcut din aceasta Crturarii au fcut din aceasta Crturarii au fcut din aceasta
calea lor. calea lor. calea lor. calea lor.

12. 12. 12. 12. Iat de ce Hermes cel de trei ori Iat de ce Hermes cel de trei ori Iat de ce Hermes cel de trei ori Iat de ce Hermes cel de trei ori
[mare] a fost slvit cu nelepciunea. [mare] a fost slvit cu nelepciunea. [mare] a fost slvit cu nelepciunea. [mare] a fost slvit cu nelepciunea.

13. 13. 13. 13. Aceasta Aceasta Aceasta Aceasta este ultima sa carte pe care este ultima sa carte pe care este ultima sa carte pe care este ultima sa carte pe care
a ascuns a ascuns a ascuns a ascuns- -- -o n catacomb. o n catacomb. o n catacomb. o n catacomb.

Sau: ntru Lumina luminilor.

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