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Suggested Spec IntraLink LC3000 PLC - SCADA

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IntraLink™ LC3000 PLC-Based SCADA Systems (Distribution/Collection Systems)



A. This section covers work necessary for the design, documentation, assembly, test,
installation, field testing, startup, training, and final documentation for a Supervisory Control
and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for the (description/location), as described herein.

B. The naming of a manufacturer in this specification is not intended to eliminate competition or

prohibit qualified manufacturers from offering equipment. Rather, the intent is to establish a
standard of excellence for the material used, and to indicate a principle of operation desired.
The base bid shall be the specified USFILTER Control Systems system. Alternate
equipment shall be submitted to the consulting engineer at least 14 days prior to bid (in
accordance with the following prebid submittal requirements). The engineer will issue an
addendum prior to bid listing approved alternate control systems.


A. Major components of this system shall include the specified software, materials, equipment,
and installation required to implement a complete and operational SCADA system along with
any associated panel or field mounted instrumentation.

B. In order to achieve standardization for appearance, operation, maintenance, spare parts and
manufacturer's service, to the greatest extent possible, like items of equipment provided
hereunder shall be the end products of one (1) manufacturer.

C. Requirements for the electrical work associated with the installation of the SCADA system
and associated instrumentation equipment are as specified in Division 16000 ELECTRICAL.


A. The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall provide for the design, supply, delivery,
installation, certification, calibration and adjustment, software configuration, testing and
startup, owner training, warranty and routine future field services, of a complete coordinated
system which shall perform the specified functions.

B. The Owner and the Engineer will review system technical information as submitted by the
Contractor for software; operating system, database, control strategies and the graphical
user interface, i.e. report and log formats, graphics, trends, alarming, etc. for complete
compliance with these specifications.

C. The Contractor shall provide the Owner with all services and hardware to ensure that proper
communications are established with off-site remote locations which are to be monitored and
controlled. This work shall include, but not be limited to:

(Dedicated Telephone System Option)

1. Making arrangements with the local telephone facility for the installation of a type 3002
voice grade telephone line between remotely located sites and the Central location as
shown on the plan drawings. A 3002 line is as defined by FCC Interstate Tariff No. 260
for point to point or multiple point communications.
2. Contractor shall bear all costs associated with the installation of this line. The Owner
shall be responsible for all leasing costs charged by the telephone facility for the use of
this line once installed.

(Radio System Option w/Licensed Frequencies)

1. System communications shall be based on the use of (Select One-

VHF/UHF/926/952MHz/Trunking/SpreadSpectrum/Ethernet Wireless) radio
transceivers. System supplier shall perform a radio propagation path analysis based on
the use of this frequency to determine suitability for use, required antenna heights, and
use and location of repeater units. The radio system shall be designed for 98% or better
reliability for each station.

2. If FCC radio licensing is required by frequency selection, the system supplier shall be
responsible to contact and coordinate with the appropriate FCC authorized Frequency
Coordinator for radio communications in the project area. This includes but not limited to:
Assist in the preparation and submittal of FCC main form 600 and necessary related
schedules for application of licensing of assigned radio frequencies. If radio telemetry
system design mandates, assist owner in preparation of any FAA forms or schedules
required to gain FCC and FAA approvals.

3. All coordination and license application fees required for licensing shall be included in the
bid price. The Owner will execute the necessary FCC documents at such times as
needed during the licensing process.

4. Provide and install all radio, antenna, antenna supports, antenna grounding, antenna
cable, surge arrestors and other hardware necessary for the radio system.


A. General:

Any system supplier other than the named pre-approved system supplier must submit a pre-
bid submittal document forteen (14) calendar days prior to project bid date. Provide two
bound copies, with tabbed dividers and contents organized and presented as hereinafter

1. Pre-Bid approval does not exempt the Contractor from meeting all the requirements of
the Contract Documents nor does it give any prior acceptance of any equipment,
software or services. The Contract Documents are the final authority for acceptance of
the work provided. The Pre-Bid Submittal is not a part of the contract documents and as
such does not exempt the Contractor from the requirements of contract submittals
described hereinafter.

2. Information contained in the Pre-Bid Submittal shall be considered public information. All
data submitted will become and remain the property of the Owner; none will be returned.

3. It is intended that the Owner shall receive the full benefit of any savings in cost involved
in materials substitution as a result of a reduction of the contract price should they decide
to accept an alternate.

4. The Engineer’s decision as to pre-bid approval shall be final. The Consulting Engineer
shall be considered the sole judge of the merits of the alternate system and shall indicate

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pre-approval of the alternate system via a written addendum to the specifications prior to
the actual bid date.

5. The right is reserved to reject any and all proposals, to waive any informality, irregularity,
mistake, error or omission in any proposals received and to accept the proposal, as
determined by the Engineer or Owner, deemed most favorable to the Owner's interests.

B. Contents:

1. Include a complete Table of Conformance to each and every paragraph or part of the
specifications. Use a chart format with specification part identified, indicate whether each
part is in compliance, a deviation or an exception to the specific part. If an exception or
deviation, include a narrative description as to how the deviation or exception can benefit
the end-user of the system over that item specified.

2. Provide a block diagram of the proposed system showing all major components and their
interconnections and interrelationships. Label each diagram and indicate all external
power and communications interfaces. All diagrams shall be in an 11 by 17 format.

3. Provide a written overview of the proposed SCADA system describing the principal
functions and capabilities of the system’s PC, PLC’s, system communications and
general system capabilities (maximum number of network nodes, PLC’s and I/O points,
communication protocols available, etc.).

4. Provide an equipment list with descriptive literature and specifications for the proposed
system. Included on the list shall be all major hardware items. List shall include as a
minimum, the manufacturer, the quantity provided, and model numbers for each.

5. Provide an operating system and software applications list with descriptive literature for
the proposed system. Include all major software items, supplier name, quantity, and
model numbers. Indicate whether any proposed software is proprietary and would not be
turned over to the owner.
Information is required for:

a. Name and version of the proposed PC’s operating system.

b. Name and version of the proposed computer operator graphical user interface
software package.

c. Name and version of the PLC on-line/off-line programming software for all controllers

d. Name and version of any required communications software, firmware, etc.

e. Name and version of the specified report application software

f. Name and version of the specified maintenance application software.

g. Describe how system data points are linked from the system database into various
applications such as reporting or maintenance. If via DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange)
describe specifically the steps required to import data automatically and on-line into
the proposed software applications.

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h. Briefly describe the required procedure for configuration and/or programming of the
proposed system to add a simple remote PLC to the system in the future. Describe
in detail, specifically how communications are programmed for the future remote PLC
and the necessary changes required at the main controller.

i. Provide a description of any non-resident software required to program, troubleshoot

or diagnose any devices in the system.

6. The system supplier must be an authorized System Integrator for the named PLC
hardware/software supplier. Verification certificates shall be submitted directly from the
manufacturer of the PLC hardware. In addition, submit references for minimum of (5)
locations where the PLC equipment has been successfully installed, including name,
address and telephone number for the appropriate utility person to contact.

7. The system supplier must submit evidence that they employ in excess of 25 personnel,
including no less than 15 technical staff to include engineers, programmers, and field
technicians. Submit the qualifications and license for a minimum of one professional
engineer in the direct employ of the system supplier. Identify with resumes all personnel
who may be assigned the specified project.

8. The system supplier must submit evidence from a qualified surety indicating they can
provide performance/payment and maintenance bonds for SCADA and telemetry general
contracts with a project value to $2,000,000. Additionally, the system supplier shall
submit evidence that they carry a minimum of $10,000,000 of umbrella liability insurance.
Liability insurance shall include $5,000,000 of “errors and omissions” insurance
coverage. Bonding company must carry a rating of A or better. Insurance company must
carry a rating of AAAA.

9. The system supplier must be an authorized facility for assembly of control panels in
accordance with UL-508, 913, 698A standards as may be required by these
specifications. Submit system supplier’s UL number which verifies their panel assembly
shop is capable of providing UL labeled control panels.

10. Provide a tentative construction schedule for completion of the project within the
specified Contract period. Indicate the following activities with milestones: Mobilization,
radio communications licensing, submittal preparation, submittal review, equipment
procurement, equipment assembly, system configuration and programming, factory
testing, system delivery, system installation, startup, field testing and training, and post
acceptance routine service intervals.

11. Describe the system supplier’s provisions for service, technical assistance and re-
placement parts for the proposed system. Include the system supplier’s 1-800-toll free
number. Identify with resumes, all personnel who will be providing technical support
services for the project after it is accepted.


A. Hardware Submittals:

Before any components are fabricated, and/or integrated into assemblies or shipped to the
job site, furnish to the Engineer for their review six (6) copies of submittal documents.
Submittals shall include full details, shop drawings, catalog cuts and such other descriptive
matter and documentation as may be required to fully describe the equipment and to

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demonstrate its conformity to these specifications. Specifically, the Contractor shall submit
the following materials:

1. Block diagram and operational description of the system showing all major components
and their interconnections and interrelationships. Label each diagram and specify all
external power and communications interfaces. All diagrams shall be in an 11 by 17
format. Required documentation sets shall be furnished in bound hardcopy and final
documentation shall also be provided in electronic format on CD.

2. Drawings of equipment to be supplied shall include, as a minimum: overall dimension

details for each panel, console, etc., including internal and external arrangements and
door mounted operator devices with nameplate designations. Wiring diagrams of
equipment including field device connections shall be included and specific
installation/wiring requirements identified.

3. Operational Description shall include the principal functions/capabilities of the personal

computer (PC) and PLC’s as provided and configured /programmed. Included shall be a
description of system communications.

4. Provide a detailed Bill of Materials along with descriptive literature identifying component
name, manufacturer, model number, and quantity supplied.

B. Software Submittals:

1. Provide complete user manuals for all supplier configured software and firmware. For
ancillary software such as operating systems, spreadsheets, etc. being supplied under
this contract, only a listing of the manuals which will be included with the Operations and
Maintenance documentation is required.

2. Sample communication and control database programs for project in hardcopy form. As
a minimum, hardcopy form shall be fully documented, including code, comments,
addressing data and cross-references, etc. Every line or section of code shall be
accompanied by a comment describing its function.

3. Provide initial graphic display and report format layouts as described later in this
specification. List and briefly describe all operator interface functions provided at the PC,
including: alarm annunciation and acknowledgment, status displays, control capabilities,
report generation, event logging, charting and trending, etc.

C. Test Outlines and Procedures Submittals

Test descriptions shall be in sufficient detail to fully describe the specific tests to be
conducted to demonstrate conformance with this specification.

D. Spares and Expendable Recommendations

The Contractor shall provide a list of recommended spares and expendable items. The list
shall be exclusive of any spares furnished under this Contract. A total purchase cost for the
recommended list shall be provided in addition to the unit cost for each item.


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A. The Contractor shall provide experienced personnel to supervise, perform, and coordinate
the installation, adjustment, testing, and startup of the SCADA system. The personnel shall
be present on-site as required to effect a complete and operating system.


A. All elements of the SCADA system shall be tested to demonstrate that the total system
satisfies all of the requirements of this Specification. The Contractor shall provide all special
testing materials and equipment. The Contractor shall coordinate and schedule all of his
testing and startup work with the Owner. As a minimum, the testing shall include both a
factory test and a field test. Testing requirements are as follows:

1. Factory Tests

The PC with peripherals, PLC’s and all other associated hardware shall be tested at the
factory, prior to shipment, so as to demonstrate that each component is operational and
meets the requirements of these specifications. Test results shall be certified, with written
documentation provided to the Owner upon test completion. The Owner or Engineer will
not witness factory testing.

2. Field Tests

All system components shall be checked to verify that they have been installed properly
and that all terminations have been made correctly. Witnessed field tests shall be
performed on the complete system. Each function shall be demonstrated to the
satisfaction of the Owner and Engineer on a paragraph-by-paragraph basis.

Each test shall be witnessed and signed off by the Contractor and the Engineer upon
satisfactory completion. The Contractor shall notify the Owner at least one (1) week prior
to the commencement date of the field tests.


A. The training program shall educate operators, maintenance, engineering, and management
personnel with the required levels of system familiarity to provide a common working
knowledge concerning all significant aspects of the system being supplied. The training
program shall consist of two 8-hour days. Both classroom-type and field site sessions shall
be provided. At least two weeks prior to the requested start of the program, the proposed
dates of training shall be submitted to the Owner and the Engineer for approval.

B. The supplier shall provide all instructional course material, equipment and manuals to
conduct the training program. Owner shall provide facilities for the training.


A. The Contractor shall provide (6) complete sets of hard-covered ring bound loose-leaf O&M
manuals. In addition to “as-built” system drawings, the manuals shall include internal wiring
diagrams and operating and maintenance literature for all components provided under this

B. The submitted literature shall be in sufficient detail to facilitate the operation, removal,
installation, programming and configuration, adjustment, calibration, testing and maintenance
of each component and/or instrument.

C. Operation and Maintenance manuals shall include copies of all PLC programs written to
accomplish the monitoring and control functions specified. Programs shall be updated after

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startup is complete, with the program(s) provided to the Owner on compact disk (CD). Two
(2) copies to be provided.

D. The contents of the O&M manuals shall be generally organized as follows:

1. System Hardware/Installation

2. System Software

3. Operation

4. Maintenance and Troubleshooting

(Radio Systems)

E. A separate section containing all data pertinent to the radio system shall be provided. This
section shall include:

1. Radio system block diagram.

2. Computer generated radio path signal strength calculations and their associated support

3. Licensing information where applicable. Owner shall provide a photocopy of the FCC
license for incorporation into the manuals.


A. System acceptance shall be defined as that point in time when the following requirements
have been fulfilled:

1. All O&M documentation has been submitted, reviewed and approved.

2. The complete SCADA system and instrumentation have successfully completed all
testing requirements specified herein and have successfully been started up.

3. All Owner's staff personnel training programs have been completed.

4. Owner/Engineer sign a document indicating SCADA system has formally been accepted.



A. The functions and features specified herewith are the minimum acceptable requirements for
the SCADA system. The provided system shall equal or exceed each requirement.

B. In some cases, the specifications may allow the accomplishing of certain functions by means
of more than one hardware/firmware/software approach. Any approach that is proposed shall
equal or exceed all functional, operational, convenience and maintenance aspects of the one

C. Major equipment, component and software items are specified; however the Contractor shall,
provide all appurtenant items necessary to achieve the required operation as hereinafter

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• Basic system overview description

• Descriptive control strategies required

• Input/Output listings for all locations

• Mandatory system functions to be performed

• Mandatory software functions to be performed.


A. General

1. Remote and Master PLC enclosures shall be corrosion resistant welded NEMA Type 4
for outdoor locations, NEMA Type 12 for indoor locations. Enclosures shall be fabricated
from a minimum of 14 gauge cold rolled steel with a baked enamel finish in the
manufacturer’s standard color. Units shall include a single gasketed front door. Full
height hinges, locking hasp and door clamping hardware shall be included. All enclosures
shall be UL listed.

2. Controls shall operate from a source of 120 volts, 1 phase, 60 Hz. All controls shall be
protected from lightning or other transient voltages by a power arrestor.

3. Condensation protection shall be provided. Enclosure shall have a heater which operates
continuously to prevent condensation build-up. A freeze protective heater and thermostat
shall also be provided at those outdoor locations containing hydraulics or sensitive
electronic equipment subject to freezing conditions.

5. All power supplies required for operation shall be provided. Power supplies shall be sized
to have a minimum of 40% spare capacity providing increased reliability and allowing for
the addition of future equipment.

6. All wiring shall be in complete conformance with the National Electric Code, state, local
and NEMA electrical standards. All incoming and outgoing wires shall be connected to
numbered terminal blocks and all wiring neatly tied and fastened to chassis as required.
For ease of servicing and maintenance, all wiring shall be color coded and uniquely
numbered. The wire color code and number shall be clearly shown on the drawings, with
each wire's color and number indicated.

B. Battery Back Up System

1. Included with each remote and master PLC, and working in conjunction with the
unit’s DC power supply, shall be an intelligent battery back up system including voltage
converter, battery health logic module, charger and sufficiently sized battery. Battery
system shall provide a seamless switchover to battery upon detection of main DC power
supply failure. Once main DC power is restored, the unit shall provide seamless
switchback to normal DC power source and recharge the battery. Battery health logic
module shall individually monitor main DC power supply, battery and converter voltages
for low voltage conditions, and provide low voltage cutoff to protect battery from an
unrecoverable depletion. An on board LED, or local Operator Interface (OI) if provided

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shall locally indicate detection of an alarm condition. In addition to local indication, all
battery health and voltage information shall be transmitted to the Master PLC for
centralized monitoring and alarm detection.

2. Battery system shall be of sufficient capacity to provide a minimum of four (4)

hours of backup in the event of a failure of the main power source. To avoid battery
damage and erroneous data transmissions when operating on battery, should the battery
voltage drop below 10.8 V, the PLC shall be inhibited from operation. Recovery shall be
automatic upon restoration of normal power. The intelligent battery back up system shall
be able to source 5 Amps allowing operation of mission critical components including;
sensors, local alarm and communication equipment during a power failure condition.

C. UL Labeling (Select 508A or 968A/913)


1. Panels provided under this section shall be constructed in compliance with

Underwriter's Laboratories Inc. category 508A standards - Enclosed Industrial Control
Panels listing and following-up. The control panel(s) shall bear the Underwriter's
Laboratories serialized label for “Enclosed Industrial Control Panel”.

2. While the use of U.L. listed components is encouraged, their use alone will not
be considered an acceptable or satisfactory alternate to the “Enclosed Industrial Control
Panel” serialized label specified above. Upon request from the Engineer, the panel
manufacturer shall supply documentation to the owner proving they are a U.L.
recognized manufacturing facility for the type of equipment required. Only the labeled
products of U.L.508A/“Enclosed Industrial Control Panel” recognized panel manufacturer
shall be considered acceptable for use on this project.


NOTE: Use the following spec for applications requiring intrinsic safety barriers to render
sensors located in hazardous sewage wetwell environments (N.E.C. Class I, Groups C & D)
“explosion proof”.

1. Panels provided under this section shall be constructed in compliance with

Underwriter's Laboratories Categories 698A and 913 standards – “Enclosed Industrial
Control Panel Relating to Hazardous Locations with Intrinsically Safe Circuit Extensions”
listing and following-up service. The control panel(s) shall bear the Underwriter's
Laboratories serialized label for “Enclosed Industrial Control Panel Relating to Hazardous
Locations with Intrinsically Safe Circuit Extensions”.

2. While the use of U.L. listed components is encouraged, their use alone and/or
the alternate use of a U.L. 508A – “Enclosed Industrial Control Panel” serialized label will
not be considered an acceptable or satisfactory alternate to the “Enclosed Industrial
Control Panel Relating to Hazardous Locations with Intrinsically Safe Circuit Extensions”
serialized label specified above. Upon request from the Engineer, the panel
manufacturer shall supply documentation to the owner proving they are a U.L.
recognized manufacturing facility for the type of equipment required. Only the labeled
products of U.L.698A and 913 “Enclosed Industrial Control Panel Relating to Hazardous
Locations with Intrinsically Safe Circuit Extensions” recognized panel manufacturer shall
be considered acceptable for use on this project.

D. PLC Control/Telemetry System

1. General:

a. The main site and each remote location shown on the plan drawings and as described
herein shall be of the PLC type with adequate memory and instruction sets required to

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make the unit perform all of the functions required by this specification. Units shall
communicate with the Master PLC over the previously specified telemetry medium.
Systems using a PC for master communications shall not be acceptable.

b. All control signals, status signals, alarm and process variable data shall be transmitted
and received between the central location and the remote sites via the SCADA system.
The system shall convert commands, alarms and variable analog data to digital blocks
and transmit this information between the Central and the multiple remote locations. The
master and remote PLCs shall be capable of stand-alone control to maintain
programmed logic.

c. Units shall be furnished completely configured and tested providing the specified
communication, monitoring, display, input/output, annunciation, computational and other
requirements for operation of the SCADA system. Any additional components required
for operation, whether specifically referenced herein or not, shall be provided.

d. The PLC system shall be based on a scalable modular multi-use open architecture
platform that can be efficiently applied to perform the necessary functions at each
location. Each controller/telemetry unit shall be a modular hardware style PLC consisting
of a CPU with adequate memory and instructions, power supply, local and remote
input/output modules, communications ports, and all other components required to make
the unit perform all of the functions required in this specification.

e. It is required that the same model PLC device be used throughout the SCADA system
including; RTU, MTU and IRTU (repeaters) sites providing a complete solution with one
common technology. This is to insure complete system continuity, compatibility between
like devices, enhancing overall system efficency by the reduced need to learn, maintain,
support and carry spare parts for multiple technologies.

f. The PLC system shall support true system open architecture allowing use of
specialized for water and wastewater hardware and software and full integration of other
third party generic hardware/software devices. The architecture shall meet the
requirements as herein defined and allow economical expansion of function and features
based on new and evolving technologies. Systems using non-scalable and/or closed
proprietary architectures shall not be acceptable.

2. Hardware:

a. The PLC system shall be based on a robust, field proven, current technology hardware
platform allowing utilization of the latest advances in technology and permitting the most
open programming and communication architectures. The PLC system shall be modular
and scalable to be efficiently applied at each of the specified sites within the system.

b. The PLC system shall include a real time of day time clock w/battery back up for time
stamping of data log records and scheduling of periodic time of day based events. Clock
shall not require reset after a site power failure has occurred.

c. The PLC shall store system parameters including, logic configuration, setpoints, time
delays, alarm and event data, counters and totalizers, etc.. in field programmable
(FLASH) non-volatile memory. Sufficient non-volatile memory must be provided to
protect at least 8,000 variables. The PLC shall also provide enough protected memory
for time stamped data logging of up to 200,000 process values. This data shall be
unaffected by power interruptions.

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d. The PLC shall have enough processing power and working (DRAM) memory to enable
high level programs such as Internet Web Servers to operate efficiently without affecting
other simultaneous multitasking operations.

e. The PLC shall be furnished with a minimum of 6 communication ports with true
multitasking and allow simultaneous support of all ports. Ports can be configured for local
I/O, Operator Interface/display support, LAN/WAN, etc..

f. The PLC processor shall meet the following as a minimum:

1. CPU - True 32 Bit running at 50 MHz.

2. 16 MB – 32 bit Dynamic RAM
4. 512 KB Static RAM
5. 1 (One) Ethernet 10/100 BaseT port (RJ45)
6. 2 (Two) RS-232 Serial Communications (115 KB PS) (RJ45)
7. 1 (One) RS485 Serial Multi-Drop Communications
8. 1 (One) Local I/O port
9. 1 (One) Display Serial Communications Port

g. The PLC shall not require any specialized tools for removal of the unit. System
components including PLC, power supplies, etc. shall be DIN rail mounted. Terminations
shall be via plug in connectors facilitating quick field replacement.

h. PLC’s and associated I/O modules shall meet national and international safety
standards including UL, CSA, CE, DNV and Zone 2 Rated. In addition to the safety
standards PLC system components shall also meet IEEE-472 (ANSI C37.90) surge
withstand and IEC68-2-6 Vibration standards.

i. The PLC shall operate from a 10-30 VDC power source. A battery and charger as
previously specified shall be supplied to power the master & remote unit during 120 Volt
service power outage conditions.
j. The PLC’s shall have an operational temperature range of -40 C to 70 C (-40 F to
158 F) under relative humidity conditions of 5 to 95% non-condensing. Storage
temperature range up to 85 C (185 F)

3. Software:

a. The PLC shall have a high performance open source software architecture that utilizes
a true multitasking operating system running a combination of standard and specially
designed for water and wastewater application software modules. The system provided
shall utilize an integrated system approach providing a comprehensive common
configuration tool for all components within the system including I/O, Processor,
Communications, and Operator Interface Display. The architecture shall permit all
system components to be configured, simulated, tested and downloaded from one
terminal to all system components.

b. The operating system shall be multitasking and allow a minimum of two separate
programs to run simultaneously without affecting each other.

c. To provide for and insure multiple source support, the PLC system shall utilize industry
standard programming language certified by the PLC open committee for all five
languages supported by the IEC 61131-3 standard including; Sequential Function Chart,
Ladder Diagram, Structured Text, Instruction List and Function Block Diagram. All five
languages must be included. Any one or a combination of the aforementioned

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programming languages can be used to implement the system strategy. The
programming software must be Windows based and be able to operate on Windows
95, 98, NT, 2000, Millennium and XP operating systems.

d. PLC’s provided under this specification shall be capable of performing the necessary
logic to control the system as previously defined. These capabilities shall include, but not
be limited to the following:

1. Discrete input/output 10. Latch/unlatch relays

2. Analog input 11. Counters
3. Analog output 12. Comparators
4. Timers 13. Ladder logic
5. Pump Controller 14. Flow Totalization/Integration
6. Pump Alternation 15. Intrusion Detection
7. Mathematical Function Blocks 16. Time of Day Control w/Lockout
8. Stage Blocks 17. Ramp Blocks
9. Trending 18. Data Logging

e. PLC’s shall be capable of performing diagnostic functions. CPUs shall continuously

monitor the functionality of the system and record errors and specific system events. A
diagnostic buffer shall retain fault and interrupt events.

f. Communications between the Master PLC and the computer shall be accomplished
using standard off-the-shelf drivers allowing use of standard Windows DDE and or OPC
software drivers. The PLC system configuration software shall allow the MTU tagname
data base to be exported to the computer HMI software providing continuity between
PLC and HMI tagnames and making future changes/upgrades more efficient and less
prone to database tagname error. Communications between the Computer and Master
unit and the Master unit and the remote (off-site) units shall be via high speed
communications port (RS-232 (up to 115 Kbps) or Ethernet 10/100 BaseT (10/100 Mbps)
in conjunction with a modem over the previously specified telemetry medium.

g. Each PLC shall have memory protected built in historical archiving/data logging of
system alarms & events and process variables. Data logger shall be able to log data
based on time or an event. PLC shall have enough memory allocated to allow 200,000
time and date stamped discrete and/or analog values to be archived. The historical
archive shall allow the oldest data to roll off the system as memory is used keeping the
200,000 most current data points available. Process point time stamping frequency shall
be selectable within the configuration software. It shall be possible for the archived data
to be exported in CSV format allowing use with standard spreadsheet and data base
software applications.

h. Each PLC shall have built in web server capability allowing system information to be
stored in a format that allows for easy access and viewing with standard Windows
based browser. Each unit shall be furnished with built in O & M data associated with its
specific site including; as a minimum, basic system information, panel layouts, wiring
diagrams, material lists w/part numbers, and operational summary. This information shall
be accessible locally or remotely.

4. Communications:

a. The PLC telemetry system shall utilize USFilter “open” industry non licensed standard
communications protocol that will permit interface with other equipment that may not be
supplied by the same manufacture. Protocols that are proprietary and closed ended will
not be acceptable. Upon request by the end user, the system supplier shall provide, to
the owner, documentation describing the supplied communications protocol so that it

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may be used in future telemetry additions to insure interface-ability of other third party
RTUs and or PLCs.

b. The telemetry system must be able to simultaneously support multiple

communications protocols. The system supplied, as a minimum shall be able to supply
USFilter “open” and Modbus RTU/ASCII (Remote/Slave) output data via RS-232, 485 &
Ethernet format thus insuring a primary means of interfacing with non-related equipment.

c. The PLC system shall allow telemetry operations over multiple (LAN/WAN)
communication media affording the most efficient and reliable solution including; DC
metallic wire pair, dedicated leased voice grade phone line, standard dial up phone line,
wireless cellular dial up system, cable TV, Fiber optics, Ethernet 10/100 BaseT, VHF
Radio, UHF Radio, Dedicated Microwave Radio, and Ethernet Wireless. System
communication architecture can be based on any one or a combination of these media.
The communications speed shall be set to the highest speed allowed by the selected
media. This system shall be based on the use of _______ as the primary communication

d. The system shall support multiple modes of telemetry operation allowing highest
possible system reliability and real-time response including; standard polling cycles, peer-
to-peer, quiescent (Report on exception), store and forward (Repeater). System
communication architecture can be based on any one or a combination of these modes
of operation. This system shall utilize ________ mode(s) of operation.

e. The PLC telemetry system shall employ a high level, efficient, secure communications
protocol for communications between Master Telemetry Unit (MTU) and Remote
Telemetry Unit(s) (RTU). As a minimum the telemetry system shall utilize BCH, CRC16
or other high level error detection/rejection protocol to ensure true transmission/reception
of data. Systems utilizing communications protocols with less capable error
detection/rejection capabilities shall not be suitable for this application and will be
summarily rejected.

f. The PLC system shall allow local or remote configuration or RTU troubleshooting
without the need to be onsite. The system protocol shall support remote upload and
down load file transfers between the master unit and associated RTUs. File transfer
function shall provide reliable means of remotely transferring RTU configuration files so
that any RTU configuration can be uploaded through the selected telemetry
communications media to the online PC via the MTU, modified and then downloaded to
the RTU. The system shall support transfer of RTU historical files for recovery of
historical data stored at each RTU in the event of communication or MTU failure.
Historical files can be reassembled at the MTU/PC so that no loss of data occurs due to
temporary communications interruptions. The Main PLC shall be supplied with a
standard dial up modem allowing remote system access for factory service and technical

5. I/O Systems:

a. The PLC system shall have I/O resources to support a wide variety of applications
without needing to depend upon alternate technologies to meet various system data
requirements. Each PLC shall be supplied with the required I/O to meet the specified
requirements and allow for a minimum of 100% spare capacity for future expansion. The
PLC system shall be easily scaled from a stand alone unit capable of supporting up to
1,024 local, 1,024 remote I/O, and 10,000 Ethernet networked I/O points or one of 254
RTUs with a total system data handling capability of 50,000 points.

b. The PLC system shall support a wide variety of modular I/O with various
configurations to permit the most efficient use of I/O hardware and panel space. I/O

Rev. 12/31/02 13
modules shall be available for local I/O (within control panel), remote I/O (RS-485 based
distributed outside of the control panel) and Ethernet based I/O (Distributed I/O on high
speed in plant network or wireless Ethernet). Each I/O module shall be DIN rail mounted,
have compression wire type terminals capable of accepting 14 AWG wire, have wire
identification markers and I/O wiring diagram. Each module shall include diagnostic
LEDS indicating module operational and I/O status. Each I/O module shall be electrically
isolated, meet IEEE-472 (ANSI C37.90) surge withstand certification, shall be removable
under power and easily field replaced with a spare module requiring no
software/hardware reconfiguration adjustments. Each module shall be safety keyed to
insure proper installation. I/O modules shall permit installation and operation in
hazardous locations as classified under UL, CSA Class 1, Div. 2, Groups A, B, C & D.

c. Local I/O modules shall be connected to the PLC by a dedicated high speed serial
communications port and shall allow local networking of 128 I/O modules for a total of
1024 I/O points via 2 twisted shielded wire pairs separated by up to 50 Ft. Local I/O to
PLC update time shall not exceed 150 mS.

d. Remote I/O modules shall be connected to the PLC by a dedicated high speed
isolated serial communications port and shall allow networking of 32 I/O modules directly
or with up to 4 gateway I/O expansion modules allow 128 I/O modules for a total of 1,024
I/O points via RS-485 multidrop communications network separated by up to 10,000 ft.
Remote I/O modules shall support multiple communications protocols including Modbus
ASCII and RTU allowing connection to any device supporting these protocols

e. Ethernet I/O modules shall be connected to the PLC by on board Ethernet 10/100
BaseT connection port. Ethernet I/O modules shall support multiple communications
including TCP/IP and Modbus ASCII and RTU allowing connection to any device
supporting these protocols over standard Ethernet backplane.

f. Master & Remote PLCs shall be IntraLink LC3000 as manufactured by US Filter

Control Systems or pre-approved equal.

6. Operator Interface Panel (Optional)

a. An Operator Interface/Keyboard Display shall be supplied for the Master PLC and
(Remote PLCs) and is to be mounted on the door of the enclosure. Keypad/Display shall
allow the Operator to view and modify system variables within the PLC. Keypad/Display
shall be NEMA 4 rated, have 20 system/function keys with tactile feedback, and have a
minimum of 64 x 128 pixels capable of displaying graphics and a minimum of 8 lines with
20 characters per line. The display shall be a high contrast backlit LCD display so that it
is unaffected by a wide range of ambient light conditions.

b. Operator interface shall have sufficient performance to permit real time updates of
system data and shall be capable of display update at least 3 times per second. Operator
initiated screen change shall occur within 50 mSec. The display shall incorporate a
power save feature that shuts down the display after 5 minutes of keyboard inactivity.

c. The system display shall be preconfigured to reflect system parameters. The display
shall support a minimum of 50 customizable main level process system displays. These
displays shall be configured with graphical and text based data for the specific application
to meet system monitoring and process control needs. The display shall be easily
navigated by using a simple menu type format branching down to sub menus/levels. The
display shall allow an operator to return to the main level with a one step push button
entry. All system data and parameters shall be security protected. The system shall
employ a hierarchal security password system affording a minimum of three (3) levels of
password protected access to the system.

Rev. 12/31/02 14
d. The display system shall incorporate a basic trending package that shall allow sixty
samples of time based data for a single discrete or analog based data point to be
displayed. The system shall allow trend display of any data point in the system.

e. The display system shall be able to display current and historical alarms and events.
Upon the occurrence of a new unacknowledged alarm, the display shall show the date
and time and sound an audible tone indicating the presence of an unacknowledged
alarm. Acknowledging the alarm via the display keyboard shall silence the audible tone.
Subsequent alarms shall reactivate the alarm audible tone. Historical alarm and event
information shall be viewable from the display with the last 1,000 alarms or events
including date and time of alarm being available.

f. The Operator Interface shall provide locally viewable system diagnostics for the PLC
system to permit an on site method of troubleshooting the system without the need for
specialized tools or knowledge. Diagnostics indicating system processor and
communication errors and CPU performance/loading shall be viewable when in this

g. Unit shall be capable of displaying process variables, provide management and

processing of status and fault messages, and provide process control using soft keys,
function keys or system keys. Keypad/Display programming shall be via Microsoft
Windows based software as described above in the software section of this specification.

7. Modems

(Telephone Line)

a. Modems provided for connection to telephone lines shall be fully FCC type accepted.
Units shall connect to the PLC via its RS232 communications port. Data transmission
rates shall be a minimum of 1200 bps.

(Radio System)

a. Modems required for data transmission via radio transceiver shall be integral to the
transceiver. Connection of the PLC to radio transceiver shall be via RS232. Data
transmission rates shall be a minimum of 1200 bps.

E. Radio System (Where Applicable)

1. General

a. The telemetry signals shall be transmitted/received over a spectrum efficient radio

system operating in a half-duplex mode on a (Select 1: VHF\UHF\Spread Spectrum)
FM radio transceiver. The radio equipment shall be capable of operating on a narrow
band splinter frequency (154-173 MHz for VHF, 450-490 MHz for UHF) in the Power
Radio Service, or in the case of spread spectrum, in the 902-928 MHz unlicensed area of
the radio spectrum. System shall use a single or dual frequency as required and be
capable of either point to point or point to multipoint modes of operation.

b. The telemetry system manufacturer shall provide computer generated radio path
surveys and design the system for at least 98.0% reliability. System manufacturer shall
also provide all help necessary to the end user for radio frequency coordination and FCC
licensing, all as previously specified. End user shall be responsible for paying all fees
required by either the Regional Frequency Coordinator or the FCC.

Rev. 12/31/02 15
2. Radio Transceiver

a. The radio transceiver shall be a new current model suitable for transmitting and
receiving (VHF/UHF/Spread Spectrum): at a user selected rate of 1200, 2400, 4800 or
9600 bps). Units shall be FCC approved for the intended application and operate from
power furnished by the remote PLC’s or Master PLC unit. Units shall have built in locally
accessable, via serial port, diagnostics allowing on line viewing of power output,
temperature, voltage, signal strength, antenna/feedline condition and data decode
performance. Radio transceivers shall have an operating temperature range of at least
–-21 Deg F to + 140 Deg F without signal degradation. Radios shall be Integra-TR or H
as manufactured by Dataradio, or approved equal.

b. Minimum acceptable technical specifications of the radio transceivers are as follows:

(VHF System Only)


RF Power Output -------------------- 1 to 5 watts (Adjustable)

Frequency Range -------------------- 150-174 MHz

Frequency Stability ------------------ ± 0.0005% from - 30 to 60 C

Modulation --------------------------- 6K00F1D (6.25 KHz)

Spurious and Harmonics ----------- Less than 60 dB

Transmitter Attack ------------------ 7 mS


Sensitivity (12 dB SINAD) --------- 0.35 µV

Selectivity ----------------------------- Minus 65 dB @ ± 25 KHz

Frequency Stability ------------------ ± 0.001% from - 30 to 60 C

Intermodulation ---------------------- Minus 60 dB

Spurious and Image Rejection ----- Minus 60 dB

(UHF System Only)


RF Power Output ------------------- 1-5 watts Adjustable

Frequency Range ------------------- 450-470 MHz

Frequency Stability ------------------ ± 0.0005% from - 30 to 60 C

Modulation ---------------------------- 6K00F1D (6.25 KHz)

Spurious and Harmonics ----------- Minus 75 dB

Transmitter Attack ------------------ 20 mS


Rev. 12/31/02 16
Sensitivity (12 dB SINAD) -------- 0.35 µV

Selectivity ---------------------------- Minus 65 dB @ ± 25 KHz

Frequency Stability ------------------- ± 0.0005% from - 30 to 60 C

Intermodulation ----------------------- Minus 60 dB

Spurious and Image Rejection ------ Minus 60 dB

(Spread Spectrum System Only)


Frequency Range -------------------- 902-928 MHz

Spreading Technique ---------------- Frequency Hopping

Hopping Technique ------------------ Pseudo Random, Asynchronous


RF Output ---------------------- 0.1 – 1 Watt Adjustable

Duty Cycle ----------------- 100 %

Modulation Bandwidth ------------ Meets FCC Part 15


Channels ------------------------------ 240, 25 KHz Wide

Channel Spacing -------------------- 100 KHz

Dynamic Range ----------------------- -105 to -20 dBm (@10 BER)

IF Selectivity -------------------------- -6 dBm down @ 30 KHz

45 MHz IF Refection ----------------- < 90 dBm

3. Antenna, Cable, Masts and Poles

a. The radio telemetry system supplier shall provide the antenna for each site as required
to achieve the overall communications requirements of the system. Antennas shall be
directional or omnidirectional as required and suitable for outdoor environments. They
shall be of all aluminum construction and rated to withstand as least 100 MPH winds with
1/2 inch radial ice.

b. Adequate lengths of RG213A/U coaxial cable (Spread Spectrum): LMR 400) shall be
provided for connection of the antenna to the radio transceiver at each site. The
transmission line shall be terminated only in connectors rated for the required service. A
lightning arrestor shall be placed between the transceiver and coaxial cable.

c. Unless specifically stated, the antennas shall be attached to existing structures, such
as tanks or buildings. Particular attention shall be given to the correct installation of the
antennas to give adequate protection from nearby lightning strikes by providing a low
resistance dc path to ground. Instructions for installing these antennas shall be given to
the Contractor so as to insure reliable operation.

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d. Contractor shall furnish all mounting masts or poles as required to support the
antennas at the elevations and orientations required. Masts and poles shall be suitable
for outdoor environmental conditions, provide adequate support and protection for
transmission lines and be provided complete with all necessary mounting accessories.
Minimum acceptable technical and physical specifications of the antenna shall be as

Directional Antenna

Type ------------------------------------ 3 element Yagi, with a forward gain

of at least 7 dB

Front to back ratio -------------------- 20 dB

Lightning protection ------------------ Direct ground

Feedpoint method --------------------- Weatherproof gamma match for

coaxial feedline

Omni-Directional Antenna

Type ------------------------------------ 2 or 4 dipole array adjustable for omni or

bi-directional pattern

Gain ------------------------------------ At least 3 dB omni, 6 dB offset

Lightning protection ----------------- DC ground through all metal support pipe

Antennas shall be as manufactured by Antenna Specialists, Cellwave or approved equal.

G. Spare Parts

a. As part of this contract, the Contractor shall furnish a minimum of one (1) each of the
following spare parts: PLC module, Input/Output modules (one each type), PLC power supply
module, communications module/modem and radio transceiver. Parts shall be provided in a
single package with each component tagged.

H. Main Computer and Peripherals

1. General

a. Main computer hardware system shall consist of a CPU, RAM memory, hard disk
storage drive, floppy disk drive, CD-ROM R/W, Video Boards, Network Adaptors, Audio
Boards, Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor and an external direct connect telephone modem.
Unit shall contain auxiliary microprocessors which handle all data manipulations and
memory allocations. A video monitor and printers shall be included to view and print data.
A minimum of 5 PCI/1 AGP Slots, 2 serial, 2 USB and 1 parallel ports shall be provided.
All computer hardware must be listed on the Windows 2000 compatibility list published by
Microsoft Corporation.

b. Power provided to the computer and its peripherals will be 120 VAC, 3 wire, 60 Hz.
Computer shall be capable of operating satisfactorily in an ambient temperature range of
60 to 90 F with a relative humidity of 5 to 85% non-condensing.

Rev. 12/31/02 18
c. All necessary communications and power cabling and/or cords between the PC,
Master PLC, UPS and all peripheral equipment shall be included. Provide surge
protected power bar(s) as required.

2. CPU

a. Computer shall be a 32 bit unit which is IBM-AT compatible. CPU shall be an Intel
Pentium 4 1.5 GHz or better. CPU shall utilize a 256K cache. Basic configuration shall
include 128 MB SDRAM. Data bus width shall be 64 bit.

b. Included shall be a detached, industry standard 101 key QWERTY type keyboard.
Keyboard shall include 12 programmable function keys, an 18 key numeric keypad and
separate cursor and screen editing keys. Indicating lights shall be included on the
keyboard to indicate the current status of the Cap Lock, Num Lock and Scroll Lock

c. A mouse shall be provided to operate in conjunction with the Main Video Display to
allow the selection of operational tasks, eliminating most typing functions, and saving
operator time. Mouse shall be a serial two button type, Microsoft or approved equal.

d. Computer shall be FCC Class B certified for EMI/RFI and UL/CSA approved and be as
manufactured by Dell, Hewlett Packard, or IBM.

3. Disk System

a. Computer shall have an integrally mounted fixed disk system, 48x CD-ROM, 24x CD
RW, one (1) 3.5” floppy disk drive and an controller card to interface the drives to the

b. Hard disk shall contain as a minimum 20 GB of formatted data storage with a single
partition of memory. Drive shall utilize a voice coil actuator for read/write head
positioning. Maximum allowable access time shall be 12 mS.

c. Floppy disk drive shall be 3.5 inch half height unit with 1.44 MB of storage per diskette.

d. CD-ROM drive shall be a minimum 48X with a minimum data transfer rate of 1200
kbps and a maximum access time of 100 mS.

e. CD-RW drive shall be a minimum 24X with a minimum data transfer rate of 600 kbps
and a maximum access time of 200 mS.

4. Video Display System

a. Main video display system shall be able to display alphanumeric data, pixel and vector
graphics. Both text and graphics shall be able to be displayed on the screen

b. A Super Video Graphics Array (SVGA) video adapter card shall be provided. Board
shall include a minimum of 2 MB video memory and capable of displaying 1024 by 768
resolution graphics in 256 colors. Average drawing time of a display with graphics shall
be less than five seconds.

c. A 17" color (with minimum 15.8” viewing area) CRT monitor shall be provided. The
unit's dot phosphor pitch shall be a maximum of 0.28 mm. Screen shall be designed to
minimize glare and increase contrast; operator adjustable controls shall include
brightness and screen contrast.

Rev. 12/31/02 19
5. Modem

a. An internal, Hayes compatible, Auto-Dialing, Auto-Answering 56 kbps telephone

modem shall be included with the computer. Modem shall meet all applicable CCITT
standards. The modem shall support the industry standard AT Command Set and meet
all Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations governing equipment
connected to the telephone system. Modem shall be as manufactured by US Robotics/3
Comm or approved equal.

6. Printers

a. Event Printer

A 9-pin minimum dot matrix printer shall be provided to serve as an alarm/event printer. Printer
shall utilize a parallel interface and offer Near Letter Quality capability and selectable
pitches. Unit shall operate a 264 cps for normal use and 44 cps for Near Letter Quality
printing. Provide Epson LX-300+ or approved equal.

b. Report Printer

Computer shall be provided with one desktop InkJet printer to serve as a report printer. Printer
shall utilize a high speed USB or parallel interface. Unit shall be capable of 12-page-per-
minute Black & White & 10 ppm color printing, and capable of 2400x1200-dpi resolution.
Printer shall be HP 970 cse or approved equal.

7. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

a. An uninterruptible power supply shall be furnished to continuously provide a reliable source of

power to the Master PLC, computer and peripherals. Unit shall provide no-break sine
wave power, lightning and surge protection, isolation per FIP Standard 94, voltage
regulation and be switch-mode power supply rated. Standby Power Supplies which allow
a break in power when transferring to battery are not acceptable.

b. The UPS shall be sized to accommodate 125 percent of the maximum load of the PC, monitor,
Master PLC, (radio) and all local peripherals. UPS shall utilize sealed, maintenance-free
batteries to provide a minimum of 20 minutes of backup power at full load in the event of
a failure of the normal AC source.

c. Unit shall include LED indicators for AC line ready, charging, battery power and alarm. UPS
to be manufactured by Best Power Technology or equal.

I. Notebook Computer

a. Provide notebook computer with PLC programming and remote monitoring capabilities.
Notebook shall meet the following minimum specifications and shall have the following
internal equipment installed with the computer:

1. Intel Pentium III operating at a minimum clock speed of 1.0 GHz.

2. Random Access Memory (RAM) of 128 MB minimum.
3. 3.5 in. 1.44 MB Floppy Disk Drive
4. 20 GB Hard Disk
5. 10.4 in. DSTN Display
6. 32 bit w/16MB Video Graphics Card
7. Two Type II or one Type III PCMCIA slot(s)
8. 24X CD ROM

Rev. 12/31/02 20
9. 56 kbps Fax/Modem

b. Computer shall be provided with carrying case, connecting cables, manuals, license
and registration cards. Computer shall be as manufactured by Toshiba or Engineer
approved equal.


A. Operating system provided for the main computer shall be commercially available, 32-bit and
capable of taking full advantage of the protected mode multitasking capabilities of a Pentium
III microprocessor. System shall be designed to perform advanced memory management

B. System shall offer virtual memory capabilities, multiple virtual machines, and provide true
pre-emptive multitasking. Any error messages displayed by the operating system shall be
descriptive and in plain English, minimizing the need for reference manuals or tables.

C. Operating system shall be MS-Windows 2000 or Windows XP.


A. General

Software shall employ a graphical user interface (GUI) as the human-machine interface
(HMI). This native 32-bit graphical user interface shall allow operating personnel to perform
all system functions without any knowledge of operating system commands. Capabilities of
the software shall include:

1. Full support for Microsoft Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). Dynamic Data Exchange shall
allow for the real time exchange of data with other Windows software packages, both 16
and 32 bit.

2 Support for Microsoft Windows programs, both 16 and 32 bit which are capable of using
Object Linking and Embedding (OLE).

3. Operate in Microsoft Windows 2000 pre-emptive multitasking environment and utilize the
industry standard Windows graphical user interface (GUI).

4. Support for a wide range of user devices including a mouse, touchscreen, trackball,
lightpen, and keyboard.

System configuration shall be protected from unauthorized changes by a password security

system. An on-line help facility to assist operating personnel shall be provided. HMI software
shall be Wonderware InTouch 1K, 3K, 64K Dev/RT latest version.

B. DDE I/O Server Interfaces

1. DDE I/O Server Interfaces provided shall be standalone Windows programs capable of
communicating via DDE link to any other Windows based program in the system.
Servers must be available for all major brands of programmable controllers and I/O

2. Only data points which change on screen, alarm points, historically logged points or
points in background logic shall be polled. In addition, to optimize communication
performance, report by exception. Polling lists shall be dynamically configurable with all
configuration menu driven.

Rev. 12/31/02 21
C. Graphics

System shall be capable of providing both dynamic and static graphic displays. Dynamic
graphics shall provide real-time system information displays on the CRT. Alarms, status, and
analog data depicted on the screen shall be updated as data is made available to the

1. System supplier shall create displays representing system processes and

instrumentation as described hereunder. These displays shall be built with object
oriented graphic elements such as ovals, rectangles, lines, arcs, circles and text. The
graphics program shall utilize the software's GUI and include pull down menus and dialog
boxes (or equivalent) to facilitate the display creation process. Graphic displays to be
provided under this contract shall include:

a. System location diagram (map) identifying physical location of each station. Diagram
shall be generated via an actual mapping program, then modified to fit this project.

b. Individual graphic display for each site in the system. Displays shall include such
items as digital and/or barograph indication of analog process variables, and alarm
and status indications for each piece of monitored equipment.

2. Displays shall use the color capabilities of the video display system to visually indicate
status, level and alarm conditions of major components in the system. As the status of
the actual components change, the color of the displayed symbol for the components
shall change to denote their current status. Setpoints and control points shall be
modifiable when displayed on the screen by an operator who has been assigned access
to this function.

3. Means shall be provided to allow the operator to print graphic displays

4. Provide an object oriented graphics and animation editor which includes the following:

a. Drawing tools with CAD like capabilities

square/rectangle rounded rectangle shaded "3D' button

circle/ellipse multi-segment line polygon
straight line historical trend Import/export bitmap
real time trend

b. Editing tools for:

arranging aligning layering

spacing rotating inverting
duplicating cutting copying

c. Animation links for creating:

Discrete/Analog/String touch inputs Horizontal/Vertical sliders

Action pushbuttons Show/Hide window buttons
Object Height/Width Vertical/Horizontal position
Discrete pushbuttons Rotation
Vertical/Horizontal percent fill Visibility/Blink
Discrete/Analog/String value output Line/Fill/Text Color

Rev. 12/31/02 22
No limit shall be attached to the number of animation links that can be attached to an object.
Capability to create, edit screens or windows while simultaneously running the real-time HMI
application shall be provided.

D. Trending

1. Analog graphic real time and historical trend charts shall be available for all monitored
analog process variables in the system. These shall be displayed in strip chart style with
the vertical axis depicting the variable value and the horizontal axis representing time.
Each display shall be scaled in appropriate coordinates for the specific variable being
monitored. Chart time frame shall be operator selectable from a minimum of one minute
to one year.

2. System shall be capable of displaying up to four (4) analogs on a single chart. Color shall
be used to differentiate between analogs. When multiple analogs are displayed, the
vertical axis shall be scaled to a percentage of the operating range.

3. Ability to print both real-time and historical trends shall be provided.

4. Analog variable for each chart shall be automatically sampled and the value stored on
the system hard drive. It shall be possible to import/export historical data in a CSV format
to/from spreadsheets, other databases and editors.

E. Alarming

1. When an alarm condition occurs the following sequence shall be provided:

a. The external alarm horn shall sound.

b. The alarm shall be added to the Event Log.
c. The alarm shall be printed on the Event Log Printer.
d. An (optional) telephone dialer or pager shall be signaled.

2. Alarming capabilities shall include:

a. HighHigh/High/Low/LowLow
b. Major/Minor deviation.
c. Eight (8) hierarchical alarm groups w/16 subgroups per group.
d. Viewing all alarms or subsets as a summary or a history.
e. Selectable formats for display, archiving or printing.
f. Rate of change.

F. Report Generation System

1. A report generation system shall be included to print standard and custom reports, lists,
tables and graphic charts. Report generation shall be invoked either on demand by the
operator, by a monitored event, or automatically on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly

2. Report generation system shall be capable of producing daily, weekly, monthly and/or
yearly reports. It shall be possible to configure the reports to meet management and
government requirements as specified herein. Reports shall be printed using actual or
calculated values from either the system's real-time database, the historical database, or
manually entered data.

3. The system shall utilize Microsoft Access or InSQL Server to hold report data and
shall allow data to be sharred by dynamically linking to third party spreadsheets to send

Rev. 12/31/02 23
or receive, manipulate, display or print graphs and reports. To conserve system
resources, any third party software shall reside on a separate computer.

4. As part of the Report Generation System, a single copy of Crystal Reports shall be

5. Copies of all required management and governmental reports to provided under this
contract are attached.

G. Database

1. System shall utilize a Real-Time Database which stores current system values and
status, annunciates alarm conditions and status changes, totalization and running time
accumulation and provides control logic for outputs based on information contained in the
database. Analog data points shall be capable of having their values sampled for chart
displays and reports, plus they shall be used in comparisons for alarm and setpoint

2. System shall utilize an Historical Database to periodically collect information from the
Real-Time Database. The data shall be filed on the computer hard disk. Period between
collections shall be adjustable from one day to one year, selectable by data point.

3. Data from the both the Real-Time and Historical Databases shall be available for displays
and reports. Data shall be capable of being exported to third party spreadsheets, text
files or any DDE program. In order to conserve system resources, all third party software
shall reside on a separate computer.

J. Remote Diagnostics/Remote Terminal

1. A Windows based software package shall be provided to allow factory or City personnel
access to the system. Package shall operate in conjunction with the system's internal
modem. It shall be possible to examine and remotely modify the system using this
package. Remote access shall be password protected.

2. A terminal log shall be provided to record the "log on" and "log off" of each remote
terminal/computer. This log shall provide a usage report listing the user identification, the
time and date the user logged onto the system, plus the time and date the user logged

L. Networking

Support shall be provided for any standard Ethernet network.



A. Coordinate all work with the engineer/owner to avoid conflicts, errors, delays and
unnecessary interference with operation of the existing system during installation, testing,
cutover and startup.

B. Install all new equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and approved

Rev. 12/31/02 24

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