Dear Parents, Carers and Friends,: Kingswood

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Dear Parents, Carers and Friends,

The Spring sunshine is definitely having a positive impact in school. Pupils are very enthusiastic
about their learning and there is more than a tweet of excitement in
Dear Parents and Carers
!elcome bac" to the final term of the academic year. #ets hope it is filled with sunshine and lots
of exciting learning opportunities. #ast term was certainly a very busy one in school here are a
few of the highlights$
%rs Darrington our new &ssistant 'ead teacher (oined the staff and is loving being part of the
)orth !heatley team. She is thoroughly en(oying teaching Class * and thin"s the children are
ama+ing. They celebrated being super learners with a Proud Cloud party on the last day of term.
!e were also delighted to welcome #ola ,yan and -li+abeth to school they .uic"ly settled into
the -arly /ears and are busy ma"ing friends and loving learning$

Pupils in Class 0 have been delving into the world of Classic #iterature reading extracts from
%acbeth and ,omeo and 1uliet no less$ They developed their understanding of these text by
creating a free+e frame and then used these ideas to enhance our writing. %rs 2ailey thought
that the recounts of the meeting with the witches were truly atmospheric and at times rather

This term -arly /ears have been learning about families. &fter reading the boo" ,osies 2abies
by %artin !adell it inspired us to recreated the mud "itchen from the story. The children have
en(oyed coo"ing up a feast of mud pies in our outdoor learning environment.

The /ear 3s wor"ed really hard during S&Ts wee" we were incredibly proud of their positive
attitude to the tests. Than" you for all your very hard wor" and enthusiasm 4liver %acy %adison
-llie )atalie #ibby and 5a""ary
6ourteen pupils in /ear 7 8 and 3 will be off on residential this 6riday. &fter meeting at school at
*0.9:pm they will board the minibus and head to the Dearne ;alley Centre with myself and %rs
Cox for a fun pac"ed three nights and four days of adventure$ !e return to school on %onday
afternoon around 0pm.
Sports day 11
June 1pm
4ur annual sports afternoon ta"es place on !ednesday **
1une at *pm so "eep your fingers
crossed for a warm and rain free day$ !e are changing the format slightly this year pupils will be
put into seven teams each led by a year 3 pupil. The events will ta"e place in and around a
mar"ed running trac" in Commonwealth and 4lympic style. Spectators are invited to bring a
comfy chair to watch the events on from the usual side of trac" area.
Infant Free School Dinners
<reat news$ 6rom September all pupils in 6S0 /ear * and /ear 0 will be entitled to free school
meals$ !e hope that all families will ma"e the most of this great opportunity. To ensure that your
child does not miss out parents will need to complete and return the registration form that is also
being sent out today. 4nce registered infant aged pupils will be entitled to daily free school
dinners or can continue to bring pac"ed lunches on some days however it is essential that all
pupils are registered$
=ey Stage 0 pupils are also entitled to free school dinners if their parent receives one of the
benefits listed on the )CC website. Please do contact school for more information.
Year and ! "isit to Daneshill with #$% trust
Class 9 will be underta"ing woodland wor"shops with ,ic" and the team from )otts !ildlife Trust
next Thursday. They will be travelling by minibus to Daneshill at *:am and spending the day there
before returning to school for 9pm. Pupils will need a pac"ed lunch and clothes suitable for the
weather$ !e "indly as" for a voluntary contribution of >0 per child towards transport costs.
Please send this into the school office.
Year & and ' "isit to the %hrac(ery )edical )useum in *eeds+
!hile class 9 are visiting Daneshill Class will be heading to #eeds with %rs 2ailey %iss Sharpe
and %rs Cox to further their learning about potions at the Thac"ery museum.
Summer production
Preparations for the Summer production are well underway and it is great to "now that several
pupils are already word perfect with their lines. Tic"ets will go on sale on %onday *3
1une at a
price of >9.8:?each. !e would as" families to order no more than three for the evening
performance until all re.uest have been made. !e will then notify you of any spare tic"ets. The
afternoon performance will start at *.9:pm and the evening at 3pm. !e loo" forward to sharing the
pupils theatrical s"ills with you$
#ico,s "isit
)icolas De 6elipe %arote will be (oining school on 0@
1une for four wee"s. 'e will be in Class 9
learning more about the -nglish way of life and hopefully teaching us all Spanish$ !e cant wait to
meet him. Than" you to the !eir family for hosting him.
D-./ graduation
Class 9 pupils have been en(oying their D&,- lessons and will be graduating on A
1uly at
0.*8pm. They will be sending invitations to their families to invite them to share in this special
occasion with them. Parents with pupils in other classes will be able to combine the <raduation
with 4pen &fternoon.
Some e0citing e"ents happening this term
&1 June 2 Class 3 day "isit to Kingswood+
3 July 2 /arly Years open morning+
11 July 4 .eports sent out to parents+
1 July 4 Class & "isit to Clum5er Par(+
31 July 4 Community picnic+
3& July 4 *ea"ers ser"ice+
&s always we are here to help with any .ueries .uestions worries or concerns. Please never
hesitate to get in touch with us.
'ead Teacher
Up and coming special community events
Summer production, Ali-baba and the bongo bandits 27th June at 1.3 and !.pm

"arly #ears $pen morning, everyone %elcome, 2nd July 21& 'am

(ommunity )icnic 12 noon, *onday 21st July, please come and +oin us %ith your picnic lunch.
)lease do chec, our %ebsite calendar -or all our latest blogs, videos, podcasts, in-ormation and

Up and coming special community events
Summer production, Ali-baba and the bongo bandits 27th June at 1.3 and !.pm

"arly #ears $pen morning, everyone %elcome, 2nd July 21& 'am

(ommunity )icnic 12 noon, *onday 21st July, please come and +oin us %ith your picnic lunch.
)lease do chec, our %ebsite calendar -or all our latest blogs, videos, podcasts, in-ormation and

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