This document discusses the author's religious and philosophical beliefs, which differ from conservative Christianity. Some key points:
1. The author believes in God but finds the Bible's teachings incomplete and contradicted by experience.
2. Churches focus too much on feeling good about oneself rather than preparing people for life's hardships.
3. The author's beliefs incorporate science, including believing in intelligent design over strict biblical creationism.
4. Moral issues like suicide, homosexuality and abortion are complex rather than always sinful.
5. The author believes in a God concerned with universal harmony rather than answering personal prayers.
This document discusses the author's religious and philosophical beliefs, which differ from conservative Christianity. Some key points:
1. The author believes in God but finds the Bible's teachings incomplete and contradicted by experience.
2. Churches focus too much on feeling good about oneself rather than preparing people for life's hardships.
3. The author's beliefs incorporate science, including believing in intelligent design over strict biblical creationism.
4. Moral issues like suicide, homosexuality and abortion are complex rather than always sinful.
5. The author believes in a God concerned with universal harmony rather than answering personal prayers.
Original Description:
Political Philosophy of this election as well as the net
This document discusses the author's religious and philosophical beliefs, which differ from conservative Christianity. Some key points:
1. The author believes in God but finds the Bible's teachings incomplete and contradicted by experience.
2. Churches focus too much on feeling good about oneself rather than preparing people for life's hardships.
3. The author's beliefs incorporate science, including believing in intelligent design over strict biblical creationism.
4. Moral issues like suicide, homosexuality and abortion are complex rather than always sinful.
5. The author believes in a God concerned with universal harmony rather than answering personal prayers.
This document discusses the author's religious and philosophical beliefs, which differ from conservative Christianity. Some key points:
1. The author believes in God but finds the Bible's teachings incomplete and contradicted by experience.
2. Churches focus too much on feeling good about oneself rather than preparing people for life's hardships.
3. The author's beliefs incorporate science, including believing in intelligent design over strict biblical creationism.
4. Moral issues like suicide, homosexuality and abortion are complex rather than always sinful.
5. The author believes in a God concerned with universal harmony rather than answering personal prayers.
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Your upcoming vote will represent your Moral Politics and
Religious Point-of-View, not just which president you like
First, I must say, I believe in a God. But not exactly a conservative and fundamentalist God.
I have read the Bible from passage to passage and memorized almost every verse in there, roughly, I think. And my conclusion is that there is more to life's meaning, understanding, values, and world view than just reading the words of the Bible (Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth). There is a reality that exist in this world where the complexity of our individual experiences cannot be explained nor understood by reading the Bible. An simple example is in Proverbs: 'The righteous' house will be filled with honey, perfume, and oil' (another word: wealth). Is that really so? From my experience, this world is almost always unfair to the righteous and the kind. There is even a saying in America: "No good deed goes unpunished;" "The nice guy always finishes last." "Chicks dig bad boys who can also make that dough."
There is a joke that I made up about Abraham's obedience to God's voice. "If I see a guy on the top of his roof, with his son tied up naked, and has a knife in his hand about to slit his son's throat, I would shoot him right away with my sniper rifle (then called the police)."
The Old Testament of the Bible, which is the fundamental basis for world's 3 largest religion -- Judaism, Islam, and Christianity -- is the most genocidal book ever written in the cannon of literatures. Secondly, the Bible does not explain one single thing about the forces that are moving this world: economy, military, politics, wars, and global relationships and soft power. The most backward, poorest, proud, and violent nations in this world are fundamentalist nations or groups of people (e.g. American Indians and the Muslims). They, especially the Muslims, are the most proud people on this earth about their culture and religion who on the other hand are also so angry about how poor and weak their nations stand on the grand stage of this world. The Fundamentalist Muslims are the most violent people towards the "infidels" of other nations.
(But to be fair to the Muslims, the Crusade was the Christianity's age of mass delusion and fundamentalism.)
Thirdly, I think the Christians in the West are the most naive people and worldly people on this earth. You answer a few questions correctly and emerge in the "Holy Water" and come out filled with God's Spirit and become a changed person. "Once saved, always saved, right?" "Just believe in Jesus and his Grace, and you will be forgiven.) This type of teaching, like Jesus once taught: "My burden is light [rest in me].", is the most non-accountable teaching in the entire world. Sinful acts are not a problem as long as you believe in Jesus. There should be no guilt when you believe in Jesus: all consequences and wrongs and hurt you have put on to other people are automatically forgiven as long as you pray the lord's prayer.
On the forth point, why did God put us here on earth? What is our ultimate purpose in life? Is our lives just a test to see if we can get into heaven or not? I refuse to believe that my life and all my hard work and sweat and blood are simply just a test. That, to me, is a joke! I believe that my existence is real, and the world is real. I wish to live my life to the fullest, fulfilling every moment to contribute to this world, so that there will not be a need for an after life. One life time will be enough. No regrets nor doubts as I have poured out all that I have.
So why do I still believe in God and take lessons from Jesus' teachings?
I find that loving sinful, selfish, greedy, and imperfect people as they are and forgiving them time after time -- just like Jesus' teachings -- are the hardest thing to do in your life time comparing with getting baptized and going to church every Sundays.
This is why I believe in Jesus' teachings.
Churches are financial institutions where people go to meet other people, make friends, networking, go on dates, and even find a wife or husband -- a place to get married in -- and on the same time feel good about yourself by their worth to God that has put on you ("He has even. counted every hair that is on your body"). The church breed some of the most narcissistic people in this world believing in the value of their life (and spirit) without any supporting evidences nor realistic accomplishments for this world to support their pride and self-righteousness. A church is just full of talk... Talk of Grace, talk of spiritual matters. What I want to say to them is: "Get Real." There are 7 billion people on this earth. You are accepted into a society of 7 billion people by your merit, your responsibilities, your hard work, your contributions to society, and your character. You are accepted into a church by the Grace of God. These two does cross-over sometimes between society and the church on certain moral grounds upheld by both sides, but I think there is a huge gap between what the church teaches "how the world should be" and "how the world really is." And I think Jesus' suffering and the eventual Crucification because of his righteousness in his few years of ministry should be taught over and over again in churches and the heavy, painful, dissatisfying, depressing, sometimes delusional cross that you must bear if you want to be "[a nice fellow] who will always speak for those who cannot speak for themselves, fight for those who cannot defend for themselves..." rather than God's love and blessings for everybody who believes (Jeremiah) "bring you blessings... no harm all the days of your life ..." A real church need to prepare Christians to face this harsh world and get real! This world is a hard place to live. And it is not forgiving, no matter how much you pray or how sincere your intentions were!
Why do I still believe in God? Because of his creation. But do I believe in Vishnu, the Glorious God of War and be a real man?! Or Do I believe in Buddha, a real nice, existential, fat ass, who teaches "the world is not real, it's all in your mind." (If I ever meet Buddha, I'd strip him naked and put him in the snow for one night, and teaching him what is this thing called "reality and science." Jesus on the crucification, I already explained that earlier: there are no blank slates, fresh starts, a complete makeover, and forgiveness by the world. The world will hold you accountable for everything, for your past: everything you have done is still there, after your baptism. (The best predictor of your behaviors in your future is your actions that you have done in your past -- Study of Psychological Statistics of the past 50 years.) And there are consequences to everything you have done prior to knowing Jesus. A God that I believe in is so much more than what the Bible describe Him to be, even more than the metaphorical description of "I am the Alpha and Omega."
I am a scientist and an engineer. If I randomly find a piece of clock clicking in a controlled pattern, I will assume that there is a maker to this watch. I don't believe in coincidences. I believe in patterns and evidences. That put me in the Liberal category of a God believing person, as my beliefs are so different than what is written in the Bible. I believe that a faith that is not scientifically examined, is a faith not worth believing in.
This is my system of beliefs, philosophies, and evidences for my case on the existence of God -- a liberal one if you will.
1. I believe in Intelligent Design instead of Creation.
2. I believe A) Suicide, B) Homosexuality, and (C) Abortion are not always a sin, like how Conservative Christianity believe them to be.
3. I believe in a busy God who care more about the entire universe's balance and harmony and diversity rather than relying on a personal God who is a Universal Vending machine to your whims and wills (as long as you pray) or a vengeful God of Justice who is waiting to devour you into hell as soon as you cross that line.
4. I am a feminist, unlike the description of women's role in the New Testament. Therefore, I believe where wealth should not be equally distributed nor given to the poor unconditionally, if that welfare program is not designed to empower women and give them opportunities. Financial aid should also not be blindly given to poor countries without strings attached that emphasizes educating and empowering women to be equal to that of a man in that country.
5. I do not believe in the dichotomy between soul and body because of what Modern Science tells me.
6. Lastly, I believe in the modern sciences' claim of Universal Language's Grammar, Universal Morality, and a Universal God and Religions who likes diversity in how He is worshiped upon different religious groups.
1. Intelligent Design over Creation.
The entire Genome Project united the entire world of developed counties more than 10 years to sequence the human DNA. It mapped out the entire genetic blue print or the code and language that make up a human being. Every scientists who work in this field (including me, right now) understood at that point, this was not an accomplishment. Neither did this solve the mystery of life or self-awareness. There is simply not enough information stored in our DNA to describe the complexity of a human being. A lot of the genes do not function and are suppressed as they are left over genes from evolution. A mice' DNA is 95% identical to that of humans. (That explains why drug experiments are almost always performed on mice prior to the Genome Project: because the reactions to the drugs are quite similar on mice to what you will get in clinical trials. The scientists figured this out before the Genome project by statistics and data.) This is why I partially believe in evolution; however, that is far away from Intelligent Design, what I really believe in.
These days, with second generation sequencing machines, the entire human genome can be mapped out within hours. We are now discovering that a lot of these "garbage genes left over from evolution" perform a great deal of regulatory functions of active genes. And the DNA is made up of more than just 4 letters: "A", "T", "G", "C." On each one of these nucleotides, there are chemicals attached that are called "Methanation" that determines how the RNA copies will be transcribed, or how long the sequences will be, or which nucleotides will changed.
DNA contains codes within codes. This makes everything the blue of life infinitely more complicated. The combinatorial factors involved with computing codes embedded within codes are infinite -- definitely enough to describe all the possibilities of life, even the mystery of self-awareness, I think. And so far, we have found over 25 different methanation factors altering how the nucleotides will be interpreted. And these methanation change over time with the environment, for the better or for the worse, so we are not just stuck with the genetic inheritance that our parents gave us like how even the newest biology books teach students now in college. And there are still more different methanation code yet to be found influencing the interpretation of DNA.
Also the processes of protein synthesis from DNA are also not exact. RNAs are not always transcribed according to the DNA templates. It is also up to the interpretations of the transcription processes to produce different proteins for each given situation. So there are enough mysterious information that we still do not understand that are stored in DNAs and RNAs and the entire protein synthesis process to describe the blue prints of life.
Then there is the discovery of DNAs and RNAs embedded within some of the organs of the cells itself that operate almost independently but in a cohesive manner with the entirety of the cell's functions, e.g. mitochondrial and chlorophyll. I believe that these individual, small and specific components are designed at first as simple objects. Then as these simple objects began intermixing, eventually they became one fully complex functional and dependent unit that eventually developed into cells. And as cells mixed together, their individual functions differentiated, like Stem Cells as we know now, controlled by cell-to-cell signals and matrices, and became bigger and bigger and more complex organisms.
The process that I have described above is the fundamental principle of modern engineering and computer science, in a language and a system called "Object Oriented Language." The four principles of Object Oriented Language are:
A. Encapsulation B. Data Abstraction, C. Polymorphism D. Inheritance
As an engineer, if you want to design a complex machine or program, you first divide the project into sub-units until they each become the most specific and simplest parts. You program or design them each accordingly from the simplest function that is needed. Then you test each of these simplest parts individually to see if they function as they are programmed to do. If they function as they are suppose to, you encapsulate them (Principle A).
A cell's entire complex function to its ultimate design is then defined as an abstract, waiting for these sub-units to fill in the details (Principle B: Data Abstraction).
As time goes on, cross overs and mutations happen for the better or for the worse as cells grow and divide or meiotic, cells join together. This can be considered to be (Polymorphism, Principle C, similar codes, slight changes, and multiple purposes). That is why the study of SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) is so important these days. Because the change of even one single nucleotide can cause the change of the production of an entire series of proteins, which can alter an entire functional pathways inside your body.)
And Reproduction of these genes as cells divide or as the mating process begin, Principle D (Inheritance) manifest itself.
Finally, if you look at the how fast the computer and the Internet have developed in past few decades, it is astonishing to those who do not know the history of cognitive study before the invention of an integrated circuit. To those who know the background, HTTP hyper-links that make up the structure of the Internet and knowledge data search links was invented way before there was even a computer. A huge library filled with note cards with serial numbers attached to them was designed to store a vast amount of knowledge and allow its easy search and categorization. The designer of this library did nothing but studied cognitive psychology of neural networks of how our memories work. In our brain, it takes one sensation or just one trigger to light up one neuron in the brain, then automatically, those neurons that are connected to the neuron that has lit up also begin to light in a sequence of reactions, just like how hyper-links and our modern day search engine works.
This is not to mention how the computer categorize and process data, how to fit in new and different knowledge, and the different data structures and trees and hash tables that we have created into our computer software that we have directly copied out of how our brain works.
As time is progressing, our bodies are teaching us how to design and engineer machines that can explorer Mars by artificial intelligence without much human control. Why do humans have 2 eyes. So we can see and manipulate things in 3D and detect motion. We designed the Mars Explorer that way and also that of 3D IMAX movie theaters. We also put this into our modern sensors and radars (especially the Mono-Pulse Radar) and weapons. Why do we have 2 ears and a broad shoulder, so we can hear everything in 3D: from up to down, left to right. We designed surround sound and Phase Scanning Radars by the slight time difference of sensing the sound between the 2 ears.
So this is not just the brutal and cruel natural selection process of the most violent, aggressive, selfish, strong and promiscuous order that allow the most selfish, aggressive, or competitive genes to survive into modern society. (How else would you explain the order, welfare programs, and monogamy provided by civilizations of people despite of heavy competition still going on.) Intelligent Design is more fine tuned and in line and along with the order of Scientific and Engineering Design that can explain the modern world as it is, not perfect, but still more civilized with people who have compassion for each other, need a sense of belonging, where a life-time of shared memory with a single sex partner is still valued heavily and yearned for despite of rancid Hollywood Depiction and Freud's declaration of Sexual Freedom. Therefore I do not believe in the doctrine of "Original Sin" and the "Selfish Gene."
I believe in a God because of His Grand Engineering used in His Creation and the current order of Society.
A. Suicide, B. Homosexuality C. Abortion.
A. Suicide The Conservatives believe that if you committed any of the above "sin", you are going to hell. This is not exactly stated in the Bible, but that what Conservative Politics and Religion indoctrinates. To start with suicide, from the most fundamental biological point-of-view, cells commit suicide. It's called "Apoptosis." When a cell is infected by a virus or bacterial, it sends out signals to the surrounding immune cells to kill itself before it further propagates the infection or toxin to the surrounding cells and tissues. And if a cell detects that it is not doing its supposed functional purpose within a group -- what it is destined to do -- not following cell-to-cell signals and orders, or simply just something wrong with itself, it contains a series of suicidal genes, mainly a gene called "P-53", to kill itself before it becomes something terrible, such as cancer. (Cancer still develops because some mutations in the gene have caused the cells to synthesize proteins to block genes such as "P-53" from becoming active.)
Even cells commit suicide when they lose their purpose and function within a body.
Then if we move into the animal kingdom. Before Jesus even walked the Earth, Aristotle have observed and recorded that some horses commit suicide by jumping off a cliff when their masters die, and they lose their purpose on this earth. Moving to modern time, the Oscar winning documentary recently on dolphins, the most preciously cared for, heavily trained, and most famous dolphin in the world -- "Flipper," committed suicide in front of his founder, master, and friend, by simply stopped breathing. His master later reflected that their team have stripped away all of "Flipper's" animal instincts and Flippers God designed purpose to be free in the ocean with other dolphins. These are just a few examples.
Now we move into the most controversial subject of "euthanasia" in humans, especially in the case when a person has become useless, taking up a great deal of society's resources to sustain his life that is suffering heavily from a hopeless and painful, incurable, terminal disease. What if this patient has declared that he or she sees no further meaning to this useless living and daily suffering. This is a hot topic between Liberals and Conservatives and Religion, because all Conservatives and Catholics believe that "If one commit suicide, one is going to Hell." But as we see from the most fundamental case of cellular suicide to that of the animal kingdom, we might productively conclude that it is the rightful freedom of the patient to choose euthanasia. And I do not see, from God's Law (Anywhere in the Bible) or the Natural Law, that a person who commits euthanasia is going to Hell.
B. Homosexuality This goes along with the subject of suicide. As we have seen throughout the history of mankind, millions of people are willing to die for some abstract notion such as "freedom", "happiness", "love," "the truth", and their beliefs system, however peculiar or distasteful (as they may be to some). The entire Western Renaissance leading up to the American revolution was surrounding the idea of the importance of a single human being, his/her rights, and his/her freedom to pursue his own interests, passions, love, and life. Wars were fought. Millions were killed. At the end, many kings and queens and the bourgeoisies were beheaded by the guillotine in France, which later helped the American Revolution as well.
Romeo and Juliet is an endless tale that will be told as long as time still exist, as their love and romance transcended beyond social status and societal classes, materialism, family loyalty, the stringent culture, the metaphysical principals of rational, and even the physical world, ending with both committing suicide to be with each other in the afterlife. This story shows the immortality of love that each one of us yearn to experience and taste, which will live within each one of us for as long as we live as humans. To die for love is rational, only to humans.
The history of Helen of Troy told a story where a nation went to war with another nation in the past, where hundreds of thousands had died, for the love of one single woman by a prince.
For the truth that Earth revolved around the Sun, and not the other way around, Copernicus stood up to the entire Catholic Church who controlled the Holy Roman Empire at the time and confronted them with his precise astronomical calculations. Because he refuse to step down, the Catholic Church burned him in the public after staking him on to a cross for blasphemy. But after Copernicus' death, the entire Holy Roman Empire started asking questions about science and evidences instead of blind faith, which resulted in the Copernicus Revolution and the beginning of the Western Science.
The Crusade by the Catholic Church also killed millions of people to claim the holy land from the Muslim's territory. These "soldiers" went on willingly by faith and marched to their death.
Freedom, Love, Faith, and Truth, these are all noble causes to die for, in today's modern rational. But how about stupidity? In the 17th to 18th Century, all of Europe was exploring the new found world, America. The explorers brought back many new wonders, where one of them happened to be the potato. The main food source of Europe at the time was wheat, and it was very delicate and weather dependent. It did not contain as much nutrient as the potato nor essential vitamins and amino acids and require a lot of grinding and processing that involved the whole society to turn wheat into bread. That why at that time in the history of Europe, there were constant famines because of the Northern cold climate where Europe resided upon on the Earth that does not see much sun. Potato on the other hand was so easy to grow that all you needed to do was dig a hole, put in a seed, and wait for a month, then dig it up.
However, because potato was brought in from the new world and the nobilities in Europe did not eat them, it developed into a common culture where people considered potatoes to be second class food, food for the savages in the new found world, or food for pigs to eat. Vast amount of people died in these food famine times in Europe simply because of what people believed in and because of how they felt. If vast amount of people are willing to die so that they will not be undignified to be second class citizen by eating potatoes, let's think about what else people are willing to die for?
Currently, in Muslim countries, you can still see many stripped naked bodies with their genitals cut off, hanged on telephone and power line poles. They are homosexuals, intolerable, in fundamentalist societies in the Middle East, punishable by this kind of in-dignifying death and presented as a huge humiliation to one's family. The majority of Conservative Christianity and the many countries in the world refuse to accept homosexuality as true love between two same sexed human being, but a perversion that is spreading like a disease. China, Russia, and India, these major powers of the world refuse to recognize them but still tolerate them by turning a blind eye to this phenomenon, at least for now. In a free society such as America, gay marriages are still not allowed. Many Christian funded therapy centers are built to "cure" this "sinful passion" in the name of the Christian God with a very low success rate and resulting many homosexuals to become depressed and committing suicides after being alienated by the church fellowship, friendships, family members, and simply out casted by society in general. Homosexuality is so frowned upon on its distastefulness to the majority of heterosexuals, even America reject same sexed unions.
The Bible has less than 10 verses speaking on the subject of homosexuality. But Christianity is telling all of the homosexuals that they are going to hell. But even in societies where we can see that homosexuality is punishable by humiliating, painful, cruel and unusual death, people are still willing to die for their love and passion. That tells me something about Conservative and Fundamentalist Christianity, and what they believe may be wrong about homosexuality.
And even in nature, you can observe homosexuality amongst the animal kingdom everywhere. I even wrote an entire paper on the genetics of homosexuality where the SRY gene (Sex Determining Gene) can sometimes get crossed over by chance on to the XX chromosomes during meiosis, the prenatal hormone's affect on stem cells and the developing baby, and more. If you are interested, search my name on Google to find this published paper: "Charles L Wang."
This is why I am a liberal God believer because I believe in Homosexual Unions in Marriages.
C. Abortion To take the life of another developing human being is completely unacceptable in Conservative or Fundamentalist Christianity. If you do so, you are taking control of the power that is suppose to belong to God and God only. I believe this to a degree. However, in 3 cases, I disagree with this holy doctrine. In the first case, in China, for most of its history, women had no power, education, nor rights. Their only duty in that agricultural culture was to be married off and have male babies -- as many as possible to work the land. This became a major problem because the explosion of population and caused the depletion of the resources and land. If it continues, there is no hope for a future. On the other hand, when a woman is uneducated and live in a rural culture where all the meaning and value to her existence derived from making male babies, to tell her to stop doing so is to take away her only livelihood and her only meaning and purpose to her life. This is almost as cruel as death. To control the wellbeing of an entire nation's future, government has to take this matter into their own hands to forcibly sterilize women or make the choice of abortion for a family. I see this as a commandment to take care of "God's Creation" rather than taking away life. You can see population explosion in all the poorest countries in the world everywhere where women are considered properties and does not get the chance to have an education. These places include Africa, India, the Middle-East, and etc... So giving them foreign aid without strings attached about women's rights, education, and opportunities in that society will only result in families with more mouths to feed and a nation growing even poorer.
Second case is straight forward, if a woman is raped, then she is a victim who has the power to terminate the pregnancy.
Third case is more complicated. Unwanted pregnancy is directly tied statistically to poverty and crime. A human baby is the most sensitive and complex being in the animal kingdom who spends the longest period in the female's womb and depend the longest on his or her parents' care for survival as compared to other mammals, where other mammals seem to be born with many of the survival instincts already built in by genetics. If a human baby is ignored for the first 2 years of his/her life, he or she will die no matter what. If language is not taught within first few years of the baby's birth, he will never learn to speak. Such a fragile creature must be carefully tended for and patiently trained and educated to fit into a civilized society where he or she is valued for his work, cared for by friends because of his social skills, and responsible enough to bring in a steady salary to eventually start a family of his own. Without such a delicate upbringing in the tender ages of a child, he would most likely become worthless to society, unable to fit in, unable to survive without a social support network, become deviant and anti-social, sexually frustrated and lonely, and eventually desperate enough to become a criminal.
The majority of the statistics in the past 50 years points this out. However, I do walk a fine line here. There are still children with hardy personalities who make it out of their desperate and abandoned situation to become a successful people who are highly valued and accepted in society. However, the most of the children in abandoned homes that does not provide a nurturing environment continue a cycle of poverty, instability, drug abuse, and in desperate situations, become deviant criminals to society. This is my case for abortion for women or for families who are not ready to raise a baby. A baby brings some joy, but mostly responsibilities -- not as depicted by Hollywood films.
3. God who care more about the universal balance, diversity, order, and harmony instead of a personal God who is like a Universal vending machine to our whims, wishes, and wills.
If you have seen the Hollywood's funny movie "Bruce Almighty," you might get a lot of laughter. However, one thing about the movie that you might miss in all the funny scenes is that God intentionally made this world "unfair," -- and for a reason. First of all, God cares not for all the personal prayers to win the lottery or the personal request to be successful and prestigious at your job, God cares about the whole balance, order, and harmony of the entire society or even the entire Universe. This entire society is like a big functional machine and in order for the whole machine to work properly, everyone must play its part, some of them unfairly devalued and despised, some of them overly lavished with value. Does a CEO of a company really worth the 7 million dollars he got as a bonus this year on top of his millions of dollars of salaries? Or does a little girl forced into slavery in a third world country, because of his father's gambling debt, hooked on drugs, deserve to be sold on the sex market into Western Europe -- as pieces of meat with no income?
God stated in the Bible that "My thoughts are not your thoughts, My ways are not your ways," meaning we can't understand God's will! The Bible is full of these stories. Even the righteous Job complained to God: Therefore, I will not restrain my mouth; I will speak in the anguish of my spirit, I will complain in the bitterness of my soul. Job 7:11
Job 34:12-20
12 Surely, God will not act wickedly, and the Almighty will not pervert justice. 13 Who gave Him authority over the earth? And who has laid {on Him} the whole world? 14 If He should determine to do so, if He should gather to himself His spirit and His breath, 15 All flesh would perish together, and man would return to dust. 16 But if {you have} understanding, hear this; listen to the sound of my words. 17 Shall one who hates justice rule? And will you condemn a righteous mighty one, 18 Who says to a king, Worthless one, to nobles, Wicked ones; 19 Who shows no partiality to princes, nor regards the rich above the poor, for they all are the work of His hands?
Is this the way God do business: bless the righteous; punish the wicked. No, He was having an argument with the Devil and told Job 'who are you to question me when I have made all things on this earth' at the end. Another word, God told Job that 'he was nothing in comparison to His Grand Creation."
Or how about Habakkuk? Habakkuks Complaint
2 How long, Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, Violence! but you do not save? 3 Why do you make me look at injustice? Why do you tolerate wrongdoing? Destruction and violence are before me; there is strife, and conflict abounds. 4 Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never prevails. The wicked hem in the righteous, so that justice is perverted.
At the end of "Bruce Almighty" movie, there was a quote: "People need to stop depending on Me so much and start to depend on themselves more." On this point, I take the view point of the Catholics and the Liberals. After the Catholics realized that they wrongly burned Copernicus for telling the Truth about the Universe, and as society advanced more and more into scientific and humanistic direction, and for the Catholic church to hold on to its "claimed" 1 billion members all around the world, lost its pride and started to humbly fund humanistic and scientific studies of their own. Preachers studied Confucius in China to point out the similarities in the moral order of a person's behavior, the order of a family, and the harmony of an entire nation. That taught the Catholics a great deal as well as won many converts into Catholicism in China. Thomas Merton was almost on the edge of completely merging the Eastern Buddhism with Catholicism in his studies until the power struggle began within the Catholic Church for its own independent identity. Thomas Aquinas, a devote Catholic humanist, studied the difference between God's Laws, Natural Laws, and Manmade Laws. Even though his dialectics to find a system of integrative truth to the entire world's order, derived from the study of Socrates, sound ridiculous these days, which resulted in his early death when he had a mystical experience of complete emptiness of his entire life time of work, laid the foundation to the modern day's impartial court system all over the world. Dietrich Bonhoeffer started the Catholic Prayer Church in Nazi Germany to look for "God's Will" because he saw that the Bible was no longer keeping up with the current time -- a time a massive hatred, killings, and clashes of relentless war machines. He was one of the first clergy who tried to assassinate the leader of a country: Hitler -- to release the demon that resided within him.
The Catholics are one of the biggest financial support institutions of Astronomy these days -- to find the origin of the Universe and Creation itself on Earth. I believe this is to honor all the humble scientists that the Church dishonored, such as Mendel. To look through the lenses of the Catholic Clergy, the Bible is not to be taken literally nor is it to be interpreted freely. You can see the Modern Catholics are walking a fine line between science, modernity, and faith (if you read the book by the Pope, "Mere Humanity." By the Catholics' astronomical figures, within the accord with the scientific community, God waited more than 10 billion years from the point of the "Big Bang" to the point where the universe unraveled in random, until earth finally started to take form. Then it took another 6 billion years for the earliest life to start emerging on earth. Human existence is but a blink on the radar screen of time. The Conservative Christian and a Fundamentalist Christian explain that the Universe has only existed for few thousand years. And it will end in the 7th thousand year. Which one will you believe? The Catholics believe in the science of carbon isotope decaying, radiations background noise left over from the Big Bang, and the rate of the expansion of the Universe or the Biblical opening of the 7 seals, each representing a thousand years, and at the end of the 7th seal, Apocalypse and Judgment Day will come.
From this time line, you can either say that the God of Creation is either really busy or really lazy. But from my point-of-view, God cared more about the overall balance, harmony, order, and diversity of the entire world and universe instead of being a personal God whom Christianity and naive believers of any faith that God is a Universal Vending Machine to our whims, wishes, and will. Even more loudly told to me, God respect and put into His grand design diversity in everything. Even in something as simple as a snow flake: you won't find 2 snow flakes that are exactly the same.
Since the beginning of the time when humans started to gather together to form groups and societies, every single community had some sort of religion or faith that united them. There is plenty of evidence for this. And there is no explanation for why this is so. The earliest believers carved goddesses that were fruitful in food and in multiplying their population in this world.
So I am a Liberal Believer. I believe in God because, as humans, we all have a common instinct to explain the un-explainable, to meticulously calculate what cannot be counted. We need to see a a grand cause or benevolent creator for the beautiful and intelligent world that we see and live in. We need to see the most hateful and powerful fallen angel who betrayed God who rein upon earth presently for the great evil deeds that have occurred in the darkest hours of man kind. As humans, we instinctively do not accept the "Butterfly Effect." A grand creation must have a grand creator. This is built into all of us. So if you ask the question why is religion still progressing as science is advancing so fast. The answer I can give you, as a scientist and as an engineer, is that sciences are only leads to more and more questions -- more complicated questions as it progresses further. This is why, I think we are all made to believe in God, because we are all made to ask questions. And a lot of these questions in this life time cannot be answered. So we need a God to fulfill that emptiness stemming from all the unanswered questions, which we will all face this life time.
I also respect the diversity that God has purposely put into his grand master piece of design. I believe in the Freedom that Jesus has brought into this world to destroy the uniformity of Laws that the Jews upheld as their symbol of prestige and pride against the rest of the world by following them. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees in Mark 2 by telling them "Man made for the law or the law made for man?" Jesus told us to take upon only his burdens in this world, because his burdens are light and only has 2 commandments: "Love your God;" and "Love thy neighbors." If you do the following, I believe all roads lead to heaven and to God.
Therefore I am a Liberal Believer.
5. Dichotomy of Body and Soul
And lastly, I believe in a Universal God who is a Liberal God who allowed the diversity of religion, faith, and worship to occur in His Name to His liking. This argument comes from the erroneous belief in religion of the dichotomy of soul and body.
Even the great Solomon, who asked God for Wisdom instead of Wealth -- the wisest King who ever ruled Israel -- stated the below:
It is true that there may be an eternity for man:
<< Ecclesiastes 3:11 >> "He [God] has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end."
However, if you read on: <<Ecclesiastes 3:17-22>>
17 I thought in my heart, God will bring to judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time for every deed. 18 I also thought, As for men, God tests them so that they may see that they are like the animals. 19 Man's fate is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both: As one dies, so dies the other. All have the same breath; man has no advantage over the animal. Everything is meaningless. 20 All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return. 21 Who knows if the spirit of man rises upward and if the spirit of the animal goes down into the earth?" 22 So I saw that there is nothing better for a man than to enjoy his work, because that is his lot. For who can bring him to see what will happen after him?
Note: All have the same breath; man has no advantage over the animal (NOTE: Man and animal have the same breath. Below is given the meanings and the use of the Hebrew word ruach used for breath)
Modern Science has proved that whatever goes on in your mind is going on within the matters that make up your brain. Today, with modern fMRI technology, we can see everything, every section, every layer in your brain that is moving or changing in "real-time." And Psychiatrist has found spot in your brain that lights up with neurotransmitters and blood flow when you have a religious or mystical experience or simply if you are praying. Scientists have already found out in the 60s that drugs such as LSD and Ketamine allow people to experience God, to have mystical experience with heaven and angels. Churches within Universities conducted massive studies on this topic to confirm this fact. Many famous scientists all claimed that they witnessed the presence of God of the Universe while on these substances.
These types of studies were stopped because too many graduate students were committing suicides at that point, unable to cope with reality, after having witnessed the ecstasy in the presence of God under the influence of either LSD or Ketamine. (LSD is still legally used in the United States by the American Indians as part of their spiritual worship as social workers found out that LSD induced spirituality replaced alcoholism upon the American Indians.)
So, by logical progression, if drugs can induce a religious, a mystical, or a heavenly experience of tender and warm love to people of any religion or even famous scientists who are sworn atheists, can we assumed that our brain are made to experience God and all of his wonder from time to time, with any religion. And if any religious clergy man praying under a mystical spell have the same spot in their brain light up with neurotransmitters and abundant flow of blood and nutrients, can't we assume that they are all praying to the same God who love diversity? Just like there is a Universal Grammar that Chomsky found out and described in his book "Syntactical Analysis" that is the underpinning of the design of all computer languages these days and Universal Morality observed by David Humes, observed in insects and the animal kingdom, by Adam Smith, the founder of Western Capitalism, who also observed compassion built into human beings described in his book "The Theory of Moral Sentiments" along with his book "The Wealth of Nations," and by modern science that all human beings in this world has a cluster of neurons called "mirror neurons" which account for celebration between human beings for one person's happiness because happiness is contagious, explained scientifically by mirror neurons, or for mass grievances and moments of silences and for welfare system in almost every developed country or even just for every compassionate moment you have for someone sadness or for every cent that you give to a homeless person, we all share this commonality in our brain called Mirror Neurons, Universal Morality, and Universal Grammar.
6. Universal Grammar, Universal Morality, and a Universal God who loves the diversity of how He is worshiped within different Religions all over the world.
And as a Liberal Believer of God, having all the scientific evidences that a man is made for God -- the inevitable sensation of experiencing God is built into his brain cells -- and that all religious experiences light up the same spot on every person's brain on this earth. Shouldn't we assume that a God, who love diversity in all of His Creations, accept a Universal Religion as well?
Islam is about submission, submission to the only God. From my study of Islam and my contacts some of my Muslim friends, I have learned to be better follower of Jesus' only 2 commandments under submission. A Muslim man helped me to be a better person.
The Jewish belief is all about following the commands that God has given to Mosses, carved upon 2 stones. Jewish faith is all about obedience to the commandments, to the laws, to the Torah, and to Jehovah. My Jewish study have taught me to be a better citizen and grow in my character and virtues under obedience to the commandments.
When I studied Hinduism, it taught me that God is in everything and everywhere in His Creation. There is nowhere where he is not present. God's light is shinning in everything so that they don't even want to kill a bug. Why? Because that is a sentient being of God's light. And I learned to see God in everything, even in science and engineering and in ugly places, situations, and people.
Buddhism changed my life. Buddhism taught me to look pass the suffering and really learning how to live life in the flow of Universal love and wisdom.
Taoism has taught me to appreciate all the Universal Order of things by studying astrophysics through the lenses of love and harmony, and live life in the balance of the Ying and the Yang.
Conservative Christianity has really not done much for me. It's legalism stood in my path to find God, confused me, and has really hurt me. Jesus is the only good thing that I have gotten out of Christianity, "the unconditional love he has poured out as an example to his followers." But Conservative Christianity as the world knows it, as I have experienced it, hasn't done much for me, but instead put so much fear into me that drove me further and further away from knowing and loving God. My life wouldn't be so rich in spirit if I hadn't studied all of the religions across the world. To all the believers of different religions, I tell them, "Teach me!" Because ultimately I want to understand God better through all of the diversity he has put in this world.
So as you vote for the president this term, don't be fooled by the personality or by what he claim he will do, look at all the KING MAKERS that are funding his campaign whom he will have to obey after the election and more so, look to the fundamental principals of moral politics and religious perspective defined by his party's beliefs and doctrines that he must adhere loyally to.
Vote for universal tolerance, for acceptance, for peace and belonging, for diversity, and mostly for the freedom of religion, expression, and pursuing of one's own life's destiny, goals, passion, and love. Vote for the Liberals!
Vote against uniformity, intolerance, fundamentalism, legalism in religion and individual's value system. And finally vote against conservatives, whom all believe that this is such a dangerous world that we should all live in fear, own guns to protect ourselves, pour more money into the military might of the US war machines to protect us against the rest of the world in a time when the national deficit is souring, and finally lower taxes and cut welfare and public services (such as planned parenthood) to promote more radical economic individualism, further widening the wealth gap between the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated, and the Whites and the Blacks and Latinos, to divide us all.