Lec 39
Lec 39
Lec 39
Prof. K. Ramesh
Department of Applied Mechanics
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Module No. # 05
Lecture No. # 39
Correction Factors for Special Applications
We have been looking at finer aspects of strain gauge instrumentation and in the last
class we took up how do you account for transfers sensitivity effects? And we looked at;
because I need to have a strain gauge as a grid. It occupies a finite area. In view of this, it
is sensitive to some extent in the transverse direction. Knowing that it is sensitive in the
transverse direction is not going to help me unless I know how to account for these
errors? And we also looked at the transverse sensitivity factor was around 2 percent. It is
quite small, only in some cases it was going up to 10 percent, but it is around 2 percent.
So, we are really talking about small changes, but nevertheless when we want to go for
fine measurement you need to account for these small effects too and we looked at the
two possibilities.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:18)
The first case we looked at was, we know the ratio of the transverse strain to the actual
strain. If I know this ratio then, whatever the error due to transverse sensitivity effects
could be easily handled by defining a modified gauge factor and this can be determined
from the parameters that you know. If I know epsilon t divided by epsilon a, I know the
numerator completely, I also know the denominator completely. And what I need to do is
I need to simply put this new modified gauge factor in the gauge factor (( )). If I am
using a software feeding, this new gauge factor. So, this is possible if I know the ratio of
epsilon t over epsilon a. This is where we stopped in the last class.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:28)
Now, let us take up a generic case, I do not know the ratio. Then what I need to do? Then
I need to do more work. If I do not know the ratio, I need to do more one and how do I
do this? Instead of one strain gauge I need to paste two strain gauges and measure the
apparent strain. See when we are looking at finer aspects of strain gauge instrumentation.
I introduce the concepts of apparent strain which we will also see in other cases. So,
whatever you see in the strain meter, it is only a apparent strain. We need to qualify it
better, find out whether we have accommodated the errors, whether we have been able to
correct them then get the actual strain.
Since in this case, I do not know the nature of the strain field. In order to account for
transverse strain effects, you measure the apparent strain in both x and y directions and
we have already indicated. If I put a cap it is called the apparent strain, which is seen in
the strain meter. So, epsilon x x cap equal to 1 by 1 minus nu not k t into epsilon x x plus
k t into epsilon y y. And you have epsilon y y cap equal to 1 by 1 minus nu naught k t
epsilon y y plus k t epsilon x x. And what is the focus? Our focus is to find the true strain
or actual strain. Now, I have two equations and two unknowns and simultaneously solve
them to get epsilon x x and epsilon y y.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:47)
So, if I do not know the nature of the strain field, I need to do more work and find out
what is the actual strain? So, the actual values of strain are obtained as epsilon x x equal
to 1 minus nu naught k t divided by 1 minus nu naught k t divided by 1 minus k t square
multiplied by epsilon x x cap plus k t epsilon y y cap. And these are the values measure
by two strain gauges what the strain meter directly gives. Normally, if you are not
introduced to strain gauge instrumentation, what you will do? You will only look at the
reading and note it and say that is the strain measurement, but what you find here is those
transfer sensitivity effect is minimal for final measurement, we need to account for it. In
such a case we label what you see on the meter as only apparent strain.
You need to correct for that and the methodology of correction differs if I know the ratio
of the transfer strain to actual strain. It was much simpler. On the other hand, if I do not
have the knowledge of the strain field, then I need to do more work and do additional
measurement and then only get the actual strain. So, we similarly, get epsilon y y equal
to 1 minus nu naught k t divided by 1 minus k t square multiplied by epsilon y y cap plus
k t epsilon x x cap. And what you need to understand is suppose somebody comes and
gives you a strain gauge. We have already seen in strain gauge instrumentation, what you
have as gauge factor is experimentally measured. It is not a value calculated from
analytical equation.
The manufacturer does this experiment pasting it on a cantilever beam and then finds out
and reports you for each batch. Similarly, suppose somebody gives the strain gauge and
ask you to find out what is the transfer sensitivity factor? Now, we have the via media.
So, what I do here is I make two measurements. I go back to the earlier set of equations;
from analytical expression I know the two strains or the actual strain. From my strain
gauge measurement, I get this expression involving k t. So, k t becomes an unknown and
you evaluate k t from these equations. So, the generic case also provides you a
methodology to find out the transverse sensitivity factor for an unknown gauge
Suppose, I design a new gauge configuration, I need to find out what is the transfer
sensitivity effect? Then I go to a problem where in I know the axial strain as well as the
transfer strain from analytical expressions. Make measurements and from those
measurements find out what is k t? In fact, one of the assignment problems has this as
the question and this is how you proceed. You use these set of equations to find out the
transfer sensitivity factor.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:28)
Then what we have to do is we have also looked at for final strain measurement. We
need to going for using rosette appropriately and T-rosettes are ideal choice when the
principal strain directions are known. This is one way of using it and when I discuss
these rosettes, I also mentioned normally, you connect each of the strain gauges in a
rosette to a separate Wheatstone bridge. So, I will be able to find out the state of strain at
the point of interest. That is how I will proceed. There also special occasions where I can
connect these two strain gauges on adjacent arms of the bridge. Then it functions like a
special gauge to measure shear strain. We will take this mathematics in the next class.
So, you also have special occasions where you connect the strain gauges in one
Wheatstone bridge on adjacent ops. Suppose, I have both the gauge element having the
same transverse sensitivity factor k t.
Then the axial strain is simply given as 1 minus nu naught k t divided by 1 minus k t into
the apparent strain epsilon a cap. Alternately change the gauge factor s g cap is given as s
g into 1 minus k t divided by 1 minus nu naught k t. So, you have a via media, when I
have a single strain gauge how do I account for transverse sensitivity effect? We saw if I
know the ratio I can simply change the gauge factor suitably. A similar possibility exists
in a T-rosette 2 and you also have methodologies to find out corrected strain values in a
rectangular rosette or a delta rosette, but those expressions would be very complex. And
nevertheless, you know you can have a look at it and take values for one of the rosettes
for your benefit.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:19)
Now, I have a rectangular rosette and whatever the expression I am going to give is
arrived with the assumption k t is same for all. And I have the expression like this and I
will enlarge it and I can have a look at this.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:40)
So, what I have here is epsilon A equal to 1 minus nu 0 K t divided by 1 minus K t
square multiplied by epsilon A cap minus K t epsilon B cap. You know these derivations
are not discussed here, but it is possible to arrive at these final set of expressions. So,
what does the show is how important these effects become when you want to go for
verifying measurements using strain gauge technology. See normally, you paste a strain
gauge and make the strain measurement. Many do not know, you get only a component
of strain along the gauge length. This is one concept which I emphasize all alone. On the
other hand, if I have to find out state of strain at a point of interest, then I need to go for
rosette. In general, three element rosette.
Before we looked at transverse sensitivity effects, we were directly taking this. Then you
use strain transformation laws and found out what is the state of strain? Now, what you
are looking at is what is the strain measurement in the gauge A B and C? It is cell has to
be corrected by looking into transverse sensitivity effect. So, you are graduating from
simple measurements to complex measurements and those expressions are like this. So,
this finally, gives only epsilon A epsilon B and epsilon C, but using this we have to go
back and find out epsilon x x, epsilon y y and gamma x y or epsilon x y from your strain
transformation law. So, expressions involve on the right hand side what is directly red
from the strain meter? So, that is what you have? And if I know the K t value, it is
possible for me to get the corrected value for each element of the strain gauge rosette.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:01)
And you also have expression for delta rosette; you can just have a look at it. You do not
have to write them. The idea is to show such expressions do exist, that is the idea. You
can just have a look at it. It is a very complex and we need to look at other aspects of
strain gauge instrumentation. So, we save time on a going to the next topic and you can
just have a look at that you do have expression for rosettes to, how to account for the
transverse sensitivity effects?
(Refer Slide Time: 14:37)
Here, the topic itself says that what are the correction factors for special applications?
You know you cannot be doing strain gauge only for simple applications you need to
work and find out what happens inside a pressure vessel because you all known from
Lamis problem, the inner surface of the pressure vessel is subjected to maximum
amount of tensile stress. So, there are occasions where you need to find out what are the
strain develop in the inner surface?
And you may have to work in nuclear establishments and find out the strain history of
some of the components and nuclear power is becoming very very important these days.
Then you will also have to work at very high temperatures. You look at temperature
extremes, when I say temperature extremes, it could be high temperature or it could be
cryogenic temperatures and another aspect is when I involved in cyclical loading what
precautions that I need to take for such measurements? So, we will go one after another,
we will first take up Hydrostatic pressure.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:13)
What happens when I apply a hydrostatic pressure and where this is important? So, you
have piping systems or pressure vessels where strain gauges may be employed on
interior surfaces. So, what happens in earlier occasions you had strain gauges pasted on a
free surface. It was only sensing the strain of the base met, base specimen. There were no
direct forces acting on the strain gauge, but the moment you come to internal pressure,
what happens? The gas or fluid pressure acting on the sensing element alters the strain
sensing behavior of the strain gauge which you cannot ignore. This really happens. In
fact, in 1960s you had series of paper published in experimental mechanics on various
aspects connected with measurement of strain and a hydrostatic pressure.
People have looked at it very closely and found out what way you can relay on the strain
measurement finally. So, when fluid pressure is acting on a these effects needs to be
connected or accounted for in interpreting the results. See, when I have a hydrostatic
pressure you can theoretically calculate, what is the strain developed? You can do this
from stress strain relations. I have this epsilon is minus p by youngs modulus minus nu
by e into minus p plus minus p. So, I will have an expression based on my analytical
calculation, what is the actual strain introduced? Because the problem is very important
and also complex, as I mention series of experiments have been done by Brace and
And the attach strain gauge to small specimens and placed them inside a special high
pressure vessel. And what they did was they had increase pressure to the extent of 965 M
P a. See, the pressure effects cannot be modeled analytically. You need to do several
experiments, based on experiments develop sudden empirical approach and this is what
was done. And you have serious of papers and suppose I take a flat specimen, put the
strain gauge on it and put inside the pressure vessel. I know what is the pressure applied
then from my analytical calculation, I know what is the strain that should have been
developed whether the measured strain is equal to this anticipated value or not. What
people found was up to certain pressure there is match, beyond certain pressure there is
deviation from the indicator strain value.
So, whatever the indicator strain value needs to be corrected and you need to have a
methodology to develop the correction factor. So, this is what we are going to look at.
The correction factor this is what we are going to look at how to get it? So, what you
have is the analytical expression for strain could be simplify as 1 minus 2 nu divided by
youngs modulus E multiplied by the pressure p. This could be rewritten as k t into p,
where you define k t as 1 minus 2 nu divided by youngs modulus. And you also define a
terminology you call this K t as the compressibility of constant for a material. So, it is the
function of the Poisson ratio and the youngs modulus of the specimen. And this value is
known, K t is known for a given experimental situation.
Now, what we are gone to do is we are going to develop a empirical relation which
would correct the indicated strain. That is what we are going to do. So, actual strain are
true strain is given as epsilon cap minus epsilon c p and epsilon cap is what you read in
the strain meter. And epsilon c p is defined based on experimental observation as D p
into K t into p and the factor D p is found to depend on the following. It is a function of
K t. It is the function of the curvature of the specimen. It is also a function of the gauge
material. See, when you go for final measurements the specimen properties matter, the
foil alloy properties is matter and also when you are looking for changes because of the
pressure introduced.
These changes have to follow a predictable path when pressure is increased gradually
and this demanded a very fine installation of the strain gauge on the specimen. What
people found was; you need to have a very thin bond line and you have seen when we
looked at epoxy cements, you can thin down the whatever the adhesive then apply
greater pressure. So, that you finally, get a thin bond line. That was very very important
in measuring the pressure effects. Because if I have to find strain and hydrostatic
pressure by installation should be perfect and it should behave in a same manner as the
pressure is increase, at least for a given range. It should not vary randomly. If varies
randomly that correction becomes difficult. So, when we are looking at hydrostatic
pressure effects, you must also pay attention on whether you have followed the correct
methodology of strain gauge bonding.
And we also looked at one of the test where you take a eraser and then rub it on the strain
gauge installation if there are bubbles. Particularly, in hydrostatic pressure environment
you should not have any micro bubbles. It should be free of that, then this correction
factor will work. The correction factors will not work otherwise and you have one
example problem, it just shows for a flat steel specimen K t equal to 1.93 into 10 power
minus 12 meter squared by newtons and D p is found to be 0.3. And for 7 M P a pressure
epsilon c p is only 4 micro strain which is small and the recommendation is up to 20
mega pascal pressure effects are neglected. That is the outcome of the study. The
outcome of the study was; when the pressure that you are handling are of the order of 20
mega pascal, you need not make any special efforts to correct for the hydrostatic pressure
effects. And another one you know we have also looked at a coefficient call D p, which
is also function of the curvature.
See, people found the d p varies when I do it on a flat specimen or when I do it on a
concave specimen or a convex surface. So, people have done experiments on flat
specimens, concave surfaces, convex surfaces, bond strain gauge on it. Put in a pressure
vessel and then find out the readings and establish D p for that material. So, you have
such graphs available. So, the idea is when you are working on pressures beyond 20
mega pascal, you need to correct the indicated strain definitely. In fact, some of the
students from industry when they had taken the course earlier, they were finding a
deviation there measurement of strain in those applications. They were not knowing how
to go about? The moment I discuss some of the issues in the class, then they found now
we have a via media to go and improve the results.
Sometimes, you know you get you come across an error you do not know what you do?
You need to know that these are all final aspect people have looked at it. You need to
have knowledge of what the literature says. So, hydrostatic pressure you cannot ignore it
when it is beyond 20 M P a. You need to makes special effect to correct for it and next
we take up effects of nuclear radiation. The moment you get to nuclear radiation, you
know you can imagine considerable energy is transfer to the specimen. And hence the
temperature induced strains could be large and needs to be properly accounted for. See,
we have earlier looked at how to accommodate small temperature changes. Here it does
not come under small temperature changes category.
You have large temperature changes possible and in those occasions the recommendation
is measure the temperature at the point of interest. With that data it is possible for you to
go and do some corrective modification on the strain measure. I may have a temperature
effect, as of graph. If I know the actual temperature at the point of interest it is possible
for me to do some kind of a correction. So, one of the first effects in nuclear radiation is
temperatures may be high. So, it is proved then to measure the temperature which could
use later to initiate some corrective action. This is one aspect of it. The other aspect is
you should also look at what kind of cements you use for bonding. You cannot go and
use polymeric adhesives; you need to go for ceramic cements. This is peculiarity when I
want to go and work in nuclear radiation environment.
The other aspect is the electrical resistivity of the strain gauge as well as the lead wires
change as a result of fast neutron dose. So, I see three effects. I need to go for special
cements like ceramic cements to bond the strain gauge. It is prove done for me to
measure the temperature at the point of interest because considerable energy is
transferred and the specimen is heated up. And the third effect is the electrical resistivity
itself changes and this change is not small. And the electrical resistivity change produces
a zero drift of the order of 10,000 to 15,000 micro strains, which is very high.
Say the pressure effect we saw 4 micro strains, you are very happy. Up to 20 M P, I do
not have do any modification that gave a solace. The moment you come to nuclear
radiation everything is complex here because you have a radioactive effects. You need to
have protective gear, even the handling the specimen is difficult. You may need to have
robots do all your experiments. There are very many difficult aspects once you come to
nuclear establishment, but what you need to understand is there is a change in the
resistivity of the strain gauge. And this cannot be cancelled by using two strain gauges as
two arms of the bridge and cancel it out because of its function of the load. It is also
function of the amount of exportion. So, people said that this instrument correct
correction, like what you do in temperature compensation will not work here.
So, I need to have a different approach all together. So, one recommendation is the
variation is linear. So, it is predictable the change in resistivity appears to be linear
function. So, I can have these as the possible methodology to improve and what it say is
use pre-exposed strain gauge installations. Before you make the measurement, let the
strain gauge installation also goes to the same radiation dose and other recommendation
is reduce test time to the minimum. So, quickly go and make the measurement because I
am go to have a drift. Other recommendation is frequently unload and reestablish zero in
the readings. This is because you find that change in resistivity appears to be linear
function. That is what these graph shows, it is varying linearly.
So, I can at least follow some of the recommendations and then improve the
measurement capability. And another surprise thing also happens when strain gauge
alloy is expose to radiation. You need to look at surprisingly that there is increase in its
yield strength as well as modulus of elasticity. If normally many of your heat treatment
approaches are alloying will improve the yield strength, No doubt, but none of these
operation will modify the elastic modulus. But what you find here is when you go for
nuclear exposure the modulus of elasticity also change. So, when I am going to have
stress calculations, I need to use the appropriate modulus. You cannot directly transfer
strain value into stresses and other aspect is strain gauge alloy exhibits the decrease in
elongation capability.
So, you need to look at what damaging effect the nuclear radiation can introduce. Now,
we move on to effects of high temperature when we are talking about high temperature,
we are really talking beyond to 50 degrees. At elevated temperatures resistance R of a
strain gauge must be considered to be a function of temperature T as well as time T. That
is the important factor here. So, now, resistance is a function of strain, temperature as
well as time. As a function of temperature there could be deterioration on the strain
gauge system because the bonding may relax and then you also have phase
transformation on the gauge alloy. It is very interesting you know unless you look at
each aspect closely, you may ignore any one of these changes because when I am
exposing the foil alloy to high temperature and also subjected to load.
You find there could be phase transformation. This also can affect to your strain
measurement. So, what you have here is delta R by R is the function of strain. So, I have
this as 1 by R dau f by dau epsilon into delta epsilon plus 1 by R dau f by dau T into
delta T plus 1 by R dau f by dau t into delta t. And similar to my S g S t, I also introduce
another factor S suffix t. that is what I am going to do. What I am going to have is the
expression for delta R by R can now be thought of as S g into delta epsilon plus S t into
delta T and the (( )) factor is S t and delta t. So, you have a factor of time coming in to
the picture. See, in all these cases of nuclear radiation or effects of high temperature, you
will have a drift. The cause of drift is different in each of the cases.
When there is a drift, it is a function of time. That is the reason why the recommendation
is do it quickly. If I do dynamic strain measurement, temperature effects are easy to
handle only when I have static measurement over a long duration of time, temperature
effects becomes very cumbersome to handle. And also when I use self temperature
compensated gauges they are varied only for a short range of temperature. It is not men
for all temperatures range. So, in need to account for this temperature effect specially
and what is I mentioned here is the factors S capital T and S t are negligible in the
temperature range minus 18 to 65 degree centigrade. A variety of problems exists in this
region and what you need to careful about is you need to select the proper gauge alloy
and the suitable carrier material for these applications.
But when I work beyond this temperature, I need to account for the effect of time and
you know we have also looked at mentioned in several of our lectures that Karma alloy
is better than advance because it can be used up to 260 centigrade whereas, advance only
up to 205 or so. So, it can work beyond 205 and the apparent strain is of the order of plus
or minus 100 micro strain. The error introduce because of temperature change is in of the
order of 100 micro strain and what is recommend is when I said it is the function of time,
to solve this develop a graph which is a function of strain versus time.
So, I have a variation of this reading and this is actually called as a zero drift. It is a
function of a time as well as the strain gauge alloy. Here it is shown for Karma alloy with
glass fiber reinforced phenolic carrier and this graph is done for 293 degree centigrade.
So, the recommendation is we know that resistance changes as a function of time. To
solve this develop graphs for each specific temperature for the given strain gauge system
and use that a ready (( )) to correct your zero drift. There is no other go, when you have a
given application you know what temperature range you are going to work at. So,
develop strain versus time for that temperature and have the data and use it for your
So, in all these applications it is proven to measure the actual temperature at the point of
interest even if you do not have the data while you perform experiment. You can at least
go back and develop for that particular temperature, a test data which would give you the
change of zero drift as a function of time. So, for any temperature extremes we will also
see cryogenic temperature, there also is measure the temperature at the point of interest.
So, that is what we are looking at and you know to what extend karma alloy can be used
is dictated by the carrier material. And as I mentioned earlier, glass reinforced epoxy
phenolic carrier is rated for higher temperatures, but you have the problem of drift with
time which is significant.
So, as I mentioned earlier, develop several strain time calibration curves for various
temperatures and choose the appropriate one for a particular application. There is no
escape. See, if you want to make strain measurement for critical situations, you need to
do more work. Do not think I go places strain gauge look at the strain meter and then
come back and say this is what the strain measurement is. This will not be the correct
value you need to look at this special effects find out what way modifies look at the
literature and find out how to initiate the corrective action. Learn this and then interpret
the measure strain value.
You cannot jump to conclusion that by pasting a strain gauge my job is over in strain
instrumentation. It is not so. You need to apply appropriate corrective measures
depending on the situations. You need to handle it differently for hydrostatic pressure,
differently for nuclear radiation and differently for high temperature. We will also see for
low temperature what we have to do and you know before we go in to the low
temperature we also look at what you do If I have to measure beyond 288 degree
centigrade? I need to go for special gauges as well as special techniques for strain
measurement and we looked at earlier also that you had different alloying materials
available for making a strain gauge.
You have Nichrome V, Armour D or alloy 479 are available they are recommended as
gauge material for temperature beyond 288 degree centigrade. And what is mentioned
here is alloy 479 which is the platinum tungsten alloy can work up to 870 degrees, but
has a large apparent strain of 140 micro strain per degree centigrade. So, if you
understand this, you can at least go back and corrected. So, it is always proved then to
measure the temperature at which you are working and in such high temperature
applications use of signal subtraction by Wheatstone bridge is recommended. This works
see in the case of nuclear installation what we found was the nuclear exposure modifies
the resistivity. That cannot be cancelled by putting two strain gauges and adjacent terms
and cancel the effects.
On the other hand, the apparent strain because of high temperature effect could be
managed if you use a half bridge or a full bridge configuration. So, this is recommended
when I go for high temperature application. When you go for a high temperature
application it is also proven to measure the temperature not only this look for strain time
calibration curves for the given temperature that we are working. Now, we move on to
how to consider the effects of cryogenic temperature, what happens? See, what is
mentioned is strain gauges can be used to strain below minus 196 degree centigrade and
one of the significant effect here is the elastic modulus increases 5 to 20 percent at
cryogenic temperatures. This is very rare you know as I mentioned earlier elastic
modulus does not change by a heat treatment or by alloying.
We saw that when it is exposed to nuclear radiation the elastic modulus changes.
Similarly, when it is expose to cryogenic temperature, the elastic modulus changes. So,
when I you have to find out the stress measurement based on strain values, you have to
use the appropriate elastic modulus. So, this is important both in nuclear radiation and
cryogenic temperatures. There is another interesting thing that happens. Usually,
cryogenic temperatures are obtained by using liquid nitrogen, liquid hydrogen or liquid
helium. And what happens is at such low temperature, they can boil and they should not
heat the grid surface. So, what is recommended is the strain gauge has to be coated with
silicone grease to serve as a heat shield in the very settled point. You know I have a
liquid nitrogen that can also boiled and the process should not disturb the strain
So, recommendation is put a coat of silicon grease is what is recommended. See, in all
these applications what we are looking at is strain gauge installation itself has to be
looked at very carefully. In the case of hydrostatic pressure we mention go for thinnest
bond line. You need to takes special effects to make it, when I come to nuclear radiation
go for ceramic cements. When I come to cryogenic temperatures I need to put a silicon
grease on this and when I go for high temperature select the suitable alloy of the strain
gauge as well as the carrier. So, strain cage installation, methodology goes with the
application. You should delink these two.
Whatever the correction that you do is valid only when you are followed at the specific
recommendation for that kind of situations. Those corrections are not valid if you
violated any one of them. This is also you have to keep in mind. You have a thick bond
line and then apply the correction effect whatever you learn for hydrostatic pressure, it
will not work, it will not give you the correct value. That is the reason why we also
spend sufficient time on strain gauge bonding. It is not a trivial procedure and for special
applications you need to find out look at the latest literature, find out any new
recommendation of come, try to follow that. And also there is another interesting future
when I come to this cryogenic temperature.
You have a possibility of change of gauge factor, but that possibility is very small. So,
you do not have to worry about change of gauge factor. But the other difficulty is the
error in strain measurement can be very large when we work below minus 73 degree
centigrade. So, you will have a introduction of apparent strain for small changes in
temperature. So, there is a limit up to minus 73 centigrade, you can do one type of
measurement, but below minus 73 centigrade a small change in temperature introduces
large value of apparent strain. And how to go about? How do remedy this? People are
found very innovative way of doing it, I have mentioned in the discussion on self
temperature compensated gauges that use the self-temperature compensated gauge only
for the specimen material for which it is compensated.
You should not mix this self temperature compensated gauges. Then your measurement
will be (( )). See, for any rule there will be exception, the exception applies in cryogenic
temperatures. So, in cryogenic temperature the recommendation is use temperature
compensated gauges or even try using mismatched gauges for the material. So, I may
have a S T C gauge meant for a different material to be applied on this material. So, that
I account for the apparent strain because of low temperature below minus 73 centigrade.
And as I mention earlier measure the surrounding temperature using temperature sensor
and use standard graphs for effecting the correction.
So, this is the general recommendation. For temperature extremes as well as nuclear
radiation measure the temperature at which you are doing the measurement. At least
keep this, even if you are enable to interpret the strain readings when you find a
deviation from your analytical or numerical calculation. At least another experimentally
can look at it and suggest you worked at such such on temperature. Why do not you look
for strain time calibration graph? If it is not available why you do not you develop it? So,
some such diagnose is possible if you also measure the temperature at which you have
done the experiment. So, that is the thump rule that you can generally take care and now
we look at what are the effects of strain cycling.
So, it is very interesting to see you know unless you look at each aspect closely, you will
not even notice that such variations can happen. Because of cyclic loading the gauge grid
work hardness. How interesting it is? and what happens because of that? The specific
resistance changes. When the specific resistance changes it introduces a zero drift. So, if
you use advance alloy, it begins to show noticeable shift at 1000 cycles. So, if you want
go for cyclic loading, go for karma or isoelastic gauges fully encapsulated in glass
reinforced epoxy-phenolic as the carrier with the factory installed lead wires.
So, what we are looked at is, in some cases even if you worry about the right selection of
the alloy and the backing and the method of installation, half of a problems are solved.
So, it is necessary how to select the strain gauge for a given application? You cannot
ignore that and finally, we look at what is the effect of moisture and humidity? You
know water is (( )) life, without water nobody can live, but water if not good for strain
gauge instrumentation. Where does the water come from? It is not that you are always
making a measurement under water. Even the water measure in the atmosphere as
relative humidity that can affect your strain gauge installation and very interesting things
See, if do not look at these very systematically you will ignore all these effects. So, water
vapour present in the air is absorbed by both the adhesive and the carrier. And what
happens because of the gauge to ground resistance gets reduced. So, you have first effect
because of the water. This is similar to placing a shunt resistor across the active gauge.
So, this is the (( )) that you need to avoid and because of absorption of moisture it
degrades the strength and rigidity of the bond and reduces effectiveness of the adhesive
in transmitting the strain. We have already seen the adhesive should faithfully transfer
the strain develop on the base material to the foil alloy. It does not happens when there is
expose to moisture and what happens plastic also expands when it is wet, it expands.
So, you have strains develops and that strain also will be essenced by the strain gauge.
Plastics expand and this will produce strains in the adhesive which will in turn be
transmitted to the strain gauge. And because there is a very complex effect, it cannot be
subtracted by your temperature compensation methodology of putting two strain gauges
on adjacent terms. It is not possible. It is inter link, it is difficult to desperate this effect
and also another thing which is a very very shuttle. Now, I have the gauge of alloy ion
moisture environment when current passes through the gauge, it will cause electrolysis.
So, what is the effect of this? The gauge filaments will erode and a significant increase in
the resistance will occur.
So, how interesting it is? You know this have very very shuttle effects. You know unless
you really look at and then want to get the maximum amount of strain gauge
instrumentation. You would have simply that what way the moisture is going to affect. I
have the reading which is close to my wrongly calculated numerical value, you feel
happy my experiment as match with numerical result. And you will go with the beaming
smile, but your structure collapse in actual practice. So, if you want to have confidence
in you experimental measurement you need to know the (( )), you need to know the
variations and what is the recommendation by the manufacturer because you have
research publications that are all available as in when scientists find new effect.
And you need to have a constant touch with the literature. So, when you go for special
applications ensure that you have taken special care to handle them. So, in this class we
look at final aspect of strain gauge instrumentation. We stared with accounting for
transfer sensitivity effect we also saw how the methodology can be extend to find out
even the transfer sensitivity factor I need to make two measurements and from the
measure the transfer sensitivity factor for a known strain field. So, that is the way you go
about in calculating K t. Then we moved on to how to account for hydrostatic pressure,
nuclear radiations, temperature extremes, cyclic loading and finally, environmental
effect. So, what we found is moisture is very bad.
So, in instead of getting into problems protect your installations from moisture
absorptions. So, you hermetical sealing is very very important, but when I do this what is
the other aspect that I should keep in mind. When you put a coating you are preventing
heat dissipation. So, you need to take special effects to improve that. So, yet select a
suitable gate size or have some air circulation. So, that you accommodate the heat
dissipation properly and another general recommendation is when you are working at
temperature extremes as well as nuclear radiation at least measure the temperature at
which you are making the measurement. So, that some diagnose is of your experimental
instrumentation is possible later. If you do not have the data to correct then and there at
least you can do additional test generate appropriate data and subtract from your
readings. So, that you get the actual strain at the point of interest. Thank you.