Southeast Missouri (SEMO) Drug Task Force (2012)

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LawEnforcement Report:

Equitable Sharing Proceeds from Federal Forfeitures

Calendar Year: 2012
Undor Section 613.653.1, RSMo2012. each agency involved in using the federal forfeiture system is
required to fil^ a report regarding federal saizures and the proceeds therefrom.
Youragency is required to complete and We this rsport the Department of Public Safety and the
State Auditor's OfTice no later than January 31" of the year following the Calendar Yearidentified
above Completedreports shall be maltedor faxed (Put not both) to the following:
MO Department of Public Safety
Attn. CJ/LEScction
PO Box 749
301 W. I^igh Street. Room870
Jefferson City. iWO 65102
Fax: (573)522-1908
State Auditor of f^issoud
Attn: Local Qovemment Section
PO Box 869
301 W. High Street. Room 880
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Fax: (573) 751-7984
Under Section 613.653.1. the Dapartment of Public Safety shall not issue funds to any law enfon:6ment
agency that fails to comply with the reporting requirements of this section.
Under Section 513.653.2, the intentional or knowing failure of a law enforcement agency involved in using
the federal forfeiture system under federal law to comply withthe reporting requirement contained in this
section shall be a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to one thousand dollars.
Contact Information
Agency Name: Southeast Missouri Drug TaskForce
Mailing Address: PO Box 1763
City: Sikeston State;
Finance Contact: First Name: Mark
State: _M0 Zip: 63601
Last Name: McClendon
E'Maii: [email protected]
Uast Name: Robert
E-Mail: [email protected]
Report Prepares
Phone: 573-472-3320
First Name: Caria
Phone: 573-472-3320
1. Did your agency participate In the federal forfeiture system, during the reporting
period? (checl^ all that apply)
El Submitted a request for forfeited assets (TD F 92-22.46 or Fonri DAG-71)
S Received federal sharing funds (cash)
Received federal sharing assets (non-cash)
n None of the above
zioznm :8iea""" "e/lTs^ed 00t'2Zt'GZS8' 'uiby"
2. List, bycategory, the type and value of the itetn(8) seized ^ turned over to the
federal forfeiture system, during the reporting period.
NOTE: The items listed shall be a result of a turnover order or seizure warrant and ^all be items
seized and turned over to the federal forfeiture system by the local lawentorcement agency Items
seiied by a tederal officershall not be included. In addition, items whichhave been seized and
ratained, seized but returned, and/or seized andconsidered a state seizure shaft not be included.
aSfPo::.-- wi' / ;i^L ry a'-xr'; .Valttei*'
A Cash $175,776.25
B Computers/Electronics $0.00
C Drugs/Alcohol $0.00
D Jewelry $0,00
E Land/Real Estate $0.00
F Vehiclds/Boats/Trailers $0.00
6 Weapons $0.00
H Other 0.00
3. List your agency's equitable sharing fund balance (cash and assets), as of January 1
for the Calendar Year identified on the report:
4. List your agency's equitable sharing activity, during the reporting period:
iCalieHoryiiv;..<i^- '':!--';^'^^ -v/Si rf..V i,;"
A Federal sharing funds received $173,814.35
B Federal sharing funds received fromother lawenforcement agencies $0.00
C Non-cash assets received $0.00
D Other income (e.g. proceeds fromsaie of non-cash assets) $24,805.54
E Interest income accrued (fromlnterest-t}earingaccount) $5,023.36
List, by category, your agency's expenditures from forfeiture proceeds during the
reporting period:
AtnQunt:"v '
A Salaries $0.00
B Overtime $14,690.83
0 Informants, "buy money", and rewards $0.00
D Travel and training $40,574.48
E Communications and computers $0.00
F Weapons and protective gear $0.00
G Electronic surveillance equipment $0.00
H Buildingsand improvements $9,468.10
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mzzmviziomm-o^eQ ziz-soed eoot'szt'ezse
1 Transfers toother state and local lawenforcement agencies
J Other law enforcement expenses
Community-based programs
L Windfall transfers
M Matching grants
6. List your agency's equitable sharing fund balance (cash and assets), as of December
31 for the Calendar Year identified on the report;
On behalf of the agency identified in the "Contact Information" section of the report, Icertify that
the above infonnation is complete and accurate.
Caria Robert, Administrative Officer
Printed Name,
Southeast IVIissouri Drug Task Force
Name of Department or Agency
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