2004 JAC MG TiB2 in Situ by Al Ti B
2004 JAC MG TiB2 in Situ by Al Ti B
2004 JAC MG TiB2 in Situ by Al Ti B
In situ synthesis of TiB
/Mg composite by self-propagating
high-temperature synthesis reaction of the AlTiB
system in molten magnesium
H.Y. Wang
, Q.C. Jiang
, Y.G. Zhao
, F. Zhao
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University at Nanling Campus,
No.142 Renmin Street, Changchun 130025, PR China
The Key Laboratory of Automobile Materials, Ministry of Education, Jilin University,
No.142 Renmin Street, Changchun 130025, PR China
Received 28 January 2004; received in revised form 17 February 2004; accepted 17 February 2004
The synthesis of in situ formed TiB
/Mg composite utilizing the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) reaction that occurred
between the molten magnesium and green preforms consisting of Al, Ti and B powders was investigated. The result shows that it is feasible
that the smelting temperature of the magnesium matrix alloy is selected at 860
C on the DTA curve, prepared for the SHS reaction in the AlTiB system. An as-cast microstructure of the composite
reveals a relatively uniform distribution of TiB
particulates with hexagonal or rectangular size of 2.0 m. Furthermore, an analysis of the
powders extracted from the TiB
/Mg composite conrms that a small amount of blocky TiAl
phase is also present in the composite.
2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Magnesium; Composites; In situ; Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) reaction; Particulate
1. Introduction
Particulate reinforced aluminum and magnesium metal
matrix composites (MMCs) have a great potential to be
applied in automobile and aerospace industries because of
their high specic tensile strength and modulus, as well
as their high wear resistance [13]. Traditionally, MMCs
have been produced by various processing techniques such
as powder metallurgy, preform inltration, spray deposi-
tion, casting technologies, i.e. squeeze casting, rheocast-
ing and compocasting [19]. In all the above techniques
the reinforcing second-phase particulates (including car-
bides, borides, oxides, nitrides, etc.) are combined with
the matrix material (either in molten or powder form) by
ex situ methods. In this case, the scale of the reinforc-
ing phase is limited by the starting powder size, which is
typically of the order of micrometers to tens of microme-
ters and rarely below 5 m [10]. Other main drawbacks
C for 3 h to remove
any trace of moisture. Processing of the in situ TiB
composites consists of adding the prepared preforms to
molten magnesium, slurry stirring and casting.
Based on the chemical compositions of AZ91 alloy
(Mg9% Al1% Zn), commercial pure Mg, Al and Zn were
selected to prepare the matrix. About 1 kg of pure magne-
sium melt was prepared at predetermined temperature in
a steel crucible in an electric resistance furnace of 5 kW
under an argon protective atmosphere. The desired amounts
of alloying elements and 100 g of prepared green preforms
were added into the 1 kg of molten magnesium. After about
10 min, the molten magnesium alloy was stirred at 600 rpm
for 20 min using a graphite impeller to facilitate the incor-
poration and uniform distribution of the generated TiB
particulates in the metallic matrix. The composite melt was
cast into a copper mold to produce ingots of 55100 mm.
The SHS reaction temperatures and products were studied
by differential thermal analysis (DTA) (Model Rigaku-8150,
Japan) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) (Model D8 DIS-
COVER, Germany). Microstructure and phase analyses of
the composite were investigated by using scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) (Model JSM-5310, Japan) equipped
with energy-dispersive spectrum (EDS) (Model Link-Isis,
Britain) and XRD (Model D/Max 2500PC Rigaku, Japan).
3. Results and discussion
To study the SHS reaction temperatures of the AlTiB
system, 35 mg reactant mixtures with a molar ratio of Ti/B =
1:2 mixed with 50 wt.% Al are heated at 20
C/min to about
which corresponds to the melting of aluminum. Furthermore,
there are three exothermic peaks with maximums at 636, 852
and 1008
C, the
AlTiB mixtures were heated to 852
C. As a result, it is
difcult to deduce a reaction that occurred in the exotherm
of 1008
C; based
on DTA, therefore, it is feasible that the smelting temperature
of the magnesium matrix alloy is selected at 860
C for the
SHS reaction in the AlTiB system.
An in situ formed TiB
/Mg composite was successfully
fabricated by utilizing the SHS reaction that occurred be-
tween the molten magnesium and green preforms consisting
of Al, Ti and B powders. An as-cast microstructure of the
composite reveals a relatively uniform distribution of TiB
particulates with hexagonal or rectangular size of 2.0 m.
Furthermore, an analysis of the powders extracted from the
/Mg composite conrms that a small amount of blocky
phase is also present in the composite.
This work is supported by the National Natural Sci-
ence Foundation of China (No. 50171029 and 50371030)
and the Nanoscience Foundation of Jilin University (No.
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