Compare Catalyst 2960-X and Catalyst 3650 / 3850

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Compare Catalyst 2960-X and Catalyst 3650/3850

Can't understand the technology Specification between the Cisco 2960X and Cisco
3650 / Cisco 350! "a#e you $now what's the difference between the%& such as the
Stac$ing bandwidth& 'e%ory/flash& 'a(i%u% %e%bers in stac$)))
*roduct Co%parison Cisco Catalyst 2960+X/X, Switches and Cisco Catalyst 3650/350
Catalyst 2960-X overview:
Cisco Catalyst 2960+X Series Switches are fi(ed+configuration& stac$able .igabit
/thernet switches that pro#ide enterprise+class access for ca%pus and branch
applications 01igure 23) 4esigned for operational si%plicity to lower total cost of
ownership& they enable scalable& secure and energy+efficient business operations with
intelligent ser#ices and a range of ad#anced Cisco 56S Software features& include a
single fi(ed power supply and are a#ailable with either the Cisco 56S 789 :ase or 789
7ite feature set) Catalyst 2960+X, switch %odels include a field+replaceable %odular
power supply and can acco%%odate a second power supply) Catalyst 2960+X, is
a#ailable only with the Cisco 56S 5* 7ite feature set)
Catalyst 3650 overview:
;he Cisco Catalyst3650 Series is the ne(t generation of enterprise+class standalone and
stac$able access+layer switches that pro#ide the foundation for full con#ergence between
wired and wireless on a single platfor%) ;he Cisco Catalyst 3650 is built on the ad#anced
Cisco Stac$<ise +260& and ta$es ad#antage of the new Cisco =nified 8ccess 4ata *lane
0=84*3 application+specific integrated circuit 08S5C3) ;his switch can enable unifor%
wired+wireless policy enforce%ent& application #isibility& fle(ibility& application opti%i>ation&
and superior resiliency) ;he Cisco Catalyst 3650 Series Switches support full 5///
02)3at *ower o#er /thernet *lus 0*o/?3& and offer %odular and field+replaceable
redundant fans and power supplies) ;hey can help you increase wireless producti#ity and
reduce your ;C6)
Catalyst 3850 overview:
;he Cisco Catalyst 350 Series is the ne(t generation of enterprise+class stac$able
access+layer switches that pro#ide full con#ergence between wired and wireless on a
single platfor%) Cisco@s new =nified 8ccess 4ata *lane 0=84*3 application+specific
integrated circuit 08S5C3 powers the switch and enables unifor% wired+wireless policy
enforce%ent& application #isibility& fle(ibility and application opti%i>ation) ;his
con#ergence is built on the resilience of the new and i%pro#ed Cisco Stac$<ise+A0)
;he Cisco Catalyst 350 Series Switches support full 5/// 02)3at *ower o#er /thernet
*lus 0*o/?3& Cisco =ni#ersal *ower o#er /thernet 0Cisco =*6/3& %odular and field+
replaceable networ$ %odules& redundant fans and power supplies)
More related:
Cisco Switch 9a%ing ,ules
/nd+of+7ife and /nd+of+Sale 8nnounce%ent for the Cisco 2960 Series Switches
"ow ;o ,eco#er Cisco ,outer *assword
;he 4ifference of ;he Cisco Catalyst 2900 and Cisco Catalyst 2900
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