Test For Renault Key

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Test for Renault Key/Immobiliser failures (emergency

Renault Key/Immobiliser
Download Renault Key/Immobiliser Test Kit
Unzip Password is "reman"
When you have the 4 digit emergency
1. hold central locking button down red immo light lashes slowly count number o 1st digit
o immo code and release.
!. hold down central locking button and count !nd digit and release
". re#eat or "rd and 4th digits
4. when all numbers entered$ ignition o and hold down central locking button immo lights
remains constant$ #ress key on/o %uickly towards interior mirror. &o#eully #li# will resynch.
'nce immo light starts lashing (ign on/o and hold c/l button down again until red light remains
constant and try again$may take a ew goes.
!"al Plate
T#e $ain Identification of R%&'U(T )e#icles
!"al Plate is used for identification of R%&'U(T "e#icles since *+,+
T#e location and design was c#anged se"eral times during t#at long
In "e#icles produced un till *++- .ou will find t#e o"al plate in engine
It is made of aluminum and can be located separate or toget#er wit#
obligatory )e#icle $anufacturer Plate
In "e#icles produced after *++- t#e !"al Plate is made from plastic in form
of stic/er located on rig#t side middle door pillar
It can be seen by opening front passenger door
0rom *++12
Number Description
1 Type mines of the vehicle and chassis number
2 PTMA [total all up weight of the vehicle
3 PTR [maximum permitted total train weight - vehicle loaded with trailer]
4 Maximum permitted weight on the front axle P!T!M!A! front axle"
5 Maximum permitted weight on the rear axle P!T!M!A! rear axle"
6 Technical specifications of the vehicle #ountry #ode"
7 Paint reference
8 $%uipment level
9 &$'(#)$ T*P$
10 Trim code
11 Additional factory optional e%uipment
12 +A,R(#AT(-. ./M,$R
13 (nterior matching trim code
0rom *++-2
Number Description
A the name of the manufacturer
B the $!$!#! approval number
1 the type mines of the vehicle preceded by the world manufacturers identification code &+0
corresponds to R$.A/)T +RA.#$"1
2 the chassis number
3 the maximum permissible weight
4 the maximum permitted total train weight
5 the maximum permitted weight on the front axle
6 the maximum permitted weight on the rear axle
7 the first figure indicates the gearbox or factory options1 the second figure indicates the e%uipment
8 &$'(#)$ T*P$
9 the technical e%uipment code
10 additional factory optional e%uipment
11 the e%uipment level
12 the paint code
13 +A,R(#AT(-. ./M,$R
14 the trim code
3efore *++-2
(ocated in %ngine 4ompartment
5 6 7 0irst figure 7 gearbo8 type9 second figure 7 e:uipment le"el
5; 7 4ountry code
Tec#nical Type
Tec#nical Type identifies "e#icle $odel9 3ody Type and %ngine9 it will
be as/ed w#en .ou will order some spare parts
It can be found on !"al Plate or sometimes in )I& number <ust after
t#emanufacturers identification2 ()0* (R%&'U(T) or )0= ($atra))
Tec#nical Type ta/en from )I& number sometimes is misleading
Tec#nical Type consist of > symbols
Until year *++-2 ?7..7@
0rom year *++-2 ?7.7@@
? 7 body type
.. 7 pro<ect code
@ 7 engine type
Body Type X X
!"tc#b"c$ 3 door % 3
!"tc#b"c$ 5 door B 5
&"'oon (ti'ity & 6
)st"te * A
%"brio'et 2 door ) 7
%oupe 2 door D 8
+i,#t -"n . /
0onocorp 5 door 1 N
2"ssen,er -"n 1 N
Body Type X X
2ic$3up ( !
&"'oon 2 door 0 2
&"'oon 4 door + 4
Tr"4ic 5 4ront 6D T 3
Tr"4ic 5 re"r 6D 2 3
Tr"4ic 5 474 - 3
0"ster 5 4ront 6D 8 3
0"ster 5 re"r 6D 9 3
)st"te 3 door 6 3
5? is used w#en t#ere are too many "ersions for certain model to use normal coding
(R*+9 4lio I)
2ro:ect %ode 0ode'
06 T;in,o
11 )sp"ce 5
29 8 25
37 8 11
40 &uper 5< )7press
42 8 9
48 8 21
50 A'pine A 610
53 8 19
54 &"4r"ne
56 +",un"
57 %'io 5
63 )sp"ce 55
A=64> 0e,"ne 5
B=65> %'io 55
%=76> *"n,oo
D=70> 0"ster 55
)=66> )sp"ce 555 < A?"ntime
. &pider
/ +",un" 55
! 0"scott
1 -e' &"tis
* )sp"ce 5-
+=83> Tr"4ic 55
0 0e,"ne 55
0abrication &umber
!n !"al Plate .ou can see 0abrication &umber It contains serial
number of "e#icle from certain Tec#nical Type and t#e
production plant identification
T#is number identifies "e#icles age and origin9 it will be as/ed w#en
.ou will order some spare parts
0irst symbol from 0abrication &umber identifies t#e factory of
production T#ey are2
A &etub"' </u"rd" =2ortu,"'>
B B"ti''y =&@-AB> =.r"nce>
% %rei' =.r"nce>
D Dou"i =.r"nce>
) 2"'enci" =&p"in>
. .'ins =.r"nce>
/ /r"nd %ouronne =.r"nce>
/ No?o 0esto =&'o?enie>
! !"ren =Be',ium>
! T86 =&;eden>
1 Bi''"ncourt =.r"nce>
1 %uritib" =Br"si'>
* Dieppe =.r"nce>
+ %ordob" =Ar,entine>
0 0ede''in =%o'ombie>
N &"#",un =0e7ico>
@ /uy"ncourt Tec#nocentre =.r"nce>
2 -"''e:o =0e7ico>
9 *enos#" =Americ"n 0otor %orpor"tion>
8 Burs" =Tur$ey>
& &"ndou?i''e =.r"nce>
T 8omor"ntin =0"tr" Automobi'e>
( 0"ubeu,e =.r"nce>
- .A&A =&p"in>
6 -"''"do'id =&p"in>
X !eu'ieA =&p"in>
B No?o 0esto =&'o?enie>
C Br"m"'e" =Americ"n 0otor %orpor"tion>

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