Voice of Healing Magazine, April 1954 - Ufos

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The document discusses a book about the mystery of flying saucers and how it relates to the Bible. The book contains 10 chapters and is offered to those who make a financial contribution to support the radio broadcast.

The book explores the mystery of flying saucers and attempts to explain them in the light of the Bible. It discusses eyewitness reports and investigations into what flying saucers are and whether they pose a threat.

The book contains 10 chapters: 1) The Mystery of Flying Saucers 2) Mysterious occurrences in the heavens 3) The coming of the saucers 4) Are the saucers terrestrial 5) Are they from the US or Russia 6) How the US Air Force explains them 7) Are they from other planets 8) How they relate to the Bible 9) Are they a menace 10) Conclusion to the riddle.


of these actual
photographs of flying
saucers taken b y
Carl Hart, j r . ,
and accepted as
genuine by the U. SI


Light Bible
of the
- Page 10

Story of Evangelist
Albert H. Gilbert

Sixth Anniversary Edition - Thirty-six Pages
Springs............ KRCH . 1270
DAY Tim:
Sundoy 8 3 0 - 9:OO A.M.
In the Ughf of the Bible CALIFORNIA-10s. Angeles......... KRKD 1150 Sunday 4:15- 4:45 P.M.
Dinuba, (Fresno area) ............... KRDU .I 240 ~ Sunday 3:30- 4:oo p.m.
Lodi............................................ KCVR 1570 Sunday z:oo-- 2 3 0 P.m.
BY Son Francisco.............................. KSAN 1.450 Sunday 1:30- 2:OO P.M.
DELAWARE-Wilmington ........... WTUX 1290 Sunday A.M.
Gordon Lindsay FLORIDA-~t. Myers... : ............... WMYR 1410 Sunday
9:OO- 9 9 0
8 ~ 1 5 -8:45 A.M.
Tarpon Springs........ :................. WBOY 1470 Sunday 5:oo- s:30 P.m.
CHAPTERS ILLINOIS-Chlcago ...................... WAAF' 950 Sunday 8:OO- 8:30 A.M.
I. The Mystery of the Flying Saucers. INDIANA-Anderson ............. i. . . ~ WCBC 1470 Sunday 2 a o - 3:oo P.m.
'La Porte .................................... WLOl 1540 Sunday 3:oo- 3:30 P.m.
II. Mysterious Occurrences in the Heavens in the Past. Warsaw ................. .:................. WKAM 1220 Sunday 8 3 0 - 9:OO A.M.
III. The Coming of the Saucers. NEW YORK--(orning .................. WCBA 1350 Sunday 2:oo- 2:30 p.m.
W . Are the Saucers Terrestrial Phenomena? Liberty........................................ W O S 1240 Sunday 1 ~ 3 0 2:oo
- P.M.
V. Are the Flying Saucers of U. S.'or Russian Origin? Port Jervis ................................. WDLC 1490 Sunday 2:oo- 2:30 P.M.
OKLAHOMA-Olilahoma City ..... KBYE Sunday P.M.
VI. How Does the U. S. Airforce Explain the Saucers? ORECOH-Portland ......................
KPDP. 800 Sunday
2:OO- 2:30
2:oo- 2:30 P.M.
W. Are the Saucers from Other Planets? PENNSLWANIA-Pittsburgh ....... WPlT 730 Sundoy 4:30. 5:oo P.M.
VIII. The Flying Saucers in the Light of the Bible. Philodelphia ...:............................ WTEL' 860 Sunday 8:OO- 8:30 A.M.
M. Are the Flying Saucers a Menace? York ........................................ WNOW 1250 Sunday 1 ~ 4 5 2:15
- P.M.
X. Conclusion to the Riddle. SOUTH CdROLINA-Cliarleston ... WHAN 1340.
TENNESSEE-Bristol ..................... WOPl 1490
3:oo- 3:30
2:oo- 2:30
T E X A t D o l l a s .......l............ ........ KSKY 660 Saturdoy A.M.
WE Will SEND THIS BOOK AT ONCE TO ALL THOSE Calveston................................ KLUF 1400 Sunday
7:30- 8:OO
1:3o- 2:oo P.M.
WHO SEND US AN OFFERING FOR OUR RADIO WASHINGTON-Kirkland ........... KRKL 1050. Sunday 2:30- 3:OO P.M.

, -
ONTARIO, CANADA4shawa CKLB 1240 Sundoy 5:OO- 5:30 P.M.

W H A T - A B O U T THIS NEW B O O K (NOTE: NEW STATIO+Tarpon Springs, Flo.)


the FIying Saucers? Are they
some natural phenomena that can be
explained? Or, are they a secret
weapon of the U. S. Air Force or TWO BOOKS ""
of Russia? How does the Air Force
explain them? Above all, what does
the Bible say -about them?

Now that the U. S. Air Force reluc- A series of true visions of the world b e y o n d the grave.,
tantly admits that unexplained air: I

craft is moving about in our skies, Recommended by m a n y pastors.

it is time that we had an explana- ,Compiled by Gordon Lindsay
tion. Christians are being 'told that people from another planet
have landed-that -these visitors have come to save the world OR
from destruction. A new cult i s forming. It is time that we had -
the answer to this strange phenomena.
T h e author has made an extended investigation of many well-
authenticated reports of these mysterious occurrences. He has
learned of some strange facts about them
sinister significance.
facts of apparently AT THE END TIME
T h e writer veers away from the Fensational, yet-admits that A series of prophecies given in t h e spirit to the church
the facts are strange indeed.,At any rate, every Chrastkn should today.
know these strange developments that are taking place! This
book is nearly 100 pages in length. ANY ONE OF THESE BOOKS WILL BE SENT FREE
It will be sent to every person who sends us an offering to UPON RECEIPT OF 'AN'OFFERING FOR OUR RADIO
assist_on our Radio broadcast and in om plan for world evan-

I . . I


I - (Please answer questions given on pa& S) I

. , I . ... ......... . . . . . . .
. .
., , . . . , . . .
. .
“Again I say unto you, That if any two of you shall agree o n earth aci tot&-
ing anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my father which is in Heaven.”

ACH DAY many requests are re-

ceived at THE VOICE O F HEAL-
ING offices for prayer. People have swered these prayers,-it is a help to have
need of healing; there are financial the world prayer band also agree with us,
problems, sometimes troubles in the WHEN MAKING YOUR for tfiere is great power in united prayer.
home, or somi? member of.the family PRAYER REQUESTS Jesus knew the power of prayer, and
needs deliverance from some habit. prayed as no other person ever prayed.
REMEMBER THE FOLLOWING: Yet H e knew that increased power would
We thank God that we have been able 1. Be willing to serve the Lord with result if His disciples would watch and.
to know that many of these prayers all your heart. pray with Him (Matt. 26:40-41). For thii
have been answered. The volume of 2. Read Matthew 18:18-19, and agree
reason, we have enlisted a world prayer
requests has constantly increased, but band, who have pledged themselves to do
with us in prayer f o r the answer two things:
God has shown us just what we must t o your need. (1) T o pray for every member of the
do to get our prayers answered. 3. Write us, stating your request prayer band, and f o r the requests
POWER OF AGREEMENT simply, and in as few words as that come in from those who have
How can God answer the requests of possible. E v e r y letter is read need of deliverance.
people who write us from a distance? through by a t least two persons, (2) To pray f o r world-wide revival.
Jesus gave us the answer. I t is found in and your request is prayed over If you do not belong to this world-
M A T T H E W 18: 18,19- individually. wide prayer band, join it now.
“Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever 4. In case of an affliction, we will In addition to the prayers of our world-
Ye shall bind on earth shall be bound send you a cloth that is prayed wide prayer. band, our evangelists also
in heaven; and whatsoever y e shall over by our evangelists, according unite with us in agreeing that God shall
loose on earth shall be loosed in to Acts 19:ll-18- meet each request.
heaven. “And God wrought special THE VOICE OF H E A U N G RADIO
“Again I say unto you, That if two miracles by the hands o f Paul: PROGRAM
of you shall agree on earth as touch-‘ “So that f r o m his body were Be sure to listen to THE VOICE O F
ing any thing that they shall. ask, brought unto the sick hundker- H E A L I N G broadcast each week, and to
it shall be done f o r them of m y chiefs or aprons,, and the dis- the A. A. Allen broadcasts. One of these
Father which is in heaven.” eases departed f r o m them, and broadcasts should be heard in most any
Now this is important: You, yourself, the t?yil spirits went out of section of the country. When w e pray the
must definitely agree on the thing that them. prayer of deliverance on the air, that is
you need. You must take the matter to 5. A t the same time, every member an excellent time f o r you to agree with
God, and then you must definitely claim of the world-wide prayer band is us for your need. If there is no VOICE O F
the thing from God. Do that first before agreeing that your request will H E A L I N G program in your vicinity, help
you write us. be answered. us-through your prayers or giving, to
SEND HOUR BEQUEST “0 THE 6. When you receive the answek, be get a program on a station in that
VOICE OF HEALING sure to write us and tell us about locality.
Write to us, explaining definitely, in as your deliverance. THE ANOINTED BRAYER CLOTH ‘
few words as possible, what your need is, 7. This service is without charge, al- To those who have need of healing, we
and tell US that you have agreed with us though offerings are gratefully send out a prayer cloth, prayed over by
for this thing in prayer. Then we shall accepted to defray the heavy ex- our evangelists, in accordance with Acts
definitely agree with you. Do not write a t pense of maintaining this service. 19:ll-12. (See Scripture given in center
great length, because each letter is read A stamped self-addressed en- box).
Over at least twice. The letters are not velope will also save time. This is the Scriptural method of praying

Prayed over inla pile, but each request is for the sick a t a distance.


: TO: THE LOICE OF H E A ~ I N G ‘ 0
; Box 8658, Dallas, Texas .
I 0
Please send me by return mail your new book THE MYSTERY OF THE FLYING SAUCE= HEI TEE LHGm OF THE
Bmm, written by Gordon Lindsay. 2 0

: 0I would prefer to have the book, TRUE VIISIQMS OF THE UNSEEN WORLD. ; ;
0I Gould prefer to have the book, PROPHECIES FOR THE CkURCH AT THE END TIME. 0
I ‘
( B e sure to mark ( x ) in the square to,the left above indicating which book you prefer!) ‘ 0
! t u a
; I enclose $ ,to assist in getting the Gospel out through the Faith Literature Crusade and THE VOICE OF

H E A L I N G broadcast. I
_ I -


OU, OUR R E A D E R S , will notice
A monthly inter-evangelical publication of the Last-
Day Sign Gift Ministries, published by the Voice
has had 'its make-up considerably
of Healing, Inc., a non-profit corporation incorpo- changed this month. We hope the
rated under the laws of the State of Louisiana. changes will be for the better. We are
Copyright 1952 by The Voice of .Healing constantly on the look-out for ways
%I. 1954 Volume 7, No. 1
and means to improve the magazine
and still keep it at a low cost to the
Article , - IN THIS ISSUE - Page Most religious magaziiles of the quality
and price of our publication have consid-
Radio Schedules ................................................. 2 erably fewer pages than T H E VOICE OF
I,TVH Prayer
Service ........ ............. .:.......................................................... :................ 3 HEALING. Last year we ran 32 pages for
most of the year, occasionally 24 pages.
-The Message, of Easter .............................................................................................. 5 Actually, the magazine ran behind several
The Miracle in My Life hundred dollars a month, which we barely
The Story of Evangelist Albert H. Gilbert ....:..................................................... 6 made up from profit on the sale of our
Len Jones Column ................. : ~ ........................................................................
~~.- ....... 8 books.
The Anointing of Po'wer-Sermon by W. V. Grant ............................................... 9 THIS MONTH WE ARE MAKING AN
The Mystery of the Flying Saucers. By Gordon Lindsay ............................................ 10 EXPERIMENT
Startling Incidents and Amazing Answers to Prayer .......:.....I... ...'.... .................. 12 T h e inside of the magazine was run in
An Interview With Evangelist William Branham offset, with the cover run on the letter
(Installment 111).................... ................................................................................
t 14 press. In this way, we may be able to
Osborn "World Missions" Crusade ............................................................................ 15 permanently increase the size of the m a g
azine to 28 and 36 pages, without having
India's Thousands Witness Mighty Moving of God's Spirit ........................................ 16 to add the increasing cost to our subscrip
Osborn's in South America ................. ....................................................................... 18 tion price.
... s

Erickson Philippine Campaign .................................................................................... .20 W E NOW ASK YOU TO DO US A

You Can Be Healed-Sermon by A. A. Allen ........................ :..................................... 22 FAVOR. You can assist 'us in making our
future plans, if you will answer the'ques-
Report of A. A. 'Allen's Camaguey, Cuba, Campaign .............................................. 23 tions given below, and mail them into o u r
office to the attention of the Editor.
FEATURED EVANGELISTS' SECTION If you live where you can hear our radio
programs, please answer the questions
Russell Park, A. A. Allen, L. D. Hall.............................................. .................. 21 pertaining' to it also.
Donald Gee Column.................................................................................................... 25 THANK YOU!
Letters to Editors ................................................. :...:.................................................. 26 TECH NEW VOICE OF HEALING
Questions and Answers.: ............... 1.................... :.... ..............2................................... 26 . MAGAZINE
Evangelists' Schedules and Address Directory .:....... .?............................................... 28 1. Is the new make-up o f - the magazine
Prophecy Marches On-By .Howard Rusthoi ........................................................... 34 acceptable? 0Yes O.No.
Book Catalog, Sheet Music, Records, Order Blank..................... 31, 32, 33, 35 8 t 36 2. What articles and features of the m a g -
~ azine do you like best?
Gordon. Lindsay ..................................... Editor * THE.VOICE O F HEALING
Lottie Addy...................... Assistant E>ditor PUBLISHED MONTHLY
Pleas& notify u s of change pf sddress, . Subscription rate-10 Months ........... $1.00
giving both old and new addresses.' Ad- 2 Years ....... $2.00
dress all mail to: Canada and Foreign-10 Months .... : $1.50
2 Years ...................................................... $2.50
'THE VOICE OF HEALING Single Copy (Current Issue)' .......... $ .15
Box 8658,. Dallas, Texas -
. , ,* . Rolls of 10 ............................................. $1.00 THE RADIO BROADCASTS
. r&pQa.ws wEsfbr*o& 4366- . , . .Rolls Of 50 ............................................. $5.00
Single Back Copies ............................ $ .25 1. Can you .hear the program in your
A T T E N T I O N : AUSTRALIAN A x D NEW' ZEALAND , Entered as second-class matter at the post area? O Y e s UNO.
CITIZENS . . . , * office a t Dallas, T e d s 2. Is the reception good? 0-Yes 0 No.
Arrangements have been made whereljy,THE VOICE .
OF HEALING and all T V H PUBLICATION books. ATTENTION: BRITISH SUBJECTS 3. Is the present time of the program
may be -secured from: W e have arranged for those living i n countries where good? 0 - Y e s U N O . I .

. "THE EVIDENCE" BOOK DEPT. English money is used to obtain The Voice of Healing 4. If .not, what would you consider a bet-
6 Rata Road, HAITAITAI. and T V H PUBLICATION books from the following:
"THE EVIDENCE" BOOK DEPOT . 219 MARY ST. ter time? ............. I...............

. 0. Box 4363.- . * BALSALL HEATH, 5. Do you have a suggestio; concerning

the music? .................................................
. ~HWUBGH.ANNOfJkCEmNTS' OF GENERAL INTEREST 6. Do you have any further suggestions?
Give the call letter of the.Station over
The Asseniblies of God
The 31st International which you hear the program.
FOUESQUAIRE CONVENTHON will be 1 CQNVENTION will convene Give the name of the City from which
held in Woline, Bllinois MARCH 30-APRIL 2. 1954
at Hiel Municipal Auditorium, in you heard the,broadcast.
MAY 22-28, 1954 St. Louis, Missouri
4 T H E VOICE O F HEALING April. 1954 4-
o.f E as t-er d


D. Hine-Butler

HEY H A V E T H E I R D A Y , "tis cold OD H A S H I S D A Y , 'tis still serene,

and grey, T h e purple grey is not yet seen;
Oulside the wall and far away; But then a flash, a brilliant light
But first they plait a crown of thorns,
And this the Sacred head adorn. %IS tortured frame they take at last,
And to a cross they-drive it fast
W i t h cruel nail and sick'ning blow,
Breaks through the'gravewith silent might

ITHlN His hand they place a reed, Till hideous wounds begin to flow. N D out walks One with shining face,
T o shew that He is King indeed; I
Aglow with b v e and triumph's.grace!
And on His back a scarlet robe,
That He is Lord of all the glbbe. a HEY d o their worst, thky see Him die:
"It is finished!"-they
His flaming form, His splendid stride,
hear His >cry. His kingly head and shoulders wide,
T h e One, Yho said He came to save,
I s captive now within a grave.
UT this they do in mockery
With hateful hearts of treachery;
They swear and snarl and spit on Him,
% IS gleaming eyes and radiant smile,
His lovely lips that speak awhile-
These all acclaim with one accord:.
And strike and slash at every limb. "Christ is risen and He is Lord!"


3i '
WARNED OF GOD in a dream of approaching death and shown how to
avert it, EVANGELIST ALBERT 8%. GILBERT was raised up and healed,
after spending 12 years in bed, and given a ministry oj deliverance. This
Evangelist Gilbea life story reads like ficeion, but every statement is documented.

’N TELLING how the dear Lord me from the grave, heal my body, raise
m e up and use me in a ministry of deliv-
My. neck was broken, two vertebras
. graciously granted me a ministry ‘ erance. were completely smashed, the spinal cord
was almost severed, the lower part of
f deliverance 1 must mention those SHQWN HOW TO REBUKE DEATH the spine was badly injured and the skull
ispired words Of the 105th Psalm, . I n this dream, I was in a very beautiful fractured. I became instantly paralyzed
remsds 17-22- place, like a beautiful park. I n it there from my neck downward. Both arms and
were very beautiful trees, flowers and legs were “lifeless.” Internally, I became
“He sent a’man before them, &rubs. T o me it was nothing but a park. semi-paralyzed. I lay on the ground a long
even Joseph, who was sold for a Suddenly, before,me appeared an opening time, a s I was believed dead. I t was rain-
servant; in the ground. It was exactly the size of ing and, as the rain beat on my face, I
a grave in a cemetery. The same width, became conscious for a passing moment.
whose feet they hurt W i t h fet- length and depth. It was\deep and the I n that instant the Lord reminded me of
ters: he was laid in iron; new earth had just been thrown up on the dream He had given me. To a fnend
Until the .time that his mnrd one side. As I stood looking into the open- nearby whose voice I heard, I whispered
came: the word of the Lord tried ing in the ground I felt ’ a n irresistible ..
faintly, “Remember m dream. rebuke
force drawing me down into this grave- Death.” I had told hrm of the dream.
him. like opening. I felt that I just had to go Both of us used the-knowledge given.me
sent and loooed him. down into it. 1 felt impelled to go down.
. .The‘king
.and let him go free. Just a s I was about to step down I saw,
by the Lord in that dream.
He him Eo;d his to my left, a large, greenish transparent- DESPAIR OF MY LIFE
house. . . .
looking creature coming toward me. It
came in a rather leaping motion and The doctors in the hospital in Wayne,
To bind his princes at his stopped a t the opposite end of the grave- Nebraska, waited five days for me to die
pleasure.” like opening in the ground. Here, i t to-& and, seeing that I didn’t die, they sent me
a reclining position and, with eyes that to the St.Joseph’s Hospital in Sioux City.
This portion Of scripture has been I shall never forget, it leered a t me and How true it is that the unsaved man
ipplicable t o me for 1 was really laughingly said “I’ve got you this time.” knows nothing about the secrets Of the
Instantly, in’ the dream, the Lord Lord. As the depths of Our Soul cry out
m m d for 12 long years and remained
I helpless cripple until the King of
:lory Sent and loosed me. He has
time I rebuked this hideous creature
showed me how to rebuke “Death 1 # Each
boldly and as the Lord had shown me, it
for the depths that are in God.. . . He lets
us in on some of the secret things. Death
had rebuked. There be no
nade me t o .know that as a joint-heir took a step backward and away from the
,vith my Lord . . . all things are mine. grave. I continued rebuking this creature PARALYZED AND HELPLESS - Nothing ,to
He has given me authority to until it was gone. As it very reluctantly
withdrew and was gone, I found myself
look forward iobut a wheei chair-fhen
‘bind” the ‘ powers O f satan and watching a great multitude of happy, re- lerus
‘loose” the captives. joicing people all marching in the same
AM UNUSUAL DREAM direction. Then I awakened. 3

To me, this was an unusual dream. God

1 was in a helpless condition until the was warning me of something. At the
Word of ‘the Lord came to me bringing
jeliverance to my broken body. Then an- Same time He was revealing to me one of
His secrets. “The secret of the Lord is
other Word from the Lord came unto me with them that fear (Psalm 25:14).
thrusting m e forth into a wonderful min- May I humbly mention that, since the
istry of Bible Deliverance for the sick night of this dream, I have often Seen
and afflicted.
Death rebuked and people ra&d up from
It was during the month of June, in - what would have been their death bed.
1939, that I was conducting evangelistic THE TERRIBLE ACCIDENT
Wetings in Sioux City, Iowa. During the I t was just three days after this dream
middle of the first week of these meetings that I was in Wayne, Nebraska, taking
I had a VeW unusual dream. I a m not a dinner with a family from the church in
dreamer. B u t this dream 1 am sure was which I was conducting the revival. On
of the L6rd. Little did I know that it was my way back to my evening service in
to be fulfilled in a couple of days. It was Sioux City, we came over a mountain. It
to be the beginning of many dark and had been raining and the roads were bad.
trying days of bitter experiences from Coming down the mountain road, the car
which the Lord was to graciously bring in which I was riding got out of control.
me forth from my prison with a hereto- I t twisted and turned and raced down the
fore unknown compassion and love for hill a s the frantic driver pushed in the
the sick and amicted. clutch. It finally came to a halt by strik-
Though God’s intended pattern for my ing a concrete bridge. I was thrown from
life was unknown to me a t the time, it the wreckage over the bridge and into
was evidently His loving plan to snatch a stream.

6 THE VOICE O F HEALING April, 1954 ~

- d 1 %

funeral for the moment. Surely it doesn’t ists had m y case but none could help me.
matter how desperate one’s condition may Unwise handling of my case, at the scene
be God is a good God and can do a n y of the accident, had resulted in permanent
thing to bring to pass His plan and pur- injury. I prayed to die many times, as I
pose for a life. The doctors had taken did not wish to live if I could no longer
many X-rays of my spine and, knowing be in the Lord’s work. But God who said
my condition, waited for me to die. H e would take a worm and thresh a
But the doctors didn’t know that, eight mountain with i t . . had a plan for my
years before this automobile accident, the 1ife:”All I could see at the moment was
u r d had very graciously and definitely the tangled threads on the wrong side of
added 15 years to m y !iff? as H e did in the the pattern.
case of King Hezehah, (Isaiah 38:s). RESOLVED TO TRUST GOD
This was at a time when 1,was seriously For these 12 years I was in and out of
ill and not expected to live. SO,at the hospitals, a helpless cripple, with one
time of the accident, I still had seven complication after another.. . all result-
more years of the fifteen to live. While ing from the injury to the spine and the
apparently dying in the Wayne Hospital, severed nerves. Three years ago I was in
a converted Jewish evangelist came to my the Mound Park Hospital in St. Peters-
bedside. As 1 became conscious for a mo- burg, Florida, where they were preparing
ment I heard him praying for me. H e me for a major operation. I had been
said, “Lord you can’t let him die. .You given six blood transfusions. They hesi-
promised him fifteen years and he still tated to proceed with plans for the opera-
has seven more years to go. If you let tion as they said I was not able to have it.
him die I couldn’t believe ou agaln.” My I was sent home in an ambulance. A t that
friends, faith never loois at circum- moment my good wife and I fully decided
stances or conditions but simply counts to take m y case out of the hands of the
on what God has said H e would do. “ A L L doctors and trust God alone for my heal-
things are possible to him that believdh” ing. It was a battle, as I had neither doc- UNABLE T O STAND ALONE, Evangelist Gil.
(Mark 9:23). tor nor medication. But, in the crisis, God
BEST MEDICAL SKILL COULD sent a Word to my dear wife. He said, b e d is here shown being ‘held up by a
DO LlTTLE “There will be no more hospitals.” Nor Missionary from the O p e n Bible Church
While the Lord had kept me from going has there been, from that day. -Note head and neck brace. ,
down into the grave yet, I spent the next HEA-mD AND GIVEN MINISTRY
12 years in bed, either in hospitals or at CALLED TO MINISTER IN CUBA
OF HEALING Before I had gotten up out of bed after
home. During these years I suffered much For the past years there has been no
at the hands of doctors and surgeons. need for either a doctor or a hospital. The God had spoken, there was an urgent cal
There were operations on the head, the Great Physician spoke from heaven and to to Cuba for a healing revival Ir
skull, inside the head near the brain, a said, “Thou shalt no more say. I am weak, the Name,of the Lord 1 arose and ken1
large stone- removed from the bladder, for thou to the P r o v i n e of Matanzas in cuba
be strong. As I was with
ulcers of the stomach, etc., etc. O f course Moses SO 1 Will be with .thee!” Then We where I saw hundreds of Catholics healec
I was unable to walk and, if I merely gave ourselves to fasting and prayer for by the power of God, with nothing mort
looked downward, I would faint. Head the Lord to give us an effective ministry. than a touch. During the past few year5
tractions, plaster ’casts and braces held As we waited upon Him, He clearly spoke we have witnessed at least Seven indi
my thin, emaciated body together. viduals, who were insane, definitely deli”
to us and said* “I have placed in ered. In several instances God sent me tc
Even Mayo Brothers in Rochester, Min- thy hands, gifts Of are in thy insane
nesota, refused me admittance as they hands . . *’ be stronq,. . * I have put my the DELIVERER, set the poor peoplt
asylums to hopeless cases and H e
said they could not help me. Many special- Words in‘thy mouth. . free. I have been in insane institutions ir
a number of states. Within the past week
I was taken to the State Asylum in Mary
land to pray for a man. While there,
prayed for a group of men. As I prayed
a number of them was heard saying
“This is what I have been waiting for.’
, Surely the day of deliverance is about t c
break upon us in a greater way than wt
have ever seen before. God is revealing
even this. unto us by His Spirit, for tht
Spirit searches all things, even the deeI
things of God. We have witnessed ‘tht
mighty healing power of our wonderfu
Christ in all our meetings from Coas
to Coast. Ever bit.of the glory we gladlj
give to Him dbr we are’daily remindec
,that we have this great treasure in ai
earthen vessel.
Not only has the Lord healed my bod!
SHOWN HERE is the automobile after the terrible accident, in which EVANGELIST but has revealed to m e . that He ha!
. given me DIVINE L I F E . B y unquestion
GILBERT‘S neck was broken, a n d his body badly mangled. able revelation He has shown me my owr
physical body in the grave. And H e tolc
me that I’was dead (as good as deac
NOW AVAILABLE! physically) but that my life (physical
was hid with Christ in God. No doub
IN SHEET MUSIC Ab?aham had this same revelation wher
he refused to even look at his own bod:
I’VE HAD A VISION OF JESUS which was as good as dead. But divinc
’life made it possible for both Sarah anc
O35A and ’ Abraham to bring forth children in olc
HE’S ALTOGETHER LOVELY TO ME So, here is a Lazarus.. . as it were..
back from the grave. With a glad hear
Words and music by-MRS. HATIlE JONES and an unshaken faith in my God, I en
deavor to let the very life of the Son o
(Both Songs) PRICE 35c or 3 for $1.00 God flow through m e to others bringini
deliverance to the captives.
ECENTLY I received a booklet of minus-entity. I o p n all things - you
R 32 pages with the above name,
vritten by Frederic Van Renssalaer
REVEREND LEN J. JONES is editor of
the Australian quarterly magazine THE
possess naught.
“To the plus-entity of man, all
EVIDENCE,” a Full Giwpel Puhlicution things are possible! The .world be-
ley in 1900. of 68. pages. Subscriplion rate is $1.00 longs t o him. H e fears naught, dreads
In the front of the booklet was written, per year., S e n d orders to TIIP “EVI- naught and stops a t naught. H e asks
Compliments of Lee Braxton.” It made DENCE,” 197 President Avenue, Ko- no privileges. H e dominates and does
ne curious as to why he should send this garah, N.S.W., Auntralie. not cringe.”
ooklet to me. I t made me more curious
Then I read on the last page of the book-

Reader, your plus-entity or your minus.

?t: that with a firm step he entered places entity is dominating your life, or to put
where he was afraid t o enter. H e could it in Scriptural language, the “old man”
“I read THE MAGIC STORY at a not help wondering a t the temerity of this or the “new man” is in possession right
crucial time in m y life, and it has presence, so like himself, and yet so un- now. There is the part of us that cowers
helped me to raise f r o m shoe shine like, in daring t o enter where his own and-is afraid to enter, and there is that
boy to .where I am today.”-Lee Brax- feet feared to tread. This happened for part of us that is unafraid andswill go
ton, First National Bank Chairman, many days. One day he asked, “Who are right in. There is the “old man” that
City Councilman and Mayor, White- you?” says, “I can’t‘’ and there js the “new man”
ville, N . C. ’
that says, “I cart .do all things through
“This little book inspired me imme- “I a m he who you have been” was Christ Who 8tTertgtheneth me.” There is
diately t o find m y better self. The the reply, “I a m he who you T ? U L ~ be the “old man” that says, “I a m sick” and
moment I finished Teading it the first agairt. Wherein do you hesitate? I am there is the “new man” that says, “with
time, I knew I had found something he, whom you were, and whom you His stripes I a m healed.” The “old man”
I would never forget. Since then I have cast out f o r other company. I will take us to where we are sleeping
have read THE MAGIC S T O R Y more am the man made in tke image of among the shavings with casks above us
than a dozen times.”-Oral Roberts. God, who once possessed your body. as our roof, and there is the “new man”
Both of these testimonies were dated Once we dwelt within it together, not rosy with health, with vigor, force and
ust six months ago, so it was all very in harmony, f o r that can never he. fearlessness.
ecent. nor yet in unity, f o r that is impossi. There is no book in the world so ins ir-
N o w what was there in this booklet, ’ble, but as tenants in common who .ing a s the Bible. There is no boQk &at
hat first of all Lee Braxton wished me to rarely fought f o r full possession. encourages us to And our “better self”-and
ead and, second, why both he and such a Then you were a puny thing, but you shows us man’s possibilities; more than
vel1 known person as Oral Roberts should becunte selfish and exactiny until I that Book does. N o book ever written
vrite so emphatically about? And third, if could no longer abide with you, there stirs us t o greater things-both by exam-
third is needed, w h y I should make i t fore I stepped out. There is a plus- ple and precept, from first page tonlast;
he subject of this column? entity and a minus-entity in every hu- this Book leads the way. If is‘>a Book of
Needless t o say, I couldn’t read it quick- man body that is born into the world. Encouragement! I t is a Book of Promises!
y enough. It told a story that could change Which ever one of these is favored I t is a Book of Power, telling us w h a t we
man’s life. It told of a man who sank so becoates domincrnt; then is the other are and w h a t we can do! Without a doubt,
3w that he possessed nought wherewith inclined to abandon its hahitation, God has not failed :i encouraging us to
o purchase food or raiment and he found temporarily or f o r all time. 1 am the find our “better self.
iimself like a pauper. Steady employment plus-entity of yourself - you are the Think of such examples as Joshua, who
ould not be secured and he became emaci- caused the sun to stand still; David, who
ted in body, and nothing but a skeleton slew Goliath; Daniel, w h o “stopped the
n spirit. ITPMERARP QF mouths o f lions”; Moses, w h o stood
H i s condition was deplorable, not only against Pharaoh; and Elijah, who slew
or his body but also his spirit, which was EVANGELIST LEN JONES the prophets of Baal. They are all dead,
ick unto death. H e had sunk very low in- . of Australia yes, but you and I are still alive and we
eed and deemed himself ostracized by the can do things too!
vhole world. Philadelphia, Penna. March 16-28 A s f o r promises, is there any promise in
One night, while asleep in his bed of a L o c a t i o n : Italian Pentecostal any other book like the one that says, “All
ile of shavings with a pyramid of casks Church things are possible unto you” or the one,
s his roof, he awoke and saw another be- Contact: Rev. Carmine Di Biase, “he shall %ve whatsoever he saith” or
ig, rosy with health and with a very con- Pastor. 1543 McKean “greater thrngs than these shall ye do?”
cious power and force in his demeanor New Pork,‘ N. Ti. March 28-April 4 Was there ever a person who encouraged
0 t h physically and mentally. Location: Glad Tidings Tabernacle people to “be strong and do exploits” more
This presence was in his likeness - in
hort it was his “better self.” I t was what
. 325-329 West 33rd St.
Springfield, Missouri April 6-18
than Jesus did? Why, when Peter mar-
velled that the fig tree had withered up
e could have been-it was what he Location: Central Assembly a t His word he was told t o go’and do the
hould have been, His other self was calm, Church same thing? H e has done all H e can do
tedfast and self-reliant. whereas he was Campbell at Calhoun in this matter. The rest is up to us! Will
owerinp, cringing and filled with nervous Tulsa, Oklahoma . April 20-25 we be the hesitant, fearful, cringing fail-
rembling and fearful of intangible sha- Location: Full Gospel Tabernacle ure, with our bed among the shavings
ows. 5th and Peoria S t . with casks f o r our roof, or will w e be the
H e followed his “betier self” and found man God wants us to be?

THE VOICE OF H E A L I N G 0 April, 1954

Preached at the Fourth
. Annual T V H Convention
in‘ Dnllns, Texas

LUKE 4 : l L ‘ ‘ T h e Spirit of th L U K E 3:22-“And t h Holy

Lhrd is upon me, hecause he Ghost descended i n a bodily
hath anointed me to preach the shape like n dove upon Him.”
gospel to the poor; he hnth sent
~ I to
P heal the hroken-henrtd,
10 preach rleliverrince t o the cap- I received the Holy Ghost the nigl
tives, and recovering of sight to after I was saved. The Bible saps, “1
tlrp blind, to set nt liberty thtvn shall receive the Holy Ghost not ma*
doys hence.” Some people have wait6
that are bruised.” many years hence. The devil says YC
can’t receive it, but God says you cal
ESUS SAID, if I go away the Com-
J forter will come, but “if I go not
away, the Comforter will not come.”
You had better begin to s a y what GC
says. The Bible says that he that is
God speaketh God’s words.
I know that He got back to heaven MORE THAN ONE WAY TO BE
because I received the Holy Ghost. I ANQHNTED O F THE
was there the night I got it. In the HQLY SPIRIT
Book of Acts, we find that 120 re- I remember when I buried my he:
ceived the Holy Ghost. Then thou- in the cotton seed and said; “God, yc
told us that you’d let these signs folio!
sands received the Holy Ghost. How and I’m going t o do my bEst to s t i
do I know it? The Bible says that filled with the Holy Ghost. Howeve
those who were saved continued I guess I spent ten years learning to c
steadfastly in the apostle’s doctrine. : Evangelist W. V. Grant . things for the devil and I had to sper
ten years trying to undo that. I did
THE EARLY CHURCH WAS FULL little bit of everything. I khouted ar
O F T H E HOLY GHOST , ’ because of the anointing; But when Jesus jumped for 150 nights in succession.
I n Acts. Chapter 2, Verse 4 -we read began to do this they said, ‘fW.hat new thought that I had the anointing. B1
that they all lifted up their voices with doctrine is this?” There a r e alway,s carnal. there is more t h a n one way to be anoint6
one accord and, while the place was shak- Christians about. I believe that Christians of the Holy Spirit. Some people play Wl1
ing, they were all filled with the Holy a r e going to be divided into two’*groups, the Holy Ghost like it was a . t e n cei
Ghost. This happened a t Samaria, a t the befbre the end of, time. There will be. a baby rattle. They want to paclfy ther
House of Cornelius, and a t Ephesus. Be- carnal church 3nd a supernatural church. selves like a baby with a toy. And M
ing full of the Holy Ghost was the normal One group will trust God and be super- have some men bearded and are gre
Christian experience in the days of the naturally delivered: Only those who trust headed, who still want to cry on som
Early Church. God- will be able to be overcomers, and body’s shoulder. They ought to get b
Jesus said, “The Spirit o f the Lord is Jesus is coming for the overcomers: enaugh after while to help someone el.5
rcpon me, to preach the. Gospel t o the THE HOLY GHOST ANOINTING
There were thirteen children in 01
poor.” family. After awhile, some of the ch
There is not a thing in the world that IS FOR EVERYONE dren-got old enough to help some of tt
we can substitute for the Holy Ghost’s God wants all His people to be anointed. younger children. That’s the reason
anointing. People try’substitutes but they God can anoint a wash woman. He can folks could raise so large a family.
won’t work. Some people say they like a anoint you to sweep floors, make beds or remember one pastor told me that, f c
Pastor with a chalming personality. was11 uIsiies. He anointed me to plow three days and nights, he didn’t pull h
That’s wonderful, but you need a pastor vetch. L a t e r He’anointed me to sell gro- shoes off, he was so busy praylng f c
and a n evangelist that is ,full of the Holy ceries. Now He’s anointing me to preach. the sick. He said, “I have 500 membe
Ghost. The letter killeth; but the Spirit He anoints me to pray. The greatest mis- and I can pray the prayer of faith a r
maketh alive. It’s not by power. i t k - n o t take you can make is not to be anointed time for the people’s healing.” I thir
by might, it’s not by psychology, but by to hear the Gospel.. that pastor’s church will grow.
the Spirit of .the L o ~ d If
! the Spirit works., I do not have a new revelation or a new There was a time when the Spirit ’
’ we will have a revival. If we put a damp- doctrine. I believe what I have always be- God came upon m e with a n anointing
er on the Spirit of the Lord, we will not lieved. I believe this anointing is f o r any- preach, to shout and to rejoice. Thc
have a revival. We need methods and con- body. ,God can answer a child’s prayer. there came a time when something el!
ferences, but they are not a substitute God can anoint you and manifest the glfts happened. Jesus said that He Wi
for the power of the Holy Ghost. . through. you. You don’t have to have a “cinozntsd t o heal the broken-hearted,av
college education to know what the word set at liberty thein that are brutsed
JESUS IS CO3IING FOR “all” means. You can study Latin until T h a t is a different-.kind of anointing.
THE: OVEKCO31EKS you a r e grayheaded. but ALL will still is a different thing to intercede for som
When Jesus received the anointing Of mean A L L . - E V E R Y O N E ! God’s Word body and heal the broken hearted ar
the Holy Ghost, He began to cast out still .says that He forgiveth all your in- to set a t liberty them that are bruised
devils. The Bible says that the yoke is iquities and healeth all your diseases. The to console somebody when their heart
destroyed because of the anointing. The promise of the .Holy Ghost is to “ A L L bruised and torn and they are in despai
burdens will be taken from our shoulders tha,t are afa.r off.” T h a t is a different kind of anointing.

HE scientific world today is baffled its p o s s i b l e significance. ‘If “Flying the confusion and uncertainty of our
by one of the most amazing mys- Saucers” exist a s extra-terrestrial phenom- times. But practically all investigators re-
Zries of history. F o r several years ena, there must be a purpose in their com- ject this explanation as completely in-
ing. I t is possible that this purpose could adequate.
ow, ‘reports have poured in from affect, for good or ill, every person living I t is probable, of course, that some of
iany sources all over the world, of o n the face of the earth. the reports can- be written off as being
trange objects appearing in the heav- the result of imagination, suggestion. or
WHAT ARE THESE OBJECTS’! a s coming from erratic persons whose
ns; objects which apparently have What then, we ask, is the explanation motive is to secure publicity. Then,
ower to move at incredible speeds, of these objects that are moving about too, people unfamiliar with celestial ’ob-
,nd which in other ways distinguish in our skies a t tremendous speeds-sky servation could be expected to confuse
hemselves as being something dis- craft which differs so greatly from the certain objects, as sky-hook balloons, ad-
Snctly different from any aircraft conventional types with which we are fa- vanced styles of aircraft, and even kites
miliar? Some have attempted to prove with what appears to be “Flying Sau-
p o w n by inhabitants of this earth. that the sightings are merely the result cers.”
ror want of a better name, and also
kcause the name roughly suggests ARE NOT MIRAGES
peir general appearance, these ob- AtNospheric effects such as tempera-
;cts have been called “Flying Sau- ing Saucers on the cower were taken ture inversions or mirages might explain
by Carl War?, Jr., and used by special a number of other sightings. T h e mirage
lers.” is a we1J-known phenomena. The writer
I permission. The U. 5. Air Force Intelli- himself has seen trees and lakes appear
I “FILYIINQ; SAWCEIRS” PBESENT A gence ?earn says, “These pho?os are. in the sky where he knew no such things
1 rnSTEIRH legitimate.” The formations were firs? ought to be. Such phenomena, while not
I Sightings of such strange disc-like wi?nessed by many people in ?he Lub- rare, is infrequent and does require spe-
$aft have been made by persons of all cial atmospheric conditions. The sight-
Iccupations. Some are engaged in ordi- bock, Texas, area. ’ ings however, have occurred in every
lary pursuits of life but the number also The center pho?o was taken by Enrique latitude, day or night, winter o r summer.
rcludes experienced pilots of commercial Hausemann Muller in Spain, April 24, The appearance and motion of the celes-
lanes, radar operators, Air Force per- 1950. The object was described as being tial objects in lquestion are in striking
bnnel, astronomers of repute, and others contrast to any effects produced by a
‘rho are used to observing what goes on wery luminous, of wery huge size, and mirage.
4 the skies, and who are able to give spun across ?he heawens with a rotating Various otder objects in the sky such
n objective report of what they see. The motion, giwing off streamers or rays of as, for example, the Planet Venus have,
bnsensus of opinion of those who have flame like a fireworks pinwheel. Ye? i? perhaps on occasions, been mistaken for
kaluated these reported sightings and seemed to be intelligently guided, and the light of a spaceship. Meteors and
re best qualified to judge, is that a other well-known celestial phenomena
i r g e number of the objects which have did not appear to be indefini9’e in shape. have also been considered as a possible
leen observed, are sky-craft of some kind I? showed ?he distincf owal of a disk- explanation for some of the Saucer sight-
hat is unknown. to t h e Military Intelli- shape and seemed thicker in center Ohan ings
knee of this or any other country. a? the edges. The color was a weird green- REPCDIRTS TOO FANTASTIC TQ
Varied explanations have been given
‘y those who have investigated the “Fly- orange, r a ? h e r more green than BELIEVE
:ig Saucers,” a s to their true nature. In nge, and ?here was absolutely no With these considerations in mind the
ese articles we shall consider some of nd following i?s passages across the Air Force Intelligence, at the beginning of
1: e explanations that have been advanced
i s to the oriEin of the stranae craft and
their investigation, took for granted that
the whole question of. “Flying Saucers”
Id \ T H E VOICE O F HEALING April, 1954 ~
- -
merely a matter of mistaken identity.
other alternative was just too fan-
tastic to believe. Consequently the whole
investigation proceeded from that view
point, If unidentified objects appeared in
the sky, there must be a rational expla-
nation for them. Nature in some way was
performing some kind of magic causing
people to think they saw what actually ,
they did not see. That was the official
conclusion of Operation Flying Saucer
at the completion of its initial. investi-
gation and, with that, it s‘uspended op-
Nevertheless. Saucer sightings con-
tinued to multiply and the number of
qualified witnesses of the phenomena con-
tinued to increase. The Air Force Intelli- THE ADAMSKI FLYING SAUCER - W h a t i s t h e riddle behind this picture taken
gence was compelled a t length to reopen
its investigation, which .in its new phase December 13, 1952, at Palomar Gardens, California, by George Adamski, which
went under the name of Operation Blue- he used in his book “FLYING SAUCERS HAVE LANDED” (by Desmond Leslie 8
book. I t was no longer possible to ignore George Adamski - BRITISH BOOK-CENTRE, Publishers)?
the accumulating evidence. Something A i e the flying saucers a creation of man, are they of Divine origin, o r a r e
was up there in the sky that was not
being accounted for. they something sinister? Whatever they are, it is important that every Christian
A s a last resort a civilian investigator weigh the evidence carefully, in the light of the Bible.- EDFOR.
advanced the theory that these objects
were being manufactured, either by our .
project, or by a foreign power such as EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL
Russia. But this solution only provoked What do all these things mean? ‘I
a flood of new questions. Has expert- The answer t o all this speculation is writer is not a sensationalist and decr
mental aircraft been developed capable that the U . S . Air Force, having made wild and unfounded speculations. He i!
of speeds up to 18.000 miles an hour? early denials that there was anything to firm believer that the Bible is the Wc
Could such craft change course a t right the Saucer sightings, now makes the quiet of God, and heaven’s revelation to mq
angles and could they’ elude pursuit of admission that there are real grounds But he cannot deny that the evidence
the fastest let planes with seemingly no f o r believing that these objects in the strong that there is actually somethi
effort? If Russia actually has such craft, sky are of extra-terrestrial nature! taking place in the heavens that is ol
though the idea seems fantastic of belief, Some seeking notoriety have confused most significant nature-something ti
would she be risking them over America the issue with sensational stories such as is important for every man and worn
and other par\ts of the world, where one the one about “The Landing of .Little on this planet to know. He feels ti
of them might be forced down? Men from Mars,” which was quickly prov- the time has come when Christians shoi
Actually, both America and Canada are ed to be fraudulent. One of the principal have explanation of this phenomena f n
building disc-shaped craft and some mod- actors in that case, it was reported later, a Scriptural standpoint.
els have already been in flight. Henry ran afoul of Federal law in his illegal ac- Are these “Flying Saucers” of prophe
Taylor writing f o r the Reader’s Digest in- tivities as a confidence man. The whole significance? Are they controlled by
story, from the beginning, showed every

sisted that this was the full explanation telligent beings from another plant
of the sightings,,,and declared that this indication of being a hoax. and so it Does their coming have some relation
was “good news. But the officers of the proved. events which are to take place at 1
Air Force scorned Mr. Taylor’s explana- Nevertheless, those who were engaged end o f the a g e ? What is the purpose
tion as ridiculous and absurd. This theory an exposing that hoax are among the their coming? How does the whole thi
never gained weight with more than a ones who are quite convinced that the fit into the prophetic picture? If SI
few and, a t the present time, has prac- “Flying Saucers” are o f extra-terrestrial intelligences exist, how can they pi
tically been forgotten. nature! ships through outer space? Are they o
different physical nature than hum
beings? Is their purpose beneficiei
Could they be angelic beings? Or diab
cal beings?
THE BOOK OF THE A G E S - These are a lot‘ of,questions and
do not say that we yet have all the
swers. Nevertheless, we believe that we
have information on this subject wh
Christians ought to know. Indeed, we
lieve the matter to be of a grave natb
GOD’S HOLY BHBLE and one that we ought to carefully c
6”~81/2”-Genuine Leather Bound-Only Kq’’Thick sider, because it concerns events and
velopments which may vitally effect
future of- every man, woman and ch
THE COLLINS LARGE TYPE BIBLE living on this planet. We believe tl
Christ was speaking of something
Printed o n India Paper, r o u n d corners, large bold type. Page great significance when, referring to
size is 8 % x 534 inches, scarcely larger than mobt ordinary time of His second coming, He said
Luke 21:ll-

sized Bibles. “And fearful sights and great si!

Contains Concordance and dictionaky, 75,000 center column shall there be f r o m heaven.”
IThis is the first chapter of the 60
references, colored maps, family record, Calendar f o r Daily Bible T H E MYSTERY OF THE FLYING b
Reading. B o u n d in French Morocco leather. CERS, hy Cordon ‘Lindsay. Excerpts f r
o t h e r chapters may appear in a later iss
On page 2 of thie issue of TVH. you are t
NOW ONLY $nn.gs how you may secure this hook, which
counts the renulta of the rcriter’s inuesti
tion. I t is a startling revelation!]
~ VOICE O F HEALING 0 April, 1954

PETER 5:7 -
“He careth for you,?’



N JUNE, 1951, I was driving my
Ford on Highway 2 in Northern
Michigan. It is a lonely highway, and 3 A CHILD I had always been
.The conditions existed for days while
it was raining heavily. I was driving fx-small, sickly, and undersize. I had
h e n , in their delirium, madly scratched sugar diabetes, typhoid fever, weak
Loles in the ground with their bare hands a t 55 m.p.h. up a slight gradient and eyes, a bad heart, and a very nervous
/atheir attempt to strike water. Finally,
\ f t e r having reached the end of their a t the‘top were some pot-holes caused condition.
lesources and too weary and exhausted by frost in the concrete pavement. As Soon after marriage I received a
10 put forth more physical effort, they severe spinal injury on the farm and
flropped to their knees and prayed to God soon as the car hit these holes, the
‘0 send them relief. back wheels went into a skid and the car was bedfast off and on. I spent over
’ While they were still praying, a bolt of became uncontrollable, and started to skid $2,500, going to some of the best
ightning struck the hillside just outside onto the wrong side of the road; imagine physicians, within a few months try-
, h e “dead line,” and a fountain of spark- my horror when I saw three cars coming ing to get relief. They all shook their
ing, cold water gushed forth to cool the heads and some even told me that,
arched tongues of those whose prayers at me a t 60 m.p.h. Instantly I cried out
to God, pleading the protection of the with a spinal brace. I would be able to
6ad been heard.
I Years later, Georgia and the Southland
get around for perhaps another six
Blood of Jesus; my wife looked up and months and then no doubt I would be
bere recovering from a drought of un- joined‘me in my prayer for deliverance. an invalid f o r the rest of my life. I wore
Jrecedented severity, during which many I t seemed then a s if an angel of the Lord that brace off and on for twelve years.
itreams and water sources dried up and
111 records f o r aridity were broken but, stopped the skid, and our car suddenly Then rheumatism and arthritis set in and
,{hrough it all, a cold stream of pure moved out of the way of the oncoming a t times my wife had to feed me and
yater continued to flow from PROVI- traffic a s the three cars swished by with help me dress; while doctors said my only
PENCE SPRING. a sickening noise to remind us how near hoDe was to PO to a drv climate. I went
we had been to death. - to-Arizona. aGd got some relief but was
i Today, one may visit the miracle foun- f a r from cured.
iain which has been named PROVI- We soon learned however, that we were My wife took “strep” .throat infection
4i ENCE SPRING, and read on a bronze
ablet this story.’
not’yet out of trouble, for our car was and was sent to the hospital. That same
going toward the deep ditch a t the side of night I had a severe appendix attack, but
the road, a t an angle of 30”. I could not would not let them operate until my wife
brake, as we would have swung around, was home. I left the hospital against the
PROWIDEWCE SPRING, Prison Park, and I let the car go on its way until the doctor’s advice. My body was drawn over
Andersonwille, Ga. front wheels actually had left the pave- from intense ain. It took an hour to get
ment. I t seemed then that the same angel home, just a pew blocks away; then I was
of the Lord caused my foot to go down slumped over the steering wheel of my
. .. . .....
.I .. , hard on the foot brake, and the back car and could not move. I was in this PO-
wheels skidded sharply, but the car came sition over an hour. While looking up
to rest, with the front wheels in the ditch, throueh the windshield. I saw the largest
and the back on the shoulders of the star That I have ever seen. My fsith
road. Although there was not a scratch arose and I said, “LORD IF YOU W I L L
on the car and four of us were safe, the HEAL M E I W I L L S E R V E YOU T H E
car was stuck. Getting out, I again cried R E S T O F MY LIFE.” I was backslidden,
unto the Lord f o r help to get us out of a t t h a t time, and not even attending
the ditch. Within 60 seconds, an old car church. P R A I S E GOD, I WAS INSTANT-
came up the road and two men sprang L Y HEALED O F THIS APPENDICITIS!
out. I did not say a word, but one of the
men said, “We will pull you out.” He
thereupon took chains out of the back of
the old car, attached them to mine, in-
structed his friend to drive, and we were
pulled out onto the highway without in-
These men “happened” to be garage
mechanics who “happened” along j u s t as
Z prayed? I gave them a little reward and Let dl who are sad take heart again;
they went on their way, but our hearts
were full of praise to God to Whom we We are not alone i n our hours of pain:
had not cried in vain in the day of our
trouble. He saved us from death, and He
pulled us out of the ditch. Our Father stqops from His throne above
Rev. H. A. Maxwell Whyte
Toronto 4, Ont., Canada To soothe cad quiet.us with His love.
T H E VOICE OF HEALING e April, 1954
EXODUS 13:21-“Anrl the Lord we?
bejore them Ijy rluy in n pillnr of
doud, to lend thQni the u y . ”


N OUTSTANDING miracle in ar
A swer to prayer was experience
by our son, Frank Tsensee, Jr. It wa
Through prayer and fasting, I have during the time of his labors as an A:
m e followingn Sunday, m y wife and I gained much weight and health, and do
not know what a sick day is anymore. sembly of God missionary in th
made our way to an, old fashioned a l t a r mountain regions of Peru, Sout:
Since the healing hand of Jesus has
and received a wonderful experience. touched me. m y eyes a r e healed and I America. On a certain journey ove
We then learned of a Brother Branham do not have to wear my glasses. M y eyes the winding mule trails of the tom
being in. Flint, so we went, to hear him. have been healed for over four years, ering Andes, both .he and the nati.v
MY wife was healed on the last night. We after wearing glasses continuously over
28 years. Even the police i n Michigan companion began to suffer from the sun’
then followed him to Windsor, Canada. heat and glare t h a t reflected from th
A friend asked m e to o up and have
Brother Branham pray or m y back but
made me have my eyes checked, as my
driver’s license mecified that 1 wore
glasses; and, throu’gh a road check. 1 was
surrounding granite peaks. It was ye
early morning and a whole day’s journe
I would not for, a t that time, I knew my was before them. As this particular hea
VOW to GOD and I feared t h a t if I were found driving without them. PRAISE
C O D . THAT CHECK BEFORE THEM and fierce glare combination has bee
healed I would take some job and for- fatal to some n5tives in times -past. ou
get The High Calling; as I had had sev- PROVED T H E MIGHTY‘ POWER OF
GOD. son and his companion realized what dar
eral good offers to manage large dairies. ger confronted them, and t h a t God woul~
,which to me is a hobby, but still my time I a m planning now to go out into have to undertake in His mysterious wa:
would be lost a n d I feared that I would evangelistic Divine Healing. Soul-Saving, to help protect them through their joui
miss many a service. I did g o through Campaign work for the LORD. t o help ney.
the fast line t h a t I might know what reap the harvest before it is too late; a s Knowing that God was able, in a n y cix
GOD would have me to do ( b u t not for I realize the end time is near. cumstance, and that no’thing was too hart
my healing). On the .way home I re- Please pray f o r us. I have a wife, and f o r Him to do, they dismounted from thei
solved that I would not take any dairy four children in school, but wherever and mules a n d knelt in prayer,’They stood 01
at any price and, after returning home, whenever GOD says “go:” we a r e ready God’s promises t h a t He would make ;
I sat down to study m y Bible. About 4:OO to go! way where there “seemeth .to be no w a y
o’clock that morning, while ‘in prayer, Hudson D. Smith and that where a n y two “shall agree 01
the audible voice of GOD spoke to me Rochester, Indiana earth as touching anything that‘they shal
saying-“THE TIME HAS COME FOR ask, it SHALL be done.” (Matt. 18:19)
YOU TO BE HEALED.” I shivered and AFTER PRAYER FOR AUDIENCE During their supplication, a feeling o
shook with joy, while a hand, smoother
than silk, moved up m y spine, as the flesh EVANGELIST CATCHES SHARK cool relief swept over them. Looking tc
ward heaven they beheld a cloud, jus
on my back rolled up like waves of water
then something snapped in my spine.
S O M E T I M E S the evangelist finds
himself in a field where conditions
are such that it is difiicult to get a
large enough to hide the sun. There wa:
no other sign of a cloud in all the sk!
and that one cloud followed the rejoicini
Since then, I have been teaching and crowd to preach to. I had an experi- travelers for seven hours, shielding then
throughout t tic day’s jwrnej.. This thrill
preaching DIVINE HEALING and SAL- ence sticli us‘t hat i t 1 (hlifornia. ing experience can be verified hy Urothei
VATION together a s in the atonement; After pt’eac*hing for several nights. FtlI.on, Supt. of The Assembly Biblc
and with The master key of prayer mostly tct c ~ 1 p t . vI ) I : w ~ . 1 pri~ved c h i t o School i n Lima. Peru.
NAME IT SHALL BE DONE.” Healings help me et hcnrrng. ‘ h W:I’V next day.
u‘hllc!tliitllirtk; I I I thc iv:c:iti it1 Long Hciach.
. Frank Tsensee. Sr.
San Cahriel. California
and miracles are taking place in my I SiiW t l i o liti cit ii l w g c fish ;IS i t d i i r . t w 1
home, and among friends, wherever we by in(: in the water; making n quick grah. YSAIAI .1~1,7
:O--“//P coaereill the
are called, and in the services where u e
attend. 1 cluldirtl i t just inside t h e tail. As 1 tried
t o l i f t it from t l i e w a f c r T s ; i w t o m y (lis
heii atm with c.lo11~lu
Since Thanksgiving, I have had a half may f l i a t I h t r d c c ~ p t r r r ~(I ~nimi.eu/i?if/
hour radio program called HEALING shtti*k nliorrl I(JJO. /fc//otr!j. 1 had a shark
VIRTUE! I have made no plea f o r finances. atid ft!aretl to lct KO. A s i t opericvl its fear-
I Pay for it mvself. as GOD Drovirles my f i l l laws and r n i i c l p a l u n ~ efor my lcg I
needs. Many iestimonies are‘ coming i l i . twisted i t s tail and turnctl 11 aside. Then
manifesting t h a t JESUS CHRIST IS began a struggle. in the midst of which
““HE GREAT I AM,” T H E GREAT I lose m y halance and went under the
PHYSICIAN. waves. but refused to let go of t h e fish.
AND TODAY, AND FOREVER!” . I finally dragged the shark up on the
beach. and f p l l exhniirtwl O I I ;.,~ r~ w * v j
gathered, and a newspaper reporter ques.
tioned me, learned who I was, and where
I was preaching, and how I had caught a
man-eating s h a r k barehanded.
I found myself on the front page of a
Los Angeles paper the next day, with a n
article telling of my exploit and announc-
ing the name and location of the church
in which I was preaching. That night the
church was filled with young and old, to
see and hear the man who hud ctcught a
shark w i t h his bare hands. It was a won-
derful fish story. and it gave me a n au-
dience to preach to. God had answered
my prase:,!
E V A N G E L S T , ” by Charles F M‘eigle I

( T a k e n by electrical transcription January 12,1954)
/Ij Evangelist William Branham


in the field to evangelize entirely new fields. I told the natives that the same God
These missionaries require only a few dollars who is with’us is with them. I said, “Now
of a personal interview a m o n t h t o g o i n t o a new field, whereas a you can go where a white man cannot go,
of the Editor with B R O T H E R white missionary may require thousands o f and live on what a white man can’t live
dollhrs t o get him and his family located. on. You know your people. Go a t once and
W I L L I A M BRANHAM Of course white missionaries are absolutely tell them o f Christ! Don’t wait!” It takes
necessary, nevertheless, t h e native workers a missionary years to learn the language,
Lf GORDON LINDSAY: can add greatly t o the potential in reaching and then he can’t speak it correctly. Too,

B when the natives see a white man com-

,untouched fields. Then, too, if war comes,
\ ROTHER BRANHAM, while on the as i\ did t o China, t h e native missionaries
1‘ subject radio, I would like to
of ing, they,are usually a little suspicious of
can carry on, after the white missionaries him: but, when they see their own breth.
; ask you, another question. While. I are forced to leave.
. ren coming, the lighted torch flames
W h a t do y o u think o f this plan t o get through the camps.
. t h e Gospel to every creature? Do y o 6 Brother Lindsay, I am 100 per cent be-
believe it is practical? hind this move of Brother Osborn’s and
B R O T H E R BRANHAM: the VOICE O F HEALING. I a m sure it
Brother Lindsay, it thrills my heart to will succeed. When the natives see their
have the opportunity to speak on this sub- own men filled with the Holy Spirit, it
ject. One day the disciples asked Jesus inspires them to go forward. The only
what would be the sign of His Coming. thing the native missionary needs is a
He said that there would be wars and start. ,
rumors of wars, but the end is not yet. GORDON LINDSAY:
All these things were to happen, but only B r o t h e r Branham, n o n e of us can com-
when the Gospel is preached to all the pletely read the future. God has revealed
world will the end come. I . t h i n k that is many things, but yet there are things un-
where the Church has let down today. revealed. W e d o know that judgment is com-
You mentioned Tommy Osbornr I think he ing. No d o u b t W o r l d W a r 111 is looming in
is a wonderful man. He is a dear friend t h e near future. W e k n o w f r o m past experi-
of mine and I love him with a deep love. ence, that war hinders large meetings.
I think this program of his, with which I f world conflict should come, might
T H E VOICE O F HEALING is associated, it h o t be necessary f o r local pastors to
is a wonderful thing and I a m very thank- carry o n this ministry o f deliverance?

ful f o r it. This vision o f world missions is S h o u l d n l t we, therefore, strongly en-
my reason f o r traveling overseas. I have courage local pastors t o believe Cod f o r
discovered that these meetings of ours are the miraculous. Can they n o t have
inspiring others to move forward in the great healings and miracles in their
supernatural power of God. We find that, midst?
in practically a l l the nations, theology h a s ,
been taught, but there has not been the B R O T H E R BRANHAM I
demonstration of the power of God a s it Thank you Brother Lindsay, that is a
should be. I n other words Jesus said, marvelous question. I want to give a t h o r
“These signs shall follow them that be- ough answer to that. I do believe thai
lieve!” (Mark 16:17). God has chosen men with special gifts to
Near where you a r e sitting is a book minister to the Church. The gifts are for
with a picture o f an old African man. The the edifying o f the Church. Now I think
old man is asking a missionary where his that the nine spiritual gifts, according to
father had been. He says, “I a m old and I Corinthians 14; a r e for the edification
dull in mind and now I a m just learning of the Church. They should be manifested
o f Jesus. If I had only known Him when in every local church. I think that every
I was a boy, I would have taken Him to pastor and every congregation ought to
m y tribe.” Those words brought a vision be so prayed up and filled with the Spirit
to me. It is all right to send some one that God Himself would be manifested in
else,.but I felt I must take Christ to the the services through signs and wonders.
lost in foreign lands myself. And when Yes, I agree with you that i f wars come
thousands accepted Christ, I told the peo- and we are not able to have big meetings,
ple that they must not wait for an educa- with people coming from long distances.
tion, or for special qualifications. The peo- it would be a marvelous thing f o r each
ple often will not accept white mission- pastor to fully minister deliverance to his
aries, but they will accept their own flock over which the Holy Spirit has made
tribesmen. I have been told that some him overseer. I agree with you that the
.who hardly knew which was their right true program for every local church is to
hand or left hand could go into the jungle have the full manifestation o f the Holy
where the white man could not travel and, Spirit in her midst, so that signs and
in some cases, they have baptized a s wonders may follow.
many a s a thousand in one week. (To be contintid)
T H E VOICE O F HEALING’ 0 April, 1954
. I
E v a n g e l i z i n g w i t h the Natives

THOUGH we have been absent business. You can be a missionary even

though you never go. Your heart can be
., from the stqtes-for four months, in the foreign field; and where your heart
the progress of this Native Missionary is. there will your- treasure be also. If we
C r u s a d e is increa_sing in an over- wish to hasten Christ’s return, we must
whelming manner, so that, {while we focus our attention on the unreached peo-
ples of the world. Jesus said: “This Gospel
are reaping thousands of souls here in MUST FIRST be published among all na-
Chile, our friends at home are making tions” (Mark 13:lO). This is the sole ob-
it possible for native preachers to jective of this Crusade; to provide means
spread the Gospel to neglected and un- for recommended native preachers to
open new works and/or evangelize ex- sponsoring one of these natives, soon to
reached areas of 14 other countries. clusively among the unreached tribes, vil- accepted for assistance, could be yours.
At first, progress was slow and hard; lages and areas of the world.
critics abounded; some were suspicious; O!kEHiS $Q BEAR THE MESSAGE
others misjudged our motives; our obiec- REPORT FROM SOUTH INDIA We jovfully introduce to the great wor
tives were misinterpreted; but God, Who wide TVH family eight more Native MI
SO clearly painted the vision before us of sengers of the Cross who have dedicat
the possibilities of such a plan, has stood themselves to pioneer ministries.
by us and has moved on the hearts of Most thrilling o f all is the Nepal COUI
hundreds who have caught the vision of fUpper Right Corner) who have go
sending “substitutes” to the unreached into the country of Nepal which has .
millions. cently partially opened to the Gospel. Nc
it is possible for Christians to reside the]
GOD 1s P R O W I N G FOR NATIVE and these witnesses have rallied to tk
MISSIONARIES TO CARRY ON open door and. while they are not reco
While we realize that this crusade alone mended a s eloquent preachers, this NeD
can never reach the world, yet we believe brother is declared to be one of Indii
that by doing what our L o r d has shown most earnest personal workers. From ti
US we could do, a t least we .will have main center in Newal where they are opt
fielped. Christ’s last orders were to see ing a Christian Church (sometfiine nt
that “every creature” in “all the. world:: for Nepal). the Supervisors in India t
would have a chance to hear the “Gospel, pect to send out workers who will be al
with the promise that when this was ac- to reach out to the many villages back
complished, He would return and the end the mountains where the Gospel has new
would come. When over a thousand tribes [SHOWN ABOVE a r e some of the peo- gone. Pray much for them.. .
remain who have not yet heard a single ple from a vast area of South India where Below are shown the other seuen Natii
message, and who are without a single some 30 unreached tribes remain unclaimed being introduced this month. All of tht
portion of the Scriptures, we cannot say are recommended as faithful and efflcie
that Christ’s Commission has been ful- for Christ.]
preachers of the Gospel. With the sm
filled. At the present, when the door to assistance given them. they will all be t
the white missionary is closing, God is We have been informed that the pioneer gaged in pioneer ministries opening nc
hastening to provide means for the Na- groups whom we are assisting there are works. or evangelizing in neglected, L
tive missionary to carry on. At thP time making wonderful progress opening up reached areas o f their own countril
when it is becoming increasingly difficult this area for Christ. They are also open- The young man from Cuba was saved
for the white man to have liberty in these ing up another area where six tribes await the great 1950 Camaguey. Cuba, .reviv
countries to preach the Gospel, God is the message. They write that the people He has now graduated from the Bil
raising up men and women a t home with in all of this area are literally starving for School there, and is carrying the m e s a
a vision and who are not afraid to sacri- the Bread of Life, and are eager to be- to others. The details of each case hc
fice SO that they can sustain a native sub- lieve. J (as well as many others being accepte
stitute on some foreign field. Christian would thrill the reader but, suffice it
businesses, and individuals across America “A hundred thousand souls a day say, they are all doingethe work near4
are arising to see how easy it is to give a A r e passing, passing fast away, the heart of God, that is, taking the mi
certain amount every month, and com- In Christless guilt and doom; sage to those w h o have n o t yet had
pletely support (or help support) their Oh Church of Christ, what wilt thou say. chance to hear! -
own “substitute” in a foreign land.’ Dr. When in the awful Judgment Day, F o r further details, or information abo
Oswald Smith says: “Everyone must go They charge thee with their doom?” how you, your church, or your businr
Or send a substitute.” Fifteen to forty dol- can help, or fully support a Native M
lars a month will fully maintain a Native T h e Supervisor of these groups informs sionary, write:
Missionary in many countries. Every me that more applications are forthcom-
Christian business in America could easily ing for this area, and that they do not in- A S ’ N . .FOBNATIVE EVANGlEEPSM
do that much. Make missions the passion tend to rest until every tribe there has T.L. Osborn, Managing Director
of Your life. Make missions a part of your had a chance to hear. The privilege of Box 4 2 q Tulsa 9, Oklahoma
Assembly of God Apostolic Faith Assembly of God esembly of God Asseimbly of God .Pent. Ch. of God Cad
!India’s Thousands Witness the
I .I I
B y Rev. W i l l i a m Pospisil
C h m . , B r . o j D i r . , Ch. o/ Cod
Mulakusha, Chengannur, Travancore.

South India

1 Mighty Moving of God’s Spirit
ONE O F THOSE who co-oper-
ated in the Evangelistic-Healing
Meetings conducted by Brother and

as the M e DAOUDS Minister

Sister M. A. and Jane Collins Daoud
A e in Tiruvalla, in Travancore, South In-
dia, I would like to make a statement.
Very little publicity was given the
meetings before their arrival. I had
j BIGGEST CHRISTIAN GATHERINGS no information about them and our
I INDIA EVER WITNESSED Mission Headquarters are but six
B y Rev. K. J . Samuel, Interpreter /or
miles from Tiruvalla. Coming home
i Sister Daoud i n India, one Sunday night I noticed the gath-
; Gen. Secy. of I.P.C. Churches ering. Upon inquiry, I found that
i Travancore, South India Brother and Sister Daoud, who had
The visit of Missionaries Mr. and Mrs.
A. Daoud to Travancore was unex-
but God appointed. For long we
large meetings in Egypt and Ethiopia,
a s reported in T H E VOICE O F HEALING
(April. 1953), were conducting the serv-
:ave been preaching that the day of mira- ices. There were around five thousand
lles has not ceased and that the Lord is there. The crowds
.ble and willing to confirm His Word continued g e t t i n g
IJith signs and wonders following; but larger a s the meet-
ndia had not seen, it in practice. ings progressed.
j I n the few weeks’ ministry of these A man, who had
.:vangelists, we witnessed the fulfillment not walked for sev-
f Mark 16:15-1.8. Man), thousands of peo- eral years was there.
de, including non-Christians and Catholics who had been healed
‘{ere attracted to their meetings. Hun. in a previous meet-
.reds of people o f diverse sickness were ing, a n d testified,
tealed. which proved t here
We can never forget onc night’s meet- had been remarkahle
ng a t Thiruvalla. W e call it “the crip- ing his five books of black magic. with healings right from
‘~bes’dag.” Mrs. Daoud gave the message other things with tohich he had killed the start.
n the fullness of the Holy Ghost; the arid aflicted people. arid asked us to Blinded eyes were
aith of the people incrcased. Towards the let h i m hurn the iohole lor right. he/ore opened and cripples
lose of the message, Sister Daoud called
‘ut from-the platform in a n unhesitating.
everyone .-. . then he, hinisel/. ‘gaim
a ringing testimony o/ tohat Jesus loris
were enabled to walk. The deaf were heal-
ed and devils were cast out.
:nwavering. shrill’ voice, “D.isabled, crip
des, and it11 t1i.e sick, exercise y o u r ftiith
- to h i m . ffe than put the match to the
things. and stood there until erwry
The messages preached were scriptural
and faith building and were preachxi in ii
tc the N t m e of tlie Lorti Jesus 6’lwist!” scrap o/ the things i!im complete cishes. spirit of love. The meetincs were bless-
kidclenly one young woman, crippled and
isto.ted all over her body, who was lean.
. .. Iioic the people rc!joircd! ed of God and many were saved anti
healed and delivered from the oppression
ng against one of the pillars‘of the pan- of the enemy.

1 . M.CHACKO, healed of Heart Trouble a n d T . 6 . 2 . J A N A K Y ‘ S S O N , crippled-healed instantly by prayer. 3 . B E F O R E

-Maria Screemati, bent double like this for 15 years. 4 . AFTER -
Maria Screemati, healed and able to stand upright.
5 . REV. K . T . SAMUEL, interpreter for Sister Daoud fleftl stands b y lady holding a child which had been healed of blis-
ters all over its b o d y . 6. 0 . M.IOHN, deaf since birth -
was completely healed.
2=- *-I" --
A PORTION of the 60,000 people who attended the KOTTAYAN MEETINGS IN TRAVANCORE, SOUTH INDIA.' Note: Section
to left for women with SISTER DAOUD preaching. Section to right for men-with BROTHER DAOUD preaching. These meet-
ings were said to be the greatest and largest gatherings in the history of the church in South India.
. *

"I could not walk erect because my backbone was "I could not walk because my leg was broken
NEWSPAPER REPORTS FROM ?HE crooked, but after prayer in the meeting, my backbone I attended the meetings and believed In Jesus Christ
s%IALAYALA MANORARM" DAILY suddenly straightened and I am completely heoled. I At once I received perfect healing for my leg. Wow
will praise God forever." I have no difficulty in walking. I Praise God!"
PUBLISHED IN KOTTAYAM, Sg. Sreemothi Soso Sg. Sri. Ayyappan (Hindu,, Eexhawen)
VWAVANCORE, SOUTH INDIA Kattupurathu, Tiruvalla Pariarathu, Thapavady

DEC. 14, 1953 0

"I was blind for the post 2 years, Wow. I have
perfect sight. My faith has made me whole."
The program of these misslonaries in Tlruvalla will
close Sunday, the 20th of December, and from the
"HEALING BY PRAYER: IIRACL€S fg. Baby Kixhakelathu 23rd they will commence their meetings in Kottayam
Tiruvallo at the Giilo Court Maidan.
in the meetings that are being conducted in Tiru-
voila by the Daouds, many thousands of people gather 1 . Mr. 0 . M.Chandy 10.M.Alexander) of Oridaffithra House, Kumarakam, for a long
irrespective of denominations, and are receiving heal- time was paralyzed and unable to raise his arms, but now is able to raise both arms.
ing. Over 20,000 people were present in last Satur-
dOy night's meeting. Seeing the thousands crowded
2 . Mr. Varghuese Euthrup Warughese Uthup),Tharamar Kovengumparayar, is telling over
together on the road and in the compounds around the microphone on the platform how he was hard hearing for over 1 8 months, and is
the pondai, one is reminded of the "Maramon Con- now healed perfectly in the meetings in Tiruvalla.
vention." in ail her speeches, Mrs. Daoud deciares em- 3 . Dr. P . A. Accamma, Kottayam, Travancore, S. India, who was deaf for 8 years. Was
phatically thot those who believe in Jesus Christ as
their Lord and Saviour will receive healing and eter-
healed when Missionary Evangelist Jane Dooud prayed for her. (This picture replaces
nal life. The message showing the need of repen- one originally published on photbstated page below. Original' picture not available.)
tance ond faith that she delivers, touches well the 4 . Mr. G . Abraham Ninan, who was healed of T.B. is standing with Rev. M . A. Daoud.
inward part of the hearts of the listeners. !
Many are being healed by prayer. The sick are
being carried in beds to the pandai by their relatives.
Peopi; with all kinds of diseases are being healed.
Lost Saturday and Sunday the Daouds anolnted with
oil many who were sick ond, laying their hands on
them, proyed. Those who receive miraculous heaitngs
through prayer tell, over the microphone on the piat-
form, their experiences of how they were sick and
how they ore now healed.
Below are some of the many personal testimonies
received of those who were healed at the meetings:
"I was suffering from T.B. for the past 2 years. Only
2 years ago I returned home after some treatments
in the Mission Hospital at Vellore. During the 2 years
of my stay at the hospital, I also underwent an op- ,
eration. When I wos released from the'hospitai, they
instructed me to take a complete rest. When I used
to sit up, I hod pain in my lungs. So I got no better.
Lost Sunday I visited the Doouds and they invited
me to attend the meetings. Though the pains had
been increasing, I went to the meeting the next day.
prayed for the sick and one who had.been bed
ridden for 8 years with rheumatism, stood up and
then walked. Mrs. Daoud declared that there were
others who had been healed also, and requested them
'0 confess the fact. At once I felt complete healing
and now my health continues to improve."
Sg. G. Abraham Ninon
Chempli, Kuttapurha, Tiruvolla
"For the past 1 1 days I was suffering from faint-
ing fits and throbbing and numbness In my heod. I
Ottended the meetings regularly, and I was healed
prayer. Praise Godl"
Sg. Ireemathi Nalinakshl
Pullkatharo House, Tiruvalla
"I Was suffering from heort disease, I had pains
my chest ond back. All the leading doctors in
Tiruvalh treated me, but I did not recover. I at-
tended 'he meetings on the 3rd and 4th of Decem-
ber. 1 believed Christ for my healing. and now I
have received perfect healing from my complaints."
Sg. Mrs. Varky Chandy
Documents wrlter. Tiruvaila



[FAMOUS CITY mW#--WoxAs mi, in Each night the meeting grew by many
hundreds. At the end of two weeks, we
IManiIa's Sunken Gardens becomes scene had from 12,000 to 15,000, conservative
I of great rewiwal. numbering. I t was one of the most insplr-
ing sights in the world, to see the thou-
I By Ret:. Lester B. Sumrbll. sands sitting on the ground in groups
Pasinr of Bethel Temple. Manilpi P. 1. before the stage, with a Hammond Organ
I 'playing music; and the huge sign over-
h e a d s a y i n g , " C H R I S T IS THE AN-
:T H E GREAT m e t ? ! eagle softly
alighted on the concrete runway
at the International Airport and, to
Literally thousands made decisions for
Christ each night. It was impossible to
lour delight, Rev. and Mrs. Clifton deal with them personally. but a strong
Erickson stepped out onto Philippine explanation of salvation was given them. THE MIRACLE wrought by God
The platform was laden with crutches
'soil. Their plane had developed engine and sticks the cripples left behind them. mode e v e r y o n e P r e s e n t -at the Erickson
itrouble in Wake and a new engine Manv "dozens of the lame and crippled campaign believe that this wos of God
Iwas installed. Learning. of this from were" healed. Many goiters disappeared be- WAS THE HEALING OF GENEROSO'FRAN-
P a n American Airways, we had fore the people. Literally hundreds of deaf C I S C O o f N A V O T A S , R I Z A L , Brother
and dumb were instantly delivered.
!prayed for tfieir safe arrival. Anlong the OlLtstanding hea[ing-Danilq G i d e o n G . SanoY, who was resf'onsible for
' Developments moved qiiickly. We went Lzicas, a boy whose l e g s were in plaster taking him to the meeting, testified that
( t o Mayor Lacson of Manila and requested casts, began. walking with0tl.t m c t c h e s ! Generoso HAD B E E N A CRIPPLE,from three
the famous city park, named Roxas Park, The next da'y the Plaster casts were re- years of a g e and had been 50 FOR NINE-
"in the Sunken Gardens of the Old Spanish moved and he w a l k e d n o r m a l l y . His
City. across the street from the city hall; mother said t h a t he had been confined TEEN YEARS. He hod been pronounced
.one block from the congress to the South twice a t the National Orthopedic Hos- hopeless by prominent physicians. On Jon-
. a n d one brock from the great post. office pital. Another thrilling moment was when uary 15th, 1954, he came to Bethel Temple
,building to the North. In t r u t h it is the Attorney Daniel. Hidalgo, who had been
;very heart of the nation. In less than one- crippled twel.ve years and cotcld not walk and, he was sifting on the front seat,
]minute the mayor had"granted us the use wit[Lotit his cr{ctches, dropped then% a.nd the Spirit of God came upon his body and,
,of the' park for one month! This was a u.:nlked across in front of the platform! at the command of B,rother Erickson to
.miracle. Many people a r e still wondering With tears running down his face he said. stand ,and w a l k - i n Jesus' name, h e d i d .
how we got the city.park for a month of "I CAME ON CRUTCHES BUT I SHALL H e r a n through the a i s l e and wolked
~evival. WALK HOME."
I The contractor who cis building, our Assisting in the services was ~~~~h~~ home without his crutches. /-/is right leg
church and the electrician who is wiring Bob McAlister f r o m Canada. The Bethel immediately straightened a n d his left leg
lthe church put u p the platform and Bible .Institute with Brothers Dunn and is gradually. gaining - strength. H e was in
s t r u n g the lights. Advertising in the news- Horst were in charge of ushering. We the- meeting almost- e v e r y -night, bringing
lpapers a n d a 15-minute daily program a r e thankful f o r the help of a l l in this and people hear the Word
'on the most popular commercial station great crusade for Manila.
'in the nation was started. Handbills be- ( A t the writing of this report, the meet- of God a n d receive their healing. F r o m his
;gan to move throughout the nation and ings were iust Lalf way throunh. All felt own lios h e said, "I a m oiaisina the Lord
throughout the city. T h e arm qf informa-
tion began to-exercise his might.
The enemies of the gospel began to
'work. Newspaper columnists snarled a t
'us, but the Lord w a s on our side. Mrs.
'Go, whose h u s b a n d o w n s t h e l a r g e s t
Chinese newspaper in the Philippines, was
in charge of our press relations. She
called the editor t o give testimony of
healing in her own family. The doctors
tried to bring pressure that the preacher
was practicing medicine. We called upon
the chairman of the Board of Examiners.
He sided with us and that was ended.
The first night. of the meeting 2,000
zathered in the park where w e had- not
seating except the grovnd. As Jesus seat-
?d the people in groups to'feed them, we
roped the a r e a off with aisles and the
people sat in groups. InVhe first service,
was one of the most prominent movie
ictors of the Philippines, suffering from
3 stroke. A congressman was there with
N E W BETHEL TEMPLE, Manila, P . I., now A P O R T I O N O F THE G R E A T C R O W D S
3 sick child. Doctors, lawyers and busi-
nessmen were present. God healed many under construction, of which Rev. Lester P . which ottended the Erickson Philippine cam-
the first night. Sumrall is postor. paign in Roxas Park, M a n i l a .
.._. . . THE VOICE O F HEALING April, 1954
20 0
. I

Miracles Accompany
Gary C o r c o r a n Healed of G l a n d Cancer
( T e s t i m o n y given b y his m o t h e r ) ‘ ‘

W HEN GARY was five and a half in Kansas City a month w e took him
years old, we began to notice a home. Of course. when we left. the doc-
tor advised us that h e had done him no
lump on the right side of his neck good.
which did not go away. He then be- Rev. Russell B . Park cume to Atwood,
gan to lose weight and his color got Kansas, for a revival, in October, 1952,
Evangelist and. Mrs,. Russell Park bad. We took ,him to Denver t‘o a and prayed for Gary. Two days a f t e r
specialist, who did not encourage us Gary was prayed f o r , he passed a piece
of white rubbery substance and his condi-
PARI4 REVIVAL BRINGS any. We had a piece of’ the gland in tion began to improve gradually. We took
his neck removed and laboratory test- him back t o Kansas City and the doctors
BLESSINGS TO SPARTA, ‘WISC. ed. The answer came back that i t w a s there lust couldn’t believe what had hap-
can,cer of the glands. From then on, we pened. They finally told u s that they had
I{.,. eo. Hogar V . Haas. Pantor. ..lsnenihly u / went everywhere. and to see every doctor, given him only 7 months to live, when
(;,,d Churrh, Sparto. W”iscorisiri
through whom we thought there might be we left with him before h e was prayed
y THE DIVINE direction of the
B Holy Spirit, God led Evangelist
Russell Park to come to Sparta, Wis-
a chance to save Gary’s li’fe. However.
each doctor told us there was nothing
that could be done. They told us that Gary
for. Now there is no lump on his neck and
the scars which the X-ray treatments left
are completely gone, too.
consin. and conduct‘fourteen-days of had the t y p e of cancer which. would re- Gary is now the perfect picture of
sist x - r u y treatwent and further that sur- health. (See photograph above.) He says.
glorious Bible Deliverance services. !/cry oflered nothing, except perhaps to “Jesus healed me!” My prayer is that
Because of the suddenness of ’the l m l o n y his life. some day he will g o out and-preach the
call, we did not have opportunity $0 They said that, through’ surgery, one Word of God to all the world.
side of his neck would have to be remov- Mrs. Glenn Corcoran,
propel-ly advertise the nicetings; nev- c d - a n d possibly his a r m . After surgery, Atwood. Kansas
trrtheless. from the very start, the i t would have been necessary to have.kept EVANGELIST’S NOTE: I wish it were
power of God w;as mightily manifested his head ‘in.a cast constantly, because he possible, for everyone of our Voice of
i n saving souls and healing bodies.. would not have had control of his neck. Healing readers t o see and hear Gary.
As he gradually grew worse, we finally When we we‘nt back to Atwood for our
Night after night our church was filled gave up to have surgery performed and
almost to capacity. Three night services. second campaign, one night Gary sang so
during the last week. ‘were conducted i n went to Kansas City. sweetly, “It Is N o Secret What God Can
the City Auditorium, which were jireatly . Surgery-was scheduled f o r 7:OO o’clock Do.” One can easily’see t h a t God has Hls
Messed of t h e Lord a n d many were reach- a.m.; but, a t 9:00 p.m. the previous night, hand on this little boy. He prays much
c ~ who l would riot come‘ t o ( h e church. we canceled t h e operation. My husband himself and is extremely intelligent. I
()\‘el.100 di!Tei.ent peoplr iIi1swcrctl the and I w i i l d not bear to think about it and must say that the only w a r on Gary’s
I Y I I I for salvation. Many were wcuitlerfully iI s w m e d as though God was telling us neck as where the piece w a s tuken out
IicaIcd. d I t r t l y wlro h ~ t d) i o / ic:tr/kctl w i t h - that there was something better for f o r a test! The hair on his head is PER-
r ~ f,rttlchest for t i t w i t y s t : r y w r s I ( N S Gars. FECT and is no different from that on
hc.ci/etl! She walked i~(:ross(tic s1ic.k thi(ii.. We then gave him a Aeries o\f X-ray 1 the other side. I wish you. is I have
i I l I t l l i p and dinvti the stairs. w i ! l i i i o ;IS. treatnicnts. which the doctors said would been privileged. could hear G a r y , a n d his
sistancc whatever. A young boy. who h a t 1 (lo no good but would a t least make u s parents give the lengthy ,account of this
been deaf. received healing and took his fecl we had tried. They told us these treat- miracle. Only our Wonderful J e s u s .
hearing aid hack the nurse tlic next ments would scare him and affect his through faith in His Word, can perform
(lay. Others uere hcalcd. of swollen joints. nervous system greatly. that the side of such a miracle. Glory to our God! If Jesus
sinus, heart lroublc. cataracts on the eye. his neck would sink in, a n a that hair tarri’es. I believe t h a t one clay $e will
nervous disorders. and many other things. woiild never come back on that side of his hear that Gary Corcoran has become a
W e (we sf ill receiciiig testitjioii Ies f r o j r c head close to the neck. After keeping him minister like unto a flame of fire for
I’eOple around the coniwiiinit:y avid in other . ~
- God. His life parallels the miracle of my
tol(1ns who hove been saved and healed! ings and others healed. By faith, before life.
the close of the Park‘ revival. we arranged RUSSELL B. PARK
Evangelist Ralph, Durham w a s in
to continue the broadcasts that we may ! 1
charge of .the Soul Clinic meetings every Gary Corcoran with Evangelist Park
morning. His deep teachings inspired ev- be enabled to reach as many a s possible
eryone and caused faith to become alive with the “Message of Deliverance” before
In their hearts. I-Iis instruction and help Jesus comes.
through the’ revival w a s - a real blessing EVANGELISTS NOTE: The zeal. fer-
a n d man). cxpressed their appreciation for vor and sincerity with which Rev. H a a s
ministry of this fine man of God. worked w a s a major f a c t o r ’ i n the suc-
Another of the highlights of this cam- cess of this campaign. His church is a’de-
paign was Brother Park’s daily radio liverance church!
“The Hoirr ‘of Deliverance.” Rev. Ralph Durham, of ’Montrose. Colo-
were reached by .these broadcasts. rado, a new member of The Voice of Heal-
“’ho could not have been reached other- ing family of evangelists, has a n out-
wise. Some testified in writing to being standing teaching ministry. These two
and healed through listenirig to men were a real blessing to’ this short
these programs. revival. I understand t h a t Rev. Durham
The moving of God’s power and Spirit will return to Sparta in June. I commend
??ntinUes in our services. Several have his ministry highly. I
saved since t h e close of these meet. RUSSELL PARK

Clear, Concise. Scriptural Instructions by A. A. Allen

. Tens of Thousands Have Been -Healed
by Following These Steps .

(This article is taken from the‘book-COD’S GUARANTEE TO HEAL. YOU

By A. A. Allen-Available at THE VOICE OF HEALING-See Page 31)
, I
. I
“And whatsbever w e ask, wd receive of
him, because w e keep his commandmenta,
HRIST, ON HIS WAY to Beth- visible and feelable o r not, will soon see and do those things that are pleasing in
and feel the results, for this is the faith his sight” ( I John 3:21; 22).
any One cursed a fig tree Real living, vital faith is impossible to
cause it produced no fruit (Mark 11: that.God
gives. Real faith is simply, T A K -
WORD. people who are living in disobedience to
12). He declared that no man would This kind of faith B R I N G S D E L I V E R - God’s commandments, and are out of har.
mony with the personality and the Spirit
eat fruit of that tree thereafter. A of God. ,-
mighty Believe, even though you are in pain.
had been performed, Believe even though you have tried to Numberless people today are asking the
although it was not immediately ap- walk and could not! Keep on believing, ,question, *“Why wasn’t I healed?”
parent. Faith had been exercised. and keep on trying to act upon your faith. The answer is simple: no faith, or in.
sufacient faith.
The following morning, the disciples I t is the believing that drives out the p i n , Faith cannot be, built merely upon the
again saw the fig tree, but it was that brings You forth from your bed. experiences of others. “Faith conzeth by
Faith for healidg is believing absolutely
‘dried at the-roots’ Peter ’poke Out , that we are healed in spite of such things hearing, and hearing b y the word o f God”
his amazement at finding that the tree ( Romans 10: 17 ).
as weakness o r pain. I t is simply believ- Read God’s Word. Read it as you w o u l d
was withered away. Jesus al’lswered him- ing that we already have the thing for
“HAVE FAITH IN GOD. a letter from a trusted friend. Consider it
which we prayed B E F O R E W E SEE I T the F I N A L A U T H O R I T Y . Feeling is not
“For veri2y I say unto you, that OR FEEL IT.This is exactly what John
WhoSOeVC?T Shall Sa’v Unto this ?noun- faith, and faith is n o t feeling. Faith is
meant when he said, “This is the confi- believing that you are healed B E C A U S E
tain, Be thou r e k - v e d , and -be thou dence that w e have in him, that af w e ask
cast into the sea, AND. SHALL NOT GOD S A Y S T H A T YOU A R E H E A L E D
anything according t o his will he heareth
‘ have whatsoever he saith” (Mark AND REJOICE!
11:22, 23). “And i f w e know that h;? hear us, what- ’

I t is plain here to see that Christ meant soever w e ask, w e know that we HAVE Faith alwavs brines .reioicine. Then ,as
that the same faith H e exercised could be THE PETITIONS THAT W E DESIRED you rejoice In your- vic‘tory, “DO- THE
had by-others: Really, H e is telling them OF HIM” ( I John 5:14, 15). T H I N G S T H A T Y O U COULD N O T DO.
that they can have the F A I T H OF GOD,- Then, without waiting to see or feel, Leave your wheel chair. Throw away your
literally, the faith that God gives! we believe that we have the thing f o r crutches. Walk and run and leap f o r joy!
‘[Faith is the substance of things hoped which we prayed. Speak! H e a r ! See!
f o r , the evidence of things not seen” ( H e - God gives faith to every person who Do it in Jesus’ name. Because you be.
brews 1l:l).Faith is reaching out into the wants it badlylenough to pay the price re- lieve, you are healed. You can and will do
unseen, getting hold of that which is not, quired. That price is obedience, godliness, the things you could not do.
and holding on until it becomes that which holiness, following in the footsteps of Tell people what a wonderful work the
is. Faith is believing that we possess that Jesus, living free from condemnation, Lord Jesus h i s done, in making you
which we cannot see, that which we can- and walking in the full light of the Scrip- whole, and driving away the power of
not feel. Though it is unseen and unfelt as tures. The greatest hindran‘ce to faith to- Satan. Let your testimony glorify God.
yet, we believe it is already done. The day is disobedience. John says, “Beloved, We overcome the-devil by the word of OUT
person who accepts God‘s Word as true I N i f our heart condemn us not, then have testimony (Revelations 13:111.
HIS OWN C A S E whether the results are we confidence toward God, Speak of your faith in God’s promises.
The man of God who is to bring deliver
ance to you has full faith in Calvary’s
THE ‘‘.ALLEN’.REVIVAL HOUR”. BROADCASTS COVER THE victory over Satan. H e knows that in the
name of Jesus, Satan must retreat. BY
.ENTIRE.NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT, . ’ faith, he can bind, rebuke, and command
.. . . .Kilo- .. . .’ , Satan to remove the affliction, I N T H E
city Station . cycler boys . . Time . .: N A M E O F JESUS, and Satan must re.
San Diego, Calif. ................I.. XERB . 1090 Monday through Saturday 9 : l 5 p.m.,PST . spect that name! The victory a t Calvary
.Juaroz, Mexico ........:........,..... XELO 8 0 0 . . Monday through Saturday .8:JO p m . , MST is applied in your case.
Fort’ Worth, Texas ..___.......____... XEC 1050 - Monday through Saturday . . 8:JO p m . , MST. And then what do you do? Just BE.
Hourion, Texas - ..... __~_____._._._.__ KLBS 610 . Monday through Friday 8:00-8:15a m . , UT L I E V E . Just simply believe! Believing is
Nogaies, Ark. ._. ..... .___.. ;... XEDM ’ . 1580 ’ ‘ k e y Night .. . ..I 8:OO pint., MI1 ’ ’ - faith. Faith is not knowing that God is
-*Nogaies, Ark. ....................... :XEDM . ’ I580 . Every Night ’ ’ .’ . . 9 9 0 pm., MI1 able. Faith is believing that God DOES.
Minneapolis, . Minn. .:_ _....... .KEYD 1440 . Monday through Saiurday 8:30a.m.,CST : . Believing it, simply because God said He
Minneapolis, Minn. ______....__ .__KEYD- ‘1440 Sunday 8:45a.m., 0 1 would do it, and you know that God CAN-
Louisville, Ky. ..........:_.,____.____.. WCRC . . 790 Monday through Friday ,’ 8:JO a.m.; CST NOT LIE.
Chester, Penna. :___.. ...... ...WV’cn. 740 . . Monday through. Friday ’ , ’ 9:15 a.m., EST H e is actifig under D I V I N E COMMIS-
*Pittsburgh, Penna. ... .... ..... WPiT 7JO , Monday through Frlday 7il 5 a m . , EST SIOY. Christ Himself said, “Behold I give
*Niagara, N.Y. WJJL . 1440 ‘Monday through .Friday ’ - 9:45a.m., EST . ’ . .
you power . over all the power of the
’ *Annapolis, Md. _..........._.__._____ WAS1 810 Monday through Friday % ;’ 7:45 a m . , EST enemy” (Luke 10: 1 9 ) .
*Alexandria, Va. .. .............. WPlK ’ ‘730 Monday through Fridoy.: . . . ’ 7:30 a.m.,:EST ’ “He . . gave them F e r and Au-
*New stations . , . . THORITY overaALL devils, and t o cure
_ . . diseases” (Luke 9 : l ) .
. .
22 THE VOICE OF H E A L I N G ‘April, 1 4
( ~ l L L E h . J J A HH9 CAN SEE! H CAN HEU! GLORY TO *GOD! ‘
H ‘
M YOU Lorn!)

eople who were blind a few moments before. Now they are shouting, yo puedo rer! (I can see

E STOPPED in Camaguey for son, with only ope exception, proved’the
W seven nights on our way hete to
Santiago. The first night the audito-
were healed.
The second night, I prayed f o r the one
in the section reserved f o r the blind. Ai
rium was packed, with hundreds in this group (about 15) testified to hea
standing inside and many outside. Lit- i n g , except two!
W e do not try t o use cards f o r the hea
erally hundreds came for salvation in ing line here. W e have sections reserve
a angle service. When the call<was f o r those with different afflictions and t h
made f o r the sick, the crowd went out of people are placed in these sections as t h e
control. A f t e r order was restored, the sick arrive. W e pray f o r a different grou
were ministered to. Many were healed. each night. However, the outstandin
From the first night, we issued prayer thing about the meetings here is the grea
cards to systematically care f o r the sick multitudes that answer the clear cut alta
and to prevent bedlam. The seventh night calls.
we closed, with hundreds standing in Last night, I preached old fashione
every available standing space, and with “Texas” style, and condemned e v e q t h i n
multitudes coming f o r salvation. W e pray- THE SALVATION ALTAR CALL on the third wrong and the sinners even cheered, whil
ed !or hundreds in the healing line the I’preached. When I made the altar cal
last night. night of the meeting in Santiago. floo multitudes came running! Pictured in t h
center of this page is this group, afte
!SIPWTEAW. CUJl5Ph many to try to count.)
they were saved. Notice the smiles o
We have been here in Santiago three their faces. They were sinners a few mc
nights. The first night, there were about 1,OOO people standing. W e are prepared to ments ago, now they are shouting, “Alelz
1,OOO in attendance. The second night the take care of a t least 20,000, and expect jah. Gloria A Dws!”-saved by the bloo
attendance doubled. Tonight was a real the attendance to reach that in a few of Jesus!
night of victory. W e added another thou- nights. The second night I prayed f o r the From all arts of the island came telt
sand chairs to take care of the increase deaf only. Twelve came out of the special grams and fnvitations f o r us to hold rf
and all chairs .were filled, with a t least section reserved f o r the deaf. Every per- vivals. Wish we could stay indefinitely.

BELOW ARE SHOWN three of a dozen of the deaf wpho came the third night of the campaign in Santiago, ’Cuba. ALL BUT ONE of th
’ 2 were healed. Only a few moments ago, they were deaf. Now they are shouting, .“YO PUEDO OIR! I1 CAN HEAR!)” +

TmVOICE OF,HEALING 0 April, 19% . . .z



Outstanding Deliverances
Wrought, as Evangelist
1. Do HALL Ministers
the services attracted'a very good week-
night attendance.
Pastor F. D. Eide
Bloomfield, N. J. I Hstomach.
A V E had ten major operations on my
There was an incision which
did not heal, from which pus would come
DELIVERED FROM CIGARETTE HABIT out with pieces of the lining of my or-
gans. I was in such a serious condition
I N REVEREND HALL'S meeting, which that I had to wear two girdles to keep
these organs in place. Four doctors at the
I attended in September 1951. he pray- hospital told me that I would never be
able to work. At the time they told me
ed for'me to be delivered f r o m the this, I had had three operations within
cigarette habit. five weeks.
Since attending the meetings at the
Jesus took the habit away and I haven't tent in Kittery, Maine, where I w a s prayed
for by Evangelist Leon Hall, I only wear
had any desire for a cigarette since. I had a light weight girdle. Z do all m y work in
been bound by the habit f o r 15 years. an eight room house and care for a little
girl as well!
Philip M. Jenson My pastor, .Rev. Paul Hardy of the.
Sailloft Mission in Portland, Maine, can
Alban?. Oregon vouch for this testimony.
Ethel M. Dwelley
Portland, Maine


growth began developing beneath m y ULCERS, SMOKING HABIT
left arm. Having been a nurse, and recog O N D E C E M B E R 25, 1952, on the way
nizing the symptoms of cancer, I feared home from a Christmas party I be-
I would become a victim of this dread came very sick with intense pains in my
disease. Realizing that, as a child of God, stomach. They were so severe that I
I was entitled to the atonement benefits. called a . doctor. I was treated by this
I went to be prayed for at the tent meet: doctor for about two months, but did not
ing in ,Kittery; Maine, by Brother Hall. get any better. Then I went -to another
GOD COMPLETELY HEALED ME. the doctor, who took x-rays which showed
lump disappeared and all pain ceased. ulcers on the intestines next to the
Thank God! stomach. I was put on a very strict diet.
Rev. Hester N. Crosby but I still suffered.
Haverhill, Miss. When I heard that Brother Leon Hall
was going to have a tent meeting in
CURVATURE OF SPINE HEALED Camden, New Jersey, I decided to be
prayed for I had been a Christian,
I WAS seriously injured when I was hit
by a large trailer truck. My back was
in many ways
and had started
fractured, and I had to have considerable smoking. Broth-
surgery. For the past two years, I have er Hall's faith
had increasing pain, and have been un- encouraged me,
able to sleep well because of it. If I and I knew that,
had to carry an article up the stairs to if I got right
my apartment, it was necessary to lay it w i t h God, I
down on each succeeding step, because would be healed.
of the severe pain. So, when I was
I was examined by a doctor who told prayed for, I r e
me that one vertebra was pushed by the consecrated my
side of another instead of being in its life to God. He
place and it had caused curvature o f the delivered me
spine. from the smok-
;, was given first emphasis. We also saw Then I heard that Brother Hall would ing habit and,
i, definite results in the $healingof sick be in Newark, New Jersey, I fasted for within a week, I
several' days to prepare m y heart to re- was able to eat
ceive healing. When Brother Hall prayed anything, with
for me, I felt the bone slip into place. no pain at all.
Since then THE PAIN ,ISGONE, and I Praise God for
sleep like a baby. healing me.
Mrs. Mary Armatys Samuel Casella
Newark, N. J. Woodbury, N. J.
! 24.: THE VOICE OF H E A L I N G April, 1954
. .
W.6. McKay lent

O N E O F the most powerful promises i n ous asking of big things from God until
the Bible concerning answers to our the heart of the intercessor has first of all
lSCLUDES tent 8O’xlSO’ (see plcture a h n r r ) .
prayers is I John 5:14, 15- - been searched. Too often we rush into
d m o s t new; meets all requlrements of law. Has “This is the confidence that we have God’s Presence, and rush out again after
florescent lighting. 5 telPscnplc center poles. Also ,
in hirn, that, if we ask any thing ac- a few hurried requests made more in
Included--? large tractor trailers. in g m d shape. hope than in faith. I t is true that we claim
Can he seen durlng APRIL In \VIL3llSG-
cozding to his will, he heareth us:
TOS. SORTH CAROLISA. ... and if we know that he hear cleansing in the blood of Jesus Christ
us, whatsoever we a s k , we know that ( I John 1:7-9) and enjoy access to the
COSTACT: EVASGELIST W: B. McKAT Throne of Grace through faith in the new
Box 1548. Orlando. Fla. we have the petitions t h a t we desired
Phone - Orlandn 3-2688. of him.” agd living way that He has made, but
much of our praying, even then lacks con-
* ; : + + I t is the present tense that is so amaz- fidence, boldness, free-spokenness.
ing-the affirmation that we know that we
FOR SALE-TEST ASI) EQUIPMEST. HAVE OBTAINED. Not that we are going I think this is because we do not enter
1SCLUI)ES tent 60’ x 120’. khakl with red to receive in the future, but we have it nearly deeply and thoroughly enough into
t d m . platform. steel center vnles. quarter poles. now. When a living faith uses this Word knowledge of our own hearts. Either we
sidr wall poles. stakes. and a 28’ Freuhauf
the results can be positively startling. are afraid to do so, or merely-careless
Obviously a governing factor is that in the matter. or insufficiently taught in
A real bargain! the matter of heart-cleansing. The scrip-
the things we ask for have to be “accord- tural keyword to help us here is the
COSTACT: EVASGELIST SAM TODD ing to His wall.” The promise does not #

1 3 Sorth Slde Drlre phrase of I Jno.l:9--“If we cokfess,”. The

S e w n a n , Georgia give us liberty to claim anything that we
Phone - 967 desire.‘ The comprehensive sweep of the blood of Jesus cleanses CONFESSED sin.
pledge has qualifications. As a matter of Without time given to being searched be-
e * * * *
experience the “confidence” only enters fore God, we often do not feel convicted
FOR SALE-TEST EQUIPMEST. the heart when there is an inward cer- of anything to confess, although only too
tainty that the request is being made i n truly it is there all the time. Every true
ISCLUDES tent 60’ x 90’. platform. seat Revival contains, and usually begins with,
ends and timber f o r seatu. aluminum imles and perfect accordance with the willlof God.
CentraI IIKhtinK. T r u c k goes with equipmmt. That “confidence” is a lovely and won- times of unhurried waiting upon God,
CONTACT: REV. STASLEY KAROL derful thing. I t really exists. God’s chil- during which He searches the hidden
4 2 3 5 Renninaton St. dren can and do know it a s a spirikual depths of every heart. To,,“Walk in the
Phlladeliihla 24, Penna. ’
fact. The Greek word means “The speak- light as H e i s in the light is not quite
ing all one thinks,” or absolute free- the easy, shallow kind of business we
Q * e . + +?
often suppose i t to be. It is an exacting
spokenness and frankness. The word some-
Complete ’ rerlval
Set-up. 1SCLUI)ES tent 60’ x 90‘. platform.
times is translated “Boldness” as in Heb. thing. I t is on the basis of confession, and
then cleansing in the blood of Jesus
Hammond Console Organ. 600 folding chairs, 4:16 and 10:19. I t describes the perfect fel-
k h t l n g . tractor and ran. lowship that is enjoyed when there is Christ, God’s Son.
WRITE-REV. ROY STEWART . absolutely nothing between to hinder But it i s a heavenly and liberating
P. O . ’ B o x R565 . frankness on a basis of complete trust thing. As a matter of fact nothing less,
Dallas. Texas . one with the other. I t exists in all our and nothing else, IS truly liberating in
OR CALIiYale 3 1 0 5 nr DRerel 4-0371. finest human friendships, and without it the spiritual life. I n that thrice-blessed
friendship never rises to its highest levels. liberty of the searched and cleansed heart
+? Q E - * Q To be able to “speak all one thinks” to abides the “free-spokeness” that is CON-
an earthly friend is a grand privilege. T o F I D E N C E toward God. There is nothing
FOR SALE-TEST A S D EQUIPJIEST. taste that same free-spokenness in prayer hidden and nothing left to hide. Out of
INCLUDES’ tent 95‘ x 115’ (side walls 9’). means fellowship with God as a living, that confidence proceeds prayer that iS
in perfect cnnditinn. Has 3 center .poles. o f bright reality. I t is most readily entered utterly fearless in its requests. I t is this,
Jtihted steel. Easy to handle. The .large I h t -
fnrm Is In sections. to he put u p wlthout nails. I n t o in private prayer when our F a t h e r yes T H I S , that is the “confidence that we
Legs t h a t support it fold up m d store easily. seeth i n secret, but it also is experienced have in Ham.” At other times we call it
IVlrIng and dl paraphenalla included. A real: in full measure when a comparatively “prayer of faath.” Under any name, it is the
brgain. OSLY s4.000. small company of believers meet together the kind of prayer that prevails. But we
CONTACT: REV. RORERT R E I D for intercession, and allow the Holy Spirit shall desire it in vain, unless we are Will-
P. 0. Box 87. 6200 Atlantic Ave. to search their hearts while they wait ing to pay the price of a deeply-searched
Long Beaeh 1. Callf. upon Him. I t takes time. heart.
Q + * S *
The important cross-reference to the
above verse, alluding to the same “Con-
FOR SALE-TEST 60‘ I90’ - llke n e w ; wlth fidence,” is I John 3:21-“If our heart fDONALD GEE is Editor of a quorterly maga-
Or Without seatS-S1.600. condemn u s not, then have we confidence r i n e PENTECOST which gives o review of world-
CONTACT: REV. JOHS L. JIEARES toward God.” The crux of the personal wide missionary and revival news. Subscription
3161 Park problem for us all is having a heart that rate $1.00 for two years. Send orders to PENTE-
Memphis. Tennessee does not condemn, when we enter into all COST, Victory Press, Claphom Crescent, London,
the Presence of the King of kings. There S. W. 4, England.)
is no really powerful, iiberating, audaci-t

TmVOICE O F HEALING * April, 1954


A GROUP of Philippine pastors who have been impired by TVH to %&d

hold native healing campaigns. This picture shows a portion of the E A R TVH EDITORS:
more than 300 people who crowded into this small- native church one One.of the persons I sent T H E VOICE O F HEAL.
night tD hear the message of deliverance, during'the YARONON- ING to for one year sent me a nice letter. A man he
TUZON HEALING CAMPAIGN. This picture was taken in the LAOAG
FULL GOSPEL CHURCH. Two sides of the church were opened to enable H~ thanked me for this subscription.
~~~~n~ i ' , " e f i : ~ ~ t $ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~

more people to hear. REVEREND PEDRO YARONON is delivering the , - . Withrow

R-. IJ
- .....-
message. South Porcupine, Ont., Canada

[This question was answered in an early issue of THE VOICE OF HEALING.

I t is re-published here because it has been asked so often.-EDITOR1

QUESTION: The eagle eventually dies, but he lives a

Why do sotile people who pray for the long time and nature provides him with a
sick wear glasses? special process by which he may renew
. . .
L. B.. Corms Christi. Texas his youth. The promise of the renewing
of youth by implication for "eagle Chris.
We must be careful to distinguish be- tians," is for those who do not spend their
tween the law of sickness and-the law time in earthy living, but Like the eagle,
of death,' both of which sgek to operate live in the heavenlies - in other words,
in the fiuman body. Christ atoned for both they "sit in heavenly places with Christ
sickness and death. But, .white atonement Jesus.'' Thus with Moses whose face shone
for sickness finds fullfilment in this pres- with God's glory after he had come down
ent age, (Matt. 8:14-17) yet it is clear f r o 3 the Mount, it could be said a t his
from many Biblical references that death death, "And Moses was an hundred and
is not yet destroyed. (I Cor. 15:26) There- twenty years old when he died: his eye
fore, the law of death yet works in our was not dim,.nor his natural force abated."
physical members. F o r this reason Divine Duet. 34:7. Read also Caleb's remarkable
healing does not halt the processes of testimony of vigorous strength in his old
death, which are daily working in the age a s told in Joshua 14:lO-11. Caleb
body of every person, whether sinner or incidentally, was one of the spies that
s a h t . T h u s , the skin becomes wrinkled, brought back a good report. T h e spies
bones become brittle, hair turns grey or who had been fearful had long since gdne
falls out, teeth decay, the muscles of the to their graves. Ultimately death came to
heart and other parts of the body grad- both Moses and Caleb, but their youthful
- ually lose their elasticity. Among other strength was not abated, even in their
things, the muscles of the eye which advanced years. .
RIEAlrDIERS,. DON'T FORGET delicately control its focusing become less Perhaps not a majorit; of Christians
able to do the job as age advances. The have boldness to appropriate such an e x
To h e l p us continue sending TVH eye, in many cases, i i not sick a t all, but perience, but the promise is there and we
the muscles are wearing out, just a s other thank God that not a few aged persons
muscles will do sooner or later in other still enjoy youthfulness in soul, body and
parts of the body. spirit. John the Beloved wrote in his late
I t is true that some claim that Divine years, "Beloved, I wish above all things
healing should make it possible for them that thou mayest prosper and be in health,
to live forever. But-time always disproves even as thy soul prospereth." (I11 John 2.)
their contentions, and they die just like On the other hand, some who may not
everyone else. have faith to enter into the full experience
Nevertheless, there is a truth, which in which Moses and Caleb enjoyed, but who
our limited space, we can only briefly have faith for healing, and faith to pray
discuss. Among the benefits, (apart from for the sick, should not be hindered by
Divine healin 1 for which the Psalmist unkind criticism, but should be permitted
praised God & Psalms 103:l-5, was the
rene-wing of one's youth "like the eagle."
to minister according to the faith God has
given them.

26 .... . . THE VOICE O F HEALING April, 19%

- 0
GOD BLESS YOU B r o t h e r - P r n y for US!

DEAR TVH EDITORS: Praise the Lord! The people were greatly touched and en-
couraged by the pictures with the big crowds. We plan to do the
pRQVERBS 25:25--"As cold waters t o a thirsty soul, so same this year in November, although it will not be a continued
year of revival, f o r we suffered persecution in January and
is good news f r o m a far country.'' were closed f o r five months until danger passed and God or-
For a long time I have wanted to write to you, first to dered us to open again. Several believers were beaten by the
police and Sister Virginia Knapp, wife of the pastor and mis-
thank you for the printing of such a wonderful magazine sionary Rev. Joseph K . Knapp, was taken to the police station.
as THE VOICE O F HEALING. It is like' the Book of Mr. Knapp was hit on the base of the brain with a rifle butt,
Acts, with pictures showing the miracles of our God, but the Lord was - good and Dermitted us to escape through the
. . TODAY and forever!"
('the s a m e . neighborhood.
Last year in November (while celebrating a whole year of However, prayer is the victory and, while closed, many came
continued revival with some 200 filled-with the Holy Ghost to visit and were filled with the Holy Ghost. When we had to
[through the book, T H E G I F T O F T H E HOLY S P I R I T by close because o f the attack in January, our Szindcry SclLool had
Brother Stiles] and many saved and healed) the Lord laid on over 600 in attendance and r i g h t now it is 1325.
my heart to put several copies o f different issues of your maga- Things have changed a lot since the attack in January and
zine on a blackboard with typed translations showing them the we enjoy more freedom, although we still are not -permitted
World Revival that is now taking place. to give out tracts; but the people testify, which is better.
Once I translated Brother Upshaw's testimony o f healing,
which appeared in a Voice of Healing issue, and it really was a

7 V S Pee .& &- 4&%%$9 blessing to them. When I travel I borrow the missionary's copy
that you kindly send them every month. W h e n you have some
EAR TVH EDITORS: extra copws left, could you send me some? God bless you!
D Recently we moved to this city to build a work f o r God. We
devised a lending library of deliverance materials. We felt that
Jose Silva H.
Calle 8a. Diag. No. 22-65,
the best way to. supplement our preaching was to distribute Barrancabermeja, Colombia
copies of T H E VOICE O F HEALING. Since we had a limited . South America
supply, w e adopted library methods so that one copy reaches
inany people in a f e w weeks. I t can remain in circulation until
it is completely worn out. T h e people sign for one copy, keep ONE OF THE REVIVALS inspired by THE VOICE OF HEALING.
at for no more than seven days, and return it for another copy. This picture shows a part of the Barrancabermejo, Colombia, S . A .
Brother Lindsay, I feel that I a m somewhat acquainted with church in Sunday S c h o o l 4 2 0 attendance, G o d be praised! The
you already. When you came to Spokane, Washington, assist-
ing in a healing campaign in 1948, Mrs. Sjoberg and I attended new church will seat 1,000. flt is being built with national funds
almost every service you held. Those were my first introductions from local be1ievers.J Surely a FULL GOSPEL MESSAGE is the an-
to active Pentecost, although- I was born in a Pentecostal en- swer to a world FULL of sin!
vironment. At that time I was attending Whitworth College in
Spokane. Since then I have actively followed The Voice of Heal-
ing, and have enjoyed it immensely.
Rev. Ernest P. Sjoberg
Pampanga, Philippines .

~~ ~

Thank you so much for the book, R E C E I V E Y E T H E

HOLY GHOST, by Evangelist A. A. Allen, and T H E VOICE
OF HEALING you send me gratis and regularly.
I receive seven religious publications, among them T H E
VOICE O F HEALING. I am glad to say that when I want
something basic and really spiritual, there is nothing any-
Where which equals your magazine. I t is truly the veri' best
In content, interest and religious insight. That is why I always
look for it, read it first and often pass it along to oJhers of
the clergy in our church.
Please continue sending this magazine, for which I thank
YOU in advance.
May, the Lord richly bless you in His work, is m y sincere
Very sincerely yours,
A. Londong
Pastor, Pentecostal Church
Bugisan 3
VOICE O F HEALING April, 1954 27
(P. 0. Box 8595, Dallas, Texas) ' (467 Pennsylvania Ave., York, Penna.) The 6th Annual
Panorama City (Van Nuys), California Buffalo, N. Y. April 4-25 Voice o f Healing Convention
- April 14-May 9 Rev. Frank Christie. 629 E. Delavan
I - Ave. Will Be Held at the
San Fernando Valley Area Wide Lorain, Ohio ....................................... May
~~ ~~

Campaign Fond Du Lac, Wisc. ...................... June "Met" Opera House

Tent Location: 8300 Van Nuys Blvd. ALTON L. HAYES-H. C. NOAH in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Afternoon Service' in 'Tent (Hayes: 11699 Denton Drive, Dallas) November 2, 3, 4, 5, 1954.
Contact: L. C. Hodges. 15506 Covello St. (Noah: P. 0. Box 8567, Dallas, Texas) Make Your Plans Now to Attend!
Van Nuys, Calif., Phone State 5-9882 Minneapolis.
- . Minn. ADril 4
Bellflower, Calif. May 14-June 6 ( 2 weeks or loriger)
Rev. Cliffoid Andrews. or

Minneapolis Evangelistic Auditorium

R. W. Culpepper 22 North 7th Plainview, Texas ......................... April 26
Center & Stevens St., Ph. Torrey 7-2873 Rev. Russell H. Olson First Assembly of God Church
2501 Fre-mont North, Z 11 Corner 12th and E l Paso Sts.
ANNOUNCEMENT Phone Filmore 5065 Rev. Louie Shultz, Pastor
CONCERNING Scranton, Penna. ........... April 25-May 24 Lubbock, Texas .......................... May 18
WILLIAM BRANHAM Town Hall Aud. (City Wide Campaign) North Side Assembly of God Church
Brother Williani Branhani inforni- Rev. Scott F. Mitchell, 4116 33rd St.
ed us just a few days ago that his F. F. Reidenback, Chm.
825 Green Ridge St., Ph. Diamond 3-8227 Phone 2-0643
plans had been changed and he would Grants Pass, Oregon ................... July 6
not be going overseas until Septeni- LOUISE NANKIVELL
ber. W e are, therefore, listing below GAYLE JACKSON (900 N. Karlov Ave.,'Chicago, Ill.)
his current and future schedules in (802 South Kingshighway Ave., Tonawanda, N. Y ............... April 4.18
the W.S.A. and Canada.-EDITOR. Sikeston, Mo.) Bethesda Revival Temple
. All CikyWide Tent Campaigns Corner Delaware and Broad Sts.
WILLIAM BRANHAM . Baton Rouge, La....................... April 5-18 Rev. R. E. White, 49 William St.
Elmira, New York ........ April .25-RIay 2
( B o x 325, Jeffersonville, .Indiana ) Rev. Lloyd Logan, Ph. 5-0053
Louisville, Ky. . . . . . Mobiie, Ala........................ .:. . May 4-30 Rev. John Bedzyk, 235 E. Miller St.
March 28-April 4
. Male High School Auditorium Battle Creek, RIich . . . . . . . June 8July 4 DAVID NUNN
Shreveport, La. .................. April 7-11 Evansville, Ind. ............. July 13-Aug.8 ( P . 0. Box 8736. Dallas 16, Texas)
Life Tabernacle, and Municipal CLARENCE JOHNSON Beaumont, Texas ....... March 28-April 9
Auditorium . . , (5493 Montecito, Fresno 2. Calif.) . . Revival Center, Phone 8-1985
Rev. Ralph Price, 1408 Wall St.

Denver, Colo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..::April 21.25 Los Angeles, Calif .............. .April 1

Mr.'Clifford C. Ford,'Pres.. Pentecostal Tabernacle , . Galveston, Texas .................... April 11
. Denver Chapter, 1158 S. Indiana St. at Olympia Blvd. ~ First Assembly of God Church
Christian Business Men's Fellowship Rev. L. J. Knapp. Pastor Rev. James W. Drush, Pastor
Oakley (Sand Hill), Calif. . . May 1. ' 3015 Q % St.. Galveston, Tel. 3-5464
Edmondton, Alberta, Canada May 2 , 3 , 4
Grand Prairie, B.C., Carfada May 5.6, 7 Church -of God' Old Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May
Dawson Creek, B.C., Canada. R1,ay 8, 9 Rev. Harold Thompson Zanesville, Ohio....................... dune 6
Des Moines,. Iowa . . . . . . June 18; 19. 20 Rt. 1.. Box
. 230-F., Oaklev -~~~ Elniira, N. Y ........................... :...July 4
Modesto, Calif ......................... . . .June Hazelton, Penna.......................: .... August

Washington, D. C ........................ June 24

Christian Business Men's Convention STANLEY WAROH, T. L.OSS0,RN
RUDY CERULLO (P. 0. B o x 9516. PhiladelDhia 24. -, Pa.) ( B o x 4231, Tulsa. Okla.)
(P. 0. Box 724,'Philadelphia 5, Penna.) ::
Christian Church, 12132 Conant Ave. .
Qetroit, Rlich ...... .......7...... . April 1-25
~ ~

See Page 18 for Schedule-

Overseas-Cuba ........ March and April Osborns in South America
Lebanon, Penna.. .......... :................. May 9 Rev. N. Stencewicz RUSSELL B. PARK
'City Wide Union Tent Campaign &lleville, Ont., Canada .............. May 9-23
Calvary Temple, Dundas and John Sts. ( B o x 784, Spearman, Texas)
Rev. R. F . Rainbow, 230 So. 11th St. Grants Pass, Oregon ................ March 17
Bronx, New York City, N. Y ......June 5 Rev. L. H. Price, Pastor
c h e r r y Tree, Penna........June 25-9uly 11 ( 2 weeks or longer)
CLIFTON ERlICKSON Revival Center Tabernacle
(Rt. 8. Box 598-B, Springfield, Mo.) WARREN L.'LITZMAN .
Rev. L. D. Half, Box 697, Phone 4395
All Gospel Tent Campaigns (1540 Lyle Ave., Waco, Texas) Pound Wisconsin . . . . . . . April 15-May 2
Plant City, Fla. ....................... :.. April 2-25 Grand Rapids, Mich .........April 6-May 16 Assembly of God Ch., Rev. E l m e f H o f f
Tent on Rodeo Grounds Locations : Toronto, Ont., Canada ............. May 9-23
Rev. P. D. Creel, 204 E. Strickland' 1st 2 wks.-First Assembly Church United Apostolic Faith Church
. Rev. W. H. Magee, Durant, Florida 52 Bellevue, S.W. ,214 Delaware
Hagerstown, Marylan'd April. 30-May 23 2nd 2 wks.-Central Assembly Rev. H. A. M. Whyte, Ph. LO-5963
.Rev. R. R. Snyder, 154 Gold at Sibley Shawano, Wisc..... .: .... May 30-June 10
Sec. 1015. Rose Hill, Pa. 3rd 2 wksi-Armory Aud., Downtown Madison, S0ut.h Dakota .. June 13-duly 4
' Hazelton-Berwick,' Penna. Area Rev. Harvey A. Krist, 1436 Housemanhe Pierre, South Dakota ..... Aug. 8-Sept. 5
June 4-27 Bloomington, Hnd...................... MayJune
Des Moines, Iowa ...................... July 2-25 Rev. Dale C. Zink . RAYMQNID T. RRCHEU
Fresno, California ........... Aug. 8-Sept. 6 B o x 5395, 42nd St. Sta., Zone 5 ( B o x 221, Zone 1, Houston, Texas)
w. B. M c U Y Houston, Texas ................ Middle o f May
(Rt. 3, Box 504, Springfield, Mo.) (P. 0. Box.1546, Orlando, Florida) A. C. VAJLDEZ, JR. .
Miami, Florida ............ April 13-May 2 All Gospel Tent Campaigns (1027 E. McKinley St., 'Phoenix, Ariz. 1
Gospel Tent Campaign Wilmington, N.C ............................ April 9 Overseas -
India ........................... March
47th Ave. and W. Flagler St. . 16th and Dawson Sts. RIICHARD R. VHWYARD .
Rev. R . S. Peterson, 437 Plover St. Rev. G. E. Strickland, 1501 Castle 'St.
Tel. WIlmington 9966 (7817 W.81st St., Overland Park, Kan. 1
Miami, -Fla., Phone 8-88476 Trenton, N. J. ........................ April 8-25
Chattanooga, Tenn. ..................... May 12 Hendersonville, N. C...................... May 7
Rev..C. M. King, 710 Pace St. Soldiers .and Sailors Memorial Aud. in
City Wide Tent Campaign Stacy Park, Downtown Trenton, N. J.
Rev. J. Billy McIntosh, Chm. Fredonia; New York ....................... June 4 c.

Rev. Ernest Morgan

Willow and Kirby Sts., Phone 2-1678 MICHAEL WAS'E'RCD 445 Parkway Ave., Zone 8
Lubbock, Texas . . . . . . . . . June 15 (Rt. 3, Box 177-A, Ft. Myers, Fla.) Syracuse,. N. Y. ............................ :....May
W.V.GRANT , Waco, Texas .................................... April. 1 Rev. Joseph R. Flower
(711 N. Main St., Malvern, Ark.) Salvation-Healing Revival Center 210 Hunt Ave., Zone 7
b s Angeles, Calif. March 14 ( 3 wks.) 1509 Herring Ave. Moosic, Penna. .................... JulyAugust
Angelus Temple, 1100 Glendale Blvd. Rev. Hardy G. Weathers Minneapolis, Blinn. ............. September
Dr. W. B. Teaford, Pastor 2412 Alexander Eos Angeles, Calif................ November

28 T H E VOICE O F HEALING April, 1954

. . I
TVH lists all information available concerning meeting schedules. If w e show only one date regarding a campaign, that is the
beginning date-most campaigns run at least two weeks, or longer. Further information concerning d a d and location should
be secured b y writing local pastors, or evangelists listed in our directory. NOTICE1 TVH cannot assume the full responsibility of
directing people to these campaigns. Sometimes a meeting is cancelled or postponed, after our magazine has gone to press.
(This applies to schedules on Page 28 also.) W e have omitted "Location" and "Contact" to conserve space.


B:D. BENNETT 2000 Block Nederland Ave. HAROLD W. MAY
(Box, 232, Rosemead, California) Rev. E. J. Bigham, P. 0. Box.255 (Box 14, Plainview, Nebraska)
Waco, Texas . . July Walthlll, Nebraska ...................March 24
~1 Cerrito, Calif ............................... April 4 ..........................
First Assembly of God Church BENNIE HARRIS Assembly of God Church
Rev. E. Wm. Anderson, B o x 574 (415 Wood St., Ft. Collins, Colo.) Rev. Ivan West, Pastor
Salt Lake City, Utah .................. May 2nd Laramie, Wyoming ............... April 1-10 HERSHEL MURPHY
First ,Assembly of God Church Evangelistic Center 2121 Broadway, Lubbock, Texas)
. Rev. Guy Heath, 57, E. 13th South Rev. Ralph Kay, Laramie '
Bartlesville, Okla. .......................... March
Rock Springs, Wyoming ............ June 6 R. E. HENKE First Assembly of God
OSCAR F. CAPERS ' tRt. 2, Box 491, Chowchilla, Calif.) 1013 W. Frank Phillips Blvd.
( B o x 345,.Waco, T e x a s ) . Phoenix, Ariz. .............. April 11-May 2 Rev. Willie C. Conrad, Phone 365 ,
Dearborn, Mich. ...................... April 18 Revival Tabernacle
Rev. Marion L. Dye, 7270 Kentucky 2150 W. Indian'School Rd. (1818 'Myrtle St.,Sioux City, Iowa)
MORRIS.CERULLO Rev. James Frazee, 5607 N. 23rd 'Ave.
. . May 9-30 Quincy, Illlnols ................................... April
(110Prospect .St., Newburgh, N. Y.) Winslow, Ariz. ................. Assembly of God Church
A1Ientown, Penna. ..... March 18-April 11 Area Wide Meeting Rev. 0. Carter
.First .Pentecostal Church , Full Gospel Churches EVERETT B. PARROTT
South Bradford St. .Old Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . :.........:.......... June ( B o x 788, Portland 7, Oregon)
Rev. E. C. Conrad, 1934 S.,Aubre St. BOB HERALD St. Petersburg, Fla. ................ March 21
poughkeepsie, .N. Y . ...... April 16-&ay 2 (816 East Ninth St., Pomona, Calif.) Faith Temple, 950 Fifth Ave., South
( o r longer) Mira ,Loma, Calif. ............................. April Rev. Chas. M. Learning, Box 22
Faith Pentecostal Tabernacle Foursquare Church JOHN C. POTEET
Rev. Harry R. Jackson, 105 Market St. Rev. Webb, Rt. 1, Box 31, Mira Loma ( B o x 453, Fullerton, California) '
Gospel Tent Campaigns JOHN W. HIGGINBOTHAM Noble, Okia. ............. March 21-April 4
Coshocton. Ohio ........................ ........ June
13726 W. 143rd St;, Cleveland 11, Ohio) Union Meeting, Rev. T. L. Rooers
Bridgepod, Ohio ............................ August Warwood-Wheeling, W. V a . . April Wilmington, Calif. .......... April 11-May 2
Gospel Tent Campaign Bridgeport Assembly of God First Assembly of God
JOSEPH DeGRADO, ' Rev. Stephen Rech, 98 North 19th St. 1301 N. Fries Ave.
(531 South Belden, Los Angeles, Calif.) Kingston, Penna. :.. .............................. May Rev. James Pearson
Kansas City, MO :... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _4-18 _ . A p r i l Kingston Assembly of God Church I 1161 Ravenna Ave.
Shemeld Assembly of God Rev! Louis ,L.Trotta, Box 1015 Linda Vista (San Diego), Calif:
' 5915 Winner Road Chaneyville, Pa. ................................ June ' Map 9-23
Rev. C. W. Quattlebaum Sand Fiat, Maryland .................. July Evangelistic Church
5614 E. 12th S t . . . R O Y e L ' Rev. Larry Hudlow, 7428 N. Judson
Tamaqua, Penna. . ' April 22-May 9 .'. (25 Rice St., Lyons,-N. Y.) '. San Diego 11, Calif.
Full Gospel Lighthouse, 25 Pine St. Antioch, Calif. _. _ _ _ March 23-April 18
Rev. Bob Lafferty, 656 Arlington
Calvary Open Bible Church
Newark, Delaware ............. May 11-30 (Albert E. Reid)
10'1 Ninth Street . (North Woods Dr., Rt. 5, B o x 399-A,
Newark Gospel Tabernacle Rev: Gordon Chandler, Pastor

Loveft and Benny Springfield, Missouri )

Tujunga, Calif. ........... April 20-May 9 Harrison, Arkansas ................... April 4-18
Rev. A. E. Hardt, 47 Lovett Ave. Open Bible Church, 7510 Va1ah.o St.
Lake Wales, Fla. ........... June 27-July 18 Rev. 0. L. Welshons
Rev. N. C. Land

Greenviile, Va. July 25.Aug. I S

First Assembly of God .
Phone FLorida 3-2851

RALPH DURHAM Tacoma, W a s h i n m n May 16.June 6 . L. C. ROBIE

( B o x 22, Montrose, Colorado) Faith Temple, 10th and K Sts. (Union Springs, New York)
Area Wide Tent Campaigns Rev. Harry Strachan, 4851 6th Ave. Cleveland, Ohio ........................... March 14
Chlldress, Texas ............................... April Phone PRoctor 2191 Glad Tidin s Assembly of God
Sparta, Wisconsin ............... June 10 RICHARD JEFFERY Rev..Cfyde I. Bowman
OTHA D. FRAZIER (6590 Hassel Rd., Sebastopol, Calif.)
3725 Brooklvn Ave ... Zone 9

1P. 0. Box 613, Waynesboro, Va. ) . Phon'; a 6 7 3 9

Overseas- , Zanesville, Ohio ...................... April 18
'Grottoes, Virginia ..................... April 6 . Central America ........................... April
Foursquare Gospel Church, Ph. 6172 Assembly of God Church
Rev. A. B. Conway, Waynesboro, Va. REXR.KELLEY ' Rev. A. B. George, 2211 Norwood Blvd.
ALBERTKGILBERT . ( B o x 328, Titfin, Ohio) Holland, Mich. ............ Ma 23, 1954
Columbus. Georeia . _ _ _ _. . March 28 Rev, G. Krisch, 149 Highfand

(Box 2704, St. Petersburg, Florida) Peniecostai Church of God

Benson, Minnesota ............ April 8-22 HOWARD RUSTHOI .
Gospel Tabernacle, 202 North 11th St. . 1043 Vineville (Box' 47-M, Pasadena, Calif.)
Rev. Gilbert Mort, 609 N. 12th St. Rev. A. L. Johnston. Pastor Akron,:Ohio .................. March 17-April 4
.Sheboyga.n, Wlsconsin, April %-May 16 JOHN and OLIVE M. 'KELLNER Calvary Temple, 1554 State Road
First Assembly of God (31 Wycliffe Rd., Waterloo, N. Y.) .Rev. R e x Humbard
Box 3900, Akron 10, Ohio

South 10th 'and High Ave. Wood River, Illinois May, 16-June 6
. Rev. Daniel Hanke First Assembly o f God Church Atlanta. Ga. ................... April 11-May 2
Chicago, 111. ................. May 23-June 6 1st St. and Jennings Ave. Faith- Memorlal Church
Ebenezer Full Gospel Assembly Rev. M. M. Brewer, 76 E. Jennings Ave. 163 Ponce de Leon Ave., N.E.
Rev. Paul S. Bredesen, 1665N. Mozart EVANGEL PAUL KOPP Rev. Ralph Byrd, Pastor
~ n v i l l e .Minn. .................... I. June 12-27
!lo65 S . Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.) Tulsa, Okla. ................................. May 9-23
Sioux City, Iowa ..... :... June 30-July 18 Salinas, Calif. .... ........ April 4
Full Gospel Tabernacle, 5th & Peoria
KENNETH E. HAGIN Rev. R a y Kelly, 1033.Fairview Ave. Rev. Wallace G. Ross, Pastor
(400 South Third St., Garland, T e x a s ) Yucaipa, Calif. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 7 A. S. TEUBER
Alvin, Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 4-25 Rev. Arthur Miller, B o x 551 (Rt. 3, Box 393, Springfield, Mo.)
Assembly of ,God Church Fresno, Calif. ......................... April 18 Des Moines, Iowa ..................... March 21
1600 Sealy Street Rev. John Rousey (one month o r longer)
Rev. F. V. Kemp, Pastor 4671 E. Kings Canyon Rd. First Assembly of God Church
Nederland, Texas .................... May Fresno, Calif. .. April 23 31st and Ingersoll, Ph. 7-3341 . .
GosDel Tent CamDaim Rev. W. E. Combs,-.725Milbrook Ave. Rev.'Z. E. Miles, 744 35th St.

TmVOICE O F HEALING April, 1954 29:

THE ANOINTING OF POWER that priestly anointing helps us to stand
between man and God. “We know that
church in Louisiana and somebody
handed me a magazine. I t was THE
Sermon by all things work tpgether for good to VOICE O F HEALING. I read of the
W. Y. GRANT them that love God, to them who are miracles being performed and said to
(Continued F r o m Page 91 the called according’ t o His purpose.” some of my members, “We are going
(Romans 8:28). We know that things over and see what is happening.” I be.
MOSES AND AARON.ANOINTED TO work together for good, when the Holy gan to criticize. However, I looked at
BE PRIESTS, INTERCESSOqs Ghost is making intercession for us. the magazine again and studied it care.
Back in the Old Testament the horn Now, if my boy were to go out and get fully. I didn’t see where anybody claimed
of oil was poured upon Aaron’s head (oil possessed with the devil, and then com- to be a healer. .I prayed about it then
is a symbol of the Holy Ghost) and he mit suicide, I wouldn’t give thanks for and I am glad that I did. The Spirit 0 ;
was anointed to be a priest to intercede that. I wouldn’t say that was working the Lord told me to go and see for m y
for God’s people. Moses had the same for good. But when the Holy Ghost is self.
anointing. Moses got on his face and working the wilt of God through you and A person is a fool to criticize some.
interceded for God’s people. If he had making ihtercession, then God is making thing he doesn’t understand. That’s what
not done this, they would have been everything work together for good. happened fifty years ago when Pentecost
destroyed. I remember that the Holy Ghost one first fell. I f you want to know all about
day began interceding through me for your church a t home, just a s k some Old
INTERCESSORS STAND BETWEEN my brother, who was six thousand miles disgruntled person who hasn’t been to
GQQ AND MAN away. I knew he was in the marines, church for six months, and he o r she
Abraham got that precious anointing but I did not know where he was. Some- can tell you all about it. There’s but one
when he got on his face and interceded times a mother doesn’t know where her thing worse than a gossiper and that’s
for God’s people, An intercessor is one son, o r daughter, or husband is. Just let the one who will listen to it.
who takes man’s place before God, and the Holy Ghost make intercession THE BLIND SAW, THE DEAF HEARD!
God’s place before man. He takes the through you. God will hear you and I WAS AiiAZED!
hand of an offended God and that of answer the prayer of the Spirit. After Well I went to that meeting. That’s
sinning man and joins their hands to- the Holy Ghost prayed through me, God where I met Brother Lindsay for the
gether, He intercedes and says, “Lord, gave me the Word of Knowledge and first time. 1 stood amazed and dum.
leave them alone one more year, and showed me what I had prayed for. My founded. The thing that I had criticized
let me dig around them and enrich them brother, who had never been saved, spent was the very thing that I had been cry.
and then if they don’t bring forth fruit four days and nights in the Battle of ing for, as long as E can remember The
you can cut them down and cast them Midway Island. Nine tenths of his bud- blind saw, and the deaf heard!
into the fire.” dies died. He got saved and prepared to People weredhere who had come from
b die. But he never got a scratch. thousands of miles away. I told my Wife
that I couldn’t go home. When I did go
ANOINTED TO PRAY home, I was never satisfied any more to
I wish that we had more mothers in HAVE YOU SECURED see just one o r two saved in a service.
Israel .today who would !do like the
woman who came to Jesus and said, The New 600k- ’ RESOLVED TO PRAY FOR
“Lord have mercy upon my daughter, be- THAT POWER
cause she is vexed by a devil.” Some LORD TEACH U S I can’t speak for the other fellow, but
people don’t even know where their TO P R A Y I know what happened to me. I said,
daughters are. Then some people will “God, I a m not going out o f my room.
pray like the world’s on fire as long as By W. V. Grant until I have prayed through.” I prayed


it’s their own. daughter who needs help all night long. I went on a fast. I had
but, when someone else’s daughter gets (See Pnge 36) criticized that too. I still do not think
into the prayer room; they cross their . ’ it is wise to go on long fasts, unless God
legs and retire. They need to refire. They definitely tells you to go on one. God
only have the same love that a bear has POWER TO SPEAK AND COMMAND began to speak to me and tell me things
for her little ones. Friends, the love of GIVEN THROUGH PRAYER I have never told angbody. There are
God reaches beyond natural love. I t will There is a difference, friends, in pray- some things that it isn’t wisdom to tell.
reach above natural ties. I t . will reach ing the prayer of faith and getting an You can cast your pearls before swine
people of other denominations and other answer to your prayers, and being in the like Samson. I tell you, when they learn
nationalities. The love of God will reach place where you don’t have to pray. Peter where your strength lies, they’ll hang
down into Africa, and into Cuba. and John didn’t pray when they said, “ I n you up and shoot you full of bullets!
I think that we ought to get under the the name of Jesus Christ, rase u p and H HAVE FEET GOD’S ANOINTING
anointing of God and. heal the broken walk! (Acts 3:6). They had already ON RIY LIFE
hearts. Lots of people are ready to put prayed through, instead of getting I sold everything I had o r gave it away,
a bullet through their brains and end it through praying. They had the POWER and traveled 500 miles to another meet.
all. Friends you can help somebody a t to band and to loose. They brought it to ing. Huhdreds of people were coming to
the forks of the road who doesn’t know church with’thern! get saved. I cried before God. I was
which way to go. Just one word of criti- Paul didn’t pray when he looked never the same again. I’m not where I
cism will send them on the wrong road. around at a man and perceived he had want to be yet but, friends, I have felt
Just one little word of consolation may faith to be healed, he only said--“Stand God’s anointing upon me.
send them on the other road. up on your feet!” and the man leaped
and walked and praised God (Acts 14:8-
WE ARE ANOINTED m +ELL 10). How many limes have you read
OTHERS ABOUT JESUS where Jesus o r Peter o r Paul prayed They poured the horn of .oil on David.
When God did what He did for Paul when they healed the sick? Of course From then on, HE HAD AUTHORITY!
on the road to Damascus, he began to they prayed sometimes, but most of the He spoke to men in his army to do a
tell people everywhere! He toad the king! times they spoke the Word AND IT thing, and they did it. He had the kingly
When he got before the mob he told HAPPENED ! anointing! The Centurion, when he met
them the same thing. When he got a I knew a man who tried to preach and Jesus, perceived he was a man with au-
chance, he told the Pharisees and the every other word was “HalIelujah! Glory thority. Jesus said, “lt is not I thnf
Sadducees, those ,who couldn’t see, and to God.” He couldn’t preach; but, when speaketh, but my Father.” The Word of
those who didn’t want to see. He said, he got into the prayer room, he could God created the earth, separated the
“I started down to Danmscus,, and a lay hands on the people and they would waters from the waters, separated the
light shone around about me. (Acts receive the Holy Ghost. light from the darkness, put the sun and
22:6) They said it was wild-fire and I heard another man who could preach moon into space. The Word of God spoken
fanaticism. But it was the Holy Ghost a wonderful sermon but, when he got through Joshua caused the sun and moon
fire and the Baptism! through, nothing happened. We need both to stand still. The Word of God through
-power to preach, and power to min- Elisha caused the iron t o swim. The Word
INTERCESSION OF HOLY GMQST of God through Peter and John made
MAKES ALE THINGS WORK ister in the Spirit.
the lame man leap and walk. It wasn’t
TOGETHEIR FOB GQOD ‘ THE VOHCE OF HEALPNG- their word-It was God’s Word! If wns
The Holy Ghost makes intercession MIRACLES, SIGNS the anointing? The yoke shall be destro:.-
through us. That intercessory prayer, I remember I was pastoring a little ed because of the anointing!

30 T H E VOICE O F H E A L I N G 0 April, 1951

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shippers, and he was afraid for our soul,$p

continued- the report.
Student‘ attitudes probably can best be
explained by the scoffing attitude of pro.
fessors in the classroom and from the pul.
pit of the college church. The situation at
Oberlin, however, is not unique, other
campus workers report. In the strong.
holds. of learning, the .teaching is more
often ‘than not anti-God, a’nti-christ and
anti-Bible. Shocking as >t$is .report is it
Howard K u s t h o i , surely serves to prove, the:.fulfillment of
internationally prophecy concerning ‘ t h e ‘soon coming of
k n o w n Evangelist, Christ. Spiritual a p 0 s t a s y . h ‘the last days
f o r m e r Army Chap- is revealed in I Tim: 4 : l and I1 Thes. 2:3.
lain, a n d Prophetic “Even now are the,re many antichrists;
analyst, contributes whereby w e know that it is the last’time.”
the “ P r o p h e c y I John2:18. * * *

Marches On” col-

u m n r e g u l a r l y in ANTICPEntHST APPEARANCE
BERTRAND RUSSELL: “Never since World events a r e setting the stage for
A cDAZZLING prospect of unlimited and
o n v e n i e n t p o w e r sources- using
human beings first existed have they been
faced with so great a danger a s that
the appearance of Antichrist, the man of
sin, the son of perdition spoken of in 11
which they have brought upon themselves Thessalonians, chapter 2. An item in The
“power” in the sense of motive energy- Pentecostal Evangel speaks of the eminent
is presented by the ’Strontium-90 battery by a combination of unrivaled skill and
unrivaled folly. Everybody who has taken historian, A. J. Toynbee, who has analyzed
announced recently by the Radio Corpora- the situation in such a way that one
tion of America. the trouble to consider the m a t t e r knows
the peril inherent in a n armaments race would think he had been reading the Book
No bigger than the end of your little of Revelation in regard to Satan’s Super-
finger, this battery is said to ultilize the involving atomic and hydrogen bombs.”
man who will one d a y rule much of the
products now wasted in atomic reactors. HOWwell these statements coincide with world. The London Times, of recent dfte,
Predictions go so f a r a s to say that a the prophecies of God’s word f o r the end- quoted Professor Toynbee a s saying: By
matchbox-sized battery of this type may ‘time. “Wars and rumors of wars-perilous forcing on mankind more and more lethal
some day run all appliances in a well- times-sudden destruction” (Matt. 24: 6 , weapons and a t the same time making the
( equipped home. I1 Tim. 3:l. I Thes. 5:3). whole world more and more inter-depend.
Considering that it was a mere 120 * * * * * ent ecbnomically, technology has brought
years ago that electricity was first pro- SPIRIT OF ANTICHRIST mankind to such a degree of distress that
duced by human agency and has since A mock crucifixion of the Lord Jesus we a r e ripe for deifying a n y new Caesar
become o u r greatest ’and best source of Christ staged as a p r a n k recently on the who might succeed in giving the world
.power, the predictions a r e by no means campus of Ohio’s Oberlin College has been unity and peace.”
I extravagant. Human inventiveness seems * * * $ : I
cited as a glaring example of the growing
to have no limit, nor man’s ability to har- opposition to the historic Christian faith MIDDLE EAST QPJ‘P‘LOOK
I ness nature to his material ends. All of on secular campuses across the land. An S. A. Dodge, president of Lions Inter.
’ this seems to me to be a fulfillment of a effigy of the Saviour was nailed to a tree
remarkable prophecy for the last days. In national, sees the Middle E a s t .as the most
after a student bull session, according to likely explosion spot f o r World W a r 111.
’ “the time of the end . . knowledge shall a report appearing in Christian Life. Mr. Dodge has visited all parts of the
be increased” (Daniel 12:4). Nor was the recent blasphemy. a t Ober- free world. Speaking recently to a Lions
* * . * * * lin a n isolated instance of the antichrist district convention in Los Angeles, he
VOICE QF.QFIFICIAILHDOM spirit. Recent articles in The Oberlin Re- said: “In my opinion, if there is another
The r e m a r k s made recently by three v % ~ ,campus newspaper, contain the world w a r in the making it is happening
world figures should arrest o u r attention. s a m e jeering and irreverent antipathy to in the Middle East. Some 1,200,000 Arabs
PRESIDENT EISENHOWER: “Atomic t h e person of the, Saviour. Discussing vari- have been virtually starving in the fields
bombs today a r e more than twentyfive ous systems of ethics in a labored attempt of Judea ‘since 1948 a s a result of the
times a s powerful as the weapons with a t humor, Tom Patton. student columnist, Israel-Arab war. Unless something is done
which the atomic aae dawned. while h y writes: “Christian Ethics were founded in about it, I think that .one of these days
drogen weapons a r e i n the ranges of mil- the first century by J. Christ, of Immacu- the Arab nations will join and take action
lions of tons of T N T equivalent.” late Conception fame. Mr. Christ was one about it that will shake the world.”
’ SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL: “The of history’s most colorful characters.” The . present situation in the 1 Middle
continual growth of weapons of destruc- I n a light vein, another student writer East is a n invitation. f o r Russian partici;
I tion such as have never fallen before into pokes fun a t the Inter-Varsity Christian pation on the side of the Arabs against
the hands of human beings cast their Fellowship efforts a t witness: “Our friend Israel. A Russian attack. upon Israel is
shadow on every thoughtful mind. We a r e Henry, who likes people, came up to us clearly prophesied in the 38th chapter of
all nations standing a t this hour of hu- the other d a y looking worried a s any- Ezekiel. This will be in conjunction with
man history before the portals of supreme thing. We’d missed the last couple of the revealing of the Antichrist, and a fore.
2 catastrophe or of measureless reward.” meetings of the Inter-Varsity Fire Wor- runner to !the battle of Armageddon..


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34 ’ T H E VOICE O F HEALING 0 April. 1954

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