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Chapter 701
Safety Precauti ons and Engi ne Data

Contents Page
Safety Precauti ons
General 701.01
Special Dangers: Warning 701.01
Cleanliness 701.01
Fire 701.01
Order/Tidiness 701.01
Spares 701.01
Lighting 701.02
Low Temperatures > Freezing 701.02
Check and Maintain 701.02
Entering the Crankcase or Cylinder 701.02
Turning Gear 701.02
Slow-turning 701.02
Feeling over 701.02
Sealing Materials 701.02
Safety Cap in Starting Air Line 701.02
Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values 701.03 >701.23
Testbed Adjustments 701.24
To be filled in by the engine builder
Testbed Results (blank page)
Appendi x 1
IMO Emission Certification. Markings on Components 701.25 >701.34
Pl ates
Instruments Symbols 70101
List of Instruments 70102, 70103, 70104
Instrumentation 70105, 70106, 70107
Pipes for Basic Pressure Gauges and Switches 70108
Warning !
Keep the areas around the relief valves
free of oil, grease, etc. to prevent
the risk of fire caused by the emitted
hot air/gas in the event that the re-
lief valves open.
Safety Precautions
Correct operation and maintenance, which is the aim of this book, are
crucial points for obtaining optimum safety in the engine room. The
general measures mentioned here should therefore be routine practi-
ce for the entire engine room staff.

Speci al Dangers: Warni ng
Keep clear of space below crane with load.
The opening of cocks may cause discharge
of hot liquids or gases.
Think out beforehand which way liquids, ga-
ses or flames will move, and keep clear.

The dismantling of parts may cause the rele-
ase of springs. Do not weld or use naked lights in the engine
The removal of fuel valves (or other valves in explosive gases, vapour or liquids are pre-
the cylinder cover) may cause oil to run sent.
down onto the piston crown. If the piston is
hot, an explosion might blow out the valve. If the crankcase is opened before the engine
When testing fuel valves, do not touch the will involve the risk of explosions and fire.
spray holes, as the jets may pierce the skin. The same applies to inspection of oil tanks
Cl eanl i ness
The engine room should be kept clean both
above and below the floor plates.
If there is a risk of grit or sand blowing into
the engine room, when the ship is in port, the
ventilation should be stopped and ventilating
ducts, skylights and engine room
doors closed.
Welding, or other work which causes
spreading of grit and/or swarf, must not be
carried out near the engine unless it is clo-
sed or protected, and the turbocharger air Hand tools should be placed on easily
intake filters covered. accessible tool panels. Special tools should
The exterior of the engine should be kept area of application.
clean, and the paintwork maintained, so that
leakages can be easily detected. No major objects must be left unfastened,
Fi re
room, until it has been ascertained that no
is cold, welding and the use of naked flames
and of the spaces below the floor.
Attention is furthermore drawn to the danger
of fire when using paint and solvents having
a low flash point.
Porous insulating material, soaked with oil
from leakages, is easily inflammable and
should be renewed.
See also: `Fire in scavenge air box' and `Ig-
nition in Crankcase', Chapter 704, and `Sea-
ling Materials' in this Chapter.

Order/Ti di ness
be fastened in the engine room, close to the
and the floor and passages should be kept
Spares Sl ow-turni ng
Large spare parts should, as far as possible, If the engine has been stopped for more
be placed near the area of application, well than 30 minutes, slow-turning should always
secured, and accessible by crane. be effected, just before starting in order to
All spares should be protected against corro- Chapter 703.
sion and mechanical damage. The stock
should be checked at intervals and replenis-
hed in good time.
Li ghti ng
Ample working light should be permanently Item 3.2, `Check 9') until satisfied that there
installed at appropriate places in the engine is no undue heating (friction, oil-mist forma-
room, and portable working light should be tion, blow-by, failure of cooling water or lubri-
obtainable everywhere. cating oil systems, etc.).
Special lamps should be available for inser-
tion through the scavenge ports. Feel over after 10-15 minutes' running, again
after 1 hour's running, and finally shortly af-
Low Temperatures > >> > freezi ng
If there is a risk of freezing, then all engines,
pumps, coolers, and pipe systems should be
emptied of cooling water.
Use gloves when removing O-rings and ot-
Check and Mai ntai n
which have been subjected to abnormal l y
Measuring equipment, filter elements, and
lubricating oil condition.

Enteri ng the Crankcase or Cyl i nder
Always ensure that the turning gear is enga-
ged; even at the quay, the wake from other
ships may turn the propeller and thus the

Check beforehand that the starting air sup-
ply to the engine and the starting air distri-
butor, is shut off.
In case of oil mist alarm, precautions must
be taken before opening to crankcase (see
Chapter 704 `Ignition in Crankcase')
Turni ng Gear
Before engaging the turning gear, check that
the starting air supply is shut off, and that the
indicator cocks are open.
When the turning gear is engaged, check
that the indicator lamp ``Turning gear in'' has
switched on.
safeguard free rotation of the engine, see
Feel i ng over
Whenever repairs or alterations have been
made to moving parts, bearings, etc., apply
the ``Feel-over sequence'' (see Chapter 703,
ter the engine has reached full load. See
Chapter 703, Item 3.2, `Check 9'.
Seal i ng Materi al s

her rubber/plastic-based sealing materials,
hi gh temperatures.
These materials may have a causti c effect
when being touched directly.
The gloves should be made of neoprene or
Used gloves must be discarded.
Safety Cap i n Starti ng Ai r Li ne
If the bursting disc of the safety cap is dam-
aged due to excessive pressure in the start-
ing air line, overhaul or replace the starting
valve which caused the burst, and mount a
new disc.
If a new disc is not available immediately,
turn the cover in relation to the cylinder, in
order to reduce the leakage of starting air.
Note: Mount a new bursting disc and return
the cover to the open position at the first
Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values 701.03-40F
Page 1 (21)
General Basi s for Gui dance Val ues
The values stated in this list refer to layout point L .
(Nominal max. continuous rating).
The values must only be used as a guidance in connection with the `List of Capa-
cities of Auxiliary Machinery' for dimensioning of auxiliary systems, and must not be
used for determining the extent of the alarms or actions.
The item numbers refer to the drawings showing the extent and placement of
sensors for standard alarms and indicators on the engine, if the signal equipment is
fitted. For sensors placed in the systems outside the engine, see the actual pipe
arrangements in the appropriate chapters.
If the engine is provided with special equipment, some values may differ from this
list. The correct values shall in such a case be obtained from the engine Instruction
The engine slow-down level corresponds to 40% of nominal MCR r/min.
Engines specified and optimised at derated power may have other normal service
values depending on layout power/revolutions and application.
For derated engines, the testbed/trial values should be used.
NB: Attention must be paid to the temperature levels stated under Nos. 340 to
348 (incl.), as two different values have been indicated, one value for metal
temperature and another for oi l outl et temperature.
When setting the limits, maximum limits must be set at rising parameter and mini-
mum limits at falling parameter.
701.04-40F Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values
(at max. continuous rating with engine running steadily)
The list applies to all MC/MC-C Engines
For items marked with an `', further details are given in a footnote.
sp =speed in r/min larm Slow Shut
Item Sym-
t =temperature in bC
Normal Alarm A
No. bol service value max. min. down down
p =``Gauge'' pressure in bar fl =flow
p =dif. pressure in bar l =level
Page 2 (21)
300 Only 80-98MC/MC-C type engines
301 See Vol. III, Chapter 909, `Fuel oil leakage alarm'.
302, 309 The functioning of the viscorator can be checked by measuring the temperature.
Regarding temperature in relation to viscosity, see Plate 70506.
303, 303A,
Viscosity to be monitored and alarm given off by sensor built into the viscorator.
For viscorator without built-in alarm for max./min. viscosity, temperature
switches can be used instead. The temperature switches can be preset by adjusting
the viscorator to 20 and 7 cSt, respectively.
305, 306 Fuel viscosity max. 700 cSt at 50bC measured at camshaft level.
307 Fuel viscosity max. 700 cSt at 50bC.
300 p Fuel pump roller guide gear activated 0 2.0
301 l Leakage from high pressure pipes
302 v/t Fuel oil inlet engine T
303 v Fuel oil inlet engine 10-15 cSt
303A v Fuel oil inlet engine 20
304 v Fuel oil inlet engine 7
305 p Fuel oil inlet engine 7-8
306 p Fuel oil inlet engine 6.5
307 p Fuel oil before filter 6.5
308 Fp Pressure drop across fuel oil filter 0.2-0.5
309 t Fuel oil inlet fuel pumps T
311 t Lub. oil inlet (system oil) 40-50
312 t Lub. oil inlet (system oil) 55
313 t Lub. oil inlet (system oil) 35
314 t Lub. oil inlet (system oil) 60
315 t Lub. oil outlet from engine 50-60
(lub. oil inlet to oil cooler)
316 t Lub. oil outlet from engine 65
(lub. oil inlet to oil cooler)
Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values 701.05-40F
(at max. continuous rating with engine running steadily)
The list applies to all MC/MC-C Engines
For items marked with an `', further details are given in a footnote.
sp = speed in r/min larm Slow Shut
Item Sym-
t = temperature in bC
Normal Alarm A
No. bol service value max. min. down down
p = ``Gauge'' pressure in bar fl = flow
p = dif. pressure in bar l = level
Page 3 (21)
326 Measured by pressure gauge placed 1800 mm above crankshaft centreline.
For lub. oil pumps of centrifugal type, the pressure at stopped engine will be
about 0.2 bar lower. (The difference in pressure at stopped and running engine is
mainly caused by influence of oscillation forces, especially in piston cooling
317 t Piston cooling oil outlet
(except K90-98MC/MC-C) 50-65
K90-98MC/MC-C 55-65
318 t Piston cooling oil outlet 70
319 t Piston cooling oil outlet 75
320 fl Piston cooling oil outlet no flow
321 fl Piston cooling oil outlet no flow
323 t Oil pan temperature on ABB turbocharger, 70-115
turbine side
325 p Engine room pressure 0.95-1.05
326 p Piston cooling oil inlet
(35-46 engines: also inlet to camshaft
At stopped engine:
S80, L90, K90-98MC/MC-C 2.1
S70, S70MC-C, L80, K80MC-C 1.9
S50-60, K/L50-60-70, S50-60MC-C, 1.6
S46MC-C, S/L42MC, S/L35MC 1.6
S26MC 2.0
At running engine: (MCR)
S80, L90, K90-98MC/MC-C 2.7
S70, S70MC-C, L80, K80MC-C 2.5
S50-60, K/L50-60-70, S50-60MC-C, 2.2
S46MC-C, S/L42MC, S/L35MC 2.2
S26MC 2.2
701.06-40F Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values
(at max. continuous rating with engine running steadily)
The list applies to all MC/MC-C Engines
For items marked with an `', further details are given in a footnote.
sp =speed in r/min larm Slow Shut
Item Sym-
t =temperature in bC
Normal Alarm A
No. bol service value max. min. down down
p =``Gauge'' pressure in bar fl =flow
p =dif. pressure in bar l =level
Page 4 (21)
327, 328 Measured by pressure gauge placed 1800 mm above crankshaft centreline.
330 Measured by pressure gauge placed 1800 mm above crankshaft centreline.
For lub. oil pumps of centrifugal type, the pressure at stopped engine will be
about 0.2 bar lower. (The difference in pressure at stopped and running engine is
mainly caused by influence of oscillation forces, especially in piston cooling
327 p Piston cooling oil inlet
35-46 engines: also inlet to camshaft
S80, L90, K90-98MC/MC-C 1.9
S70, S70MC-C, L80, K80MC-C 1.7
S50-60, K/L50-60-70, S50-60MC-C, 1.4
S46MC-C, S/L42MC, S/L35MC 1.4
S26MC 1.8
328 p Piston cooling oil inlet
35-46 engines: also inlet to camshaft
S80, L90, K90-98MC/MC-C 1.5
S70, S70MC-C, L80, K80MC-C 1.3
S50-60, K/L50-60-70, S50-60MC-C, 1.0
S46MC-C, S/L42MC, S/L35MC 1.2
S26MC 1.6
330 p Lub. oil inlet to main bearings and
thrust bearing
At stopped engine:
S80, L90, K90-98MC/MC-C 2.1
S70, S70MC-C, L80, K80MC-C 1.9
S50-60, K/L50-60-70, S50-60MC-C, 1.6
S46MC-C, S/L42MC, S/L35MC 1.6
S26MC 1.7
At running engine: (MCR)
S80, L90, K90-98MC/MC-C 2.7
S70, S70MC-C, L80, K80MC-C 2.5
S50-60, K/L50-60-70, S50-60MC-C, 2.2
S46MC-C, S/L42MC, S/L35MC 2.2
S26MC 2.0
Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values 701.07-40F
(at max. continuous rating with engine running steadily)
The list applies to all MC/MC-C Engines
For items marked with an `', further details are given in a footnote.
sp = speed in r/min larm Slow Shut
Item Sym-
t = temperature in bC
Normal Alarm A
No. bol service value max. min. down down
p = ``Gauge'' pressure in bar fl = flow
p = dif. pressure in bar l = level
Page 5 (21)
331, 334,
Measured by pressure gauge placed 1800 mm above crankshaft centreline.
331 p Lub. oil inlet to main bearings and
thrust bearing
K90-98MC/MC-C 1.9
S80, L90 1.7
S70, S70MC-C, L80, K80MC-C 1.5
S50-60, K/L50-60-70MC, S50-60MC-C, 1.2
S46MC-C, S/L42MC, S/L35MC 1.2
S26MC 1.6
334 p Lub. oil inlet to main bearings and
thrust bearing min.
K90-98MC/MC-C 1.7
S80, L90 1.5
S70, S70MC-C, L80, K80MC-C 1.3
S50-60, K/L50-60-70MC, S50-60MC-C, 1.0
S46MC-C, S/L42MC, S/L35MC 1.0
S26MC 1.4
335 p Lub. oil inlet to main bearings and
thrust bearing min.
K90-98MC/MC-C 1.5
S80, L90 1.3
S70, S70MC-C, L80, K80MC-C 1.1
S50-60, K/L50-60-70MC, S50-60MC-C, 0.8
S46MC-C, S/L42MC, S/L35MC 0.8
S26MC 1.2
If turbocharger bearings are fed by
main engine system oil or separate
lub. oil system, simultaneous stop
of aux. blowers is to be arranged to
occur at lub. oil shut down.
336 t Compressor inlet temperature, >10 S +45
701.08-40F Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values
(at max. continuous rating with engine running steadily)
The list applies to all MC/MC-C Engines
For items marked with an `', further details are given in a footnote.
sp =speed in r/min larm Slow Shut
Item Sym-
t =temperature in bC
Normal Alarm A
No. bol service value max. min. down down
p =``Gauge'' pressure in bar fl =flow
p =dif. pressure in bar l =level
Page 6 (21)
340, 343,
To be stated at seatrial.
337 p Compressor spiral housing pressure at
outlet diameter (except K90-98MC/MC-C) 0>3
K90-98MC/MC-C 0>4
338 Fp Diff. pressure across compressor spiral 0>0.3
340 t Main bearing metal temperature. 50-60
Main bearing oil outlet temperature
341 t Main bearing metal temperature. 70
Main bearing oil outlet temperature 60
Main bearing oil outlet temperature,
deviation from average + 5 > 5
342 t Main bearing metal/oil outlet temp. Max.
Main bearing oil outlet temperature, 70
deviation from average. 7
343 t Crankpin bearing metal temperature 50-60
Crankpin bearing oil outlet temperature
344 t Crankpin bearing metal temperature 70
Crankpin bearing oil outlet temperature 60
Crankpin bearing oil outlet temperature,
deviation from average + 5 > 5
345 t Crankpin bearing metal/oil outlet temp. Max.
Crankpin bearing oil outlet temperature, 70
deviation from average 7
346 t Crosshead bearing metal temperature 50-60
Crosshead bearing oil outlet temperature
Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values 701.09-40F
(at max. continuous rating with engine running steadily)
The list applies to all MC/MC-C Engines
For items marked with an `', further details are given in a footnote.
sp = speed in r/min larm Slow Shut
Item Sym-
t = temperature in bC
Normal Alarm A
No. bol service value max. min. down down
p = ``Gauge'' pressure in bar fl = flow
p = dif. pressure in bar l = level
Page 7 (21)
355, 356 26, 50-98 types: To camshaft.
35-42, S46-70MC-C types: To exhaust valve actuator.
357, 358,
26, 50-98 types: To camshaft.
35-42, S46-70MC-C types: To exhaust valve actuator.
Measured at camshaft level.
360 Inlet temperature + 5-6bC (not relevant for engines with Uni. lub.)
360A Not relevant for engines with Uni. lub.
347 t Crosshead bearing metal temperature 70
Crosshead bearing oil outlet temperature 60
Crosshead bearing oil outlet temperature,
deviation from average + 5 > 5
348 t Crosshead bearing metal/oil outlet temp. Max.
Crosshead bearing oil outlet temperature, 70
deviation from average 7
349 t Thrust bearing segment 60-70
350 t Thrust bearing segment 75
351 t Thrust bearing segment 80
352 t Thrust bearing segment 90
355 t Lub. oil inlet 40-45
356 t Lub. oil inlet 55
357 p Lub. oil inlet
(except K90-98MC/MC-C) 2.5-3.0
K90-98MC/MC-C 2.1
358 p Lub. oil inlet
(except K90-98MC/MC-C) 2.0
K90-98MC/MC-C 1.4
359 p Lub. oil inlet
(except K90-98MC/MC-C) 1.5
K90-98MC/MC-C 1.0
360 t Lub. oil outlet from camshaft
360A t Lub. oil outlet from camshaft 70
701.10-40F Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values
(at max. continuous rating with engine running steadily)
The list applies to all MC/MC-C Engines
For items marked with an `', further details are given in a footnote.
sp = speed in r/min larm Slow Shut
Item Sym-
t = temperature in bC
Normal Alarm A
No. bol service value max. min. down down
p = ``Gauge'' pressure in bar fl = flow
p = dif. pressure in bar l = level
Page 8 (21)
361 26, 50-98 types: To camshaft.
35-42, S46-70MC-C types: To exhaust valve actuator.
361 t Lub. oil inlet 60
362 p Exhaust gas pressure after turbine 0-350mmWC
363 t Exhaust gas receiver temperature 100-500
364 Exhaust gas bypass valve, angle position 0-90
365 l Cylinder lubricators low
366 fl Cylinder lubricators no flow
366A fl Cylinder lubricators no
367 l Lub. oil inlet to turbocharger low
368 p Lub. oil inlet to turbocharger 1.0
369 t Lub. oil outlet from turbocharger:
MAN B&W turbocharger 70-90
ABB TPL-turbocharger, interval of the
difference between inlet and outlet 20-45
370 t Lub. oil outlet from turbocharger:
MAN B&W turbocharger 95
Mitsubishi turbocharger 85
ABB TPL-turbocharger, the difference
should not exceed 50
370A t Lub. oil outlet from turbocharger:
ABB TPL-turbocharger, the difference
should not exceed 55
Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values 701.11-40F
(at max. continuous rating with engine running steadily)
The list applies to all MC/MC-C Engines
For items marked with an `', further details are given in a footnote.
sp = speed in r/min larm Slow Shut
Item Sym-
t = temperature in bC
Normal Alarm A
No. bol service value max. min. down down
p = ``Gauge'' pressure in bar fl = flow
p = dif. pressure in bar l = level
Page 9 (21)
379 Temperature difference across cooler should not exceed:
Conv. sea water cooling system: 20bC
Central cooling water system: 27bC
371 p Lub. oil inlet to turbocharger 1.5-2.2
If turbocharger bearings are fed by
engine system oil or separate lub.
oil system, simultaneous stop of
auxiliary blowers is to be arranged
to occur at lub. oil shut down.
372 p Lub. oil inlet to turbocharger 1.2
373 t Lub. oil inlet to turbocharger 55
374 p Lub. oil inlet to turbocharger 0.8
375 t Cooling water inlet air cooler 10-32
375A t Cooling water inlet air cooler:
Conv. seawater cooling system
(except K90-98MC/MC-C) 5-32
K90-98MC/MC-C 10-32
Central cooling water system
(except K90-98MC/MC-C) 5-36
K90-98MC/MC-C 10-36
376 t Cooling water inlet air cooler 40
377 p Cooling water inlet air cooler 3.5
378 p Cooling water inlet air cooler 1.0
379 t Cooling water outlet from air cooler
380 t Cooling water to lub. oil cooler(s) 10-32
381 t Cooling water to lub. oil cooler(s) 10
382 p Cooling water inlet air cooler 2.0-2.5
701.12-40F Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values
(at max. continuous rating with engine running steadily)
The list applies to all MC/MC-C Engines
For items marked with an `', further details are given in a footnote.
sp = speed in r/min larm Slow Shut
Item Sym-
t = temperature in bC
Normal Alarm A
No. bol service value max. min. down down
p = ``Gauge'' pressure in bar fl = flow
p = dif. pressure in bar l = level
Page 10 (21)
383, 384,
With stopped cooling water pump, the set point for the sensor is the static pres-
sure plus the stated value.
386 If the expansion tank is located more than 5 metres above the engine outlet, add
the resulting increase in the static pressure to the `normal service value'.
390 To be stated at sea trial.
391, 392 Lower than the ``normal service value''.
383 p Jacket cooling water inlet
(except K90-98MC/MC-C) 0.5
K90-98MC/MC-C 2.0
384 p Jacket cooling water inlet manifold
(except K90-98MC/MC-C) 0.3
K90-98MC/MC-C 1.5
384B p Jacket cooling water inlet:
K90-98MC/MC-C 0.1
385 t Jacket cooling water inlet manifold 65-70
385A t Jacket cooling water inlet manifold 57
386 p Jacket cooling water inlet manifold 3.5-4.5
387A t Jacket cooling water outlet/cyl. 80-85
387B t Jacket cooling water outlet 80-85
exhaust valve/cyl.
388 t Jacket cooling water outlet/cyl. 90
389 t Jacket cooling water outlet/cyl. 95
390 p Jacket cooling water across engine 0.8-1.4
391 p Jacket cooling water across engine 0.2
392 p Jacket cooling water across engine 0.4
393 t Jacket cooling water outlet TC 80-85
394 t Jacket cooling water outlet TC 90
Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values 701.13-40F
(at max. continuous rating with engine running steadily)
The list applies to all MC/MC-C Engines
For items marked with an `', further details are given in a footnote.
sp = speed in r/min larm Slow Shut
Item Sym-
t = temperature in bC
Normal Alarm A
No. bol service value max. min. down down
p = ``Gauge'' pressure in bar fl = flow
p = dif. pressure in bar l = level
Page 11 (21)
396 If the expansion tank is located more than 5 metres above the engine outlet, add
the resulting increase in the static pressure to the `normal service value'.
409, 410, Finished with engine.
(Stopped engine, air supply system > vented)
411 MCR value, engine load and ambient condition dependent.
412 Coolant inlet +12bC.
413 Above water inlet temperature.
414, 414A To be cut out during STOP.
To remain cut out until 3-5 min. after START.
395 l Jacket cooling water, deaerating at low
396 p Fresh cooling water, outlet common pipe 2.7-3.1
398 p Cooling water inlet pressure, air cooler 0.25-0.50
401 p Starting air to main starting valve 30
402 p Starting air to main starting valve 15
403 p Control air pressure 7.0
404 p Control air pressure 5.5
405 p Safety air pressure 7.0
406 p Safety air pressure 5.5
407 p Air supply to air cylinder, 7.0
for exhaust valve
408 p Air supply to air cylinder, 5.5
for exhaust valve
409 p Control air supply 0.5
410 p Safety air supply 0.5
411 t Scavenge air before air cooler 170-210
412 t Scavenge air after air cooler
413 t Scavenge air receiver 15
414 t Scavenge air receiver 55
414A t Scavenge air receiver 65
701.14-40F Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values
(at max. continuous rating with engine running steadily)
The list applies to all MC/MC-C Engines
For items marked with an `', further details are given in a footnote.
sp = speed in r/min larm Slow Shut
Item Sym-
t = temperature in bC
Normal Alarm A
No. bol service value max. min. down down
p = ``Gauge'' pressure in bar fl = flow
p = dif. pressure in bar l = level
Page 12 (21)
417, 417A,
Values for nominal MCR. Layout and load dependent.
418 Controls the auxiliary blowers.
419 Alarm switch breaks at 0.45 bar, respective 0.39 bar, falling pressure and makes
0.56 bar, respective 0.50 bar, rising pressure.
420, 422 According to shop trial results.
421, 423 At 50% increase compared to the `normal service value'.
415 t Scavenge air boxes (fire alarm) 80
416 t Scavenge air boxes (fire alarm) 120
417 p Scavenge air receiver (bar abs)
& S50-60-70-80-90MC 3.55
417A L50-60-70-80-90MC 3.50
K80-98MC and MC-C, S/L42MC, L35MC 3.60
S50-70MC-C 3.65
S46MC-C, S35MC 3.70
S26MC, Mark V 3.80
418 p Scavenge air receiver Makes 0.55
Breaks 0.70
For S26MC, S/L35MC, S/L42MC,
S46MC-C, S50MC-C Makes 0.45
Breaks 0.70
419 p Scavenge air, aux. blower failure 0.45
For S26MC, S/L35MC, S/L42MC,
S46MC-C, S50MC-C 0.39
420 p Pressure drop across air cooler(s)
421 p Pressure drop across air cooler(s)
422 p Pressure drop of air across blower
423 p Pressure drop of air across blower
424 p Exhaust gas receiver (bar abs)
S50-60-70-80-90MC 3.35
L50-60-70-80-90MC 3.30
K80-98MC and MC-C, 3.40
S46MC-C, S/L42MC, L35MC 3.40
Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values 701.15-40F
(at max. continuous rating with engine running steadily)
The list applies to all MC/MC-C Engines
For items marked with an `', further details are given in a footnote.
sp = speed in r/min larm Slow Shut
Item Sym-
t = temperature in bC
Normal Alarm A
No. bol service value max. min. down down
p = ``Gauge'' pressure in bar fl = flow
p = dif. pressure in bar l = level
Page 13 (21)
425 Values for nominal MCR. Layout and load dependent.
425A, 425B T/C dependent.
426, 432 The service values apply under the following conditions:
Ambient temperature in engine room: 25bC. Scavenge air temperature in receiver:
(except K90-98MC/MC-C) 35bC; K90-98MC/MC-C: 37bC.
429, 430,
Deviation from average. When operating below 200bC average temperature, deviation
alarm is cut off.
433A Back-pressure measured at MCR. Alarm max.: 1.5 MCR value.
434 Below the water mist catcher, in the air cooler housing.
435B Higher than exhaust gas pressure.
S50-60-70MC-C 3.45
S35MC 3.50
S26MC, Mark V 3.60
425 t Exhaust gas before turbine 380-430
425A t Exhaust gas before turbine
425B t Exhaust gas before turbine
426 t Exhaust gas after exhaust valves 320-390
427 t Exhaust gas after exhaust valves 430
428 t Exhaust gas after exhaust valves 450
429 t Exhaust gas after valves +50
430 t Exhaust gas after valves >50
431 t Exhaust gas after valves 60
432 t Exhaust gas after turbocharger 220-300
433 t Exhaust gas after turbocharger 320
433A p Exhaust gas after turbocharger 300 mmWC
434 l Water level at water mist catcher drain at max
435A p Air inlet for dry cleaning of TC 4.5-10
435B p Cleaning water inlet to TC min. 0.5
701.16-40F Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values
(at max. continuous rating with engine running steadily)
The list applies to all MC/MC-C Engines
For items marked with an `', further details are given in a footnote.
sp = speed in r/min larm Slow Shut
Item Sym-
t = temperature in bC
Normal Alarm A
No. bol service value max. min. down down
p = ``Gauge'' pressure in bar fl = flow
p = dif. pressure in bar l = level
Page 14 (21)
436, 437 Preadjusted by the producer. See also the producer's special instructions.
438 Nominal MCR rpm 1.09.
439 Specified by manufacturer.
440 Not standard equipment.
At max. vibration level according to the T/C producer's recommendations.
443 Absolute pressures.
436 mg/l Oil mist in crankcase high
437 mg/l Oil mist in crankcase high
437A Oil mist detector, failure (No value)
438 sp Engine overspeed
439 sp Turbocharger overspeed
440 Vibration of turbocharger
441 p Pressure drop across exhaust gas boiler 150 mm WC
443 p Air inlet jet assistance TC (only for S26MC)
MAN B&W TC 3.5-5.5
ABB TC 3.5-6.0
470 p Speed setting air pressure to governor 0.5-5.0
Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values 701.17-40F
(at max. continuous rating with engine running steadily)
The list applies to all MC/MC-C Engines
For items marked with an `', further details are given in a footnote.
sp = speed in r/min larm Slow Shut
Item Sym-
t = temperature in bC
Normal Alarm A
No. bol service value max. min. down down
p = ``Gauge'' pressure in bar fl = flow
p = dif. pressure in bar l = level
Page 15 (21)
471, 472,
For engines marked with an `', the correct functioning of the axial vibration
damper is of special importance for the crankshaft's safe operation.
Consequently, these engines, and engines fitted with PTO in the fore end, are as
standard fitted with an electronic axial vibration monitor, for condition check.
Furthermore, for engines marked with an `', the device is connected to alarm and
SLOW-DOWN functions.
Concerning the electronic device, refer to the maker's instructions.
Other engines are fitted with a mechanical measuring device, see Vol. II, Proce-
dure 905-6.
471, mm Axial vibration monitor (peak to peak) :
473 4K50MC 0-0.81 1.08 1.35
5K50MC 0-1.01 1.34 1.68
6K50MC 0-1.20 1.60 2.00
7K50MC 0-1.41 1.88 2.35
8K50MC 0-1.61 2.14 2.68
9K50MC 0-1.82 2.42 3.03
10K50MC 0-2.01 2.68 3.35
11K50MC 0-2.21 2.94 3.68
12K50MC 0-2.42 3.22 4.03
4K60MC 0-0.96 1.28 1.60
5K60MC 0-1.20 1.60 2.00
6K60MC 0-1.43 1.90 2.38
7K60MC 0-1.67 2.22 2.78
8K60MC 0-1.91 2.54 3.18
9K60MC 0-2.13 2.84 3.55
10K60MC 0-2.37 3.16 3.95
11K60MC 0-2.60 3.46 4.33
12K60MC 0-2.84 3.78 4.73
4K70MC 0-1.13 1.50 1.88
5K70MC 0-1.40 1.86 2.33
6K70MC 0-1.68 2.24 2.80
7K70MC 0-1.95 2.60 3.25
8K70MC 0-2.24 2.98 3.73
9K70MC 0-2.51 3.34 4.18
10K70MC 0-2.79 3.72 4.65
11K70MC 0-3.06 4.08 5.10
12K70MC 0-3.35 4.46 5.58
701.18-40F Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values
(at max. continuous rating with engine running steadily)
The list applies to all MC/MC-C Engines
For items marked with an `', further details are given in a footnote.
sp = speed in r/min larm Slow Shut
Item Sym-
t = temperature in bC
Normal Alarm A
No. bol service value max. min. down down
p = ``Gauge'' pressure in bar fl = flow
p = dif. pressure in bar l = level
Page 16 (21)
471, mm (Cont.) 4K90MC 0-1.44 1.92 2.40
472, 5K90MC 0-1.80 2.40 3.00
473 6K90MC 0-2.16 2.88 3.60
7K90MC 0-2.54 3.38 4.23
8K90MC 0-2.90 3.86 4.83
9K90MC 0-3.26 4.34 5.43
10K90MC 0-3.62 4.82 6.03
11K90MC 0-3.98 5.30 6.63
12K90MC 0-4.34 5.78 7.23
6K98MC 0-2.28 3.05 3.81
7K98MC 0-2.66 3.55 4.43
8K98MC 0-3.03 4.05 5.06
9K98MC 0-3.41 4.55 5.68
10K98MC 0-3.78 5.05 6.31
11K98MC 0-4.16 5.55 6.93
12K98MC 0-4.54 6.06 7.57
6K80MC-C 0-1.73 2.30 2.88
7K80MC-C 0-2.03 2.70 3.38
8K80MC-C 0-2.31 3.08 3.85
9K80MC-C 0-2.61 3.48 4.35
10K80MC-C 0-2.90 3.86 4.83
11K80MC-C 0-3.18 4.24 5.30
12K80MC-C 0-3.47 4.62 5.78
6K90MC-C 0-1.95 2.60 3.25
7K90MC-C 0-2.28 3.04 3.80
8K90MC-C 0-2.61 3.48 4.35
9K90MC-C 0-2.94 3.92 4.90
10K90MC-C 0-3.26 4.34 5.43
11K90MC-C 0-3.59 4.78 5.98
12K90MC-C 0-3.92 5.22 6.53
Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values 701.19-40F
(at max. continuous rating with engine running steadily)
The list applies to all MC/MC-C Engines
For items marked with an `', further details are given in a footnote.
sp = speed in r/min larm Slow Shut
Item Sym-
t = temperature in bC
Normal Alarm A
No. bol service value max. min. down down
p = ``Gauge'' pressure in bar fl = flow
p = dif. pressure in bar l = level
Page 17 (21)
471, mm (Cont.) 6K98MC-C 0-1.88 2.51 3.13
472, 7K98MC-C 0-2.19 2.92 3.65
473 8K98MC-C 0-2.49 3.33 4.16
9K98MC-C 0-2.80 3.74 4.67
10K98MC-C 0-3.11 4.15 5.18
11K98MC-C 0-3.42 4.56 5.70
12K98MC-C 0-3.72 4.97 6.21
4L35MC 0-0.65 0.86 1.08
5L35MC 0-0.80 1.06 1.33
6L35MC 0-0.96 1.28 1.60
7L35MC 0-1.13 1.50 1.88
8L35MC 0-1.29 1.72 2.15
9L35MC 0-1.44 1.93 2.41
10L35MC 0-1.60 2.14 2.68
11L35MC 0-1.76 2.35 2.94
12L35MC 0-1.93 2.57 3.21
4L42MC 0-0.77 1.02 1.28
5L42MC 0-0.96 1.28 1.60
6L42MC 0-1.14 1.52 1.90
7L42MC 0-1.34 1.78 2.23
8L42MC 0-1.53 2.04 2.55
9L42MC 0-1.71 2.29 2.86
10L42MC 0-1.91 2.54 3.18
11L42MC 0-2.10 2.79 3.49
12L42MC 0-2.29 3.05 3.81
4L50MC 0-0.92 1.22 1.53
5L50MC 0-1.14 1.52 1.90
6L50MC 0-1.37 1.82 2.28
7L50MC 0-1.59 2.12 2.65
8L50MC 0-1.82 2.42 3.03
701.20-40F Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values
(at max. continuous rating with engine running steadily)
The list applies to all MC/MC-C Engines
For items marked with an `', further details are given in a footnote.
sp = speed in r/min larm Slow Shut
Item Sym-
t = temperature in bC
Normal Alarm A
No. bol service value max. min. down down
p = ``Gauge'' pressure in bar fl = flow
p = dif. pressure in bar l = level
Page 18 (21)
471, mm (Cont.) 4L60MC 0-1.08 1.44 1.80
472, 5L60MC 0-1.35 1.80 2.25
473 6L60MC 0-1.62 2.16 2.70
7L60MC 0-1.89 2.52 3.15
8L60MC 0-2.16 2.88 3.60
4L70MC 0-1.28 1.70 2.13
5L70MC 0-1.59 2.12 2.65
6L70MC 0-1.91 2.54 3.18
7L70MC 0-2.22 2.96 3.70
8L70MC 0-2.54 3.38 4.23
4L80MC 0-1.44 1.92 2.40
5L80MC 0-1.80 2.40 3.00
6L80MC 0-2.16 2.88 3.60
7L80MC 0-2.52 3.36 4.20
8L90MC 0-2.90 3.86 4.83
9L80MC 0-3.26 4.34 5.43
10L80MC 0-3.62 4.82 6.03
11L80MC 0-3.98 5.30 6.63
12L80MC 0-4.34 5.78 7.23
4L90MC 0-1.64 2.18 2.73
5L90MC 0-2.04 2.72 3.40
6L90MC 0-2.45 3.26 4.08
7L90MC 0-2.85 3.80 4.75
8L90MC 0-3.26 4.34 5.43
9L90MC 0-3.68 4.90 6.13
10L90MC 0-4.08 5.44 6.80
11L90MC 0-4.49 5.98 7.48
12L90MC 0-4.89 6.52 8.15
Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values 701.21-40F
(at max. continuous rating with engine running steadily)
The list applies to all MC/MC-C Engines
For items marked with an `', further details are given in a footnote.
sp = speed in r/min larm Slow Shut
Item Sym-
t = temperature in bC
Normal Alarm A
No. bol service value max. min. down down
p = ``Gauge'' pressure in bar fl = flow
p = dif. pressure in bar l = level
Page 19 (21)
471, mm (Cont.) 4S26MC 0-0.62 0.82 1.03
472, 5S26MC 0-0.77 1.02 1.28
473 6S26MC 0-0.92 1.22 1.53
7S26MC 0-1.08 1.44 1.80
8S26MC 0-1.23 1.64 2.05
9S26MC 0-1.38 1.84 2.31
10S26MC 0-1.54 2.05 2.56
11S26MC 0-1.69 2.25 2.82
12S26MC 0-1.84 2.46 3.07
4S35MC 0-0.94 1.25 1.56
5S35MC 0-1.17 1.56 1.95
6S35MC 0-1.40 1.87 2.34
7S35MC 0-1.64 2.18 2.73
8S35MC 0-1.88 2.50 3.13
9S35MC 0-2.11 2.81 3.51
10S35MC 0-2.34 3.12 3.90
11S35MC 0-2.57 3.43 4.29
12S35MC 0-2.81 3.74 4.68
4S42MC 0-1.15 1.53 1.91
5S42MC 0-1.44 1.92 2.40
6S42MC 0-1.73 2.30 2.88
7S42MC 0-2.01 2.68 3.35
8S42MC 0-2.30 3.07 3.84
9S42MC 0-2.59 3.45 4.31
10S42MC 0-2.87 3.83 4.79
11S42MC 0-3.16 4.22 5.27
12S42MC 0-3.45 4.60 5.75
4S46MC-C 0-1.23 1.64 2.05
5S46MC-C 0-1.52 2.03 2.53
6S46MC-C 0-1.82 2.43 3.03
7S46MC-C 0-2.11 2.82 3.52
8S46MC-C 0-2.50 3.34 4.17
701.22-40F Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values
(at max. continuous rating with engine running steadily)
The list applies to all MC/MC-C Engines
For items marked with an `', further details are given in a footnote.
sp = speed in r/min larm Slow Shut
Item Sym-
t = temperature in bC
Normal Alarm A
No. bol service value max. min. down down
p = ``Gauge'' pressure in bar fl = flow
p = dif. pressure in bar l = level
Page 20 (21)
471, mm (Cont.) 4S50MC 0-1.23 1.64 2.05
472, 5S50MC 0-1.55 2.06 2.58
473 6S50MC 0-1.85 2.46 3.08
7S50MC 0-2.16 2.88 3.60
8S50MC 0-2.46 3.28 4.10
4S50MC-C 0-1.26 1.69 2.11
5S50MC-C 0-1.56 2.09 2.61
6S50MC-C 0-1.87 2.50 3.12
7S50MC-C 0-2.17 2.90 3.62
8S50MC-C 0-2.55 3.41 4.26
4S60MC 0-1.47 1.96 2.45
5S60MC 0-1.85 2.46 3.08
6S60MC 0-2.21 2.94 3.68
7S60MC 0-2.58 3.44 4.30
8S60MC 0-2.94 3.92 4.90
4S60MC-C 0-1.52 2.03 2.53
5S60MC-C 0-1.88 2.51 3.13
6S60MC-C 0-2.25 3.00 3.75
7S60MC-C 0-2.61 3.49 4.36
8S60MC-C 0-3.07 4.10 5.12
4S70MC 0-1.71 2.28 2.85
5S70MC 0-2.15 2.86 3.58
6S70MC 0-2.57 3.42 4.28
7S70MC 0-3.00 4.00 5.00
8S70MC 0-3.42 4.56 5.70
4S70MC-C 0-1.77 2.36 2.95
5S70MC-C 0-2.19 2.92 3.65
6S70MC-C 0-2.62 3.50 4.37
7S70MC-C 0-3.05 4.07 5.08
8S70MC-C 0-3.58 4.78 5.97
Guidance Alarm Limits and Measuring Values 701.23-40F
(at max. continuous rating with engine running steadily)
The list applies to all MC/MC-C Engines
For items marked with an `', further details are given in a footnote.
sp = speed in r/min larm Slow Shut
Item Sym-
t = temperature in bC
Normal Alarm A
No. bol service value max. min. down down
p = ``Gauge'' pressure in bar fl = flow
p = dif. pressure in bar l = level
Page 21 (21)
477, 478,
479, 480
Engine and load dependent
471, mm (Cont.) 4S80MC 0-1.95 2.60 3.25
472, 5S80MC 0-2.45 3.26 4.08
473 6S80MC 0-2.93 3.90 4.88
7S80MC 0-3.42 4.56 5.70
8S80MC 0-3.90 5.20 6.50
9S80MC 0-4.40 5.86 7.33
10S80MC 0-4.88 6.50 8.13
11S80MC 0-5.37 7.16 8.95
12S80MC 0-5.87 7.82 9.78
5S90MC 0-2.42 3.23 4.04
6S90MC 0-2.91 3.88 4.85
7S90MC 0-3.39 4.52 5.65
476 p p control pressure 0-5.0
477 Fuel pump index
478 VIT index
479 Governor index
480 Engine torque
Testbed Adjustments 701.24-40F
IMO Emission Certification
Markings on Components
The components described in Items 1 to 8 have been marked with unambiguous
identification numbers to enable the relevant drawing and certificate to be traced.
(The circled part of the number is the only part of the entire number that is to be
defined as the IMO number).
See also Drawing No. 0741260-8 regarding marks and stamps on components for
MAN B&W two-stroke diesel engines.
1. Fuel Valve Nozzle
Certified markings:
Part No. and hole diameter.
Marking instruction:
No. 0742639-1
Checking the dimensions of the certified component:
1. Remove the fuel valve, see instruction manual VOL II, Procedure 901-2.
2. Disassemble the fuel valve, see instruction manual VOL II, Procedure 909-6.
Fig. 1 Fuel valve nozzle
To be marked with
Licensees name/
trademark or abbreviation
To be stamped:
Part No. and hole diameter
2. Fuel Pump Plunger
Certified markings:
Part No.
Marking instruction:
No. 0742845-1
Checking the dimensions of the certified component.
1. Remove the fuel pump top cover, see VOL II, Procedure 909-3.
2. Remove the plunger/barrel assembly, see VOL II, Procedure 909-3.
Fig. 2 Fuel pump plunger
To be marked with Licensees name/
trademark, Part No. and Engine Type
3. Fuel Pump Barrel
Certified markings:
Part No.
Marking instruction:
No. 0742843-8
Checking the dimensions of the certified component.
1. Remove the fuel pump top cover, see VOL II, Procedure 909-3.
2. Remove the plunger/barrel assembly, see VOL II, Procedure 909-3.
Fig. 3 Fuel pump barrel
To be marked with Licensees name/
trademark, Part No. and Engine Type
4. Cylinder Liner
Certified markings:
Part No.
Marking instruction:
No. 0742637-8
Checking the dimensions of the certified component:
1. Remove the cylinder cover, see VOL II, Procedure 901-1.
2. Remove the piston, see VOL II, Procedure 902-2.
3. Remove the liner and remove the cooling jacket, see VOL II, Procedure 903-3.
Liner diameter, D:___________
Number of cooling water bores: ___________
Number of lubricating oil quills: ___________
Fig. 4 Cylinder liner
To be marked with Licensees
name/trademark, Part No.
0920352 - 4
Marking scratch
Camshaft side
5. Cylinder Cover
Certified markings:
Part No.
Marking instruction:
No. 0742634-2
Checking the dimensions of the certified component:
1. Remove the cylinder cover, see VOL II, Procedure 901-1.
2. Remove the cooling jacket, see VOL II, Procedure 901-3.
Fig. 5 Cylinder cover
To be marked with: Licensees name/
trademark, Part No., Year and Week
To be marked with: Charge and Serial No.
On camshaft side
6. Piston Crown
Certified markings:
Part No.
Marking instruction:
No. 0742392-0
Checking the dimensions of the certified component:
1. Remove the cylinder cover, see VOL II, Procedure 901-1.
2. Measure the piston bowl, see VOL II, Procedure 902-3.
3. Measure the heights (A and B) through the scavenge air ports.
Fig. 6 Piston crown
To be marked with: Licensees name/
trademark, Part No., Year and Week
To be marked with: Charge and Serial No.
On camshaft side
7. Exhaust Cam
Certified markings:
Part No.
Marking instruction:
No. 0742635-4
Checking the dimensions of the certified component:
1. Remove the cover for the exhaust roller guide, see VOL II, Procedure 908-4.
2. Locate the middle of the cam, see VOL II, Procedure 908-7.
3. Check the distance L according to the table below.
Fig. 7 Exhaust cam
0 0 5 5 10 10
20 20
25 25
15 15
Size: 3.5 mm
Size: 5 mm
To be marked with
Licensees name/trademark
or abbreviation
To be marked with Part No.
90 270
100 260
110 250
120 240
140 220
150 210
Middle of cam
Angle ( ) Angle ( ) Angle ( ) Angle ( ) Angle ( ) Angle ( ) L *) (mm) L *) (mm) L *) (mm)
*) Specific for an individual engine type
8. Fuel Cam
Certified markings:
Part No.
Marking instruction:
No. 0742636-6
Checking the dimensions of the certified component:
1. Remove the covers for the fuel pump roller guide, see VOL II, Procedure 909-2.
2. Locate the lowermost position of the cam, see VOL II, Procedure 909-1.
3. Check the distance L according to the table below.
Fig. 8 Fuel cam
To be marked with
Licensees name/trademark
or abbreviation
Marking scratch
To be marked with
Bearing side 302
To be marked with
Part No.
Angle ( ) Angle ( ) Angle ( ) L *) (mm) L *) (mm) L *) (mm)
10 20
180 190
340 350
*) Specific for the individual engine type
9. Checking the VIT-adjustments (Engines with VIT)
9.1 Load the engine
Loading to 75% MCR or 100% MCR:
see VOL I, Chapter 706, Appendix 2 or Appendix 5.
Loading to the break-point:
Electronically controlled VIT:
Follow the instructions from the supplier of the engine control system
Mechanically controlled VIT:
Load the engine until the steel bar touches the pivoting points (F1 and F2)
simultaneously, see Fig. 9.1.
9.2 Read the actual VIT-index
Read the actual VIT-index on the scale of the fuel pump timing racks, see Fig. 9.2.
Fig. 9.1
Fig. 9.2
10. Checking the Shims
10.1 Number of shims in fuel pump (Injection timing)
For engines without VIT, visually check the number of shims between the fuel
pump top cover and the pump housing. See Fig. 10.1.
10.2 Checking the shim thickness, t (Compression volume)
Turn the crankthrow towards the exhaust side, to provide access for measuring
the thickness of the shim which is inserted between piston rod and crosshead
pin. See Fig. 10.2.
Fig. 10.1
Fig. 10.2

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