By t he Grace of God COMP I L E D, E DI T E D & P R I N T E D BY MA R GU E R I T E P A I Z I S L E A S T WOR T HY AR CHONDI S S A & OR T H ODOX T E A CHE R B Y DI V I NE GR A CE GR E E K OR T HODOX P A T R I A R CHA T E OF AL E X A NDR I A & AL L AF R I CA AR CHDI OCE S E OF GOOD HOP E HOL Y CHU R CH OF T HE DOR MI T I ON OF T HE MOT HE R OF GOD CONY NGHA M S T R E E T P A R S ONS HI L L P OR T E L I Z A B E T H RE P U B L I C OF S OU T H AF R I CA P O BOX 28348 SU NR I DGE P A R K 6008 RE P U B L I C OF SOU T H AF R I CA MA R GU E R I T E . P A I Z I S @GMA I L . COM OR DOWN L OA D DI R E CT L Y F R OM WWW. SCRI B D. COM/ WRI T E RS 4574 OR GOOGL E MA R GU E R I T E P A I Z I S ON SCR I B D RE - E DI T E D & P U B L I S HE D - 02 J U NE 2014 Gr e e k Or t h o d o x Pa t r i a r c h a t e o f Al e xa n dr i a & Al l Af r i c a Hol y Pent ecos t Hol y Tri ni t y Sunday Fe s t al Li t ur gy Hymns , Re adi ngs & Kne e l i ng Se r vi ce NOT F OR MAT E R I AL P R OF I T ! 2. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RV I CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RVI CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) 39 38. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RV I CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T U RGY ) panamomou Agias Aftou Mitros, ton Agion, Endoxon, Panevfimon, Theokirikon ke pnevmatoforon Apostolon, ke panton ton Agion, Eleise ke Sose imas dia tin eaftou Agathotita. Amin > Di evhon ton Agion Pateron imon, Kyrie Iisou Hriste, O Theos imon, eleison ke soson imas Amin bearing Apostles, and of all the Saints, have Mercy on us and Save us in His Goodness. P E O P L E Amen P R I E S T >Through the Prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and Save us. P E O P L E Amen PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RVI CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) 3 St andi ng and Kneel i ng on Sundays As is evident from the Holy Scriptures, bows, kneeling and prostrations were employed during Prayer even according to the Old Covenant. The Holy Prophet, Psalmist and King, St David, referred to bowing down to God or towards His Temple in many of the Psalms: "...Bow down to the Lord in His Holy Court..." ( PS AL M 28: 2) ; "...I shall bow down toward Thy Holy Temple in Fear of Thee..." ( PS AL M 5: 8) ; "...O come, let us worship and fall down before Him..." ( PS AL M 94: 6) ; "...Let us go forth into His Tabernacles, let us bow down at the Place where His Feet have stood..." ( PS AL M 131: 7) , etc. The Holy Prophet, St Daniel, thrice daily "...knelt upon his knees, and prayed and gave thanks before his God." ( DANI E L 6: 10) . Full prostrations are also mentioned in the Books of the Old Testament: the Holy Prophets, St Moses and St Aaron besought God, "...having fallen on their faces..." ( NUMB E RS 16: 22) , to be merciful to the Children of Israel who had grievously sinned. In the New Testament also, the custom of performing kneelings, prostrations and, of course, bows had been preserved and still had a place at the time of the earthly Life of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who Sanctified this Old Covenant Tradition by His own Example, praying on bended knees and failing down upon His Face. Before His Passion, in the Garden of Gethsemane, Christ "...knelt down, and prayed..." and He "...fell on the ground and prayed..." ((Matthew 26:39 & Mark 14:35). After our Lord Jesus Christs Ascension, during the time of His Holy Apostles, this Holy Tradition of which Holy Scriptures also speak, existed unchanged. The Holy Protomartyr and Archdeacon, St Stephen "...knelt down..." and prayed for his enemies who were stoning him to death. ( ACTS 7: 60) The Holy Apostle, St Peter, before raising St Tabitha from the dead, "...knelt down, and prayed." ( AC TS 9: 40) It is an indisputable fact that, as under the first successors of the Apostles, so even in much later periods of the existence of the Church of Christ, kneeling, bowing and prostrations upon the ground were always employed by True Believers in their private Prayers and at the Divine Services. Besides other bodily activities, kneeling was considered the outward manifestation of humble Prayer, whch was most pleasing to God. Thus, St Ambrose of Milan said: "...Beyond the rest of the Ascetic Labours, kneeling has the power to assuage the Wrath of God and to evoke His Mercy" ( BOOK VI ON THE SI X DAYS OF CRE ATI ON, CH. 9) . The Canons of the Orthodox Christian Church concerning bowing and kneeling are set forth in the Books of the Divine Services, and particularly in the Church Typicon, and are strictly observed in Monasteries. However, in general, zealous Orthodox Christians are, of course, permitted to pray on their knees in Church and to make full Prostrations whenever they wish, except when the Holy Gospel, the Epistle, the Old Testament Prophecies, the Six Psalms and the Sermon are read. The Holy Church lovingly regards such people, and does not constrain their sincere devotion to God. 4. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RV I CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) Nevertheless, the exceptions with regard to Sundays and the days between Pascha and Pentecost apply generally to everyone. According to Ancient Holy Tradition and a clear Church Law, kneeling is forbidden on these Festal days of Holy Pascha ( I . E . THE DAY S ON WHI CH THE RE S URRE C TI ON I S COMME MORATE D E V E RY S UNDAY & F ROM PAS CHA TO PE NTE C OS T S U NDAY. ) The brilliant solemnity of the Events that the Holy Church commemorates throughout the period of Pentecost and on Sundays precludes, in and of itself, any external manifestation of sorrow or lamentation over one's sins: for ever since Jesus Christ, "...blotting out the handwriting of the ordinances that was against us, ... nailing it to His Cross; and having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it..." ever since then "...there is, therefore, no condemnation to them who are in Jesus Christ." ( COL OS S I ANS 2: 14- 15 & ROMANS 8: 1) For this reason, the practice was observed in the Holy Church from the earliest times - beyond a doubt handed down by the Apostles - whereby on all these days, due to being Consecrated to the Commemoration of the Glorious Victory of Jesus Christ over sin and Death, it was required to perform the public Divine Service brightly and with solemnity, and in particular without kneeling, which is a Sign of Repentant Grief for one's sins. Tertullian testified: "...On the Lord's Day (i.e. Sunday) we consider it improper to Fast or to kneel; and we also enjoy this freedom from Pascha until Pentecost." ( ON THE CROWN, CH. 3) St Peter of Alexandria ( 3RD CE NTU RY CF . HI S CANON XV I N THE R UDDE R ) , and the Apostolic Constitutions ( BOOK I I , CH. 59) also declare the same thing. Subsequently, the First Ecumenical Council found it necessary to make this legally binding by a special Canon obligatory for the entire Church: "...Since there are some people who kneel in Church on Sundays and on the days of Pentecost, with a view to preserving uniformity in all Parishes, it has seemed best to the Holy Council for Prayers to be offered to God while standing." ( CA NON XX) . Pointing out this Canon, St Basil the Great explained the rationale and meaning of the practice: "We stand up when praying on the first of the week, although not all of us know the reason. For it is not only that it serves to remind us that when we have Risen from the dead together with Christ, but that we ought to seek the Things Above, in the Day of Resurrection of the Grace given us, by standing at Prayer, but that it also seems to serve in a way as a picture of the Expected Age. Wherefore, being also the starting point of days, although not the first with Moses, yet it has been called the first. For it says: The evening and the morning were the first day ( GE NE S I S 1: 5) , on the ground that it returns again and again. The eighth, therefore, is also the first, especially as respects that really first and true Eighth Day, which the Psalmist too has mentioned in some of the superscriptions of his Psalms, serving to exhibit the state which is to succeed this period of time, the Unceasing Day, the Day without a night that follows, the Day without successor, the Never-ending and Unaging Age. Of necessity, therefore, the Church teaches Her Children to fulfill their obligations to pray therein while standing up, in order by constantly reminding them of the Deathless Life to prevent them from neglecting the Provisions for the Journey thither. And every Pentecost is a reminder of the expected Resurrection in the Age to come. For that one First Day, being multiplied seven times over, constitutes the seven weeks of the Holy Pentecost. For by starting from the first day of the week, one arrives on the same day The Laws of the Church have taught us to prefer the upright posture at Prayer, thus transporting our mind, so to speak, as a result of a vivid and clear suggestions, from the present age to the things come in the future. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RVI CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) 37 Tin Timioteran ton Herouvim ke Endoxoteran asigkritos ton Seraphim, tin adiafthoros Theon Logon tekousan, tin ontos Theotokon, Se Megalinomen. > Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton eonon. Amin Kyrie eleison (3) Pater Evlogison! O on Evlogitos, Hristos O Theos imon, pantote, nin, ke ai, ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Amin Stereose, Kyrios O Theos, tin Agian ke amomiton Pistin ton Evsevon ke Orthodoxan Hristanon, Sin ti Agia aftou Ekklisia ke ti plie tafti is eonas eonon. Amin Tin Timioteran ton Herouvim, ke Endoxoteran, Asigkritos ton Seraphim, tin Adiafothoros, Theon Logon tekousan, tin ontos Theotokon, Se Megalinomen. > Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton eonon. Amin Kyrie eleison (3) Pater Evlogison! O ek ton Patrikon kolpon Kenosas eafton, ke tin imeteran olin anthropian proslavomenos fisin, ke Theosas aftin, meta de tafta is Ouranous afthis anelthon, ke en dexia kathisas tou Theou ke Patros, to te Thion ke Agion, ke Oomoousion, ke omodinamon, ke omodoxon, ke sinaidion Pnevma katapempsas epi tous Agious aftou Mathitas ke Apostolous, ke dia toutou fotisas men aftous, di afton de pasan tin Ikoumenin, Hristos O Alithinos Theos imon, tes Presvies tis panahrantou, ke R E A D E R Greater in Honour than the Cherubim, and in Glory greater beyond compare than the Seraphim, O Thou Who without corruption gave Birth to God the Word and Who art truly Theotokos: we Magnify Thee. > Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to the Ages of ages. P E O P L E Amen Lord, have mercy. (3) Father, Bless! P R I E S T Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God, always, now, and forever and to the Ages of Ages. P E O P L E Ame n P R I E S T Make firm, O Lord our God, the Holy and Pure Faith of the Pious Orthodox Christians, together with the Holy Church and this City, forever. P E O P L E Amen. > Greater in Honour than the Cherubim, and in Glory greater beyond compare than the Seraphim, Thou who without corruption gave Birth to God the Word, and who art truly Theotokos, we magnify. > Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to the Ages of ages. Amen Lord, have mercy. (3) Father, Bless! May Christ, our True God, Who Emptied Himself, leaving the Bosom of the Father to assume our mortal nature and Deify it, then Ascended into Heaven to sit at the Right Hand of our God and Father; Who sent the Holy Spirit, Co-Eternally Divine and of Equal Power and Glory, upon His Holy Disciples and Apostles, thus Illuminating them, and through them, the whole universe, through the Prayers of His All Holy and Blameless Most, the Holy, Glorious Illustrious, Divine Heralds and Spirit- 36. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RV I CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T U RGY ) Amin >Panagia Trias Eleison imas. Kyrie, ilasthiti tes amarties imon. Despota, singhorison tas anomias imin. Agie Ipiskepse, ke iase tas asthenias imon, eneken tou Onomatos Sou. Kyrie Eleison > Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Amin Amen > All Holy Trinity, have Mercy on us. Lord, Cleanse us from our sins. Master, Pardon our iniquities. Holy God, Visit and Heal our infirmities for Thy Names sake. Lord, have mercy >Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. Amen Ou r L o r d s P r a y e r T H E C O N G R E G A T I O N R E C I T E S O U R L O R D S P R A Y E R A L O U D A N D I N U N I S O N : Pater imon O en tis Ouranis, Agiasthito to Onoma Sou, eltheto i Vasilia Sou, genithito to Thelima Sou, os en Ourano ke epi tis gis. Ton Arton imon ton epiousion dos simeron. Ke afes imin ta ofilimata imon, os ke imis afiemen tis ofiletes imon. Ke mi isenengis imas is pirasmon, alla rise imas apo tou ponirou. Oti Sou Estin i Vasilia ke i Dynamis ke i Doxa > tou Patros, ke tou Iou, ke tou Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Amin P E O P L E Our Father, Who art in Heaven: Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, on earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our Daily Bread and Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And Lead us not into temptation, but Deliver us from the evil one. P R I E S T For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, > of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. P E O P L E Amen F e s t a l A p o l y t i k i o n P e n t e c o s t T O N E ( 8 ) P L A G A L 4 Evlogitos i, Hriste O Theos imon, O Pansofous tous aliis anadixas, katapampsas aftis to Pnevma to Agion, ke di afton tin ikoumenin saginefsas, Filanthrope, > Doxa Si! Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God. Thou made the Fishermen All Wise, by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit, and through them Thou drew the world into Thy Net. O Lover of mankind: > Glory to Thee (3) Di s mi s s a l Bl e s s i n g s Sofia! >O on Evlogitos, Hristos O Theos imon, Pantote, nin ke ai, ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Amin Stereose Kyrios O Theos tin Agian ke Orthodoxon Pistin ton Efsevon ke Orthodoxon Hristianon sin ti Agia tafti Ekklisia ke ti Poli tafti is eonas eonon. Amen. P R I E S T Wisdom! >Christ our God, the Eternal is Blessed, now and always, and to the ages of ages. P E O P L E Amen P R I E S T Preserve, O God, the Holy and Orthodox Faith of Pious and Orthodox Christians, together with this Church, and this city until the Ages of ages. P E O P L E Amen PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RVI CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) 5 And during each kneeling and standing up again we are in fact showing by our actions that is was through sin that we fell to Earth, and that through the Kindness of the One Who created us we have been called back to Heaven" ( CANON XCI OF S T. BAS I L THE GRE AT) . The three well-known Kneeling Prayers of Pentecost composed by this Great Holy Church Father are thus not read at Third Hour, when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles, nor at Divine Liturgy on Pentecost Sunday, but at Vespers, which is already part of the following day, after the Entrance. St Basil was determined not to break the ancient Holy Tradition of the Church. Canon XC of the Council of Trullo, held in conjunction with the Sixth Ecumenical Council, states: "...We have received it Canonical from our God-bearing Fathers not to bend the knee on Sundays when honouring the Resurrection of Christ. Since this observation may not be clear to some of us, we are making it plain to the Faithful, that after the Entrance of those in Holy Orders into the Sacrificial Altar on the evening of the Saturday in question, let none of them bend the knee until the evening of the following Sunday, when, following the Entrance after the lamps have been lit, again bending knees, we thus begin to offer our Prayers to the Lord. For, inasmuch as we have received it that the night succeeding Saturday was the precursor of our Saviours Rising, we commence our Hymns at this point in a Spiritual Manner, ending the Festival by passing out of Darkness into Light, in order that we may hence celebrate the Resurrection together for a whole day and a whole night." John Zonaras, explained the Canon: "Various Canons have made it a Law not to kneel on Sundays or during the Fifty Days of Pentecost, and Basil the Great also supplied the reasons for which this was forbidden. This Canon decrees only with regard to Sunday, clearly indicates from what Hour and until Hour to kneel, and says: On Saturday, after the Entrance of the Celebrants into the Altar at Vespers, no one may bend the knee until Vespers on Sunday itself, when, again, the Entrance of the Celebrants takes place: for we do not transgress by bending the knee and praying in such a manner from that time on. For Saturday night is considered the night of the Day of Resurrection, which, according to the words of this Canon, we must pass in the chanting of Psalms, carrying the Feast over from Darkness to Light, and in such manner celebrate the Resurrection for the entire night and day" ( BOOK OF THE CANONS WI TH I NTE RP RE TA TI ONS , P . 729) . The Church Typicon instructs how the Priest must approach and kiss the Holy Gospel after reading it during the All-Night Vigil for the Resurrection: "...Do not make Prostrations to the ground, but small bows, until the hand touches the ground. For on Sunday and Feasts of the Lord and during the entire Fifty Days between Pascha and Pentecost the knee is not bent." ( TYP I CON, CH. 2) . Nevertheless, standing at the Divine Services on Sunday and on the days between Pascha and Pentecost was the privilege of those who were in full Communion with the Church; but the so-called "Penitents" were not dispensed from kneeling even on those days. Theodore Balsamon, Patriarch of Antioch cautioned us: "Preserve the Canonical Decrees, whereever and however they should be phrased; and say not that there are contradictions among them, for the All-holy Spirit has worded them all." ( I NTE RP RE TATI ON OF CA NON XC OF THE COUNCI L OF T RUL L O) . OR T HODOX L I F E , VOL . 27 , NO. 3 ( MAY - J UNE , 1977) , P P . 47- 50. HT T P : / / OR T HODOXI NF O. COM/ P RA XI S / K NE E L I NG. A S P X 6. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RV I CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) Di vi ne Li t urgy Hymns Hy mns o f Pe nt e c o s t F e s t a l A p o l y t i k i o n Ho l y P e n t e c o s t Evlogitos i, Hriste O Theos imon, O Pansofous tous aliis anadixas, katapempsas aftis to Pnevma to Agion, ke di afton tin ikoumenin saginefsas Filanthrope, > Doxa Si! Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God. Thou made the Fishermen All Wise by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit, and through them Thou drew the world into Thy Net. O Lover of mankind: > Glory to Thee! 1 s t A n t i p h o n o f P e n t e c o s t P s a l m 1 8 T O N E 2 I Ourani diigounte Doxan Theou, piisin de Hiron Aftou anangelli to stereoma. >Tes Presvies tis Theotokou, Soter, Soson imas. Imera ti imera erevgete rima, ke nix nikti anangelli gnosin. >Tes Presvies tis Theotokou, Soter, Soson imas. Ouk isi lalie, oude logi, on ouhi akouonte e fone afton. >Tes Presvies tis Theotokou, Soter, Soson imas. Is pasan tin gin exilthen O fthongos afton, ke is ta perata tis ikoumenis ta rimata afton. >Tes Presvies tis Theotokou, Soter, Soson imas. > Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton eonon. Amin >Tes Presvies tis Theotokou, Soter, Soson imas The Heavens declare the Glory of God: the firmament proclaims the Work of His Hands. >Through the Intercessions of the Theotokos, O Saviour, Save us. Day to day utters the word: and night to night proclaims Knowledge. >Through the Intercessions of the Theotokos, O Saviour, Save us. There is no speech or language: where their voices are not heard. >Through the Intercessions of the Theotokos, O Saviour, Save us. Their sound has gone out into all the earth: and their words to the ends of the world. >Through the Intercessions of the Theotokos, O Saviour, Save us. > Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to the Ages of ages. Amen >Through the Intercessions of the Theotokos, O Saviour, Save us 2 n d A n t i p h o n Of P e n t e c o s t P s a l m 1 9 - T O N E 2 Ekouse Sou Kyrios en imera thlipseos, iperaspise Sou to Onoma tou Theou Iakov. >Soson imas, Paraklite Agathe, psalontas Si: Allilouia! The Lord hear you in the day of trouble: the Name of the God of Jacob shield you. >Good Paraclete, Save us who sing to Thee: Alleluia! PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RVI CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) 35 Mystiki kenotiti gnoseos, in tes xenes fones, ke ipsigoris kirittontes, tin aidion fisin te ke aplin, trsipostaton sevin tou evergetou ton olon Theou, imas ekdidaskousi. Dio fotisthentes tis ekinon didagmasi, patera proskinisomen, Sin Iio ke Pnevmati, disopountes Sothine tas psihas imon. > Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton eonon. Amin Renewd in them, by a Mystical Renewal of Knowledge. And preaching in those strange and exalted words, they instruct us to worship the Eternal and simple Nature in three Hypostases of God the Benefactor of all. Therefore, since we have been Illumined by their Teachings, let us worship the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and let us earnestly pray for the Salvation of our soul. > Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to the Ages of ages. Amen F e s t a l A p o s t i h a I d i o me l a T O N E ( 8 ) P L A G A L 4 Defte Lai, tin trioupostaton Theotita proskinisomen, Iion en to Patris, Sin Agio Pnevmat. Patir gar ahronos egennisen Iion, Sinaidion ke sinthronon, ke Pnevma Agion in en to Patri, Sin Iio Doxazomenon, mia Dinamis, Mia Ousia, Mia Theotis, in proskinountes pantes legomen. Agios O Theos, O ta panta dimiourgisas di Iiou, sinergia tou Agiou Pnevmatos, Agios Ishiros, di ou ton Patera egnokamen, ke to Pnevma to Agion epedimisen en kosmo, Agios Athanatos, to Parakliton Pnevma, to ek Patros ekporevomenon, ke en Iio anapavomenon, Trias Agia: > Doxa Si! Come, all you people: let us Worship the One God in three Hypostases: the Son in the Father and the Holy Spirit. The Father, outside of time, begat the Son, Co-Eternal and sharing the Throne, and the Holy Spirit was in the Father, Glorified with the Son. One Power, One Essence, One Godhead, which we all Worship and say: Holy God: Thou Created all things through the Son by the Cooperation of the Holy Spirit. Holy Mighty: through Thee we came to know the Father and the Holy Spirit came to our world. Holy Immortal, the Comforter Spirit: Thou proceeds from the Father and Rests in the Son. O Holy Trinity: > Glory to Thee! Di s mi s s a l P r a y e r o f S t S y me o n t h e Go d - Re c e i v e r Nin apoliis ton doulon Sou Despota, kata to rima Sou en Irini. Oti idon I ofthalmi mou to Sotirion Sou, O itimasas kata Prosopon panton ton laon; Fos is apokalipsin Ethnon ke Doxan Laou Sou Israil. P R I E S T Lord, let Thy servant now depart in Peace, according to Thy Word. For my eyes have seen Thy Salvation, which Thou hast prepared before the sight of all Nations; a Light to Lighten the Gentiles, and the Glory of Thy people Israel. Tr i s a g i o n P r a y e r s T H E C O N G R E G A T I O N M U S T S T A N D > Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, Agios Athanatos, eleison imas > Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. >Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us [3] >Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. 34. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RV I CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T U RGY ) Sin apekdehomeni Sotirian. Ous diafilaxon en panti kero ke kata tin parousan esperan ke tin prosiousan nikta, apo pantos ehthrou, apo pasis antikimenis energias diavolikis, ke dialogismon mateon ke enthimiseon poniron. Ii to Kratos tis Vasilias Sou Evlogimenon ke Dedoxasmenon, > tou Patros, ke tou Iiou, ke tou Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Amin Mercy and hoping for Thy Salvation, with which Thou preserve them at all times, during this present evening, and in the approaching night, from every enemy, from all adverse powers of the evil one, from vain thoughts and from wicked imaginations. Blessed and Glorified is the Power of Thy Kingdom, > of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and unto the Ages of Ages. Amen F e s t a l A p o s t i h a I d i o me l a P e n t e c o s t - T O N E 3 Nin is Symion tis pasin, emfanos e Glosse gegonasin. Ioudei gar, ex on kata sarka Hristos, apistia nosisantes, Theikis exepeson Haritos, ke tou Theou Fotos i ex Ethnon ixiothimen, stirihthentes tis Logis ton Mathiton, fthengomenon tin Doxan tou evergetou ton olon Theou. Meth on tas kardias Sin tis gonasi klinantes, en Pisti proskinisomen, to Agio Pnevmati stirihthentes, Sotiri ton psihon imon. Kardian Katharan Ktison en emi, O Theos, ke Pnevma evthes egkenison en tis egkatis mou. Nin to Parakliton Pnevma, is pasan sarka ekkehite. Apostlon gar horias arxamenon, ex afton kata methexin tis Pistis tin Harin efiplose, ke Pistoute aftou tin Kratean epifitisin, en pirino to idi tis Mathites dianemon tas Glossas, is imnodian ke Doxan Theou. Dio tas kardias noeros ellampomeni, en Pisti stirihthentes to Agio Pnevmati, disopoumen sothine tas psihas imon. Mi aporripsis me apo tou Prosopou Sou ket to Pnevma Sou to Agion mi antanelis ap emou. Nin pervallonte kratos, i Hristou af ipsous, Apostoli. Egkenizi gar aftous O Paraklitos en aftis kenizomenos, Now the Tongues have become apparent, as a Sign for all. The Jews, from whom Christ came in the Flesh, were sick with unbelief and thus they fell out of Divine Grace. We who are from the Gentiles, have been counted worthy of the Divine Light, for we were Strengthened by the Words of the Disciples, who declared the Glory of God the Benefactor of all. Let us join them, and bend our hearts along with our knees, and Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, let us in Faith Worship Him, the Saviour of our soul. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and Renew a Right Spirit within me. Now the Spirit, the Comforter, is poured out on all flesh. It started with the Host of the Apostles, and from them It spread out the Grace to Believer by participation. Its Mighty Coming is confirmed by distributing the Tongues in the form of Fire to the Disciples, to extol and Glorify God. So, now that our hearts are noetically Illumined, and we are Fortified in Faith by the Holy Spirit, let us earnest pray for the Salvation of our soul. Do not cast me away from Thy Presence nor take Thy Holy Spirit from me. Now the Apostles of Christ are clothed with Power from on High; for the Comforter Renews them and is PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RVI CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) 7 Exapostile Si voithian ex Agiou, ke ek Sion antilavito Sou. >Soson imas, Paraklite Agathe, psalontas Si: Allilouia! Mnisthii pasis thisias Sou, ke to olokavtoma Sou pianato >Soson imas, Paraklite Agathe, psalontas Si: Allilouia! May He send you Help from the sanctuary: and support you out of Zion. >Good Paraclete, Save us who sing to Thee: Alleluia! May He remember your every sacrifice: and accept your Burnt Offering. >Good Paraclete, Save us who sing to Thee: Alleluia! Th i r d A n t i p h o n P e n t e c o s t To n e ( 8 ) P l a g a l 4 Evlogitos i, Hriste O Theos imon, O Pansofous tous aliis anadixas, katapempsas aftis to Pnevma to Agion, ke di afton tin ikoumenin saginefsas Filanthrope, > Doxa Si! Kyrie, en ti Dinami Sou Evfranthisete O Vasilefs, ke epi to Sotirio Sou agalliasete sfodra. Evlogitos i, Hriste O Theos imon, O Pansofous tous aliis anadixas, katapempsas aftis to Pnevma to Agion, ke di afton tin ikoumenin saginefsas Filanthrope, > Doxa Si! Tin epithimian tis kardias aftou edokas afto ke tin Thelisin ton hileon aftou ouk esterisas afton. Evlogitos i, Hriste O Theos imon, O Pansofous tous aliis anadixas, katapempsas aftis to Pnevma to Agion, ke di afton tin ikoumenin saginefsas Filanthrope, > Doxa Si! Oti proefthasas afton en Evlogies Hristotitos, ethikas epi tin kefalin Aftou Stefanon ek lithou Timiou. Evlogitos i, Hriste O Theos imon, O Pansofous tous aliis anadixas, katapempsas aftis to Pnevma to Agion, ke di afton tin ikoumenin saginefsas Filanthrope, > Doxa Si! Zoin itisato Se, ke edokas afto makrotita imeron is eona eonos. Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God. Thou made the Fishermen All Wise by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit, and through them Thou drew the world into Thy Net. O Lover of mankind: > Glory to Thee! The King shall rejoice in Thy Power, O Lord, and Exult greatly in Thy Salvation. Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God. Thou made the Fishermen All Wise by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit, and through them Thou drew the world into Thy Net. O Lover of mankind: > Glory to Thee! Thou hast given Him His souls desire, and have not denied Him the Request of His Lips. Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God. Thou made the Fishermen All Wise by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit, and through them Thou drew the world into Thy Net. O Lover of mankind: > Glory to Thee! For Thou anticipated Him with Blessings of Goodness; Thou placed a Crown of Precious Stones on His Head. Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God. Thou made the Fishermen All Wise by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit, and through them Thou drew the world into Thy Net. O Lover of mankind: > Glory to Thee! He asked Thou for Life and Thou gave it to Him length of days unto Ages of ages. 8. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RV I CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) Evlogitos i, Hriste O Theos imon, O Pansofous tous aliis anadixas, katapempsas aftis to Pnevma to Agion, ke di afton tin ikoumenin saginefsas Filanthrope, > Doxa Si! Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God. Thou made the Fishermen All Wise by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit, and through them Thou drew the world into Thy Net. O Lover of mankind: > Glory to Thee! I s o d i k o n Of P e n t e c o s t >Ipsothiti, Kyrie, en ti Dinami Sou. Asomen ke psaloumen tas Dinastias Sou. Soson imas, Paraklite Agathe, psallontas Si Allilouia! >Be exalted, O Lord, in Thy Power: we shall sing and chant Thy Mighty Deeds. Good Paraclete, Save us who sing to Thee: Alleluia! F e s t a l Ko n t a k i o n - P e n t e c o s t T O N E ( 8 ) P L A G A L 4 F R O M P E N T E C O S T U N T I L T H E A P O D O S I S B E F O R E A L L S A I N T S S U N D A Y Ote katavas tas glossas sinehee, diemerizen ethni O Ipsisto. Ote tou Piros tas Glossas dienimen is enotita panta ekalese. Ke simfonos Doxazomen to Panagion Pnevma! When the Most High came down and confused the tongues, He parted the Nations; when He divided out the Tongues of Fire, He Called all to Unity. And with one voice we Glorify the All-Holy Spirit! Ba p t i s m Hy mn I n s t e a d o f t h e A g i o s O T h e o s . . . " >Osi is Hriston Evaptisthite, Hriston enedisasthe. Allelouia! >As many of you as were Baptised into Christ, have put on Christ: Alleluia! Th e P r o k i me n o n P s a l m 1 8 To n e ( 8 ) P l a g a l 4 Is pasan tin Gin exilthen O fthongos afton. I Ourani diigounte Doxan Theou. Their voice is gone out into all the Earth. The Heavens declare the Glory of God. Th e A c t s o f t h e A p o s t l e s 2 : 1 1 1 T H E D I S C I P L E S R E C E I V E T H E H O L Y S P I R I T F R O M T H E R I S E N C H R I S T En to symplirousthe tin imeran tis Pentikostis isan apantes i apostoli omothimadon epi to afto. Ke egeneto afno ek tou Ouranou ihos ospel feromenis pnois vieas, ke eplirosen olon ton Ikon ou isan kathimeni. Ke ofthisan aftis diamerizomeni Glosse osi Pyros, ekathise te ef ena ekaston afton. Ke eplisthisan apantes Pnevmatos Agiou, ke irxanto lalin eteres glosses kathos to Pnevma edidou aftis apothengesthe. Isan de en Ierousalim katikountes Ioudei, andres evlavis apo pantos ethnous ton ipo ton Ouranon. Genomenis de tis fonis taftis sinilthe to plithos ke sinehithi, oti ikouon is ekastos ti idia dialekto lalounton afton. When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a Sound from Heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and It filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared before them divided Tongues, as of Fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other Tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Hebrews, devout men, from every nation under Heaven. And when this Sound occurred, the multitude came together, and were confused, because everyone heard them speak PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RVI CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) 33 Ta Kala ke Simferonta tes psihes imon ke Irini to kosmo, para tou Kyriou etisometha. Parashou Kyrie >Ton ipolipon hronon tis zois imon en irini ke metania ektelese, para tou Kyriou etisometha. Parashou Kyrie >Hristiana ta teli tis zois imon, anodina, anepeshinta, Irinika ke kalin apologian tin epi tou Foverou Vimatos tou Hristou etisometha. Parashou Kyrie >Tis Panagias, Ahrantou, Iperevlogimenis, Endouxou Despinis imon Theotokou ke Aiparthenou Marias meta panton ton Agion mnimonefsantes, eaftous ke allilous ke pasan tin Zoin imon Hristo to Theo parathometha >Si Kyrie Oti Agathos ke Filanthropos Theos iparhis ke Si tin Doxan anapempomen > to Patri ke to Io ke to Agio Pnevmati, nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Amin Irini pasi! Ke meta tou pnevmatos Sou Tas kefalas imon to Kyrou klinate > Si Kyrie Kyrie, O Theos imon, O klinas Ouranous ke katavas epi Sotiria tou genous ton anthropon, epide epi tous doulous Sou ke epi tin Klironomian Sou. Si gar to Fovero ke Filanthropo Kriti I Si douli ipeklinan tas kefalas, tous de afton ipetaxan avhenas, ou tin ex anthropon anamenontes voithian, alla to Son perimenontes Eleos ke tin P R I E S T For what is Good and Profitable to our souls, and for the Peace of the world, let us ask of the Lord P E O P L E Grant this, O Lord P R I E S T >That the rest of our life may be spent in Peace and Repentance, let us ask of the Lord. P E O P L E Grant this, O Lord P R I E S T >That the end of our Life may be Christian, painless, without shame, peaceful and that we may have a good Defence before the Awesome Judgement Seat of Christ, let us ask of the Lord. P E O P L E Grant this, O Lord P R I E S T > Commemorating our All-Holy, Pure, Most Blessed and Glorious Lady, Theotokos and ever-Virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commit ourselves and one another, and our whole Life, to Christ our God. P E O P L E >To Thee, O Lord P R I E S T For Thou art a Good and Loving God, and to Thee we ascribe Glory: > to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and always, and to the ages of ages. P E O P L E Amen P R I E S T Peace be to all. P E O P L E And to your spirit P R I E S T Let us bow our heads to the Lord P E O P L E > To Thee, O Lord P R I E S T O Lord our God, Who bows the Heavens and descends for the Salvation of mankind: look upon Thy Servants and upon Thine Inheritance. For unto Thee, the Formidable and Loving Judge, have Thy Servants bowed their heads, and submissively inclined their necks, expecting not help from men, but awaiting Thy M A K E T H E S I G N O F T H E C R O S S & B O W D O W N T O G O D M A K E T H E S I G N O F T H E C R O S S & B O W D O W N L O W T O G o d 32. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RV I CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T U RGY ) Sma l l Li t a n y Eti ke eti, en Irini tou Kyriou deithomen. Kyrie Eleison Antilavou Soson, Eleison ke Diafilaxon imas O Theos, ti Si Hariti. Amin > Tis Panagias, Ahrantou, Ipere Flogimenis, Endoxou Despinis imon Theotokou ke Aiparthenou Marias meta panton ton Agion Mnimonefsantes, eaftous ke allilous ke pasan tin Zoin imon Hristo to Theo parathometha. >Si Kyrie > Si gar i i anapafsis ton psihon ke ton Somaton imon, ke Si tin Doxan anapempomen, to Patri, ke to Iio, ke to Agio Pnevmati, nin, ke ai, ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Amin P R I E S T Again, yet again, in Peace let us pray to the Lord P E OP L E Lord have mercy! P R I E S T Help us, Save us, have Mercy on us, and Preserve us, O God, by Thy Grace P E OP L E Amen P R I E S T >Commemorating our Most Holy, All Pure, Most Blessed and Glorious Lady, Theotokos and Ever Virgin Maria, with all the Saints, let us commit ourselves and one another and our whole Life to Christ our God. P E OP L E >To Thee, O Lord! P R I E S T For Thou art the Repose of our soul and body, and to Thee do we ascribe Glory: > to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the Ages of Ages. P E OP L E Amen L i t a n y o f F e r v e n t S u p p l i c a t i o n s Plirosomen tin Esperinin Deisin imon to Kyrio. Kyrie Eleison Antilavou, Soson, Eleison ke Diafilaxon imas O Theos ti Si Hariti. Amin Tin esperan Pasan Telian, Agian, Irinikin ke anamartiton, para tou Kyriou etisometha. Parashou Kyrie Angelon Irinis, Piston Odigon, filaka ton psihon ke ton somaton imon, para tou Kyriou etisometha. Parashou Kyrie Signomin ke afesin ton amartion ke ton plimelimaton imon, para tou Kyriou etisometha. Parashou Kyrie P R I E S T Let us complete our Evening Prayer to the Lord. P E O P L E Lord, have Mercy! P R I E S T Help us, Save us, have Mercy on us, and protect us, O God, by Thy Grace. P E O P L E Amen P R I E S T That the whole evening may be Perfect, Holy, Peaceful and sinless, let us ask of the Lord P E O P L E Grant this, O Lord P R I E S T For an Angel of Peace, a Faithful Guide, a Guardian of our souls and bodies, let us ask of the Lord P E O P L E Grant this, O Lord P R I E S T For forgiveness and remission of our sins and transgressions, let us ask of the Lord P E O P L E Grant this, O Lord M A K E T H E S I G N O F T H E C R O S S & B O W D O W N PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RVI CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) 9 Existanto de pantes ke ethavmazon legontes pros allilous: Ouk idou pantes outi isin i lalountes Galilei? Ke pos imis akouomen ekastos ti idia dialekto imon en i egennithimen, Parthi ke Midi ke Elamite, ke i katikountes tin Mesopotamian, Ioudean te ke Kappadokian, Ponton ke tin Asian, Frygian te ke Pamfilian, Egypton ke ta meri tis Livis tis kata Kyrinin, ke i epidimountes Romei, Iudei teke prosiliti, Krites ke Araves, akouomen lalounton afton tes imetres Glosses ta Megalia tou Theou! in his own language. They were all amazed and marvelled, saying to one another: "Look! Are not all these who speak Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each in our own language in which we were born? Parthians and Medes and Elamites, those dwelling in Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya adjoining Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Hebrews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs we hear them speaking in our own Tongues the Wonderful Works of God!" Th e Ho l y Go s p e l 7 : 3 7 5 2 & 8 : 1 2 O U R L O R D J E S U S C H R I S T P R O M I S E S T H E H O L Y S P I R I T T O H I S D I S C I P L E S Ti eshati imera ti megali tis Eortis, istiki O Iisou ke ekraxe legon: Ean tis dipsa, erhestho pros me ke pineto. O Pistevon is Eme - kathos ipen i Grafi - Potami ek tis kilias aftou refsousin Idatos Zontos. Touto de ipe peri tou Pnevmatos. Ou emellon lamvanin i Pistevontes is afton. Ou po gar in Pnevma Agion, oti Iisous oudepo Edoxasthi. Polli oun ek tou ohlou akousantes ton Logon elegon: Outos estin alithos O Profitis. Alli elegon: Outos estin O Hristos. Alli de elegon: Mi gar ek tis Galileas O Hristos erhete? Ouhi i Grafi ipen, oti ek tou spermatos David, ke apo Vithleem tis komis, opou in David, O Hristos erhete? Shisma oun en to ohlo egeneto di afton. Tines de ithelon ex afton piase Afton, all oudis epevalen ep afton tas hiras. Ilthos oun i ipirete pros tous arhieris ke Fariseous, ke ipon aftis ekini: Diati ouk igagete Afton? Apekrithisan i ipirete: Oudepote outos elalisen anthropos, os outos O On the last day, that Great Day of the Feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying: "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me - as the Scripture has said - out of his heart will flow rivers of Living Water." This He spoke concerning the Spirit, Whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet Glorified. Therefore many from the crowd, when they heard this saying, said: Truly this is the Prophet." Others said: "This is the Christ." Some said: "Will the Christ come out of Galilee? Has not the Scripture said that the Christ comes from the seed of David and from the town of Bethlehem, where David was?" Now some of them wanted to take Him, but no one laid hands upon Him. Then the officers came to the Chief Priests and Pharisees, who said to them: "Why have you not brought Him?" The officers answered: "No man ever spoke like this Man!" 10. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RV I CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T U RGY ) Anthropos! Apekrithisan oun aftis i Farisei: Mi ke imis peplanisthe? Mi tis ek ton arhonton epistefsen is afton, i ek ton Fariseon? All O ohlos outos, O mi ginoskon ton nomon epikatarati isi! Legi Nikodimos pros aftous, O elthon niktos pros afton, is on ex afton: Mi O nomos imon krini ton anthropon, ean mi akousi par aftou proteron, ke gno ti pii? Apekrithisan ke ipon afto: Mi ke Si ek tis Galileas i? Erevnison ke ide oti Profitis ek tis Galileas ouk egigerte. Palin oun aftis O Iisous elalise legon: Ego Imi to Fos tou kosmou. O akolouthon emi ou mi peripatisi en ti skotia, all exi to Fos tis Zois. The Pharisees answered them: "Are you also deceived? Have any of the Rulers of the Pharisees believed in Him? But this crowd that does not know the Law is accursed!" Nikodemos (he who came to Jesus by night, being one of them), said to them: "Does our Law judge a man before it hears him and knows what he is doing?" They answered and said to him: "Are you also from Galilee? Search and look, for no Prophet has arisen out of Galilee." Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I Am the Light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in Darkness, but have the Light of Life." Ki n o n i k o n - C o mmu n i o n Hy mn To Pnevma Sou to Agathon Odigisi me en gi evthia. Allilouia! Thy Good Spirit shall Guide me in the land of Righteousness. Alleluia! Ot he r Co mmun i o n Hymn s Soson, O Theos, ton Laon Sou ke Evlogison tin Klironomian Sou. Evlogitos i, Hriste O Theos imon, Pansofous tous aliis anadixas, katapempsas aftis to Pnevma to Agion, ke di afton tin ikoumenin saginefsas, Filanthrope, > Doxa Si! Save, O God, Thy People and Bless Thine Inheritance. Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God. Thou made the Fishermen All Wise, by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit, and through them Thou drew the world into Thy Net. O Lover of mankind: > Glory to Thee! Immedi at e l y af t e r t he Di v i ne Li t ur gy, i s t he Pe nt e cos t Ve s per s Se r vi ce The Kne e l i ng Ser v i ce THI S HOLY SERVI CE MAY EI THER BE DONE COMPLETELY OR SHORTENED. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RVI CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) 31 En ti frikti ke fovera Sou Parousia, ke tis Vasilias Sou Axious imas piison. At Thy Fearsome and Dreadful Coming open to us Thy fathomless Love of mankind, making us worthy of Thy Kingdom. A d d i t i o n a l P r a y e r s O Theos O Megas ke Ipsistos, O Monos Ehon Athanasian, Fos ikon aprositon, O pasan tin Ktisin en Sofia Dimiourgisas. O diahorisas ana meson tou Fotos, ke anameson tou skotous, ke ton ilion themenos is exousian tis imera, selinin de ke asteras is exousian tis niktos, O kataxiosas imas tous amartolous, ke epi tis Parousis imeras profthase to prosopon Sou en exolologisi, ke tin esperinin Si latrian prosagagin. Aftos, Filanthrope Kyrie, katevthinon tin prosevhin imon, os Thimiama enopion Sou. Ke prosdexe aftin is osmin evodias. Parashou de imin tin Parousan esperan, ke tin epiousan nikta Irinikin, evdison imas opla Fotos, Rise imas apo Fovou Nikterinou, ke apo pantos pragmatos en skoti diaporevomenou. Ke dorise imin ton ipnon, on is anapafsin ti asthenia imon edoriso, pasis diavolikis fantasias apillagmenon. Ne, Despotat ton apanton, ton Agathon horige, ina, ke en tes kites imon katanigomeni, mnimonevomen ke en nikti tou Panagiou Onomatos Sou. Ke ti meleti ton Son Entolon katavgazomeni, en agalliasi psihis dianistomen pros Doxologian tis Sis Agathotitos, Deisis ke Ikesias ti Si Evsplaghnia Prosagontes, iper ton Idion Amartion, ke pantos tou Laou Sou, on tes Presvies tis Agias Theotokou en Elei episkepse. Amin O Thou Most Exalted God, Who alone possesses Immortality, Who dwells in the Unapproachable Light, Who in Wisdom brings into being all Creation, Who separated the light and the darkness, setting the sun to rule the day, and the moon and stars to rule the night, Who on this Day vouchsafed us sinners as worthy through Confession to present ourselves before Thy Sight and to offer to Thee our Evening Prayers. O Philanthropic God, set our Prayers like Incense before Thee, and receive them as a sweet Fragrance. Grant that this evening and the approaching night may be Peaceful and Serene for us. Clothe us with the Armour of Light, and Deliver us from nightly fears and from everything that walks in darkness. Vouchsafe that the slumber, which Thou grants us for rest from our weakness, be also free from every diabolical fantasies. Yea, O Master, Who provides Good Things for all, grant that in our lodgings, amid the night, we may with fervour recall Thy Most Holy Name. And grant that being Enlightened by the Teachings of Thy Commandments, we will rise up in Spiritual Joy to Glorify Thy Goodness - offering for Thy Compassion Petitions and Supplications for our sins and those of all people, for which Thou, through the Intercessions of the Holy Theotokos, visits upon us with Mercy! Amen 30. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RV I CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T U RGY ) aftepangeltos voithos. Dio ke sinigages imas is tin Sin apathian. Dexe Sin, Despota, Deisis ke Ikesias imeteras, ke anapafson pantas tous Pateras ekastou, ke miteras, ke Adelphous, ke Adelphas ket tekna, ke i ti allo Omogeneske Omofilon, ke pasas tas proanapafsamenas pishas ep Elpidi Anastaseos Zois Eoniou, ke katatazon ta pnevmata afton Ke to onomata en Vivlo Zois, en kolpis Avraam, Isaak ke Iakov, en hora zonton, is Vasilian Ouranon, en Paradiso trifis, dia ton fotinon Angelon Sou isagon apantas is tas Agias Sou monas, sinegiron ke t smata imon en imera, i Orisas, kata tas Agias Sou ke apsevdis epangelias. Ouk estin oun, Kyrie, tis doulis Sou Thanatos, ekdimounton imon apo tou somatos, ke pros Se ton Theon endimounton, alla metastasis apo ton lipiroteron epi ta hristotera ke Thimidestera, ke Anapafsis ke Hara. I de ke ti imartomen is Se, ileos genou imin te ke aftis, dioti oudis katharos apo ripou enopion Sou, oud an mia imera i i Zoi Aftou, imi monos Si, O epi gis fanis anamartitos, O Kyrios imon Iisous Hristos, di ou pantes elpizomen eleous tihin, ke afeseos amartion. Dia touto imin te ke aftis, os Agathos ke Filanthropos Theos, anes, afes, sghorison ta paraptomata imon, ta ekousia ke ta akousia, ta en gnosi ke en Agnia, ta prodila, ta lanthnonta, ta en praxi, en ta diania, ta en logo, ta en pases imon tes anastrofes, ke tis kinimasi, ke tis men prolavousin eleftherian ke anesin dorise. Imas de tous periestotas Evlogison, telos Agathon ke Irinikon parehomenos imin te, ke panti to Lao Sou, ke Eleos Splaghna ke Filanthropias dianigon imin. those who are tempted, Elevating us to Thy Dispassion. Wherefore, O Master, accept our Prayers and Supplications, and grant Repose to our Fathers, Mothers, Brothers, Sisters, Children, Blood Relatives, and Kinsfolk, and all those who have gone to their final rest with the Hope of Resurrection and Life Everlasting. Inscribe their names in the Book of Life; in the Bosoms of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; in the Land of the Living, the Kingdom of Heaven, in the Paradise of Delight - leading all into Thy Holy Dwelling Places by Thy Radiant Angels - and raise their bodies on the Day that Thou hast Appointed - according to Thine unfailing Holy Promises. For there is no Death, O Lord, to Thy departing servants who cast off their bodies and come to Thee, O God, but a transition from sorrowful things to pleasant and benign, to Repose and Joy. And if they have sinned (in any respect) against Thee, forgive them, and be Thou Compassionate to them and us; for there is none without stain before Thee, even though our life be but a day - save Thou alone, Jesus Christ our God, Who appeared on earth without sin, and because of Thee we all trust in attaining Thy Mercy and the Remission of sins. Therefore, O God, through Thy Grace and Love of mankind, weaken, remit and forgive our sins and theirs; overlook both our voluntary and involuntary offences, which we have committed either wilfully or through ignorance, openly or in secret whether by word, deed, or thought and all our wrathful dealings which we have committed during our lifetime. As for those who have preceded us, grant them Emancipation and Repose. To those of us who are here, Bless us, and grant us and all Thy People a Blessed and Peaceful End to this life. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RVI CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) 11 Pent ecos t Ves pers Kneel i ng Ser vi ce P r a y e r s To Th e Ho l y Tr i n i t y T H E C O N G R E G A T I O N M U S T S T A N D > Evlogimeni O Theos imon, pantote, nin ke ai, ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Amin P R I E S T >Blessed is our God, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. P E O P L E Amen M A K E T H E S I G N O F T H E C R O S S A N D B O W D O W N E A C H T I M E T O O U R L O R D G O D A S F O L L O W S >Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen to Vasili imon Theo. >Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen Hristo to Vasili imon Theo. >Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen Afto, Hristo to Vasili ke Theo imon. >Ocome let us worship and bow down to our King and God. >Ocome let us worship and bow down to Christ, our King and God. >Ocome let us worship and bow down before Christ Himself, our King and our God. Th e S u n s e t P s a l m - P s a l m 1 0 3 / 1 0 4 A P S A L M O F C R E A T I O N Evlogi, I psihi mou, ton Kyrion. Kyrie O Theos mou, emegalinthis sfodra. Exomologisin ke megloprepian enediso, anavallomenos fos os imartion. Ektinon ton Ouranon osi derrin, O stegazon en idasi ta iperoa aftou. To tithis nefi tin epivasin aftou, O peripaton epi pterigon anemon. Opion tou Angelous aftou pnevmata, ke tous litourgous aftou piros floga. O themelion tin gin ep tin asfalian aftis, ou klithisete is ton eona tou eonos. Avissos os imation to perivoleon aftou, epi ton oreon stisonte idata. Apos epitimiseos sou fevxonte, apo fonis vrontis sou diliasousin. Anavenousin ori ke katavenousi pedia, is ton topon, on ethemeliosas afta. Orion ethou, O ou parelevsonte, oude epistrepsousi kalipse tin gin. O exapostellon pigas en faragxin, ana meson ton oreon dilevsonte idata. Bless the Lord, O my soul: O Lord my God, Thou art exceedingly great. Thou hast put on praise and beauty: and art clothed with Light as with a Garment - Who stretches out the Heaven like a pavilion; Who covers the higher rooms thereof with water; Who makes the clouds Thy Chariot; Who walks upon the wings of the winds; Who makes Thy Angels spirits;: and Thy Ministers a Burning Fire; Who has founded the earth upon its own bases - it shall not be moved forever and ever. The deep like a garment is its clothing - above the mountains shall the waters stand. At Thy Rebuke they shall flee - at the Voice of Thy thunder they shall fear. The mountains ascend, and the plains descend into the place, which Thou hast founded for them. Thou hast set a boundary which they shall not pass over; neither shall they return to cover the earth. Thou send forth springs in the vales - between the midst of the hills the waters shall pass. 12. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RV I CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T U RGY ) Potiousi panta ta thiria tou agrou, prosdexonte onagri is dipsan afton. Ep afta ta petina tou Ouranou kataskinosi - ek mesou ton petron dosousi fonin. Potizon ori ek ton iperoon aftou. Apo karpou ton ergon sou hortasthisete i gi. O exantellon horton tis ktinesi, ke hloin ti doulia ton anthropon. Tou exagagin arton ek tis gis. Ke inos evfreni kardian anthropou. Tou ilarine prosopon en eleo. Ke artos kardian anthropou stirizi. Hortasthisonte ta xila tou mediou, e kedri tou Livavou, as efitevsas. Eki strouthia annosevsousi, tou erodiou I katikia igite afton. Ori ta ipsila tes elafis - petra katafigi tis lagois. Epiise selinin is herous. Oilios egno tin disin aftou. Ethou skotos ke egeneto nix - en afti dilefsonte panta ta thiria tou drimou. Skimni oriomeni tou arpase, ke zitise para to Theo vrosin aftis. Anetilen O ilios ke sinihthisan, ke is tas mandras afton kitasthisonte. Exelfsete anthropos epi to ergon aftou, ke epi tin ergasian aftou eos esperas. Os emegalinthi ta Erga Sou, Kyrie! Panta en Sofia epiisas - Eplrothi I gi tis ktiseos sou. Afti I thalassa I megali ke evrihoros. Eki erpeta, on ouk estin arithmos, Zoa mikra meta megalon. Eki plia diaporevonte. Drakon outos, on eplasas empezin aftin. All the beasts of the field shall drink - the wild asses shall expect in their thirst. Over them the birds of the air shall dwell - from the midst of the rocks they shall give forth their voices. Thou waters the hills from Thine Upper Rooms - the earth shall be filled with the Fruit of Thy Works - bringing forth grass for cattle, and herb for the service of mankind. That Thou may bring bread out of the earth, and that wine may cheer the heart of mankind. That he may make the face cheerful with oil - and that bread may strengthen mans heart. The trees of the field shall be filled, and the Cedars of Lebanon, which He hath planted - there the Sparrows shall make their nests - the highest of them is the house of the Heron. The high hills are a refuge for the harts - the rock for the hares. He hath made the moon for seasons. The sun knows its going down. Thou hast appointed darkness, and it is night - in it shall all the beasts of the woods go about - The young lions roaring after their pray, and seeking their meat from God. The sun rises, and they are gathered together: and they shall lie down in their dens. Man shall go forth to his work, and to his labour until the evening. How great art Thy Works, O Lord! Thou hast made all things in Wisdom - the earth is filled with Thy Riches. So is this great sea, which stretches wide its arms - there are creeping things without number - creatures small and great. There the ships shall go - the sea dragon which Thou hast formed - to play therein. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RVI CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) 29 Thisias prosagomen Si iper ton psihon afton. and Sacrifices for their souls' sake. A d d i t i o n a l P r a y e r O Theos O Megas ke Eonios, O Agios ke Filanthropos, O kataxiosas imas ke en tafti ti ora stine enopion tis aprositou Sou Doxis, is imnon ke enon ton Thavmasion Sou, ilasthiti imin tis anaxiis doulis Sou, ke parashou Harin, tou meta sintetrimmenis kardias ameteoristos prosenegkin Si tin Trisagion Doxologian, ke tin evharistian ton Megalon Sou Doreon, on epiisas ke piis pantote is imas. Mnisthiti, Kyrie, tis asthenias imon, ke mi sinaplesis imas tes anomies imon, alla piison Mega Eleos meta tis tapinoseos imon, ina to tis amartias skotos diafigontes, en imera dikeosinis peripatisomen, ke endisameni ta opla tou Fotos, anepivouleftos diatelesomen apo pasis epirias tou panirou, ke meta parrisia doxasomen epi pasi, se ton monon alithinon ke Filanthropon Theon. Son gar os Alithos, ke mega ontos Mystirion, Despota ton apanton ke piita, i te proskeros lisis ton Sin ktismaton, ke i meta tafta sinafia, ke anapafsis i is eonas. Si Harin epi pasin Omologoumen, epi tes Isodis imon tes is ton kosmon touton, ke tes Exodis, e tas Elpidas imon tis Anastaseos, ke tis Akiratou Zois, dia tis Sis apsevdous epangelias promnistevonte, is apolafsemen en ti defter mellousi Parousia Sou. Si gar i ke tis Anastaseos imon arhigos, ke ton veviomenon adekastos, ke Filanthropos Kritis, ke tis Misthapodosias Despotis ke Kyrios O ke kinonisas imin paraplisios sarkos ke ematos, dia sigkatavasin akran, ke ton imeteron adiavliton pathon, en to ekousios is piran katastine, proslavomenos splagna iktirmon, ke en O peponthas pirasthis aftos, tis perazomenis imin genomenos O Great Eternal God, Holy and Loving toward mankind, Who makes us worthy to stand at this Hour before Thine Unapproachable Glory, praising and Glorifying Thy Wonders: forgive us, unworthy sinners, and grant us Grace that from a humble and contrite heart we may offer Thee the Thrice-Holy Glorification and Gratitude for Thy Great Gifts which Thou granted - and still steadfastly grants to us. Remember, O Lord, our weakness and destroy us not in our iniquities; but in accordance with our Humility show us Thy Great Mercy, that being delivered from the darkness of sin, we may walk in the Day of Truth, equipped with the Armour of Light, and freed from all the evil attacks of the wicked one -Glorifying Thee in all things, O Only True God and Lover of mankind. For in Truth, O Master and Creator of all, Thine is the Great and Original Mystery - the temporary death of Thy Creatures, and their Restoration thereafter unto Eternal Repose. In all things we acknowledge Thy Favour, at our Entrance into this world and at our Departure, O Thou Who by Thy unfailing Promises offers us the Hope of Everlasting Life, Resurrection, and Incorruptible Life, which shall be ours to enjoy at Thy Second Coming. For Thou, O Lord Christ, art the Fountain of our Resurrection, the Mankind-Loving and Incorruptible Judge of the deceased and those worthy of Reward. Thou hast assumed, with Utmost Condescension, our flesh and blood, and through Thine undying Love for us, did not dismiss Thy Suffering - willingly submitting to torture - so that, having been tempted, Thou, as Promised, became the Helper to 28. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RV I CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T U RGY ) anthropinis dimiourge, sinistamenis te ke palin liomenis, Zois te ke teleftis, tis entavtha diagogis, ke tis ekithen metastaseos, O hronous metron tis Zosi, ke kerou Thanatou iston, katagon is Edou ke anagon, desmevon en asthenia, ke apolion en dinastia, O ta paronta hrisimos ikonomon, ke ta mellonta lisitelos diikon, O tous Thanatou kentro pligentas, anastaseos elpisi Zoogonon. Aftos Despota ton apanton, O Theos, O Sotir imon, i Elpis panton ton peraton tis gis, ke ton en Thalassi makran, O ke ne tafti ti eshati, ke megali ke Sotirio imera tis Pentikostis, to Mystirion tis Agias, ke Omoousio, ke sinaidiou, ke Adieretou, ke asighitou Triados ipodixas imin, ke tin epifitisin ke Parousian tou Agiou ke Zoopiou Sou Pnevmatos, en idi pirinon Glosson, epi tous Agious Sou Apostlous ekheas, ke Evangelistas aftous themenos tis evsevous imon Pisteos, ke Omologitas ke kirikas tis alithou anadexas Theologias, O ke en afti ti pantelio Eorti ke Sotiriodi, ilasmous ikesious, iper ton katehomenon en Edi, kataxiosas dehesthe, magalas te parehon imin elpidas, anesin tis katihomenis ton katehonton aftou aniaron, ke parapsihin para Sou katapemposthe. Epakouson imon ton tapinon, iktiron deomenon Sou, ke anapafson tas psihas ton doulon Sou ton prokekimimenon, en topo fotino, en topo hloero, en topo anapsixeos, Entha apedra pasa odini, lipi, ke stenagmos, kin nekri enesousie katataxon ta pnevmata afton en skines Dikeon, ke Irinis ke aneseos axioson aftous, oti ouh i nekri enesousi Se, Kyrie, oude i en Edi exomologisin parrisiazonte prosferin Si, all imis i zontes Evlogoumen Se ke iketevomen, ke tas ilastrious evhas ke the dead - and of all nature - animate and inanimate - Who appeared and resided here on earth and again departed into the other world - Who sets the years for the living and appoints the time for the dead, Who brings down to Hades and raises to Bliss; Who binds with weakness and looses with Power; Who arranges the present as is meet and Who directs the future towards usefulness, Who consoles with the Hope of Resurrection those who feel the sting of Death - for Thou art the Master of all - our God and our Saviour - O Hope of all the boundaries of the earth and of those who are away on the seas; O Thou Who on this Last and Great Day of Salvation - the Day of the Feast of Pentecost - hast revealed to us the Mystery of the Holy Trinity, Consubstantial and Co-Eternal, Indivisible and Immiscible, Who sent down the Holy and Life-Giving Spirit in the form of Tongues of Fire on His Holy Apostles, revealing them as Proclaimers of our God-fearing Faith, making of them True Confessors and Preachers of the Word of God, Who makes us worthy, so that our propitiatory Prayers of this All-Perfect Day of Salvation be acceptable for those who are imprisoned in Hades, and Who grants those imprisoned therein a Great Hope in receiving from Thee Consolation and Relief of their confining grief. Hear us - disconsolate and wretched - who beseech Thee, and grant Rest to the souls who have formerly departed, and let them repose in a Resplendent Place - a Place of Verdure and Coolness - where there are no ills nor sorrow nor sighs. Array their souls in the Tabernacles of the Righteous, and make them worthy of Peace and Repose; for it is not the dead who praise Thee, O Lord, nor do those who are in Hades venture to offer Thee Confession, but we - the living - Bless Thee and Supplicate Thee, O Lord, and offer unto Thee Prayers of Purification PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RVI CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) 13 Panta pros se prosdokosi doune tin trofin afton is evkeron. Donttos Sou aftis, sillexousin Anixantos Sou tin Hira, ta simpanta plisthisonte hristotitos. Apostrepsantos de Sou to Prosopon, tarahthisonte. Antanelis to pnevma afton ke eklipsousi, ke is ton houn afton epistrepsousin. Exapostelis to Pnevma Sou ke kitisthisonte, ke anakeniis to prosopon tis gis. Ito I doxa Kyriou is tous eona. Evfranthisete Kyrios epi tis Ergis Aftou. O epivlepon epi tin gin ke pion aftin tremin. Oaptomenos ton oreon ke kapnizonte. Aso to Kyrio en ti Zoi mou; psalo to Theo mou eos iparho. Idinthii afto I dialogimou - ego de evfranthisome epi to Kyrio. Eklipien amartolis apo tis gis - ke anomi - oste mi iparhin aftous. Evlogi, I psihi mou, ton Kyrion. O ilios egno tin disin aftou. Ethou skotos ke egeneto nix... Os emegalinthi ta Erga Sou, Kyrie! Panta en Sofia epiisas... > Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton eonon. Amin Allilouia! Allilouia! Allilouia! > Doxa Si, O Theos! (3) I Elpis imon, Kyrie: > Doxa Si! All expect of Thee that Thou grant them food in season. What Thou give to them they shall gather up: When Thou open Thy Hand, all things shall be filled with Thy Goodness. But when Thou turn away Thy Face, they shall be troubled. When Thou take away their breath, they shall perish and return again to the earth. Thou shalt send forth Thy Spirit, and they shall be created, and Thou shall renew the face of the earth. May the Glory of the Lord endure forever! The Lord shall rejoice in His Works. He looks upon the earth, and makes it tremble. He touches the mountains and they smoke. I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing to my God as long as I exist! May my words be pleasing to Him - I shall be glad in the Lord. May sinners cease from the earth - and the lawless - so as to be no more. Bless the Lord, O my soul! The sun knows its going down. Thou hast appointed darkness, and it is night... How great art Thy Works, O Lord! Thou hast made all things in Wisdom... > Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to the Ages of ages. Amen P E O P L E Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! > Glory to Thee O God! (3) Our Hope, O Lord:> Glory to Thee! 14. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RV I CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T U RGY ) Th e L i t a n y o f P e a c e En Irini tou Kyriou deithomen. Kyrie Eleison Iper tis Anothen Irinis ke tis Sotirias ton psihon imon, tou Kyriou deithomen Kyrie Eleison Iper tis Irinis tou simpantos Kosmou, efstatias ton Agion tou Theou Ekklision ke tis ton panton enoseaos tou Kyriou deithomen. Kyrie Eleison Iper tou Agiou Ikou toutou ke ton meta Pisteos, Evlavias ke Fovou Theou isionton en afto, tou Kyriou deithomen. Kyrie Eleison Iper tou Papa ke Patriarhou imon T H E O D O R O U ke tou Arhiepiskopou imon (N A M E ), tou Timiou Presviteriou, tis en Hristo Diakonias, pantos tou Klirou ke tou laou tou Kyriou deithomen. Kyrie Eleison Iper tis poleos taftis, pasis poleos, horas, ke ton Pisti ikounton en aftes tou Kyriou deithomen. Kyrie Eleison Iper efkrasias aeron, eforias ton karpon tis gis ke keron irinikon tou Kyriou deithomen. Kyrie Eleison Iper pleonton, odiporounton, nosounton, kamnonton, ehmalonton ke tis Sotirias afton tou Kyriou deithomen. Kyrie Eleison Iper tou risthine imas apo pasis thlipseos, orgis, kindinou ke anangis, tou Kyriou deithomen. Kyrie Eleison Antilavou, Soson, Eleison ke Diafilaxon imas O Theos ti Si Hariti. P R I E S T In Peace let us pray to the Lord P E O P L E Lord have mercy P R I E S T For the Peace from Above, and the Salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord P E O P L E Lord have mercy P R I E S T For the Peace of the whole world, the stability of the Holy Churches of God, and for the Union of all, let us pray to the Lord P E O P L E Lord have mercy P R I E S T For this Holy House, and for those who enter it with Faith, Reverence and the Fear of God, let us pray to the Lord. P E O P L E Lord have mercy P R I E S T For our Pope and Patriarch (T H E O D O R O S ) and our Archbishop (N A M E ), for the Honourable Presbytery, the Diaconate in Christ, for all the Clergy and the people, let us pray to the Lord P E O P L E Lord have mercy P R I E S T For this city, for every city and land, and for the Faithful who dwell in them, let us pray to the Lord P E O P L E Lord have mercy P R I E S T For temperate weather, for abundance in the earths yield and for peaceful times, let us pray to the Lord. P E O P L E Lord have mercy P R I E S T For travellers by sea, land, and air; for the sick and the afflicted; for captives; and for their Salvation, let us pray to the Lord. P E O P L E Lord have mercy P R I E S T For our Deliverance from all tribulation, wrath, danger and necessity, let us pray to the Lord. P E O P L E Lord have mercy P R I E S T Help us, Save us, have Mercy on us, and Preserve us, O God, by Thy Grace. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RVI CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) 27 Th i r d P e n t a c o s t P r a y e r T H E P R I E S T & T H E C O N G R E G A T I O N K N E E L Eti ke eti klinantes ta gonata, tou Kyriou deithomen. Kyrie eleison. I aenaos Vriousa Zotiki ke Fotistiki Pigi, i synaidios tou Patros dimiourgiki Dinamis, O pasan tin ikonomian, dia tin ton vroton Sotirian, iperkallos plirosas, Hriste, O Theos imon. O Thanatou desmous alitou, ke klithra Edou diarrias, moniron de pnevmaton plithi katapatisas, O prosagagon seafton amomon iper imon ierion, to soma dous to ahranton is Thisian, to pasis amartias apsafston te ke avaton, ke dia tis friktis taftis, ke anekdiigitou ierourgias, Zoin imin Eonion Harisamenos. O is Edou katavas, ke mhlous Eonious sintripsas, ke tis kato kathimenis anodox ipodixas, ton de arhekakon ke vithian drakonta, Theosofo deleasmati agkistrefsas, ke sires Zofou desmefsas en tartaro, ke Piri asvesto, ke Skoto Exotero, dia tis apirodinamou Sou katasfalisamenos ishios. I Megalonimos Sofia tou Patros, O tis epireazomenis Megas epikouros fanis, ke Fotisas tous en skoti, ke skia Thanatou Kathimenous - Si, Doxis aenaou Kyrie, ke Patros Ipsistou Iie Agapite, aidion Fos, ex aidiou Fotos, Ilie Dikeosinis! Epakouson imon deomenon Sou, ke anapafson tas psihas ton doulon Sou, ton prokekiminenon Pateron ke Adelphon imon, ke ton lipon singenon kata sarka, ke panton ton ikion tis Pisteos, peri on ke tin mnimin pioumetha nin, oti en Si panton to kratos, ke en ti hiri Sou katehis panta ta perata tis gis. Despota Pantokrator, Thee Pateron, ke Kyrie tou Eleous, genous Thnitou te ke Athanatou, ke pasis fiseos P R I E S T : Again, on bended knees, let us pray to the Lord. P E OP L E : Lord have Mercy P R I E S T : O Christ our God, the Ever- flowing Spring, Life-Giving, Illuminating, Creative Power, Co- Eternal with the Father, Who Divinely Achieved the Deed of Saving mankind, and Who tore apart the indestructible bonds of Death, Who broke asunder the bolts of Hades, and trod down the multitude of evil spirits, offering Thyself as a Blameless Sacrifice and offering us Thy Pure, Spotless and Sinless Body: Who, by this Fearsome, Inscrutable Divine Service grants us Life Everlasting. O Thou Who descended into Hades, and demolished the Eternal Bars, revealing an Ascent to those who were in the Lower Abode; Who with the Lure of Divine Wisdom enticed the dragon - the head of subtle evil - and with Thy boundless Power bound him in Abysmal Hell, in Inextinguishable Fire, and Extreme Darkness. O Great Wisdom of the despairing! Overcomer of misfortunes - eminent Helper, Who came and lit the Way for those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of Death; Thou art the Lord of Everlasting Glory, the Beloved Son of the Most High Father, Eternal Light of Eternal Light, Thou Sun of Truth! Hear us who beseech Thee, and lay to rest the souls of Thy Servants - of those who have died heretofore, and those of our Fathers and Brothers and other kinsmen in flesh and all others through Faith - for whom we now celebrate this Memorial; for Thou hast Power over all, and in Thy Hands all the boundaries of the earth are held. O Almighty Master, God of our Fathers, Lord of Mercy and Creator of all the nations of mankind - the living and 26. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RV I CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T U RGY ) Amin > Tis Panagias, Ahrantou, Ipere Flogimenis, Endoxou Despinis imon Theotokou ke Aiparthenou Marias meta panton ton Agion Mnimonefsantes, eaftous ke allilous ke pasan tin Zoin imon Hristo to Theo parathometha. >Si Kyrie > Evdokia ke Hariti ti Monogenous Sou Iiou, meth ou Evlogitos i, Sin to Panagio ke Agatho ke Zoopio Sou Pnevmati, nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Amin Grace P E OP L E Amen P R I E S T >Commemorating our Most Holy, All Pure, Most Blessed and Glorious Lady, Theotokos and Ever Virgin Maria, with all the Saints, let us commit ourselves and one another and our whole Life to Christ our God. P E OP L E >To Thee, O Lord! P R I E S T By the Favour and Grace of Thine Only Begotten Son, with Whom Thou art Blessed, together with Thine All Holy, Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever, and to the Ages of ages. P E OP L E Amen Th e E v e n i n g P r a y e r s >Kataxioson, Kyrie, en ti espera tafti anamartitous filahthine imas. >Evlogitos i, Kyrie, O Theos ton Pateron imon, ke eneton ke dedoxasmenon to Onoma Sou is tous eonas. Amen. >Genito, Kyrie, to Eleos Sou ef imas, kathaper Ilpisamen epi Se. >Evlogitos i, Kyrie - didaxon me ta Dikeomata Sou. >Evlogitos i, Despota, sinetison me ta Dikeomata Sou. >Evlogitos i, Agie, Fotison me tis Dikeomasi Sou. Kyrie, to Eleos Sou is ton eona. Ta Erga ton Hiron Sou mi paridis. Si prepi enos, Si prepi imnos, Si Doxa prepi, > to Patri ke to Iio ke to Agio Pnevmati, nin ke ai is tous eonas ton eonon Amin. >Vouchsafe, O Lord, to keep us this evening without sin. >Blessed art Thou, O Lord, God of our Fathers, and Praised and Glorified be Thy Name forever. Amen. >Let Thy Mercy come upon us, O Lord, even as we have set our hope on Thee. >Blessed art Thou O Lord - teach me Thy Commandments >Blessed are Thou, O Master grant me Understanding of Thy Commandments >Blessed art Thou, O Holy One - Enlighten me with Thy Commandments. Thy Mercy, O Lord, is forever - Do not forget the Works of Thy Hands. To Thee belongs praise; to Thee is due song; to Thee is due Glory - > to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen M A K E T H E S I G N O F T H E C R O S S & B O W D O W N PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RVI CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) 15 Amin >Tis Panagias, Ahrantou, Iperevlogimenis, Endoxou Despinis imon Theotokou ke Aiparthenou Marias meta panton ton Agion mnimonefsantes, eaftous ke allilous ke pasan tin zion imon Hristo to Theo parathometha. > Si Kyrie Oti prepi Si pasa Doxa, Timi ke Proskinisis > to Patri ke to Io ke to Agio Pnevmati nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Amin P E O P L E Amen P R I E S T >Commemorating our All-Holy, Pure, Most Blessed and Glorious Lady, the Mother of God and ever- Virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commit ourselves and one another, and all our whole Life to Christ, our God. P E O P L E > To Thee, O Lord P R I E S T For to Thee is due all Glory, Honour and Worship: > to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to the Ages of ages. P E O P L E Amen P r a y e r s o f t h e E v e n i n g I n c e n s e T H E C O N G R E G A T I O N M U S T S T A N D U P P s a l m 1 4 0 / 1 4 1 T O N E 2 Kyrie ekekraxa pros Se, isakouson mou. Isakouson mou, Kyrie. Kyrie, ekekraxa pros Se, isakouson mou, proshes ti foni tis deiseos mou, en to kekragene me pros Se, isakouson mou Kyrie. Katevthinthito i prosevhi mou os thimiama enopion Sou. Eparsis ton hiron mou Thisia Esperini. Isakouson mou Kyrie! Lord, I cry out to Thee: hear me, O Lord! O Lord, when I cry out to Thee, hear me! Hear my voice, when I cry out to Thee! Hear me, O Lord! Let my Prayer rise before Thee like incense - the lifting up of my hands as the Evening Sacrifice. Hear me, O Lord! P r a y e r o f t h e E n t r a n c e T H E P R I E S T C E N S E S A S B E F O R E W H I L E P R A Y I N G : At evening, at morning and at midday we Praise, Bless and give thanks, and we pray to Thee, O Master of all things, O Lord Who Loves mankind: Direct our Prayer before Thee like incense, and do not incline our hearts to words or thoughts of evil, but Deliver us from all who hunt down our souls. For our eyes look to Thee, O Lord, our Lord, and we have hoped in Thee. >For to Thee belong all Glory, Honour and Worship: to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the Ages of Ages. Amen P r o s o mi a - P e n t e c o s t T O N E 4 Ean anomias paratirisis, Kyrie, Kyrie, tis ipostisete? Oti para Si O ilasmos estin. Paradoxa simeron idon ta Ethni panta en poli David, ote to Pnevma katilthe to Agion en Pyrines glosses, kathos O Theigoros Loukas apefthegxato. Fisi If Thou, O Lord, should mark transgression, O Lord, who would stand? For there is Forgiveness with Thee. Today, all the Nations in the City of David saw paradoxical things, when the Holy Spirit descended in fiery tongues, according to the utterance M A K E T H E S I G N O F T H E C R O S S & B O W D O W N T O G O D 16. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RV I CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T U RGY ) gar. Sinigmenon ton Mathiton tou Hristou, egeneto ihos kathaper feromenis vieas pnois, ke aplirose ton ikon, ou isan kathimeni, ke pantes irxanto fthengesthe, xenis rimasi, xenis dogmasi, xenis didgmasi, tis Agias Triados. Eneken tou Onomatos Sou ipemina Se, Kyrie; Ipeminen i psihi mou is ton Logon Sou, ilpisen i psihi mou epi ton Kyrion. Paradoxa simeron idon ta Ethni panta en poli David, ote to Pnevma katilthe to Agion en Pyrines glosses, kathos O Theigoros Loukas apefthegxato. Fisi gar. Sinigmenon ton Mathiton tou Hristou, egeneto ihos kathaper feromenis vieas pnois, ke aplirose ton ikon, ou isan kathimeni, ke pantes irxanto fthengesthe, xenis rimasi, xenis dogmasi, xenis didgmasi, tis Agias Triados. Apo Filaktis proias mehri niktos, apo filakis proias, elpisato Israil epi ton Kyrion. To Pnevma to Agion, in menai, ke esti ke este, oute arxamenon, oute pafsomenon, all ai Patri ke Iio sintetagmenon, ke sinarithmoumenon? Zoi, ke Zoopioun, Fos, ke Fotos Horigon; aftagathon, ke Pigi Agathotitos. Di ou Patir gnorizete, ke Iios Doxazete, ke para panton ginoskete, mia dinamis, mia sintaxis, mia proskinisis, tis Agias Triados. Oti para to Kyrio to Eleos ke polli par afto Litrosis. Ke aftos Litrosete ton Israil ek pason ton anomion aftou. To Pnevma to Agion, in menai, ke esti ke este, oute arxamenon, oute pafsomenon, all ai Patri ke Iio sintetagmenon, ke sinarithmoumenon? Zoi, ke Zoopioun, Fos, ke Fotos Horigon; aftagathon, ke Pigi Agathotitos. Di ou Patir gnorizete, ke Iios Doxazete, ke para panton ginoskete, mia of Luke the Theologian. For he said: ... when the Disciples of Christ were gathered together, a Sound came like the rush of a Mighty Wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And they all began to speak with strange words, strange Dogmas, strange Teachings of the Holy Trinity. Because of Thy Law, O Lord, I waited for Thee; my soul waited for Thy Word. My soul Hopes in the Lord. Today, all the Nations in the City of David saw paradoxical things, when the Holy Spirit descended in fiery tongues, according to the utterance of Luke the Theologian. For he said: ... when the Disciples of Christ were gathered together, a Sound came like the rush of a Mighty Wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And they all began to speak with strange words, strange Dogmas, strange Teachings of the Holy Trinity. From the morning watch until night; from the morning watch until night let Israel Hope in the Lord. The Holy Spirit forever was, and is and will be, never beginning, never ending, but forever ranked and numbered with the Father and the Son. It is Life and Life-giving Light, and Giver of Light; Goodness Itself, and the Source of Goodness; through Whom the Father is known and the Son is Glorified, and by all is known the One Power, One Order, One Worship of the Holy Trinity. For with the Lord there is Mercy, and with Him is Abundant Redemption; and He will Redeem Israel from all his transgressions. The Holy Spirit forever was, and is and will be, never beginning, never ending, but forever ranked and numbered with the Father and the Son. It is Life and Life-giving Light, and Giver of Light; Goodness Itself, and the Source of Goodness; through Whom the Father is known and the Son is Glorified, and by all is PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RVI CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) 25 Skepason aftous en ti Skepi ton pterigon Sou, mi paridis ta Erga ton Hron Sou. Si mono Amartanomen, alla ke Si mono latevomen, ouk idamen proskinin theo allotrio, oude dapetazin pros eternon theon tas eafton, Despota, hiras. Afes imin ta paraptomata, ke prosdehomenos imon tas gonipetis Deisis, ektinon pasin imin Hira Voithias, prosdexe tin evhin panton, os Thimiama dekton, analamvanomenon Enopion tis Sis Iperagathou Vasilias. Cover us with the Shelter of Thy Wings and turn not away from the Work of Thy Hands. Against Thee only do we sin, yet Thee only do we serve. We know not how to bow to a strange god, nor how to reach out to a different god. Pardon our iniquities, O Master, and - accepting our Requests on bended knee - extend to us all a helping Hand, and accept the Prayers of all as fragrant Incense acceptable to Thy Most Righteous Kingdom. A d d i t i o n a l P r a y e r s Kyrie, Kyrie! O Risamenos imas apo pantos velous petomenou imeras, Rise imas ke apo pantos pragmatos en skoti diaporevomenou. Prosdexe Thisian Esperinin, tas ton hiron imon eparsis. Kataxioson de imas ke nikterinon stadion amemptos dielthin. Apirastous akon, ke Litrose imas apo pasis tarahis ke dilias, tis ek tou Diavolou imin prosginomenis. Harise tes psihes imon katanixin, ke tis logismis imon merimnan, tis en ti fovera ke Dikea Sou Krisi etaseos. Kathiloson ek tou Fovou Sou tas sarkas imon, ke nekroson ta meli imon ta epi tis gis, ina, ke en ti kath ipnon isihia, amfedrinometha ti Theoria ton Krimaton Sou. Apostison de af imon pasan fantasian aprepi, ke epithimian vlaveran. Dianastison de imas en to kero tis prosevhis estirigmenous en ti Pisti, ke prokoptontas en tis Parangelmasi Sou. O Lord, Lord! Thou Who hast Delivered us from every arrow (obstacle) that comes by day: Save us from everything that walks in darkness, and accept the lifting up of our hands as an Evening Offering. Consider us worthy to pass the night blamelessly - to experience no evil and to deliver us from the devil - Free us from all confusion and fear. Grant our souls Great Joy, and our thoughts concern for our accountability at Thy Just and Terrible Judgment. Transfix our flesh with Thy Fear, and mitigate our members while on earth, that in the tranquillity of sleep we may be Enlightened by the Meditation of Thy Precepts. (Teachings) Drive from us every evil fancy and lasciviousness. Elevate us during our Prayers, strengthened in Faith and enriched by Thy Commandments. Sma l l Li t a n y Eti ke eti, en Irini tou Kyriou deithomen. Kyrie Eleison Antilavou Soson, Eleison ke Diafilaxon imas O Theos, ti Si Hariti. P R I E S T Again, yet again, in Peace let us pray to the Lord P E OP L E Lord have mercy! P R I E S T Help us, Save us, have Mercy on us, and Preserve us, O God, by Thy 24. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RV I CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T U RGY ) Kivernison mou tin zoin, O pasan rimati tin ktisin arrito Sofias Dinami kivernon. O evdios ton himazomenon limin, ke gnorison mi Odon, en i porefsome. Pnevma Sofias Sou, tis emis parashou dialogismis, Pnevma sineseos ti afrosini mou doroumenos. Pnevma fovou Sou tis emis episkiason ergis ke Pnevma evthes egkenison en tis egkatis mou, ke Pnevmati Igemoniko to tis dianias mou stirixon olisthiron, ina kath ekastin imeran, to Pnevmati Sou to Agatho, pros to simferon odigoumenos, kataxiotho piin tas Entolas Sou, ke tis Sis ai mnimonevin endoxou, ke erevnitikis ton pepragmenon imin parousias, ke mi paridis me tis fthiromenis tou kosmou enapatasthi terpnis, alla ton mellonton oregesthe tis apolafseos enishison Thisavron. Si gar ipas, Despota, oti per, osa an tis etisite en to onomati Sou, akolitos para tou Sou lamvani sinaidiou Theou ke Patros. Dio kago O Amartolos, en ti epifitise tou Agiou Sou Pnevmatos, tin Sin iketevo Agathotita. Osa iixamin, apodos mi is Sotirian. Ne, Kyrie, O pasis evergesias plousioparohos dotir Agathos, oti Si i O didous iperekperissou, on etoumetha. Si i O simpathis, O eleimon, O anamartitos gegonos tis sarkos imon kononos, ke tis kamptousi pros Se goni, peikamptomenos filefsplaghnos, ilasmos te genomenos ton Amartion imon. Dos di, Kyrie, to Lao Sou tous iktirmous Sou, epakouson imon ex Ouranou Agiou Sou. Agiason aftous ti Dinami tis Sotiriou Dexias Sou. Ordain my Life, O Thou Who rules the whole Creation with ineffable Wisdom. O Tranquil Haven to those who are caught in the rages of winter, make known to me the Way in which I should walk. Grant to my thoughts the Spirit of Thy Wisdom, and bestow upon my ignorance the Spirit of Thy Understanding. Overshadow my acts with the Spirit of Thy Fear, and a Just Spirit Renew Thou within me, and by Thy Sovereign Spirit Strengthen my unstable mind, that I may be worthy each day to do Thy Commandments - being Guided by Thy Righteous Spirit into that which is Profitable - ever mindful of Thy Glorified (Second) Coming, when we shall all be obliged to give an account for our deeds. Let me not be led astray by the corrupting pleasures of this world, but Strengthen me to delight in the Treasures to come. For Thou, O Master, said: "Whatever you ask in My Name you shall receive..." from God the Father Co-Eternal with Thee. Therefore, I a sinner, implore Thy Goodness on the Day of the Descent of Thy Holy Spirit. Grant my Request for Salvation. Yea, O Good Lord, Who grants all riches and Benevolence; for Thou art He - the Merciful and Pitying One Who grants us more than we ask - Who has become a Partaker with us in the Flesh, yet Without Sin. Thou art He Who, for His Love for mankind, has Compassion for those who bend their knee before Thee, having become an Offering for our sins. Grant, O Lord, Thy Compassion to Thy people, and incline Thine Ear to us from Thy Holy Heaven. Sanctify us by the Saving Might of Thy right Hand. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RVI CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) 17 dinamis, mia sintaxis, mia proskinisis, tis Agias Triados. Enite ton Kyrion panta ta Ethni! Epenesate Afton pantes i Lai! To Pnevma to Agion, Fos, ke Zoi, ke zosa Pigi Noera, Pnevma Sofias, Pnevma sineseos, Agathon, evthes, noeron, igemonevon katheron ta ptesmata, Theos ke Theopioun, Pir, ek Pyros proion, laloun, energoun, dieroun ta Harismata. Di ou Profite apantes, ke Theou Apostoli, meta Martyron estefthisan. Xenon akousma, xenon theama, pir dieroumenon is nomas Harismaton. Oti ekrateothi to Eleos Aftou ef imas, ke i alithia tou Kyriou meni is ton eona. To Pnevma to Agion, Fos, ke Zoi, ke zosa Pigi Noera, Pnevma Sofias, Pnevma sineseos, Agathon, evthes, noeron, igemonevon katheron ta ptesmata, Theos ke Theopioun, Pir, ek Pyros proion, laloun, energoun, dieroun ta Harismata. Di ou Profite apantes, ke Theou Apostoli, meta Martyron estefthisan. Xenon akousma, xenon theama, pir dieroumenon is nomas Harismaton. > Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton eonon. Amin known the One Power, One Order, One Worship of the Holy Trinity. Praise the Lord, all Gentiles! Praise Him, all you people! The Holy Spirit is Light and Life, and a Living Noetic Fount. Spirit of Wisdom, Spirit of Understanding; Good, Upright, Noetic, Ruling, purging offences; God and Deifying; He is Fire issuing from Fire, uttering, inciting, distributing the Gifts of Grace. Through Him the Prophets and the Apostles of God and the Martyrs all were Crowned. Strange to hear, strange to see, Fire distributed for the apportioning of Gifts. For His Mercy rules over us; and the Truth of the Lord endures forever. The Holy Spirit is Light and Life, and a Living Noetic Fount. Spirit of Wisdom, Spirit of Understanding; Good, Upright, Noetic, Ruling, purging offences; God and Deifying; He is Fire issuing from Fire, uttering, inciting, distributing the Gifts of Grace. Through Him the Prophets and the Apostles of God and the Martyrs all were Crowned. Strange to hear, strange to see, Fire distributed for the apportioning of Gifts. > Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to the Ages of ages. Amen P r o s o mi a - P e n t e c o s t T O N E 4 Vasilef Ouranie, Paraklite, to Pnevma tis alithias, O pantahou paronke ta panta pliron, O Thisafros ton Agathon ke Zois horigos, elthe ke skinoson en imin ke Katharison imas apo pasis kilidos ke Soson, Agathe, tas psihas imon. O Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of Truth, present in all places and filling all things, Treasury of Good Things and Giver of Life: come dwell in us and Cleanse us of every stain, and Save our souls, O Good One. 18. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RV I CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T U RGY ) E i s o d o s T H E C O N G R E G A T I O N M U S T S T A N D W H I L E T H E P R I E S T Q U I E T L Y P R A Y S : O Master, Lord our God, Who has appointed in Heaven Legions and Hosts of Angels and Archangels for the Service of Thy Glory, grant that with our Entrance there may be an Entrance of Holy Angels, serving with us and Glorifying Thy Goodness; for to Thee are due all Glory, Honour and Worship; > to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the Ages of ages. Amen. T HE P R I ES T EX I T S T HE S ANCT U AR Y T H ROUGH T HE NORT H DOOR I N P ROCES S I ON, H OL DI NG T HE HOL Y GOS P EL B EF ORE H I S F ACE Evlogimeni i Isodos ton Agion Sou. Sofia! Orthi. P R I E S T Blessed is the Entrance of Thy Saints Wisdom! Rise! Th e E v e n i n g Hy mn B Y S T S O P H R O N I O S , P A T R I A R C H O F J E R U S A L E M Fos Ilaron Agias Doxis, Athanatou Patros, Ouraniou, Agiou, Makaros, Iisou Hriste! Elthondes epi tin iliou disin, idontes Fos Esperinon, imnoumen > Patera, Ion ke Agion Pnevma, Theon. Axion Se en pasi keris imnisthe fones esies, Ie Theou, Zoin O didous dio O kosmos Se Doxazi! O Gladsome Radiance of the Holy Glory of the Father Immortal, Heavenly, Holy, Blessed Jesus Christ. Now that we have come to the setting of the sun and have seen the Evening Light, we praise > Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For it is worthy that at all times Thou should be praised by voices encouraging, O Son of God, the Giver of Life. For which cause the Universe Glorifies Thee! Pr o ke i me n o n Pe n t e c o s t To n e ( 7) Va r ys / Gr a ve Tis Theos Megas os O Theos imon? Si i O Theos, O pion Thavmasia Monos! Egnorisas en tis lais tin Dinamin Sou. Tis Theos Megas os O Theos imon? Si i O Theos O pion Thavmasia Monos! Ke ipa: Nin irxamin, afti i alliosis tis dexias tou Ipsistou. Tis Theos Megas os O Theos imon? Si i O Theos O pion Thavmasia Monos! Emnisthin ton ergon Kyriou, oti mnisthisome apo tis arhis ton Thavmasion Sou. Tis Theos Megas os O Theos imon? Si i O Theos O pion Thavmasia Monos! Who is as Great a God, as our God? Thou alone art the God Who does Wonders! Thou made known Thy Power among the people. Who is as Great a God, as our God? Thou alone art the God Who does Wonders! I said: Now I am beginning to see; this change is by the right Hand of the Most High. Who is as Great a God as our God? Thou alone art the God Who does Wonders! I remembered the Lords Works, for I will remember Thy Wonders of old. Who is so Great a God as our God? Thou alone art the God Who does Wonders! PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RVI CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) 23 Oti Eleimon ke Filanthropos Theos iparhis, ke Si tin Doxan anapempomen, >to Patri ke to Iio ke to Agio Pnevmati, nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Amin Eti ke eti klinates ta gonata, tou Kyriou deithomen. Kyrie, eleison For Thou art a Merciful and Loving God and to Thee we ascribe Glory: > to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and unto the Ages of Ages. Amen Again, on bended knees, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy S e c o n d P e n t e c o s t P r a y e r T H E P R I E S T & T H E CO N G R E G A T I O N K N E E L Eti ke eti klinantes ta gonata, tou Kyriou deithomen. Kyrie eleison. Kyrie Iisou Hriste, O Theos imon, O tin Sin Irinin dedokos tis anthropis, ke tin tou Panagiou Pnevmatos dorean, eti to vio ke imin simparon, is klironomian anafereton tis Pistis ai parehon, emfanesteron de taftin tin Harin tis Sis Mathites ke Apostolis simeron katapempsas, ke ta touton hili pirines stomosas glosses, di on pan genos anthropon tin Theognosian, idia dialekto, is akoin otiou dexameni, Foti tou Pnevmatos efotisthimen, ke tis planis os ek skotous apillagimen, ke ti ton esthiton ke pyrinon glosson dianomi, ke iperfii energia, tin is Se Pistin emathitevthimen, ke Se Theologin, Sin to Patri ke to Agio Pnevmati, en Mia Theotiti, ke Dinami, ke exousia katiigasthimen. Si oun to apavgasma tou Patros, O tis ousias ke tis fiseos aftou aparallaktos, ke ametakinitos haraktir, i pigi tis Sotirias ke tis Haritos. Dianixon kamou tou amartolou ta hili, ke didaxon me pos di, ke iper on hri prosevhesthe. Si gar i, O ginoskon to poli ton amartion mou plithos, all i Si Evsplaghnia Nikisi touton to ametron. Idou gar fovo paristame Si, is to pelagos tou Eleous Sou tin apognosin aporripsas tis psihis mou. P R I E S T : Again, on bended knees, let us pray to the Lord. P E OP L E : Lord have Mercy P R I E S T : O Lord Jesus Christ our God, Who resides with us in this life, and Who grants mankind the world, and in Thine inalienable Rule bestows the True Gift of the Holy Spirit - this Blessing Thou hast sent down more fully to Thy Disciples and Apostles and hast dispensed into their mouths the Fire of Tongues, so that through them all mankind may receive Knowledge of God and be Enlightened by the Light of the Spirit - being emancipated from seduction as from darkness - and by their Supernatural Action, learning to believe in the Son of God and to > Praise Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit as one Godhead, Power and Authority. Wherefore, O Splendour of the Father, the Likeness of his Essence, His immutable and unchangeable Nature: Thou art the Fountain of Salvation and Grace. Open my lips - sinner that I am - and teach me how and for what I should pray. For Thou knows the multitude of my sins - yet the enormity thereof is overcome by Thine unbounded Compassion. Behold, I come and stand before Thee in fear and dismay, casting my soul's despair into the depth of Thy Mercy. 22. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RV I CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T U RGY ) imon, deometha Sou, epakouson ke eleison Kyrie eleison Eleison imas, O Theos, kata to Mega Eleos Sou deometha Sou, epakouson ke eleison Kyrie eleison [3] Eti deometha iper ton Evsevon ke Orthodoxon Hristianon Kyrie eleison [3] Eti deometha iper tou Arhipiskopou imon (N A M E ) Kyrie eleison [3] Eti deometha iper ton Adelfon imon, ton Iereon, Ieromonahon, Ierodiakonon ke Monahon, ke Pasis tis en Hristo imon Adelfotitos Kyrie eleison [3] Eti deometha iper Eleous, Zois, Irinis, igias, Sotirias, episkepseos, sighoriseos ke afeseos ton amartion ton doulon tou Theou, panton ton efsevon ke Orthodoxon Hristianon, ton katikounton ke parepidimounton en ti poli ke enopia tafti, ton epitropon ke sindromiton tis ieras Ekklisias taftis sin tis singenesin afton... Kyrie eleison [3] Eti deometha iper ton Makarion ke Aoidimon Ktitoron tis Agias Ekklisias taftis, ke iper panton ke pason ton proanapafsamenon Adelfon imon, ton evthade efsevos kimenon, ke apantahou Orthodoxon... Kyrie eleison [3] Eti deometha iper ton karpoforounton ke kalliergounton en to Agio ke pansepo Nao touto, kopionton, psallonton ke iper tou periestotos laou, tou apekdehomenou to para Sou Mega ke Plousion Eleos. Kyrie eleison [3] Fathers, we pray Thee, hear and have Mercy P E O P L E Lord have mercy P R I E S T Have Mercy on us, O God, according to Thy Great Mercy, hear us and have Mercy P E O P L E Lord have mercy P R I E S T Let us pray for Pious and Orthodox Christians. P E O P L E Lord have mercy P R I E S T Let us pray for our Archbishop ( N A M E ) P E O P L E Lord have mercy [3] P R I E S T Let us pray for our Brethren, Priests, Hieromonks, Deacons, and Monastics, and all our Brotherhood in Christ P E O P L E Lord have mercy [3] P R I E S T Also we pray for Mercy, Life, Peace, health, Salvation, Visitation, pardon and forgiveness of sins for the servants of God, all devout and Orthodox Christians, those who dwell in or visit this city and Parish, the Wardens and members of this Parish and their families and all who have asked for our Prayers, unworthy though we are P E O P L E Lord have mercy [3] P R I E S T Also we pray for the Blessed and Ever-Remembered Founders of this Holy Church, and for all our Brethren who have gone to their rest before us, and for the Orthodox everywhere, and that they may be pardoned all their offences, both voluntary and involuntary. P E O P L E Lord have mercy [3] P R I E S T Also we pray for those who bring offerings, those who care for the beauty of this Holy and Venerable House, for those who labour in its service, for those who sing, and for the people here present, who await Thy Great and Abundant Mercy. P E O P L E Lord have mercy [3] PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RVI CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) 19 F i r s t P r a y e r o f P e n t e c o s t Eti ke eti klinantes ta gonata, tou Kyriou deithomen. Kyrie eleison. P R I E S T : Again, on bended knees, let us pray to the Lord. P E OP L E : Lord have Mercy T H E P R I E S T A N D T H E W H O L E C O N G R E G A T I O N K N E E L . Ahrante, amiante, anarhe, aorate, akatalipte, anexihniaste, analliote, anipervlite, ametrite, anexikake Kyrie, O Monos ehon athanasian, Fos Ikon aprositon, O piisas ton Ouranon, ke tin gin, ke tin thalassan, ke panta ta dimiourgithenta en aftis, O pro tou etisthe tis pasi tas etisis parehon. Sou deometha, ke Se parakaloumen, Despota Filanthrope, ton Patera tou Kyriou, ke Theou, ke Sotiros imon Iisou Hristou, tou di imas tous Anthropous, ke dia tin imeteran sotirian katelthontos ek ton Ouranon, ke sarkothentos ek Pnevmatos Agiou ke Marias tis Aiparthenou, ke endoxou, Theotokos, os proteron men logis didaskon, isteron de ke ergis ipodiknis, inika to Sotirion ifistato pathos, pareshen imin ipogrammon tis tapinis, ke amartolis, ke anaxiis doulis Sou, deisis prosferin, en avhenos ke gonaton klisesin, iper ton idion amartimaton, ke ton tou laou agnoimaton. Aftos Sin, polielee ke Filanthrope, epakouson imon, en i an imera epikalesometha Se exeretos de, en ti imera tafti tis Pnetikostis, en i, meta to analifthine ton Kyrion imon, Iisoun Hriston is tou Ouranous, ke kathesthine en dexia Sou tou Theou ke Patros, katepempse to Agion Pnevma epi tous Agious aftou Mathitas ke Apostolous, O ke ekathisen ef ena ekaston afton ke eplisthisan apantes tis akenotou Haritos aftou, ke elalisan eteres glosses ta Megalia Sou, ke proefitefsan. Nin oun deomenon epakouson imon, ke mnisthiti imon tontapinon, ke katakriton, ke epistrepson tin ehmalosian ton psihon imon, tin ikian simpathian ehon iper imon presvevousan. P R I E S T : O Pure and Blameless Lord, Who is without beginning, invisible and incomprehensible, unchangeable, immeasurable, and unbounded, Who is without evil and Who alone is Immortal; Who dwells in the Unapproachable Light; Maker of Heaven and earth and the seas and all that was created therein; Thou Who grants to all their Petitions even before asking: to Thee we pray and of Thee we ask, O Philanthropic Master, the Father of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ, Who for us men and for our Salvation came down from Heaven and was Incarnate of the Holy Spirit and of the Ever-Virgin Mary, the Noble Theotokos; Who first taught by Word, and then testified by Deed while bearing the Saving Passion, teaching us - Thine unworthy, sinful, and miserable servants - to offer Thee our Supplications with bent head and knee, for our sins and human ignorance. Wherefore, O Most Merciful and Philanthropic Lord, hear us on whatever day we call upon Thee - and especially on this Day of Pentecost, whereon - after our Lord Jesus Christ had Ascended into Heaven and sat at Thy right Hand, O God and Father - He sent down the Holy Spirit to His Disciples, the Holy Apostles, Who alighted on each of them and filled them all with His Inexhaustible and Divine Grace; and they spoke in strange tongues - prophesying Thy Great Deeds. Hear us who beseech Thee, and remember us - wretched and condemned and Deliver us from the (sinful) captivity of our souls by Thy Loving Intercession. 20. PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RV I CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T U RGY ) Dexe imas prospiptontas Si, ke voontas to Imartomen. Epi Se eperrifimen ek mitras, apo gastros mitros imon, Theos imon Si i. All oti exelipon en mateotiti e imere imon, gegimnosmetha tis Sis voithias, esterimetha apo pasis apologias. Alla tharrountes tis iktirmis Sou, krazomen. Amartias neotitos imon, ke agnias mi mnisthis, ke ek ton krifion imon katharison imas. Mi aporripsis imas is keron giros, en to eklipin tin ishin imon, mi egkatalipis imas, Prin imas is tin gin apostrepse, axioson pros Se epistrepse, ke prosehes imin en evmenia ke Hariti. Epimetrison tas anomias imon tis iktirmis Sou, antithes tin avisson ton iktirmon Sou, to plithi ton plimmelimaton imon. Epivlepson exipsous Agiou Sou, Kyrie, epi ton laon Sou ton periestota, ke apekdehomenon to para Sou plousion Eleos. Episkepse imas en ti hristoti Sou, Rise imas ek tis katadinastias tou Diavolou, asfalise tin Zoin imon tis Agiis ke Iris Nomis Sou. Angelo Pisto filaki parakatathou ton Laon Sou,pantas imas Sinagage is tin Vasilian Sou, dos singnomin tis elpizousin epi Se, afes aftis e imin ta amartimata, Katharison imas ti Energia tou Agiou Sou Pnevmatos, dialison tas kath imon mihanas tou ehthrou. Accept us, who kneel down before Thee and cry out: we have sinned. From birth - from the womb of our mother - we are Thine, O Lord - Thou art our God. But as our life passes in vanity, we have therefore been stripped of Thine Aid, and have become silent. Yet do we trust in Thy Compassion and cry unto Thee: Remember not the sins of our youth and ignorance; cleanse us of our secret sins. Reject us not in our old age, nor forsake us when our strength fails. Before we return to the earth, prepare us to return to Thee. Measure our lawlessness with a Measure of Thy Generosity, and erect against our many transgressions a bottomless Abyss of these Generosities. Look down from the height of Thy Holiness upon Thy people who stand and await Abundant Mercy from Thee. Visit us with Thy Goodness and Deliver us from the force of Satan and preserve our Life with Thy Holy and Solemn Laws. Commit Thy People unto a Faithful Guardian Angel; Gather us all unto Thy Kingdom; Forgive those who put their trust in Thee, relinquish us and them from sin; Purify us by the Operation of Thy Holy Spirit and remove from us the wiles of the adversary. A d d i t i o n a l P r a y e r Evlogitos i, Kyrie, Despota Pantokrator, O Fotisas tin imeran to Foti to iliako, ke tin nikta fedrinas tes avges tou Piros, O to mikos tis imeras dielthin imas kataxiosas, ke prosengise tes arhes tis niktos, epakouson tis Deiseos imon, ke pantos to Laou Sou: Pasin imin sighorisas ta ekousia ke ta akousia amartimata, prosdexe tas Esperinas imon Ikesias, ke Blessed art Thou, O Lord, Almighty Master, Who Illumines the day with the light of the sun and the night with the glow of the moon; Who has made us worthy to pass the course of the day and draw near to the onset of the night; hear our Petitions and those of all Thy people: Forgive us all our sins - both voluntary and involuntary - and accept our Evening Supplications and send PE NT E COS T SUNDAY FE S T AL HY MNS & T HE KNE E L I NG SE RVI CE ( AF T E R DI VI NE L I T URGY ) 21 katapempson to plithos tou Eleous Sou ke ton Iktirmon Sou epi tin Klironomian Sou. Tihison imas Agiis Angelis Sou, oplison imas oplis dikeosinis Sou, periharakoson imas ti Alithia Sou, frourison imas ti Dinami Sou, Rise imas ek pasis peristaseos, ke pasis epivoulis tou antikimenou. Parashou de imin ke tin parousan esperan, sin ti eperhomeni nikti, telian, Agian, Irinikin, Anamartiton, askandaliston, afantaston, ke pasas tas imeras tis Zois imon Presvies tis Agias Theotokou, ke panton ton Agion ton ap eonos Si evarestisanton. down the multitude of Thy Mercies and Compassions upon Thy People. Protect us with Thy Holy Angels. Arm us with the Weapons of Thy Truth. Envelop us with Thy Righteousness. Preserve us by Thy Power, and Deliver us from every oppression and from every conspiracy of the cunning one. Grant us that this evening and the approaching night and all the days of our Life may be Perfect, Holy, Peaceful, Sinless, without doubt and vain imaginings, by the Intercessions of the Holy Theotokos and all the Saints who have done Thy Will from the beginning of time. Sma l l Li t a n y Eti ke eti, en Irini tou Kyriou deithomen. Kyrie Eleison Antilavou Soson, Eleison ke Diafilaxon imas O Theos, ti Si Hariti. Amin > Tis Panagias, Ahrantou, Ipere Flogimenis, Endoxou Despinis imon Theotokou ke Aiparthenou Marias meta panton ton Agion Mnimonefsantes, eaftous ke allilous ke pasan tin Zoin imon Hristo to Theo parathometha. >Si Kyrie > Oti Son gar esti to elein ke Sozin imas, O Theos imon, ke Si tin Doxan anapempomen to Patri, ke to Iio, ke to Agiou Pnevmati, nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton Eonon. Amin P R I E S T Again, yet again, in Peace let us pray to the Lord P E OP L E Lord have mercy! P R I E S T Help us, Save us, have Mercy on us, and Preserve us, O God, by Thy Grace P E OP L E Amen P R I E S T >Commemorating our Most Holy, All Pure, Most Blessed and Glorious Lady, Theotokos and Ever Virgin Maria, with all the Saints, let us commit ourselves and one another and our whole Life to Christ our God. P E OP L E >To Thee, O Lord! P R I E S T For Thine it is to show mercy and to Save us,O our God, and to Thee we give Glory > to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. P E OP L E Amen L i t a n y o f F e r v e n t S u p p l i c a t i o n Ipomen pantes ex olis tis psihis, ke exolis tis dianias imon ipomen Kyrie eleison Kyrie Pantokrator, O Theos, ton Pateron P R I E S T Let us say, with all our soul and with all our mind, let us say: P E O P L E Lord have mercy P R I E S T Lord Almighty, the God of our M A K E T H E S I G N O F T H E C R O S S & B O W D O W N