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Cullu yom taal all day coming/ every time coming
Cull-u all day
Yom come Taal here Taal hena come here Bukra tomorrow Aiwa yes Fi have Naam what Alatul continue Siokol work Alatul siokol continue work athi! salary "a#i !ulos no money $ie# el hal how are you %en/$woise - #ine htt!&//www'linguanaut'com/english(ara)ic'htm English Phrases Arabic Phrases English Greetings Arabic Greetings: Hi! Salam! Good morning! Sabah el kheer Good evening! Masaa el kheer Welcome! (to greet someone) Marhaban How are o!" #ai$a haloka% haloki ( $emale) &'m $ine( thanks! Ana bekhair( shokran! And o!" Wa ant" % Wa anti" ($emale) Good% So)So* +aed% 'aadee = / ,hank o! (ver m!ch)! Shokran (-a.eelan) ( -) /o!'re welcome! ($or 0thank o!0) Al1a$w - He! 2riend! Ahlan sadi3i% sadi3ati! ($emale) - -- ---/ ! & missed o! so m!ch! Eshta3to elaika% elaiki ($emale) katheeran --' ' ` What's new" Mal-adeed" -= 4othing m!ch 5ashai -adeed ` - Good night! ,osbeho% tosbeheena ($emale) 6ala khair% =-- /_-- _= = See o! later! Araka% Araki ($emale) $i ma ba'd = Good be! Ma1a salama _ Asking for Help and Directions &'m lost Ada't! taree3i! - - !--= --= ! 7an & hel8 o!" Hal beemkani mosa1adat!k" .- ' -= 7an o! hel8 me" Hal beemkanek mosa1adati" .- ' -= Where is the (bathroom% 8harmac)" Ana a-ed! (al merhaad% assaidaliah)" - (- /~) Go straight! then t!rn le$t% right! imsh ala tool( th!mma 6arri- aminan% shimalan English Phrases Arabic Phrases , _= .= ` _ = `~ /-~- ! &'m looking $or -ohn* Abhat! 6an +ohn -= = 9ne moment 8lease! 5ahda men $adlek% $adleki ($emale) == - Hold on 8lease! (8hone) ib3a% ib3a ($emale) ala al khat ra-a'an - /_-' = = ! How m!ch is this" #am howa thamanoh" (th as in bath) - -~` E:c!se me ***! (to ask $or something) Men $athlek% $athleki ($emale) (th as in that) - E:c!se me! ( to 8ass b) Alma'derah -~~ 7ome with me! ,a'ala% ta'ala ($emale) ma'ee! .- ! To Save this Page Press (CTRL D) or E-mail this Page! Free Translation How to Introduce Yourself ;o o! s8eak (English% Arabic)" Hal tatakallam! alloghah alen-le.iah% alarabiah" .- -- -=` / +!st a little* <aleelan! ! What's o!r name" Ma esmo!k" Ma esmo!ki" ~' M name is *** Esmee= ~'**** Mr***% Mrs*=% Miss= Assaed=% Assaeda=% Al anesah *** ` /-/ ...*** 4ice to meet o!! Motashare$on% motashare$at!n ($) bema're$atek -~- ~- / -~ /o!'re ver kind! Anta latee$% Anti latee$a != -= ! Where are o! $rom" Men ana anta% anti ($emale)" - &'m $rom (the >*S% Morocco) Ana men (amreeka% almaghrib) -~ /-) ) &'m (American) Ana (amreeki% amrekiah ($emale) -/- Where do o! live" Ana task!n"% Ana task!neen" ($emale) - - - -- & live in (the >*S% 2rance) A'eesho $el welaat almotaheda% $aransa = --` /-=-~ How to Introduce Yourself ;id o! like it here" Hal istamta'ta bewa3tika% bewa3tiki ($) h!na" .- -~- - -- Morocco is a wonder$!l co!ntr Al maghrib balad!n -ameel! -~ .~ ! What do o! do $or a living" Ma mehnat!k" Mehnat!ki ($emale) --+ & work as a (translator% b!sinessman) A'mal ka(motar-im% ra-!l a'maal) .~= . /-~ .~= & like Arabic 9hibb! all!ghah al arabia - &'ve been learning Arabic $or ? month adr!s! all!ghah al arabia m!nd! shahr ~- + 9h! ,hat's good! Hada sha'!n +ameel ~- .~ How old are o!" #am howa !mr!k" !mroki ($emale) - =~= &'m (twent( thirt***) ears old* >mri ( 'eshreen% thalatheen) sanah (th as in bath) ~= - (`` /-~=) & have to go /a-eb! an athhaba al aan! (th as in that) -=- --~ ` & will be right back! Sa ar-e1o halan _' ` Wish Someone Something Good l!ck! @ettaw$ee3 -! Ha88 birthda! Eid meelad sa'eed! = Ha88 new ear! Sana sa'eedah! - - Merr 7hristmas! A'aad meelad Saeedah = ! Ha88 Eid Eid mobarak! = = ! Ha88 Aamadan Aamadan mobarak! - = 7ongrat!lations! Mabrook! =! En-o! ($or meals***) Shahia taebah! + = &'d like to visit &ra3 one da Arghab! be.earat al ira3* -= -- Sa hi to +ohn $or me Sallem 6ala +ohn men a-lee _= () @less o! (when Aahimaka Allah ~ - Good night and sweet dreams! 5aila sa'eda wa ahlaam ladida - -~-~ ! How to Introduce Yourself Solving a Misunderstanding &'m Sorr! (i$ o! don't hear something) 6A$wan! !-= Sorr ($or a mistake) Aase$! ! 4o Problem! 5a moshkelah ~` 7an /o! Sa &t Again" A1ed men $adlek!% A1eedi men $adleki ($em) = - 7an /o! S8eak Slowl" ,akalam bebot1 men $adlek% $adleki ($em) - = - Write &t ;own Please! 9ktobha men $adlek% 9ktobiha men $adleki ($em) +- +- / !- - ! & ;on't >nderstand! 5a a$ham! ! ` + & ;on't #now! 5a a1re$! ! ` -= & Have 4o &dea* 5a adri! ` What's ,hat 7alled &n Arabic" Ma esmoho bel arabiah" ~ What ;oes 0gato0 Mean &n English" Mada ta'ni kalemat 03it0 bel ingli.ia" ~ -- ~ -=` "=" How ;o /o! Sa 0Please0 &n Arabic" #ai$a ta3o!l! kalimat 08lease0 bel arabia" .-- ~ "" What &s ,his" Ma hatha (th as in that) ~- M Arabic is bad* 5!ghati al arabic laisat kama a-ib - ~ -=- & need to 8ractice m Arabic Ahtaa-! an atadarraba 'ala al arabia! _- -- _= ;on't worr! 5a ta3la3! 5a ta3la3i ($em) ! ` /--` --- Araic E!pressions and Words Good% @ad% So)So* +aed% sae'% 'adee / = / @ig% Small #abeer% Sagheer / ,oda% 4ow Alawm% Al aan ` / ,omorrow% /esterda Ghadan% Albareha = / = / /es% 4o 4a1am% 5aa ` / Here o! go! (when giving something) #hod! != How to Introduce Yourself ;o o! like it" Hal a1-abak" Hal a1-abaki" ($emale) .- == & reall like it! A1-abani ha33an! -== - &'m h!ngr% thirst* Ana -ae1% ana 6atshaan /_- ~== &n ,he Morning% Evening% At 4ight* Sabahan% masa1an% lalan / / ,his% ,hat* Here%,here Hatha% thalek* H!na% h!naak (th as in that) ~- =--/-- .~/ Me% /o!* Him% Her* Ana% anta% anti (o! $emale)* Ho!wa% Hia - /- . / Aeall! Ha33an !- 5ook! 9n.or % 9n.ori ($emale) ! = ! = H!rr !8! Asre'% Asre'ee ($emale) ! _ ! = What" Where" Matha" An" (th as in that) ~ - ~ - What time is it" kam essa'a" = &t's ?B o'clock* BC:DB8m* Enaha al 'ashera* Ennaha assaabe'a wa nes$* +' +' .- -- Give me this! A'teni hatheh! (th as in that) ! -== -~- & love o!! >hibbok% !hibboki ($emale) & $eel sick* ana mareed* * - & need a doctor ahta-! tabeeban! ! _- = 9ne( ,wo( ,hree wahed( ithnaan( thalatha (th as in think)* `` ,-`' , 2o!r( 2ive( Si: arba'a( khamsa( sitta - ,~= , Seven( Eight( 4ine( ,en sab'a( thamania (th as in think)( tis'a( 'ashara* -~= ,- ,~` , You may have noticed the tick () in some places, it is the equivalent of a soundless a or a !rief stop, "hich is the closest sound to a letter "hich only e#ist in $ra!ic% The th is sometimes pronounced as th of that and sometimes as th of think, & usually state ho" you should pronounce it% &n $ra!ic there are t"o types of 'h', the sharp h and the regular 'h', the sharp one is hard to pronounce for many foreigner ho"ever a person can !e understood even the sharp 'h' is pronounced as a regular 'h'% *T+, AAB-C S.*$,N ",AN-N/000 English "Araic# $%&'()* Welcome (ahlan wa sahlan) EF GH I EF JK Hello (as)salLm 'alak!m) MENOP QRSTU rs8 ) (wa 'alak!m as)salLm) I QRSTU MENOP in$ ) (marhVaban) WXYZ[ on 8hone ) ('Lll\) ]O^ How are o!" ($* ka$a hV Llik % m* ka$a hV Llak) _S` abOWY 5ong time no see (lam naraka m!ndh! m!ddah) QO cZd ef[ gh[ What's o!r name" M name is *** (mL ismak%ik") W[ abiKP (*** ismee) *** jiKP Where are o! $rom" &'m $rom *** ($* min an anti % m* min an anta") k[ klH amdH (AnL min ***) WdH k[ *** Pleased to meet o! m (motashare$on bema're$atek) nZop[ bpqZris $ (motashare$at!n bema're$atek) tqZop[ bpqZris Good morning ( abL !l khar) uWXv ZSwOP Good a$ternoon%evening (masL' al)khar) xWN[ ZSwOP Good night (t! bi 'alL khar) yXz{ |TU ZS} (lalah sa'~dah) tTSO ghSrK Goodbe (ilL al)li3L') |O xWTOP (ma'a as)salLmah) [ t[ENOP Good l!ck (bit)taw$~3) Sq]pOWs! Have a nice da |fi{P bO W[]l WXS @on a88etit (bil)hanL' wa ash)shi$L') xWfJOWs xWoOPI % WfJOWs WoOPI may you have your meal with gladness and health @on voage happy journey (ri lah sa ~dah) tTY ghSrK successful journey (ri lah m!wa$$a3ah) tTY q][ & don't !nderstand (lL a$ham) QJqH Please s8eak more slowl (takallam bib!tV' min $adlak%ik) QTR{ xXs k[ bTq Please sa that again ($ ) a'~d min $adlik % m ) a'id min $adlak!) hUH k[ bTq Please write it down (!kt!bhL min $adlak%ik) WJXp`H k[ bTq ;o o! s8eak Arabic" /es( a little (hal tatakallam al)l!ghah al)'arab~ah") G QTRp{ tTOP atSsZrOP (na'am( 3al~lan) ST (Qrd How do o! sa *** in Arabic" _S` ]{ tiT` atSsZrOWs *** (ka$a ta3l! kalimah *** bil)'arab~ah") E:c!se me to attract attention ) (min $adV lak%ik) k[ bTq ! to ask someone to move (al)ma'dirah) geriOP! How m!ch is this" $ ) (bikam hLdihi") QRs aeG m ) (bikam hLdhL") QRs aPeG Sorr (Lsi$!) _KH ,hank o! Ae8l (/o!'re welcome) (sh!kran -a.~lan) PZR l (sh!kran) PZR (al'a$w) ]rOH Where's the toilet" (an al) ammLm") klH aMWi OP Wo!ld o! like to dance with me" m (hal t!ibb an tar3!s") G { H aZ{ $ (t!hVibb~n an tar3!sV~") kSX { H ajzZ{ & love o! (!hVibb!k) bXYH 5eave me alone! $ ) (idr!kkini) jfS`Z{Pm ) (idr!kni) jf`Z{P 7all the 8olice! (nLd ash)shari ah) Wd tZoOP ! Merr 7hristmas and Ha88 4ew /ear iH jdWJpOP tXKWfis ESiOP I ]TY tfNOP ghlhOP (a-mil at)tihLn~ bim!nLsabah al)m~lLd wa hV ill as)sanah al)-ad~dah) Ha88 Easter ($isVhV sa'~d) yzq hSrK Christ has risen (el maseeh 3am) ySNiOP MW rs8 ) Truly he has risen (ha3an 3am) WFY MW Ha88 @irthda (k!l 'am wa ant!m bekheir) ` MWU I mdH ZSws (eid m~lad sa'a~d) hSU ES[ hSrK M hovercra$t is $!ll o$ eels ( awwLmt~ m!mtil'ah bi'an3alasn) jp[P] Y tTpi [ ]NS T d s 9ne lang!age is never eno!gh (l!gha wLhidah lL tak$~) tO ghYPI jR{ Recordings by Amr Dawish via Apex Translations Transliterations and corrections by Alex Karas ;ownload all the so!nd $iles (i8 $ormat( ?*M@) &$ o! wo!ld like to make an corrections or additions to this 8age( 8lease contact me* &n$ormation abo!t Arabic Phrases in Modern Standard Arabic Phrases in Eg8tian Arabic Phrases in 5ebanese Arabic Phrases in Moroccan Arabic ,ower o$ @abel in Arabic Arabic links Arabic learning materials @ooks abo!t the Arabic scri8t Arabic electronic dictionaries and translators +inks 9ther collections o$ Arabic 8hrases (some with a!dio) htt8:%%www*arabicBBB*com%arabic%8!blic%common*html htt8:%%www*to!reg8t*net%translat*htm htt8:%%www*learn)arabic)lang!age)so$tware*com%8hrases%2SArabic*htm htt8:%%www*ling!ana!t*com%englisharabic*htm htt8:%%www*kwintessential*co*!k%reso!rces%lang!age%arabic)8hrases*html htt8:%%www*gra8eshisha*com%common)Arabic)8hrases*html htt8:%%cecilmarie*web*8rw*net%arabworld%arabic% htt8:%%www*arabiccom8lete*com%mod!les!se$!l8hrases%