Electrical Specification Division 16, Section 16116

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A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and special Conditions and Division-1
(General requirements), apply to wor of t!is section.
". General #rovisions for $lectrical %or &ection 1'(1(.
C. &pecification &ection 1))*+, -ounting and .solation of -ec!anical and $lectrical &ystems and related
contract drawings, apply to t!is section of t!e wor.
A. %or includes providing all materials, equipment, accessories, services and tests necessary to
complete and mae ready for operation /y t!e 0wner, all ca/le truning in accordance wit! Drawings
and &pecifications.
A. -anufacturers, 1irms regularly engaged in t!e manufacture of ca/le truning of t!e types and
capacities required, w!ose products !ave /een in satisfactory use in similar service for not less t!an )
years and s!all /e of one manufacturer, approved /y t!e a!ramaa, and conform to t!e requirements
set fort! in t!is specification .
". &tandards Compliance, Comply wit! requirements of applica/le local codes, a!ramaa regulations
latest edition, D.234D$, .$C, 2$C, 56, 2$-A, .$$$, and A2&. &tandards pertaining to ca/le truning
#rovide ca/le truning products and components w!ic! !ave /een listed and la/eled.
C. .n case of conflict among t!e referenced standards and codes, t!e more stringent provision will govern.
A. #roduct Data, &u/mit manufacturer7s data for ca/le truning.
". &amples,- &u/mit )( cm lengt! of ca/le truning complete wit! its accessories and fittings.
C. &!op Drawings, &u/mit dimensioned layout drawings on arc!itectural /acgrounds of ca/le truning
including, /ut not limited to, offsets and connections. &!ow accurately scaled ca/le truning wit!
locations of supports and fittings, including fire stops and weat!er seals. .ndicate spatial relations!ip of
ca/le trunings to ot!er associated equipment.
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&ection 1'11'
1. 8runing and connectors s!all /e manufactured generally in accordance wit! D.234D$ or 2$C
9. 8runing and connectors for internal use s!all /e finis!ed wit! protection in accordance wit!
D.234D$ or 2$C.
:. 6engt!s of truning s!all /e efficiently /onded to eac! ot!er using strip copper lins not less
t!an 19 mm wide ; 1.) mm t!ic and fi;ed wit! /rass nuts, /olts and ased serrated was!ers.
*. 6ids s!all /e lipped and fi;ed at intervals not e;ceeding 1 meter /y means of quic release can
fasteners. &teel screws and fasteners s!all /e protected against corrosion /y a finis! at least
equivalent to <inc coating to D.234D$ or 2$C.
). -etal partitions in truning s!all /e a minimum t!icness of 1.9 mm and t!e finis! s!all /e of
t!e same standard as t!e truning. 8!e met!od of fi;ing partitions to t!e truning s!all not
cause long term corrosion or electrolytic action and s!all /e suc! t!at t!e partitions cannot /e
inadvertently displaced.
'. Connectors s!all span t!e complete internal surface of t!e truning and s!all /e designed so
t!at t!e truning sections mate wit! /utting =oints.
+. 4ertical truning s!all /e supplied wit! a ca/le support unit wit! insulated pins at intervals not
e;ceeding : meters.
>. ?ori<ontal truning si<es e;ceeding 1(( mm ; )( mm s!all /e supplied wit! ca/le separators
wit! insulated pins at intervals not e;ceeding 9 meters.
@. 8runing s!all consist of /ase, snap-on covers, coupling end plates, wall flanges, panel to
truning ru//er grommet, el/ows, tees, adaptor plates and all necessary !angers supports and
1(. 8runing s!all /e constructed of steel. All steel units s!all /e protected inside and outside wit!
a corrosion resistant finis! suc! as <inc or cadmium, wit! a top coat of enamel.
11. All trunings parts s!all /e mec!anically and electrically coupled w!ile protecting wires from
". %!ere any cutting or damage is caused during erection, t!e finis! s!all /e made good. All /urrs and
roug! edges s!all /e removed. %!ere any corrosion !as occurred it s!all /e removed and t!e area
treated wit! a rust- proofing agent. After t!is it s!all /e treated /y t!e application of eit!er a <inc ric!
epo;y primer or equal alternative followed /y a coat of color matc!ing paint.
C. Any fi;ing used for securing or fitting s!all not cause any long term corrosion or electrolytic action -
/lac =apanned fi;ing screws s!all not /e used. %!ere /racets are used t!ey s!all /e constructed of
mild steel angle or c!annel iron finis!ed to t!e same standard as t!e truning.
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&ection 1'11'
D. Connections to conduit, multiple /o;, switc!gear and distri/ution /oards s!all /e made wit! flanged
$. %!ere truning crosses settlement and e;pansion =oints a truning =oints s!all /e made. 8!e connector
at t!is point s!all /e made wit! slotted fi;ing !oles to permit a movement of 1( mm in /ot! t!e
!ori<ontal and vertical planes. 8!e eart! continuity lins across suc! =oints s!all /e of /raided copper
tape not less t!an 1) mm wide ; 9 mm t!ic !aving a resistance from fi;ing to fi;ing equal to or less
t!an t!e lins used for t!e standard truning =oints.
8!e /raid s!all /e long enoug! to allow for t!e ma;imum movement of t!e truning. 8!e /raid ends
s!all /e folded, and sweated soiled.
R!(!" T) *+! ,S-+!.#! )( P"!(!""!. E!-*"&-a Ma$#(a-*#"!"/ 0 S#11&!"/,.
A. $;amine conditions under w!ic! ca/le trunings are to /e installed. 2otify $ngineer in writing of
conditions detrimental to proper completion of t!e wor. Do not proceed wit! t!e wor until
unsatisfactory conditions !ave /een corrected.
A. .nstall ca/le truning and accessories as indicated in accordance wit! manufacturer7s written
instructions, requirements of applica/le standards and in accordance wit! recogni<ed industry
practices to ensure t!at installation complies wit! requirements and serves intended function.
". Coordinate as necessary to interface installation of ca/le truning wor wit! ot!er wors.
C. .nstall integral fire stops w!ere ca/le truning penetrates fire-rated walls and floors. &eal /etween
ca/le truning and opening and around opening wit! fire-rated sealant not less t!an wall, or floor, fire
D. At floor openings provide concrete cur/, 1( cm wide and 1( cm !ig!, around ca/le truning and seal
wit! non-com/usti/le material.
$. #rovide electrical /onding and equipment eart!ing connections for ca/le truning 8ig!ten connections
to comply wit! tig!tening torques specified /y manufacturers to assure permanent and effective
connections and grounds.
1. Anc!or mounting !ardware firmly to walls, floors, or ceilings, to ensure enclosures are permanently
and mec!anically secured. #rovide all !ardware and accessories for proper mounting.
G. Aoute ca/le truning as required and mae final field measurements /efore ordering ca/le truning.
?. %!ere t!ere is insufficient elevation or lateral c!ange in direction to accommodate fittings directly
connected, ad=usta/le vertical connectors or ad=usta/le !ori<ontal connectors wit! straig!t section in
/etween may /e used. Avoid slopes t!at would cause ca/le to /end on smaller radiiB t!an t!at allowed
/y ca/le manufacturer.
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&ection 1'11'
.. #rovide !angers, rods, straps, special /racets, and ot!er means of supporting ca/le truning as
A. #rior to installing ca/les in ca/le truning, test for electrical continuity of /onding, and eart!ing
connections, and to demonstrate compliance wit! grounding requirements.
". $lectrically energi<e ca/le truning systems and demonstrate functioning in accordance wit!
requirements. %!ere necessary, correct malfunctioning units, and t!en retest to demonstrate
compliance. Aeplace equipment w!ic! cannot /e satisfactorily corrected.
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&ection 1'11'

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