This document discusses sepsis, including definitions, signs and symptoms, etiology, immunopathogenesis, and treatment approaches. Sepsis is defined as a life-threatening condition caused by the body's response to an infection. It progresses from sepsis to severe sepsis to septic shock based on increasing organ dysfunction and low blood pressure. Treatment involves early fluid resuscitation, antibiotics, source control, vasopressors, mechanical ventilation, glucose control, renal replacement therapy, and DVT prophylaxis to prevent further organ damage and lower mortality rates.
This document discusses sepsis, including definitions, signs and symptoms, etiology, immunopathogenesis, and treatment approaches. Sepsis is defined as a life-threatening condition caused by the body's response to an infection. It progresses from sepsis to severe sepsis to septic shock based on increasing organ dysfunction and low blood pressure. Treatment involves early fluid resuscitation, antibiotics, source control, vasopressors, mechanical ventilation, glucose control, renal replacement therapy, and DVT prophylaxis to prevent further organ damage and lower mortality rates.
This document discusses sepsis, including definitions, signs and symptoms, etiology, immunopathogenesis, and treatment approaches. Sepsis is defined as a life-threatening condition caused by the body's response to an infection. It progresses from sepsis to severe sepsis to septic shock based on increasing organ dysfunction and low blood pressure. Treatment involves early fluid resuscitation, antibiotics, source control, vasopressors, mechanical ventilation, glucose control, renal replacement therapy, and DVT prophylaxis to prevent further organ damage and lower mortality rates.
This document discusses sepsis, including definitions, signs and symptoms, etiology, immunopathogenesis, and treatment approaches. Sepsis is defined as a life-threatening condition caused by the body's response to an infection. It progresses from sepsis to severe sepsis to septic shock based on increasing organ dysfunction and low blood pressure. Treatment involves early fluid resuscitation, antibiotics, source control, vasopressors, mechanical ventilation, glucose control, renal replacement therapy, and DVT prophylaxis to prevent further organ damage and lower mortality rates.
Definitions used to describe the condition of septic patients Bacteriemia Presence of bacteria in blood (positive blood cultures) Septicemia Presence of microbes or their toxins in blood SIRS 2 of these conditions: fever (oral temp. >38 0 C) or hypothermia (<36 0 C); tachypnea (>24 breath/min); tachycardia (heart rate > 90 beats/min); leukocytosis (> 12.000/L); leukopenia (< 4.000/L) or > 10% bands; may have a noninfectious etiology Sepsis SIRS that has a proven or suspected microbial etiology Severe sepsis = sepsis syndrome: sepsis with 0ne or more signs of organ dysfunction, e.g: 1. Cadiovascular: arterial systolic blood pressure 90mmHg or mean arterial pressure 70mmHg that respons to administration of intravenous fluid 2. Renal: urine output < 0,5mL/kg per hour for 1 h despite adequate fluid resuscitation 3. Respiratory: Pa O2 /FI O2 250 or, if the lung is the only dysfunction organ, 200 4. Hematologic: platelet count < 80.000/L or 50% decrease in platelet count from highest value ercorded over previous 3 days 5. Unexplained metabolic acidosis: a pH 7,30 or a base deficit 5,0mEq/L and a plasma lactate level > 1,5 times upper limit of normal for reporting lab 6. Adequate fluid resuscitation: pulmonary artery wedge pressure 12mmHg or CVP 8mmHg Septic shock Sepsis with hypotention (arterial blood pressure < 90mmHg systolic, or 40mmHg less than patients normal blood pressure) for at least 1 h despite adequate fluid resuscitation; or need for vasopressors to maintain systolic blood pressure 90mmHg or mean arterial pressure 70mmHg Refractory septic shock Septic shock that last for > 1 h and does not respond to fluid or pressor administration MODS Dysfunction of mor than one organ, requiring intervention to maintain homeostasis SIRS: systemic inflammatory response syndrome MODS: multiple-organ dysfunction syndrome Etiology Microorganism and condition that may predispose to infection Microorganism Condition Gram-negative bacteria: Enterobacteriaceae, pseudomonads, Haemophillus spp., other gram-negative bacteria Diabetes mellitus Lymphoproliferative diseases Cirrhosis of the lever Burns Invassive procedures or devices Neutropenia Indwelling urinary catheter Diverticulitis, perforated viscus Gram-positive bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative staphylococcus, enterococci, Streptococcus pneumoniae, other streptococci, other gram-positive bacteria Intravascular catheter Indwelling mechanical devices Burns Neutropenia Intravenous drug use Infection with superantigen-producing S. pyogenes Fungi Neutropenia Broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy Polymicrobial Classic pathogens: Neisseria meningitidis, S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, Streptococcus pyogenes Epidemiology Incidence of sepsis and septic shock over the past 20 years Annual number of cases: > 300.000 2/3 of cases occur in pts hospitalized for other illnesses The increasing incidence of severe sepsis is attributable to: The aging of the population The increasing longevity of pts with chronic diseases The relatively high frequency with which sepsis develops in pts with AIDS The wide spread use of antimicrobial agents, glucocorticoids, indwelling catheter and mechanical devices and mechanical ventilation Imunopatogenesis Sistem imun pada pasien sepsis: Immunosuppressive Delayed hypersensitivity (-) Kemampuan menghilangkan infeksi (-) Predisposisi infeksi nosokomial Mekanisme imunosupresi CD4 T-cells Sitokin inflamatori (Th 1): TNF, IFN, IL-2 Sitokin anti-inflamatori (Th 2): IL-4, IL-10 Jenis mikroba, jumlah koloni, lokasi infeksi 1. Pergeseran ke arah sitokin anti-inflamasi 2. Anergi Erat kaitannya dengan kematian Limfosit, sel epitel usus apoptosis Apoptotic cell death sitokin anti-inflamasi anergi 3. Kematian sel imun Sel imun adaptif mengalami apoptosis dalam jumlah besar Sel B, CD4 T cells, follicular dendritic cells Produksi antibodi Aktivitas makrofag/monosit sebagai APC Respons patogen dan cross-talk antar sel imun Adaptasi dari Hotchkiss, 2003, hlm. 140 Infection Endotoxin and other microbial toxins Proinflammatory state with cytokine release and Other proinflammatory mediators Sepsis / SIRS Shock and multiorgan dysfunction and possible death Old paradigm of sepsis Adaptasi dari Bone, 1997, hlm 239 Local anti-inflammatory response Initial insult (bacterial, viral, traumatic, thermal) Local pro-inflammatory response Systemic spillover of pro- inflammatory mediators Systemic spillover of anti- inflammatory mediators Systemic reaction: SIRS (pro-inflammatory) CARS (anti-inflammatory) MARS (mixed) New paradigm of sepsis Cardiovascular compromise C (shock) SIRS predominates H Homeostasis CARS and SIRS balanced A Apoptosis (cell death) SIRS predominates O Organ dysfunction SIRS predominates S Suppression of the immune system CARS predominates Adaptasi dari Jacobi, 2002, suppl 5
(Adaptasi dari Bone, 1997, hlm 238) TNF- IL-1 IL-2 IL-6 IL-8 IL-15 Neutrophil elastase IFN- Protein kinase MCP-1* MCP-2 Leukemia inhib.factor (D-factor Thromboxane Platelet activating factor Soluble Adhesion mol. Vasoactive neuropeptides Phospholipase Tyrosine kinase Plasminogen activator inhib.-1 Free radical generation Neopterin CD14 Prostacyclin Prostaglandins IL-1 ra IL-4 IL-10 IL-13 Type II IL-1 receptor Transforming growth factor- Epinephrine Soluble TNF- receptors Leukotriene B4-receptor antagonism Soluble recombinant CD-14 LPS binding protein MCP = monocyte chemoattractant protein Berbagai jenis molekul pro- dan anti-inflamasi Proinflammatory molecules Anti-inflammatory molecules Peran neutrofil pada sepsis Pisau bermata dua Eradikasi mikroba patogen Sekresi protease dan oksidan Merusak organ (e.g. ARDS) Temuan penelitian: G-CSF produksi nuetrofil survival Upaya menekan / menstimulasi neutrofil: hasil tak memuaskan (Hotchkiss, 2003) ? Otopsi Limfosit, epitel sel usus: menghilang (apoptosis) Sel imun adaptif turun secara progresif dan dalam jumlah besar Penyebab kematian (gagal organ), secara histologis: tidak sesuai cell hibernation (cell stunning) Konsep baru dalam penatalaksanaan sepsis (Dellinger, 2004: Evidence-based) 1. Initial resuscitation and fluid therapy Tujuan: memperbaiki oksigenasi jaringan (keseimbangan oxygen delivery demand) Follow up: konsentrasi, base defisit, pH, saturasi oksigen vena sentral 6 jam pertama sangat menentukan keberhasilan tindakan 2. Diagnosis Penting menentukan sumber dan mikroba penyebab infeksi Bahan yang diperiksa: darah, urin, cairan serebrospinal, luka, sputum, dll 3. Antibiotic therapy sebelum tersedia hasil kultur: sesuai pola antibiotika se tempat 4. Source control Drainase abses, debridement jaringan nekrosis Alat bantu (kateter, dll), benda potensial sumber infeksi disingkirkan 5. Vasopressors Diberikan selama pemberian fluid chalengge dan hipovolemik belum teratasi Pemberian dopamin harus dalam dosis teurapetik 6. Inotropic therapy Bagi pasien dengan isi semenit rendah: beri dopamin Bagi pasien dengan tekanan darah rendah: kombinasi dengan vasopresor 7. Steroid Pemberian dosis tinggi memperjelek kondisi (infeksi sekunder) Temuan penelitian: pemberian hidrokortison 200- 300mg/hr selama 1 minggu perbaikan kondisi Perlu pemberian dosis rendah kortikosteroid (Dellinger, 2004; Hotchkiss, 2003) Kortikosteroid tidak direkomendasikan (Chambers, 2003) 8. Activated protein C Pemberian Rh APC Relative risk of death 19,4%; absolut risk of death 6,1% Harus memenuhi sistem scoring APACHE Rh APC: Menghambat faktor Va dan VIIIa trombin tak terbentuk penghambatan aktivitas trombosit, pematangan neutrofil, degranulasi sel mast Pumya kemampuan direct anti-inflammatory Dosis 24 g/kgBB/jam selama 96 jam Efek samping: perdarahan (intrakranial: 3,4%) 9. Blood production administration Target kadar hemoglobulin optimum 7 9 gr% (dalam keadaan darurat) Transfusi trombosit jika kadar trombosit 5.000 30.000/mm 3 dan ada dugaan resiko perdarahan 10. Mechanical ventilation of sepsis-induced acute lung injury (ALI / ARDS) Tidal volume rendah (6 ml/kgBB) End respiratory plateau pressure < 30cmH 2 O Angka kematian 9% 11. Sedation, analegik, neuromuscular blockade in sepsis Harus memenuhi standar subjective sedation scale Dapat menurunkan durasi pemakaian ventilasi mekanik dan rawat inap, menurunkan tracheostomy rates 12. Glucosa control Mortalitas pasien dengan kadar gula darah normal < pasien dengan kadar gula darah tinggi Mekanisme protektif insulin belum dikerahui secara pasti Koreksi hiperglikemia daya fagositosis + efek anti-apoptotic Insulin mencegah apoptotic cell death melalui aktivasi phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-Akt pathway (Siegel, 2002) 13. Renal replacement Melalui continuous hemofiltration, intermittent hemodialysis gagal ginjal akut 14. Bicarbonate therapy (masih memerlukan penelitian) 15. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis Pasien dengan kemungkinana DVT: beri low-dose unfractionated heparin / low-molecular weight heparin Pasien dengan resiko perdarahan:pakai intermittent compression device e.g. Trombositopenia Koagulasi Perdarahan aktif 16. Stress ulcer prophylaxis Diberikan kepada semua pasien sepsis parah Preparat: H2 receptor inhibitor Efektivitas proton pump inhibitor belum pasti Supplemental oxygen endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation Central venous and arterial catheterization Sedation, paralysis (if intubated), or both Goal achieved ScvO2 MAP CVP Crystalloid Hospital admission Colloid Vasoactive agents Transfusion of red cells until hematocrit 30% Inotropic agents <8mmHg <65mmHg >90mmHg 812mmHg 65 and 90mmHg 70% <70% 70% <70% No Yes Protocol for early goal- directed therapy Adaptasi dari Rivers, 2001, hlm. 1371 An emerging concept of the nature of the immune response in sepsis Hotchkiss, 2003 Tipe respons imun ditentukan oleh: Mikroba (virulensi, ukuran inokulasi mikroba) Inang / host (keadaan pasien, nutrisi, umur, polimorfisme gen sitokin, molekul efektor imun, reseptor) Pada pasien sepsis yang meninggal: Sel B CD4 T cells Hipoimun berkepanjangan Kesimpulan: Anti-inflamasi diberikan pada fase hiperinflamasi Immune stimulant diberikan pada fase hipoinflamasi Potential therapies for sepsis IL-12 (TH-1 inducer) Ab terhdap aktivasi komplemen C 5a Bakteri Apoptosis Survival Ab terhadap MMIF peritonitis Inhibisi produk mikroba toll like receptor (TLR) PARP - inhibotor (Adaptasi dari Bochud, 2003, hlm 263) Potential therapeutic targets for sepsis (Adaptasi dari Triantafilou, M. and Triantafilou, K. 2004) Kesimpulan Terjadi pergeseran besar dalam sikap peneliti mengenai masalah sepsis Sepsis tidak sekedar immune system gone haywire melainkan kemungkinan severely compromised immune system (mikroba patogen ) Hasil otopsi menunjukkan focal necrosis Evidence-based recommendation: initial resuscitation stress ulcer prophylaxis Future therapy: enhance / inhibit the patients immune response, depending on genetic polymorphisms, duration of disease, characteristic of particular pathogen Terimakasih
An Aerolysin-Like Enterotoxin From Vibrio Splendidus May Be Involved in Intestinal Tract Damage and Mortalities in Turbot, Scophthalmus Maximus (L.), and Cod, Gadus Morhua L., Larvae
An Aerolysin-Like Enterotoxin From Vibrio Splendidus May Be Involved in Intestinal Tract Damage and Mortalities in Turbot, Scophthalmus Maximus (L.), and Cod, Gadus Morhua L., Larvae