Polyhedral PDF
Polyhedral PDF
Polyhedral PDF
Polyhedra and
Polyhedral Surfaces
Polyhedra and polyhedral surfaces are shapes bounded by planar faces. They are
fundamental to many modeling purposes and are often found in architecture (Figure
3.1). Actually, most architecture features polyhedral surfaces because planar parts
are easier to build than curved ones. We start our discussion with classical polyhedra
such as pyramids and prisms that can be generated by extrusion of a polygon. To
Fig. 3.1
polyhedra and polyhedral surfaces in
(Left) The Seattle Public Library (1998-
2004) by Rern Koolhaas and Joshua
(Right) Part of the glass roof of the
Dubai Festival Centre (2003-2007)
by lerde and HOK (image courtesy of
Waagner-Biro Stahlbau AG).
better understand why only a certain limited number ofpolyhedra can be realized
with congruent regular faces, we study Platonic and Archimedean solids and some of
their properties. Several of the Archimedean solids can be generated by appropriately
cutting off vertex pyramids of Platonic solids. One of the Platonic solids, the
icosahedron, is also the polyhedron from which geodesic spheres are usually deduced.
Parts ofgeodesic spheres are well known in architecture as geodesic domes. Geodesic
spheres derived from an icosahedron consfst of triangular faces only. Polyhedral
surfaces are of great recent interestin architecture for the realization of freeform
shapes (e.g., as steel-and-glass structures with planar glass panels.)
Polyhedra and Polyhedral Surfaces. Apolyhedron is a 3D shape chat consists of
planarfices, straight edges and vertices. Each edge is shared by exactly two faces and a[
each v e r t e w least three edges and three faces meet (Figure 3.2, left). The bounded
volume enclosed by the polyhedron is sometimes considered part of the polyhedron.
,4polyhedraf s;rrJI?ce is a union of finitely many planar polygons (again cal1edf;lcesj thac
need not enclose a volume (Figure 3.2, right). A polyhedral surface can have boundary
vertices on boundary edges. The latter only belong t o one single face.
Before studying polyhedra in more detail, we note that the term polyhedron is
commonly used for solid and surface models of objects bounded by planar faces. A
careful distinction tends to result in complicated formulations which we want t o
avoid. The same holds for the termpolygon which we use for polygons and polylines.
Fig. 3.2
The geometric entities of a (c) The Spittelau Apartment Houses
(a) polyhedron and a (2004-2005) i n Vienna by Zaha Hadid.
(b) polyhedral surface are its faces, (d) The Booster Pump Station East
edges, and vertices. (2003-2005) i n Amsterdam East by
Bekkering and Adams.
polyhedral surface
]ha Hadid.
n East
East by
Pyramids and Prisms
Pyramids. One prominent type ofpolyhedron used in architecture is thepyramid.
The base of an Egyptian pyramid is usually a square, and its other four faces are
triangles. A general pyramid consists of a base polygon B in a plane P that is connected
by triangular faces to the apex v not lying in P (Figure 3.3). Thus, the mantle M of a
pyramid is a polyhedral surface with triangular faces. We obtain apyramidalfistum
by cutting the pyramid with a planeEparalle1 to P. The pillar of an obelisk is one
example of a pyramidal frustum (Figure 3.3).
Fig. 3. 3
A pyramid consists of a base polygon B we get a pyramidal frustum. If we
that is connected by triangular faces to put a pyramid on top of a pyramidal
the apex v. If we cut the pyramid with frustum we have an obelisk.
a plane E parallel to the base plane P
pyramid pyramidal frustum obelisk
Prisms. Aprisnl is a polyhedron whose bottom and top face arc translated copies of
each other in parallel planes (Figure 3.4). The vertices of the bottom and the top face
are connected by parallel straight line segments. Thus the side faces of a p i s m are
parallelograms and the mantle formed by them is a polyhedral surface. If the top face is
obtained by a translation orthogo~lal to the plane containing the bottom face we have
the special case of a rightprism (all side faces are rectangles). A special right prism is
the cuboid previously encountered in Chapter 1.
Modeling pyramids and prisms using
extrusion. Special pyramids and prisms
are often included as basic shapes in
CAD systems. To model a pyramid or
prism with a general basepolygon B, we
use the extrusion command (Figure 3.4).
We draw the polygon B in a plane P ( e g ,
the xy-plane) and extrude it. A parallel
parallel extrusion
prism right prism
extrusion takes the profile polygon B and
extrudes it along parallel straight lines.
If the extrusion direction is orthogonal
to the reference plane we generate a
right prism. Otherwise (if the extrusion
direction is not parallel t o the reference
plane) we generate a prism. A central
extrusion takes the profile polygon B in
P and extrudes it along the connecting
lines with a chosen extrusion center v
(Figure 3.4). Thus a central extrusion
generates a pyramid or pyramidal
frustum whose shape depends on B and
on the position of the apex u. Examples
of pyramids and prisms in architecture
are shown in Figures 3.5 and 3.6.
Fig. 3.4
Prisms and pyramids can be generated
by parallel and central extrusion of a
planar polygon.
central extrusion
I n center v
d extrusion
is on B and
t . Examples
ion of a
Fig. 3.5
pyramids in architecture:
(a) The ancient Egyptian pyramids of
Giza (around 2500 B.C.).
(b) The main pyramid i n front of the
Louvre (1989) in Paris by I.M. Pei: I t s
base square has a side length of 35
meters and i t reaches a height of 20.6
(c) The Transamerica pyramid (1969-
72) in San Franciso by William Pereira
is a four-sided slim pyramid with
a height of 260 meters. It has two
wings on opposing sides containing an
elevator shaft and a staircase.
(d) The Taipei 101 (1999-2004) i n
Taipei by C. Y. Lee. The 508 meters
high building features upside down
pyramidal frustums.
Fig. 3.6
Prisms i n architecture:
(a) Castel delMonte i n Bari by the Holy
Roman Emperor Frederick I1 (around
(b) The Jewish Museum Berlin (1998-
2001) by Daniel Libeskind.
ly the Holy
Platonic Solids
convex sets. A set is convex if it contains with any pair of
iu points also the straight line segment connecting them
(Figure 3.7). A polygon or a polyhedron is convex if it is the
boundary of a convex set.
Convex and non-convex domains in 2D
A cube is a special case of a cuboid whose faces are congruent squares. Geometrically a
cube is a polyhedron with 6 square faces, 12 edges and 8 vertices. In each vertex of the
cube three squares meet. All dihedral angles (i.e., the angles between faces that meet in a
common edge) are equal to 90 degrees. A cube has several symmetries that can be used
to reflect and rotate it (see Chapter 6 ) so that it is always transformed onto itself. A cube
also has the property to be a convex polyhedron.
A regularpolygon has its vertices equally spaced on a circle such that the non-
overlapping edges are of equal length. Examples of regular polygons are the equilateral
triangle, the square, and the regular pentagon. All regular polygons are convex.
Pyramids and prisms whose base is a regular polygon are convex polyhedra. If the base
polygon is non-convex the pyramid or prism is a non-convex polyhedron.
con vex non-convex convex non-convex
Now we devote ourselves to the following question: Are there any convex polyhedra
other than the cube with congruent regular polygonal faces such that the same number
of faces meet at each vertex? The answer is yes and it can be shown thac there are five
such polyhedral solids. They are called the Platonic solids (Figure 3.8), named afcer
the ancient Greek philosopher Plato (circa 428-348 BC). The five Platonic solids are
known as the tetrahedron, the hexahedron (cube), the octahedron, the dodecahedron,
and the icosahedron. The prefix in the Greek name of a Platonic solid tells us the
number of faces thac make up the polyhedron: cettares means four, hex six, okto eight,
dodeka twelve, and eikosi twenty. Because other polyhedra with the same number of
faces commonly carry the same name, the Platonic solids are ofcen distinguished by
adding the word regular to the name. In this section a ,,tetrahedrona always means a
regular tetrahedron and the same applies to the other Platonic solids. Let us begin with
the construction of paper models of the Platonic solids.
Paper models of the Platonic solids. We can construct paper models of the Platonic
solids by first arranging their faces in a plane as shown in Figure 3.8. These ,,unfolded"
polyhedra are cut out of paper or cardboard and then folded and glued together along
the edges. For a tetrahedron, we need four equilateral triangles, for a cube, six squares,
for an octahedron, eight equilateral triangles, for a dodecahedron, twelve regular
pentagons, and for an icosahedron, twenty equilateral triangles. Of course, there are
different possibilities in arranging the faces of each l'latonic solid on a cut-out sheet.
Fig. 3.8
The five Platonic solids are the
tetrahedron, cube, octahedron,
dodecahedron, and icosahedron. We
can build them out of paper using the
shown cut-out sheets.
ron. We
using the
Fig. 3.9
The vertex pyramid of the polyhedron
vertex v is formed by all edges and
faces joining in v . We also show the
unfolded vertex pyramids.
How to find the five Platonic solids? A con-vex polyhedron is a Platonic solid if the
following criteria hold.
All faces are congruent regular polygons.
At each vertex, the same number of faces meet.
Three is the minimum number of polygons (and edges) that have to meet in a vertex v
of a polyhedron. All faces and edges that meet in v form the vertexpyramid. Note that
by vertex pyramid we mean the mantle of a pyramid and this pyramid may have a i on-
planar base polygon (Figure 3.9). A polyhedron vertex is convex if the sum of angles
between consecutive edges is less than 360 degrees. This is clearly the case for the cube
(Figure 3.10) because we get 3-90 = 270 degrees for the three squares joining in each
vertex. Ifwe put together four squares the angle is 4.90 = 360 degrees and all four
squares are contained in a plane. Therefore, we do not get a spatial polyhedron. Five or
more squares will not work either. Thus, the cube is the only Platonic solid made up of
squares. Let us now use equilateral triangles instead of squares.
Three equilateral triangles meeting in a vertex are allowed (3.60 = 180
degrees). We get the tetrahedron by adding a fourth equilateral triangle as
a pyramid base (Figure 3.10). The resulting polyhedron has four faces, four
vertices, and six edges. It fulfils the previously cited criteria and is thus a
Platonic solid.
Four equilateral triangles meeting in a corner are also allowed (4.60 = 240
degrees). We obtain the octahedron simply by gluing together two such
vertex pyramids along their base squares (Fig 10). Again both criteria cited
previously are hlfilled and we have derived another Platonic solid. It has 8
faces, 6 vertices, and 12 edges.
vertex pyramids
con vex
vertex pyramids unfolded
flat saddle sha~ed
Si x equilateral triangles meeting in a vertex form a planar object (6.60 = 360 degrees),
and more than six cannot form a convex vertex anymore. Thus, we have derived all
Platonic solids whose faces are made up of equilateral triangles or squares.
Five equilateral triangles meeting in a corner are the most we can achieve
'(5.60 = 300 degrees). But now we are not allowed to simply glue two such
vertewpyramids along their pentagonal bases. The criterion would not be
fulfilled for the base vertices. It turns out that we have t o connect two such
pyramids with a band of 10 additional equiiateral triangles (Figure 3.10j to
obtain an icosahedron. Now both criteria hold again and we have found a
fourth Platonic solid. It has 20 faces, 12 vertices, and 30 edges. Note that
actually all vertex pyramids of the icosahedron are formed by five equilateral
triangles and are congruent.
Fig. 3.10
How to derive the five Platonic solids
using their vertex pyramids.
The next regular planar polygon is the regular pentagon with five edges and an inner
angle of 108 degrees. Because 3-108 = 324 < 360 degrees we can form a convcx corner
out of three congruent pentagons. Then the dodecahedron is obtained by connecting
four such caps consisting of t h~eecon~i uenr: pentagons (Figure 3.10). Both criteria are
fi~lfilled and we have derived the fifch Platonic solid. It has 12 faces, 20 vertices, and 30
edges. Ifwe put four pentagons together, we have 4.108 = 432 > 360 degrees which no
longer yields a convex corner.
Are there Platonic solids with regular polygonal faces other than triangles, squares, or
pentagons? The answer is no. The following explains why this is the case. For a regular
hexagon the face angle is 120 degrees and thus three hexagons meeting in a corner are
already planar (3.120 = 360). Since the face angles of the regular 7-gon, 8-gon, and so on
are becoming larger and larger we can no longer form convex vertexpyramids anymore.
mic Solids
Platonic solids in higher dimensions. The mathematician
Schlafli proved i n 1852 that there are six polyhedra that
fulfill the properties of the Platonic solids in 4D space. In
spaces of dimension n = 5 and higher there are always only
three such polyhedra. The three Platonic solids that exist in
any dimension are the hypocube (n-dimensional cube), the
simplex (n-dimensional tetrahedron), and the crosspolytope
Fig. 3.11
Photo of a 3D image of the 600-cell at
TU Vienna.
(n-dimensionaloctahedron). In dimension 3 we additionally
have the dodecahedron and the icosahedron. In dimension
4 there are rhe 24-cell, the 120-cell, and the 600-cell. We are
all used t o seeing 2D images of 3D objects. Similarly we can
create 3D images of 4D objects. Such a 3D image of a 600-
cell is shown in Figure 3.1 1.
Convex polyhedra whose faces are equilateral triangles. Note that there are actually
eight different convex polyhedra consisting of equilateral triangles. Three of them are
the Platonic solids tetrahedron, octahedron, and icosahedron. The other $ are no
longer as regular and have 6, 10, 12, 14, and 16 equilateral triangular faces (Figure
3.12). They are obtained as follows. Gluing together two tetrahedra gives the first new
object. Gluing together two pentagonal pyramids generates the second one.
Splitting a tetrahedron into two wedges and stitching them together with a band of
eight equilateral triangles yields the third one. Attaching three square pyramids to the
side faces of a triangular prism generates the fourth. Finally, by attaching two square
pyramids to a band of eight equilateral triangles we obtain the fifth one. Note that all
faces that are glued together are then removed from the generated polyhedron.
Fig. 3.12
The eight different convex polyhedra
that are made up of equilateral
triangles. Only three of them are
Platonic solids.
--- _--- -- y-
Properties of
Platonic Solids
'The faces of a Platonic solid are congruent equilateral triangles (tetrahedron,
n are
octahedron, icosahedron), or congruent squares (cube), or congruent regular
pentagons (dodecahedron). Table 3.1 summarizes the number of faces (fl, the
number ofvertices ( v ), and the number of edges ( e ) that form each Platonic solid.
Table 3.1 Number of Faces, Vertices, and Edges Associated with Platonic Solids
Platonic solid I f I v I e
Tetrahedron 1 4 1 4 1 6
Cube 1 6 1 8 1 1 2
The Euler formula. It is easy to verify that for the five Platonic solids the number of
vertices v minus the number of edges e plus the number of faces f is always equal to 2:
This polyhedral formula, derived by the mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707-1783),
actually holds for all polyhedra without holes. We verify it for the pyramid with a
square base: v - e + f = 5 - 8 + 5 = 2 In Chapter 14 we will learn more about the
Fig. 3.13
Euler formula and other so-called topologicalproperties of geometric shapes.
Platonic solids and their duals. The
tetrahedron is self-dual. The cube and
the octahedron are duals of each other.
The same holds for the icosahedron
and the dodecahedron.
Platonic solids and their duals. The face midpoints of each Platonic solid are the
vertices of another Platonic solid, called the solid's dutrrzl (Figure 3.13). Let us first
derive the dual of a tetrahedron. Each of the four vertex pyramids consists of three
equilateral triangles. Because oft he symmetry of the tetrahedron the three face
midpoints of each vertex pyramid form another equilateral triangle. Thus, we again
obtain a convex polyhedron consisting of four equilateral triangles. Thus the dual of a
tetrahedron is again a (smaller) tetrahedron contained in the original one.
Let us now derive the dual of a cube. For each vertex pyramid of the cube (consisting
of three congruent squares) we connect the face midpoints by an equilateral triangle.
Thus each vertex of the cube gives rise to an equilateral triangle (a face of the dual
polyhedron), and each face of the cube yields a vertex of the dual (which is the face
midpoint of the square). Hence the dual of a cube consists of eight equilateral triangles
that form an octahedron. Obviously the number ofvertices of a Platonic solid
corresponds to the number of faces of the dual and vice versa. The number of edges is
the same for a Platonic solid and its dual (see Table 3.1). Note that the dodecahedron
and the icosahedron are duals of each other.
Spheres associated with Platonic solids. There are three spheres with the same center
naturally associated with each Platonic solid (Figure 3.14). One sphere contains all
vertices (the circumsphere), the second touches all faces in their face-midpoints (the
insphere), and the third touches the edges at their edge-midpoints.
Symmetry properties. The vertex pyramids pf a single Platonic solid are congruent
with one another. By construction, all faces are congruent regular polygons and thus
all edges have the same length. This means that if we want to construct a Platonic solid
we have the following advantages.
We only need one type of face.
All edges have the same length.
The dihedral angles between neighbouring faces are equal.
All vertex pyramids are congruent.
Fig. 3.14
Each Platonic solid has three associated
spheres with t he same center. Here
we show the circumspheres and the
d the
The Golden Section
The golden section. Thegolden section (also known asgolden ratid or divine
proportion) is the number
p = ( 1 + 6 ) / 2 - 1.618033989 ...
We obtain the exact golden section if we divide a line segment into two parts (a larger
one of length c, and a smaller one oflength d) so that the following holds (Figure
3.15): the ratio of c and d is the same as the ratio ofc + d and c. Stated another way,
"larger to smaller as total to larger." Formally, we write
c : d = ( c + d ) : c .
Ewe use a new variable p := c/d we have p = 1 + 1/ p which leads to the quadratic
equation p2- p - 1 = 0. The positive solution (1 + 6 ) / 2 is the golden section.
Interestingly, the golden section can be approximated by the ratio of two successive
numbers in the so-called Fibonacciseries of numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 8 , 13,21,34, ... .
Although 3:2 = 1.5 is a rough approximation ofp, 5 : 3 = 1.666 ... is already a little bit
better. Continuing in the same fashion we obtain better approximations. For example,
the value 1 3 4 = 1.625 already approximates the golden ratio within 1% accuracy.
'Ihe golden rectangle. The dimensions of a golden rectangle are always in the golden
ratio p : 1. To construct a golden rectangle, we start with a square of side length c. As
shown in Figure 3.15 we obtain a largergolden rectangle with dimensions (c + d ) : c
and a smaller one with dimensions c : d.
'Ihe Fibonacci spiral. Let us continue the above construction as follows. We divide
the smaller rectangle into a square of side length d and another golden reccangle of
dimensions d : (c - d). Ifwe continue in the same fashion the result is a whirling square
diagram. By connecting opposite corners of the squares with quarter circles we obtain
the Fibonacci spiral (Figure 3.1 5).
-- - - -
The golden section in art and architecture. In art the
golden section has been found in numerous ancient Greek
sculptures-including those by Phidias (fifch century BC)
whose name motivated the choice of p as the symbol for the
golden section. The golden section also appears in paintings
ranging from Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa (1503) to
Mondrian's Composition with Red, Mo w, and Blue (1 92 1 ).
golden section golden rectangle
. > , T7; ::: . : : ;
.? '. , ?< 2 , ...*.? $
. .... ..;l: "
.:,.; : ? " :,-< -':
..*... -:;.-
, -*2'.>"":' "I.
-.iec-< .
1 ; ' : ; : . '
.,. : . :-.:
.>-.:. ; ' , .',
. : , = - . , ,-. .
. . ; . ^
c/Z c/Z ::+:. : d. i:... .;.
In architecture it is argued that the golden section was
used in the Cheops pyramid (around 2590-2470 B.C.), i n
the Parthenon temple (447-432 B.C.) in Athens, in the
Pantheon (118-125) in Rome, in various triumphal arches,
or in the facade of the Notre Dame cathedral (1 163-1345)
in Paris. In the twentieth century, Le Corbusier developed
the golden-section-based modular system for architectural
proportions and applied it in his famous building Unit;
dJHabitation (1952) in Marseille (Figure 3.16).
Fig. 3.15
The golden section, the golden
rectangle, and the golden spiral.
Fibonacci spiral
Fig. 3.16
Unite dfHabitation (1952) by
Le Corbusier.
ection wa,
3 B.C.), in
:ns, in thC
ha1 arches,
163-1 345)
ling Uniti
(a) Modeling a tetrahedron by cutting
it out of a cube.
(b) Modeling an octahedron by
choosing its six vertices as the unit
points on the axes of a Cartesian
system: (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (-1,0,0),
(O,-l,O), (O,O,l), (O,O,-l).
Modeling t he Platonic solids. CAD s o h a r e ohen provides Platonic solids as
fundamental shapes. Ifthis is not the case all five Platonic solids can also be modeled in
the following way. The most difficult part here is the construct$n of an icosahedron and
its dual, the dodecahedron-which exhibits a beautiful relation to the golden ratio.
To model a cubc, we can use parallel extrusion of a square with edge lengths
in a direction orthogonal to its supporting plane to a heights.
To model a tetrahedron, we cut i t out of a cube as shown in Figure 3.17. Tne
planar cuts generate a polyhedron whose six edges are diagonals of the cubes
faces which are congruent squares. Thus, the new edges are of equal length.
The four faces of the new polyhedron are congruent equilateral triangles.
Hence the polyhedron is a tetrahedron.
To model an octahedron (Figure 3.17), we select i n six vertices as unit points
on [he axes of a Cartesian system: (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (-1,0,0), (0,-1,0), (0,0,1),
(0,0,-1). Alternatively we could also model it as the dual of a cube.
planes -0
TO model an icosahedron we use three congruent golden rectangles which
.we position mutually orthogonal with coinciding centers in the origin as
s h o w ~ n Figure 3.18. The twelve vertices of the three golden recrangles have
Cartesian coordinates (kp,?l,O), (0, kp, ?l ), (+1,0, +p) and are the vertices of
an icosahedron ofedge lengths = 2.
We model a dodecahedron as the dual of an icosahedron (Figure 3.18).
The twenty face midpoints of the icosahedron are the vertices of the
The cube is the most widely used Platonic solid i n architecture. One unorthodox use is
illustrated in Figure 3.19a. The tetrahedron also finds its way into architec~ure (Figure
3.19b). In material following we will learn how geodesic spheres can be derived from
an icosahedron.
. z z
icosahedron dodecahedron ,j
icosahedron with side length s=2
Fig. 3.18
(Left) Modeling an icosahedron of edge
length s = 2: The vertices of three
congruent golden rectangles of width
2 and length 2qdefine the twelve
vertices of an icosahedron.
(Right) Modeling a dodecahedron as
the dual of an icosahedron.
Fig. 3.19
(a) The Cube Houses (1984) in
Rotterdam by Piet Blorn feature cubes
with one vertical diagonal resting on
prisms with a hexagonal base polygon.
(b) The Art Tower (1990) in Mito by
Arata Isozaki can be modeled as a
stack of tetrahedra.
ron of edge
f three
; of width
) i n
:ure cubes
!sting on
;e polygon.
Mito by
:d as a
Archimedean Solids
Archimedean solids are convex polyhedra that are consisting of two or more types of
regular polygons so that all vertex pyramids are congruent. These special polyhedra
were known to the ancient Greek genius Archimedes more than 2000 years ago. As in
the case of Platonic solids, all edge lenghts are equal in an Archimedean solid. Thus,
the real difference is that more than one type ofplanar face appears. Each face still has
to be a regular polygon but not all of them have to be congruent.
Corner cutting of Platonic solids. By cutting off the vertices of a Platonic solid we
can generate some of the Archimedean solids. For a better understanding ofpossible
cucs we first discuss corner cutting (along straight lines) for regular polygons. For each
regular polygon we can perform two different corner cuts so that we again obtain a
regular polygon (Figure 3.20):.
Type 1: Cuts that generate a regular polygon with the same number of edges.
Type 2: Cuts that generate a regular polygon with twice as many edges.
Fig. 3.20
corner cuts type 1
The two types of corner cuts of regular
polygons that generate another regular
polygon. We illustrate the cuts for the
equ~lateral tr~angle, the square, and
the regular pentagon.
corner cuts type 2
The first type of cut passes through the edge midpoints, and the second type ofcut has
i to be ~erforrned in such a way that the generated polygon with twice as many edges is
again regular. \Ve can perform these two types of corner cuts for a Platonicsolid in an
analogous way and thus generate Archimedean solids. In we do so we cut off parts of
the vertex pyramids.
Corner cuts of type 1. Let us start with cuts through the edge midpoints (Figure 3.21).
For a tetrahedron we chop o f four smaller regular tetrahedra and what
remains is an octahedron, Thus, we again have a Platonic solid and not a new
type of polyhedron.
For a cube, we obtain the so-called cuboctahedron consisting of six congruent
squares (which remain from the six faces of the cube) and eight congruent
triangles (which remain from the eight corners of the cube).
Ifwe cut off the corners of an octahedron, we obtain a polyhedron
whose faces are eight congruent equilateral triangles (one for each of
the octagon faces) and six congruent squares (one replacing each corner
of the octahedron). This is again a cuboctahedron. Indeed, by corner
cutting through the edge midpoints dual Platonic solids generate the
same polyhedron. This also holds for the dodecahedron and its dual, the
Wi t h planar cuts through the edge midpoints of a dodecahedron we obtain
a polyhedron whose faces are 12 congruent regular pentagons (one for
each of the twelve faces of the dodecahedron) and 20 congruent equilateral
triangles (one for each of the 20 vertices of the dodecahedron). The derived
~ o l ~ h e d r o n is known as the icosidodecahedron. Its name reveals the fact that
it can also be generated from an icosahedron via corner cutting through the
edge midpoints (Figure 3,21).
Fig. 3.21
New polyhedra generated by corner
cutting of Platonic solids with cuts
through the edge midpoints.
cube octahedron dodecahedron icosahedron
corner corner ,
Fig. 3.22
From the 13 Archimedean solids t he
seven named i n thi s fi gure can be
generated f r om Platonic solids via
corner cutti ng. The classic soccer bal l
is one of them.
Corner cuts of type 2. Wi t h corner cuts of the second type we can generate one
further Archimedean solid for each of the five Placonic solids (Figurr 3.22). Figure
3.20 indicates by means of a single face how we have to perform the necessary cllcs
that chop off parts of the vertex pyramids of each Platonic solid. Archimedean solids
generated by rruncacion are called truncated tetrai~edron, truncated cube, truncated
octahedron, truncated dodecuhedron, and truncated icosahedron.
The truncated icosahedron is very likely the most recognized Archimedean solid
because ic is represented in the classic shape of a soccer ball (Figure 3.22). The same
polyhedron was also named a buckyballby chemists, because it resembles the shape of
the geodesic spheres ofBuckminister Fuller which we study in the next section. It can
be generated from the icosahedron by corner cutting so that we chop off 1/ 3 of each
edge on both edge ends. We generate for each of the 12 vertices a regular pentagon,
and for each of the 20 triangles of the icosahedron a regular hexagon. Corner cutting
is a fundamental idea in generating new shapes from existing ones. We encounter this
idea again in future chapters including Chapter 8 (on freeform curves) and Chapter
1 1 (on freeform surfaces).
In total, there are 13 different Archimedean solids (Figure 3.22) other than certain
prisms and anti-prisms (discussed in material following). 'Ihree of the Archimedean
solids even consist of three different types of regular polygonal faces.
I truncated
Remark. Note-that the classical definiton of an Archimedean solid is also fulfilled by
a 14th polyhedron. It was found 2000 years afier Archimedes by J. C. P. iMiller and V.
G. Ashkinuze. This polyhedron is obtained by cutting a rhombicuboctahedron (the
polyhedron marked by an ' in Figure 3.22) in ha[( rotating one part by 45 degrees, and
then gluing the two parts together.
Some Archimedean solids inherently closely resemble the shape of a sphere, with the
further advantage that they can be made of struts of equal length. From Platonic solids
we derive polyhedra that resemble the shape ofa sphere even better. These are the
geodesic spheres and spherical caps of them are called geodesic domes.
Prisms and anti-prisms that are congruent regular polygons as bottom
Archimedean solids. A prism whose and top faces. The top face is a rotated
top and bottom faces are congruent and translated copy of the bottom face
regular polygons and whose side faces and both are connected by a strip of
are squares is an Archimedean solid triangles. If we use equilateral triangles
(Figure 3.23, top). Recall that for an we obtain polyhedra that fulfill the
Archimedean solid all edge lengths properties of an Archimedean solid
have to be equal. An anti-prism has (Figure 3.23, bottom).
cube prisms
Fig. 3.23
Examples of prisms and anti-prisms
that are Archimedean solids.
Geodesic Spheres
Ageodesicsphere is a polyhedron with an almost spherical structure. The name is
derived from the fact that
all vertices lie on a common sphere Sand
certain sequences ofvertices are arranged on great circles ofS.
The great circles of a sphere are the shortest paths that connect two distinct points on
a sphere. These shortest paths on a surface are calledgeodesics, and thus the polyhedra
we study in chis section are called geodesic spheres. All faces of a geodesic sphere are
triangles. However, not all of them are congruent. Geodesic domes are those parts
of geodesic spheres (Figure 3.24) that are actually used in architecture (Figure 3.25).
Built domes range from sizes covering almost a full geodesic sphere to only half a
geodesic sphere. The latter are called hemispherical domes.
dome at the Milan Triennale-an international exhibition
dedicated to present innovative developments in
architecture, design, crafts, and city planning. The 42-foot
paperboard geodesic dome of Fuller gained worldwide
geodesic sphere
attention and Fuller won che Gran Premio. Buckminster
Fuller built several domes including a large one in Montreal
(Figure 3.25) to house the U.S. Pavilion at Expo 1967. Fuller
also proposed enclosing midtown Manhattan with a 2-mile-
wide dome.
hemispherical geodesic dome
Fig. 3.25
(a) The Geodesic Dome (1967) in
Montreal by Buckminster Fuller
comprises three-quarters of a geodesic
sphere. The outer-hull is made out of
triangles and is Jinked to the inner hull
consisting of hexagons.
(b) The Spaceship Earth geodesic
dome (1982) i n Orlando is almost a full
geodesic sphere.
(c) The Desert Dome (1999-2002) in
Omaha is hemispherical.
) in
! out of
lner hull
ost a full
Fig. 3.26
Subdividing a triangle into smaller
triangles: By splitting each edge into
2, 3, 4 equal segments we get 4, 9, 16
smaller triangles. I n general, splitting
each edge into n qqual segments yields
n2 smaller triangles.
Fig. 3.27
Projecting the edge midpoints of an
icosahedron onto its circumsphere
results in a geodesic sphere.
Starting with Platonic solids we derive different forms of geodesic spheres by applying
the following iterative process: we subdivide each face into .I iegular pattern of
triangles and project t!!e 13r..v vertices onto the circumsphere a&the P lnic solid.
From our considerations 'latonic solids it is evident that geodesic ~l omes cannot be
built with all triangular f ~ccs being congruent. Zowever, we try to obtain only a small
number of different faces.
Geodesic domes derived from an icosahedron: Alternative 1. Because the
icosahedron closely approximates its circumsphere it is often used as a starting point
for deriving geodesic spheres. We start by subdividing the triangular faces into
smaller triangles (Figure 3.26b). An equilateral triangle can be split into four smaller
equilateral triangles by adding the edge midpoints as new vertices. ?hen three new
edges parallel to the original edges are inserted.
We do this subdivision for each of the 20 congruent faces of the icosahedron to
obtain a total of 80 = 20.4 triangles. Now we project the newly inserted 30 vertices
(the midpoints of the 30 edges of the icosahedron) radially from the center of the
icosahedron ont o its circumsphere (Figure 3.27). From the 80 triangles of this
geodesic sphere, 20 are still equilateral. The remaining 60 are only isosceles. Thus this
geodesic sphere can be made up of two types of triangles (colored differently in Figure
3.28, level 1).
'vide each
geodesic sphere
project new vert
onto circumsphere
Ifwe want to construct a larger geodesic sphere, it is advantageous to have more triangles.
Let us again derive such a geodesic sphere from an icosahedron. We subdivide each
edge of the icosahedraa into three equal parts and obtain for each triangle nine smaller
triangles (instead offour, as previously; Figure 3. 26~). Then we project the 80 new
vertices (2 on each of the 30 edges oft he icosahedron, and one for the midpoint ~ f e a c h
of the 20 faces) again radially onto the circumsphere of the icosahedron.
This geodesic sphere has a total of 92 vertices, 20.9 = 180 triangles, and 270 edges
(Figure 3.28, level 2). It follows from the construction that all triangles are isosceles.
However, there are two different types of triangles: 60 congruent ones that form the
vertex pyramids around the 12 original vertices of the icosahedron and 120 congruent
ones that form the 20 vertex pyramids around the displaced midpoints of the
icosahedroni triangles.
Note that there are only three different edge lengths involved. If we subdivide each
triangle of the icosahedron into 16 triangles (Figure 3.26d), and then project all new
vertices onto the circumsphere, we obtain a geodesic sphere at level 3 with 20.16 = 320
triangles (Figure 3.28, level 3). Ifwe keep subdividing the triangles of the icosahedron in
this fashion, we generate a geodesic sphere at level k with 2O.(k+l)' triangles.
Geodesic domes derived from an icosahedron: Alternative 2. An alternative
approach in generating geodesic spheres also starts with an icosahedron. However, it
recursively splits each triangle of the geodesic sphere at the previous level into four
smaller triangles and then projects the new vertices onto the circumsphere (Figure
3.29). The first subdivision level gives exactly the same geodesic sphere with 20.4 =
80 triangles as before. But the second and third level already produce geodesic spheres
with 20.16 = 320, and 20.64 = 1280 triangles respectively. Thus, by the second
subdivision approach a geodesic sphere of level k has 20. 8 criangles. At level 1, both
alternative constructions return the same geodesic sphere. However, at higher levels
we obtain geometrically different results because the order in which we perform the
: ~ i
subdivision and projection steps is different.
j:; i
* --.
- .
-. .
. .
Fig. 3.28
Geodesic spheres generated by (b) At level 2 we have 180 isosceles
subdividing t he triangles of an triangles of t wo types marked with
icosahedron and projecting the new different colors.
vertices: (c) At level 3 we have 320 triangles of
(a) At level 1 we have 80 triangles of five different types. Only 20 of them
t wo types (20 equilateral, 60 isosceles are equilateral, all others are isosceles.
i n different colors).
icosahedron geodesic sphere level 1 geodesic sphere level 2 geodesic sphere level 3
@ , .-; . . . - ,, . ' , .: . , ,. ' , . "; . ,' .
, ' . . : :
:. .
, , ? i ',.'.
. . -.
,>, . ,- ..
.. ,- . "
~ <*
.,. . ,
9 8
Figure 3.30 shows a circular section and the different resulrs obtained by changing the
order in which subdivision and projecrion are starting with a single edge.
Thus, although the number of triangles of a geodesic sphere at level 2, 3, 4, ... with the
second approach is the same as the number of triangles of a geodesic sphere at level
3, 7, 15, ... generated with the first approach, the geometiy of the resulting objec:s is
slightly different. By varying the generation process (subdivision and projection) we
can obtain even other variants of geodesic spheres.
Remark. Note that a geodesic sphere still contains the 12 vertices of rhe icosahedron
from which it is constructed. These 12 vertex pyramids consist ofonly 5 triangles.
All other vertex pyramids of a geodesic sphere consist of 6 triangles which yields a
natural relation to hexagons that can be formed around those vertices. Recent projects
(such as "Eden" by Grimshaw and partners) are revisiting large spherical roofs using a
hexagonal pattern (see Chapter 11 for details).
Fig. 3.29
Geodesic spheres generated wi t h the
second subdivision alternative, I n each
step the tri angl es of t he previous step
are split i nto four smaller tri angl es and
the new vertices are proj ected agai n
radially onto t he ci rcumsphere of the
icosahedron geodesic sphere level 1 geodesic sphere level 2
geodesic sphere level 3
Fig. 3.30
The order c?f subdivision and proj ecti on
steps matters. This i s i l l ustrated at
hand of a circular section.
alternative 1
alternative 2
jngles of
f them
rhombic dodecahedra honeycombs Fig. 3.31
Examples of space filling polyhedra:
rhombic dodecahedra and
A honeycombs.
Space Filling Polyhedra
Obviously the cube is a space-filling polyhedron. This means that we can stack
congruent cubes and completely fill 3D space with them. Actually, the cube is the only
Platonic solid that has this property. Nevertheless, there are other polyhedra that have
the space-filling property. One example is the following: Ifwe add square pyramids
of height s/2 to each face of a cube with edge lengths, we obtain a so-called rhombic
dodecahedron (Figure 3.31a). All faces of a rhombic dodecahedron are congruent
rhombi which are non-regular polygons of equal edge length in the form of a sheared
Let's examine why the rhombic dodecahedron is also a space-filling polyhedron. We
take a cube and attach six congruent cubes to its faces. Replacing these six cubes by
rhombic dodecahedrae, the initial cube is completely filled by six congruent pyramidal
parts of the adjacent rhombic dodecahedrae. Thus, ifwe replace in a space-filling
assembly of cubes every second cube (in a 3D checkerboard manner) with a rhombic
dodecahedron, we find a space-filling by dodecahedra. Space-filling polyhedra appear
in nature (e.g. as regular six-sided prisms that form the building blocks of honeycombs,
Figure 3.3 lb).
It is of course possible to fill space with non-congruent polyhedra, although it becomes
much more complicated to do this in a meaningful way. For practical applications we
sometimes want to fill a certain volume with polyhedra. For simulation purposes one
Fig. 3.32
Volume filling tetrahedra (image
ohen uses tetrahedra (Figure 3.32). One recent example in architecture that employs
space-filling polyhedra of varying shape is the National Swimming Center in Beijing
(Figure 3.33). An architectural design that employs polyhedra derived from so-called
. .
Voronoi cells (see Chapter 17) ir shown in Figure 5.34.
Fig. 3. 33
Volume filling polyhedra in
architecture: National Swimming
Center in Beijing.
Fig. 3. 34
An architectural design based on
irregular space filling polyhedra (image
courtesy of 6. Schneider).
a (image
Fig. 3.35
Approximation of cylinders and cones
by polyhedral surfaces.
(a) Simple strip models.
(b) The strips are further subdivided
into planar quadrilaterals.
(c) Since 1991 the Melbourne Shot
Tower is covered by a 84m high conical
glass roof designed by Kisho Kurokawa.
yhedra Surfaces
Ifa smooth surface is approximated by a polyhedral surface we also speak of a discrete
su+ce. In architecture discrete surfaces are ofspecial interest in the realization of a design.
Approximation of cylinders and cones by polyhedral surfaces. The first idea is t o
take a smooth cylinder surface and replace ir with a strip model (Figure 3.35a). We
can also divide each strip intoplanar quadrilaterals. The same holds for a cone surface.
Figure 3.35b shows a strip model and a model with planar quadrilaterals. Note that
the quadrilaterals are planar because two opposing edges are lying in the same plane by
non-congruent quadrangles
A model of the courtyard roof of the
in the middle and two congruent
Abbey in Neumunster. The previous
conical sections at either side. The
idea was used to cover a rectangular
circular arc c is the base curve of two
area by a curved roof with planar glass
adjacent surfaces. Then, a parallel
panels in an interesting way (Figure extrusion generates the cylindrical
3.36a). The shape of the roof consists part-and a central extrusion with
of three parts: a cylindrical section vertex v generates the conical one. The
cylinder surface is approximated by if we use a different decomposition
congruent planar quadrilaterals using i nt o quadrilaterals, they are no longer
the generators of the cylinder. planar. Thus, t o realize chis design with
If we approximate the conical parts by planar glass panels one has t o subdivide
planar quadrilaterals using the cone each nonplanar quadrilateral into two
generators, t he outcome might be triangles (Figure 3. 36~) .
undesirable (Figure 3.36b). However,
Fig. 3.36
(a) The courtyard roof of the Abbey in
Neumunster (2003) by Ewart-Haagen
& Lorang Architects,built by RFR.
(b) A design only using the generators
of the cylinder and the cones.
(c) An alternative design that
discretizes the conical parts into
In general, the approximation of a freeform shape by triangles is much simpler than by
planar polygons. This fact is intensively used in computer graphics, in which objects
are decomposed into triangles (e.g. for rendering purposes, recall Chapter 2). In
architecture, freeform-shapes are enjoying increased popularity. For the design of roofs
constructed as steel-and-glass structures with planar panels, the simplest polygons are
triangles (Figure 3.37).
Fig. 3.37
The Zlote Tarasy (polish for "Golden
Terraces") i n Warsaw by Jerde
Partnership Internati onal opened in
2007. The freeform shape roof is
geometrically a polyhedral surface with
triangular faces (images courtesy of
Waagner-Biro Stahlbau AG).
Whereas three vertices of a triangle in space are always contained in a single plane,
chis need not be the case for four or more points. The design of polyhedral freeform
surfaces with planar faces other than triangles is a difficult task that is a topic ofcurrent
research. As illustrated in Figure 3.38, computer graphics has already developed
algorithms for the approximation of arbitrary shapes by polyhedral surfaces. However,
these methods generate a variety of differently shaped planar polygons and thus may
not be the best solution for architectural design. Therefore, in Chapter 19 we study a
different approach that becter meets the needs ofarchitecture.
Fiq. 3.38
Shape approxi mati on by polyhedral
surfaces applied t o Michelangelo's
David (i mage courtesy of Pierre Alliez).