The document discusses the constitutive act which establishes a commercial company. It can take the form of a company contract, articles of association, or a single document combining the two. The constitutive act must include details like company name, activity, capital contributions, management structure, duration and dissolution terms. It summarizes the legal requirements for establishing different types of companies through a constitutive act and setting their social (registered) capital, which can come from cash, assets, debts or reserves. The social capital amount depends on the company type and has rules around modification through increases or decreases.
The document discusses the constitutive act which establishes a commercial company. It can take the form of a company contract, articles of association, or a single document combining the two. The constitutive act must include details like company name, activity, capital contributions, management structure, duration and dissolution terms. It summarizes the legal requirements for establishing different types of companies through a constitutive act and setting their social (registered) capital, which can come from cash, assets, debts or reserves. The social capital amount depends on the company type and has rules around modification through increases or decreases.
The document discusses the constitutive act which establishes a commercial company. It can take the form of a company contract, articles of association, or a single document combining the two. The constitutive act must include details like company name, activity, capital contributions, management structure, duration and dissolution terms. It summarizes the legal requirements for establishing different types of companies through a constitutive act and setting their social (registered) capital, which can come from cash, assets, debts or reserves. The social capital amount depends on the company type and has rules around modification through increases or decreases.
The document discusses the constitutive act which establishes a commercial company. It can take the form of a company contract, articles of association, or a single document combining the two. The constitutive act must include details like company name, activity, capital contributions, management structure, duration and dissolution terms. It summarizes the legal requirements for establishing different types of companies through a constitutive act and setting their social (registered) capital, which can come from cash, assets, debts or reserves. The social capital amount depends on the company type and has rules around modification through increases or decreases.
Types of constitutive acts The general partnership company or the limited partnership shall be set up by a company contract while the joint-stock company, the limited partnership by shares or the limited liability company shall be set up by a company contract and its articles of association. The limited liability company may be set up by the act of will of a single person (Sole trader). In this case only the articles of association shall be drawn up. The company contract and the articles of association may be drawn up as a single document entitled the constitutive act. When only the company contract or only the articles of association are concluded, they could also be denominated as constitutive act. Within this present law the constitutive act designates both the single document and the company contract and/or the company's articles of association.
Form requirements The constitutive act shall be signed by all associates. The constitutive act is concluded in an authenticated form if: a) a immovable good is brought as part of the social capital b) in case of general partnership company or the limited partnership c) in case of a joint-stock company with public subscription The content
The constitutive act of the general partnership, of the limited partnership, and of the limited liability company shall contain: a) the name and first name, place and date of birth, domicile and citizenship of the associates when they are natural persons; the denomination, the registered office and the nationality of the associates, when they are legal persons. In case of a limited partnership the active partners as well as the sleeping partners shall be clearly identified; b) the form, denomination, the headquarters and the emblem of the company, as the case may be; c) the company's object of activity, specifying the field of action and the main activity; d) the subscribed and the deposited registered capital, with special mention of each associate's contribution, whether in cash or in kind, the value of the assets brought as contribution in kind and the way the evaluation has been made, as well as the date when all subscribed registered capital shall be deposited. In a limited liability company the number and the nominal value of all participating shares as well as the number of participating shares attributed to each associate for his contribution shall be specified; e) the associates who represent and manage the company or the independent administrators, be they natural or legal persons, the powers vested in them and whether they are going to exert the powers together or separately; f) each associate's part in profits and losses; g) location of its subsidiaries - branches, agencies, or other offices of the same kind without legal personality - when they and the company are set up at the same time, or conditions to set them up at a later date if such a setting up is considered; h) duration of the company; i) the method of dissolution or liquidation of the company.
The constitutive act of the joint-stock company or of the limited partnership by shares shall contain: a) the name and first name, place and date of birth, the domicile and citizenship of the associates, when they are natural persons; denomination, their registered office and the nationality of the associates, when they are legal persons; in case of a limited partnership by shares the active partners as well as the sleeping partners shall be clearly identified; b) the form, denomination, the registered office and the emblem of the company, as the case may be; c) the company's object of activity, specifying the field of action and its main activity; d) the subscribed and deposited registered capital. At the time of setting up the subscribed registered capital, deposited by each shareholder, shall be no less than 30% of the subscribed capital, except where the law provided otherwise. The remaining of the registered capital shall be deposited within 12 months from the date of the company's incorporation; e) the value of the assets brought as contribution in kind, the method of evaluation and the number of shares attributed against them; f) the number and nominal value of the shares, specifying whether they are registered or on bearer; where there are different categories of shares the number, nominal value and the rights conferred to each category shall be specified; g) the name and first name, place and date of birth, the domicile and citizenship of the managers, when they are natural persons; denomination, the headquarters and nationality of the managers, when they are legal persons; the guaranty which the managers are bond to deposit, the powers vested in them and whether they shall exert the said together or separately; the special rights of administration and representation granted to some of them. In a limited partnership by shares the active partners who represent and manage the company shall be identified; h) the name and first name, place and date of birth, domicile and citizenship of the auditors, when they are natural persons; denomination, headquarters and nationality of auditors, when they are legal persons; i) provisions regarding the management, administration and functioning of the company as well as the administrative control over company's property; j) duration of the company; k) method of profit distribution and loss bearing; l) location of its subsidiaries - branches, agencies or other offices of the same kind without legal personality - when they and the company are set up at the same time, or the conditions to set them up at a later date if such a setting up is considered; m) special benefits reserved for the founders; n) the shares for the sleeping partners in a limited partnership by shares; o) operations concluded by associates on behalf of the company to be set up and which the company is going to take over as well as the sums of money to be paid for those operations; p) method of dissolution or liquidation of the company.
Social capital
Definition The social capital is the ensemble of the associates contributions.
Types of contributions
1) Contributions in cash are compulsory when setting up companies of any kind.
2) Contributions in kind are admissible in all forms of companies. These contributions are fulfilled by transferring the relevant rights and by effective delivery, to the company, of the assets in a good to use condition.
3) Contributions in debts are admissible only after the company has obtained the payment of the amount for which the debts of third parties were deposited. Such contributions are not admitted in joint-stock companies set up by public subscription, in limited partnerships by shares or in limited liability companies.
4) Labour prestations cannot be considered as contributions to form or to increase the registered capital. The associates in a general partnership as well as the active partners may assume the obligation to come with labour prestations as contributions but these contributions cannot be considered as such with the purpose to form or to increase the registered capital. In exchange for such contributions the associates are entitled, according to the constitutive act, to share in the distribution of profits and company's assets remaining, at the same time, bound to pay their share of possible losses.
Legal conditions a) the joint-stock company may be set up only by full and simultaneous subscription of the registered capital by all signers of the constitutive act or by public subscription. b) the registered capital of the joint-stock company or of the limited partnership by shares cannot be lower than 25,000,000 lei. c) he registered capital of the limited liability company cannot be lower than 2,000,000 lei and it shall be divided into equal participating shares that can not be less than 100,000 lei each
Modification of social capital
a) increasing the social capital
a.1.) by new contributions The registered capital may be increased by issuing new shares or by increasing the nominal value of the existing shares in exchange for new contributions in money and/or in kind. The registered capital can not be increased and new shares shall not be issued until shares of previous issue are completely paid for.
a.2.) by including the reserves New shares can be paid by including the reserves, except legal reserves. Favorable differences, as resulted from the re-evaluation of the registered assets, may be included in the reserves and used for the increase of the registered capital.
a.3.) by including the benefits and the issue premiums New shares can be paid by including the benefits and the issue premiums.
a.4.) by compensation of some certain and liquid debts New shares can be paid by compensation of some certain and liquid debts of third parties with its own shares. The increase of the registered capital obtained by increasing the nominal value of the shares can only be decided with the vote of all shareholders, except for the case when it is done by including the reverses, the benefits and the issue premiums. The resolution of the extraordinary meeting of the general assembl y to increase the registered capital will be published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part IV, granting a period of at least one month for the priority right to be exercised starting from the publication date.
b) decreasing the social capital
If a registered capital decrease is ascertained this will have to be completed or written down prior to any profit allotment or distribution being carried out. In case the managers find out the loss of half of the registered capital they are compelled to convene the extraordinary meeting in order to decide upon the reconstitution of the capital, its limitation to the balance amount of money or the dissolution of the company. If provided by the constitutive act, the extraordinary meeting can be convened even in case of a smaller loss.
When the writing down of the registered capital is motivated by losses incurred, it may be done by: b.1.) reducing the number of shares or of the participating shares; b.2.) reducing the nominal value of the shares or of the participating shares; b.3.) purchasing its own shares, followed by their cancellation.
When the writing down of the registered capital is not motivated by losses incurred, it may yet be done by: b.4.) total or partial exemption of the associates of their obligation to make the deposits they owe; b.5.) restitution to the shareholders of a share of their contributions, in proportion to the writing down of the registered capital equally calculated for each share or participating shares; b.6.) other methods, as prescribed by the law. The writing down of the registered capital can only be made after a two month's period passing from the day of the publication of the decision in the Official Gazette of Romania. The decision must observe the minimum registered capital, when stated by the law, to point out to the reasons of the writing down and the procedure used for its accomplishment. Any creditor of the company, prior to the decision being published, is entitled to enter a caveat within the period mentioned of two months and under the conditions regarding the opposition. When the company issued bonds, the writing down of the registered capital by paying back the shareholders out of the sum paid on account of the stock can only be made proportionally to the value of the reimbursed bonds.