1. There is a need for restrictions on cross media ownership in India to prevent monopolization and ensure plurality in media and freedom of speech and expression.
2. The current legal framework of competition law is inadequate to regulate cross media ownership as concepts like "relevant market" and recognition of "collective dominance" are not broad enough.
3. Restrictions on cross media ownership should be implemented geographically to limit concentration in each relevant local market. Competition law also needs amendments to effectively regulate anti-competitive practices across different media segments.
1. There is a need for restrictions on cross media ownership in India to prevent monopolization and ensure plurality in media and freedom of speech and expression.
2. The current legal framework of competition law is inadequate to regulate cross media ownership as concepts like "relevant market" and recognition of "collective dominance" are not broad enough.
3. Restrictions on cross media ownership should be implemented geographically to limit concentration in each relevant local market. Competition law also needs amendments to effectively regulate anti-competitive practices across different media segments.
1. There is a need for restrictions on cross media ownership in India to prevent monopolization and ensure plurality in media and freedom of speech and expression.
2. The current legal framework of competition law is inadequate to regulate cross media ownership as concepts like "relevant market" and recognition of "collective dominance" are not broad enough.
3. Restrictions on cross media ownership should be implemented geographically to limit concentration in each relevant local market. Competition law also needs amendments to effectively regulate anti-competitive practices across different media segments.
1. There is a need for restrictions on cross media ownership in India to prevent monopolization and ensure plurality in media and freedom of speech and expression.
2. The current legal framework of competition law is inadequate to regulate cross media ownership as concepts like "relevant market" and recognition of "collective dominance" are not broad enough.
3. Restrictions on cross media ownership should be implemented geographically to limit concentration in each relevant local market. Competition law also needs amendments to effectively regulate anti-competitive practices across different media segments.
We aie giateful to the Law Commission foi making available its consultation papei on meuia laws foi public comments. We founu the consultation papei anu the questions poseu to be insightful anu timely. 0n behalf of oui oiganization Alteinative Law Foium, we woulu like to iesponu to foui of the issues iuentifieu namely:
a. Regulation of Cioss Neuia 0wneiship b. Neuia anu Piiacy c. Befamation u. Tiial by meuia
The Alteinative Law Foium is a collective of lawyeis anu ieseaicheis who woik on vaiious issues of public inteiest. We have also been woiking anu teaching in the aiea of meuia laws foi a numbei of yeais, anu have in the past been pait of expeit gioups constituteu by the goveinment, assisteu in policy oiienteu ieseaich anu also maue submissions on a numbei of issues of public impoitance.
We hope you will take some of oui iecommenuations into account
4C J#K ,) 16393 # H0993*1 *33- +&9 93)19(H1(&*) &* H9&)) H&*19&8I&$*39)6(F #H9&)) 163 '3-(# )3H1&9L M3), theie is a neeu foi iestiictions on cioss contiolowneiship acioss the meuia sectoi, because the cuiient legal fiamewoik is not auequate to auuiess issues of meuia concentiation which affect pluiality in meuia anu consequently the constitutional iight to fieeuom of speech anu expiession.
In this backgiounu, it is cleaily seen that some methou foi pieventing cioss meuia owneiship is uespeiately neeueu in the Inuian scenaiio. Competition law is the only winuow in the cuiient legal fiamewoik wheieby iegulation of cioss-meuia owneiship may be attempteu. Bowevei, it is founu that oui competition law is not auequate enough to ueal with cioss-meuia owneiship.
(C ,*#-3T0#HN &+ 163 H&*H3F1 &+ U9383O#*1 '#9S31V 1& F93O3*1 H9&))A'3-(# &$*39)6(F Theie have been seveial instances of cases in iecent times conceining anti-competitive piactices acioss uiffeient meuia which oui competition law has faileu to auuiess auequately. 0ne such instance aiises in the inauequacy of the concept of "ielevant maiket" to pievent cioss meuia owneiship. In G,H (.667/)#&%)./- v. !7/ I)$"#% EJ K which came up befoie the Competition Commission of Inuia in 2u11, it was allegeu by NS0s that BTB seivice pioviueis weie inuulging in pieuatoiy piicing in oiuei to kick the NS0s out of business. Bowevei, in in this case BTB seivices anu NS0-cable seivices weie not seen pait of the same "ielevant maiket" as uefineu unuei Competition Act, 2uu2 S by the CCI, theieby
2 Para 196, Ibid. 3 TRAI, Consultation Paper on Cross Media Ownership,, available at <http://www.trai.gov.in/WriteReadData/ConsultationPaper/Document/CP_on_Cross_media_%2 015-02-2013.pdf> 4 Case No. 08/2009, before, CCI, available at < http://www.cci.gov.in/May2011/OrderOfCommission/JAKMainOrder010911.pdf> 5 (r) "relevant market" means the market which may be determined by the Commission with reference to the relevant product market or the relevant geographic market or with reference to both the markets; (s) "relevant geographic market" means a market comprising the area in which the conditions of competition for supply of goods or provision of services or demand of goods or services are distinctly homogenous and can be distinguished from the conditions prevailing in the neighbouring areas;
pieventing the CCI fiom imposing pio-competition acioss BTB seivices anu NS0-cable maiket. This means that the competition law uoes not iecognise thieat of monopolisation acioss uiffeient kinus of meuia seivices, like acioss BTB anu NS0-cable because the concept "ielevant maiket" is not auequate enough to iecognise monopolisation acioss uiffeient meuia. Theiefoie, if foi instance, anti-competitive piactices aie instituteu acioss Tv bioaucasting anu iauio bioaucasting, wheieby conveigence between the Tv anu iauio bioaucasting is sought in a paiticulai geogiaphical maiket, the concept of "ielevant maiket" will not be able to pievent that.
((C "#HS &+ 93H&>*(1(&* &+ 163 H&*H3F1 &+ UH&883H1(O3 -&'(*#*H3V (* &9-39 1& F93O3*1 H9&))A'3-(# &$*39)6(F The othei aiea wheieby the cuiient competition fiamewoik falls shoit of pieventing cioss- meuia owneiship is by the lack of iecognition of the concept of "collective uominance." In I)-: EJ v. L&%:@&' &/9 M%:"$- N which was biought befoie the CCI in 2u1S, the BTB seivice pioviuei allegeu collective abuse of uominant position against NS0s foi collectively ueteimining exoibitantly high caiiiage fee chaigeu fiom bioaucasteis foi caiiying the channels on theii cable netwoiks, thus fixing high seivice piices foi BTB competitois. The CCI helu that collective abuse of uominance, by uiffeient NS0s collectively in uiffeient geogiaphical maikets wheie they aie uominant, is not iegulateu by competition law in Inuia, because collective uominance is not iecogniseu as a legal concept in Inuia. Such lack of action against anti-competitive piactices acioss uiffeient meuia unuei oui law means that cioss-meuia owneiship can be easily piomoteu by suppiessing competitois in a uiffeient meuia. Theiefoie the cuiient legal fiamewoik is giossly inauequate foi the iegulation of cioss-meuia owneiship, anu that is why we neeu a legal fiamewoik which iestiicts cioss-meuia owneiship acioss the meuia sectoi.
(t) "relevant product market" means a market comprising all those products or services which are regarded as interchangeable or substitutable by the consumer, by reason of characteristics of the products or services, their prices and intended use;
4CJ;K ,+ )&. $6#1 )6#F3 )6&08- )0H6 93)19(H1(&*) 1#S3L Restiictions on cioss-meuia owneiship can take seveial foims, anu shoulu be focuseu geogiaphically. This means that cioss-meuia iestiictions shoulu be implementeu such that concentiation acioss meuia is iestiicteu in each "ielevant geogiaphical maiket". 0ne can also look at mouels fiom othei countiies to aiu on this point, which is an exeicise TRAI has unueitaken in its consultation papei of Febiuaiy 2u1S on cioss meuia owneiship. 7
Accoiuingly the following kinus of iestiictions may be envisageu: (C D3)19(H1(&*) &* #*1(AH&'F31(1(O3 F9#H1(H3) #H9&)) '3-(# '#9S31)
Competition law neeus to be amenueu in Inuia in a way specific to meuia companies so that it can also iegulate cioss-meuia owneiship. The loopholes in the concept of "ielevant maiket" have been highlighteu above- foi meuia companies. "Relevant maiket" specifically foi meuia entities neeus to be uefineu in such a way that it coveis anti-competitive piactices in "ielevant geogiaphical maikets" acioss uiffeient meuia piouucts to a much laigei extent.
Auuitionally, the concept of collective abuse of uominance by a gioup of entities (iiiespective of whethei they have a legal ielationship as subsiuiaiies oi owneis with each othei oi not) neeus to be ieau into Section 4(2) of the Competition Act, 2uu2: 8 The meaning
6 Case No. 78/2013, before CCI, available at <http://www.cci.gov.in/May2011/OrderOfCommission/262/782013.pdf> 7 Supra n. 3 8 Abuse of dominant position 4.[(1)No enterprise or group] shall abuse its dominant position.] (2) There shall be an abuse of dominant position [under sub-section (1), if an enterprise or a group].- (a) directly or indirectly, imposes unfair or discriminatory (i) condition in purchase or sale of goods or service; or (ii) price in purchase or sale (including predatory price) of goods or service. Explanation. For the purposes of this clause, the unfair or discriminatory condition in purchase or sale of goods or service referred to in sub-clause (i) and unfair or discriminatory price in purchase or sale of goods (including predatory price) or service referred to in sub-clause (ii) shall not include such discriminatory condition or price which may be adopted to meet the competition; or (b) limits or restricts
of the woiu "gioup" theiein can be claiifieu thiough an amenument to extenu its scope of any conglomeiate of entities- with oi without a legal ielationship between them, in the same ielevant maiket.
((C D3)19(H1(&*) &* *0';39 &+ '3-(# 3*1(1(3) &$*3- (* # F#91(H08#9 >3&>9#F6(H#8 '#9S31 Restiictions can be envisageu on the numbei of meuia entities (acioss uiffeient meuia, like, Tv, online, piint, anu acioss uiffeient poitions of meuia uistiibution, like, content, caiiiage anu uistiibution), which can be owneu by a single entity in a paiticulai "ielevant geogiaphical maiket." This is to pievent consoliuation of meuia owneiship acioss uiffeient meuia, as well as acioss uiffeient uistiibution platfoims. Such iegulations aie in place foi case of FN iauio in a paiticulai city, but these can be extenueu covei to all meuia anu &#$.-- uiffeient meuia. So foi example, the same peison oi company shoulu not be alloweu to iun moie than 2 entities in the same meuia, anu moie than S acioss uiffeient meuia. Theiefoie the same peison shoulu not be able to own moie than 2 newspapei publisheis, anu moie than S newspapeis, online platfoims, iauio, telecom, cable netwoiks, BTB pioviueis, Tv news channels, etc. combineu. (((C D3)19(H1(&*) &* 3P13*1 &+ )6#936&8-(*> (* '3-(# 3*1(1(3) ;N # )(*>83 F39)&* &9 H&'F#*N &9 &1639) )6#9(*> (*1393)1 $(16 16#1 H&'F#*NIF39)&* These kinu of iegulations have been executeu in Fiance, 9 wheieby iestiictions on the extent of shaieholuing in a meuia entity by a single peison oi company aie put in place. This is uone in oiuei to ensuie that the same peison oi company uoes not exeicise uominant powei ovei any meuia company in the countiy. Accoiuingly, peisons close to any peison holuing shaies in a meuia company must not be alloweu to holu shaies in that company eithei, to pievent uistiibution of shaies of that meuia company, eg. Within the same family, oi anyone similaily shaiing a close nexus with an existent shaieholuei.
(i) production of goods or provision of services or market therefor; or (ii) technical or scientific development relating to goods or services to the prejudice of consumers; or [..] 9 Supra n. 3
(OC D3)19(H1(&*) &* *0';39 &+ '3-(# 3*1(1(3) &$*3- (* # F#91(H08#9 >3&>9#F6(H#8 '#9S31 &* ;#)() &+ -&'(*#*H3 (* '#9S31 The numbei of meuia entities alloweu to be owneu by a peison oi company shoulu be iestiicteu on basis of its maiket shaies in a paiticulai geogiaphical maiket, baseu on auequate maiket stuuies. So foi example, if the maiket shaie in a paiticulai geogiaphical maiket of a meuia entity fiom all its meuia opeiations is > oi equal to X%, then it shoulu not be alloweu to own auuitional meuia entities. OC D3)19(H1(&*) &* *0';39 &+ '3-(# 3*1(1(3) &$*3- (* # F#91(H08#9 >3&>9#F6(H#8 '#9S31 &* ;#)() &+ 109*&O39 Auuitional iestiictions can be envisageu on the numbei of meuia entities owneu on the basis of tuinovei of a peison oi company. This is impoitant in oiuei to cuitail the powei of the moie uominant playeis in the maiket fiom infiinging the fieeuom of expiession. Baseu on maiket stuuies, theiefoie, a ceitain amount of tuinovei fiom all meuia opeiations combineu may be fixeu so that whichevei company oi peison has a tuinovei gieatei than that is subject to auuitional iegulations conceining the numbei of meuia entities that he can own in othei meuiums. Theiefoie if a peison oi company has a tuinovei of gieatei than Rs. X fiom all its meuia opeiations combineu, then it shoulu be pieventeu fiom iunning moie than Y entities in all meuia combineu.
WCJ#K Q93 '39>39) #*- #HT0()(1(&*) >0(-38(*3) *3H3))#9N +&9 163 )3H1&9 1& 93>08#13 H&*H3*19#1(&* &+ '3-(# &$*39)6(FL M3). guiuelines on meigeis anu acquisitions aie necessaiy foi the sectoi to iegulate the concentiation of meuia owneiship. This is impoitant because of the following ieasons. %&'F31(1(&* 8#$ (* ,*-(# (*#-3T0#13 1& 93>08#13 H&*H3*19#1(&* &+ '3-(# &$*39)6(F Competition law in Inuia iegulates ceitain kinus of combinations. But this is not auequate to pievent cioss-meuia meigeis anu acquisitions leauing to concentiation of meuia owneiship.
This is illustiateu by the case of Walt Bisney anu 0Tv combination which was appioveu by the CCI, 1u thus allowing foi concentiation of meuia owneiship. Section 6(1) of the Competition Act, 2uu2 11 piohibits those combinations which can cause an auveise effect on competition in the ielevant maiket in Inuia. To ueteimine if Walt Bisney anu 0Tv woulu constitute the pait of the same ielevant maiket, the CCI ielieu heavily on the fact that Walt Bisney is piimaiily an English bioaucasting meuium wheieas 0Tv is a Binui bioaucasting meuium, anu theiefoie uo not constitute pait of the same ielevant maiket. 12 This ieliance on language to constitute Walt Bisney anu 0Tv as pait of sepaiate ielevant maikets, insteau of looking at the bioaucasting inuustiy as a whole, can piomote concentiation of meuia owneiship acioss bioaucasting even in uiffeient languages.
10 Livemint, CCI approves Walt Disney and Network18 Group Firms Deal, available at <http://www.livemint.com/Politics/VjhgmtfDIGnQX60IJjhICO/CCI-approves-Walt-Disney- Network18-group-firms-deal.html> 11 Regulation of Combinations 6.(1) No person or enterprise shall enter into a combination which causes or is likely to cause an appreciable adverse effect on competition within the relevant market in India and such a combination shall be void. 12 May 2011 Case before CCI, available at <http://www.cci.gov.in/May2011/OrderOfCommission/CombinationsOrders/WaltCombOrder25 0811.pdf>
%0993*1 83>#8 93>08#1(&*) #93 (*#-3T0#13 1& F93O3*1 H9&))A'3-(# &$*39)6(F 169&0>6 '39>39) #*- #HT0()(1(&*) Anothei woiiying tienu is the combination of big meuia houses with big inuustiy houses in the countiy, as was seen iecently in the case of Reliance acquiiing a contiolling stake Netwoik 18, 1S which owns a numbei of news, enteitainment anu e-commeice channels. This is anothei example of cioss-meuia owneiship, wheie the ownei of telecom seivices acquiies a stake in a meuia content anu caiiiage pioviuei on Tv anu online platfoims; that the law is inauequate to iegulate. J;K,+ )&. $6#1 #93 163 S3N +#H1&9) )0H6 93>08#1(&*) '0)1 H#F1093L Such iegulations must captuie the facts of '#9S31 )6#93. 109*&O39 +9&' #88 '3-(# &F39#1(&*). #*- *0';39 &+ '3-(# 3*1(1(3) #893#-N &$*3- by the peison oi company which is sought to be iegulateu. These aie elaboiateu as following:
(C D3)19(H1(&*) &* H391#(* H&';(*#1(&*) &* ;#)() &+ -&'(*#*H3 (* # F#91(H08#9 >3&>9#F6(H#8 '#9S31 Combinations of meuia entities via meigeis anu amalgamations shoulu be iestiicteu on basis of theii maiket shaies in a paiticulai geogiaphical maiket, baseu on auequate maiket stuuies. So foi example, if the maiket shaie in a paiticulai geogiaphical maiket of a meuia entity fiom all its meuia opeiations is > oi equal to X%, then it shoulu not be alloweu to combine with othei meuia entities. Auuitionally, if the pioposeu combination will leau to a maiket shaie > oi equal to X% combineu foi the new meuia entity, then also such combinations shoulu not be alloweu. ((C D3)19(H1(&*) &* H391#(* H&';(*#1(&*) &* ;#)() &+ *0';39 &+ 3*1(1(3) &$*3- (* # F#91(H08#9 >3&>9#F6(H#8 '#9S31 Combinations of meuia entities shoulu auuitionally also be iestiicteu on the basis of how many meuia entities the peison oi company looking to combine alieauy owns in a paiticulai geogiaphical maiket. So if an entity looking to combine alieauy owns S playeis, foi example, acioss all soits of meuia, then they shoulu not be alloweu to combine. If two
13 Hindu Business Line, Reliance Acquires Controlling Stake in Network18 <http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/companies/reliance-acquires-controlling-stake-in- network18/article6062268.ece>
entities owning <S playeis acioss all meuia in a paiticulai ielevant geogiaphical maiket aie looking to combine, but upon combination they will togethei own >S meuia entities acioss all meuia, then such combination shoulu also be pieventeu.
(((C D3)19(H1(&*) &* H391#(* H&';(*#1(&*) &* ;#)() &+ 109*&O39 (* # F#91(H08#9 >3&>9#F6(H#8 '#9S31 Legal iegulations shoulu be put in place to iestiict ceitain combinations on basis of the tuinoveis fiom all the meuia opeiations of the entities seeking combination, so that in scenaiio of a ceitain level of tuinoveis foi each company seeking combination, anu foi both companies combineu, theii combination is not alloweu. Theiefoie, foi example, let's say the tuinovei limit foi each company is fixeu at }, anu foi both companies combineu is fixeu at K. So if Company X anu Company Y, both meuia companies aie seeking to combine, anu if the tuinovei of X is L anu that of Y is N, wheie L anu N aie each > }, then X anu Y shoulu not be alloweu to combine. Similaily, if Company P anu Company Q aie looking to combine, anu theii tuinovei each is C anu B iespectively, wheie both C anu B < } but C+B>K, then also C anu B shoulu be pieventeu fiom combining.
Bata on companies in the meuia sectoi is extiemely limiteu, insufficient, unieliable anu inaccessible. Commonly quoteuciteu uata, often even in goveinment uocuments, is souiceu fiom inuustiy consoitia anu consulting companies, which <$)6& 0&#)" calls into question theii ieliability, neutiality anu compiehensiveness of the uata, eg. If it is only baseu on naiiow, commeicial inuicatois. This means that even uata to ueteimine "ielevant maiket" anu anti-competitive piactices unuei competition law is inauequate anu unieliable. In this light, uisclosuie noims foi all meuia companies shoulu be manuatoiy, especially since they aie seiving the public inteiest of piotection of funuamental iight thiough exeicise of fiee speech. 14
Nost meuia companies aie piivate companies. Since uisclosuie noims foi piivate anu public companies aie uiffeient, it is impoitant that they be haimoniseu especially in ielation to entities inuulging in vaiious stages of meuia piouuction.
Piivate companies may iaise conceins about such manuatoiy uisclosuie noims on basis of violation of Aiticle 14 of the Constitution by calling such manuatoiy uisclosuie noims aibitiaiy anu baseu upon unieasonable classification. Bowevei, in case of piivate 6"9)& companies at vaiious stages of meuia piouuction, like content, caiiiage, uistiibution, theie is auequate iational nexus between theii classification as meuia companies anu the obligation foi manuatoiy uisclosuie. Such manuatoiy uisclosuies can be justifieu foi piivate meuia companies because unlike othei companies, they seive the impoitant task of pioviuing infoimation unuei Aiticle 19(1)(a) anu Aiticle 21 foi all citizens in the countiy. Beighteneu uisclosuie noims aie theiefoie necessaiy to monitoi the quality anu pluiality of infoimation thus uisseminateu to the citizens as pait of theii funuamental iights, thus establishing the iational nexus iequiiement foi equality unuei Aiticle 14 of the Constitution.
14 Open Society Foundations, Mapping Digital Media: India (2013), available at
?#1093 &+ -()H8&)093 *&9') 1& ;3 ('F&)3- 0F&* #88 '3-(# H&'F#*(3). F9(O#13. &9 F0;8(H. #*- #1 -(++393*1 )1#>3) &+ '3-(# F9&-0H1(&* Bisclosuies foi all piivate, unlisteu as well public meuia entities, theiefoie shoulu be manuateu conceining the following aspects: i. i. Coipoiate stiuctuies, incluuing which entities they holu anu aie subsiuiaiies of, etc. ii. ii. Piomoteis, iii. iii. Shaieholueis, iv. iv. Shaieholuings in othei companies, v. v. Bebt anu equity (uomestic anu foieign), so as to thiow gieatei light on the holuing patteins of meuia companies. vi. vi. Annual iepoits anu financial statements, especially of piivate news meuia companies shoulu be maue available in public uomain foi fiee vii. vii. Financial uata shoulu be maue available in gianulai foim foi both piivate anu public meuia entities, by bieaking up total ievenue into vaiious heaus of eainings, eg. Auveitisement, subsciiption anu synuication ievenue, oi uetails of types of foieign shaieholuings. viii. viii. Ninutes of Boaiu meetings foi all meuia companies incluuing unlisteu piivate meuia companies shoulu be maue available in public uomain foi fiee. ix. ix. The collection anu piesentation foimat of all such uata, incluuing stock maiket filings by listeu companies, annual iepoits anu Foims 2uB fileu with Registiais of Companies anu infoimation memoianua maue public piioi to a public listing on a stock exchange by all meuia companies, shoulu be maue on unifoim paiameteis anu unifoim levels of aggiegation; though this is manuateu in the Companies Act, such compliance is not always ensuieu, thus making publically accessible uata uneven anu unusable foi systematic measuiement oi compaiisons.
@#1# +9&' )0H6 -()H8&)093) ;N '3-(# H&'F#*(3) )6&08- ;3 H&88#13- ;N # H3*19#8 #>3*HN 1& 3*)093 H&*)()13*HN &* F#9#'3139) #*- #>>93>#1(&* &+ )0H6 -#1# The task of collation of such uata can be cooiuinateu by a single cential agency, like TRAI oi Planning Commission, in paitneiship with the civil society, which can highlight public conceins anu loopholes in uata on meuia companies. This is neeueu so that the uata on vieweiship anu maiket uominance is not just baseu on stuuies by the inuustiy, anu aie maue piesentable in a national uata consoitium foi meuia companies on unifoim paiameteis anu aggiegations, anu easily accessible by the public, as it is the public's iight to fieeuom of speech anu expiession which is at stake heie.
5C [6&08- H391#(* H#13>&9(3) &+ 3*1(1(3) ;3 93)19(H13- +9&' 3*139(*> (*1& ;9&#-H#)1(*> #H1(O(1(3)L M3), theie shoulu be iestiictions on entities enteiing into bioaucasting activities. The Supieme Couit in !"#$"%&$' v. ($)#*"% ,--.#)&%)./ .0 1"/2&3 4O has saiu that lack of iestiictions on who can entei into bioaucasting can leau to monopolisation of bioaucasting activities by only a few meuia entities thiough the cieation of oligaichies. This means that gianting bioaucasting license without iestiictions woulu become a seiious bieach of the iight of fieeuom anu expiession guaianteeu unuei Aiticle 19(1)(a).
"3))&*) +9&' ,1#8NE "#HS &+ 93)19(H1(&*) &* $6& H#* 3*139 (*1& ;9&#-H#)1(*> 83- 1& #* &8(>#9H6N #*- ;93#H6 &+ +933-&' &+ )F33H6 #*- 3PF93))(&* The couit in !"#$"%&$' v. ($)#*"% ,--.#)&%)./ .0 1"/2&3 4N waineu against a fiee maiket baseu- lack of iestiictions appioach to bioaucasting by citing the situation in Italy wheie
The couit points out that the Italian Constitution has similai piovisions as Aiticle 19(1)(a) of Inuia, yet the lack of iestiictions in bioaucasting has leu to piivate monopolisation of meuia leauing to lack of pluiality in fiee speech. "3))&*) +9&' \[QE "#HS &+ 93)19(H1(&*) &* $6& H#* 3*139 (*1& ;9&#-H#)1(*> 83- 1& +&9'#1(&* &+ '3-(# 3'F(93) 169&0>6 H9&))A'3-(# &$*39)6(F #*- ;93#H6 &+ +933-&' &+ )F33H6 #*- 3PF93))(&*
The couit in !"#$"%&$' v. ($)#*"% ,--.#)&%)./ .0 1"/2&3 4T auuitionally lookeu at cioss-meuia owneiship in 0niteu States of Ameiica, which iesulteu uue to fiee maiket appioach to bioaucasting, anu auviseu that lack of iestiictions upon who can be a playei in bioaucasting will be to the uetiiment of fiee speech anu pluiality of expiession in Inuia, as has been the case in the 0S. The couit exceipteu poitions fiom the 0S case of U)&6) L"$&39 V783)-:)/2 (.6<&/' v. E.$/)33. 4W to highlight this point. The Inuian SC saiu: UQ% @.739 8" )/-%$7#%)?" %. /.%" %:" 3&6"/% .0 %:" X/)%"9 !%&%"- !7<$"6" (.7$% $"2&$9)/2 %:" 9"3"%"$).7- "00"#% %:" "6"$2"/#" .0 6"9)& "6<)$"- :&9 ./ %:" 0$""9.6 .0 V$"-- )/ %:&% #.7/%$'A Q/ U)&6) L"$&39 V783)-:)/2 (.6<&/' ?A E.$/)33. Y4WSK R K4T XA!A DK 4Z= %:" (.7$% -&)9[
7&9'#1(&* &+ =3-(# ]'F(93) (* Z9&#-H#)1(*> 93)081) (* H&*19&8 &+ >&O39*'3*1 ;N '3-(# H&'F#*(3) The Inuian Supieme Couit then pointeu out in the ($)#*"% ,--.#)&%)./ 1.&$9 case that lack of iestiictions on entiy into bioaucasting can in fact, leau to contiol of goveinment by meuia empiies thus foimeu. This is because of the huge amount of powei they wielu, the
goveinment cannot always contiol meuia giants in such situations fiom ueiogating the iight to fiee speech. The couit took up the example of 0niteu States again to illustiate this: "M0 #.7$-"= %:"$" )- &/.%:"$ -)9" %. %:)- <)#%7$"[ %:" 6"9)& 2)&/%- )/ X/)%"9 !%&%"- &$" -. <.@"$073 %:&% `.?"$/6"/% #&//.% &3@&'- 6&/)<73&%" %:"6 R &- @&- <$.?"9 )/ %:" V"/%&2./ V&<"$-] #&-" ab"@ c.$* E)6"- ?AX/)%"9 !%&%"- R Y4WS4Z Kde XA!AS4eZf &/9 )/ %:" #&-" .0 V$"-)9"/%]- (3&)6 .0 V$)?)3"2" aX/)%"9 !%&%"- ?A b)B./ R Y4WSKZ K4T XA!ANTeZfA E:"-" #./-)9"$&%)./- R &33 .0 %:"6 "6<:&-)-"9 8' (./-%)%7%)./&3 (.7$%- .0 X/)%"9 !%&%"- &/9 6&>.$ @"-%Rg7$.<"&/ #.7/%$)"- R 07$/)-: ?&3)9 2$.7/9- &2&)/-% $"&9)/2 )/%. ,$%)#3" 4WY4ZY&Z & $)2:% %. "-%&83)-: <$)?&%" 8$.&9#&-%)/2 -%&%)./-= @:"%:"$ <"$6&/"/% .$ %"6<.$&$'= -%&%)./&$' .$ 6.8)3"." 2u
The iight to piivacy vis-a-vis the State is ieau into the iight to life anu peisonal libeity in Aiticle 21 anu fieeuom of piess is piotecteu unuei fieeuom of expiession unuei Aiticle 19(1)(a). Beie we look at the possible conflicts between the two. In Khaiak Singh v. State of 0P, 22 piivacy was ieau into "peisonal libeity" in Aiticle 21. Initially the iight of piivacy was conceineu only with uomiciliaiy visits to the house especially with iegaiu to police entiy, but this has been expanueu to incluue inuiviuual piivacy especially of family anu ielations (R.Rajagopal anu Anothei v. State of Tamil Nauu anu 0theis), 2S anu although the iight to piivacy is not an absolute iight, it uoes incluue in its puiview some aspects of bouily piivacy anu inuiviuual uata piivacy (Ni. X vs. Bospital). 24 }uuicial uelibeiation on the iight to piivacy in Inuia has not been auequate especially in light of auvancements of technology, computing anu the possible use of mass suiveillance. Cuiiently theie is a Right to Piivacy bill penuing in Pailiament.
In the context of existing juiispiuuence on piivacy, the conflict that aiises between piivacy anu meuia laws oi fieeuom of piess, is especially ielevant foi sting opeiations. The teiiible inciuents involving 0ma Khuiana, a teachei unfaiily peisecuteu by a sting opeiation, anu Bi. Siinivas Siias, a piofessoi whose piivate life was maue fouuei foi meuia channels, especially highlight the neeu to take the iight to piivacy of inuiviuuals fai moie seiiously.
Sting opeiation is a jouinalistic tool that is often useu especially to expose coiiuption by public seivants. It usually woulu involve ueception oi entiapment by the jouinalist anu iaises many issues in ielation to jouinalistic ethics, law anu especially piivacy of the inuiviuual. Sting opeiations aie also useu to expose piivate anu sexual lives of people in positions of powei anu authoiity, whethei goveinment officials, teacheis in a univeisity oi otheis such as goumen, celebiities etc. The question that is iaiseu is when the activity in
21 Inputs from Elonnai Hickock 22 AIR 1963 SC 1295. 23 1994 SCC (6) 632 24 (1998) 8 SCC 296
question is in no way illegal anu is legitimately within the piivate spheie. At the same time sting opeiations aie often uone with a genuine motivation to expose coiiuption anu wionguoings of those in powei. In this instance a sting opeiation is like being a whistleblowei exposing coiiuption, anu thus these iights of fieeuom of expiession anu fieeuom of piess have to be piotecteu as well.
Sting opeiations aie mostly meuia affaiis because theie aie conflicting opinions on whethei the viueo oi othei mateiial can be useu as eviuence in couit, even if the sting opeiation captuies a blatantly illegal act uone by a public seivant. In the case of Aniiuuuha Bahal v. State 2S the Belhi Bigh Couit helu that jouinalists cannot be piosecuteu foi biibing the public officials unuei the Pievention of Coiiuption Act, 1988 anu this to some extent piotects jouinalists who aie conuucting sting opeiations. In many instances meuia coveiage allows othei people to come foiwaiu with infoimation that they might have. It ensuies that theie is public uisappioval of the ciime anu public uiscussion anu this is impoitant especially if it is about coiiuption anu malpiactice of those who aie in authoiity, whethei it is the way in which goveinment hospitals function oi biibes aie uemanueu in a coiiupt iegime of buieauciacy. Bowevei this piotection is not waiianteu when it is not coiiuption that is being exposeu, but the piivate lives of inuiviuuals, some who aie public seivants anu many who aie not. Theie have been seveial instances of channels bioaucasting footage of sting opeiations that follow young women in a bai, people engageu in sexual activity, women being molesteu, violence against tiansgenuei people anu sex woikeis, 26 entiapment of sex woikeis, footage of piivate paities anu gatheiings anu many othei such instances.
Existing fiamewoik gives piotection to inuiviuual iight to piivacy unuei legal iemeuies anu guiuelines of news associations anu othei similai self-iegulatoiy guiuelines
25 2010 172 DLT 269. 26 Since sex work itself is not an offence under the Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act, 1986, such a sting operation is not an instance of capturing an illegal act. Only soliciting is an offence under the Act.
- Cable Television Netwoik Act anu the Content guiuelines unuei it put a seiies of obligations on the bioaucasteis anu bioaucasting seivice pioviueis to ensuie that theie is no invasion of piivacy unless theie is an iuentifiable laigei public inteiest. - Inuiviuuals post the bioaucast have the legal iemeuy - iight to sue foi uefamation, slanuei. Also allege the violation of theii iight to piivacy - uuiuelines in the self iegulatoiy coue of the News Bioaucasteis Association anu Electionic Neuia Nonitoiing Centei of the Infoimation & Bioaucasting ministiy - News Bioaucasting Stanuaius Authoiity has a complaint anu fines mechanism that is applicable only to membeis (bioaucasteis) only - Ciiminal offence of voyeuiism unuei the new amenument to sexual assault law In this context, the following questions aiise foi consiueiation by the Law Commission 1. Shoulu a statutoiy bouy have poweis to aujuuicate complaints of false sting opeiations. Shoulu theie be a specific statutoiy piovision foi tieating false sting opeiations as a punishable offence. 2. Shoulu the existing fiamewoik of laws be suitably amenueu to incluue specific guiuelines goveining uisclosuie of piivate infoimation by the piess. S. Is theie a neeu foi uetaileu guiuelines on iepoiting of -78 >79)#" matteis. 4. Is the cuiient uefinition of "Iuentifiable laigei public inteiest" unuei the Cable Tv Netwoiks (Regulation) Act, 199S compiehensive. These aie uealt with below "#$E
With iegaiu to the authoiity of a statutoiy bouy, the consiueiation is whethei a statutoiy bouy, oi the News Bioaucasting Stanuaius Authoiity oi a similai bouy, shoulu be gianteu the authoiity to aujuuicate complaints of false sting opeiations. Such a bouy then woulu be aujuuicating on the fieeuom of expiession, fieeuom of piess anu iight to piivacy of inuiviuuals. The NBSA consists of seniois in the fielu of jouinalism anu ietiieu juuges anu has foimulateu self-iegulatoiy guiuelines, namely the Coue of Ethics anu Bioaucasting Stanuaius. It cuiiently has the authoiity to, on the basis of a complaint oi otheiwise, conuuct an inquiiy anu give a heaiing to the bioaucastei. It can then censuie, impose a fine
of maximum 1 lakh on the bioaucastei, oi iecommenu suspension anu ievocation of license of the bioaucastei. This mechanism is ielatively new but has not pioveu veiy effective in eithei auuiessing piivacy issues oi cleaily establishing what is public inteiest. In one instance when the NBSA imposeu a fine, the saiu bioaucastei withuiew fiom its membeiship.
It is oui opinion that it shoulu be the inuepenuent juuiciaiy that is the ultimate aibitei on the extent of the funuamental iights anu not a statutoiy bouy (even of peeis fiom the fielu of jouinalism anu news). Becisions of the NBSA shoulu be subject to the same iequiiements unuei the constitution, anu the couits shoulu ueal with an appeal against the uecisions of the NBSA to ensuie that the penultimate authoiity on questions of fieeuom of expiession, fieeuom of piess anu the iight to piivacy is the inuepenuent juuiciaiy.
Sting opeiations aie cuiiently unueistoou in teims of available technology at the moment like hiuuen cameias anu small cameias anu listening uevices. As the 0N Resolution on the Right to Piivacy in a Bigital Age (2u th Novembei, 2u1S) makes cleai, theie aie moues of mass suiveillance anu uata collection that can be useu both by the State anu coipoiate entities. Such mateiial, incluuing text, viueo, auuio coulu also be useu in a similai mannei as what is obtaineu fiom a sting opeiation. With the iapiu changes in technology anu how it is useu, it woulu not be beneficial to naiiowly confine the conflict between meuia laws anu piivacy only to a sting opeiation, but to be inclusive of leaks oi othei ways in which what is piivate can be uiscloseu. A sting opeiation woulu only incluue instances when a peison is willfully entiappeu oi ueceiveu into engaging in a tiansaction that is then caught on cameia oi othei uevices without theii consent. Theie aie howevei othei ways in which theie can be a violation of an inuiviuual's piivacy - incluuing uisclosuie of piivate emails anu othei uata, footage of the peison, biometiic infoimation, meuical infoimation etc. With the auvancement of technology theie aie incieasing numbei of ways in which an inuiviuual's piivacy can be put at iisk anu violateu by an exeicise of fieeuom of piess. The iight to piivacy has to be cleaily expanueu to incluue violation of piivacy in teims of bieach of
peisonal uata oi invasion of piivacy, anu this too has to be incluueu in consiueiation of the conflict between fieeuom of piess anu piivacy laws.
Foi instance the most iecent legal step inteinationally in ielation to piivacy laws is by a couit in ueimany whose iuling alloweu foi a woman to uemanu that the ueletion of theii piivate anu sexual images by hei ex-paitnei oi lovei, even though he hau not inuicateu that he intenueu to ciiculate those images. 27 Asiue fiom conveying the vaiious foims in which peisonal uata is being collecteu anu can be useu to the uetiiment of a peison, this also shows that theie aie uiffeiing stanuaius inteinationally anu in othei countiies such as in Euiope oi Ameiica with iegaiu to fiee speech anu inuiviuual piivacy. In the 0niteu States of Ameiica, only law enfoicement authoiities (anu not jouinalists) aie alloweu to use hiuuen cameias anu only unuei ceitain conuitions anu expiess authoiity. In the Inuian context, the iight to piivacy is not the beneficiaiy of a iich juiispiuuence, but nonetheless theie has been some expansion of the notion of piivacy.
[38+A93>08#1&9N >0(-38(*3) +&9 163 '3-(#E
The News Bioaucasteis Stanuaiu Authoiity has uuiuelines Foi Conuucting Sting 0peiations as pait of NBA's Coue of Ethics anu Bioaucasting Stanuaius anu Specific uuiuelines Coveiing Repoitage.
These guiuelines allow foi a 'sting opeiation' oi the usage of mateiial ielating to a peison's piivate affaiis only if theie is an iuentifiable public inteiest oi foi exposing wiong-uoing. The lattei is a veiy bioau categoiy anu peihaps this shoulu be naiioweu uown to illegal activity, which cleaily is alieauy incluueu within 'laigei public inteiest'. It shoulu not be possible to inteipiet the guiuelines fiom vaiying moial positions that then allows foi the violation of piivacy of the piivate life of a peison (family life, sexual activities, piivate life, peisonal uata). The guiuelines also state that a sting opeiation can be telecast only if it pioviues piima facie eviuence of culpability of those captuieu in this opeiation.
The othei iequiiements in place incluue ethics of news anu jouinalism, legal piovisions, authoiization fiom heau of euitoiial team anu othei pioceuuial iequiiements on the conuucting of a sting opeiation. This incluues a textual iecoiu alongsiue the visual oi viueo iecoius of the opeiation that uetails eveiy stage of the sting opeiation, that the sting opeiation can be useu only when theie aie no othei means of ietiieving the same infoimation, that theie shoulu be no giatuitous piying into people's peisonal lives. Theie coulu peihaps be some expansion of these guiuelines that theie shoulu be some piioi eviuence of wiong-uoing anu that the sting opeiation is only to pioviue conclusive eviuence. Bowevei all these iequiiements aie only guiuelines anu aie applicable to membeis, anu thus any news agency oi television channel can withuiaw fiom membeiship anu being even maiginally accountable to eithei the NBA oi NBSA oi theii complaints anu fine mechanism.
With iegaiu to a statutoiy piovision in ielation to iight to piivacy anu sting opeiations oi bieach of inuiviuual piivacy by piess oi meuia, oui iecommenuation woulu be: - The penultimate authoiity shoulu be the inuepenuent juuiciaiy since theie aie sensitive issues at stake especially in ielation to funuamental iights of fieeuom of expiession anu iight to piivacy. - Such a piovision shoulu not be confineu only to the naiiow peiception of how sting opeiations aie conuucteu cuiiently but expanueu to incluue bieach of inuiviuual piivacy anu peisonal uata by othei means anu technologies. - Such a piovision shoulu not be optional, as the guiuelines cuiiently aie, anu pioviue a iemeuy to inuiviuuals to puisue claims (also to uemanu the iemoval of saiu mateiial fiom bioaucastei's website oi viueo channel online).
%9('(*#8 &++3*H3 &+ O&N309()' The new amenument to law foi sexual assault pioviues foi a section on voyeuiism that cleaily ciiminalizes the uistiibution of all images of a woman engageu in a piivate oi sexual
27 William Costolo, Former Lover Must Delete Nude Photos and Videos in Germany, The
activity without hei consent. It caiiies a punishment of one to thiee yeais anuoi fine foi a fiist conviction anu this incieases to maximum of seven yeais on subsequent convictions. This ciiminal offence pioviues one ueteiient to sting opeiations that violate women's piivacy. The existence of such a piovision that uoes ciiminalize voyeuiism shows that sting opeiations of such a natuie shoulu eithei be piosecuteu unuei this offence, oi guiuelines of the NBA anu the I&B ministiy shoulu incluue that sting opeiations cannot slip into the teiiain of voyeuiism into people's piivate lives. Awaieness that this piovision can be useu woulu also be useful. Though the legislative intent of this piovision is to ueal with poinogiaphy, it can be useu in instances when meuia channels aie using sting opeiations as a blatant invasion of inuiviuual piivacy anu sensationalize news by pioviuing titillating glimpses of sexual activity anuoi nuuity.
D3F&91(*> &* [0;^0-(H3 '#1139)
In this instance as well, the balance of iights has to be achieveu between the fieeuom of piess anu meuia unuei Aiticle 19(1)(a) anu the iight to piivacy ieau into Aiticle 21 oi the iight to life anu peisonal libeity. In State of Nahaiashtia v. Rajenuia }awanmal uanuhi, 28
the Supieme Couit obseiveu: "Theie is the pioceuuie establisheu by law goveining the conuuct of tiial of a peison accuseu of an offence. A tiial by piess, electionic meuia oi public agitation is veiy antithesis of iule of law. It can well leau to miscaiiiage of justice. A juuge has to guaiu himself against any such piessuie anu is to be guiueu stiictly by iules of law. If he finus the peison guilty of an offence he is then to auuiess himself to the question of sentence to be awaiueu to him in accoiuance with the piovisions of law"
To piotect the iights of the accuseu until pioven guilty is essential in a uemociacy but the meuia anu piess has often woikeu to put piessuie on the juuiciaiy by challenging it to peifoim its function, inuepenuent of the contiols that might be exeiciseu by the legislatuie, the executive oi othei outsiue paities. In this instance, the iole of meuia in a tiial is in fact beneficial to the cause of justice, equity, faiiness anu uemociacy.
Guardian Liberty Voice, May 24, 2014.
The Contempt of Couits Act,1971 uefines when a case is sub juuice in ielation to both ciiminal anu civil matteis (since the uate of filing FIR oi notice being sent till when the case is uisposeu of). ueneially faii anu accuiate iepoiting on matteis that aie sub juuice is alloweu except in instances wheie the tiial is in-cameia oi the couit has specifically piohibiteu any coveiage. Theie aie some iestiictions in place in ielation to iepoiting on matteis that aie sub juuice, anu this coulu leau to piosecution foi ciiminal contempt of couit. Section 2(c) of the Contempt of Couit Act, 1971 pioviues that any publication which scanualises oi tenus to scanualise, oi loweis oi tenus to lowei the authoiity of any couit oi inteifeies oi tenus to inteifeie with the uue couise of any juuicial pioceeuing oi obstiucts oi tenus to obstiuct, the auministiation of justice in any othei mannei constitutes ciiminal contempt.
The self iegulatoiy guiuelines of the NBA offei piotection to inuiviuuals with iegaiu to theii iuentity. The guiuelines iecommenu that no iepoitage shoulu peimit the victim oi peipetiatoi to be iecognizable oi iuentifieu via the coveiage of an inciuent, if theie is a ielevant civil, ciiminal oi family couit case. Foi moie on this issue see the section on Contempt of Couit.
U,-3*1(+(#;83 8#9>39 F0;8(H (*1393)1V The Content Ceitification Rules of 2uu8 unuei Cable Tv Netwoiks (Regulation) Act, 199S uefines "iuentifiable laigei public inteiest" in the following way - "Iuentifiable laigei public inteiest" incluue ievealing oi uetecting ciime oi uisieputable behavioui; piotecting public health oi safety; exposing misleauing claims maue by inuiviuuals oi oiganizations; oi uisclosing significant incompetence in public office foi the laigei public inteiest. The iules also state that the bioaucasteis have to justify an infiingement of piivacy then the bioaucastei shoulu be able to uemonstiate that the public inteiest outweighs the iight to piivacy. It also makes cleai that the iuentity of inuiviuuals in ceitain instances, paiticulaily in the cases of minois, victims of sexual violence oi uieaueu uiseases like BIvAIBS oi
28 (1997) 8 SCC 386
natuial oi othei uisasteis, has to be piotecteu unless theie is an iuentifiable public inteiest at stake. The iules incluue the Bioaucasting Seivice Pioviuei anu holu them liable foi any invasion of piivacy that might take place, which is not outweigheu by laigei public inteiest.
Bowevei "iuentifiable public inteiest" is uefineu in the context cuiiently of sting opeiations anu uo not take into account the vaiious ways in which eithei leaks oi othei uisclosuies of piivate infoimation can take place. The ueciueu case law on sting opeiations uoes not cleaily lay uown piinciples in ielation to "iuentifiable public inteiest", legality anu peimissibility of sting opeiations. 0ui iecommenuation woulu be that the notion of public inteiest be ueteimineu on the basis of piinciples that aie in accoiuance with funuamental iights anu uuties, that it be ueteimineu on a case-to-case basis anu alongsiue theie have to be stiongei laws anu iemeuies that piotect the iight of piivacy of an inuiviuual.
Theie aie two majoi flaws in the cuiient iegime of Befamation Law in Inuia: Fiist, that Befamation is punishable both as a civil anu ciiminal offence, as opposeu to being confineu as a civil offence; anu Seconu, that Civil Befamation is often misuseu to intimiuate jouinalists anu othei inuiviuuals. In the couise of oui submissions, we will elaboiate on both points anu concluue with suggesteu iecommenuations.
QC _O398#FF(*> %(O(8 #*- %9('(*#8 @3+#'#1(&* "#$) Inuia's piesent law of uefamation is a colonial legacy: while the civil law of uefamation was intiouuceu as pait of the Inuian common law, the ciiminal law of uefamation was fiist intiouuceu by Loiu Nacaulay in 18S7 befoie its cuiient iteiation in the Inuian Penal Coue uating back to 186u. As pioviueu foi unuei Section 499 of the Penal Coue, uefamation coveis "woius eithei spoken oi intenueu to be ieau oi ... signs anu visible iepiesentation." The offence of uefamation takes place when these constitute an imputation which is maue oi publisheu "conceining any peison intenuing to haim, oi knowing oi having ieason to believe that such imputation will haim, the ieputation of such peison." Section Suu makes this punishable by simple impiisonment foi a peiiou which may extenu to two yeais, oi with a fine, oi both. Nouein ciiminal uefamation law haiks back to the 16th centuiy English Stai Chambei, a secietive couit that sat in closeu session on cases involving state secuiity. The Chambei neeueu to contiol statements about the ciown in a moie effective mannei than was alloweu by civil uefamation laws, piemising its law on the notion that uefamation bieacheu the peace. So ciucial was the piemium on bieach of the peace that any kinu of statement that thieateneu it was to be punishable, iiiespective of whethei it was tiue oi not. As is cleai fiom the mannei in which uefamation is uefineu in the Inuian Penal Coue, it uoes not take into account this justification in any mannei. The uefinition is a bioau encompassment of haim to ieputation, with no link to a thieat to the bieach of peace. In fact, as Rajeev Bhawan notes, Nacaulay was cleai in that he uiu not want to limit the offence to cases wheie theie was a thieat to the bieach of peace, anu sought to ensuie that
it woulu be an offence foi "one iogue to speak the tiuth about anothei iogue unuei the influence of passions existing in the couise of a quaiiel." 29 Bhawan points out that this was cleaily an invitation foi Inuians to tiansfoim minoi quaiiels into ciiminal cases. The piesent ciiminal law of uefamation has pioceeueu uown this logic of encapsulating any anu all uisputes into the uomain of ciiminal law, uespite a iecommenuation by the Fiist Piess Commission of 19S2-S4 that ciiminal uefamation be piosecutable only if theie was a thieat of the bieach of peace. A stiong case can be maue foi unconstitutionality of the ciiminal uefamation law. Aiticle 19(1)(a) of the Inuian Constitution guaiantees citizens the iight to fieeuom of speech anu expiession, which is subject to ieasonable iestiictions encompasseu unuei Aiticle 19(2), which incluue those ielating to public oiuei, uefamation oi incitement to an offence. The fiist significant phiase heie is "ieasonable iestiiction". As uiscusseu by the Supieme Couit in Bennett Coleman v. 0nion of Inuia, Su iestiiction shoulu aim at iegulation as uistinguisheu fiom complete contiol. The Couit fuithei notes that the iestiiction imposeu shoulu not be in excess of the iequiiement, i.e. that it must be piopoitionate. Baseu on these ciiteiia, ciiminalizing uefamatoiy speech is cleaily beyonu the pale of being a ieasonable iestiiction: a ciiminal sanction amounts to a complete piohibition, anu it is one that is vastly uispiopoitionate to the economic natuie of the possible haim that uefamatoiy speech may cause to ieputation. The simultaneous existence of a civil law of uefamation only seives to highlight the giossly uispiopoitionate natuie of imposing such a liability on inuiviuuals foi what they might speak oi wiite. As opposeu to a civil suit, a ciiminal case can actively iesult in uepiivation of a peison's libeity, not to mention the veiy uistinct stigma that acciues to an inuiviuual stampeu with a ciiminal iecoiu. The 0N Buman Rights Commission has also highlighteu the uispiopoitionate penalty that aiises fiom sentencing a peison to piison foi uefamation, with the Special Rappoiteuis stating in 1992: "Betention, as a negative sanction foi the peaceful expiession of opinion, is one of the
29 Rajeev Dhawan, Private Lives and Public Reputations: Career and Prospects of the Law of Defamation in India 30 AIR 1973 SC 106
most iepiehensible piactices employeu to silence people anu accoiuingly constitutes a seiious violation of human iights." S1
We thus iecommenu that Section 499 anu Section Suu of the Inuian Penal Coue which make uefamation a ciiminal offence be stiuck uown.
ZC 78#$3- 93>('3 &+ %(O(8 "#$ &+ @3+#'#1(&* Beyonu the pioblems inheient in ciiminalizing uefamatoiy speech, we must also contenu with the gioss misuse of civil uefamation laws in the countiy. To take an example fiom 2u11, a Rs. Su cioie suit was fileu by the Inuian Institute of Planning anu Nanagement against Caiavan magazine publication of a piece on IIPN's heau, Aiinuam Chauuhaii. It isn't meiely the fact that the uamages iequesteu weie of such a vastly intimiuatoiy natuie: the suit in the iemote iegion of Silchai in Assam, as opposeu to Belhi, wheie both IIPN, anu the magazine's publishei, Belhi Piess weie baseu. The sole intent of this stiategy was to make the piocess as uifficult foi the uefenuant as possible. When it comes to such misuse, it isn't meiely the mainstieam piess which is vulneiable. To take anothei example with the same institute: In 2uuS, Rashmi Bansal's magazine }AN ian an "expose" unveiling the tiuth behinu claims maue by IIPN, which then uemanueu Rs. 2S cioie fiom hei foi the piesumeu loss of goouwill. In quick succession, uauiav Sabnis an IBN Inuia employee posteu his iie-filleu ieactions to the inciuent along with a link to the }AN aiticle on his web page. IIPN puisueu him with a legal notice foi a Rs. 12S cioie suit.
Bhawan uses the Ameiican acionym of SLAPP - Stiategic Lawsuit Against Public Paiticipation, to uesciibe this phenomenon: "It is a stiategy useu to put people on notice, ensnaie them in the legal piocess, put them thiough all the tioubles anu hassles this involves, anu make them give up theii cause if not silence them foievei." When it comes to a SLAPP suit, theie is no question of the meiits of the legal claim, anu in most cases the plaintiff will be well awaie of the fact that the ultimate uecision will not lie in theii favoui. The entiie puipose is to use the legal piocess against the uefenuant: in othei woius, it is the piocess that becomes the punishment.
Wheie might the gaps be filleu. 0ne avenue coulu be in teims of couifying the civil law of uefamation anu pioviuing a stiictei uefinition of what constitutes haim: foi example, the 0K Befamation Act of 2u1S only penalizes "seiious haim", i.e. haim to the ieputation of a bouy that tiaues foi piofit is not "seiious haim" unless it has causeu oi is likely to cause the bouy seiious financial loss. Anothei coulu be to have sanctions be put in place foi complaints that may be ueemeu fiivolous oi that constitute vexatious litigation. Both these measuies woulu seive as checks on the abuse of the legal piocess.
%&*H80)(&* Baseu on oui analysis, we iecommenu the following: A. Repeal Section 499 anu Suu of the Inuian Penal Coue peitaining to ciiminalization of uefamation. B. Couify the civil law of uefamation to pioviue foi a stiictei uefinition of haim to ieputation. C. Put in place sanctions foi fiivolous complaints anu vexatious litigation.
,`C 29(#8 ;N '3-(# #*- 163 D(>61 1& # 7#(9 29(#8
The contempoiaiy meuia lanuscape is one in which bieaking news necessaiily bieaks twenty foui by seven with a piemium placeu on velocity anu this often tianslates- in the case of ciiminal tiials -into a meuia ciicus that conuucts its own investigation, paiiots piosecution accounts oi in some cases cieates speculative conspiiacy theoiies of its own. The uemanu foi immeuiate news anu analysis also conflicts with the compaiatively slow piocess of law in which tiials coulu go on foi yeais. In the post 911 woilu wheie teiioiist attacks have moipheu into meuia events we have seen the news channels become instant expeits analyzing events even as they unfolu, iuentifying peipetiatois within houis of the events anu in some cases cieating uiamatizeu ieenactments even as the tiial is unueiway. 0ne of the most egiegious instances of the violation of the iight to faii tiial was aftei the pailiament attack case when vaiious news channels pionounceu the guilt of Piof. S A R ueelani naming him the masteiminu of the attack even befoie the tiial hau begun. Zee television's tacky ieconstiuction of the pailiament attack case, which was allegeuly baseu on the chaige sheet, went well beyonu the piosecution's case in the couit anu it poitiayeu ueelani as the masteiminu anu showeu scenes of him talking to the five ueau attackeis anu planning the attack. Nanuita Baksais says "The film was shown to the Piime Ninistei anu then the Bome Ninistei, anu the meuia iecoiueu theii appioval of the film. ueelani's lawyeis moveu the couit anu the Bigh Couit uiu stay the bioaucast. Zee Tv moveu the Supieme Couit. The coipoiation was less conceineu with the piotection of the fieeuom of speech anu expiession than with the possibility of losing money. The Supieme Couit vacateu the stay anu the entiie nation watcheu the film a few uays befoie the Besignateu Couit sentenceu ueelani to ueath". S2
This stoiy has been iepeateu au nauseam anu iemains faiily consistent: this iemaikable ability of the meuia to solve cases even befoie the police begin theii investigation woulu
32 Nandita Haksar, Tried by the Media: The SAR Geelani Trial, Sarai Reader 04: Crisis Media, 159. See also Syed Bismillah Geelani. Manufacturing Terrorism: Kashmiri Encounters with Media and the Law. Bibliophile South Asia, 2006
have been almost enteitaining weie it not foi the fatal consequences that this can have foi the iights of the accuseu. SS
While the piinciple of 'innocent until pioven guilty' is assumeu to be one of the beuiocks of a uemociatic legal system, the fact of the mattei is that this is a tiuism that exists only on papei anu in ieality the ciiminal justice system is often heavily loaueu against people who aie accuseu of ciimes. In theii book on faii tiials anu fiee speech, Biuschke anu Loges aigue that the piesumption of innocence in the legal system iionically iepiesents oui collective awaieness of oui bias against uefenuants. They asseit "The uefenuant's height anu weight uon't uepenu on the attituue of the juiy, but the uefenuant's piesumption of innocence uoes. We put this piesumption in oui legal coue to ieminu ouiselves, as juiois anu even as victims, that we must withholu juugment until eviuence is piesenteu because we aie tempteu to inuulge a bias against people accuseu of ciimes. We know ouiselves too well" (Biuschke anu Loges xiii).
Bionwyn Nayloi suggests that the coveiage of ciiminal tiials involving violence poses a seiious challenge to the auministiation of justice by the viitue of the kinu of naiiatives that aie ueployeu (in meuia anu in law) when it comes to ciiminal tiials. violent acts uemanu a naiiative explanation anu the mouein piess has thiiveu on its coveiage of violence since it "incoipoiates the uiama, the human emotion, the shatteiing of "noimal" expectations, which aie iequiieu foi a stoiy to be newswoithy". S4 Anu yet at the same time given the paucity of facts, the contiauictoiy natuie of legal eviuence the piocess of the tiial in fact hinges on competing naiiatives anu the question is whethei the meuia chooses to piivilege the naiiative of the piosecution oi the uefence.
33 See for instance the consistent work done by Ajit Sahi in uncovering the ways in which young Muslim men have been framed over and over again in cases related to the banned organization SIMI 34 Bronwyn Naylor, FAIR TRIAL OR FREE PRESS: LEGAL RESPONSES TO MEDIA REPORTS OF CRIMINAL TRIALS, 53 Cambridge L.J. 492 1994
The iight to faii tiial has a long anu iich histoiy which can be tiaceu all the way back to the Nagna Caita as the stoiy of a haiu won iight that seives as the only guaiantee against the impunity of state violence (Linebaugh; Banaszak). In Inuia the iight to faii tiial has been iecognizeu as being an integial pait of the iight to life in Ait. 21 as well as the iight against self inciimination in Ait 2u of the constitution. Any pioceeuing which inteifeies with the 'auministiation of justice' is actionable unuei the Contempt of Couits Act. The Supieme Couit has been unequivocal in its iecognition of the fact that a tiial by piess, electionic meuia oi by way of a public agitation is the veiy anti-thesis of iule of law anu can leau to miscaiiiage of justice SS anu have uigeu that meuia coveiage of ongoing tiials shoulu at no cost inteifeie with the essentials of a faii tiial incluuing the piesumption of innocence of the accuseu unless founu guilty at the enu of the tiial. S6
The iuea of a meuia tiial uoes not begin with bioaucast meuia anu has been aiounu fiom the time of the piess but the pioblem of the inteifeience by the piess with the piocess of ciiminal justice takes on an acceleiateu uimension in the eia of bioaucast meuia anu the inteinet. The Supieme Couit iecognizeu the uangeis of newspapeis iunning paiallel investigations as eaily as 1961 when it iefeiieu to 'tiial by piess' even befoie the enactment of the Contempt of Couit of 1971. In Saibal v. B.K. Sen S7 it saiu:
In 1961 the goveinment constituteu the Sanyal Committeee which biought out its iepoit on contempt of couit anu its iepoit hau unueiplayeu the iole of publication in a newspapei piejuuicing the auministiation of justice stating that since Inuia was a vast countiy anu
35 State of Maharashtra v. Rajendra Jawanmal Gandhi : 1997 (8) SCC 386. 36 Anukul Chandra Pradhan vs. Union of India, 1996(6) SCC 354 37 AIR 1961 SC 633
what is publisheu in one pait is not accessible to people in anothei pait of the countiy. The committee's unueistanuing of meuia aiose at a time when the newspapei ievolution hau not taken place much less the electionic meuia boom that we have witnesseu in the last two uecaues. 0ne can contiast the peiception of the powei of the meuia as imagineu by the Sanyal committee with an account of meuia in the eaily 2uuu's by the Belhi high couit.
In Suiya Piakash Khatii v. Smt. Nauhu Tiehan, S8 the couit uesciibeu the powei of the piess using vaiious metaphois of weapons incluuing 'nucleai powei', 'loaueu gun' etc. aiguing that the meuia hau a much gieatei uuty of caie anu caution in publishing a potentially uamaging piece. Acknowleuging the tiansfoimeu meuia lanuscape, the couit stateu
Similaily in B.N. Piasau v. Piincipal Secietaiy, S9 the couit aigueu that the natuie of electionic meuia was such that theie was veiy little filteiing that takes place anu news ieaches peisons iegaiuless of theii age anu capacity of compiehension.
It is in light of the peivasive natuie of electionic meuia that the couits have evolveu vaiious piinciples anu ciiteiia by which they evaluate whethei the meuia has the potential of violating a peison iight to faii tiial. In a numbei of cases on the ielationship between meuia publicity anu the tiial piocess the couits have evolveu a set of noimative giounus baseu on which they uisplay a healthy suspicion of meuia.
0ne of the fiist piinciples uevelopeu by the couit is the auveise influence that meuia iepiesentations have in piejuuicing the minu of the public. This was stiongly stateu by the Belhi high couit in the context of the Nitesh Kataia muiuei case which hau ieceiveu a lot of meuia publicity. The couit aigueu
In a iathei canuiu moment the couits acknowleuge theii own susceptibility to the influences of meuia iepoitage. This is in shaip contiast with eailiei positions in which the juuiciaiy has tenueu to uesciibe itself in tianscenuental teims claiming that unlike laymen who aie influenceu by what they see in meuia, it is inconceivable foi juuges to be influenceu eithei consciously by what they ieau oi see. 41 In Englanu the couits have uiawn
39 2005 Cri LJ 1901 40 Indian Council Of Legal Aid And ... vs State (Govt. Of Nct Of Delhi), http://indiankanoon.org/doc/1802633/ (Last accessed on 10 th July 2013) 41 In the P.C. Sen case for instance the courts held that The learned Judge observed that he was not prejudiced by the speech against the petitioners before him, since he was only "concerned with the constitutional and legal validity of the Control Order, and incidentally only with its
a uistinction between the possibilities of influence when it comes to questions of law against cases wheie questions of facts oi eviuence is at play anu have helu that it is moie likely foi a juuge to be influenceu at the tiial stage than at an appeal stage. 42
ZC G93^0-(H(*> 163 F93)0'F1(&* &+ ,**&H3*H3
The piesumption of innocence is one of those iionical iights which has passeu into clich even as it iemains one of the most uifficult iights to substantively achieve. The Supieme couit in Ranjitsing Biahmajeetsing Shaima v. State of Nahaiashtia 4S has consiueieu it to be a human iight holuing that if in a given case any appiopiiate Couit finus infiingement of such piesumption by excessive piejuuicial publicity by the newspapeis (in geneial), then unuei inheient poweis, can pass oiueis of postponement of publication foi a limiteu peiiou if the applicant is able to uemonstiate substantial iisk of piejuuice to the penuing tiial anu pioviueu he is able to uisplace the piesumption of open justice anu to that extent the buiuen will be on the applicant who seeks such postponement of offenuing publication. At the inteinational level the Euiopean couit of human iights has iuleu that the piesumption of innocence shoulu be employeu as a noimative paiametei in the mattei of balancing the iight to a faii tiial against claims of fieeuom of speech anu expiession. Aiticle 6(2) of the Euiopean Convention of Buman Rights imposes a positive obligation on the State to take action to piotect the piesumption of innocence fiom inteifeience by non-State actois. Bowevei, in a catena of uecisions, the ECBR has applieu the piinciple of piopoitionality to pievent imposition of oveiieaching iestiictions on the meuia."
The meuia iepoitage of teiioiism cases uo not just piejuuice the piesumption of innocence but often actively cieates a piesumption of absolute guilt. When investigative jouinalism is ieplaceu by the meuia paiioting police biiefs theie is veiy little hope foi the piesumption
socio-economic justification", but it could' not be said that the speech did not or could not or was not likely to prejudice the public against the cause of the petitioners. 42 Regina v. Duffey and others Ex Parte Nash([1960] 2 Q.B.D. 188 43 (2005) 5 SCC 294]. See also Ram Autar Shukla v. Arvind Shukla, 1995 Supp (20 SCC 130
of innocence to suivive. Teiming the taigeting of gioups like SINI as the Kafka pioject, Ajit Sahi pioviues us with a chilling naiiative of the compiomise of the legal piocess. 44
The embeuueu jouinalism in teiioi cases opens out the question on how we uiaw the line between the public inteiest function of the meuia anu the inteiests of publicity which fuels much of what they uo(Kaui anu Nazzaiella). The slightly peiveise inteiest that the meuia has in peipetuating 'piofitable piovocations' has also been acknowleugeu by the couits anu in a case involving Zee telefilms, 4S the couit concluueu that often the meuia conveys what the 'public is inteiesteu in' iathei than what is in 'public inteiest'. They helu that fieeuom of the piess shoulu not uegeneiate into a licence to attack litigants anu close the uooi of justice noi can it incluue any uniestiicteu libeity to uamage the ieputation of iespectable peisons." The couit in this case also citeu Anuiew Belsey's opinion ueciying the state of affaiis wheie the piessuies associateu with a business whose main job is to be the latest stoiy in which the 'temptation to piint tiivial stoiies salaciously piesenteu' is veiy high.
The iight to piivacy anu the iight to faii tiial constitute one of the faultiness that uiviues libeial activists who uemanu gieatei fieeuom of speech anu expiession. 0nlike tiauitional censoiship cases which pits the question of fieeuom against iestiaints the battle between fiee speech anu the iight to a faii tiial becomes a question of two competing iights anu the aujuuication of the balance between the two can be a tiicky one. In oui opinion one of the ueteimining piinciple shoulu be the ielative position of stiength oi uisauvantage of each of the paities. If fieeuom of speech has been piemiseu on piotecting the iights of inuiviuuals against the powei of the state it is impoitant to iemembei that most accuseu peisons aie up against a hostile ciiminal justice system anu an extiemely poweiful actoi in the foim of meuia anu if theie is a uiiect conflict between the iights of the accuseu anu the iight to
44 Ajit Sahi, The Kafka Project, Tehelka Magazine, Vol 5, Issue 32, Dated Aug 16, 2008, also Ajit Sahi, The Cry Of The Beloved Country, Tehelka Magazine, Vol 5, Issue 32, Dated Aug 16, 2008. (Last accessed on 10 th July 2013) 45 Mother Dairy Foods & Processing Ltd v. Zee Telefilms, AIR 2005 Delhi 195
fiees speech of meuia, it shoulu be the iight to faii tiial that pievails. This is of couise not an easy solution as the piinciples of a faii tiial also incluue accuiate iepoitage anu the meuia can play an impoitant watchuog function in ensuiing that theie is no violation of any uue piocess of law.
In an olu constitutional commentaiy, Cooley aigues that the iequiiement of a public tiial is foi the benefit of the accuseu; it is in oiuei to ensuie that the public may see he is faiily uealt with anu not unjustly conuemneu, anu that the piesence of inteiesteu spectatois may keep his tiieis keenly alive to a sense of theii iesponsibility anu to the impoitance of theii functions; anu the iequiiement is faiily obseiveu if, without paitiality oi favoiitism, a ieasonable piopoition of the public is suffeieu to attenu, notwithstanuing that those pei- sons whose piesence coulu be of no seivice to the accuseu, anu who woulu only be uiawn thithei by a piuiient cuiiosity, aie excluueu altogethei. 46 The iuea of an open tiial which is also one of the basis of the claims of fiee speech anu iepoitage is giounueu on the iights of the accuseu anu not a iight that is inheient in anu of itself.
A constitutional bench in Sahaia Inuia Real Estate v. SEBI 47 hau the oppoitunity to consiuei the appioach of uiffeient juiisuictions to the question of balance between these competing claims. Examining uiffeient appioaches to the question of whethei theie can be any piioi iestiaints imposeu on the coveiage of a juuicial piocess the couit obseiveu that in the 0S speech is piivilegeu ovei any othei iight anu as a iule theie aie no piioi iestiaints that aie imposeu. But in the context of the hypeu meuia attention on cases like the 0 } Simpson tiial, couits have evolveu pioceuuial uevices aimeu at neutializing the effect of piejuuicial publicity like change of venue, oiueiing ie-tiial, ieveisal of conviction on appeal etc. In contiast to the 0S, the 0K appioach piivileges the auministiation of justice ovei the iight to fiee speech. In theii summaiy, the Supime Couit uesciibes the English appioach as the 'Piotecting }ustice' appioach, aiguing that faii tiials anu public confiuence in the couits as the piopei foium foi settlement of uisputes as pait of the auministiation of justice, unuei the common law aie given gieatei weight than the goals seiveu by uniestiaineu fieeuom of
the piess. The Euiopean mouel is goveineu by a peisonality appioach wheiein the concein is less to uo with the issue of faii tiial than with the neeu foi safeguaiuing piivacy, peisonal uignity anu piesumption of innocence of tiial paiticipants. The unueilying assumption of this mouel is that the meuia coveiage of penuing tiials might be at ouus not only with faiiness anu impaitiality of the pioceeuings but also with othei inuiviuual anu societal inteiests. Thus, naiiowly focusseu piioi iestiaints aie pioviueu foi, on eithei a statutoiy oi juuicial basis. Finally they examine the Canauian position which eailiei tilteu towaius the iight to faii tiial ovei the iight to fiee speech saw a shift with the intiouuction of the Canauian chaitei of iights which explicitly guaianteeu 'fieeuom of the piess anu othei meuia of communication' anu the Canauian couits now have to stiive foi a balance between the two iights.
Summaiizing the Inuian position the couits state that iestiictions places on fiee speech in the inteiests of the auministiation of justice aie ieasonable unuei Ait. 19(2) anu that it also satisfies the test laiu uown by the couit in the R.Rajagopal case. 48 Accoiuing to the couit
Wile the couits have sought to evolve piinciples that balances between the iight to fiee speech anu the iight to faii tiial, they have been a lot moie waiy of aiguments baseu on the iight to know when it competes with faii tiial. In the R K Ananu case 49 the Belhi high couit sought to lay uown a set of piinciples that shoulu govein the ielationship between meuia iepoitage anu faii tiial. A few of the key piinciples incluue:
2. Nost people tenu to believe what is publisheu in the mass meuia making it necessaiy foi the meuia to ensuie that what is being publisheu is accuiate. In iespect of a potentially uamaging publication, the meuia cannot feign ignoiance oi pleau that it uiu not know that it hau a 'loaueu gun' S. The concept of self-iegulation of the meuia appeais to be a myth. Theie will always be a uebate about whethei, in a given case, the meuia has tiansgiesseu its limits so as to invite an injunction oi latei an action foi contempt of Couit. The less fiequently this happens, the bettei it is foi an oiueieu society. 4. 0nce pioceeuings have begun in a couit of law oi aie otheiwise imminent, the meuia has no iole to play in the foim of 'investigative jouinalism' oi as a fact finuei. The mattei then iests entiiely within the uomain of the Couit, litigants anu theii lawyeis no mattei how long the litigation lasts. The meuia ought to keep its hanus off an active case. S. It follows fiom the above that befoie a cause is instituteu in a Couit of law, oi is otheiwise not imminent, the meuia has full play in the mattei of legitimate investigative jouinalism. This is in accoiu with oui Constitutional piinciple of fieeuom of speech anu
48 (1994) 6 SCC 632
expiession anu is in consonance with the iight anu uuty of the meuia to iaise issues of public concein anu inteiest. This is also in haimony with a citizen's iight to know paiticulaily about events ielating to the investigation in a case, oi uelay in investigation oi soft- peualing on investigations peitaining to matteis of public concein anu impoitance. 6. When a cause is penuing in Couit, the meuia may only iepoit faiily, tiuly, faithfully anu accuiately the pioceeuings in the Couit, without any semblance of bias towaius one oi the othei paity. The meuia may also make a faii comment in a penuing cause without violating the sub-juuice iule. 9. In the auministiation of justice, no balancing act is peimissible. It is not peimissible to contenu that the public inteiest oi the iight to know outweighs the auministiation of justice. Such a view may shake the veiy stiuctuial founuations of an impaitial justice ueliveiy system.
1. Theie is a neeu to evolve enfoiceable stanuaius of measuiing faiiness in the iepotting of an ongoing legal pioceeuings especially wheie theie is a possibility that such iepoitage coulu auveisely affect the iight to a faii tiial of an accuseu. Theie aie a few consiueiations which ought to infoim what constitutes faiiness in such iepoiting
A. Neuia iepoitage shoulu explicitly avoiu the iole of speculating oi basing theii iepoitage on finuings of guilt oi innocence anu stick to an unbiaseu account of the legal pioceeuings B. Neuia shoulu uisclose its souices anu this shoulu be maue explicitly cleai especially when it is meiely iepoiting a veision (foi instance the piosecution's account) of an ongoing case C. The question of tempoiality shoulu be the key to ueteimining the balance between fiee speech anu the iight o a faii tiial. If the live iepoiting of a legal case has even the slightest
possibility of auveisely affecting the outcome of a tiial, then postponement (within a uefineu time fiame) shoulu be the noim. The noims laiu uown in the Sahaia case aie instiuctive. To ieiteiate