Srinivasaraghavan K.: Mechanical Engineering Professional-Quality Initiatives

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Srinivasaraghavan k.

No1306 aralimara Bus stop-Begur D.O.B; 12.07.16!

".#ail ; ksragaavan$hotmail.%om Status ; #arrie&
#o'ile (hone;)!03!3!*
#"+,-N.+-/ "N0.N""1.N0 (1O2"SS.ON-/- 34-/.56 .N.5.-5.7"S
19 Years of Pioneering in Delivering Optimal Results in High-growth Environments
throughInitiatives that excee Operation Performance !argets an "easura#le
$ompetent Engineering Professional offering extensive experience of 19 %ears& with in epth
'nowlege an functional experience in supporting for all functional moules in multi-location
environment with expertise in Prouction Planning ( $ontrol& )enor * +upplier "anagement
an Inspection,
!echnicall% competent "echanical Engineer offering a istinguishe career in achieving
professional excellence freeom & manufacturing flow harmoni-ation& an #ottlenec' ( efect
ientification for improving operational efficienc%,
Dexterit% across conceptuali-ing an implementing operational strategies for the .ualit% function
#% carr%ing out long term ( short term .ualit% planning to conform to organi-ational /0*/$
re.uirements, 0 ept at latest total prouctivit% management techni.ues to ensure highest .ualit%
$urrentl% wor'ing for "*s, 0vasarala !echnologies 1imite& 2engaluru as -sst #anager
3ualit8 -ssuran%e 9"+D:.
+uperlative leaership .ualities with excellent anal%tical s'ills with emonstrate capa#ilit% to
effectivel% use manpower an motivate professionals to maximi-e levels of prouctivit%,
3nerstaning of all aspects governing operational an prouction activities an up to ate
'nowlege of latest technological avancements& regulations* guielines an statutor%
compliances in the inustr%,
+O1" +O#("5"N+."S
)enor Development /ualit% "anagement* $ontrol !rou#leshooting $ross-functional
$oorination !echnical Documentation !eam "anagement Prouct ( Process /ualit%
(1O2"SS.ON-/ ";("1."N+"
#<s. -7-S-1-/- 5"+,NO/O0."S /.#.5"D= Bengaluru sin%e >an2010
One of the leaing compan% wor'ing with 4P$I1 ( 20R$ catering& eveloping ( #uiling 4uclear
Power Plants at various parts of Inia, 0n I+O 955167558 certifie compan%& has five ivisions&
Engineering $onstruction Division 9E$D:& 4uclear Power Division 94PD:& ;actor%0utomation
Division 9;0D:& 0erospace Division& Health $are Division ?orking as -sst #anager 3ualit8
-ssuran%e 9"+D:
+olel% lea /0 epartment with six engineers at Hea Office& 2engaluru reporting
aministrativel% to )ice Presient E$D,
"@upiment inspe%tion for 2oiler& heat exchanger& $%clone +eperator (Heater vessel with
Preparation of various test proceure with respect to technical specification *tener ocuments
an rawings,
<etting the approval for /ualit% 0ssurance Plans ( )arious !est Proceures,
Regular interaction with +cientific Officers at 4P$I1 an 20R$ for technical
0rranging /0 Engineers to visit suppliers across I4DI0 for the inspection& !est
certificates*ocuments review ( su#mitting the same to 4P$I1*20R$ for their approval an to get
the shipping release,
$o- orinating #etween customer ( the supplier for an% technical issues,
=e% profiles hanle uner venor evelopment activities&
)isiting customer sites ( attening .ualit% relate grievances,
!a'ing up the inspection activit% across Inia 9Items li'e ++*$+ Pipes& ;ittings&
)alves& plates& forgings& as per 0+"E section etc,&: at supplier wor's,
$ali#ration of Instruments& <auges etc,& an maintaining the Histor% cars,
Preparing >P+&P/R for ;a#rication of pressure )essel tan',
Involving various pro?ects connecte to ;a#rication& forging &casting ( "achining process,
#<S. S,-1D/OA .ND.- (75. /5D.B-N 2006 till D"+ 200
1eaing "anufacturers of HO! ;OR<I4<+
-sst #anager - 3ualit8 +ontrol
"onitore aherence to )enor /ualit% $ontrol an compl% with I+O 9551 .ualit% stanars an
maintaining re.uisite ocuments
Performe root-cause anal%sis of efects while eveloping ( improving the processing #% ta'ing
corrective actions to prevent an% reoccurrences an efective issues,
Pla%e 'e% role in ;inal Inspection ( !esting of +pinles& 1ive $enters ( +P"+,
#<S. (-N6-# +"#"N5S C #.N"1-/S .ND.- (75. /5D. Ban12 till
-40200* 9Aire Dra?ing Division-Bommanhalli=Bangalore:
1eaing "anufacturers of >IRE DR0>I4< ;OR 03!O"O2I1E I4D3+!RIE+& Power
<eneration Plants& +teel "ills etc,
-sst #anager 3ualit8 +ontrol
Hanle an manage the components inwar& in-process inspection an s%stem final
inspection ( testing,
"D4+-5.ON-/ C (1O2"SS.ON-/ +1"D"N5.-/S
2,E I4 "E$H04I$01 E4<I4EERI4< "0Y-1995
$HE440I 34I)ER+I!Y &$hennai&!amil 4au
$omplete 3ltrosonic!esting 3! I+4!*0+4! 1evel II
0+4! 1evel II $ertificate $ourse $omplete on 3!& 1P!& "P! ( )!,
Date of 2irth6 17n +ep19@8A Ho##ies6 Pla%ing cric'et& #aminton& listening to music an garening
1anguage Proficienc%6 English &!amil an =annaa
1eDeren%esE #r (ra'hath Fumar- +hairman C #anaging Dire%tor
9Nu%lear Division:
2H0)I4I - =alpa''am
P;2R Pro?ect

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