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CCNA Security: Configuring Devices For Use With Cisco Configuration Professional (CCP) 2.5

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CCNA Security

Configuring Devices for Use with Cisco Configuration Professional (CCP) 2.5
!P A""ressing Ta#le
Part &' (asic Networ) Device Configuration
Cable the network as shown in the topology.
Configure basic IP addressing for routers and PCs.
Configure routing.
Verify connectivity between hosts and routers.
Part 2' Configure CCP Access for *outers
Enable HTTP/HTTP server.
Create a user account with privilege level !".
Configure H and Telnet access for local login.
Part +' (asic CCP Configuration
Install CCP.
#anage co$$unities.
%iscover router devices.
Cisco Configuration Professional &CCP' is a (indows)based device $anage$ent tool for Integrated ervice
*outers. CCP si$plifies router configurations through easy)to)use wi+ards. The ob,ective of this lab is to verify
that the routers and PC are configured properly for use with CCP.
Note' Ensure that the routers and the switches have been erased and have no startup configurations.
*e-uire" *esources
- routers &Cisco !./! with Cisco I0 software1 release !2./&23'T! or co$parable'
2 switches &Cisco 2453 or co$parable'
PC)67 (indows 8P1 Vista1 or (indows 9
PC)C7 (indows 8P1 Vista1 or (indows 9 with CCP 2."1 :ava version !.5.3;!! up to !.5.3;2!1 Internet
E<plorer 5.3 or above and =lash Player Version !3.3.!2.-5 and later
erial and Ethernet cables as shown in the topology
*ollover cables to configure the routers via the console port
Note' If the PC is running (indows 91 it $ay be necessary to right)click on the Cisco CP icon or $enu ite$1 and
choose *un as a".inistrator. In order to run CCP1 it $ay be necessary to te$porarily disable antivirus
progra$s and 0/ firewalls. #ake sure that all pop)up blockers are turned off in the browser.
Part &' (asic *outer Configuration
In Part ! of this lab1 set up the network topology and configure basic settings such as interface IP addresses and
Ste &' Ca#le the networ).
6ttach the devices that are shown in the topology diagra$1 and cable as necessary.
Ste 2' Configure #asic settings for each router.
a. Configure host na$es as shown in the topology.
b. Configure interface IP addresses as shown in the IP 6ddressing Table.
c. Configure a clock rate for routers with a %CE serial cable attached to their serial interface. *outer *! is shown
here as an e<a$ple.
R1(config)# interface S0/0/0
R1(config-if)# clock rate 64000
d. To prevent the router fro$ atte$pting to translate incorrectly entered co$$ands as though they were host
na$es1 disable %> lookup. *outer *! is shown here as an e<a$ple.
R1(config)# no ip domain-lookup
Ste +' Configure *outing Protocol on *&/ *2/ an" *+.
tatic and dyna$ic routing protocols are used in different chapter labs. Please refer to the chapter instructions to
deter$ine which routing protocol is used in a chapter lab.
Ste 0' Configure static "efault routes on *&/ *2/ an" *+.
a. Configure a static default route fro$ *! to *2 and fro$ *- to *2.
R1(config)# ip route
R3(config)# ip route
b. Configure static routes fro$ *2 to the *! ?6>.
R2(config)# ip route
c. Configure static routes fro$ *2 to the *- ?6>.
R2(config)# ip route
Ste 5' Configure the 1!2*P routing rotocol on *&/ *2/ an" *+.
a. 0n *!1 use the following co$$ands.
R1(config)# router eigrp 101
R1(config-router)# network
R1(config-router)# network
R1(config-router)# no auto-ummar!
b. 0n *21 use the following co$$ands.
R2(config)# router eigrp 101
R2(config-router)# network
R2(config-router)# network
R2(config-router)# no auto-ummar!
c. 0n *-1 use the following co$$ands.
R3(config)# router eigrp 101
R3(config-router)# network
R3(config-router)# network
R3(config-router)# no auto-ummar!
Ste 3' Configure PC host !P settings.
Configure a static IP address1 subnet $ask1 and default gateway for PC)6 and PC)C as shown in the IP
6ddressing Table.
Ste 4' 5erify connectivity #etween PC an" *outers.
a. Ping fro$ *! to *-.
(ere the ping results successful@ ;;;;;
If the pings are not successful1 troubleshoot the basic device configurations before continuing.
b. Ping fro$ PC)6 on the *! ?6> to PC)C on the *- ?6>.
(ere the ping results successful@ ;;;;;
If the pings are not successful1 troubleshoot the basic device configurations before continuing.
Note' If you can ping fro$ PC)6 to PC)C you have de$onstrated that routing is configured and functioning
correctly. If you cannot ping but the device interfaces are up and IP addresses are correct1 use the "ow run
and "ow ip route co$$ands to help identify routing protocol related proble$s.
Part 2' *outer Access for CCP
In Part 2 of this lab1 you setup a router for use with CCP by enabling HTTP/HTTP server1 creating a privileged
user account1 and configuring a H and Telnet access. .
Ste &' Connect to your router through Telnet or SS6 or the console.
Enter the global configuration $ode using the co$$and7
Router> ena#le
Router# configure terminal
Ste 2' 1na#le the router 6TTP or 6TTPS server.
Ase the following Cisco I0 oftware co$$ands.
Router(config)# ip "ttp er$er
Router(config)# ip "ttp ecure-er$er
Router(config)# ip "ttp aut"entication local
Note' HTTP is enabled only for cryptography)enabled Cisco I0 oftware i$ages.
Ste +' Create a user with rivilege level &5.
Router(config)# uername admin pri$ilege 15 paword cico12345
Ste 0' Configure SS6 an" Telnet for local login.
Router(config)# line $t! 0 4
Router(config-line)# login local
Router(config-line)# tranport input telnet
Router(config-line)# tranport input telnet "
Router(config-line)# e%it
Part +' CCP !nstallation an" !nitial Setu
Ste &' !nstall CCP
Note' This section can be skipped if CCP is already installed on your PC. a. %ownload CCP 2." fro$ CiscoBs
Note' Ce sure to select the correct CCP file and not CCP E<press. If there is a $ore current release of CCP1 you
$ay choose to download it. However1 the labs in this course are based on CCP 2.".
c. 6gree to the ter$s and conditions and download and save the file to the desired location.
d. 0pen the +ip file and run the CCP e<ecutable.
e. =ollow the on)screen instructions to install CCP 2." on your PC.
Note' If Cisco CP is installed on a PC that uses the #icrosoft (indows Vista operating syste$ or the #icrosoft
(indows 9 operating syste$1 Cisco CP $ay fail to launch.
Possi#le solutions'
!. Co$patibility settings7
a. *ight click on the Cisco CP icon or $enu ite$ and select Proerties.
b. (hile in the Proerties dialog bo<1 select the Co.ati#ility tab. In this tab1 select the checkbo< for *un this
rogra. in co.ati#ility .o"e for. Then in the drop down $enu below1 choose 7in"ows 8P (Service Pac)
+) for e<a$ple1 if it is appropriate for your syste$.
c. Click $9.
2. *un as A".inistrator settings7
a. *ight click on the Cisco CCP icon or $enu ite$ and select Proerties.
b. (hile in the Proerties dialog bo<1 select the Co.ati#ility tab. In this tab1 select the checkbo< for *un this
rogra. as a".inistrator in Privilege ?evel section.
c. Click $9.
-. *un as 6d$inistrator for each launch7
a. *ight click on the Cisco CP icon or $enu ite$ and select *un as A".inistrator.
b. =or $ore infor$ation1 please refer to the Cisco CP Duick tart Euide or search for Frun as ad$inistratorG for
your operating syste$ on the internet.
Note' It $ay be necessary to te$porarily disable antivirus progra$s and 0/ firewalls in order to run CCP.
Ste 2' Create , :anage Co..unities
CCP 2." can discover up to !3 devices in a co$$unity. If desired1 the infor$ation for both *! and *- can be
included in one co$$unity if the PC has network connectivity to the routers. 0nly *- is discovered on PC)C in
this section as an e<a$ple.
a. 0n PC)C1 start CCP7 Start ; Cisco Configuration Professional.
b. In the elect / #anage Co$$unity window1 input into the appropriate fields the *- IP address !42.!5..-.!1
the Userna.e ad$in1 and the Passwor" cisco!2-/".
c. Click $9 to continue.
Ste +' Discovery *outer Devices
a. Click Discover on the %ashboard to discover and connect to *-. If discovery fails1 click the Discovery
Details button to deter$ine the proble$ so that you can resolve the issue.
b. 0nce the router has been discovered by CCP1 you are ready to configure your elect Co$$unity #e$ber. In
this e<a$ple1 the elect Co$$unity #e$ber is !42.!5..-.!.
*outer !nterface Su..ary Ta#le

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