The key takeaways are that soil compaction increases the density and load-bearing capacity of soil through mechanical means. It discusses different soil types, compaction methods, and equipment used for compaction.
The main types of compaction effort discussed are static force (deadweight), vibratory force (eccentric weights or pistons), and kneading or pressure efforts.
The main reasons given for compacting soil are to increase load-bearing capacity, prevent settlement and frost damage, provide stability, reduce water issues like seepage/swelling/contraction, and reduce settling.
Soil Compaction is a significant part of the building process, and require mechanical compaction techniques such as rammers, compactors, and rollers. If compacted improperly unnecessary repair costs, and structural damage will occur Methods and techniques on howto properly compact soil types can be found below. Click the links on the right to continue navigating through our concrete equipment. ........ tools for concrete Contractors Depot 48 Island Drive Eastpoint, FL 32328 CCR Cage # 3H2R2 Toll Free - 1 877 266 3532 USA - 850 670 1100 Soil Compaction Concrete Placing Concrete Finishing Concrete Equipment
Soil Compaction Handbook Copyright Multiquip Inc Soil Compaction Soil Compaction Soil compactionisdefinedasthemethodof mechanicallyincreasingthedensityof soil. Inconstruction, thisisasignificant part of thebuildingprocess. If performed improperly, settlement of thesoil couldoccur andresult inunnecessary maintenancecostsor structurefailure. Almost all typesof buildingsitesand constructionprojectsutilize mechanical compactiontechniques. What is Soil? Soil isformedinplaceor depositedbyvariousforcesof nature- suchasglaciers, wind, lakesandrivers- residuallyor organically. Followingareimportant elements insoil compaction: - Soil type - Soil moisturecontent - Compactioneffort required Why Compact? Therearefiveprinciplereasonstocompact soil: - Increasesload-bearingcapacity - Preventssoil settlement andfrost damage - Providesstability - Reduceswater seepage, swellingandcontraction - Reducessettlingof soil Types of Compaction Therearefour typesof compactioneffort onsoil or asphalt: Search Site: Go Info Pages Concrete Tools About Soil Compaction Concrete Glossary Product Manuals About Multiquip About MBW Soil Compaction Rammers Plate Compactors Vibratory Rollers Compaction Attachments Concrete Placing Concrete Mixers Mortar &Plaster Mixers Power Buggies Concrete Finishing Power Screeds Truss Screeds Walk Behind Power Trowels Ride On Power Trowels Power Trowel Blades Concrete Equipment Concrete Vibrators Power Buggies Concrete Saws Info Pages Concrete Tools About Soil Compaction Concrete Glossary Page 2 Soil Compaction - Soil Types, Methods, and Compaction Techniques 24/06/2008 16:17:31 Vibration Impact Kneading Pressure Thesedifferent typesof effort arefoundinthetwoprincipletypesof compaction force: staticandvibratory. Static force issimply thedeadweight of themachine, applyingdownwardforceon thesoil surface, compressingthesoil particles. Theonlyway tochangethe effectivecompactionforceisbyaddingor subtractingtheweight of themachine. Static compactionisconfinedtoupper soil layersandislimitedtoanyappreciable depth. Kneadingandpressurearetwoexamplesof staticcompaction. Vibratory force usesamechanism, usuallyengine-driven, tocreateadownward forceinadditiontothemachine'sstaticweight. Thevibratingmechanismisusually arotatingeccentricweight or piston/springcombination(inrammers). The compactorsdeliver arapidsequenceof blows(impacts) tothesurface, thereby affectingthetoplayersaswell asdeeper layers. Vibrationmovesthroughthe material, settingparticlesinmotionandmovingthemcloser together for thehighest densitypossible. Basedonthematerialsbeingcompacted, acertainamount of force must beusedtoovercomethecohesivenatureof particular particles. Results of Poor Compaction Bothillustrationsaboveshowtheresult of improper compactionandhowproper compactioncanensurealonger structural life.
Soil Types and Conditions Everysoil typebehavesdifferently withrespecttomaximumdensityandoptimum moisture. Therefore, eachsoil typehasitsownuniquerequirementsandcontrols bothinthefieldandfor testingpurposes. Soil types arecommonlyclassifiedbygrainsize, determined by passingthesoil throughaseriesof sievestoscreenor separatethedifferent grainsizes. Soil classificationis categorizedinto15groups, asystemset upby AASHTO(AmericanAssociationof StateHighway Product Manuals About Multiquip About MBW
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Page 3 Soil Compaction - Soil Types, Methods, and Compaction Techniques 24/06/2008 16:17:31 andTransportationOfficials). Soilsfoundinnature arealmost alwaysacombinationof soil types. A well-graded soil consistsof awiderangeof particle sizeswiththesmaller particlesfillingvoidsbetween larger particles. Theresult isadensestructurethat lendsitself well tocompaction. A soil'smakeup determinesthebest compactionmethodtouse. The arethreebasicsoil groups: Cohesive Granular Organic (thissoil isnotsuitablefor compaction andwill notbediscussedhere) Cohesive soils Cohesivesoilshavethesmallestparticles. Clayhasaparticlesizerangeof .00004" to.002". Silt rangesfrom.0002" to.003". Clayisusedinembankmentfillsand retainingpondbeds. Characteristics Cohesivesoilsaredenseandtightlyboundtogether bymolecular attraction. They areplasticwhenwet andcanbemolded, butbecomeveryhardwhendry. Proper water content, evenly distributed, iscritical for proper compaction. Cohesivesoils usuallyrequireaforcesuchasimpact or pressure. Silt hasanoticeably lower cohesionthanclay. However, silt isstill heavilyreliant onwater content. Granular soils Granular soilsrangeinparticlesizefrom.003" to.08" (sand) and.08" to1.0" (fine tomediumgravel). Granular soilsareknownfor their water-drainingproperties. Characteristics Sandandgravel obtainmaximumdensityineither afullydryor saturatedstate. Testingcurvesarerelatively flatsodensitycanbeobtainedregardlessof water content. The tables that follow give a basic indication of soils used in particular construction applications. Relative Desirability of Soils As Compacted Fill Click to View Chart
Guide to Soil Types What to look for Appearance/ Feel Water Movement When Moist When Dry Granular soils, fine sands and silts Coarse grains can be seen. Feels gritty When water and soil are shaken in palm Very little or no plasticity Little or no cohesive strength when Page 4 Soil Compaction - Soil Types, Methods, and Compaction Techniques 24/06/2008 16:17:31 when rubbed between fingers of hand, they mix. When shaking is stopped they separate dry. Soil sample will crumble easily. Cohesive soils, mixes and clays Grains cannot be seen by naked eye. Feels smooth and greasy when rubbed between fingers When water and soil are shaken in palm of hand, they will not mix Plastic and sticky. Can be rolled Has high strength when dry. Crumbles with difficulty. Slowsaturation in water.
Lift Thickness Impact Pressure (with kneading) Vibration Kneading (with pressure) Gravel 12+ Poor No Good Very Good Sand 10+/- Poor No Excellent Good Silt 6+/- Good Good Poor Excellent Clay 6+/- Excellent Very Good No Good
Fill Materials Permeability Foundation Support Pavement Sub grade Expansive Compaction Difficulty Gravel VeryHigh Excellent Excellent No VeryEasy Sand Medium Good Good No Easy Silt MediumLow Poor Poor Some Some Clay None+ Moderate Poor Difficult VeryDifficult Organic Low VeryPoor Not Acceptable Some VeryDifficult Effect of Moisture Theresponseof soil tomoistureisveryimportant, asthesoil must carrytheload year-round. Rain, for example, maytransformsoil intoaplasticstateor evenintoa liquid. Inthisstate, soil hasverylittleor noload-bearingability. Moisture vs. Soil Density Moisturecontent of thesoil isvital toproper compaction. Moistureactsasa lubricant withinsoil, slidingtheparticlestogether. Toolittlemoisturemeans inadequatecompaction- theparticlescannot movepast eachother toachieve density. Toomuchmoistureleaveswater-filledvoidsandsubsequently weakensthe load-bearingability. Thehighest densityfor most soilsisat acertainwater content for agivencompactioneffort. Thedrier thesoil, themoreresistant it isto compaction. Inawater-saturatedstatethevoidsbetweenparticlesarepartially Page 5 Soil Compaction - Soil Types, Methods, and Compaction Techniques 24/06/2008 16:17:31 filledwithwater, creatinganapparent cohesionthat bindsthemtogether. This cohesionincreasesastheparticlesizedecreases(asinclay-typesoils). l Soil Density Tests Todetermineif proper soil compactionisachievedfor anyspecificconstruction application, several methodsweredeveloped. Themost prominent byfar issoil density. Why Test? Soil testingaccomplishesthefollowing: Measuresdensityof soil for comparingthedegreeof compactionvs. specs Measurestheeffectof moistureonsoil densityvs. specs Providesamoisturedensitycurveidentifyingoptimummoisture Types of Tests Teststodetermineoptimummoisturecontent aredoneinthelaboratory. Themost commonistheProctor Test, or ModifiedProctor Test. A particular soil needsto haveanideal (or optimum) amount of moisturetoachievemaximumdensity. This isimportant notonlyfor durability, butwill savemoneybecauselesscompaction effort isneededtoachievethedesiredresults. The Hand Test A quick methodof determiningmoistureisknownasthe"HandTest". Pickupa handful of soil. Squeezeit inyour hand. Open your hand. If thesoil ispowderyandwill notretaintheshapemadeby your hand, it istoodry. If it shatterswhendropped, it istoo dry. If thesoil ismoldableandbreaksinto onlyacoupleof pieceswhendropped, it hastheright amount of moisturefor proper compaction. If thesoil isplasticinyour hand, leavestracesof moistureonyour fingersandstaysinonepiecewhen dropped, it hastoomuchmoisturefor compaction. Proctor Test (ASTM D1557-91) TheProctor, or ModifiedProctor Test, determinesthemaximumdensityof asoil Page 6 Soil Compaction - Soil Types, Methods, and Compaction Techniques 24/06/2008 16:17:31 neededfor aspecificjobsite. Thetest first determinesthemaximumdensity achievablefor thematerialsandusesthisfigureasareference. Secondly, it tests theeffectsof moistureonsoil density. Thesoil referencevalueisexpressedasa percentageof density. Thesevaluesaredeterminedbeforeanycompactiontakes placetodevelopthecompactionspecifications. ModifiedProctor valuesarehigher becausethey takeintoaccount higher densitiesneededfoecertaintypedof constructionprojects. Test methodsaresimilar for bothtests. Proctor Test A small soil sample is taken fromthe jobsite. A standard weight is dropped several times on the soil. The material weighed and then oven dried for 12 hours in order to evaluate water content Modified Proctor Test This is similar to the Proctor Test except a hammer is used to compact material for greater impact, The test is normally preferred in testing materials for higher shearing strength. Field Tests It isimportant toknowandcontrol thesoil densityduringcompaction. Following arecommonfieldteststodetermineonthespot if compactiondensitiesarebeing reached. Field Density Testing Method
Sand Cone Balloon Dens meter Shelby Tube Nuclear Gauge Advantages * Large sample * Accurate * Large sample * Direct reading obtained * Open graded material * Fast * Deep sample * Under pipe haunches * Fast * Easy to redo * More tests (statistical reliability) Disadvantages * Manysteps * Large area required * Slow * Halt Equipment * Tempting to accept flukes * Slow * Balloon breakage * Awkward * Small Sample * No gravel * Sample not always retained * No sample * Radiation * Moisture suspect * Encourages amateurs Page 7 Soil Compaction - Soil Types, Methods, and Compaction Techniques 24/06/2008 16:17:31 Errors * Void under plate * Sandbulking * Sandcompacted * Soil pumping * Surface not level * Soil pumping * Void under plate * Overdrive * Rocks in path * Plastic soil * Miscalibrated * Rocks in path * Surface prep required * Backscatter Cost * Low * Moderate * Low * High
Sand Cone Test (ASTM D1556-90) A small hole(6" x6" deep) isduginthecompacted material tobetested. Thesoil isremovedand weighed, thendriedandweighedagaintodetermine itsmoisturecontent. A soil'smoistureisfiguredasa percentage. Thespecificvolumeof theholeis determinedbyfillingit withcalibrateddrysandfroma jar andconedevice. Thedryweight of thesoil removedisdividedbythevolumeof sandneededto fill thehole. Thisgivesusthedensityof the compactedsoil inlbsper cubicfoot. Thisdensityis comparedtothemaximumProctor densityobtained earlier, whichgivesustherelativedensityof thesoil that wasjust compacted. Nuclear Density (ASTM D2292-91) Nuclear Densitymetersareaquick andfairly accurate way of determiningdensityandmoisturecontent. The meter usesaradioactiveisotopesource(Cesium137) at thesoil surface (backscatter) or fromaprobeplacedintothesoil (direct transmission). Theisotope sourcegivesoff photons(usuallyGammarays) whichradiatebacktothemater's detectorsonthebottomof theunit. Densesoil absorbsmoreradiationthanloose soil andthereadingsreflect overall density. Water content (ASTM D3017) canalso beread, all withinafewminutes. A relativeProctor densitywiththecompaction resultsfromthetest.
Soil Modulus (soil stiffness) Thisfield-test methodisaveryrecent development that replaces soil density testing. Soil stiffnessistheratioof force-to-displacement. Testingisdonebya machinethat sendsvibrationsintothesoil andthenmeasuresthedeflectionof the soil fromthevibrations. Thisisaveryfast, safemethodof testingsoil stiffness. Soil stiffnessisthedesiredengineeringproperty, notjust drydensityandwater content. ThismethodiscurrentlybeingresearchedandtestedbytheFederal Highway Administration.
Compaction Equipment Page 8 Soil Compaction - Soil Types, Methods, and Compaction Techniques 24/06/2008 16:17:31 Applications Thedesiredlevel of compactionisbest achievedbymatchingthesoil typewithits proper compactionmethod. Other factorsmust beconsideredaswell, suchas compactionspecsandjobsiteconditions. Cohesive soils - clay iscohesive, itsparticlesstick together.* Therefore, amachinewithahighimpact forceisrequiredtoramthesoil andforcetheair out, arrangingtheparticles. A rammer isthebest choice, or apad-foot vibratory roller if higher productionis needed. *Theparticlesmustbeshearedtocompact. Granular soils - sincegranular soilsarenotcohesive andtheparticlesrequireashakingor vibratory action tomovethem, vibratory plates (forwardtravel) arethe best choice. Reversible plates andsmooth drum vibratory rollers are appropriatefor productionwork. Granular soil particles respondtodifferent frequencies(vibrations) dependingon particlesize. Thesmaller theparticle, thehigher thefrequenciesandhigher compactionforces. Normally, soilsaremixturesof clay andgranular materials, makingtheselectionof compactionequipment moredifficult. It isagoodideatochoosethemachine appropriatefor thelarger percentageof themixture. Equipment testingmaybe requiredtomatchthebest machinetothejob. Asphalt isconsideredgranular dueto itsbaseof mixedaggregatesizes(crushedstone, gravel, sandandfines) mixedwith bitumenbinder (asphalt cement). Consequently, asphalt must becompactedwith pressure(static) or vibration. Compaction Machine Characteristics Twofactorsareimportant indeterminingthetypeof forceacompactionmachine produces: frequency andamplitude. Frequency isthespeedat whichaneccentric shaft rotatesor themachinejumps. Eachcompactionfrequencymachineis designedtooperateat anoptimumfrequencytosupplythemaximumforce. Frequency isusuallygivenintermsof vibrationper minute(vpm). Amplitude (or normal amplitude) isthemaximummovementof avibratingbodyfromitsaxisin onedirection. Doubleamplitudeisthemaximummovementof avibratingbody fromitsaxisinonedirection. Doubleamplitudeinsthemaximumdistancea vibratingbodymovesinbothdirectionsfromitsaxis. Theapparent amplitude variesfor eachmachineunder different jobsiteconditions. Theapparent amplitude increasesasthematerial becomesmoredenseandcompacted. Lift height and Machine Performance Lift height (depthof thesoil layer isanimportant factor that effectsmachine performanceandcompactioncost. Vibratory andrammer-typeequipment compact soil in thesamedirection: fromtoptobottomand bottomtotop. Asthemachinehitsthesoil, Page 9 Soil Compaction - Soil Types, Methods, and Compaction Techniques 24/06/2008 16:17:31 theimpact travelstothehardsurfacebelowandthenreturnsupward. Thissetsall particlesinmotionandcompactiontakesplace. Asthesoil becomescompacted, the impact hasashorter distancetotravel. Moreforcereturnstothemachine, makingit lift off thegroundhigher initsstrokecycle. If thelift istoodeep, themachinewill takelonger tocompact thesoil andalayer withinthelift will notbecompacted. Soil canalsobeover-compactedif thecompactor makestoomanypasses(apassis themachinegoingacrossalift inonedirection). Over-compactionislikeconstantly hittingconcretewithasledgehammer. Crackswill eventually appear, reducing density. Thisisawasteof man-hoursandaddsunnecessarywear tothemachine. Compaction specifications A wordabout meetingjobsitespecifications. Generally, compactionperformance parametersaregivenonaconstructionproject inoneof twoways: - Method Specification- detailedinstructionsspecifymachinetype, lift depths, number of passes, machinespeedandmoisturecontent. A "recipe" isgivenaspart of thejob spectoaccomplishthecompactionneeded. Thismethodisoutdated, asmachine technologyhasfar outpacedcommonmethodspecificationrequirements. - End- result Specification- engineersindicatefinal compactionrequirements, thusgiving thecontractor muchmoreflexibilityindeterminingthebest, most economical methodof meetingtherequiredspecs. Fortunately, thisisthetrend, allowingthe contractor totakeadvantageof thelatest technologyavailable. Equipment Types Rammers Rammersdeliver ahighimpact force( highamplitude) makingtheman excellent choicefor cohesiveandsemi-cohesivesoils. Frequency rangeis 500to750blowsper minute. Rammersget compactionforcefromasmall gasolineor diesel enginepoweringalargepistonset withtwosetsof springs. Therammer isinclinedat aforwardangletoallowforward travel asthemachinejumps. Rammerscover threetypesof compaction: impact, vibrationandkneading. Vibratory Plates Vibratoryplatesarelowamplitudeandhighfrequency, designedto compact granular soilsandasphalt. Gasolineor diesel enginesdrive oneor twoeccentricweightsat ahighspeedtodevelopcompaction force. Theresultingvibrationscauseforwardmotion. Theengine andhandlearevibration-isolatedfromthevibratingplate. The heavier theplate, themorecompactionforceit generates. Frequency rangeisusually2500vpmto6000vpm. Platesusedfor asphalthaveawater tank andsprinkler systemtoprevent asphalt fromstickingtothebottomof thebase plate. Vibrationistheoneprincipal compactioneffect. Reversible Vibratory Plates Inadditiontosomeof thestandardvibratory platefeatures, reversibleplateshave twoeccentricweightsthat allowsmoothtransitionfor forwardor reversetravel, plusincreasedcompactionforceastheresult of dual weights. Duetotheir weight andforce, reversibleplatesareideal for semi-cohesivesoils. A reversibleispossible thebest compactionbuydollar for dollar. Unlikestandardplates, thereversible Page 10 Soil Compaction - Soil Types, Methods, and Compaction Techniques 24/06/2008 16:17:31 forwardtravel maybestoppedandthemachinewill maintainitsforcefor "spot" compaction. Rollers Rollersareavailableinseveral categories: walk-behindand ride-on, whichareavailableassmoothdrum, paddeddrum, and rubber-tiredmodels; andarefurther dividedintostaticand vibratory sub-categories. Walk-behind Smooth A popular designfor manyyears, smooth-drummachinesareideal for both soil andasphalt. Dual steel drumsaremountedonarigidframeandpoweredby gasolineor diesel engines. Steeringisdonebymanually themachinehandle. Frequency isaround4000vpmandamplitudesrangefrom.018to.020. Vibrationis providedbyeccentricshaftsplacedinthedrumsor mountedontheframe. Padded rollersarealsoknownastrenchrollersduetotheir effectiveuseintrenches andexcavations. Thesemachinesfeaturehydraulic or hydrostaticsteeringand operation. Poweredbydiesel engines, trenchrollersarebuilttowithstandtherigors of confinedcompaction. Trenchrollersareeither skid-steer or equippedwith articulatedsteering. Operationcanbebymanual or remotecontrol. Largeeccentric unitsprovidehighimpact forceandhighamplitude(for rollers) that areappropriate for cohesivesoils. Thedrumpadsprovideakneadingactiononsoil. Usethese machinesfor highproductivity. Ride-on Configuredasstatic-wheel rollers, ride-onsareusedprimarily for asphalt surface sealingandfinishingwork inthelarger (8to15ton) range. Small ride-onunitsare usedfor patchjobswiththinlifts. Thetrendistowardvibratory rollers. Tandem vibratory rollersareusuallyfoundwithdrumwidthsof 30" upto110", withthe most commonbeing48". Suitablefor soil, sub-baseandasphaltcompaction, tandemrollersusethedynamicforceof eccentricvibrator assembliesfor high productionwork. single-drummachinesfeatureasinglevibratingdrumwith pneumatic drivewheels. Thedrumisavailableassmoothfor sub-baseor rockfill, or paddedfor soil compaction. Additionally, aride-onversionof thepadfoot trench roller isavailablefor veryhighproductivityinconfinedareas, witheither manual or remotecontrol operation. Rubber-tire Theserollersareequippedwith7to11pneumatic tireswiththefront andrear tiresoverlapping. A staticroller bynature, compactionforceisalteredby theadditionor removal of weight addedasballast intheformof water or sand. Weight rangesvaryfrom10to35tons. Thecompactioneffort ispressureand kneading, primarily withasphaltfinishrolling. Tirepressuresonsomemachines canbedecreasedwhilerollingtoadjust groundcontact pressurefor different job conditions. Equipment Applications Granular Soils Sand and Clay Cohesive Clay Asphalt Rammers Not Recommended Testing Recommended Best Application Not Recommended Vibratory Plates Best Application Testing Recommended Not Recommended Best Application Reversible Plates Testing Recommended Best Application Best Application Not Recommended Page 11 Soil Compaction - Soil Types, Methods, and Compaction Techniques 24/06/2008 16:17:31 Vibratory Rollers Not Recommended Best Application Testing Recommended Best Application Rammax Rollers Testing Recommended Best Application Best Application Not Recommended
Safety and General Guidelines Aswithall constructionequipment, therearemanysafetypracticesthat shouldbe followedwhileusingcompactionequipment. Whilethisinstructional guideisnot designedtocover all aspectsof jobsitesafety, wewishtomentionsomeof themore obviousitemsinregardtocompactionequipment. Ideally, equipment operators shouldfamiliarizethemselveswithall of their company'ssafetyregulations, aswell asanyOSHA, stateagencyor local agencyregulationspertainingtojobsafety. Basic personal protection, consistingof durablework gloves, eyeprotection, ear protection, approvedhardhat andwork clothes, shouldbestandardissueonanyjob availablefor immediateuse. Inthecaseof walk-behindcompactionequipment, additional toeprotectiondevicesshouldbeavailable, dependingonapplicable regulations. All personnel operatingpoweredcompactionequipment shouldreadall operatingandsafetyinstructionsfor eachpieceof equipment. Additionally, training shouldbeprovidedsothat theoperator isawareof all aspectsof operation. No minorsshouldbeallowedtooperateconstructionequipment. Nooperator should runconstructionequipment whenunder theinfluenceof medication, illegal drugsor alcohol. Seriousinjuryor deathcouldoccur asaresult of improper useor neglect of safetypracticesandattitudes. Thisappliestoboththenewworker aswell asthe seasonedprofessional. Shoring Trenchwork bringsanewset of safetypracticesandregulationsfor thecompaction equipment operator. Thissectiondoesnotintendtocover theregulationspertaining totrenchsafety(OSHA Part 1926, Subpart P). Theoperator shouldhaveknowledge of what isrequiredbefore compactinginatrenchor confinedarea. Becertaina "competent person" (asdefinedbyOSHA Part 1926.650revisedJ uly1, 1998) has inspectedthetrenchandfollowsOSHA guidelinesfor inspectionduringthe durationof thejob. Besidestheobviousdanger of atrenchcave-in, theworker must alsobeprotectedfromfallingobjects. Unshored(or shored) trenchescanbe compactedwiththeuseof remotecontrol compactionequipment. Thisallowsto operator tostayoutsidethetrenchwhileoperatingtheequipment. Safetyfirst!
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