This project focuses on finding connected nodes on a network and performing remote operations and data accessing. It allows adding node names, executing remote tasks like opening programs, checking remote system properties, managing remote files, identifying platforms, and remotely shutting down systems. The software requirements are Java 8, Swing for the front end, Windows 10 OS, and minimum hardware of an Intel Pentium III processor, 1.5GB RAM, and 20GB hard disk.
This project focuses on finding connected nodes on a network and performing remote operations and data accessing. It allows adding node names, executing remote tasks like opening programs, checking remote system properties, managing remote files, identifying platforms, and remotely shutting down systems. The software requirements are Java 8, Swing for the front end, Windows 10 OS, and minimum hardware of an Intel Pentium III processor, 1.5GB RAM, and 20GB hard disk.
This project focuses on finding connected nodes on a network and performing remote operations and data accessing. It allows adding node names, executing remote tasks like opening programs, checking remote system properties, managing remote files, identifying platforms, and remotely shutting down systems. The software requirements are Java 8, Swing for the front end, Windows 10 OS, and minimum hardware of an Intel Pentium III processor, 1.5GB RAM, and 20GB hard disk.
This project focuses on finding connected nodes on a network and performing remote operations and data accessing. It allows adding node names, executing remote tasks like opening programs, checking remote system properties, managing remote files, identifying platforms, and remotely shutting down systems. The software requirements are Java 8, Swing for the front end, Windows 10 OS, and minimum hardware of an Intel Pentium III processor, 1.5GB RAM, and 20GB hard disk.
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ABSTRACT This Project is mainly focused on finding different active nodes connected on the network and to perform different remote operations. Before proceeding operation in the remote network. It is necessary to add node name to the system using Add Nodes module. Once it is done the user can proceed to perform operation on remote system. In emote Task !"ecutor the user can perform remote operation such as opening Notepad# $alculator# %hutdown# &inword# Time !"ecution on remote system 'y selecting the preferred node. In emote (ava Properties the user can find the java home path# ()* version and (! directory in selected node. In +ost Task !"ecutor the user can perform operation such as opening Notepad# $alculator# %hutdown# &in&ord# Time !"ecution only in the particular system. In emote ,ile *anager the user can choose the remote system and list the files and folders present in the remote system and can a'le to download in to the host node. In $hecking emote Platform the user can identify the java home path# ()* version and (! directory in selected remote node. In %hutdown emote %ystem the user can perform remote shutdown 'y specifying time to the remote nodes. Organization Profi! COMPAN" PROFILE# At Blue $hip Technologies# &e go 'eyond providing software solutions. &e work with our client-s technologies and 'usiness changes that shape their competitive advantages. ,ounded in .///# Blue $hip Technologies 0P1 2td. is a software and service provider that helps organi3ations deploy# manage# and support their 'usiness4critical software more effectively. 5tili3ing a com'ination of proprietary software# services and speciali3ed e"pertise# Blue $hip Technologies 0P1 2td. helps mid4to4large enterprises# software companies and IT service providers improve consistency# speed# and transparency with service delivery at lower costs. Blue $hip Technologies 0P1 2td. helps companies avoid many of the delays# costs and risks associated with the distri'ution and support of software on desktops# servers and remote devices. Our automated solutions include rapid# touch4free deployments# ongoing software upgrades# fi"es and security patches# technology asset inventory and tracking# software license optimi3ation# application self4healing and policy management. At Blue $hip Technologies# we go 'eyond providing software solutions. &e work with our clients- technologies and 'usiness processes that shape there competitive advantages. A$o%t T&! P!o'! As a team we have the prowess to have a clear vision and reali3e it too. As a statistical evaluation# the team has more than 6/#/// hours of e"pertise in providing real4time solutions in the fields of !m'edded %ystems# $ontrol systems# *icro4 $ontrollers# c Based Interfacing# Programma'le 2ogic $ontroller# )2%I 7esign And Implementation# Networking &ith $# 88# java# client %erver Technologies in (ava# 0(.!!9(.*!9(.%!9!(B1#)B : )$88# Oracle and operating system concepts with 2IN5;. O%r Vi(ion <7reaming a vision is possi'le and reali3ing it is our goal=. Our Mission We have achieved this by creating and perfecting processes that are in par with the global standards and we deliver high quality, high value services, reliable and cost effective IT products to clients around the world. Clientele. Aray InfoTech Inquirre consultancy (U.S.A) K square consultancy pvt Ltd (U.S.A) Opal solutions Texla Solutions !ertex "usiness #achines $# InfoTech S"STEM RE)UIREMENTS Soft*ar! R!+%ir!,!nt( 2anguage > (ava?.@ ,ront !nd Tool> %wing Operating %ystem> &indows AB. Har-*ar! R!+%ir!,!nt( Processor > Intel Pentium III Processor andom *emory> ?.B*B +ard 7isk >./CB Processor %peed> @// min SOFT.ARE DESCRIPTION ABOUT /AVA (ava technology is 'oth a programming language and a platform. T&! /a0a Progra,,ing Lang%ag! The (ava programming language is a high4level language that can 'e characteri3ed 'y all of the following 'u33words> %imple Architecture neutral O'ject oriented Porta'le 7istri'uted +igh performance Interpreted *ultithreaded o'ust 7ynamic %ecure &ith most programming languages# you either compile or interpret a program so that you can run it on your computer. The (ava programming language is unusual in that a program is 'oth compiled and interpreted. &ith the compiler# first you translate a program into an intermediate language called $ava yte codes Dthe platform4 independent codes interpreted 'y the interpreter on the (ava platform. The interpreter parses and runs each (ava 'yte code instruction on the computer. $ompilation happens just onceE interpretation occurs each time the program is e"ecuted. The following figure illustrates how this works. Fou can think of (ava 'ytecodes as the machine code instructions for the $ava !irtual #achine 0(ava )*1. !very (ava interpreter# whether it-s a development tool or a &e' 'rowser that can run applets# is an implementation of the (ava )*. (ava 'ytecodes help make <write once# run anywhere= possi'le. Fou can compile your program into 'ytecodes on any platform that has a (ava compiler. The 'ytecodes can then 'e run on any implementation of the (ava )*. That means that as long as a computer has a (ava )*# the same program written in the (ava programming language can run on &indows .///# a %olaris workstation# or on an i*ac. T&! /a0a Patfor, A platfor% is the hardware or software environment in which a program runs. &e-ve already mentioned some of the most popular platforms like &indows .///# 2inu"# %olaris# and *acO%. *ost platforms can 'e descri'ed as a com'ination of the operating system and hardware. The (ava platform differs from most other platforms in that it-s a software4only platform that runs on top of other hardware4'ased platforms. The (ava platform has two components> The $ava !irtual #achine 0(ava )*1 The $ava Application &ro'ra%%in' Interface 0(ava API1 Fou-ve already 'een introduced to the (ava )*. It-s the 'ase for the (ava platform and is ported onto various hardware4'ased platforms. The (ava API is a large collection of ready4made software components that provide many useful capa'ilities# such as graphical user interface 0C5I1 widgets. The (ava API is grouped into li'raries of related classes and interfacesE these li'raries are known as pac(a'es. The ne"t section# &hat $an (ava Technology 7oG# highlights what functionality some of the packages in the (ava API provide. The following figure depicts a program that-s running on the (ava platform. As the figure shows# the (ava API and the virtual machine insulate the program from the hardware. Native code is code that after you compile it# the compiled code runs on a specific hardware platform. As a platform4independent environment# the (ava platform can 'e a 'it slower than native code. +owever# smart compilers# well4tuned interpreters# and just4in4time 'ytecode compilers can 'ring performance close to that of native code without threatening porta'ility. What Can Java Technology Do? The most common types of programs written in the (ava programming language are applets and applications. If you-ve surfed the &e'# you-re pro'a'ly already familiar with applets. An applet is a program that adheres to certain conventions that allow it to run within a (ava4ena'led 'rowser. +owever# the (ava programming language is not just for writing cute# entertaining applets for the &e'. The general4purpose# high4level (ava programming language is also a powerful software platform. 5sing the generous API# you can write many types of programs. An application is a standalone program that runs directly on the (ava platform. A special kind of application known as a server serves and supports clients on a network. !"amples of servers are &e' servers# pro"y servers# mail servers# and print servers. Another speciali3ed program is a servlet. A servlet can almost 'e thought of as an applet that runs on the server side. (ava %ervlets are a popular choice for 'uilding interactive we' applications# replacing the use of $CI scripts. %ervlets are similar to applets in that they are runtime e"tensions of applications. Instead of working in 'rowsers# though# servlets run within (ava &e' servers# configuring or tailoring the server. +ow does the API support all these kinds of programsG It does so with packages of software components that provide a wide range of functionality. !very full implementation of the (ava platform gives you the following features> T&! !((!ntia(> O'jects# strings# threads# num'ers# input and output# data structures# system properties# date and time# and so on. A''!t(> The set of conventions used 'y applets. N!t*or1ing> 52s# T$P 0Transmission $ontrol Protocol1# 57P 05ser 7ata gram Protocol1 sockets# and IP 0Internet Protocol1 addresses. Int!rnationaization> +elp for writing programs that can 'e locali3ed for users worldwide. Programs can automatically adapt to specific locales and 'e displayed in the appropriate language. S!2%rit3> Both low level and high level# including electronic signatures# pu'lic and private key management# access control# and certificates. Soft*ar! 2o,'on!nt(> Hnown as (avaBeans T* # can plug into e"isting component architectures. O$4!2t (!riaization> Allows lightweight persistence and communication via emote *ethod Invocation 0*I1. /a0a Data$a(! Conn!2ti0it3 5/DBC TM 6> Provides uniform access to a wide range of relational data'ases. The (ava platform also has APIs for .7 and @7 graphics# accessi'ility# servers# colla'oration# telephony# speech# animation# and more. The following figure depicts what is included in the (ava . %7H. How Will Java Technology Change My Life? &e can-t promise you fame# fortune# or even a jo' if you learn the (ava programming language. %till# it is likely to make your programs 'etter and reIuires less effort than other languages. &e 'elieve that (ava technology will help you do the following> G!t (tart!- +%i213> Although the (ava programming language is a powerful o'ject4oriented language# it-s easy to learn# especially for programmers already familiar with $ or $88. .rit! !(( 2o-!> $omparisons of program metrics 0class counts# method counts# and so on1 suggest that a program written in the (ava programming language can 'e four times smaller than the same program in $88. .rit! $!tt!r 2o-!> The (ava programming language encourages good coding practices# and its gar'age collection helps you avoid memory leaks. Its o'ject orientation# its (avaBeans component architecture# and its wide4ranging# easily e"tendi'le API let you reuse other people-s tested code and introduce fewer 'ugs. D!0!o' 'rogra,( ,or! +%i213> Four development time may 'e as much as twice as fast versus writing the same program in $88. &hyG Fou write fewer lines of code and it is a simpler programming language than $88. A0oi- 'atfor, -!'!n-!n2i!( *it& 7889 P%r! /a0a> Fou can keep your program porta'le 'y avoiding the use of li'raries written in other languages. The ?//J Pure (ava T* Product $ertification Program has a repository of historical process manuals# white papers# 'rochures# and similar materials online. .rit! on2!: r%n an3*&!r!> Because ?//J Pure (ava programs are compiled into machine4independent 'ytecodes# they run consistently on any (ava platform. Di(tri$%t! (oft*ar! ,or! !a(i3> Fou can upgrade applets easily from a central server. Applets take advantage of the feature of allowing new classes to 'e loaded <on the fly#= without recompiling the entire program. /a0a &a t*o t&ing(; a 'rogra,,ing ang%ag! an- a 'atfor,# Java is a high-level programming language that is all of the following Simple Architecture-neutral Object-oriented Portable Distributed High-performance Interpreted multithreaded obust D!namic Secure Java is also unusual in that each Java program is both compiled and interpreted" #ith a compile !ou translate a Java program into an intermediate language called Java b!te codes the platform- independent code instruction is passed and run on the computer" $ompilation happens just once% interpretation occurs each time the program is e&ecuted" 'he figure illustrates how this wor(s" )ou can thin( of Java b!te codes as the machine code instructions for the Java *irtual +achine ,Java *+-" .ver! Java interpreter/ whether it0s a Java development tool or a #eb browser that can run Java applets/ is an implementation of the Java *+" 'he Java *+ can also be implemented in hardware" Java b!te codes help ma(e 1write once/ run an!where2 possible" )ou can compile !our Java program into b!te codes on m! platform that has a Java compiler" 'he b!te codes can then be run an! implementation of the Java *+" 3or e&le/ the same Java program can run #indows 4'/ Solaris/ and +acintosh" Networking TCP<I P (ta21 The T$PKIP stack is shorter than the O%I one> /a0a Progra, Co,'i!r( Int!r'r!t!r M3 Progra, IP -atagra,=( The IP layer provides a connectionless and unrelia'le delivery system. It considers each datagram independently of the others. Any association 'etween datagram must 'e supplied 'y the higher layers. The IP layer supplies a checksum that includes its own header. The header includes the source and destination addresses. The IP layer handles routing through an Internet. It is also responsi'le for 'reaking up large datagram into smaller ones for transmission and reassem'ling them at the other end. UDP 57P is also connectionless and unrelia'le. &hat it adds to IP is a checksum for the contents of the datagram and port num'ers. These are used to give a clientKserver model 4 see later. TCP T$P supplies logic to give a relia'le connection4oriented protocol a'ove IP. It provides a virtual circuit that two processes can use to communicate. Int!rn!t a--r!((!( In order to use a service# you must 'e a'le to find it. The Internet uses an address scheme for machines so that they can 'e located. The address is a @. 'it integer which gives the IP address. This encodes a network I7 and more addressing. The network I7 falls into various classes according to the si3e of the network address. N!t*or1 a--r!(( $lass A uses B 'its for the network address with .6 'its left over for other addressing. $lass B uses ?L 'it network addressing. $lass $ uses .6 'it network addressing and class 7 uses all @.. S%$n!t a--r!(( Internally# the 5NI; network is divided into su' networks. Building ?? is currently on one su' network and uses ?/4'it addressing# allowing ?/.6 different hosts. Ho(t a--r!(( B 'its are finally used for host addresses within our su'net. This places a limit of .ML machines that can 'e on the su'net. Tota a--r!(( The @. 'it address is usually written as 6 integers separated 'y dots. Port a--r!((!( A service e"ists on a host# and is identified 'y its port. This is a ?L 'it num'er. To send a message to a server# you send it to the port for that service of the host that it is running on. This is not location transparencyN $ertain of these ports are Owell knownO. So21!t( A socket is a data structure maintained 'y the system to handle network connections. A socket is created using the call socket. It returns an integer that is like a file descriptor. In fact# under &indows# this handle can 'e used with Read File and Write File functions. Pinclude QsysKtypes.hR Pinclude QsysKsocket.hR int socket0int family# int type# int protocol1E +ere OfamilyO will 'e AF_INET for IP communications# protocol will 'e 3ero# and type will depend on whether T$P or 57P is used. Two processes wishing to communicate over a network create a socket each. These are similar to two ends of a pipe 4 'ut the actual pipe does not yet e"ist. /Fr!! C&art (,ree$hart is a free ?//J (ava chart li'rary that makes it easy for developers to display professional Iuality charts in their applications. (,ree$hartSs e"tensive feature set includes>a consistent and well4documented API# supporting a wide range of chart typesE a fle"i'le design that is easy to e"tend# and targets 'oth server4side and client4 side applicationsE support for many output types# including %wing components# image files 0including PNC and (P!C1# and vector graphics file formats 0including P7,# !P% and %)C1E (,ree$hart is Oopen sourceO or# more specifically# free software. It is distri'uted under the terms of the CN5 2esser Ceneral Pu'lic 2icence 02CP21# which permits use in proprietary applications. 7# Ma' Vi(%aization( $harts showing values that relate to geographical areas. %ome e"amples include> 0a1 population density in each state of the 5nited %tates# 0'1 income per capita for each country in !urope# 0c1 life e"pectancy in each country of the world. The tasks in this project include sourcing freely redistri'uta'le vector outlines for the countries of the world# statesKprovinces in particular countries 05%A in particular# 'ut also other areas1E creating an appropriate dataset interface 0plus default implementation1# a rendered# and integrating this with the e"isting ;FPlot class in (,ree$hartE Testing# documenting# testing some more# documenting some more. 2. Time Serie Chart !nteractivity I%ple%ent a ne) (to $*ree+hart) feature for interactive ti%e series charts ,,, to display a separate control that sho)s a s%all version of ALL the ti%e series data- )ith a slidin' .vie). rectan'le that allo)s you to select the suset of the ti%e series data to display in the %ain chart. ". Dah#oar$ There is currently a lot of interest in dash'oard displays. $reate a fle"i'le dash'oard mechanism that supports a su'set of (,ree$hart chart types 0dials# pies# thermometers# 'ars# and linesKtime series1 that can 'e delivered easily via 'oth (ava &e' %tart and an applet. %. &ro'erty ($itor The property editor mechanism in (,ree$hart only handles a small su'set of the properties that can 'e set for charts. !"tend 0or reimplement1 this mechanism to provide greater end4user control over the appearance of the charts. J)*) &)C+),(S )ND )&! A.T The A.T classes contained 'y the 4a0a#a*t package. It is one of the largest packages. Because it is logically organi3ed in a top4down# hierachical fashion# it is easier to understand and use than you might at first 'elieve.A.T contains numerous classes and methods that allow you to create and manage windows. It also e"plains further aspects of of java-s event handling mechanism. The main purpose of the A.T is to support applet windows# it can 'e used to create stand Talone windows that run in a GUI environment such as windows. APPLET The applet class is contained 'y the 4a0a#a''!t package. Applet contains several methods that give you detailed control over the e"ecution of your applet. /a0a#a''!t also defines three interfaces A''!tCont!>t: A%-ioCi': A''!tSt%$. All applet must import with java.applet .applets must also import with the 4a0a#a*t# UTIL The 4a0a#%ti package contains some of the most e"iting enhancements added 'y java . collections .a collections is group of o'jects the addition of collections caused fundamental alterations in the structure and architecture of many elements of 4a0a#%ti#4a0a#%ti contains a wide range of functionality.thease classes and interfaces are used throughout core java packages. These include classes that tokeni3e the string# work with dates# compute random num'ers and o'serve events. NET The 4a0a#n!t package which provides support of networking. (ava is good language for networking the classes are defined in package. These networking classes encapsulate the <socket= paradigm pioneered 'y the B%7. ?IP The 4a0a#%ti#zi' package provides the a'ility to read and write files in the popular UIP and CUIP formats. Both UIP and CUIP input and output streams are availa'le. Other classes implement the U2IB algorithms for compression and decompression. S.ING The swing is a set of classes that provides more powerful and fle"i'le components than are possi'le with the A&T. 5nlike A&T components %wing components are not implemented 'y platform specific code. They are written entirely in java and# therefore# are platform4independent. The term lightweight is used to descri'e such elements. The num'er of classes and interfaces in the swing packages is su'stancial. %wing is area that you will want to e"plore further on your own )&&L!C)T!-N &.-,.)MM!N, !NT(./)C(S 2isteners are created 'y implementing one or more of the interfaces 7efined 'y the java.awt.event package. &hen an event occurs# the event %ource invokes the appropriate method defined 'y the listener. A2tion Li(t!n!r int!rfa2! This interface defines the actionPerformed 01 method that is Invoked when an action event occurs. Its general form is shown )oid actionPerformed 0Action!vent ae1 The mouselistener interface )oid windowActivated0&indow!vent we1 )oid windowActivated0&indow!vent we1 This interface defines five methods.If the mouse is pressed and released at the same point#mouse$licked01 is invoked.&henthe mouse enters acomponent#the mouse!ntered01 method is called.&hen it leaves# mouse!"ited01 is called. The mousePressed andmouseealeased01 methods are invoked when the mouse is pressed andreleased# respectively. The general forms of these methods are shown here> )oid mouse$licked0*ouse!vent me1 )oid mouse!ntered0*ouse!vent me1 )oid mouse!"ited0*ouse!vent me1 )oid mousePressed0*ouse!vent me1 )oid mouseealeased0*ouse!vent me1 The *ouse*otion2istener interface This interface defines two methods. The mouse7ragged01 method is called multiple times as the mouse is dragged. The mouse*oved01 method multiple times as the mouse is moved. Their general forms are shown here> )oid mouse7raged0*ouse!vent me1 )oid mouse*oved0*ouse!vent me1 The Te"t2istener interface This interface defines the te"t$hanged01 method that is invoked when a change occurs in a te"t area or te"t field. Its general form is shown here> )oid te"t$hanged0Te"t!vent te1 T&! .in-o*Li(t!n!r int!rfa2! This interface defines seven methods. The windowActivated01 and window7eactivated01 methods are invoked when a window is activated or deactivated# respectively. If a window is iconified# the windowIconifed01 method is called. &hen a window is deiconified# the window7eiconified01 method is called. &hen a window is opened or closed# the windowOpened01 or window$losed01 methods are called# respectively. The window$losing01 method is called when a window is 'eing closed. The general forms of these methods are )oid windowActivated0&indow!vent we1 )oid window$losed0&indow!vent we1 )oid window$losing0&indow!vent we1 )oid window7eactivated0&indow!vent we1 )oid window7eiconified0&indow!vent we1 )oid windowIconified0&indow!vent we1 )oid windowOpened0&indow!vent we1 U(ing t&! -!!gation !0!nt ,o-! Now that you have learned the theory 'ehind the delegation event model and have had an over view of its various components# it is time to see it in practice.appletprogramming using the delegation event model is actually Iuite easy. just follow these two steps> ?.implement the appropriate interface in the listener so that it will receive the type of event desired. ..implement code to register and unregister0if necessary1the listener as a recipient for the event notifications. emem'er that a source may generate several types of events.each event must 'e registered separately.also#an o'ject may register to receive several types of events#'ut it must implement all of the interfaces that are reIuired to receive these events. To see how the delegation model works in practice#we will look at e"amples that handle the two most commonly used event generators>the mouse and key'oard. 0)S!C /-1ND)T!-N CL)SS(S A''!t Applet provides all necessary support for e"ecution# such as starting and also provides methods that load and display images and methods that load and play audio clips. Applet e"tends the A&T class panel. In turn panel e"tends container# which e"tends component. These classes provide support java-s window 'ased# graphical interface. Thus applet provides all of the necessary support for window4'ased activities. i,ag! This class provides support foe imaging. Images are o'jects of the Image class# which is a part of the java.awt package. There are a large num'er of imaging classes and interfaces defined 'y java.awt.image and its not possi'le to e"amine them all. !0!nt The classes that represent events are at the core of java-s events handling mechanisms. They provide a consistent# easy4to4use means of encapsulating events. At the root of the java event class hierarchy is !ventO'ject# which is in java.util. it is the super class for all events. Its one constructor is shown !ventO'ject0O'ject src1 MODULES DESCRIPTION The modules in this project are ?. Analy3ing the network. .. emote task e"ecution. @. emote (ava properties 6. +ost task !"ecutor M. $hecking emote Platform L. %hutdown emote Node V. Adding New Nodes Before proceeding operation in the remote network. It is necessary to add node name to the system using Add Nodes module. Once it is done the user can proceed to perform operation on remote system. In emoteTask!"ecutor the user can perform remote operation such as opening Notepad# $alculator# %hutdown# &inword# Time !"ecution on remote system 'y selecting the preferred node. In emote (ava Properties the user can find the java home path# ()* version and (! directory in selected node. In +ost Task !"ecutor the user can perform operation such as opening Notepad# $alculator# %hutdown# &in&ord# Time !"ecution only in the particular system. In emote ,ile *anager the user can choose the remote system and list the files and folders present in the remote system and can a'le to download in to the host node. In $hecking emote Platform the user can identify the java home path# ()* version and (! directory in selected remote node. In %hutdown emote %ystem the user can perform remote shutdown 'y specifying time to the remote nodes. Ana3(i(; N!t*or1 Ana3z!r; It is necessary to add node names to the system using Add Nodes module. After adding nodes It is essential to find out the active system in the network. If found then listing out the system availa'le as active to the user. ?1 5ser will 'e provided with option to search the remote ideal systems. .1 After getting the details a'out the ideal systems user will 'e provided with option to choose the remote system to e"ecute the tasks that are listed down. R!,ot!Ta(1E>!2%tion; The user is provided with list of active nodes it is need to choose a particular node and perform the following tasks in the remote active system ?1 !"ecuting *%4&ord> 5ser can e"ecute the *%4word in the remote system chosen. .1 !"ecuting *%4paint> 5ser can e"ecute the *%4Paint in the remote system chosen. @1 !"ecuting Notepad> 5ser can e"ecute the Notepad in the remote system chosen. 61 !"ecuting $alculator> 5ser can e"ecute the $alculator in the remote system chosen. M1 %hutdown the selected system> 5ser can shutdown any of the active system from the list. L1 Time !"ecution> 5ser can a'le to e"it the remote process running in other nodes in the network. R!,ot! /a0a Pro'!rti!(; The user login to the system which is in the distri'uted environment. It will show the user page which contains the collection of nodes which is actively present in the distri'uted environment and also it show the user input parameters ()* identifier. Then the user selects the node in the current system and gives the input parameter ()* identifier. Ho(t Ta(1 E>!2%tion; The user can perform opertions only in the host system in this module. The tasks availa'le to the user are ?1 !"ecuting *%4&ord> 5ser can e"ecute the *%4word in the remote system chosen. .1 !"ecuting *%4paint> 5ser can e"ecute the *%4Paint in the remote system chosen. @1 !"ecuting Notepad> 5ser can e"ecute the Notepad in the remote system chosen. 61 !"ecuting $alculator> 5ser can e"ecute the $alculator in the remote system chosen. M1 %hutdown the selected system> 5ser can shutdown any of the active system from the list. L1 Time !"ecution> 5ser can a'le to e"it the remote process running in other nodes in the network. C&!21ing R!,ot! Patfor,; The user is provided with list of active nodes it is need to choose a particular node. It will show the user input parameters O% ,inder. Then the user selects the node in the current system and gives the input parameter to the Os ,inder. The Output will 'e Name of O% installed in the remote system. S&%t-o*n R!,ot! S3(t!,; The user is provided with list of active nodes it is need to choose a particular node and also need to specify the amount of time for the operation to 'e done. Then the server will shutdown the specified node after the time period e"pires. D!(ign; This phase used for diagrammatic representation of project which gives the overall and detail design work of a project. It will help the user or Programmer can easily understand the process and reIuirement of the project. W 5%! NO7! ? NO7! . NO7! @ NO7! 6 NO7! n ,ind the type of O% installed at selected node Identify ()* path# version and (! directory path at selected node 7istri'uted !nvironme nt 5%! NO7! ? NO7! . NO7! @ NO7! 6 NO7! n 7irectory 0,iles :,olders1 Ar2&it!2t%r! 0i!* Of R!,ot! Architecture view of (vm and O% ,inder Architecture view of emote ,ile manager In the remote implementation consists of three major methods. They are# ?. Node selection. .. O% finder. @. ()* identifier. Node %election> In this method contains various functions such as# ?. $heck the active node present in the distri'uted environment. .. 7isplay the active node to the user client. @. %elect the actively presented node. O% ,inder> In this method contains various function such as# ?. $heck whether the node is selected or not. .. Identify name of O% installed in selected node. @. If the node is not selected# then it will identify name of O% in the current system and display to the user. 6. 7isplay the identified O% name to the user client. ()* Identifier> In this method consists of various function such as# 5%! NO7! ? NO7! . NO7! @ NO7! 6 NO7! n Notepad &in&or d Time !"ec %hutdown Notepad Architecture view of emote Task !"ecutor ?. $heck whether the node is selected or not. .. $heck whether ()* is installed or not in the selected node. @. Identify the ()* home path# ()* version : (! dir path for selected node. 6. If the node is not selected# then it will identify the ()* home path# ()* version : (! dir path for current system and display to the user M. 7isplay the identified ()* home path# ()* version : (! dir path to the user client. 5*2 7IACA*% 5se case for node selection> Identify the ()* home path# version and (! dir path for selected node ,inding the name of O% for selected node %electing a node in the distri'uted environment 5%! interfac e server emot e imp Node ? Node . %elect node 5ser Interface . Interface ? 5ser node 5se case diagram for ()* and O% ,inder 5se case for O% finder 5secase for jvm identifier Node ? Node . O% finder 5ser eIuest %elect node esponse display name of O% installed Interface . Interface ? 5ser node Node ? Node . ()* identifie r 5ser eIuest %elect node esponse display ()* home path# version : (! dir Interface . Interface ? 5ser node emote Task !"ecutor 5se case diagram for emote Task !"ecutor Node $hecker 5%! interfac e server emot e imp 5se case 7iagram for emote ,ile *anager 5se case diagram for 7isplaying ,iles 5se case for ,ile 7ownload %elects active node %elects files 7ownloads files emote server Node ? Node . $lient node %elects the active nodeKdisplay of files Interfac e %elects the file to download emote server Node ? Node . Interface %eIuence diagram for node selection
S!+%!n2! -iagra, for OS fin-!r 5%! NO7! !*OT! %!)! INT!,A$! 7isplay nodes $heck availa'ility of active nodes Availa'le Nodes are displayed %elect node $heck availa'ility Availa'le Node selected !*OT! I*P2!*!NTATION $heck nodes 7isplay %elect %elected 5%! NO7! !*OT! %!)! INT!,A$! %elect node $heck activity active Node selected ,ind O% Identify name of O% to selected node Identified O% name will 'e displayed !*OT! I*P2!*!NTATION select selected ,ind O% name 7isplay S!+%!n2! -iagra, for 40, i-!ntifi!r %eIuence 7iagram for emote ,ile *anager 5%! NO7! !*OT! %!)! INT!,A$! %elect node $heck activity active Node selected Identify ()* Identify ()* home path# version : (! dir path Identified ()* home path# version : (! dir path will 'e displayed !*OT! I*P2!*!NTATION select selected Identify 7isplay 5%! NO7! !*OT! %!)! INT!,A$! %elect node $heck activity Active Node selected Invoke Operation Implementing particular operation esponse eturn status !*OT! I*P2!*!NTATION %elect %elected Invoked %eIuence 7iagram for emote ,ile *anager $2I!NT NO7! INT!,A$! !*OT! NO7! 7isplay of nodes %elect a node 7isplays files in node %elect a file 7isplays file information %elect file for downloading ,ile downloaded 7isplay of active nodes %eIuence 7iagram for emote Task *anager Data fo* -iagra, anal!5ing the networ( remote tas( e&ecution remote java properties host tas( e&ecutor chec(ing remote platform shutdown remote node adding new nodes start choose a particular node and perform perform opertions onl! in the host s!stem server will shutdown the specified node to find out the active s!stem in the networ( shows the user page remote s!stem is alive or not adding the remote machines end CONCLUSION 5%! NO7! !*OT! %!)! INT!,A$! %elect node $heck activity Active Node selected Invoke Operation Implementing particular operation esponse eturn status !*OT! I*P2!*!NTATION %elect %elected Invoked R!,ot! A22!(( allows the user to control any computer from another computer. 5sually remote desktop connection is a common task for a network administrator# 'ut nowadays many people have more than one computer even at home# and switching 'etween them takes a lot of time. Bi'liograpthy &&&.(A)A.%.$O* 5p to %peed with %wing 4 .nd !dition (ava . $omplete eference Mth !dition SAMPLE CODINGS import java.rmi.XE import java.rmi.server.XE pu'lic class ,ileimp e"tends 5nicastemoteO'ject implements ,ileint Y untime rZ untime.getuntime01E Process pZnullE %tring statusZOOE pu'lic ,ileimp01throws emote!"ception Y [ pu'lic %tring function0%tring str1 throws emote!"ception Y %ystem.out.println0O*essage recieved from $lient is 44444444RRRRRO 8 str1E return 0str1E [ pu'lic %tring notepad01 throws emote!"ception Y tryY pZr.e"ec0OnotepadO1E statusZO%ucessfully !"ecuted NOT!PA7 in emoteNodeOE [ catch0!"ception e1 Y %ystem.out.println0O!rror openeing NOT!PA7O1E statusZO!rror openeing NOT!PA7OE [ return0status1E [ pu'lic %tring calculator01 throws emote!"ception Y
tryY pZr.e"ec0OcalcO1E statusZO%ucessfully !"ecuted $A2$52ATO in emoteNodeOE [ catch0!"ception e1 Y %ystem.out.println0O!rror openeing $alculatorO1E statusZO!rror openeing $alculatorOE [ return0status1E [ pu'lic %tring mspaint01 throws emote!"ception Y tryY pZr.e"ec0OmspaintO1E statusZO%ucessfully !"ecuted *%PAINT in emoteNodeOE [ catch0!"ception e1 Y %ystem.out.println0O!rror openeing *%PAINTO1E statusZO!rror openeing *%PAINTOE [ return statusE
[ pu'lic %tring winword01 throws emote!"ception Y tryY pZr.e"ec0OwinwordO1E statusZO%ucessfully !"ecuted notepad in emoteNodeOE [ catch0!"ception e1 Y statusZO5na'le to !"ecute &IN&O7OE [ return statusE [ pu'lic %tring shutdown01 throws emote!"ception Y tryY pZr.e"ec0Oshutdown 4rO1E statusZO%ucessfully !"ecuted notepad in emoteNodeOE [ catch0!"ception e1 Y statusZO5na'le to !"ecute %+5T7O&NOE [ return statusE [ pu'lic %tring timee"ec01 throws emote!"ception Y tryY pZr.e"ec0Oshutdown 4hO1E statusZO%ucessfully !"ecuted notepad in emoteProcess\uitOE [ catch0!"ception e1 Y statusZO5na'le to !"ecute &IN&O7OE [ return statusE [ [ R!,ot! ,anag!r import java.awt.XE import java.awt.$olorE import java.awt.event.XE import java".swing.XE import java".swing.'order.XE import java.util.XE pu'lic class emote*anager e"tends (,rame Y KK )aria'les declaration private (2a'el j2a'el.E private (2a'el j2a'el@E private (%eparator j%eparator?E private (Panel contentPaneE KK44444 private (Button jButton?E KKprivate (Button jButton.E private (Button jButton6E private (Button jButtonME private (Button jButtonLE KKprivate (Button jButtonVE KKprivate (Button jButtonBE private (Button jButtonAE private (Button jButton?/E KKprivate (Button jButton??E KKprivate (Button jButton?.E private (Button jButton?@E private (Panel jPanel?E KK44444 pu'lic (2ist j2ist?E private (%crollPane j%crollPane?E private (Panel jPanel.E KK44444 private (Button jButton@E private (Panel jPanel@E private (Panel jPanel6E untime rZ untime.getuntime01E Process pZnullE )ector statusZ new )ector0@/1E ,ont fZ new ,ont0OTimes New omanO#,ont.BO27#?M1E ,ont f?Z new ,ont0OTimes New omanO#,ont.BO27#@/1E KK44444 KK !nd of varia'les declaration pu'lic emote*anager01 Y super01E initiali3e$omponent01E this.set)isi'le0true1E [ private void initiali3e$omponent01 Y j2a'el. Z new (2a'el01E j2a'el@ Z new (2a'el01E j%eparator? Z new (%eparator01E contentPane Z 0(Panel1this.get$ontentPane01E KK44444 jButton? Z new (Button01E KKjButton. Z new (Button01E jButton6 Z new (Button01E jButtonM Z new (Button01E jButtonL Z new (Button01E KK jButtonV Z new (Button01E KK jButtonB Z new (Button01E jButtonA Z new (Button01E jButton?/ Z new (Button01E KK jButton?? Z new (Button01E KK jButton?. Z new (Button01E jButton?@ Z new (Button01E KK jButton?6 Z new (Button01E KK jButton?M Z new (Button01E jPanel? Z new (Panel01E KK44444 j2ist? Z new (2ist01E j%crollPane? Z new (%crollPane01E jPanel. 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%tring proceedZO Proceed the processOE status.add!lement0proceed1E j2ist?.set,ont0f1E j2ist?.set2ist7ata0status1E
KKnew time01E
[ private void jButtonL]actionPerformed0Action!vent e1 YKKdisplaying status in list %tring hostZO+ost Task *anager> !"ecute the tasks only in +ost %ystemOE status.add!lement0host1E j2ist?.set2ist7ata0status1E new +ostTask*anager01E [ private void jButtonM]actionPerformed0Action!vent e1 Y KKdisplaying status in list %tring jvmZOemote (ava Properties>$hoose the Node and Cet ()* PropertiesOE status.add!lement0jvm1E j2ist?.set2ist7ata0status1E new ()*Properties01E [ private void jButton6]actionPerformed0Action!vent e1 Y KKdisplaying status in list %tring mtaskZOemote Task *anager>$hoose the Node and !"ecute the TaskOE status.add!lement0mtask1E j2ist?.set2ist7ata0status1E new emoteTask*anager01E [ KX private void jButtonV]actionPerformed0Action!vent e1 Y KKdisplaying status in list %tring mfileZOemote ,ile *anager>$hoose the Node and 7owload ,ile from listOE status.add!lement0mfile1E j2ist?.set2ist7ata0status1E new emote,ile*anager01E [XK private void jButtonA]actionPerformed0Action!vent e1 Y KKdisplaying status in list %tring osZO$hecking emote Platform>$hoose the Node and get the os installed in remoteOE status.add!lement0os1E j2ist?.set2ist7ata0status1E
new O%Properties01E
[ private void jButton?/]actionPerformed0Action!vent e1 Y KKdisplaying status in list %tring stdownZOemote Node %hutdown>$hoose the Node and %hutdown emote %ystemOE status.add!lement0stdown1E j2ist?.set2ist7ata0status1E
new %hutdown01E [ private void jButton@]actionPerformed0Action!vent e1 Y KK TO7O> Add any handling code here %ystem.e"it0/1E [ private void jButton?@]actionPerformed0Action!vent e1 Y KK TO7O> Add any handling code here new Node!"plorer01E [ private void jButton.]actionPerformed0Action!vent e1 Y KK TO7O> Add any handling code here [ pu'lic static void main0%tring^_ args1 Y (,rame.set7efault2ookAnd,eel7ecorated0true1E (7ialog.set7efault2ookAnd,eel7ecorated0true1E try Y 5I*anager.set2ookAnd,,ee lO1E [ catch 0!"ception e"1 Y %ystem.out.println0O,ailed loading 2:,> O1E %ystem.out.println0e"1E [ new emote*anager01E [ [ %ample screens