The Green Nazi

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The passage discusses the book 'Blood and Soil' which examines the role of ecology in Nazi Germany and the controversial views of Walter Darre, the Reich Minister of Agriculture. It also analyzes the author Anna Bramwell's defense of Darre and perspective on fascist ecology.

The book 'Blood and Soil' examines Reich Minister of Agriculture Walter Darre and his role in developing fascist ecology and agrarian policies in Nazi Germany.

The author Anna Bramwell presents a controversial perspective where she praises and defends Walter Darre, viewing him as an ecological visionary rather than a racist criminal.

The Green Nazi: An Investigation Into Fascist Ecology

By J. Sakai
This is simply a book from hell. And not for the politically faint of heart! The
re are always books that slip through the cracks, go out of print, but still hav
e a fevered cult following. Blood and Soil is right up there. The kicker here is
that this books' loyal fans tend to be of the neo-nazi persuasion. Whenever har
dcore white racists argue for the special role of their beloved Aryan movement a
s the true forefathers of today's "Green" ecological concerns, Anna Bramwell's b
ook is offered as evidence.
For example,a recent letter to the editor in the North Carolina Times :
Back a few weeks Steve Stults got all over a Mr. Darrell Beck for something
he said about the Green Party and some possible Nazi connections...Anyone who wi
shes to research Germany's so-called Green connections can read Blood and Soil :
Walter Darre and Hitler's Green Party written by Anna Bramwell and published by
The Kensall Press. The big difference between American Greens and Nazi Greens i
s that the Nazi Greens were a real item and the American forgery is a collection
of phony tree huggers that squeal for conservation but at the same time squeal
for open borders and unrestricted immigration. You can't have both, Mr. Stults.
TOM METZGER Fallbrook.
Metzger is, of course, the former Klan leader who now leads WAR (White Aryan Res
istance). With such vocal fans, it's no surprise that Blood and Soil is on the p
olitically incorrect list, and is ignored or dissed by the left of center on the
political spectrum. Social democrats Peter Staudenmaier and Janet Diehl, in the
ir popular study Fascist Ecology: the 'Green Wing' of the Nazi Party and its His
torical Antecedents, use phrases like "untrustworthy" and "grave error" on the r
are occasions they discuss Bramwell's book. But as their fascist critics delight
in pointing out, Bramwell broke the historical ground that Staudenmaier and Die
hl use. She was the innovative pioneer in rethinking the assumption that everyth
ing "Green" is automatically liberal or radical.
[ of a radical, centrist, republican critique which pre-dated Nationa
l Socialism...]
So this is a political biography of a Nazi leader, but it is definitely not what
we're used to. The author defiantly praises and identifies with her subject. Br
amwell tells us: "Darre was to write before his death that he had been a fool to
think that the Nazis could have repaired the broken link between man and soil,
nature and God...It is the core of my argument that one should not let the exist
ence of the uniforms and swastikas interfere with the evaluation of Darre's atte
mpt to 'watch over the inviolability of the possible'. He was guardian of a radi
cal, centrist, republican critique which pre-dated National Socialism, and which
still lives on. "
Dr. Anna Bramwell is not some fringe writer. She is one of the foremost Western
capitalist historians of ecological politics. Bramwell's subsequent study, Ecolo
gy in the 20th Century. A History , was published by Yale University Press, and
is widely used in college classes. At times Bramwell may sound like a neo-fascis
t in Blood and Soil, but her own Right-wing politics are somewhat different. In
a nutshell, this book is crammed with strong positives and strong negatives. Bra
mwell definitely uses every ideological trick her fertile mind can think of to d
efend Reichsminister Darre's honor and politics. That is, she gives us a cram co
urse in white racist and neo-fascist evasions, justifications and half-truths. i
mean, she's really good at this, and that alone would be worth the price of adm
ission. But there's much more, including serious political discussion of class.
Reichsminister for Agriculture R. Walter Darre was an ambiguous and now largely
forgotten figure in Nazi history. Which is easily understandable, since in a cre
w that's still the brand name for the warfare state, police repression, and geno
cide, who cares about the minister of agriculture? But this controversial study
of the leader of the "Green Nazis" reveals the surprising role of "Green" inside
Brown. In author Anna Bramwell's eyes, Darre was no racist criminal but a true
popular leader and ecological visionary. She convincingly details how awkward he
was at inner party intrigue and politicing. How he never understood the power g
ames of his Party rivals. Of course, being a bad fit as a party animal didn't ma
ke Reichsminister Darre any less a fascist. This is typical of Bramwell's sly us
es of half truths to advance bigger lies.
This study, by someone who is refreshing in her open hatred of socialist academi
cs, is more vital, more thought-provoking,than the usual academic histories of t
he Third Reich. At the very least, Blood and Soil gives us a workout, exercising
us against the skewed worldview of half-truths used to justify the Nazi experim
ent at ending humanity. And this book gives us much more than that. It carries t
he DNA of understanding that fascism is not conservative but anti-bourgeois, vio
lently radical. This is the radioactive element at the heart of multifaceted fas
cism's continuing danger to us in the mutating post-modern world.
[...the brilliant German Communist photomontage posters of Heartfield...]
All during the rise of euro-fascism in the 1920s and 1930s, the left dissed & di
smissed them as pawns of the capitalist class. Whether in the brilliant German C
ommunist photomontage posters of Heartfield or the pronouncement from Moscow tha
t "fascism is the terroristic dictatorship of the big bourgeoisie", there was a
constant message that Italian fascism and German Nazism were only puppets for th
e big capitalist class.This has important elements of truth, but is fatally off-
center and produces an actually disarming picture.
[...we forget how much Nazism built its movement by campaigning against big capi
Today we think of fascism so much in terms of its repression, that we forget how
much Nazism built its movement by campaigning against big capitalism.One famous
National Socialist election poster shows a social-democratic winged "angel" wal
king hand in hand with a stereotyped banker, with the big slogan: "Marxism is th
e Guardian Angel of Capitalism". Hitler promised to preserve the "good" producti
ve capitalism of ordinary hard-working Germans, while wiping out the "bad" paras
itic big capitalism of the hidden finance capitalist Jewish bosses. In fact, ten
s of millions of Americans (and not just white folks) would support such a progr
am right here & now. Fascism blended together a radical sentiment against the bi
g bourgeoisie and their State, together with racist-nationalist ideology, into a
political uprising of the middle classes .
Reichsminister Darre's Oxford biographer uses his agricultural career, his inter
est in defending German family farmers, even his non-conforming racial theories
( some of Darre's early racist comrades ended up as Gestapo suspects for being e
nemies of Hitler to the Right ). All to push forward a picture of Darre as a pea
ceful radical idealist trying to help the poor and forgotten of the countryside.
"Like a more nationalist Che Guevara, he opposed capitalism and the town", is h
ow she clumsily tries to reposition him.
Just as Adolf Hitler, Darre was not a native German. He barely knew where German
y was until he was sent to school there at age ten. Coming from a prosperous Ger
man merchant family in Argentina, Ricardo Walter Darre is pictured by Anna Bramw
ell as an accidental Nazi. He had decided to become an agriculturalist, even obt
aining his PhD in farm management during long unemployment in the turbulent 1920
s Depression years of the Weimar Republic. Gradually drawn into politics, Darre
became known as an independent "Nordic" racial theorist trying to lead North Ger
man farmers. He first popularized the memorable slogan "Blood and Soil", putting
it on everyone's lips for future Nazi propaganda.
In 1930, Hitler decided to offer the unemployed Darre the important salaried pos
ition as the Party leader for the peasant class---what became the Reichsbaurernf
uhrer ( Imperial Peasant Leader ) after taking power in 1933. And at that relati
vely late date Darre agreed to join the Nazis. After the Nazi Party was given st
ate power, Darre also became the first Minister of Agriculture for the Third Rei
ch (he dropped his inconveniently Latin first name and finally gave up Argentine
citizenship---like many other Nazi leaders Darre was a self-manufactured Aryan)
. He was already under the influence of the naturalist, "bio-dynamic" agricultur
al theories of the white supremacist Rudolph Steiner. What Darre argued for in w
ritings, promised through his Nazi peasant movement, he actually did once instal
led as Reichsminister. Organic farming, nazi-sponsored marketing cooperatives, a
nd conservation were promoted. With difficulty, Darre attempted to get measures
adopted by the new regime favoring small peasant family farms over the large est
ates. In fact, his biographer claims that thanks to his leadership, even in the
ruins of 1945 German agriculture was surprisingly more productive than the Briti
But by then R. Walter Darre had long since fallen from view. Breaking with Hitle
r over World War II---which he opposed as an over-ambitious racially-diluting st
rategy---by 1939 Darre was only a figurehead minister in a tailored black S.S. u
niform. Even the Allied War Crimes Tribunal decided that he'd been out of the lo
op, and Darre ended up serving only five years in prison (just being a Third Rei
ch cabinet minister was less criminal than Driving While Black on I-95).
Reichsbaurernfuhrer Darre took center stage at a critical moment in the National
Socialist rise to power. And his role turned out to be more important than that
of many better-known Nazi leaders. Like them, he was a hard soldier of capitali
st race war. And far from bucolic (there were zero gentle creatures in the craze
d leadership of the Nazi experiment). Like Adolf Hitler, Darre, too, was a proud
nationalistic veteran of the German imperial army. Just as Hitler, Darre had su
rvived intense combat in the trench warfare of World War I, been wounded, and ha
d been awarded the Iron Cross. While Adolf Hitler continued in the army after th
e war---assigned to go into civilian clothing and help build up an obscure fring
e group named the German Workers Party--- Darre had been invalided out. But he e
agerly joined the Steel Helmets, the Right-Wing veterans organization.
Darre was never a thug. His value to the fascist movement was that he had radica
l Right class politics. And class vision. It wasn't an accident that he was the
one who popularized the racist slogan, "Blood and Soil". Because he was a radica
l Right-Wing leader of the North German peasantry, those family farmers who work
ed their own small plots of land. As a middle property-owning class, these farme
rs can swing to either the right or left in economic crisis. Often the Right has
successfuly mobilized them as a mass force for rearranging capitalism. As has h
appened in 1920s fascist Italy, the settler u.s.a., post-1949 Taiwan, etc.
An Austrian urbanite like Hitler may have known nothing about peasant organizing
, but Darre knew enough to lead the entire Party in the countryside. For it was
in the Northern countryside that the Nazi movement put on its most radical face-
--and became the strongest.
Conservative political parties, such as the Catholic German Center Party of the
Weimar era or the G.O.P. in today's u.s., are pro-bourgeois supporters of the ex
isting capitalist order. While fascism is pro-capitalist but anti-bourgeois, a s
ignal difference. Nazi ideology called for violently purging Aryan society of ev
erything in their eyes bourgeois--- a culture preoccupied with the dirty quest f
or money; rule by decadent aristocrats and bankers; the swarms of "useless" inte
llectuals; the blurring of the primary biologically different missions of men &
women; and, of course, the "unnatural" mixing of different races and peoples on
sacred tribal Aryan land.Keep in mind that fascism didn't promote capitalists as
social icons, but called for society to be ruled by a hierarchical caste of war
Of all the old classes , the one that Hitler and his fellow National Socialists
had the most contempt for was the landed gentry and aristocracy. Most particular
ly the Prussian Junkers. Not only did that class personify the inherited privile
ge that Hitler so resented, but as a class they had staffed the old imperial sta
te. Especially the German military. To Corporal Hitler they were only over-privi
leged losers, who had let the German people down in WWI and the Depression. Who
were too weak-willed to handle the great crisis society had been swallowed up by
. Nazism demanded their retirement as a class from holding the reins of state po
wer, producing instead a lumpen-state run by upstart warlords from the middle cl
asses (not that the aristocracy didn't go over to the Nazis once they saw where
things were headed---some 18% of the upper S.S. leadership were of the aristocra
cy). We can see one side of fascism as a partial revolution within the body of c
apitalism. Where the bourgeoisie still own production and distribution, but temp
orarily no longer control state and nation.
New Nazi leader Darre threw himself and his party into the political war for the
countryside. There the Brownshirt tide came to run so strongly that Darre once
even offered to use his peasant Stormtroopers to seize the government for Hitler
. A measure of Darre's importance to fascism was that his new Agricultural Organ
ization overrode all previously established Nazi Party structures in the rural a
reas, cutting across provincial and specialized party departments. He even took
control of Landpost, the party's rural journal, away from Goebbel's powerful pro
paganda department. In those years Darre reported only to the Fuhrer himself.
The North German countryside was already up in class war, and both Darre's milit
ary experience and his new "bio-dynamic" enthusiasm served the fascists well. He
had quickly built a farm network of party members and sympathizers, tied togeth
er by special rural organizers that he had trained in farm issues. Always Darre
stressed both the ideological and the practical together. Improved yields throug
h organic intensive farming plus the vision of a de-urbanized and neo-tribal Ger
many. Led by soldier-farmers who would grow their own food, rule their own house
holds, and band together in armed Aryan militias under the S.S. to gradually cle
anse the frontier of the inferior natives. Just like his model vision of white A
merican settlers on the Western frontier. Only for him the white frontier was th
e East, not the West, and the natives useless to civilization were like Poles, L
atvians, Czechs, Ukrainians and Russians. As Darre said:
The German people cannot help coming to terms [with the Eastern problem]. Th
e Slavs know what they want---we don't! We look on with dumb resignation while f
ormerly purely German cities---Reval, Riga, Warsaw and so forth, are lost to our
people...The German people cannot avoid a life or death struggle with the advan
cing East. Our people must prepare for the struggle...only one solution for us,
absolute victory! Furthermore, the concept of Blood and Soil gives us the right
to take back as much Eastern land as is necessary to achieve harmony between the
body of our people and geo-political space.
As is habitual in Aryan politics, bloody plans for genocidal aggression are just
ified as only self-defense, as only restoring what is natural, and by the maudli
n self-pity of oppressors.
Naturally, in this violent "solution" (a favorite word of Darre and his Nazi com
rades, since it implies a prior problem) there was no "geo-political space" for
the millions of Jews in the East. Darre the agriculturalist referred to Jews as
"weeds". We don't have to guess what that meant. His biographer claims that Darr
e was not an anti-semite, and wasn't involved in the Holocaust. Of course, in re
searching her book she couldn't find one word or act by Darre opposing the attac
k against the Jews of Europe. The very idea that someone who was a top Nazi lead
er for ten years wasn't for racist crimes and genocide stretches belief way beyo
nd reason. That Darre may have been more wisely discreet on this subject didn't
mean that he had any significant differences with Hitler (about whom Darre wrote
privately that he was in "awe" of) and his ally Himmler.
The 1930s class war in the North German countryside had already reached the poin
t of dynamiting government offices and rifle fire breaking up bank auctions of b
ankrupt farmsteads (sounds a bit like the u.s. Plains states today, doesn't it?)
. Half the farms were losing money. Even "red" Communist organizing was winning
supporters. Darre's crash party-building program trained angry farmers to become
Nazi public speakers for farmers unions & cooperatives---but also local experts
on land settlement, fertilizers, insurance and debt management, livestock raisi
ng, and so on. Not just talk alone, but practical help and sympathetic class org
anization built the Nazi machine in the countryside. In December 1931, Darre's r
ural Nazis captured the elected presidency of the Landbund, the large farmers' u
In July 1932, Hitler's Party attracted the largest vote it was to have befor
e gaining power, 37.4% of the vote. In a system of multiple minority parties, it
was an overwhelming victory. The North German Protestant farmers and villages a
nd small towns had voted for Hitler---averaging some 78.8%. In some areas of the
Geest, Nazi votes were 80-100% of the total. The smaller the village, the large
r the proportion...
Reichsbaurernfuhrer Darre had essentially, in only a few years, led in swinging
an entire class to join the Nazi movement. A stunning feat. Not mere votes, reme
mber, but whole villages as fascist eyes and ears. New thousands of Stormtrooper
s who could be trucked to the cities at critical moments. No wonder a proud Darr
e could offer to seize state power for the Fuhrer. This wasn't just lumpen fasci
sts being thugs for the big capitalists, as the Communists endlessly shouted to
no effect. It was a different radical class politics. And for awhile, until the
long-awaited War began, the Aryan peasantry was seemingly rewarded with new pref
erential policies and laws.
In those early 1930s years, Darre was also a powerful ideological force within t
he developing party. Both in public writings & in inner party struggles, Darre f
ought for ever more racist thinking as the determinant of all policy. That he co
nsidered the 1930 Nazi Party as not dedicated enough to master race politics giv
es you an idea of exactly how racist Darre was. While Hitler was a fantasy Aryan
, Darre was a hard-core Nordicist, a believer in an imaginary Nordic superior ra
ce that happened to exclude even Germans from South Germany and Austria---such a
s Adolf Hitler!
Reichsminister Darre dismissed his hated rival Goebbels, the party propaganda cz
ar, as not being up to "scientific racial thinking". Darre's main ally in the pa
rty hierarchy was S.S. chief Heinrich Himmler. In those early years the Brownshi
rts of the S.A. (Sturmabteilung or Stormtroopers) were the mass para military ar
m of the Party, the street fighters. While the black-clad S.S. ( Schutszstaffel
or Security Squad) were growing from the small elite bodyguard for Hitler into a
future neo-tribal military, the heart of the Nazi subculture. Darre was one of
the ideological godfathers of the S.S., having helped mold the young organizatio
n. He introduced regular S.S. classes on racist theory. And in 1931, he convince
d S.S. chief Himmler to make racial examination of all prospective brides of S.S
. men a mandatory requirement. This fetish about women's biology was an obsessio
n of Darre's (and many other Nazi men, as well).
It was not as an environmentalist that Darre was best known then, but as one of
the most extreme and controversial racial theorists. The 1920s & 1930s was a tim
e when eugenics, that racist pseudo-science, was riding high in Western capitali
sm. Darre added his voice to those arguing that the white master race had to be
"rescued" genetically by culling out not only "contamination" from other races b
ut inferior whites as well. Defective children should be exposed to die, as wild
beasts do. All German women should be subjected to racial heredity examinations
, and graded into different categories regulating marriage and child-bearing. Me
n, he believed, could prove their racial soundness by their achievements. But si
nce women have no achievements their child-bearing value to the master race coul
d only be judged by examining their family heredity.
Privately, Darre had asserted that even his own children were not "100%" master
race enough in their heredity. But, he added, if his wife (whom he had abandoned
) worked hard enough at their children's racist upbringing, they could at least
grow up to be satisfactory German citizens. No wonder that some other Right Wing
nationalists sneered at Darre's "chicken-breeding mentality", while he was hate
d by more than a few nationalist women. Contrary to what his faithful biographer
claims, there is a direct connection between the vanguard racist-sexist ideolog
y spread by Darre and others, and the gas chambers at Auschwitz.
We've arrived at a point here. His kind of "love" of nature could not simply be,
was not pure, but was a romanticized part of his racism. Just as his idealized
vision of the peasantry and uncomplicated village life had its roots in his fear
of "contamination" by inferior races (who must be physically removed). He denou
nced the cosmopolitan cities with their "...danger of uncontrolled introduction
of inferior blood with natural children. One thinks of the large towns, where th
e dark-skinned student, the colored artist, the jazz trumpter, etc...feel perfec
tly at home..."
There was a foredoomed quality to Darre's white pastoral fantasies, of course, b
ecause a resurgent capitalist Germany would demand air fleets,panzer divisions,
and a heavy petro-chemical industrial base. Even beyond that, the very idea of R
eichsminister Darre as an ecologist strikes a false note.
We're running head on into that popular illogical notion that being for somethin
g healthy somehow means that you are a good person. Don't forget that Adolf Hitl
er himself was a veritable Olympian of all the "healthy" and "natural". Not only
a vegetarian but one who used alternative health care, who ordered cigarettes s
tripped from his soldiers' ration packs, and who passed laws banning experimenta
tion on animals (Kind of like, "Don't experiment on animals, use Jews and Gypsie
s. And don't smoke while you do it.").
The entire "ecofascist" stir in Europe today is a good case of deceptive adverti
sing for Aryan politics. It is telling that in this political biography---despit
e the subtitle---racism occupies a much larger place than ecology. For the simpl
e reason that Reichsminister Darre's record on ecology was hardly a wonder. Even
leaving aside the reality that someone who wanted the military invasion of all
Eastern Europe and the wholesale "racial" repopulation of cities like Warsaw, ha
s a strange relationship to the word "ecology". Darre advocated smaller, more ca
refully farmed family agriculture, using organic methods not chemical fertilizer
s and pesticides. Because it improved yields and peasant income, and decreased t
he relative power in the countryside of the "upper class" landed gentry. Needles
s to say, it was also a policy thrifty with expensive imported petro-chemical st
ocks (Germany had to import all its oil ). Hitler was delighted with this progra
m. As he said, a good grain harvest was "worth twenty-two divisions" to him.
[...the same better-living through-more-management philosophy soaks through cont
emporary capitalist environmentalism... (img from Kenecott Utah video discussing
their new policy of using bigger trucks)]
Walter Darre's supposed "Green" politics were more in the category of husbandry,
the careful & thrifty exploitation of Man's resouces, rather than any environme
ntalism. Which shouldn't be any big news, since the same better-living through-m
ore-management philosophy soaks through contemporary capitalist environmentalism
Paradoxically, the Nazi movement believed itself to be in harmony with nature---
even with all its intoxicating hierarchical-mechanical subculture and film set c
ostumes. Of course, by "Nature" fascists didn't recognize an ecology with comple
x interaction & interdependency of all the myriad life forms. Nazism projected i
ts own ruthlessly mechanistic class agenda onto the "natural". Ernest Lehmann, a
Nazi professor of botany, declared that fascism was only "politically applied b
iology". They saw a hierarchical food chain, a ceaseless conflict of stronger pr
edators upon weaker prey, as the perfect metaphor for their own terroristic poli
It was only "Nature's law" to Hitler and Darre for one biological group---a spec
ies or a race---to totally unite under its strongest males to compete with other
species or races for territory and resources. For crows to war with wrens, wolv
es to dominate elk, and master race civilization to rise up on the conquest and
slave labor of the inferior races. Some Nazi leaders even mused on a fantastic s
cience-fiction re-population of Afrika by millions of Aryans, supported by vast
labor armies of unpaid Black workers. Peter Staudenmaier remarks:
Such arguments have a chilling currency within contemporary ecological disco
urse: the key to social-ecological harmony is ascertaining 'the eternal laws of
nature's processes' (Hitler) and organizing society to correspond to them. The F
uhrer was particularly fond of stressing the 'helplessness of humankind in the f
ace of nature's everlasting law.' Echoing Haeckel and the Monists, Mein Kampf an
nounces: 'When people attempt to rebel against the iron logic of nature, they co
me into conflict with the very same principles to which they owe their existence
as human beings. Their actions against nature must lead to their own downfall.'
The authoritarian implications of this view of humanity and nature become ev
en clearer in the context of the Nazi's emphasis on holism and organicism. In 19
34 the director of the Reich Agency for Nature Protection, Walter Schoenichen, e
stablished the following objectives for biology curricula: 'Very early, the yout
h must develop an understanding of the civic importance of the "organism", i.e.
the co-ordination of all parts and organs for the benefit of the one and superio
r task of life.'
In the Nazi worldview the superior being was a predator. This supposed recogniti
on of "Nature's laws" is just capitalist culture with a biological wrapper. In l
ife it isn't true. The lofty eagle isn't any more successful than mom sparrow. I
f anything, less so. If survival and dominance were everything, cockroaches migh
t get olympic gold. Ecology is endless diversity, unending change, and developme
nt and interdependency of life forms that is complex beyond Man the Manager.
Again, there are class issues hidden in these man-made pronouncements about "Nat
ure". Although the Nazis always claimed to be a "Workers Party" (and at their el
ectoral peak in 1932 received about 25% of their votes from workers, primarily t
he unemployed), this ideology of "nature's iron laws" was profoundly anti-workin
g class. The so-called German National Socialist Workers Party had intractable p
roblems with the German proletariat. Which is why both Hitler and Darre wanted t
o do radical surgery and actually eliminate the German proletariat as a class. W
hich was done. Just like Jews and Romany were done. Only Steven Spielberg's Holl
ywood capitalism and its pet "Holocaust industry" isn't talking about this home
Even political conquest didn't eliminate National Socialism's constant clashing
with their own industrial working class. As the Party's German Labor Front repor
ted in 1937 over mass resistance to speed-ups and Taylorism: "Workers, whether o
f National Socialist persuasion or not, still hold on to the Marxist and union p
osition of rejecting critera of production...Controls over individual achievemen
t are rejected. Therefore they resist all attempts to time them." Remember that
until well after 1933 the Nazis could venture into hard-core proletarian neighbo
rhoods only in large groups.
As we've discussed, Reichsbaurernfuhrer Darre wanted to de-urbanize German socie
ty, limiting industrialization. Which would have automatically shrunk the prolet
ariat. They would have become a useful but niche class, in a society dominated b
y militias of racist soldier-peasants. Just like the mythic u.s. frontier that D
arre admired so much. Instead the Nazis pursued Adolf Hitler's evolving strategy
, which was to simultaneously promote both techno-industrial development and the
Aryan re-organization of classes. If it is the superior race man's destiny to b
e both a fierce soldier and ruler over others---as the Nazis held in a core beli
ef---then how can he at the same time be shelving groceries at the supermarket o
r bucking production on the assembly line?
Fascism de-proletarianized Aryan society. Or to put it more precisely: it create
d an Aryan society that had never existed before by de-proletarianizing the form
er German society. By the millions, Aryan men were shifted into military service
and into being labor aristocrats, supervisors, straw bosses, and minor bureaucr
ats of every sort. In 1940 Nazi Labor Front leader Robert Ley said in a speech:
"In ten years Germany will be transformed beyond recognition. A nation of prolet
arians will have become a nation of rulers. In ten years a german worker will lo
ok better than an English lord does today." The new proletariat that started eme
rging was heavily made up of involuntary foreign & slave laborers, and---despite
Nazi ideology about women's "natural" place in the kitchen and nursery---was la
rgely becoming a proletariat of women.
Nazi slave labor is seldom dealt with in its class reality. Usually it is mentio
ned as a side-effect of the Holocaust. Or as a short-lived desperation measure o
f a tottering regime facing military defeat on all fronts. The truth was that it
was much more than that. Slave and semi-slave labor was a necessary feature of
mature Nazi society. If Hitlerism had been successful, slave labor was to have g
one on for his entire lifetime and beyond. Even conquered Eastern Europe and Rus
sia, in official Nazi plans, would gradually have given way to the spread of vas
t Aryan owned agricultural estates, whose rural proletariat would have been invo
luntarily furnished by the inferior races.
By 1941 there were three million foreign & slave proletarians at work in Nationa
l Socialist factories, farms and mines. Coincidentally, the S.S.---which had onl
y 116 men at its first public display at the July 4, 1926 Party Rally at Weimar
( the u.s.a. and the Nazis celebrate the same founding holiday)---had also grown
to three million. Soon the overrun territories of Europe and the East provided
over four million more slave laborers for Nazi industry & the war machine (the m
ajority of whom were used up, consumed, in accelerated capitalist production). T
he fascist class structure that had cloaked itself in Nature was revealed to be
bizarrely artificial. Nazism's peculiar class structure was parasitic as a mode
of life. One history sums this up:
The regime's increasing use of concentration camp and foreign forced labour
made the working class more or less passive accomplices in Nazi racial policy. .
.The first 'recruits' were unemployed Polish agricultural labourers, who were so
on accompanied by prisoners of war and people abducted en masse from cinemas and
churches. These were then followed by the French. By the summer of 1941 there w
ere some three million foreign workers in Germany, a figure which mushroomed to
7.7 million in the autumn of 1944. ...A high proportion of these workers were ei
ther young or female. By 1944, a quarter of those working in the German economy
were foreigners. Virtually every German worker was thus confronted by the fact a
nd practice of Nazi racism. In some branches of industry, German workers merely
constituted a thin, supervisory layer above a workforce of which between 80 and
90 percent were foreigners. This tends to be passed over by historians of the la
bour movement.
Treatment of these foreign workers was largely determined by their 'racial'
origins. Broadly speaking, the usual hierarchy consisted of 'German workers' at
the top, 'west workers' a stage below them, and Poles and 'eastern workers' at t
he lowest level. This racial hierarchy determined both living conditions and the
degree of coercion to which foreign workers were subjected both at the workplac
e and in society at large.
Darre's early ally & collaborator, S.S. leader Heinrich Himmler, knowing the dis
tance they were pushing their own cadre to mutate, urged them on in unmistakable
The S.S. man is to be guided by one principle alone: honesty, decency, loyal
ty, and friendship towards those of our blood, and to no one else...Whether othe
r peoples live in plenty or starve to death interests me only insofar as we need
them as slaves for our culture ; for the rest it does not interest me. Whether
10,000 Russian women keel over from exhaustion in the construction of an anti-ta
nk ditch interests me only insofar as the ditch for Germany gets finished. We wi
ll never be savage or heartless where we don't have to be; that is obvious. Germ
ans are after all the only people in the world who treat animals decently...If s
omeone comes to me and tells me, 'I cannot dig these anti-tank ditches with chil
dren or with women, it is inhuman, they will die on the job,' I must say to him,
'You are a murderer of your own blood...
This is like a criminal investigation, where digging up the basement of a suburb
an home suddenly unearths a jumble of bodies. We started with "Green Nazi" R. Wa
lter Darre and the claims for his ecological pioneering. Yet, step by step, we'v
e followed a corridor until finally we turn a corner ...into a slaughterhouse. A
nd a capitalism given seeming paranormal strength by the radical resection and f
usion of its race, class and gender.
Darre could be significant to new generations of neo-fascists. Not only because
he gives fascism some plausible-sounding claim to being the forefathers of the w
hite ecology movement. Far from being a political innocent, Darre was if anythin
g even more racist than Hitler. And certainly more practical. Who knows, if his
views had prevailed maybe the Nazi Party might still be ruling Germany today? Hi
s rural settler strategy is in tune with much of the white racist Far Right in t
he u.s. (no small coincidence, since he used the u.s. white settler Western fron
tier as his genocidal model). Blood and Soil is an ardent defense of an alternat
ive Nazi's life and politics. It forces us to check out what words like "peasant
", "Green", and "ecology" should mean in our politics.
The London Telegraph of September 3, 2000 reported:
BRITISH neo-nazi groups are attempting to hijack the animal rights campaign
by infiltrating protest groups...The neo-nazi groups are frequenting animal righ
ts demonstrations in an attempt to capitalise upon the tensions and controversy
generated by the issue. Many of them subscribe to Adolf Hitler's orignal doctrin
e of a vegetarian, chemically untainted agrarian society in which vivisection is
Their template is the so-called 'Blood and Soil' doctrine drawn up by Hitler
's agricultural minister Walter Darre. Their adherence to racist doctrine is, ho
wever, only thinly veiled...
Peter Staudenmaier's study, Fascist Ecology: the 'Green Wing' of the Nazi Party
and its Historical Antecedents, says that Bramwell's book is "undoubtedly the be
st single source on Darre in either German or English". Unfortunately, Staudenma
ier continues, her "grave error in judgement indicates the powerfully disorienti
ng pull of an 'ecological' aura."
This is an interesting kind of a slip. Staudenmaier and his co-author, Janet Die
hl, have things upside down. Saying that Bramwell's defense of Darre's politics
comes from her sympathy with his environmental vision. No, it's the attraction o
f his class politics that has magnetized her to the big white refrigerator. Peop
le's moral disorientation doesn't come from anything ecological---that's just th
e cover story--- but from the continuing attraction of capitalist racism. That's
true whether we're talking about Reichsminister Darre or Ralph Nader.
As useful as it is to blow away illusions about "Green Nazis", it is even more u
seful to understand how these lessons apply. It's not about the past, it's about
the future. The Darre type of "Green" policy minus the swastika and other stage
props is no less popular right now. Because it represents a reflexive response
within contemporary capitalism to crisis of the social environment. Where the pu
blicized quest for "natural" purity is the visible symbol of a deeper hunger for
a certain kind of social purity. Many people in Tokyo or Aspen or Vienna suppor
t these kind of ideas. But it doesn't have anything to do with Nature. Incidenta
lly, it is ironic that Dr. Anna Bramwell---like her subjects Walter Darre and He
inrich Himmler---is now deeply involved in the Eastern frontier. She is currentl
y the administrator overseeing environmental programs in Eastern Europe for the
European Common Market. Does Darre live on, in other uniforms?

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