Plotting Likert and Other Rating Scales
Plotting Likert and Other Rating Scales
Plotting Likert and Other Rating Scales
Naomi B. Robbins
, Richard M. Heiberger
NBR, 11 Christine Court, Wayne, NJ 07470-6523
Temple University, 332 Speakman Hall (006-12), Philadelphia, PA 19122-6083
Rating scales such as Likert scales and semantic differential scales are very common in
marketing research, customer satisfaction studies, psychometrics, opinion surveys, and
numerous other fields. We illustrate, review, and critique several forms of graphical
presentation of results from studies using rating scales. These graphical forms include
tables, bar charts of means, grouped bar charts, divided bar charts, ribbon charts, multiple
pie charts, waffle plots, radar plots, and diverging stacked bar charts. We show the
advantages of and recommend diverging stacked bar charts. We demonstrate how to
create diverging stacked bar charts in R and Tableau.
Key Words: psychometrics, diverging stacked bar charts, graphics
Likert scales result when survey participants are asked to rank their agreement with
survey items on a scale that includes strongly disagree, disagree, neither agree nor
disagree, agree and strongly agree. Some authors also include scales with other numbers
of categories about attitude. Semantic differential scales include other opposites such as
not interesting to interesting. Cox (1980) discusses the debate about the optimal number
of response alternatives. We make recommendations for graphing the number of response
alternatives you use.
Section 1 critiques a number of types of graphs that are often used to present rating
scales. Section 2 presents a new R package for computing and plotting diverging stacked
bar charts, our recommended method.
1. Graph forms used to present results of rating scales
1.1 Tables
Survey results are often presented in tables. Table 1 presents a data set published in the
October 2005 issue of Amstat News by Luo and Keyes (2005) that will be used
throughout this paper. It provides the results of a survey of ASA members with 6 to 15
years membership. The respondents were asked whether they agree that their primary
position is professionally challenging. Tables are excellent for providing exact values.
Tables do not make it easy to see the distribution of subsets of the sampled respondents.
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Table 1: Percentages for Agreement that primary position is professionally challenging
by demographics characteristics.
1.2 Bar Charts
Luo and Keyes also asked respondents if they felt increasing professional recognition was
important. Figure 1 shows the survey responses for those who did and did not think
increasing professional recognition was important. Robbins (2005) discusses perceptual
problems with pseudo-three-dimensional charts such as Figure 1. A similar chart could be
drawn for each of the demographic categories in the table.
Figure 1: Bar chart of survey by Lou and Keyes showing whether members
who thought increasing professional recognition was important or not
important agreed that their primary job was professionally challenging.
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We find it confusing to have some of the survey results in a table with other similar
results in a graph. Our recommended presentation in Section 1.3 places all results in a
single graphical presentation.
1.3 Diverging Stacked Bar Charts
Figure 2 shows a diverging stacked bar chart. The percentages of respondents who agree
with the statement are shown to the right of the zero line; the percentages who disagree
are shown to the left. The percentages for respondents who neither agree nor disagree are
split down the middle and are shown in a neutral color. The neutral category is omitted
when the scale has an even number of choices. The categories within each sector are
ordered by the percentages who agree. It is difficult to compare lengths without a
common baseline. In this situation, we are primarily interested in the total percent to the
right or left of the zero line; the breakdown into strongly or not is of lesser interest so that
the primary comparisons do have a common baseline of zero.
Figure 2: Diverging stacked bar chart: Our recommended method for presenting results
of rating scales.
Diverging stacked bar charts make it easier to compare the attitudes of respondents in
different demographic categories or who differ on the importance of increasing
professional recognition than do any of the other figures discussed. Figure 2 contains the
information of both Table 1 and Figure 1, yet it takes no more space than one of these.
We have seen survey reports where each category is in a separate window at a Web site
so that comparing categories is difficult. Figure 2 solves these problems. For these
reasons, we recommend diverging stacked bar charts to present the results of surveys
with rating scales.
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1.4 Grouped Bar Charts
Now that we have shown our recommendation in Figure 2, we show and discuss many
displays that we do not recommend, as indicated by the not recommended symbol. Figure
3 shows bar charts for the categories in the employment sector drawn with two-
dimensional bar charts. Since graphs usually increase from left to right, we prefer having
strongly agree on the right hand side. The format of this chart encourages comparisons
within an employment sector; e.g., it is easy to see how strongly agree compares with
agree within the academic sector. However, comparing the percentage of respondents
who agree or disagree across employment sectors is a more interesting comparison, one
that these charts do not facilitate well.
Figure 3: Bar charts showing agreement that their primary position was
professionally challenging by employment sector.
1.5 Bar Charts of Means
Figure 4: Bar chart showing mean for each category.
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Assigning the value 5 to strongly agree, 4 to agree, and continuing down to 1 for strongly
disagree and then taking means is a common practice. However, it is controversial since
there is no assurance that there is even spacing between the descriptions of attitude. There
is no reason to assume that the distance between agree and strongly agree is the same as
the distance from agree to neither agree nor disagree. Even if it were acceptable to take
means, it is not very useful. One hundred respondents giving a score of three tells a very
different story from 50 respondents giving a score of five and 50 respondents giving a
score of one, yet these two situations both have a mean of three.
1.6 Divided Bar Charts
Figure 5: Divided bar chart
It is very difficult to compare lengths without a common baseline. The Strongly Agree
segments have a common endpoint of 100 and the Strongly Disagree segments have a
common baseline of zero. However, it is difficult to compare the Agree and other middle
attitudes. Also, it is easier to compare the total percentage of those who agree or disagree
with diverging stacked bar charts than with divided bar charts. Therefore, we do not
recommend divided bar charts.
1.7 Multiple Pie Charts
Figure 6: Multiple Pie Charts
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Robbins (2005) shows that pie charts do not communicate very well. Comparing the size
of wedges across different pie charts is even more difficult and is not recommended.
1.8 Waffle Charts
Figure 7: Waffle charts
Waffle charts, also called square pie charts, do not facilitate comparisons as well as some
other charts do. The only property of them that matters is the number of squares of each
color. The squares themselves have no meaning. Counting the number of squares of each
color is a sequential task rather than a preattentive one. Waffle charts work better when
there are two choices rather than five, and even then stacked bars would be much easier
to read.
1.9 Ribbon Charts
Figure 8: Ribbon chart drawn using Excel.
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The ribbons imply continuity of the Agreement scale. In reality the Agreement scale
represents discrete values on an ordered factor. In this example the (Academic, Agree)
= 30 point is invisible as it looks like an interpolated point. The emphasis of this chart is
attracting attention rather than communicating clearly.
1.10 Radar Charts
Figure 9: Radar chart drawn using Excel.
Radar charts are difficult to interpret. This chart implies that the Agreement scale is
circularthat the Agree and Strongly Disagree categories are close to each other. There
is no sense of a linear relationship among the labels and the endpoints are actually in
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1.11 Diverging Stacked Bar Charts with Counts Added
Figure 10 shows an option for adding counts to the diverging stacked bar charts.
We did this by appending two plots, one based on percentages within each category and
one based on counts for the entire category.
Figure 10: Diverging stacked bar chart with counts shown
2. Software for Computing Diverging Stacked Bar Charts
2.1 R
A set of new functions for producing diverging stacked bar charts will be available in the
version of the HH package for R to be released in September 2011. The primary function
takes a table of rows (groupings of respondents) by columns (levels of agreement)for
example the Employment Sector section of Table 1and produces a single-panel
diverging stacked bar chartfor example the Employment Sector panel in Figure 2
using the lattice plotting capabilities. Secondary functions, also to be in the HH package,
take multiple single-panel charts and plot them with coordinated axes--the complete
Figure 2using functions in the latticeExtra package.
The functions for diverging stacked bar charts can be used from the command line, from
a new menu item in Rcmdr for all versions of R (with the RcmdrPlugin.HH package),
and in RExcel for R on Windows.
The diverging stacked bar charts are centered at zero with a reference line at zero. It is
important that the reference line lie behind the bars; otherwise, the neither agree nor
disagree group is split and appears to be two groups. Colors are chosen that are accessible
to those with color vision deficiencies. We use a diverging color scheme from
RColorBrewer. The name ''diverging color scheme'' motivated our name for the charts. In
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this type of color scheme, the intensity of color increases with the intensity of attitude in
each direction. The default sequence for presentation of the bars is determined by sorting
by the percent positive; i.e., the right hand side.
As important as what we do is what we do not do. There are no pseudo-three-
dimensional bar charts. There also is no inappropriate conflation of discrete and
continuous variables as we saw in the ribbon chart.
2.2 Tableau
Readers who use Tableau should send an email to [email protected] for a copy of a
worksheet with the calculated values shown.
3. History and Acknowledgment
Brinton (1939) describes bilateral bar charts which include population pyramids, charts
with some bars to the left and some to the right of a common line (or above and below),
as well as what we call diverging stacked bar charts. His examples do not include the
results of survey data. Since his examples are taken from other documents, this was not
the first use of these charts. Stouffer et al. (1949) make extensive use of both vertical and
horizontal diverging stacked bar charts including examples with rating scales. They do
not name the charts; Schmid (1983) includes horizontal and vertical diverging stacked bar
charts in his classification of bar charts, calling the horizontal sliding bar charts and the
vertical floating bar charts. Thanks to Nick Cox for helpful comments and alerting us to
the early references.
Brinton, Willard C. (1939) Graphic Presentation. New York, NY: Brinton Associates.
Cox III, Eli P. (1980) The Optimal Number of Response Alternatives for a Scale,
Journal of Marketing Research XVII: 407-22.
Heiberger, Richard M. (2009). HH: Statistical Analysis and Data Display: Heiberger
and Holland. R package version 2.1-32.
Luo, Amy and Tim Keyes (2005). Second Set of Results in from the Career Track
Member Survey, Amstat News. Arlington, VA: American Statistical Association.
Robbins, Naomi B. (2005). Creating More Effective Graphs. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley
and Sons.
Schmid, Calvin F. (1983). Statistical Graphics: Design Principles and practices. New
York, NY: John Wiley and Sons.
Stouffer, Samuel A., Arthur A. Lumsdaine, Marion H. Lumsdaine, Robin M. Williams,
Jr., M. Brewster Smith, Irving L. Janis, Shirley A. Star and Leonard S. Cotrell, Jr.
(1949) The American Soldier: Combat And Its Aftermath. Volume II. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press,
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