BPCL implemented SAP across its operations to address limitations of its legacy systems and enable timely decision making. It was a large implementation involving 3200 users across 374 locations. The multi-phase project was completed on schedule and within budget. SAP provided an integrated system for core business functions. BPCL realized benefits like reduced inventory costs, improved supply chain management, and better customer service through real-time information.
BPCL implemented SAP across its operations to address limitations of its legacy systems and enable timely decision making. It was a large implementation involving 3200 users across 374 locations. The multi-phase project was completed on schedule and within budget. SAP provided an integrated system for core business functions. BPCL realized benefits like reduced inventory costs, improved supply chain management, and better customer service through real-time information.
BPCL implemented SAP across its operations to address limitations of its legacy systems and enable timely decision making. It was a large implementation involving 3200 users across 374 locations. The multi-phase project was completed on schedule and within budget. SAP provided an integrated system for core business functions. BPCL realized benefits like reduced inventory costs, improved supply chain management, and better customer service through real-time information.
BPCL implemented SAP across its operations to address limitations of its legacy systems and enable timely decision making. It was a large implementation involving 3200 users across 374 locations. The multi-phase project was completed on schedule and within budget. SAP provided an integrated system for core business functions. BPCL realized benefits like reduced inventory costs, improved supply chain management, and better customer service through real-time information.
Jain Institute of Management & Research PGDM-2013-15
Enterprise Solutions SAP Implementation in BPCL
In the rapidly changing environment with deregulation of Oil sector, new markets, new competition and increasing customer expectations growing in an exponential manner, BPCL realized the urgent need to review and reengineer its processes to stay ahead of the competition. BPCL also felt the need to have an aggressive cost control initiatives in place, well-informed and timely decision making process, flexibility to respond to changing needs and a change in the way of doing business to take on the competition.
Therefore BPCL was looking at ways and means of ensuring that timely information is available so as to facilitate effective decision making. However, BPCL realized that the legacy systems and applications were mostly point solutions and the focus was on automating tasks and there were time lag in information. In order to overcome these limitations and to use IT as a differentiator BPCL needed a common enterprise-wide backbone business solution.
BPCL took up implementation of SAP, an integrated, flexible and standardized information system as a key strategic initiative to create a robust IT backbone, enhance operational efficiency and introduce strong and dynamic systems to achieve sound business performance.
The project named as Project ENTRANS an acronym for Enterprise wide Transformation was driven by the business. Considering the size, complexity and the geographical spread, BPCL went for a phased implementation. The project went through 3 phases viz: conceptual Design and Planning phase, Detailed Design and Implementation phase and Rollout phase. The project team which started with a 6 member core team grew to a size of 160 at the peak of rollout phase.
SAP implementation was guided, monitored and supported by 11 member Steering Committee consisting of SBU and Major Entity heads. Various layers and levels of people in the organization were engaged in the project throughout the implementation cycle.
SAP was implemented using ASAP methodology. The multi-modular Implementation in BPCL has user strength of around 3200. A well-trained and fully equipped BPCL project team took up one of the largest SAP implementation project as a challenge to complete rollouts on schedule, delivering quality results. This has enabled the organization to switch over its business process smoothly from legacy system to the Best of class business process offered by SAP. BPCL has successfully rolled out the solution at all its 374 company owned locations in a record time within the budgeted cost and time.
The core package of SAP R/3 consists of SD, MM, FI, CO, PS, PM, PP, QM, HR AM PA/PCA and IM all of which have been implemented in BPCL. As a parallel effort, we have also activated Corporate Functionality like Cash Management, Profit Center Accounting, Profitability Analysis and Vendor Evaluation System.
The ERP project considered one amongst the largest in the Asia Pacific region had been full of challenges which included the size and magnitude of implementation, establishing connectivity at locations through the length and breadth of the country and training large number of end users in a stringent time frame. The focused approach and commitment exhibited at all levels in the organization has led to on time completion of the project with no cost over run.
The project has created highly skilled and specialized resources that are in a position to absorb and leverage on the new technologies to bring benefits to the business operations. SAP R/3 has become a way of life in BPCL for the 3200 strong end user community. With the implementation of the world class system, BPCL has developed a large number of knowledge workers behind every business operation.
All the business processes of the organization are run on SAP R/3. The company now runs on a single system with 100% of the business in SAP. BPCL does not have any parallel legacy system.
Besides aggressive planning and execution of rollout at sites, the challenge for the project had been transition from legacy system to the new SAP system, identification of roles, communication and training of users in the SAP processes. We have been able to manage the change effectively and stabilize the functioning of locations in the new environment.
Auditing of accounts in the SAP system by Statutory and Government Auditors has been completed satisfactorily. We have also completed review of controls and security aspects in SAP with the objective of securing these areas.
The system benefits both the external and internal customers in many areas and in many ways. The system enables the company to have a single interface with the customer. As an example, the customer who needs different petroleum products at different locations is able to the tender payment at one place and able to have a common customer accounting view. The customers requirements are met with by different supply locations instantly with the availability of on line information.
With a single data entry, the system updates all other relevant records thus eliminating repeated data entries and repeated manual interventions which otherwise would have led to errors, reconciliation and duplication of efforts. The real time online information enables managers to take timely business decisions based on accurate data.
BPCL is reaping the benefits of the integrated system in many areas of its operation. The system enables the locations to maintain optimum level of hydrocarbon and non hydrocarbon inventory which is one of the key areas of benefit. On line availability of information help the organization to collect the receivables in time and thus have a better working capital management and improved responsiveness to customer and market requirements. The company is in an advantageous position by effectively managing the Supply-Chain & removing suspense stock and track transit stocks
effectively. The procurement teams have been able to bring down the procurement cycle time with on line availability of real time information
BPCL has activated Cash Management functionality, which would make available the short-term liquidity forecast thereby facilitating effective management of funds and borrowings. This would optimize the interest outgo while ensuring that no funds remain idle. Profit Center Accounting which has gone live provides online view of the operating results including the return on investment in the internal units of the Organization. This helps in close monitoring of performance and effective remedial action in time. Profitability Analysis provides a detailed profitability analysis of the different market segments. Based on this analysis a number of significant decisions on pricing focusing on specific segments can be taken in a scientific manner.
BPCL is ably leveraging on increased efficiency and productivity with better accountability bringing in quantum benefits and profits in all its area of operations at the sites which have gone live on SAP. Thus BPCL has emerged as one of the very few companies in the country privileged to have such wide functionality and multiple modules implemented to support all of its business operations.
Some of the other areas of benefits are:
Reduction in LPG cylinder circulation ratio by 0.2 % resulting in huge cost saving Reduction in indent to cash cycle time Reduction inventory holding of stock items in Refinery by 22% Reduction in procurement cycle time in Refinery by 50 % Optimized inventory level of finished products and raw materials Better control over receivables leading to better working capital management Predictive maintenance leading to increased plant availability Repair / replacement decisions based on equipment history and maintenance costs Reduction in time spent on reconciliation, follow up and reporting activities Automatic generation of purchase indents based on min / max inventory levels Integration from Purchase to Finance to capitalization of Assets Improved responsiveness to customer and market requirements
SAP improves the internal efficiency to further enhance shareholders value and customer services. It enables the company to have a single interface with the customer. The customers requirements are met with by different supply locations instantly with the availability of on line information. The real time online information supports timely business decisions based on accurate data.
Importance and criticality of change management can not be underestimated in a project like ERP implementation as it is going to impact the individual in one way or the other as a result of the project. Change management effort should start from the beginning of the project and it should run parallel to the project till the desired objective is achieved. Change management is unique to an organization and one need to drive this initiative based on the culture, climate and type of the organization.
Top managements commitment and support are of paramount importance to the success of any ERP implementation and BPCL is proud to have enjoyed such a support and commitment from the top management throughout the project life cycle. The factors which have contributed to the success are:
Top management commitment and support to the project and project team members The operational freedom extended by the organization to the project team Involvement of stakeholders, process owners, location anchors and power users at each stage of the project Full guidance and support rendered by the steering committee
We contained our implementation cost within the budgeted cost. Some of the contributing factors are:
We had practically avoided any scope creep during the project We reduced our dependence on the consultants by enabling our internal resources to acquire the knowledge and confidence about the product. We treated our vendor as a partner. We took charge of the project from day one and never let it go off our hands.
Yet another initiative successfully implemented was Business Information Warehouse which enables the management to take strategic and business decisions based on real time accurate data.
The Company has also gone live with Management staff pay roll in J une 2001 and Non Management staff pay roll in April 2002, thus bringing the 12923 staff under largest pay roll system operating in SAP R/3 in the country.
BPCL has set up one of the largest Centre of Excellence (COE) in the country to pursue continuous business improvement, add new functionalities in SAP, handle technological support and provide training and support to the end users. The disaster recovery site has been set up for the production environment to ensure business continuity in the event of a disaster. The hardware has been upgraded with high-end superdome servers to cope up growth of database.
Other uniqueness of the project is as follows. Involvement of stakeholders, process owners, location anchors and power users at each stage of the project Seeding of change management right from beginning throughout the project Taking charge of the project from day one and we never let it go off our hands. We kept scope creep to the minimum. We never cut cost on training. We always believe it to be an investment, which has paid rich dividend to the project.
We have in our project 100 SAP certified internal consultants, highest number by any standard in any project. Top management commitment and support to the project and project team members Operational freedom given to project team since its inception. Full guidance and support rendered by the steering committee to the project team
In recognition of its achievement in making SAP implementation a success story, BPCL has been awarded the coveted Star Implementation Award by SAP.
The excerpts from the award from SAP read as follows. "BPCL has the distinction of having executed one of the most ambitious SAP implementations in the country The SAP implementation puts BPCL in a firm position to initiate e-business forays. Thus, BPCL is one of the finest examples of focused, result- oriented SAP implementations that has been made possible due to extraordinary top management vision and commitment and an equally responsive team of Project ENTRANS, who drove change through the organization. The leadership that you have shown in planning, execution and roll-out of SAP across your organization has created a benchmark which others will seek to emulate in times to come." BPCL is the only privileged company in the country to have been inducted as a member in GIAC ( Global Industry Advisory Council) of SAP alongside International oil majors like British Petroleum, Chevron Texaco, Citgo, Exxon-Mobil, Petronas, Petro SA, Saudi Aramco, Shell, Stateoil, TotalFinaElf and Conoco-Phillips.