bridges of Number
Voltage DC Desired
inverter or rectifire at Voltage AC
The dotted lines show that the transformers are controlling the AC voltages at the rectifier
and Inverter buses.
The capacitors are optional, they illustrate where capacitors (closest to rectifier and
inverter) can be connected (not on the secondary of the transformers).
Note that the DC voltage output at the rectifier is higher than the AC voltage input.
Neglecting the voltage drop due to commutation overlap, we estimate:
VDC = 1.35 VAC cos () = 1.27 VAC for = 20
Hence, in the example above, 400 kV AC is sufficient to produce 500 kV DC.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
88 CHAPTER 3 NETWORK EQUIPMENT DATA Some practical advice:
It is recommended that before connecting a DC line, you represent it by
constant-power Loads at the rectifier and inverter buses, and run a load flow (see section
4.2 Special Harmonic Line Models supported by HLINPAR). Doing this will help you
make consistent choices for transformer data and the firing and extinction angles when
you replace the loads with the DC line.
The load at the inverter:
Pinv = [Desired DC Power (MW)]
Qinv Pinv tan (min + /2)
where overlap 30 usually.
The load at the rectifier:
Prec = [Desired DC Power (MW)] + R(IDC)2
Qrec Prec tan ( + /2)
where overlap 30 usually.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.10 Line
Definition: For the purposes of CYMFLOW and FAULT, Lines represent three-phase
transmission lines transposed such that the impedance is equal in all
phases. They are modeled by the -circuit, with one-half the shunt
susceptance lumped at each end. This model is suitable for lines up to 200
km (125 miles) long. Longer lines can be modeled by connecting several
lines in series. Other models are for use in CYMHARMO.
General parameters group box
Level (kV) is the rated voltage for this line, for your information only if you are
entering Ohmic impedances. If you are entering impedances in per-
unit, however, then PSAF will multiply them by [kV Level]
/ Base
MVA to convert them to Ohmic values.
Once you connect a line into a network, PSAF will calculate its per-unit
impedance according to the base voltage of the buses to which it is
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Note: If you enter impedances in per-unit instead of in Ohms, you must make the
voltage level [kV] equal to the base voltage of the buses, which the line will be
are descriptions used for your own information only. If you use the
impedance estimation function, these variables will reflect the data of
your conductor.
Rated Freq.
identifies nominal frequency of the selected cable.
Type refers to the conductor construction type. For your information only.
refers to the conductor resistance rated temperature. This information,
along with the Alpha factor is used when resistance are derated for
the purpose of a simulation.
= R
* ( 1 + (T2 T1)*Alpha )
For more details, see the following manuals :
Load Flow: CYMFLOW, CYM-Motor-Start & CYM-AC
Contingency, Users Guide and Reference Manual.
Short-Circuit: Short-Circuit (ANSI & IEC), ARC Flash &
CYMBREAK, Users Guide and Reference Manual.
Alpha factor that accounts for the resistivity increase with temperature. This
value is known if the material type is cooper or aluminum but must be
provided for the other type of material. The default is 0.004. This
parameter is only needed if you intend to derate the resistance based
on the temperature in an analysis simulation.
Standard allows you to specify is this is a North American or European type of
cable. For you information only.
Material Refers to the conductor material. For your information only.
Loading limit [A] group box
Loading Limits (A) are optional ampacity limits for the line.
CYMFLOW uses them to indicate overloaded lines in the reports.
(Abnormal Conditions Report in the CYMFLOW, CYM-Motor-Start &
CYM-AC Contingency, Users Guide and Reference Manual.).
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Sequence parameters group boxes
Impedances R1, X1, R0, X0 are to be expressed in / unit length
(e.g., /km., /mile). Susceptances B1 and B0 are the total (not
one-half) shunt susceptances of the line, expressed in S / unit length.
Hint: PSAF converts the impedance values if you select a different
length unit.
R1 and R0 are alternative values (for operation at a different
temperature). You may choose which resistance values to use when
you select the parameters for power flow or short-circuit calculations.
Example: Suppose you enter the values of R1 and R0 at 25C, to
represent the night-time or cold-weather situation. You
might want to enter R1 and R0 at 50C, to represent the
day-time or hot-weather situation. Since the resistivities
of both copper and aluminum conductors increase with
temperature at about 4% /10C rise, you could compute
R1 = R1 x (1 + 0.004dT), where dT is the rise in
temperature in C. In this example, dT = 25 C , and R1
= 1.1R1.
Filter List
The Filer list option is used to keep in the database id list only the
elements that correspond to certain specification. You may choose
one or more item to filter the cables on. For example, you may only
want to keep the 60 Hz 3 core cables between 5 and 15 kV in your
main list. Select the filtering and click ok to enable the filter. When the
list is filtered, the Is Filtered radio button turns green. To stop filtering
the main list, click on that button.
Hint: PSAF can compute the reactance and susceptance from the
conductor arrangement. Click Compute to display the Line
Impedances Calculation dialog.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.10.1 Lines in the Network
When you connect a line to the network, you must identify which kind of line it is, how
long it is, etc. You may change this information afterward, by editing the line. In Graphic mode,
you enter the information through a dialog:
Length is a multiple of the length unit chosen in the database (See section
3.10 Line, above). This unit (example: km, mile) is displayed for
convenience. The impedance of the line is proportional to its length.
Degree of
refers to the presence of a series capacitor. (See 3.6 Series
Compensation.) The reactance of the capacitor partially cancels out
the reactance of the line, allowing greater power transit and less
voltage drop across the line. The capacitor itself is not retained as a
separate component:
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Note: You may define mutual coupling between lines. See section 3.26 Mutual
Coupling between Lines or Cables in the Network.
3.11 Loads, Non-rotating
Definition: A load is a specified quantity of MW and MVAR drawn from a bus. It will not
contribute to short circuit current.
Active Power is given in MW. Reactive Power is given in MVAR. The values assigned
to the database entry are the default values that PSAF will suggest every time you connect a load
of this type to a bus. At that time you may redefine either value for the individual load.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Exponents nP and nQ determine how the active and reactive load powers change when
the bus voltage changes. The formulas given below define this relationship.
P = Po
Q = Qo
Po = active power declared in the dialog box.
Qo = reactive power declared in the dialog box.
Hint: Exponent = 0 for constant power load.
Exponent = 1 for constant current load.
Exponent = 2 for constant impedance load.
nP and nQ may have different values. Non-integer values are permitted.
3.11.1 Loads in the Network
When you connect a Load to the network, you must identify which database entry to use.
In Graphic mode, you enter the information through a dialog:
Extra ID 1,2 and
are text field where you may enter additional name for this load. For
example, it could refer to its location, meter number, etc. You may
select which ID to display through the Preferences Settings dialog
box. (see section 2.1.3)
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
x 100% is a multiplier applied to both the active and reactive load. (100% by
Active Power /
Reactive Power /
Apparent Power
/ Power Factor
You may enter the Active and Reactive Power values. The Apparent
Power and Power Factor will then be automatically calculated.
Alternatively, you may enter the Apparent Power and the Power
Factor and the two other values will be calculated automatically.
were entered on
field is not used by PSAF. It is only there for your own information.
By default, when the load is created, PSAF uses the current date to
initialize this field.
Hint: You dont need to make more than a few database entries. Each type represents a
different response to voltage (exponents nP and nQ), because you can define the size of
each load individually.
Note: It is recommended to connect only one load per bus (if possible).
If you connect two or more loads which have different values of nP or nQ to the same
bus, PSAF will compute the average values for nP and nQ and apply them to all loads
on the bus. This average value will be the weighted sum given by the following:
( )
P nP
( )
nQ =
Q nQ
Pi and Qi are the MW and MVAR values of the i-th load.
nPi and nQi are the nP and nQ exponents assigned to the i-th load.
If you connect a non-rotating load(s) and an induction motor on the same bus, then the
load(s) will have nP = nQ = 0, regardless of the values you specify.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.12 Motor, Induction
Definition: Induction motors represent 3-phase motor load. In ANSI short-circuit
studies, they are classed according to their power and speed. (Refer to
ANSI Std. C37.010.) Motor power and speed (MW / pole-pair) also
influence IEC short-circuit studies. (Refer to IEC 909).
Voltage is the motor rated voltage in kilovolts.
Rating may be entered as MVA, Horsepower or kW. Enter one value and
the other two will be calculated, using the power factor and
efficiency. (You should enter the power factor and efficiency before
the rating.)
is given in per-unit on the motors own base power. You may
estimate it from the NEMA code letter and other (American)
nameplate data, if you click on the Estimate button. (The NEMA
letter identifies the ratio of inrush starting current to rated full-load
Motor group
Choose and enter Motor group [ANSI] or let the PSAF estimate it
according to other motor parameters.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Click on the Equivalent circuit tab to define additional parameters needed for motor
starting (For details, see Motor Start Input Data in the CYMVIEW section of the CYMFLOW,
CYM-Motor-Start & CYM-AC Contingency, Users Guide and Reference Manual.).
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.12.1 Induction Motors in the Network
When you connect a motor to the network, you must identify which database entry to
use, the operating load factor, etc. You may make changes afterward, by editing the motor.
There are four choices for Load Factor: three percentage multipliers and Locked Rotor.
Locked Rotor replaces the motor load by the motors starting impedance, Rst + j
Xd, where Xd is the motors subtransient reactance and Rst is
determined by the Starting Power Factor, which you may define in
this dialog box when you select Locked Rotor.
Load Factors 1,
2 and 3
are percentages of full load (example: 100%, 75% and 50%)
Power Factor is the rated p.f. (at 100% load) by default, but you can change it to
reflect the power factor of the motor when it is operating at less than
full load, for example. You may also associate a different power factor
for each load factor. To do so, activate the Calculate power factor
automatically based on: option and choose to estimate them from
the Equivalent circuit parameters, the general parameters of the
motor (rated slip, kW, etc) or you may enter them yourself (user
To simulate Induction-Generator by Induction-Motor model, you can activate the Model
as an induction generator option, by choosing this option, active motor load convert to active
generation by changing polarity but reactive motor load remain inductive and you can change it
as you wish. (See below)
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
If you are not using the option to specify the power factor for a dedicated load
factor - Motors are not operating at 100% load factor and rated power factor.
Enter Load Factor = (rated PF / operating PF) x intended load factor, if the
operating power factor is different from the rated power factor. This approximation
neglects any change in efficiency at less than 100% load, but the error is very small
( -1%). This adjustment is needed to avoid underestimating the load.
A motor is rated at 100 kW (135 kVA), 0.87 p.f. If it is operating at 75% load (75
kW), the p.f. drops to 0.83. Enter p.f. = 0.83, but make the load factor 78.6% =
(0.87 / 0.83) x 75%. Otherwise, the motor will draw only 71.5 kW.
PSAF holds the MVA constant, which is true of generators, but in motors the rated
MW is constant and the MVA varies. The load factor applies directly to the rated
MW, not MVA.
PSAF computes the MW load as (rated MVA) x (operating Power Factor) x (Load
In the real motor, the MW load = (rated MVA) x (rated Power Factor) x (intended
Proper Equivalent for a large group of small motors
Particularly in industrial networks, it is desirable to simplify the One Line Diagram by
combining many small motors into some sort of equivalent. Because both the
short-circuit analysis methods supported by PSAF include adjustments to motor
short-circuit current based on motor power and speed, the recommended way to
represent a group of small motors is not as one large one, but as a number of
identical small ones.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
It is suggested that the total HP (or kW) of all motors smaller than 50 HP (37 kW)
be represented by the necessary number of 20 HP (15 kW) motors, and the total of
motors each rated more than 50 HP be represented by the necessary number of 50
HP motors.
Suppose a total of 600 HP of small motors is connected to a bus. Most of the
motors are rated less than 50 HP, but there are two rated 75 HP and one rated 150
HP. You could connect a 50 HP motor (quantity 6) to represent the 300 HP of
larger motors and a 20 HP motor (quantity 15) to represent the 300 HP of smaller
Click on the Load characterization tab to define additional parameters needed for motor
starting. (For details, see Motor Start Input Data, in the CYMFLOW, CYM-Motor-Start & CYM-AC
Contingency, Users Guide and Reference Manual.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.13 Motor, Synchronous
Definition: Synchronous motors represent a load that may absorb or furnish reactive
power. Their contribution to a short circuit is distinguished from that of
induction motors.
is the rated motor voltage in kilovolts.
may be entered as MVA, Horsepower or kW. Enter one value and
the other two will be calculated, using the power factor and efficiency.
(You may enter the power factor and efficiency before the rating.)
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
are expressed in per-unit on the motor base MVA, except Rg and Xg,
which are given in Ohms. The internal impedance X
is for use in
the IEC version of CYMFAULT.
(see the CYMFAULT-IEC Chapter in the Short-Circuit (ANSI & IEC),
ARC Flash & CYMBREAK, Users Guide and Reference Manual).
allows you to tell the program how the internal winding of the motor is
connected. Yg means star-grounded.
3.13.1 Synchronous Motors in the Network
When connecting a motor to the network, you must identify which database entry to use,
the operating power factor, etc. You may make changes afterward, by editing the motor.
Load Factor should be set to LF = (rated PF / operating PF) x load factor, if the
operating power factor is different from the rated power factor. See
the explanation at section 3.12 Motor, Induction. This approximation
neglects any change in efficiency at other than 100% load, but the
error is very small ( -1%).
Example: A 10MVA motor with rated PF = 0.8 is operating at PF
= 0.9 leading and 100% load. You enter PF = -0.9,
and LF = (0.8 / 0.9) x 100% = 88.9%. Otherwise the
motor draws 9 MW and exceed its rating of 8 MW by
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Define the load factors you want in the fields: factor 1, factor 2 and factor 3. To choose
one, click on the symbol to see the list and click on the desired one. Note that another
choice is available. Locked Rotor will represent the motor by an impedance Z = R +
jXd with R related to Xd by the starting power factor (this is not correct, see note
Note: Locked Rotor will normally overestimate the inrush
power, since it assumes starting MVA rated MVA / Xd.
This is true for induction motors, but synchronous motors
typically draw less (starting MVA = 275%-400% of rated
MVA). If you want to use Locked Rotor on Synchronous
Motors, try increasing the Xd in the database
Power Factor is the operating power factor. It may be different from the rated
power factor given in the database. In that case, see Load Factor,
above. Identify a leading power factor by a negative value.
defines the grounding resistance and reactance of the motor. These
values will be used only if the winding connection is Yg.
3.14 Network Protector
Definition: A Network Protector is a branch of negligible impedance, used to connect
two buses together. It is meant to represent a limited ampacity tie circuit
Restrictions on use of Network Protector
Do not connect a Network Protector in parallel with any other branch (line, cable,
Do not connect a Network Protector between buses that have different base
In Graphic mode, you enter the information through a dialog:
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Note: Because network protectors have their own ampacity limit, they need their own
There is no database of Network Protector.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.15 Reactor, Series
Definition: Series Reactors provide extra reactance, usually to reduce short-circuit
Rating is the three-phase rating in kVA (not MVA).
Amperes is the rated current.
Rating kV is the rated line-to-line voltage in kilovolts (kV).
Z is the impedance in Ohms. You should calculate it yourself and enter it
PSAF can calculate the impedance for you from data that may appear on
the reactor nameplate, or you can enter the value of Z directly.
X/R is the ratio of the reactance of the resistance. Typically, it is about 20 - 100.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.15.1 Series Reactors in the Network
When you connect an inductor to the network, you must identify which database entry to
use. You may change this information afterward, by editing the inductor.
In Graphic mode, you enter the information through a dialog:
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.16 SVC (Static Var Compensator)
Definition: Static Var Compensators are shunt capacitors and/or reactors which are
controlled by power electronic circuits so that the reactive power they
absorb or furnish is continuously adjustable over a given range
[Qmin,Qmax]. They are used for voltage control where the reactive power
demand varies considerably.
In Graphic mode, you enter the information through a dialog:
NP is a multiple of 6.
V is the nominal voltage in kilovolts.
are the upper and lower limits of VAR injection. Qmin can be negative, so
that the SVC can absorb VARs.
L is the inductance of the shunt reactor. PSAF computes it for you.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.16.1 SVCs in the Network
When you connect a SVC to the network, you must identify which database entry to use.
You may change this information afterward, by editing the SVC.
In Graphic mode, you enter the information through a dialog:
The SVC does not have to control the voltage at the bus where it is connected. You may
select another controlled bus if you desire.
You may specify a value of Q and use the Estimate button to estimate the firing angle
for the thyristors controlling the reactor if you are interested, but the Q output of the SVC will be
determined by the power flow calculation, not by your input value. (CYMHARMO will use the
value of angle Alpha to compute harmonic current injections.)
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.17 Switch
Definition: A Switch or circuit breaker (of negligible impedance), used to connect two
buses together.
Restrictions on use of Bus Ties
Do not connect a Switch in parallel with another branch (line, cable, etc.)
Do not connect a Switch between buses that have different base voltages.
In Graphic mode, you enter the information through a dialog:
There is no database of Switches (all switches are all identical).
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.18 Switchable Shunt
Definition: A switch-able-shunt is a bank of capacitors and reactors used to absorb or
generate reactive power in discrete steps by switching its blocks in or out of
service. Like SVCs they are used for voltage or power factor control in
location where the reactive power demand varies.
In Graphic mode, you enter the information through a dialog.
In PSAF switch-able-shunt has up to 8 banks of capacitors or reactors. Each bank
contains one or more blocks. The banks switch in service in order of banks number. For
example, all capacitors in Bank#1 come in service before any in Bank #2.
Define the rating of each block (Q value of each block) in MVAR. Enter positive number
for capacitors and negative for reactors.
Enter Number of blocks in bank to define reactive power rating of each bank.
Chose the Blocks connection configuration Yg (star-grounded), Y (star-ungrounded) and
D (delta). Operating mode; In Fixed mode, enter the Initial Q value. This value will be maintained
regardless of the voltage at the bus. In Discrete mode, choose the bus voltage (which is to be
controlled) and define tolerances above and below the voltage set-point (Tolerance min and
max). In this mode the shunt varies to control the above mentioned bus voltage.
Note: There is no database of switchable shunts.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.19 Transformer, Fixed-tap
Definition: A fixed-tap transformer has a tap that can be changed only by you (Off-line
tap-changer). The tap is taken to be on the primary side of the transformer.
Rating is the self-cooled rating. You may enter higher numbers under loading
limits to allow for forced cooling by ventilating fans.
Connection may be selected for the primary and secondary windings by clicking on
the symbol and then on the desired connection. Yg means
grounded star, ZZ means ZigZag connection (See section 3.19.1 Zig
Zag Winding for Transformers)
Phase shift is defined as the angle by which the secondary leads the primary. For
example, according to ANSI, a step-down transformer connected D-Y
or Y-D, has phase shift = 30.
ZZ shift applies to zig-zag windings.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
section of the
dialog box
require Z
and B1 in per-unit on the transformer base (self-cooled)
rating and X1/R1. See also following Estimate Impedance
section of the
dialog box
Requires type of transformer (Shell or Core)
Choice of
Core-type /
It is important to distinguish between a bank of 3 identical single phase
transformers interconnected to form a "three-phase transformer" and
one unit of "three-phase core-form" transformer. To specify transformer
type, choose "Shell-type or Core-type" in the transformer database
dialog (above dialog box).
For shell-type you can enter Z
and X
directly as you see
on the above dialog (Z
are express in per-unit on the
transformer base rating)
For core-type transformer Click , to enter zero
sequence Impedance parameters in the following dialog.
According to the convention (APPENDIX A) for two-winding
transformer Tertiary is grounded and, Left and Right means Primary
and secondary.
For example: In D-Yg connection Z0 is connected between Y winding
(Right) and Ground (Tertiary) and nothing is connected to L (Left), See
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Hint: Generally Z
= Z
for shell type and Z
for D-Yg and
Yg-D core type transformers
Grounding impedances apply only to windings connection Yg or ZZ.
Loading Limit Allows to report this device as in overload.
See chapter on Load Flow in the CYMFLOW, CYM-Motor-Start &
CYM-AC Contingency, Users Guide and Reference Manual.
Primary Tap % may be redefined when you connect the transformer to the network.
displays a dialog box in which you may enter some information about
the transformer, if you do not know the impedances and wish to
estimate them.
Choose one of three transformer types (power, distribution, load
center). Enter the requested data for the selected type. Then choose
from the options and click on Calculate. If you like the results, click
OK to use them. Otherwise, click Cancel.
Hint: The MVA rating given here should correspond to the choice
OA / FA / FOA, where OA = oil-air (no fans, no oil pumps), FA
= forced-air (fans), and FOA = forced-oil-air (fans and oil
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Note: PSAF permits negative values for transformer impedances. This
facility is necessary to allow PSAF to cope with data converted
from the DOS-based programs CYMBASE, CYMFLOW and
CYMFAULT. These programs had no model for the three-
winding transformer (cf. section 3.18 Switchable Shunt) and
represented them by three two-winding transformers, one of
which usually had a negative impedance. In PSAF, a negative Z
means a negative resistance and a negative X/R means a
negative reactance.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.19.1 Zig Zag Winding for Transformers
Zig-zag transformers have compound secondaries, based on a principal secondary
which is connected in Star. The zig-zag winding in each phase is another winding connected
electrically in series with the principal winding, but magnetically coupled to another phase. By
appropriate choice of turns ratios in the principal and zig-zag windings, special phase shifts may
be arranged. In PSAF, the phase shift is given as the zig-zag phase shift (
> 0
Usually zig-zag transformers are used in groups to feed distorting loads. Each
transformer has a different phase shift, and they are connected together on the primary to cancel
certain harmonic currents.
Another important use for zig-zag transformers is for grounding. In this case the
transformer is designed to present a low impedance to zero sequence currents, and a grounding
impedance may be connected between its neutral and ground. Connect the transformer primary
to the bus where the grounding point is to be provided, connect the primary as ZZ, and connect
the secondary to a dummy bus which is otherwise not used.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.19.2 Fixed-Tap Transformers in the Network
When you connect a fixed-tap transformer (Off Load Tap changer) to the network, you
must identify which database entry to use, the tap position, etc. You may change this information
afterward, by editing the transformer.
In Graphic mode, you enter the information through a dialog:
Primary Tap is the tap setting for this particular transformer. Decreasing the primary tap
will increase the secondary voltage. (Example: Applying 100% voltage to a winding on 95% tap
gives (100 / 0.95) % = 105.3% voltage on the secondary at no load).
In the case of using Corner-Delta-Grounding-Resistors to make a connection between
system and ground, click in the Apply corner delta grounding box and enter the grounding
resistor in Ohm.
PSAF consider off-load tap-changer and taps for Fixed-Tap transformer, so enter the
desired tap position in percent of base-primary-voltage in the Primary tap [%] box. (Default is
100%). Optionally, you may enter the discrete tap position to calculate the primary tap [%].
In the As reference only section you can enter the values for Min & Max taps ranges
and for Number-of-tap, but they are for information only.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.20 Inrush current model
This option is not meant to compute the inrush current. It is intended to reflect, on
the entire system, the impact of energizing a transformer.
The inrush current effect appears in transformers when they are energized. The
characteristic of this current is that it becomes larger than twice the nominal. The I
on a variety of non-linear factors. PSAF does not model the entire inrush current phenomenon. It
will only give an approximation of the effect of that current on the system.
The regular transformer model (without considering the inrush current) is the following:
The magnetization branch is not represented. So, to include the inrush effect, we have
modified the model : (Rm is neglected in the simulations)
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.20.1 Inrush current data
To enter the inrush current data, select the Inrush Current Effect tab window in the
transformers database dialog boxes, and enter the required data as follows:
Rp is the value of the resistance of the winding that will be energized.
It can be estimated from the positive sequence impedance of the
currents (Peak or
are the expected inrush currents of each phase.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
To switch from Peak to RMS data entry, click the Options button, and select the type of
current value in the dialog box that will be displayed.
3.20.2 Activation of the inrush current effect in the network
To model the inrush current effect in the load flow simulation, select the corresponding
Transformer Dialog tab window and check the option Apply inrush current effect as shown
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.21 Transformer, Phase-shifting
Definition: A phase-shifting transformer is designed to control the flow of active power
by varying the phase angle shift from its primary to its secondary.
For information on Transformer, Fixed-tap refer to section 3.19.
P flow is the specified active power to be passed by this transformer.
You may redefine it when you connect the transformer to the
Tolerance is the desired accuracy with which the active power transfer will be
maintained, if possible, by adjusting the tap.
Discrete Taps is the number of (equal) taps into which the phase shift range is
divided. It is usually an odd number, to provide a center tap.
Example: Setting Discrete Taps = 5 with a phase shift range of -10
to 10
possible phase shifts of -10
, -5
, 0
, 5
, and 10
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Hint: To fix the tap at a certain value, set Min. phase shift = Max. phase shift.
3.21.1 Phase Shifting Transformers in the Network
When you connect a phase shifting transformer to the network, you must identify which
database entry to use, the desired MW flow, etc. You may change this information afterward, by
editing the transformer.
In Graphic mode, you enter the information through a dialog:
Desired MW is the active power to be transferred by this transformer.
Initial angle tells CYMFLOW what angle (i.e., tap position) to assume at the
beginning of the power flow calculation.
Transformer impedance may be a function of its phase shift angle. By selecting the
option: Use transformer impedance correction table and clicking on the nearby Access DB
button, the user may enter the table of the impedance correction factors vs phase shift angles.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.22 Transformer, Reactive power regulating
Definition: A reactive power-regulating transformer is capable of changing taps under
load to force a specified amount of reactive power to flow through it.
For information on Transformer, Fixed-tap refer to section 3.19.
Q flow is the specified reactive power to be passed by this transformer.
You may redefine it when you connect the transformer to the
Tolerance is the desired accuracy with which the reactive power transfer will
be maintained, if possible, by adjusting the tap.
Discrete Taps is the number of (equal) taps into which the voltage range is
divided. It is usually an odd number, to provide a center tap.
Example: Setting Discrete Taps = 5 with a tap range of 95% to
105% means taps at 95%, 97.5%, 100%, 102.5%, and
Min. Volt and
Max. Volt
define the tap range on the primary, in percent of the transformer
primary base voltage (not the bus base voltage).
To fix the tap at a certain value, set Min. Volt = Max. Volt.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.22.1 Reactive Power Regulating Transformers in the Network
When you connect a reactive power-regulating transformer to the network, you must
identify which database entry to use, the desired MVAR flow, etc. You may change this
information afterward, by editing the transformer.
In Graphic mode, you enter the information through a dialog:
Desired MVAR is the reactive power to be transferred by this transformer.
Initial position of
primary tap[%]
tells CYMFLOW which tap to start from, in the power flow
3.23 Transformer, Three-winding
Definition: A three-winding transformer is capable of tap changing under load, to try to
maintain a desired voltage at a particular bus. CYMFLOW will find the best
(primary) tap position, based on the allowed range of voltage and the
control tolerance.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Z1 and Z0 Impedances Z1 (positive sequence) and Z0 (zero sequence) are
expressed as follows:
Ps measured from Primary to Secondary, in per-unit on primary
base power.
Pt measured from Primary to Tertiary, in per-unit on primary base
St measured from Secondary to Tertiary, in per-unit on secondary
base power.
RG and XG Grounding impedances RG and XG are expressed in Ohms. These
values apply only if the corresponding winding is connected as Yg.
Identify the connection of each winding by clicking on the symbol
and then on the desired connection (D = Delta, Y = Star and Yg = Star
Phase shift
is the angle by which the secondary leads the primary. Phase shift
P/T is the angle by which the tertiary leads the primary.
is no longer used.
# Taps is the number of (equal) taps into which the voltage range is divided. It
is usually an odd number, to provide a center tap.
Range (Min
and Max) %
define the tap range on the primary, in percent of the transformer
primary base voltage (not the bus base voltage). To fix the tap at a
certain value, set Min = Max.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
correspond to the standard and emergency load limits in MVA.
3.23.1 Three-Winding Transformers in the Network
When you connect a three-winding transformer to the network, you must identify which
database entry to use, the controlled bus, etc. You may change this information afterward, by
editing the transformer.
In Graphic mode, you enter the information through a dialog:
If you activate the Model primary as Fixed tap transformer option, the VCR of
transformer will not be active in analysis, and you have 2 option to specify fixed position of the
Last LF solution let PSAF consider the last position of tap after a power flow
analysis when the VCR was active.
Specify value sets the position equal to the specified Initial position of primary
If Model primary as Fixed tap transformer and the Fixed tap for Tcul txfo (in the
Power Flow Solver Dialog) are not activated, then the primary tap will be adjusted to try to
maintain the specified operating voltage at the Controlled bus. Choose a Control tolerance
smaller than the difference between the two taps. Note that the upper and lower tolerances may
now be asymmetrical. Both may be positive (or negative), if you want the voltage to be held
slightly higher (or lower) than the set-point.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Initial position of primary tap[%] tells CYMFLOW which tap to start from, in the power
flow calculation.
3.24 Transformer, Voltage-regulating (TCUL)
Definition: Voltage regulating transformers are capable of tap changing under load, to
maintain a desired voltage at a particular bus. CYMFLOW will find the best
tap position, based on the allowed range of voltages and the control
tolerance. The tap is located on the primary side.
For information on Transformer, Fixed-tap refer to section 3.19.
Discrete Taps is the number of (equal) taps into which the voltage range is
divided. It is usually an odd number, so as to provide a center tap.
Example: Setting Discrete Taps = 5 with a tap range of 95% to
105% provides taps at 95%, 97.5%, 100%, 102.5%,
and 105%.
Min. Volt and
Max. Volt
define the tap range on the primary, in percent of the transformer
primary base voltage (not bus base). To fix the tap at a certain
value, set Min. Volt = Max. Volt.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.24.1 Voltage Regulating Transformers in the Network
When you connect a voltage-regulating transformer to the network, you must identify
which database entry to use, which bus voltage it controls, etc. You may change this information
afterward, by editing the transformer.
In Graphic mode, you enter the information through a dialog:
Set tap on secondary changes the tap location from primary to secondary, so that the
secondary wind vary to set the voltage.
If Model primary as Fixed tap transformer and Fixed tap for Tcul txfo (in Power Flow
Solver Dialog) are not activated, then he primary tap will be adjusted to maintain the specified
operating voltage at the Controlled bus. Choose a Control tolerance smaller than the
difference between two taps. Note that the upper and lower tolerances may now be
asymmetrical. Both may be positive (or negative), if you want the voltage to be held slightly
higher (or lower) than the set-point.
Initial position of primary tap[%] tells CYMFLOW which tap to start from, in the power
flow calculation.
If you activate Freeze transformer tap, the VCR of transformer will not be active in the
analysis, and you have 2 option to specify fixed position of the tap:
Last LF solution let PSAF consider the last tap position after a power flow analysis
when the VCR was active.
Specify value sets the position equal to specified Initial position of primary tap[%].
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.25 Utility Connection
Definition: Utility Connections represent other electrical networks connected to the
network being studied. They behave as generators, but CYMFAULT IEC
treats them as network feeders, instead of as discrete synchronous
machines. (see CYMFAULT IEC chapter in the Short-Circuit (ANSI & IEC),
ARC Flash & CYMBREAK, Users Guide and Reference Manual.
In Graphic mode, you enter the information through a dialog:
CYMFLOW requires only the data in the bottom half of the dialog. CYMFAULT, however,
requires the impedance of the utility. PSAF computes the positive-sequence impedance from the
3-phase Fault MVA level and X/R ratio. To compute the zero-sequence impedance, it needs also
the L-G Fault MVA level and X0/R0 ratio.
If you do not have any numerical data, PSAF can suggest it for you, from the voltage and
the location. Click on the Estimate button, make your choice and click on Estimate.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Warning: Please do not depend on this data, especially if the utility is the major source
of fault current in your network. Always, obtain realistic data.
3.26 Mutual Coupling between Lines or Cables in the Network
CYMFAULT allows you to take into account zero-sequence coupling between lines (and
cables). The lines are assumed to be perfectly transposed and also transposed with respect to
each other, so that there is no coupling except in zero-sequence. Mutual coupling affects only
those fault calculations involving the ground (single-line-to-ground and double-line-to-ground
faults). It does not affect load flow calculations at all. Mutual Impedance can be entered in the
Line Mutual Coupling dialog box accessed through the Network > Edit Mutual Data menu
is the total impedance, not given per unit of length.
Length is the distance over which two lines are coupled. (CYMHARMO
needs it.)
To define mutual coupling among three lines, define the coupling between the first two
and separately define the coupling between the second and third lines. Include both mutual
impedances in the same mutual group. Otherwise, each set of two coupled lines should go into
its own group (G0 to G9).
1. Select lines or cables by clicking on the corresponding option in the lower-right
corner of the dialog box.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
2. Select the two lines (or cables) between which you want to enter a mutual
impedance between them.
3. Enter the total R+jX mutual impedance value (in Ohms). Enter the percent of length
of both line (or cable), as a connection point for the mutual impedance.
4. Add this mutual to one of the ten groups of mutuals, (G0-G9) in the list.
5. Press the Add button to insert this new mutual in the list.
6. To remove a mutual, select it from the list and press the Remove button.
Note: Mutual coupling is taken into account in CYMHARMO as well.
3.27 Grounding Transformer
Definition: A grounding transformer is connected at a bus in order to specify the zero
voltage and/or make safe connection to ground to assist the measurement
and protection.
Rating [KVA] is expressed in kilovolt-ampere and can be estimated according
LG-current, rated voltage and K factor (from T&D reference book
ABB) after 60 seconds.
Voltage is the rated line-to-line voltage.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
same as one side of transformer by clicking on the desired
connection. Note: generally for this kind of transformer Winding-
Connect is Yg or ZZ.
Rated neutral
current [A]
is current rating for LG or LLG fault current for Yg (grounded star)
or ZZ (ZigZag) connection, it is expressed in ampere.
Impedance Z1
and Z0
(positive and zero sequence) is expressed in per-unit on
transformer base.
X1/R1 and X0/R0 ratios are reactance versus resistance for Z1 and Z0.
3.27.1 Grounding Transformer in the Network
When you connect a grounding transformer to the network, you must identify which
database entry to use, grounding impedance, etc. you may change this information afterwards,
by editing the transformer.
Note: Due to grounding transformer is for measurement, its current must be
negligible so it doesnt affect load-flow analysis.
Grounding impedance is impedance between Zero point of Yg or ZZ connections and
ground, in order to reduce and control fault current through the transformer.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.28 WECS-IG
Definition: (WECS-IG) is one of the types of Wind Energy Conversion Systems in
PSAF, which includes induction generator directly connected with an ac grid
as shown below:
Gear IG
Wind Turbine
P + jQ
As you can see in above picture the system includes Induction-Generator (IG) connect
with Wind Turbine via a Gear box so WECS-IG Database Dialog box (see below) is same as
Generator, Induction (IG) Database Dialog Box, which is explained in section 3.8.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.28.1 WECS-IG in the Network
When you connect a WECS-IG to the network, you must identify which database entry to
use, what type it will be (Database ID), etc. You may make changes afterwards. In Graphic
mode, you enter the information through a dialog box:
Power generation by WECS-IG is determined entirely by wind speed. At a high wind
speed, the input wind power may reach the maximum turbine power limit. To see the operating
characteristic of WECS-IG, choose Stability model tab > Wind Turbine Open > View diag on
above dialog box. PSAF considers dynamic characteristic of WECS-IG (Wind Turbine + Induction
Generator) in transient stability analysis and takes into account constant generation by WECS-IG
in power flow analysis.
Note: Although you can enter positive reactive power generation (Qgen) in above
dialog box but in practical Case, WECS-IG only absorbs reactive power from
the ac network to generate active power.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Definition: WECS-HVDC is one of types of Wind Energy Converter systems in PSAF,
which includes induction generator connected with an ac grid via Voltage-
Source Converters (VSC) and dc-link as shown below:
Gear IG
Wind Turbine
P + jQ
Ps + jQs
As you can see in above picture the system includes Induction-Generator (IG) connect
with Wind Turbine via a Gear box, so WECS-HVDC Database Dialog box (see below) is same as
Generator, Induction (IG) Database Dialog Box, which is explained in section 3.8.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.29.1 WECS HVDC in the Network
When you connect a WECS-HVDC to the network, you must identify which database
entry to use, what type it will be (Database ID), etc. You may make changes afterwards. In
Graphic mode, you enter the information through a dialog:
Power generation by WECS-HVDC is determined entirely by wind speed. At a high wind
speed, the input wind power may reach the maximum turbine power limit. To see the operating
characteristic of WECS-HVDC, choose Stability model tab > Wind Turbine Open > View
diag on above dialog box. PSAF considers entire dynamic characteristic of WECS-HVDC in
transient stability analysis and takes into account constant generation by WECS-HVDC in power
flow analysis.
Note: WECS-HVDC is capable to absorb or generate reactive power.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Definition: WECS-DFIG is one of the types of Wind Energy Convert systems in PSAF
which using Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) as shown below:
Wind Turbine
Ps + jQs
Pr + jQr
P + jQ
WECS-DFIG Database Dialog box (see below) is same as Generator, Induction (IG)
Database Dialog Box, which is explained in section 3.8.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.30.1 WECS DFIG in the Network
When you connect a WECS-DFIG to the network, you must identify which database entry
to use, what type it will be (Database ID), etc. You may make changes afterwards. In Graphic
mode, you enter the information through a dialog:
Power generation by WECS-DFIG is determined entirely by wind speed. To see the
operating characteristic of WECS-DFIG, choose Stability model tab > Wind Turbine Open >
View diag on above dialog box. PSAF considers entire dynamic characteristic of WECS-DFIG in
transient stability analysis and takes into account constant generation by WECS-DFIG in power
flow analysis.
Note: WECS-DFIG is capable to absorb or generate reactive power.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.31 MCC (Motor Control Center)
Definition: The MCC, or Motor Control Center, groups together the controls of several
motors that have a common power bus. The following figure demonstrates
how a rather exhaustive network can be simplified to a single MCC.
Between a motor and its power bus, there is generally a combination of the following: a
protective device, a cable, a transformer, and another cable.
In addition to induction and synchronous motors, an MCC can contain static loads.
The MCC dialog box, illustrated below, includes all the functionalities necessary to define
an MCC.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Located to the left of the dialog box, it contains a listing of all the
branches in the MCC. The branch selector serves many functions,
such as selecting a particular branch for modification.
Add Branch Used to add a branch to the list.
Used to remove a branch from the list.
Used to enable (or disable the advanced editing mode).
Editing Area Contains the controls fro the configuration of each component of a
branch. The editing area also contains a simplified one-line diagram
for the branch that is being modified.
The screen capture above shows the dialog box for normal editing
that contains the basic parameters. When you click the Advanced
Mode button, the window will show all parameters for the component
selected. More details below.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.31.1 Normal Editing Mode
The normal editing mode allows defining an MCC with the minimum amount of
information, as illustrated below.
Each component requires a small number of parameters to be set. For cables, the
information needed is length and database ID. For transformers, primary tap and database ID are
Motors are defined through the usual dialog box for motors, by clicking the Access EQ
button. The reason is that many parameters, such as load characterization and motor starting
parameters, are not available in the database for motors. Therefore, it would not be sufficient to
provide motors a database ID.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.31.2 Advanced Editing Mode
The Advanced Editing mode allows defining an MCC with the level of completeness that
the usual dialog boxes provide. When the Advanced Editing mode is enabled, the editing area
changes to contain the specific information for the selected component. If the selected
component is a motor, the editing area will resemble the illustration below.
Selecting a branch
(or selecting a
branch component)
To select a branch, click any element of that branch in the
Branch Selector.
In the Advanced Editing mode, it is necessary to select
individual branch components. To select a branch component,
do one of the following:
Select the appropriate branch and click the components
icon in the simplified one-line diagram in the Editing Area.
Click the element corresponding to the component in the
Branch Selector.
Adding a branch To add a branch to an MCC, do one of the following:
Click the Add Branch button. (This adds a new branch
with an induction motor.)
Right click in the blank portion of the Branch Selector and
select the type of motor to add.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Removing a branch To remove a branch from an MCC, do one of the following:
Select the branch in the Branch Selector and click the
Remove Branch button.
Right click on a branch in the Branch Selector and select
Copying a branch To copy (duplicate) a branch, right click the branch in the
Branch Selector and select Copy.
Changing the type of
motor connected to
a branch
To change the type of motor connected to a branch, do one of
the following:
Right click the branch in the Branch Selector and select
the new type of motor.
In normal editing mode, change the type of motor in the
Editing Area.
Changing the
configuration of a
To change the configuration of a branch, do one of the
Right click on the simplified one-line diagram in the
Editing Area and select the desired configuration.
In normal editing mode, either enable or disable the
isUsed checkbox of each component.
3.31.3 MCC Naming Convention
Like most other components, an MCC must have a unique ID among all MCCs in the
network. Furthermore, motors inside an MCC must have unique IDs among all motors in the
network, including motors inside MCCs.
Motors are the only components inside an MCC for which an ID can be specified. The
other components are named automatically after the ID of the motor in their respective branch.
For example, given a motor with ID M1, the first cable in that motors branch (if any) would have
ID M1C1. Similarly, the transformer and the second cable would have ID M1TX and M1C2,
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.32 Auto Transformer
Definition: An autotransformer (Auto Xmer) is a voltage-regulating transformer that
uses a single winding for both primary and secondary. It is capable of tap
changing under load, to maintain a desired voltage at a particular bus.
CYMFLOW will find the best tap position, based on the allowed range of
voltages and the control tolerance.
The database for autotransformers can be edited through the following dialog:
Rating represents the self-cooled rating. Higher numbers can be entered
under loading limits to allow for forced cooling by ventilating fans.
Primary and
require rated voltages for primary and secondary, respectively.
requires Z
(in per-unit on the transformer base, self-cooled rating)
and the ratio X
Zero Sequence
requires Z
(in per-unit on the transformer base, self-cooled rating)
and the ratio X
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Connection represents the primary/secondary winding connection. Can be set to
Y (wye), Yg (grounded star) or D (delta).
requires R and X (in ohms) for the grounding connection. (Applies to
Yg winding connection only.)
Loading limits Is used to report this device as being in overload.
See chapter on Load Flow in the CYMFLOW, CYM-Motor-Start &
CYM-AC Contingency, Users Guide and Reference Manual.
Tap controls requires the number of discrete taps and the minimum and maximum
tap positions (in % of the primary rated voltage).
3.32.1 Auto Xmer in the network
When an autotransformer is connected to the network, it can be defined through the
following dialog:
Note: The primary and secondary connections correspond to the FROM and TO
buses, respectively.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Set tap on
changes tap control location from primary to secondary.
Controlled Bus
bus for which the specified operation voltage is maintained.
Voltage set-
corresponds to the operating voltage of the controlled bus. This value
is read-only inside this dialog.
minimum and
defines the control tolerance relative to the voltage set-point.
Example: Given a voltage set-point of 69.0 kV and tolerance
minimum and maximum of -1.5% and 1.0%, respectively.
The control tolerance will range from:
Minimum: 69.0 x 0.985 = 68.0 kV
Maximum: 69.0 x 1.010 = 69.7 kV
Initial position
of primary tap
represents the tap position to start from in a power flow calculation.
transformer tap
is used to disable monitoring of the controlled bus and set the tap
position to either the specified value (initial position of primary tap) or
the last tap position after a previous power flow analysis.
Note: For explanations about the inrush current effect, please refer to section 3.19
Transformer, Fixed-tap.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.33 Three-Winding Auto Xmer
Definition: A three-winding autotransformer (Three-Winding Auto Xmer) is a three-
winding transformer that uses a single winding for both primary and
secondary. It is capable of tap changing under load, to maintain a desired
voltage at a particular bus. CYMFLOW will find the best tap position, based
on the allowed range of voltages and the control tolerance.
Note: Although the three-winding autotransformer is actually a two-winding device, it
is appropriate to keep the three-winding appellation because of its similitude
to the non-auto three-winding transformer.
The database for three-winding autotransformers can be edited through the following
dialog box:
PS measured from primary to secondary, in per-unit on primary base
PT measured from primary to tertiary, in per unit on primary base power.
ST measured from secondary to tertiary, in per unit on secondary base
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
require R and G (in ohms) for the grounding connection of the
primary/secondary and the tertiary, respectively. (Applies to Yg
winding connection only.)
Connection represents the primary/secondary and tertiary winding connections.
Can be set to Y (wye), Yg (grounded star) or D (delta).
Tap controls requires the number of discrete taps and the minimum and maximum
tap positions (in % of the primary rated voltage).
Loading limits is used to report this device in the overload report.
See chapter on Load Flow in the CYMFLOW, CYM-Motor-Start &
CYM-AC Contingency, Users Guide and Reference Manual.
Phase shift is the angle by which the tertiary leads the primary.
3.33.1 Three-Winding Auto Xmer in the network
When a three-winding autotransformer is connected to the network, it can be defined
through the following dialog:
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Note: The primary, secondary and tertiary connections correspond to the FROM,
SEC and TERT buses, respectively.
Model primary
as fixed-tap
is used to disable monitoring of the controlled bus and set the tap
position to either the specified value (initial position of primary tap) or
the last tap position after a previous power flow analysis.
Initial position
of primary tap
represents the tap position to start from in a power flow calculation.
Controlled Bus
bus for which the specified operation voltage is maintained.
Voltage set-
corresponds to the operating voltage of the controlled bus. This value
is read-only inside this dialog.
minimum and
define the control tolerance relative to the voltage set-point.
Example: Given a voltage set-point of 69.0 kV and tolerance
minimum and maximum of -1.5% and 1.0%, respectively.
The control tolerance will range from:
Minimum: 69.0 x 0.985 = 68.0 kV
Maximum: 69.0 x 1.010 = 69.7 kV
Note: For explanations about the inrush current effect, please refer to section 3.19
Transformer, Fixed-tap.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3.34 Protection Devices
To add protective devices to an equipment, in the Project View sidebar, select the
Protective Devices group under the Symbols tab. Drag and drop it from the symbols toolbar on
an equipment in your network.
A dialog box like this one will be displayed:
To use all the database options, you must have CYMTCC installed on your computer.
New ID & Access DB opens the database dialog but the first one will show an empty ID.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Fill in all the information and click save to keep it. Your new id will be selected in the
protective device dialog box.
Connector Type allows you to select at which of the equipment terminal the protective
device should be.
3.34.1 Fuse / LVCB / Recloser / Relay (all of them) / Miscellaneous
Every protective device types are seen the same in PSAF. Refer to the information above
for more details. For specific information about a protective device, please consult the CYMTCC
users guide.
3.34.2 Accessing a protective device through its connected equipment
Protective devices can also be accessed through the Prot. Coordination tab on the
connected equipment dialog box.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
To create a new device, click on the new button:
First, select the protective device type into the list. After, type the id that you want to use
for this protective device. The list of all protective devices of this type that are already in your
network is shown below.
Delete removes the selected protective device from the network.
Open will open the selected protective device dialog box (you can also access it by
double clicking on the protective device via the OLD).
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Chapter 4 Line and Cable Parameter Calculations
4.1 Line Parameters Calculations
4.1.1 Line Parameters Calculation with HLINPAR
The electrical parameters of overhead transmission lines, i.e line resistance, line
inductance (reactance) and line capacitance, are needed for a wide variety of system studies.
The most commonly used line parameters are the ones used at fundamental network frequency,
i.e. 50 or 60 Hz for power flow studies. These are the so-called positive sequence parameters
and normally assume a completely balanced network in all there phases. The same assumption
holds for the so-called zero sequence line parameters used in fault analysis studies simulating
system unbalances involving ground.
Line parameters can be conveniently obtained from tables for most of the cases
encountered in practice. More detailed studies however, require parameters that are not available
from tables. E.g. frequency-dependent models used for harmonic penetration studies in
transmission and/or industrial distribution networks. Moreover, the sequence approach,
applicable only to balanced networks, defies the very nature of demanding harmonic penetration
and distortion studies, often involving phase unbalances and asymmetrical loading, thus
necessitating full three-phase system modeling.
HLINPAR is a module that calculates transmission line parameters in either sequence or phase
domain with the additional capability of catering for modal analysis models as well as frequency-
The analytical approach used by HLINPAR is based on the complex depth of return
method [1] which, computationally, departs from the more commonly used technique of
equivalent depth return method, a direct extension of Carsons modeling, although it is
essentially a closed-form approximation to Carsons solution. There are studies in the literature
[2] that confirm the remarkable accuracy of the technique, as compared with the full Carson
solution, for a wide variety of frequencies (up to 10MHZ) and for typical overhead line
[1] A. Semlyen and A. Deri, Time Domain Modeling of Frequency Dependent Three-
phase Transmission Lines, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems,
Vol. PAS 104,No6, pp.1549-1555, June 1985.
[2] H.W.Dommel, Overhead Line Parameters from Handbook Formulas and Computer
programs, , IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS 104,
No2, pp.366-372, June February 1985.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
4.1.2 Activate HLINPAR
HLINPAR can be used either for CYMFLOW, CYMFAULT studies or for CYMHARMO
HLINPAR is accessible from the Compute button in the Line Database dialog box (see
section 3.10).
The following are the steps to access HLINPAR from the Line Database dialog box:
1. Select the Line equipment type (See section 2.11.2 Editing Toolbar)
2. Click on the Open Equip. DB icon in the Editing Toolbar (section 2.11.2) to open
the database entry dialog box of the Transmission Line. This first tab of this dialog
box is Line for the entry of basic information on the line such as kV level, loading
limits and fundamental frequency impedance values. Once the data is defined, it will
be available to all PSAF analysis modules.
3. Click Compute to display the HLINPAR dialog, which will allow you to calculate the
50 or 60 Hz series impedance and shunt capacitance of the selected line.
By default, the Nominal PI model parameters are computed.
Freq. Filter allows you to a bring list of IDs from the database with desired nominal
frequency in the following dialog. For example, 60 HZ has been selected (see below), it
means you can see database IDs with 60HZ nominal frequency only.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
The remaining tabs of the dialog box are for specifying line models for harmonic analysis
Dist. Trans. LIN_3PB, Transposed 3-phase distributed parameter line.
Dist. Trans.
LIN_3PCB, Transposed 3-phase distributed parameter line,
frequency dependent.
Dist. Untrans. LIN_3P, Untransposed N-phase distributed parameter line
4.1.3 HLINPAR Input Data Example 1 - Data entry of a 3-phase 345 kV line
The following example illustrates the data entry by utilizing one of the standard
tower configurations provided with the program.
Geometrical Configuration and Line Data
Geometrical layout of Transmission Line is detailed in the following figure.
a is the conductor spacing
b is the conductor ground clearance
c is the distance between the neutral and phase conductors
d is the distance between the two neutral conductors
e is the bundle spacing
Two ACSR conductors per phase bundle spaced 18 inches or 1.5 ft apart.
The Line has also two ground wires, which are 3/8 inch NTRL steel.
Spacing dimensions:
a 24 ft
b 45 ft
c 15 ft
d 24 ft
e 1.5 ft
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4.1.4 Data Input in HLINPAR
Click on the Compute button of the Line Database dialog box to display the Line
Impedance Calculation Dialog.
Select the single circuit tower configuration as shown below.
The selected tower geometrical configuration is shown in the bitmap adjacent to the
list of available tower types.
Enter study parameters such as choice of units, earth resistivity (typical value 100
Ohm-Meter) and fundamental frequency of the system.
Specify the phase and/or neutral conductor external and internal radius along with
the DC resistance.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
If the center axis of a conductor is made of dielectric materials or is hollow, the
diameter of the dielectric-axis is Internal Diameter, so for Solid conductors, the
internal diameter is zero.
Stranded conductors can usually be approximated as solid conductors of the same
cross-sectional area.
Tubular conductors like steel-reinforced aluminum cables, the internal diameter is
the one corresponding to the cross-sectional area of the reinforcing metal like steel
To enter the phase or neutral conductor data click on the respective Access DB button
to access the Conductor Database dialog (as shown below) for the ACSR500 conductor.
These values can be found from the tables.
Follow the same procedure to create the database of the 3/8 NTRL steel conductor of
the neutral wires.
The line tower layout could be either one of the following:
The line tower types include
Standard single-circuit structures to cross-rope suspension towers.
Single and Double circuit generic types to deal with any special configurations (User
defined model).
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
In our example, we assume that the 345 kV line towers are single-circuit steel structure,
two ACSR conductors per phase bundle spaced 18 inches or 1.5 ft apart and having the following
a = 24, b = 45, c = 15, d = 24, e = 1.5 in ft
The above dimension letter notations in the Geometrical arrangement table are also
indicated on the bitmap for easier reference to the tower layout.
The neutral conductor(s) status: each neutral conductor may be Eliminated, Segmented
or Retained:
Eliminated means that the conductor potential is assumed to be zero
Segmented means that the conductor is not continuous along the length of the line
Retained means that the conductor is continuous from one end of the line to the
other and is connected to ground periodically (span interval). In this case, the tower
span and tower footing resistance must also be specified. The tower footing
resistance is the equivalent resistance of all the ground connections in parallel.
The letters N1 and N2 in the Neutral Conductor Status box refer to the left neutral and
the right neutral respectively.
The Retained neutral conductor is only allowed for LIN_3P, UN-Transposed N-phase
distributed parameter line.
In our example, we assume that the two neutral 3/8 NTRL steel ground wires are
4.1.5 HLINPAR results
Once all the required data are entered, click Compute to calculate the line
parameters. The output of HLINPAR is displayed in the window just above the
Compute button.
Click OK to update the main Line Database dialog with the computed values.
Double-circuit line is modeled by two separate lines in PSAF single-line diagram.
Thus, clicking the OK button of the Line Impedance Calculation below will update
only the main database of the second line circuit (CIR. #2). The user needs to take
notes of the parameters of the first line circuit CIR. #1 (see red box below) i.e: R0
and R1 in Ohms/m, L0 and L1 in Henry/m, C0 and C1 in Farad/m and with them,
build a separate Line database entry for that circuit. Finally, he has to connect
graphically this second line circuit in parallel with the existing one.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
CHAPTER 4 - LINE AND CABLE PARAMETER CALCULATIONS 159 Example 2 Generic data entry example of a 3-phase 345 kV line
The generic single circuit tower configuration is different from the standard configuration
detailed in Example 1 - Data entry of a 3-phase 345 kV line (section
When a standard tower configuration is selected the number of neutral wires and bundle
spacing are grayed in the generic tower type. These values are specifically required in the
Generic Tower Type box of the Line Impedance Calculation dialog box.
In the previous Example 1, the 345 kV line data was entered by selecting the standard
single-circuit steel structure available in the tower selection list.
This example will highlight the data entry of the same line with the single circuit option.
Geometrical Configuration and Line Data
Geometrical layout of Transmission Line is shown in section 4.3 Typical Tower
Layouts Supported in HLINPAR.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Phase X Axis Y Axis
A -24 45 ft
B 0 45 ft
C 24 45 ft
Neutral -(N1) -12 60 ft
The (X, Y) coordinates of each phase A, B, C and the neutral conductors N have to be
As can be noticed the conductor spacing is 24ft (a in Example 1).
The height of the conductors is 45 ft (b in Example 1).
Two ACSR conductors per phase bundle spacing 18 inches or 1.5 ft apart. ( e of
Example 1)
The Line has also two neutral wires, which are 3/8 EBB steel.
The height of the neutrals are at 60 ft (b + c of Example 1) and spaced at 24 ft (d of
Example 1)
It is important to note that the Y axis is centered between the two neutrals.
This implies the following:
If there is only one neutral N then the Y axis should be laid out through this neutral.
If there are two neutrals N1 and N2, then the Y axis should is centered between the
two neutrals. Therefore it is sufficient to specify the coordinates of one of the neutral
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
4.1.6 Data Input in HLINPAR
Click on the Compute button of the Line Database dialog box to display the Line
Impedance Calculation dialog box.
Select the single circuit generic type tower configuration as shown below.
The selected tower geometrical configuration is shown in the bitmap adjacent to the
list of available tower types.
Enter study parameters such as choice of units, earth resistivity (typical value 100
Ohm-Meter) and fundamental frequency of the system.
Specify the phase and/or neutral conductor external and internal radius along with
the DC resistance. (These values can be found from the tables.)
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Solid conductors have an internal radius of zero.
Stranded conductors can usually be approximated as solid conductors of
the same cross-sectional area.
Tubular conductors like steel-reinforced aluminum cables, the internal
radius is the one corresponding to the cross-sectional area of the
reinforcing metal like steel here.
To enter the phase or neutral conductor data click on the respective Access DB button
to access the Conductor Database dialog as shown above for the ACSR500 conductor.
Follow the same procedure to create the database of 3/8 EBB steel conductor with
neutral wires.
The line tower layout could be either one of the following (i.e. the line tower types
Standard single-circuit structures to cross-rope suspension towers.
Single and Double circuit generic types to deal with any special configurations (User
defined model).
In our example, we assume that the 345 kV line towers are single-circuit steel
structure, two ACSR conductors per phase bundle spaced 18 inches or 1.5 ft apart and
having the following (X,Y) coordinates:
Phase X Axis Y Axis
A -24 45 ft
B 0 45 ft
C 24 45 ft
Note: The bundle spacing has to be entered for generic tower configurations.
The neutral conductor(s) status: each neutral conductor may be Eliminated, Segmented
or Retained:
Eliminated means that the conductor potential is assumed to be zero
Segmented means that the conductor is not continuous along the length of the line
Retained means that the conductor is continuous from one end of the line to the
other and is connected to ground periodically (span interval). In this case, the tower
span and tower footing resistance must also be specified. The tower footing
resistance is the equivalent resistance of all the ground connections in parallel.
The letters N1 and N2 in the Neutral Conductor Status box refer to the left neutral and
to the right neutral respectively.
The Retained neutral conductor is only allowed for LIN_3P, UN-Transposed N-phase
distributed parameter line.
In our example, we assume that the two neutral 3/8 EBB steel ground wires are
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
4.1.7 HLINPAR results
Once all the required data are entered, click on the Compute button to calculate the line
parameters. The output of HLINPAR is displayed in the window just above the
Compute button.
Click on OK to update the main Line Database dialog box with the computed values.
4.2 Special Harmonic Line Models supported by HLINPAR
4.2.1 LIN_3PB, Transposed 3-phase distributed
The required parameters for this model are illustrated in the Dist. Trans. tab below.
They are obtained from the [Z] and [C] matrices - which methods of calculation are explained
Note: Specified system frequency (50 or 60HZ) in first tab (Line tab)
The method of calculation for series-impedance matrix [Z] follows the complex in depth
approach introduced by Gari, Semlyen and Deri (ref.: Deri, A. and al., The Complex Ground
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Return Plane, IEEE Trans. on PAS, vol. 100, Aug. 1981, pp. 3686-3693). The results are close
to those obtained using Carsons formulas, and the calculation is much simpler.
The self-impedance Zs is calculated as the average of the diagonal elements of [Z], while
the mutual impedance Zm is the average of the off-diagonal elements.
The positive and zero sequence impedances are derived from Zs and Zm by the
Z1 = R1 + jwL1 = Zs Zm
Z0 = R0 + jwL0 = Zs + (N-1)Zm
The line capacitance matrix [C] is computed by inverting the potential coefficient matrix
[P]. Ground wires are taken into account when [P] is calculated. The shunt admittance matrix [Y]
is computed directly from the reduced [C] matrix for each frequency. Note that [Y] is a matrix of
imaginary numbers.
Note: Click Compute to perform the above calculation.
(Line database dialog > Line >Compute >Line Impedance Calculation Dialog > Compute)
4.2.2 LIN_3PCB, Transposed 3-phase distributed, frequency dependent
For this model, the series resistance and inductance are defined as piece-wise linear
functions of frequency. For example, the resistance value for each frequency in the {FR0} vector
is to be given at the same order as in the {R0} vector.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
{FR0} = {f1 f2 f3
the frequencies.
{R0} = {R1 R2 R3 R9} the zero sequence resistance at each
of these frequencies.
HLINPAR calculates the positive / zero sequence series resistance and inductance for a
number of discrete frequencies.
These frequencies are defined by the following:
Starting decade D0
The number of decades ND
The number of frequency points per decade NP
The number of frequencies is given by the product NF = ND x NP
All decade parameters as well as the tolerances may be entered by clicking on the
Frequency Data button of the Line Database dialog box, and which results to:
The nth frequency is defined by F(n) = 10exp[D0 + (n-1)/NP]
The following values are calculated at each frequency, to produce four curves
Log(F): Log(R0), Log(R1), L0 and L1
Next, HLINPAR performs a piece-wise straight-line approximation to the curves while
respecting the tolerances entered. It will select as many break points as needed (to a maximum
of 9).
Each straight-line approximation guarantees for example that:
Log(R0 -R0.Tol_R0) < Log(R0 < Log(R0 + R0.Tol_R0)
L0 - L0.Tol_L0 < L0 < L0 + L0.Tol_L0
(Tol_R0 and Tol_L0 are tolerances in %)
The same applies for the positive sequence values of R1 and L1.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
The program will warn you if it is not possible to achieve an approximation without
exceeding the error tolerance you specified. You may increase the tolerance and try again.
4.2.3 LIN_3P, Untransposed N-phase distributed
The required parameters for this model are illustrated:
{R} Resistances for characteristic modes 1, N
{L} Inductances for characteristic modes 1, N
{C} Capacitances for characteristic modes 1, N
{G} Conductances for characteristic modes 1, N
[T], [U] Transformation matrices
The untransposed line model (LIN_3P) requires the current transformation of
eigenvectors as well as the modal parameters.
HLINPAR calculates the [Z], [Y] matrices and determines the eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of the product [Z] x [Y]. The current transformation matrix [Ti] and the modal
impedances corresponding to the eigenvalues are then calculated.
Although the transformation matrix [Ti] is frequency-dependent, it is assumed constant
over the frequency range of interest (f <= 3000 Hz). It is calculated at the nominal frequency as
defined in the HLINPAR dialog.
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The number of phases N is generally 3, but if at least one of the ground wires of the
concerned line is retained, N will be 4.
4.3 Typical Tower Layouts Supported in HLINPAR
Double Circuit Special Steel Tower
2- Neutrals
Conductors per phase: 1,2,3,or 4
Double Circuit Steel Tower
1- Neutral
Conductors per phase: 1,2,3,or 4
Double Circuit Steel Tower
2- Neutrals
Conductors per phase: 1,2,3,or 4
Single Circuit Steel Tower
2- Neutrals
Conductors per phase: 1,2,3,or 4
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Single Circuit Cross Rope Suspension Steel
2- Neutrals
Conductors per phase: 4
Single Circuit Guyed Steel Tower
2- Neutrals
Conductors per phase: 4
Single Circuit Rigid Tower
2- Neutrals
Conductors per phase: 4
Single Circuit Wood Tower
2- Neutrals
Conductors per phase 1,2,3,or 4
Single Circuit Generic Configuration
Neutrals: 0,1,or 2
Conductors per phase:1,2,3 or 4
Double Circuit Generic Configuration
Neutrals: 0,1,or 2
Conductors per phase:1,2,3 or 4
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
is the distance (center-to-center) between two adjacent conductors in
the same phase. Expressed in m.
Radius, GMR (Geometric Mean Radius) and resistance for the phase and neutral
conductors are to be given in the Conductor database. (See section
4.4.3 Cable Input Data). Select the conductors, or add new ones to
the database.
defines the horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) distance from some
arbitrary reference point on the ground plane to the center of each
phase bundle and neutral conductor. If two neutral wires are present,
enter the position of only one. The other is assumed to be
symmetrically arranged about a vertical line drawn through the
reference point.
influences the zero-sequence parameters. It is expressed in Ohm-m.
Hint: If you have no better information, you could use these typical
- Loam, chalk, clay 30 Ohm-m
- Moist organic soil -- 100 Ohm-m
- Stony ground -- 400 Ohm-m
- Rock, sand, gravel 1000 Ohm-m or more
is defined in the Study parameters.
4.4 Cable Parameters Calculations
4.4.1 Cables Parameters Calculation
Much like overhead transmission lines, the fundamental frequency electrical parameters
of underground cables are equally essential for system studies. The vast variety of cable
installations as well as the wide array of the various constructions encountered for underground
cables of all voltage classes makes it difficult to apply simple and unified analysis techniques for
this type of problem. The PSAF module, nevertheless, contains several standard, industry-
accepted techniques, in the form of Compute functions that provide the sought electrical
parameters with sufficient accuracy. More specifically, the calculating techniques embedded in
PSAF cover:
Three-conductor belted cables (up to 15 kV).
Three-conductor common sheath cables, (15 to 35 kV).
Single-conductor shielded cables (up to 69 kV).
Unshielded cables, of the low-voltage class-type, featuring no metallic parts.
Multi-wire concentric-neutral cables (for underground distribution circuits).
It is important to realize that the calculating techniques supported by PSAF do not
support additional metallic layers like armours, over sheaths, metallic binders, etc. that are often
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
encountered besides the standard sheath/concentric neutral arrangements, normally reserved for
return and/or circulating currents. The schematics, provided along with the support function data
requirements dialog boxes, clarify these issues beyond any doubt.
Either round or sector-type conductors are used in the three-conductor types. Consider
the diameter of a sector-shaped conductor to be 82 to 86% of the diameter of a round conductor
having the same cross-sectional area.
The interested reader can probe for further analytical details or for a closer look at the
techniques used by these PSAF supported functions in the following references:
The Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book (ABB), Chapter 4,
Electrical characteristics of cables.
Impedance and Fault Current calculations. Monogram by D.R. Smith,
Westinghouse Electric Corporation.
4.4.2 How to calculate cable parameters
The following are the steps to proceed for the calculation of the cable parameters from
the Cable Database dialog.
1. Select the Cable equipment type (See section 2.11.2 Editing Toolbar)
2. Click on the icon on the Editing Toolbar (section 2.11.2) to open the Cable
database entry dialog (section 3.5). As you know, the first tab Cable is for the entry
of basic information such as kV Level, Loading Limits and fundamental frequency
Impedance values. Once the data is defined, it will be available for all PSAF Analysis
3. Push the Compute button in that dialog box to open the Cable Impedance
Calculation dialog box - to calculate the 50 or 60 Hz series impedance and shunt
capacitance of the selected cable.
4.4.3 Cable Input Data
To better illustrate the cable impedance calculation, we will proceed, in the following
examples, to the data entry and the calculation of each cable type supported by this PSAF
The following is covered in this section:
Data entry and calculation of a three-conductor cable, below
Data entry and calculation of a 3 single-conductor cables, page 173
Data entry and calculation of an unshielded cable, page 175
Data entry and calculation of a multi-wire concentric neutral cable, page 177
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
CHAPTER 4 - LINE AND CABLE PARAMETER CALCULATIONS 171 Data entry and calculation of a three-conductor cable
Lets find the 60-Hz impedance of a 750-MCM three-conductor belted cable
having 0.1563 inches of conductor insulation and 0.133 inches of lead sheath. The
overall cable diameter is 2.833 inches and the conductors are sector-shaped with a
sector depth of 0.78 inches, a resistance of 0.091/mile and a GMR of 0.366 inches. The
diameter of an equivalent round conductor with the same cross-sectional area is 0.998
When you click on the Compute button as explained above, the following dialog
box is displayed:
This Cable Impedance Calculation dialog has three tabs: the first is designed
for shielded cables, the second for unshielded cables and the last one for the multi-wire
concentric neutral cables.
For this example, we should select the Shielded Cables tab and enter the
required parameters based on the given data.
Enter study parameters such as choice of units, earth resistivity (typical value
100 Ohm-m), and fundamental frequency of the system. These parameters
are used for the calculation of the zero-sequence electrical parameters. In
fact, PSAF calculates the zero-sequence electrical parameters of
shielded cables by assuming that part of the current returns through
the sheath while the rest through the ground.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Specify, in the Phase conductor characteristics group box, the conductor
data i.e.; external radius, GMR and DC resistance. A typical conductor can
be selected in the combo box displaying all conductors are already entered
in the current study database. To create a new conductor database or
modify an existing one, click the Access DB button to access the Conductor
Database dialog box, as shown below, for the 750 MCM conductor.
Recall that the 750 MCM conductor used in this example is not round but sector-
shaped; so the external radius to enter here is approximately 84% of the External
Diameter of an equivalent round conductor with same cross-sectional area which
diameter is 0.998 inches.
If the center axis of a conductor is made of dielectric materials or is hollow, then
the radius of the dielectric-axis is Internal Radius, but for 750-MCM in this example, all
cross-section is made of conductor material and it doesnt have dielectric axis so
Internal Diameter= 0.0 .
Therefore, from this assumption and the given data, we are able to type the
required data in this (above) dialog as follows:
External Diameter = 0.84*0.998 = 0.83832 inches
Internal Diameter = 0.0 inches
GMR = 0.366 inches
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
DC Resistance (25C) = 0.0910 ohms/mile
DC Resistance (50C) 0.1 ohms/mile
Click OK to update the Phase conductor characteristics values.
Identify the cable construction (3-core cable or 3 single-core cables) in the
Cable type section of the dialog box. Here, we select 3-core cable as stated
in the example. A bitmap illustrating the cable with the required data was
displayed above.
In the Sheath radius section of the dialog box, enter the inner sheath radius
(ri) and the outer sheath radius (ro) as illustrated in the cable bitmap. Since
the overall diameter of the cable is 2.833 inches, so the outer sheath radius
is half of this diameter i.e. ro = 2.833/2 = 1.417 inches.
Since lead sheath thickness is 0.133 inches so the inner sheath radius is the
outer sheath radius minus this value: ri = 1.417 0.133 = 1.284 inches.
Select the insulation of the cable from the registered materials and the
dielectric constant of this insulation will be displayed in the adjacent field. If
the cable insulation is not in the registered list, select Other insulation and
type in the value of the dielectric constant. The assumption made here is
that the belted insulation is of the same type as the core insulation.
Enter the distances between phases a, b and c. These distances Da-b, Db-
c, Da-c are illustrated also in the bitmap. In fact, in this example, these
distances are equal to the equivalent distance between the sectors, which
can be taken as the sector depth (0.78 inches), plus twice the conductor
insulation (0.156 inches). Therefore,
Da-b = Db-c = Da-c = 0.78 + 2*0.156 = 1.090 inches
Finally, once the required data are entered, click Compute to perform the
calculation. If the input data are correct, the 60-Hz impedance parameters
i.e. R1, X1, B1, R0, X0 and B0 are calculated and displayed in the window
next to the Compute button. Clicking OK will update the main cable database
with the calculated parameters expressed in the selected units. Data entry and calculation of a 3 single-conductor cables
Lets determine the 60-Hz impedance of 3-1 MCM single-conductor cables that
have been drawn into fiber conduits in the same horizontal plane (4.125 inches) between
adjacent conductors. The conductor insulation is 0.469 inches and the lead sheath is
0.125 inches thick.
Since we are dealing with a shielded cable, we stay in the same tab Shielded
Cables as the previous example.
The study parameters i.e. system of units, earth resistivity and fundamental
frequency of the system remain the same as in the first example.
From the PSAF conductors database, we select the conductor 1MCM, which
is the phase conductor of this cable. The parameters of this conductor i.e. its
external radius, its GMR and its DC resistance are displayed.
As for the cable construction, we select 3 single-core cables as specified in
the problem. With this cable type, we have the choice to take into account of
the sheath loss or not. For that, see the 3 single-core cables sheath
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
bonding section in the dialog. It is specified here that the term sheath
losses, signifies the sheath circulating losses due to currents flowing
driven by the sheath-induced voltages. The option Single-point (open)
means that the sheath losses are neglected since no circulating currents can
flow. Instead, the option Two point (shorted) means that they are taken into
account. In this example, we will neglect the sheath losses.
The conductor radius of 0.576 inches plus the insulation thickness of 0.469
inches makes the inner sheath radius (ri) = 1.045 inches. This ri plus the
sheath thickness 0.125 inches makes the outer sheath radius (ro) = 1.170
The 3 single-core cables are in the same horizontal plane and distant 4.125
inches to each other, therefore:
Da-b = Db-c = 4.125 inches and Da-c = 2*4.125 = 8.250 inches
Finally, once all the required data are entered, click Compute to perform the
calculation. If the input data are correct, the 60-Hz impedance parameters
(i.e. R1, X1, B1, R0, X0 and B0) are calculated and displayed in the window
next to the Compute button.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
CHAPTER 4 - LINE AND CABLE PARAMETER CALCULATIONS 175 Data entry and calculation of an unshielded cable
Now, lets calculate the 60-Hz impedance of an unshielded 3-phase 120/208 Volt
cable which is an assembly of three 500 MCM phase conductors arranged triangularly
and a 0000 AWG neutral conductor interposed between phases B and C. The insulation
thickness of the 500 MCM conductor is 0.156 inches and the one for the 0000 AWG
conductor is 0.078 inches.
For this cable type, the appropriate tab is Unshielded Cables from the Cable
Impedance Calculation dialog box.
As you can see in the following figures, up to three different arrangements for the
multiple conductors cables are supported:
Three-conductor triangular grouping
Three-conductor cradled grouping
Six-conductor bunched grouping
Concerning the 3 single-core cables, a generic arrangement with up to three
neutral conductors is supported.
Any random configuration of the phase and neutral conductors are allowed as
long as they are realistic.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
As usual, the study parameters i.e. system of units, earth resistivity and
fundamental frequency of the system should be specified.
From the PSAF conductors database, we select the phase conductor
500MCM. The parameters of this conductor (i.e. its external radius), its
internal radius and its DC resistance are displayed. The same process is
repeated for the neutral conductor, namely the 0000 AWG conductor.
As for the cable arrangement, this example dictates us to select Three-
conductor triangular grouping with one neutral conductor. A bitmap just
aside will display the selected cable configuration - giving the user a broad
picture to enter the coordinates of the conductors based on the reference
axis (X,Y).
The spreadsheet table requires the coordinates of each cable conductors to
be identified by its name: A, B, C or N (for example). The bitmap clearly
identifies theses names and the user has only to enter the correct
coordinates. The external radius of phase and neutral conductors, as well as
their insulation thickness, allow us to calculate the entered coordinates as
shown in the spreadsheet table.
Finally, once all the required data are entered, click Compute to perform the
calculation. If the input data are correct, the 60-Hz impedance parameters
i.e. R1, L1, B1, R0, L0 and B0 are calculated and displayed in the window
next to the Compute button. Clicking OK will update the main cable
database with the calculated parameters expressed in the selected units.
Note: The capacitance of single core unshielded cables is not normally of
interest. From the calculation point of view the capacitance is really not
determinable, since no metallic sheaths are present. What the
program calculates therefore is simply the capacitance with respect to
the ground level (as if calculating the transmission line capacitances). Data entry and calculation of a multi-wire concentric neutral cable
The following example calculation demonstrates the calculation of the sequence
self-impedances of a three-phase circuit with multi-wire concentric neutral. Consider a
15 kV class circuit made from cables with 1000 MCM aluminum phase conductor and 20
#10 copper neutral wires.
The three-phase conductors A, B and C have a flat spacing with Da-b, Db-c and
Da-c equal to 8, 8 and 16 inches respectively. The diameter over the phase conductor
insulation is 1.729 inches.
By following the same steps as the previous examples, all the required data are
entered in the Multi-wire Concentric Neutral Cables tab of the Cable Impedance
Calculation dialog box as indicated below.
The new data to be considered are:
The number of the concentric neutral wires around a phase conductor: 20.
The diameter over the phase conductor insulation that is 1.729 inches (in this
As before, click Compute to perform the calculation. If the input data are correct,
the 60-Hz impedance parameters (i.e. R1, L1, B1, R0, L0 and B0) are calculated and
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
displayed in the window next to the Compute button. Clicking OK will update the cable
database with the calculated parameters expressed in the selected units. Notes
The conductor radius, GMR (Geometric Mean Radius) and the resistance may
be found in published tables, such as the ones in the ABB T&D Reference Book. You
have the choice between Imperial units (inches) and SI units (cm.).
If the middle core axis of a conductor is made from dielectric materials, or is
hollow, then the radius of the middle core is Internal Radius for conductor.
The GMR is defined as the radius of a tubular conductor with an infinitesimally
thin wall that has the same external flux out to a radius of one foot (30.5 cm.) as the
internal and external flux of a solid conductor out to a radius of one foot. (ABB T&D
Book, p.36.) It is calculated as the N
root of the product of the N
distances between the
N subconductors (strands) of the conductor.
km D
1 1
= =
= where Dmm = 0.7788 x radius of a cylindrical strand.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Example: A conductor made up of 7 identical copper strands, each of radius R.
(From Elements of Power System Analysis by W.D. Stevenson)
Distances between conductors = measured center-to-center
Inner and outer radii of the sheath: Losses in the sheath are represented
by a small additional resistance computed using these values. A lead sheath
is assumed.
Geometric factor: It is applicable to the calculation of shunt susceptance. It
is determined from the ratio of the sheath inner radius, r
, to the conductor
radius, r. (It can also be expressed in terms of the conductor diameter d and
insulation thickness T.)
G = 2.303 log
(ri / r) = 2.303 log
(1 + 2T/d)
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
The shunt susceptance
( )( )
0.3483 f k
S km / /
where f is the frequency in Hz and k is the dielectric constant of the
Frequency is defined in the Study parameters (e.g. Study Parameters for
Load Flow , in the CYMFLOW, CYM-Motor-Start & CYM-AC Contingency,
Users Guide and Reference Manual.).
Dielectric constant
Hint: k = 3.0 for EPR, 2.5 for XLPE, 4.0 for Butyl Rubber, 8.0 for PVC.
Note: The calculation is valid for single-conductor cables and three-
conductor shielded cables. For three-conductor belted non-shielded
cables, reduce the calculated B1 by 20% to 40% and reduce B0 by
50%. (Pages 68 and 77 of ABB T&D Book.)
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Chapter 5 Editing the Network
5.1 File extensions
A PSAF Study (*.stu) is the combination of a Network and a set of simulation
A PSAF Network is the combination of a network (*.nwt) file and a set of databases,
which are stored together in a directory.
The Network (*.nwt) file not only contains a description of the buses and the
equipment connected to them, but also contains a reference to the appropriate
database directory. This ensures that PSAF looks to the correct databases each
time the network is opened, even if another set of databases was in use previously.
The databases store the intrinsic characteristics of the network equipment, such as
nameplate ratings.
The network file refers to items in the databases to establish the data that appear in
the main tab of each equipment dialog box. See Chapter 3.
The study (*.stu) file refers to the databases to establish the supplementary data.
(These data appear in the auxiliary tabs of each equipment dialog box. See
Chapter 3.)
Examples: The rated MVA, voltage and impedances of a generator are stored in the
network, but the choice of exciter model (if any) would be stored in the
The torque-speed characteristic for the load on an induction motor may
be changed in a study, but the motor itself is part of the network.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
5.2 Overview of creation and editing
Creating and editing the network description consists of four activities:
creating buses
creating equipment in the databases (if not already defined there)
connecting equipments to the buses
fine-tuning the equipment settings
Note: Initially, the Network Window is absent from the screen. To begin work, it is
necessary to open a network. Refer to section 1.6 Using PSAF for steps on how
to open a new or existing network.
PSAF offers two methods of viewing and editing the network: on the One Line Diagram
(OLD) and through Tables. Use the View > Viewspaces options to display your network using
either or both methods. See section 2.4 View Menu. The Editing Toolbar (section 2.11.2)
comprises two buttons to do the same.
Editing directly on the One Line diagram is convenient for small networks (< 200 buses)
such as industrial systems, but you may find it more convenient to edit very large networks
through the tables.
If you edit the network using the One-Line View Mode (section 5.4), PSAF
continuously displays the network graphically, and you use the mouse and icons to connect
equipment to the network buses. Clicking on equipment symbols opens Dialog boxes in which
you choose specific devices from the databases and adjust their settings. You may arrange the
network appearance.
If you edit the network using the Table View Mode (section 5.5), you open tables for
buses and equipment types (such as lines or loads). You connect equipment by identifying the
bus(es) to which it is connected. You may choose specific equipment from the available
database entries and open the Dialog boxes to edit their settings.
Note: You may keep the One Line Diagram view open while you work in the tables.
Your changes appear on the One Line Diagram as you make them.
5.3 Opening a Network
To create a project or a network, please refer to section 1.6 Using PSAF.
Once your file is active:
To open the One Line view, click on the icon in the Editing Toolbar. This is
equivalent to selecting the View > Viewspaces > One Line Diagram command.
To open the Table view, click on the icon in the Editing Toolbar. This is
equivalent to selecting the View > Viewspaces > Table Edit menu command.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
5.4 One-Line View Mode
To edit a new or existing network using the One-Line View Mode, you will need the
Symbol sidebar and the OLD Editing toolbar.
To display the Symbol sidebar, refer to section 1.5.2 Project View Sidebar.
To display the OLD Editing toolbar, select the View > Toolbar menu option. The buttons
included in the O.L.D. Editing are described in section 2.11.4 See also the Tools > Customize >
Toolbars menu option in section 2.8 for further details.
5.4.1 Creating a new Bus
1. Click on the Bus symbol on the Symbol sidebar, as shown below.
2. Hold the mouse button down and drag the bus symbol into the One Line window.
3. Place the bus where desired and release the mouse button.
The Bus dialog box then opens. See section 3.2 Bus dialog box. Once you click OK in
that dialog box, the symbol will be created on the one-line.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
The Bus symbol is oriented horizontally by default. You may orient it vertically BEFORE
you place the bus by pressing the arrow keys ().
To change the orientation AFTER placing the bus, click on the bus symbol and click the
Rotate button in the toolbar.
Enable the Grid and Snap-to-grid options to help you align buses and
equipment symbols so that the drawing looks better. The grid is an array of colored dots,
and snap-to-grid forces the bus or equipment symbol to align itself to the nearest grid
point(s) as you drag it with the mouse.
The Orthogonal option helps you to connect branches by vertical and horizontal
lines. To connect by diagonal lines, de-activate it. PSAF will help you to draw vertically
and horizontally. See section 2.11.4 O.L.D. Editing Toolbar.
5.4.2 Connect a New Equipment to the Network
1. Zoom in a little on the work area. (See section Zoom)
2. Click on the appropriate equipment symbol on the SymbolTool Bar.
3. Hold down the mouse button and drag the symbol into the One Line. (You may
release the mouse button.)
4. Press one of the arrow keys () to set the direction in which to draw the
symbol. If you try to connect an equipment horizontally, then the bus(es) should
be vertical, and vice versa.
5. Click on a bus in the One-line to connect the equipment to it.
6. Click on a second bus to connect the other end of the equipment, if it is a branch.
Click on a third bus if you are connecting a three-port equipment.
The equipment symbol appears in the One-line when the connection is complete.
When connecting to a bus (Figure 1), click and hold down the mouse button.
Then slide the cursor over the bus symbol until the cursor becomes thicker and
brighter (Figure 2). Release the mouse button.
Figure 1
Figure 2
To interrupt the connection process, click on the icon, or press the
Escape key or click on both the left and right mouse buttons simultaneously.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
5.4.3 Example: Connecting a Generator
Step 1 Click and drag the generator symbol. The cross-hair cursor displays an
arrowhead indicating the direction in which the symbol will be drawn. The generator
symbol is also shown in dotted lines if you hold the mouse button down. (Press an
arrow key to change the direction, if desired.)
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Step 2 Drag the cursor onto a bus, click and release the mouse button
Step 3 Click on the generator symbol and drag it along the bus or flip it above
5.4.4 Edit an Equipment in the Network
1. Select the equipment by clicking on its symbol (Section Select an
2. Double-right-click anywhere on OLD. OR click on the Show dialog icon in
the O.L.D. Editing Toolbar (Section 2.11.4). OR right-click on the symbol to
display its context-menu and select the Properties option (See section -
Context Menus).. OR double left click on the component symbol.
3. Edit the data in the equipment dialog box. (See Chapter 3.)
5.4.5 Move an Equipment from One Bus to Another
1. Zoom in a little on the work area.
2. Select the equipment by clicking on its symbol.
3. Click on the Re-connect equipment icon in the O.L.D. Editing Toolbar
(Section 2.11.4). Or right click on the equipment to display its Context-menu and
select the Re-Connect option.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
4. If you wish, you may rotate your equipment by pressing an arrow key ().
5. Click on the other bus(es) to connect the equipment there.
Hint: Once you have selected your equipment (step 2), you may also use Edit >
Cut followed by Edit > Paste.
5.4.6 Move a Bus
1. Select the bus by clicking on its symbol.
2. Click and hold down the left mouse button. Move the mouse.
3. Release the mouse button.
5.4.7 Move Part of the Network
1. Select all the buses you want to move by pressing and holding down the Shift
key while left-clicking on each of the bus symbols. Release the "Shift" key. You
can also hold down the Shift key and click and drag a box around all the items
you want to select.
2. Click on the move icon in the O.L.D. Editing Toolbar (Section 2.11.4).
3. Click and hold down the left mouse button. Move the mouse.
4. Release the mouse button.
Hint: Use the Grid and Snap-to-grid options to help you to align buses and
equipment symbols so that the drawing looks better.
5.4.8 Copy an Equipment
1. Zoom in a little on the work area.
2. Select the equipment by clicking on its symbol.
3. Click on the Copy button in the O.L.D. Editing Toolbar (Section 2.11.4) or
right-click on the equipment symbol to open its Context-menu and select the
Copy option.
Hint: You can use the Edit > Copy menu option followed by Edit > Paste if you
Hint: Don't forget you can simply increase the quantity of an equipment (Duplic
factor) (See section 3.1.2 Equipment Dialog Boxes).
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
5.4.9 Copy and Paste Part of the Network
This tool is very useful when the network has many similar sub-networks.
1. Zoom in a little on the work area.
2. Hold the Shift key down and select the components you wish to copy by
clicking on their symbols. Release the "Shift" key. You can also hold down the
Shift key and click and drag a box around all the items you want to select, to
get them all at once.
3. Click on the Copy button in the O.L.D. Editing Toolbar (Section 2.11.4) or
press Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Insert.
4. Press Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert to paste your selection into the One Line
Diagram and place it where you want it. All the pasted equipment and buses will
be assigned generic names (example: L1, L2, etc. for lines).
If you are trying to copy some equipment other than buses, only the ones
that have all their connected buses also selected will be copied.
5.4.10 Delete an equipment
1. Select the equipment by clicking on its symbol.
2. Click on the Delete button in the O.L.D. Editing Toolbar (Section 2.11.4) or
press the Del key. You can also right-click on the equipment symbol to open
context-menu and select the Delete option.
5.4.11 Delete part of the network
1. Select all the components you want to delete by pressing and holding down the
Shift key and by clicking on the components symbols. Note that if you select a
bus without selecting all its connected equipment, it will not be deleted. Release
the "Shift" key.
2. Click on the Delete button in the O.L.D. Editing Toolbar (Section 2.11.4) or
press the Del key.
5.4.12 Undelete an equipment
1. Click the Undelete button in the O.L.D. Editing Toolbar (Section 2.11.4).
2. Connect the equipment as though it were new (Section 5.4.2 Connect a New
Equipment to the Network).
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
5.4.13 Disable/Enable an equipment without deleting it
1. Select the equipment by clicking on its symbol.
2. Click on the Disable/Enable icon in the O.L.D. Editing Toolbar (Section
2.11.4) or right-click on the equipment symbol to open its context-menu and
select the Disable/Enable option.
5.4.14 Locate (Find) a Network component on the One-line-Diagram(OLD)
PSAF offers at least three ways to center and highlight a network component on OLD, as
1. Double click on the Component-ID in the Network tab of the Detailed View
Sidebar (section 1.5.3):
2. Using the combo boxes of the Editing Toolbar (section 2.11.2) at the top of the
a. Choose the type of equipment in the combo-box on the left.
b. Then, select the desired component ID name in the combo-box on the
right, as illustrated below:
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
3. By using the Select a component to locate dialog box (Refer to following image
for visual details) :
a. Click on the Find button in the Standard Toolbar (section 2.11.1) or
use the Edit > Find Equipment menu option. The dialog box will
b. Select a group type. The groups are Equipment, Controllers or UDMs
(Controllers and UDMs are used with CYMSTAB). In our example, we
select Equipment.
c. Select the equipment type by using the Select a type combo-box. Then
the corresponding list of equipments will appear at the top of the dialog
box. Double-click on one of the equipment IDs in this list (or click on the
one of equipment IDs and click on the Locate button inside the dialog
box). PSAF will then will highlight the equipment on the OLD and center
the center the diagram based on that point.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
5.4.15 How Center the view on an equipment:
1. Select the equipment by clicking on its symbol.
2. Click on the Center Selection button in the Editing Toolbar (section 2.11.2).
5.4.16 Hide parts of the One-line-Diagram(OLD)
If the network is large, you might want to display only part of it.
1. Select the View > Filter O.L.D. menu option, and the following window will
2. Select one of the options in the drop down list and then click on to set the
selection part of network as necessary.
By area gives you the possibility to filter the network according to its
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
By kV shows you the list of Voltage Levels in the network and by
choosing each voltage, PSAF will only show you the
components of the selected voltage.
By rings
(1, 2, 3, or 4)
will show the equipments connected to the bus(es) you choose,
up to 1, 2, 3 or 4 branches away.
By Zone will show you the list of available zones from which you can
filter the network.
Show All is the default option.
Example: showing only the network buses up to one branch away (by rings1)
from a given bus (B-1)
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
5.4.17 Colors of the OLD
You may change the colors on the OLD using the Options dialog box displayed from
Tools-> Options menu option.
To change equipment symbols color in OLD:
1. Open the Options dialog box.
2. In the Individual Coloring group box, select One-line diagram.
3. Click the Modify combo-box to open the colors menu, and from there you can
choose the desired color.
You proceed the same way for any other item listed in the Individual coloring box, such
as the network window background, selected components (Highlighted), overloaded equipments,
To choose a color for a specific group of network components, use the Group Coloring
options at the bottom of the dialog:
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Example: To define group coloring by Kv Base:
1. Select by Kv Base in the Group coloring section.
2. Click the New or the Modify button depending on if you already have coloring
options or not, and the following dialog will open:
3. Enter the description and desired settings. (The width ratio is the thickness at
which the connection lines between equipments and buses will be drawn)
4. Click the OK button and you should see the new group coloring option appear in
the list, as follow:
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
5.4.18 Title Block for the Network (User Defined Label)
To add a title, description or any text on the OLD:, click on the User-defined label button
in the symbol sidebar and drag the label on the OLD at the desired location. Then double-click on
the label to display its corresponding Tag Properties dialog box and change the text to whatever
you need and click OK.
5.5 Table View Mode
The Table View mode allows you to work with one equipment type per table. You may
open as many of the Tables as you wish. This method of data entry is faster for large networks.
To open a Table for a specific equipment type:
1. Click on the equipment symbol in the Symbol Tool Bar (See Section 1.5.2
Project View Sidebar).
Select the desired equipment type in the list at the top of the screen.
2. Click on the Show Table icon in the Editing Toolbar (section 2.11.2). See
the example below.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
You may open more than one table, by repeating the above steps. Each table appears
as a tab in the dialog box, as illustrated above for Lines and Buses. (You can close a tab by
right-clicking on any cell of the active sheet and choosing Close Current Page from the
contextual menu described below.)
The tables feature the same information than the equipment dialog boxes (see Chapter
3) used in One Line View. Please refer to the explanations found in Chapter 3.
You can increase or decrease the width of each column by placing the mouse cursor
on the edge of the column heading, clicking and dragging.
You can sort the rows according to a column heading by double-clicking on the
column heading. Double-click again to sort in reverse order.
Hint: It is recommended to start by creating the table of buses. Then it is easier to connect
equipment in their respective tables.
Enter new buses or equipment by typing the ID name in the ID field of a blank row.
Default data will be filled in for the other cells (copied from the immediately previous row if there
is one).
Change the text in a cell by clicking (or double-clicking to highlight) on the text inside the
cell. When you click on a cell that requests a bus or equipment name or a database entry, PSAF
offers you a list from which to choose, so that you do not have to type the name. This is
illustrated below for the database entry of a Line. Press the Enter key or click in another cell to
register the change.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Edit the database by clicking on the browse button, as illustrated below.
You can choose the position of each tables tab. See following illustration.
Open the Equipment dialog box, as if working in One Line View, by right-clicking in any
cell in the row and then choosing Open Equipment Dialog from the contextual menu.
Locate the row for a bus or an equipment by clicking right in any cell and choosing
Find Equipment from the menu. Select from the list and click Locate.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Delete rows by selecting their row numbers and pressing the Del key.
Disable an equipment by unchecking the checkbox next to its name under the Status
5.6 Input Data Report
(Main menu>Report>Input Data Report)
This option produces a report of all the data that composes the network. It can produce
this report on the one-line diagram and in a tabular format.
Impedances may be expressed in Ohms, or in per-unit on equipment or network base.
Numerical data for Duplicated Equipments may be combined as if for a single equivalent
equipment (The heading Duplic Info = combined) or shown for one of the identical units (Duplic
Info = individual). Example: Three 200 MVA generators may be described as one 600 MVA
unit (combined) or as three 200 MVA units (individual). You may also decide to report the total
impedance of a line or cable instead of its per length value and you may decide to report the
transient stability, harmonics or motor start extra information as well.
The content of the information displayed on the one-line diagram is explained in the
Customize labels option (See section 2.7 Report Menu).
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
If the Show Tabular Reports check box is activated, clicking OK will display a
spreadsheet report of all data pertaining to equipments and buses connected in the network. For
Right-click to obtain the menu shown. You may print each page separately, or you may
export the report to MS Excel or to an HTML format readable with Internet Explorer.
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Appendix A Representation of Transformers in Zero-
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
Accessing a protective device............... 151
Activate HLINPAR................................. 154
Activation of the inrush current effect in the
network............................................... 119
Advanced Editing Mode......................... 142
Analysis Menu ......................................... 48
Auto Transformer................................... 144
Auto Xmer in the network ...................... 145
Building a network ................................... 15
Bus........................................................... 69
Bus Tie..................................................... 71
Bus Way .................................................. 72
Bus Way in the Network .......................... 73
Cable ....................................................... 74
Cable Input Data.................................... 170
Cable Parameters Calculations............. 169
Cables in the Network ............................. 77
Cables Parameters Calculation............. 169
Center the view on an equipment.......... 191
Colors of the OLD.................................. 193
Computer System Requirements .............. 2
Connect a New Equipment to the Network
........................................................... 184
Copy an Equipment ............................... 187
Copy and Paste Part of the Network..... 188
Create a new Bus.................................. 183
Creating a network .................................. 13
Creating a new project............................. 11
Data entry and calculation of a 3 single-
conductor cables................................ 173
Data entry and calculation of a multi-wire
concentric neutral cable..................... 176
Data entry and calculation of a three-
conductor cable.................................. 171
Data entry and calculation of an unshielded
cable................................................... 175
Data Input in HLINPAR..................156, 161
Database Dialog Boxes........................... 65
Database Menu ....................................... 47
Delete an equipment ............................. 188
Delete part of the network ..................... 188
Disable/Enable an equipment ............... 189
Edit an Equipment in the Network ......... 186
Edit Menu................................................. 42
Editing the Network ............................... 181
Editing Toolbar ........................................ 59
Equipment Dialog Boxes ......................... 66
Connecting a Generator.....................185
Example 1 - Data entry of a 3-phase 345 kV
Example 2 - Generic data entry example of
a 3-phase 345 kV line ........................159
Export ASCII ............................................33
Export CYMFLOW DOS (NND)............31
Export one line diagram...........................32
Export PSS/E...........................................30
Export Study ............................................29
Export Wizard ..........................................28
File extensions.......................................181
File Menu .................................................19
Fixed-Tap Transformers in the Network116
Fuse / LVCB / Recloser / Relay /
Miscellaneous ....................................151
Generator, Induction (IG).........................82
Generator, Synchronous..........................79
Generators in the Network.......................80
Getting Started...........................................1
Grounding Transformer .........................131
Grounding Transformer in the Network .132
Help Menu................................................58
Hide parts of the One-line......................191
HLINPAR Input Data..............................155
HLINPAR results............................158, 163
How HVDC Lines operate in CYMFLOW86
How to calculate cable parameters .......170
HVDC Line...............................................85
HVDC Lines in the Network.....................86
Import ASCII ............................................27
Import CYME DOS and other formats.....24
Import existing network............................22
Import Wizard...........................................21
Import zip archive ....................................23
Induction Generator in network ...............84
Induction Motors in the Network ..............98
Input Data Report ..................................198
Inrush current data.................................118
Inrush current model ..............................117
Installing PSAF for Windows .....................2
Introduction ................................................1
LIN_3P, Untransposed N-phase distributed
LIN_3PB, Transposed 3-phase distributed
PSAF Basics & Editing Users Guide and Reference Manual
LIN_3PCB, Transposed 3-phase distributed,
frequency dependent ......................... 164
Line.......................................................... 89
Line Parameters Calculation with HLINPAR
........................................................... 153
Line Parameters Calculations ............... 153
Lines in the Network................................ 92
Loads in the Network............................... 94
Loads, Non-rotating................................. 93
Locate (Find) an equipment in the One-line
........................................................... 189
MCC (Motor Control Center) ................. 139
MCC Naming Convention...................... 143
Menus and Toolbars................................ 19
Motor, Induction....................................... 96
Motor, Synchronous .............................. 101
Mouse Commands .................................... 7
Move a Bus............................................ 187
Move an Equipment from One Bus to
Another............................................... 186
Move Part of the Network...................... 187
Moving the Toolbars and Sidebars............ 7
Mutual Coupling..................................... 129
Network Equipment Data......................... 65
Network Menu ......................................... 44
Network Protector.................................. 103
Network Window........................................ 4
Normal Editing Mode............................. 141
O.L.D. Editing Toolbar ............................. 61
One-Line View Mode............................. 183
Opening a Study/Network...................... 182
Other Toolbars......................................... 63
Overview of creation and editing........... 182
Overview of Dialog Boxes ....................... 65
Phase Shifting Transformers in the Network
........................................................... 121
Preferences Settings ............................... 33
Print the One Line Diagram..................... 16
Protection Devices................................. 150
PSAF Files................................................. 3
PSAF GUI .................................................. 4
Reactive Power Regulating Transformers in
the Network........................................ 123
Reactor, Series...................................... 105
Report Menu............................................ 49
Representation of Transformers in Zero-
Sequence........................................... 201
Running PSAF for Windows ......................3
Series Compensation ..............................78
Series Reactors in the Network.............106
Detailed View .........................................5
Project View ...........................................4
Special Harmonic Line Models supported by
Standard Toolbar .....................................58
Study Toolbar...........................................60
SVC (Static Var Compensator)..............107
SVCs in the Network.............................108
Switch ....................................................109
Switchable Shunt ...................................110
Synchronous Motors in the Network......102
Table View Mode...................................195
Three-Winding Auto Xmer .....................147
Three-Winding Auto Xmer in the network148
Three-Winding Transformers in the Network
Title Block for the Network.....................195
Tools Menu ..............................................53
Transformer, Fixed-tap ..........................111
Transformer, Phase-shifting ..................120
Transformer, Reactive power regulating122
Transformer, Three-winding ..................124
Transformer, Voltage-regulating (TCUL)126
Typical Tower Layouts Supported in
Undelete an equipment..........................188
Using PSAF .............................................11
Using the Project view.............................11
Utility Connection...................................128
View Menu ...............................................45
Voltage Regulating Transformers in the
Network ..............................................127
WECS DFIG...........................................137
WECS DFIG in the Network ..................138
WECS HVDC.........................................135
WECS HVDC in the Network.................136
WECS-IG in the Network.......................134
Windows Menu ........................................57
Zig Zag Winding for Transformers.........115