Star Wars The Cold War
Star Wars The Cold War
Star Wars The Cold War
Star Wars
The Cold War
It is a dark time for the Galactic Republic. Three hundred years ago, Jedi Knights Revan and Malak, heroes
of the Mandalorian Wars, fell into darkness, turned against the Republic, and sparked the Jedi Civil War, a war
which left the Republic on the brink of collapse. In the end Malak was killed, and Revan returned to the light
only to disappear into the Unknown Regions. Only due to the heroic actions of Meetra Surik, an exiled Jedi
who served under Revan in the Mandalorian Wars, was the Republic saved from destruction before she, too,
disappeared, seeking the whereabouts of Revan.
Neither Revan nor Surik were heard from again.
Thirty years ago, the evil Sith Empire emerged from the Unknown Regions with an armada, swiftly reclaiming
their ancient homeworld of Korriban. After securing the services of the majority of Mandalorian clans, they
openly attacked the Republic and the Jedi. The war was swift and brutal, culminating in the sacking of the Jedi
Temple on Coruscant, slamming a shuttle through the front doors. Many Jedi died that day.
After the Sacking of Coruscant ten years ago, the Republic Senate was forced to sign the Treaty of Coruscant,
putting an end to the Second Sith War. This, however, was merely a stalling tactic, giving the Republic time
to recover and regain their strength. However, the Sith are also doing the same. War is brewing, and smaller
conflicts are breaking out in all sectors; some of these conflicts are supported by the Empire, others by the
The Jedi, ever the defenders of peace and justice in the Republic, have relocated to their ancient homeworld of
Tython in the Deep Core. The Sith have pressed anyone in the Empire who shows the slightest hint of Force
Sensitivity into the Sith Academy on Korriban, where acolytes either become Sith ... or die. Politicians and
nobles - as well as Sith Lords and criminal masterminds - on Coruscant and the Imperial capital of Dromund
Kaas vie for supremacy over their respective worlds.
And then there's the Hutt Cartel. From their adopted homeworld of Nal Hutta (which means "glorious jewel" in
Huttese), the Hutts scheme in the shadows maneuvering to become the third major player in the Galaxy. Nal
Hutta's moon Nar Shaddaa, also known as the Smugglers Moon, is considered neutral ground for the Republic
and Empire alike. It is to this moon, a cityscape that rivals Coruscant's own, that an unlikely group of heroes
has felt an inexplicable pull. . . .
Okay, now that the opening scroll is out of the way, let me describe what I have in mind for the game. This is
a game set in the same era as the MMO The Old Republic, but in no way will the end result be set in stone.
There's plenty of room for other tales.
I try and run a fairly cinematic game, with lesser enemies using the mook rules: they go down easy and
will never defend themselves, but won't press an advantage. More notable enemies, however, will use the
same rules as the PCs. I reward folks for good roleplaying and for doing stuff that looks cool - the better the
description of the action, the more likely it is to succeed.
One other note about my GMing style: I am a seat-of-the-pants GM, so I will probably make mistakes about
some things, particularly where the canon is concerned. (If anyone asks, "I am altering the canon.") I make
things up as I go along, and sift through the chaos to find patterns of order. One thing I will NOT do is make
decisions for your character or "let the Force" tell you where you "need" to be, even if your character concept
demands it. (Such a concept would probably be denied.)
Characters may be from the Republic, the Empire, Hutt Space, or any number of smaller, independent regions.
What I don't want are folks that have active ties to either the Jedi or Sith Orders, even if you have been
trained by either. (Ties to other organizations, such as the Republic Strategic Information Service, Imperial
Intelligence, or the military of any faction, are still valid.)
Also, no character should own their own starship. One will be provided to the party, but whether it will be
assigned to, stolen by, or on loan to y'all is entirely up to you.
The game is currently "invite only", with the following players on the invite list: Robin, Leto, warcabbit,
GenoFoxx, Kael, and Cyndane, with Kalzazz, Cube, and Poorman on the bench in case some folks can't make
Chargen Details
Characters will be built using GURPS 4e.
Starting Point Value: 400 points.
Disadvantage Limit: -100 points. No limit for Quirks, but don't overdo them.
Tech Level: TL11^, safetech path. Standard Star Wars technology; no nanotech.
Starting Wealth: $75,000, modified by Wealth level. Each point spent on Signature Gear nets $37,500 worth
of gear. Between 50% and 80% of your starting wealth should go towards mundane sundries (buzz fabric
clothing, comlink or holocommunicator, datapad, etc.) that you don't have to account for on your sheet.
Available Races: Any of the 127 movie races, with the exception of Ewoks and Kaminoans, plus Cathar,
Falleen, Lepi, Miraluka, Pureblood Sith, and Zeltron; the most numerous are, in order: Human, Duros, Twi'lek,
and Zabrak. Astromech and Humanoid Droid may also be acceptable as PCs; other droid types (such as
tripedal combat models and repulsorlift probe droids) will be handled on a case by case basis. Racial packages
available on request. (Edit: I'm working on racial packages for a few of the more common or notable species.)
Occupations: Almost every template in Space is acceptable. I'm working on a number of setting-specific
Special: All Force Sensitives start play with 5 Light Side Points and 5 Dark Side Points (collectively, Force
Points) with which to influence die rolls (as per Power-Ups 5: Impulse Buys). Those without the Force
Sensitive trait start play with 5 Action Points for the same purposes. These reset at the start of every session,
except when we pause during a fight. See also Dark Side Taint, below, for additional information.
Social Background
Every non-Human race has its own language, it seems. Due to this diversity, protocol droids who act
as translators (and cultural advisors) are omnipresent in galactic society. Folks who distrust droids often turn
to the use of universal translators, which are often built into their comlinks.
The following languages are considered "trade" languages in their respective areas:
Galactic Basic - Using the Aurabesh script, this is the lingua franca of the Republic and the Sith
Empire. It can also be written in the High Galactic script (Latin alphabet) and Old Tionese script (Greek
alphabet), which are more common on the Outer Rim.
Binary/DroidSpeak - A rapid language designed for use by droids and computer systems; most
organic life can learn to understand it but almost never speak it.
Huttese - The official language of Hutt Space and common throughout the Mid and Outer Rims, this
is the language of the Hutts. (Even Hutts who can speak Basic often refuse to, preferring to speak this "more
civilized" tongue instead.) Huttese uses its own script (which often resembles claw marks).
Sith - The language of the original Sith species, which is still taught at the Sith Academy on Korriban.
Many ancient Sith holocrons and written records use this language. There are two written forms: Common
Sith and a more ornate script known as High Sith. (These scripts highly resembles the ancient Hebrew script.)
Mando'a - Also known as "Mandalorian" in common usage, this is (not surprisingly) the language
spoken by Mandalorians. It uses its own script.
A few other languages are noteworthy:
Shyriiwook - The native language of the Wookiees of Kashyyyk, this is a guttural language which most
other species cannot easily duplicate, but can learn to understand. An unusual aspect is that Wookiees with
a speech impediment (in GURPS terms, the Stuttering disadvantage) are actually easier for non-Wookiees
to understand! (Wookiees with Stuttering should treat it as an Advantage, with a positive point cost, not a
Cultural Familiarities
While each planet and species can be said to have its own culture, in GURPS terms the following
Cultural Familiarities are in play:
Core Worlds - The central worlds of the Republic, consisting of the Deep Core, the Core Worlds, the
Colonies, and the Inner Rim. This is the center of civilization, and has been for over twenty thousand years.
The Jedi have held sway here for millennia, assisting and serving the Republic.
Rim Worlds - The outlying reaches of the Republic, consisting of the Expansion Region, the Mid Rim,
the Outer Rim Territories, and Wild Space. This area is considered to be the frontier of the known galaxy; Wild
Space also includes colonies and alien homeworlds located in the various satellite galaxies (such as the Rishi
Maze). Many Jedi are located here, although their numbers tend to be thinner and most never stay in one
place for any significant length of time.
Hutt Space - Although composed of worlds lying in the Mid and Outer Rim, Hutt Space consists
of worlds controlled and influenced by the Hutts. Any Jedi found here are transients at best, and often
considered troublemakers - or even criminals, if a crime lord or a Hutt takes a dislike to them!
Sith Empire - Deep in the far reaches of the galaxy, between the Outer Rim and the Unknown
Regions, lies the Sith Empire. This is home to a highly regimented, human-centric culture ruled by an immortal
Emperor and governed by a council of Dark Lords of the Sith.
Hapes Consortium - Located in an area of space in the Inner and Expansion Rims otherwise
inaccessible to the outside hyperspace lanes. A matriarchal society, Hapan males - even those of noble
birth - often turn to piracy. Because of an incident early in their history, Jedi and other Force-using traditions
(including the Sith) are distrusted. Fortunately, Hapans also tend to be isolationist.
Chiss Ascendancy - Located in the Unknown Regions, the Chiss are blue-skinned near-Humans with
solid red eyes who are the only official allies of the Sith Empire. Despite their alliance, the Chiss have a code
of honor which prohibits preemptive strikes (the penalty for which is permanent exile). Jedi are completely
unknown here, and even the Sith have a minimal presence.
Force Sensitive (New!)
5 points
You are sensitive to Force-based phenomena, although your ability to interpret the sensations is
dependent upon your training. In addition, you have the potential to learn to use the Force; whether you
decide to do so or not is entirely up to you. This is a prerequisite for any ability with the Force as a power
source; in all other respects, it is analogous to Magery 0 in both use and any modifiers that may be applied.
Dark Side Taint (New!)
-3 points per level
Calling upon your darker emotions - anger, fear, hate, lust, vengefulness, etc - to give a boost to your
use of the Force is the path to the Dark Side. Using the Dark Side for any purpose - even in the pursuit of
noble ends! - means the Force user has to roll once that day verses his Will plus the highest of any of his
Force Power Talents at a penalty equal to the number of Dark Side Points used that day to avoid accumulating
Dark Side Taint. If a character uses Light Side Points to influence this roll, he permanently loses those Light
Side Points. A Force User may gain up to 10 levels of Dark Side Taint; at that point, he should lose all virtuous
disadvantages (possibly replacing them with less benevolent counterparts).
Please note that while it is possible to use earned XP to buy off the Taint, this should only be available
following an extended period of not using the Dark Side for any reason, possibly only after using Light Side
Points to influence rolls rather than Dark Side Points. It is always the GM's call as to whether a character can
buy off any levels of Taint.
Code of Honor
-5/-10/-15 points
Of the Codes in the Basic Set, the following are common in the Galaxy: Pirate's, Professional,
Gentleman's, and Soldier's. In addition, the following Codes of Honor are prevalent:
Life-Debt: Should someone save your life, you will do everything in your power to aid and protect this
person, putting his life above yours; if your death means he lives, then you die knowing your debt has been
fulfilled. -15 points.
Mandalorian's: Be skilled at arms, respect those who display great strength, obey the edicts of
Mandalore and your Clan leaders, constantly strive for greater honor and glory, and answer the call of
Mandalore. -10 points.
Beam Weapons (DX/E)
Alongside the specialties of Pistol and Rifle, there are two new specialties that appear in the setting:
Squad Support Weapon (SSW): Any beam weapon that is slightly heavier than a rifle yet still man-
portable, usually fired from a bipod while prone or from the waist, similar to a modern LMG or GPMG.
Wrist Blaster: Any beam weapon worn on the wrist or forearm.
Driving (DX/A)
Landspeeders use the Hovercraft specialty, while military walkers use the Mecha specialty. In addition,
there is one new specialty for the setting:
Hovercycle: Used for any high-speed craft that is handled like a motorcycle but uses a contragrav
system, such as the Swoop, S-Swoop, and military-issue speeder-bikes. Defaults: Motorcycle-2, other Driving-
4. Motorcycle and Hovercraft both default to Hovercycle at -2.
Force Saber (DX/A)
Default: DX-5, Force Sword-3, or other Fencing skill at -3.
This skill is the fencing variant of the Force Sword skill.
Force Staff (DX/H) (New!)
Default: DX-6, Force Sword-4, Spear-4, Staff-3.
You are skilled at the use of the double-bladed lightsaber, also known as the saberstaff. Invented
by Jedi Knight Exar Kun when he declared himself a Sith Lord, based off schematics discovered in a Sith
holocron, the saberstaff is harder to master than a typical lightsaber.
Those who study this skill often also take Schtick (Saberstaff Twirling). With this Schtick, either you can
make an Intimidate check as a free action, or you can take a full Ready maneuver on your next turn and get +4
to Intimidate.
Guns (DX/E)
The most common specialties are Grenade Launcher, Light Anti-armor Weapon, Shotgun, and Wrist
Piloting (DX/A)
A few clarifications on various specialties:
Aerospace covers crossing between the vacuum of space and the atmosphere of a planet, primarily
during reentry. This most commonly applies to shuttles and light freighters; most starfighter pilots use it at
default during the transit.
Contragravity is one I tend to avoid in my games, but others will probably see fit to use it for civilian
airspeeders, heavy airbuses, combat gunships, and other subsonic repulsorlift aircraft that lack wings. (As
they possess wings, combat airspeeders and skyhoppers use aircraft specialties.)
Flight Pack covers jet and rocket packs, most commonly worn for short-range flights by bounty hunters
and Mandalorians.
High-Performance Airplane, as noted above, is used for combat airspeeders and skyhoppers that
possess wings, even if they also use repulsorlift technology. This specialty is also used for flying starfighters in
atmospheric combat.
High-Performance Spacecraft is used for flying starfighters, fast personal cruisers, light corvettes, and
light freighters, primarily during combat situations.
Hyperspace does not exist as a piloting specialty in this setting. Hyperspace travel is dependent on
Navigation (Hyperspace) for plotting the course along mapped wormhole routes, but the ships are not able to
maneuver while inside the wormholes. Use the relevant spacecraft specialty for non-routine transits between
real-space and hyperspace.
Low-Performance Spacecraft is usually used for flying larger bulk freighters and corvettes during
combat scenarios. Craft above 300 tons tend to use Shiphandling (Starship) instead.
Deflect Blasters (Hard)
Prerequisites: Parry Missile Weapons, Enhanced Time Sense or Precognitive Parry, and a weapon capable of
deflecting blaster fire (e.g. a lightsaber, double-bladed lightsaber, or Sith war sword).
Default: Parry (Parry Missile Weapons)-5; cannot exceed Parry.
This technique enables someone armed with a lightsaber or similar weapon to interpose their weapon
in the path of a blaster bolt. The bolt's energy cannot exceed the lightsaber's maximum damage; if the wielder
tries to parry a stronger blaster bolt (say, deflecting a mounted blaster cannon), the excess damage is treated
as doing double knockback crushing damage without doing actual damage itself (though the blunt trauma of
the knockback may itself do damage).
Reflect Blasters (Hard)
Prerequisites: Must have bought Deflect Blasters up at least one level from default.
Default: Deflect Blasters-4; cannot exceed Deflect Blasters.
This is the ability to aim deflected blaster bolts back towards your attacker! Once per turn, should a
successful Reflect Blasters roll be made when deflecting blaster fire, the lightsaber wielder can make an Attack
roll at the lower of his Force Sword, Force Saber, Force Staff, or Parry Missile Weapons skill (so long as he's
bought them above default) to strike any target in his field of vision with the blaster bolt. The original attacker
can only dodge, and has a penalty to his Dodge roll equal to the reflector's margin of success due to not being
ready. This is definitely a cinematic technique. (A quicker option, if you don't want to keep rolling dice, is to
use the Reflect Blasters roll as the Attack roll. In my game, I'll probably be using this option.)
Lightsaber Styles
Form I: Shii-Cho
3 points
Shii-Cho is the simplest of the lightsaber forms taught in the Jedi Order, built upon the ancient sword
fighting styles of the past. Because of this simplicity, it is first style taught to Padawans as an introduction to the
weapon before progressing to one of the more advanced forms.
The form focuses on attacking certain target areas in order to bring the fight to a quick and decisive end
with a minimum of violence. The target areas taught - in order of lethality - are the weapon, the hand, the arm,
the leg, and the neck; sometimes, a killing stroke is necessary, but is held by Jedi to be a last resort.
A Shii-Cho practitioner will Evaluate his opponent for a round or two, then Feint before finally Attacking;
particularly daring stylists will combine the latter two into an All-Out Attack. Waits are common tactics, usually
followed by an Attack or Committed Attack to the weapon or hand.
In Shii-Cho, the lightsaber is commonly wielded two-handed. One-handed use is also taught, freeing
the other hand up for the occasional unarmed grapple or strike. The form does not rely on the use of the Force;
because of this, those few who have obtained a lightsaber without being Force users can learn this style. Force
users are often trained to be hyper-aware of their opponents at all times, as well as being taught to focus their
mind and deflect blaster fire (all Jedi apprentices are taught to deflect blasters before they attain the rank of
Skills: Force Sword; Force Sword Art.
Techniques: Close Combat (Force Sword); Counterattack (Force Sword); Disarming (Force Sword);
Targeted Attack (Force Sword Swing/Arm)); Targeted Attack (Force Sword Swing/Hand); Targeted Attack
(Force Sword Swing/Leg); Targeted Attack (Force Sword Swing/Neck); Targeted Attack (Force Sword Swing/
Cinematic Skills: Mental Strength; Precognitive Parry; Sensitivity.
Cinematic Techniques: Grand Disarm (Force Sword).
Perks: Grip Mastery (Lightsaber); Off-Hand Weapon Training (Force Sword); Style Adaptation (Any
Lightsaber Style).
Optional Traits:
Advantages: Enhanced Parry (Force Sword).
Skills: Fast-Draw (Force Sword); Force Staff; Judo; Karate; Meditation; Philosophy (Jedi); Tactics.
Techniques: Deflect Blasters; Feint; Sweep (Judo).
Form II: Makashi
3 points
Makashi is a lightsaber style derived from ancient fencing styles, designed specifically for lightsaber
dueling. It is an elegant form, being at the same time perfectly suited for its role as well as artistic in execution.
In Makashi, the lightsaber is normally wielded one-handed; the other hand is often used for balance. The style
focuses on parries and counterattacks; especially skilled Makashi stylists will utilize the Riposte.
Makashi stylists often design their sabers with a curved hilt for easier use with the style. This essentially
means the lightsaber is designed to use the Force Saber fencing skill rather than the Force Sword skill.
In practice, Makashi stylists will begin on the defensive, utilizing Evaluate, Wait, and Defensive
Attacks, until the opponent leaves an opening. Once the stylist observes an opening, he switches to Attack or
Committed Attack, often with Rapid Strikes, to end the fight; All-Out Attacks are rare, as proponents of the style
never lower their defenses completely. More aggressive Makashi stylists will use Feints and Deceptive Attacks
in order to make openings in their opponents' defenses. Masterful stylists can utilize the Tip Slash to inflict
painful yet small wounds which disable their opponents without causing permanent crippling injuries.
Makashi stylists who use the Force are often able to anticipate their opponents; many are taught to duel
without actually seeing their opponents; instead, they are taught to sense them in the Force.
If Makashi has a weakness, it is that the style does not teach how to deflect blaster fire with the
lightsaber. Makashi stylists also tend to be somewhat arrogant, believing their form to be inherently superior
to the other lightsaber forms. This form excels at lightsaber dueling - something most Jedi prior to the Great
Hyperspace War or in the post-Ruusan era would not encounter but which would be of utmost importance to a
Dark Jedi or Sith.
Skills: Force Saber; Force Saber Art.
Techniques: Bind Weapon (Force Saber); Close Combat (Force Saber); Counterattack (Force Saber);
Disarming (Force Saber); Feint (Force Saber); Retain Weapon (Force Saber).
Cinematic Skills: Blind Fighting; Sensitivity.
Cinematic Techniques: Initial Carving (Force Saber).
Optional Traits:
Secondary Characteristics: Improved Basic Speed.
Advantages: Enhanced Parry (Force Saber); Perfect Balance.
Disadvantages: Delusion ("My style is inherently superior to all others."); Overconfidence.
Skills: Fast-Draw (Force Sword); Force Sword.
Form III: Soresu
3 points
Soresu is a lightsaber style designed with ultimate defense in mind. A skilled Soresu stylist can stand
in the middle of a firefight and deflect every blaster bolt directed at him; the most highly skilled can even reflect
the blaster fire back at his opponents. Normally, a stylist will wield his lightsaber two-handed for maintaining
total control over his weapon.
As can be expected of such a style, All-Out Defense and Wait are common maneuvers, reserving the
various Attack maneuvers for when the opportunity presents itself. Defensive Attacks are common; Committed
Attacks and All-Out Attacks are almost unheard of.
Soresu's main weakness is that a pure stylist rarely takes the offensive; this can lead to extraordinarily
long combats that can tire out the stylist. Masters of the style commonly add in elements of one or more of the
other styles to supplement it.
While listed below as an "Optional" trait, Enhanced Parry is essential to truly master the form.
Skills: Force Sword; Parry Missile Weapons.
Techniques: Close Combat (Force Sword); Counterattack (Force Sword); Disarming (Force Sword);
Retain Weapon (Force Sword).
Cinematic Skills: Blind Fighting; Precognitive Parry; Sensitivity.
Cinematic Techniques: Deflect Blasters; Reflect Blasters; Timed Defense.
Perks: Style Adaptation (Any Lightsaber Styles); Sure-Footed.
Optional Traits:
Secondary Characteristics: Improved Basic Speed; Improved FP.
Advantages: Enhanced Dodge; Enhanced Parry (Force Sword); Enhanced Parry (Parry Missile
Weapons); Enhanced Parry (All).
Skills: Fast-Draw (Force Sword); Karate; Force Staff.
Techniques: Jam (Karate)
Form IV: Ataru
5 points
Ataru is a more aggressive lightsaber combat form than the prior forms, one which relies on a
combination of speed, power, and grace. Practitioners of the style are always on the move; those who let
the Force guide their actions can perform incredible feats of acrobatics, becoming a flurry of flips, spins,
and cartwheels with a flashing blade. Ataru practitioners who use the double-bladed lightsaber have been
described as being "moving blenders", and can send foes running for cover in panic. Many of the Jedi who
served Revan in the Mandalorian Wars circa 4,000 BBY used this form with the double-bladed lightsaber.
Practitioners are constantly varying between Feint and either Attack or Committed Attack, coming in
from unexpected angles; Rapid Strikes are especially common. The most reckless Ataru stylists often use All-
Out Attack, which can leave them open to counter attack, particularly when facing a Makashi stylist. Many
practitioners also use Move and Attack maneuvers, remaining in motion while attacking.
Ataru's primary weakness comes from its tendency to tax the body; the highly mobile form is not suited
to extended combats.
The style is a favorite of Jedi who are smaller than human size, as its cinematic skills help counteract
the drawbacks of their size.
Skills: Acrobatics; Force Sword; Force Sword Art; Karate.
Techniques: Acrobatic Stand; Attack From Above; Axe Kick; Breakfall; Close Combat; Drop Kick; Elbow
Drop; Evade (Acrobatics); Feint; Jump Kick; Kicking; Push Kick; Reverse Grip; Spinning Attack; Sweep.
Cinematic Skills: Flying Leap; Lizard Climb.
Cinematic Techniques: Flying Jump Kick; Whirlwind Attack.
Perks: Acrobatic Feints; Acrobatic Kicks; Grip Mastery (Lightsaber).
Optional Traits:
Attributes: Increased DX.
Secondary Characteristics: Increased Basic Speed; Increased FP.
Advantages: Enhanced Dodge; Enhanced Parry (Force Sword); Perfect Balance; Super Jump.
Disadvantages: Impulsiveness, Overconfidence.
Skills: Climbing; Fast-Draw (Force Sword); Jumping; Force Staff.
Form V: Djem So/Shien
3 points
Djem So, also known as Shien, developed by combining the defensive elements of Shii-Cho and
Makashi and redirecting them into an offensive form, one which emphasized strength and power over one's
Djem So stylists are always on the offensive; practitioners are not as concerned with speed and
grace as they are raw power. While an Ataru practitioner is a blur of motion, a Djem So practitioner is much
more direct. Stylists use two hands on their lightsaber at nearly all times, using their raw physical strength
to enhance their blows. The style's unarmed components emphasize kicks which can be delivered without
Djem So practitioners generally start with a round or two to Evaluate their opponents before moving to
Feint, Attack, Committed Attack, or All-Out Attack. Retreats while parrying are rare for a stylist; Beats when
Feinting are quite common.
Using the Force, a Djem So practitioner who has a Weapon Bond with his lightsaber and using Power
Blow is able to add their adjusted (read: doubled) ST-based swing damage to the lightsaber's base damage.
For example, an ST 14 Jedi with an ST-based swing damage of 2d can add 4d to the lightsaber's base 8d
damage, for a total of 12d (or 6d2 or 4d3).
Djem So practitioners commonly practice with steel swords instead of lightsabers in order to build
their striking power. Some even go as far as to eschew the lightsaber altogether, favoring cortosis or phrick
alloy vibroblades. Djem So practitioners who use the double-bladed lightsaber can be found training with and
occasionally using steel staves.
Skills: Force Sword; Karate.
Techniques: Aggressive Parry; Back Kick; Back Strike; Close Combat; Elbow Strike; Feint; Jam;
Kicking; Knee Strike; Neck Snap; Push Kick; Targeted Attack (Force Sword Swing/Weapon).
Cinematic Skills: Power Blow; Push.
Perks: Rapid Retraction; Style Adaptation (Any Lightsaber Style); Suit Familiarity (NBC Suit or Vacc
Suit); Weapon Adaptation.
Optional Traits:
Attributes: Increased ST.
Advantages: Enhanced Parry (Force Sword or All).
Disadvantages: Impulsiveness; Overconfidence.
Skills: Broadsword; Fast-Draw (Force Sword or Sword); Force Staff; Tactics; Two-Handed Sword.
Perks: Special Exercises (Striking ST +1) (can be taken 3 times); Weapon Bond.
Form VI: Niman
4 points
Niman is the most common form of lightsaber combat studied by Jedi who are not combat-oriented,
such as diplomats and medics. It attempts to be a well-rounded yet simple form, taking elements of the other
forms and stripping away parts that are considered "extraneous". The lightsaber can be wielded either one-
handed or two-handed, with no real preference given; Niman stylists switch between the two as needed.
Niman stylists are generally patient, letting their opponents do all the work. In practice, stylists tend
to use defensive maneuvers, most commonly All-Out Defense and Wait, evading their opponents and using
unarmed grappling maneuvers with their off hand to use their opponents' momentum against them. The style
teaches defense against blaster fire, although the form lacks the perseverance of Soresu against such attacks.
Many dedicated stylists often use what is called the Fool's Stance, with the lightsaber pointed
downwards and held towards the ground, in what appears to be an unready stance, often with the lightsaber
extinguished; in truth, the Fool is used to entice the enemy to attack by appearing to have lowered your
defenses. This is a form of the Wait maneuver, usually followed by a grapple or disarm when the opponent
finally does attack.
Niman stylists also supplement their lightsaber skill with their telekinetic abilities through the Force.
The most skillful practitioners have even learned to not only deflect blasters bare-handed, but also absorb the
energy of blasters and Force Lightning to supplement the Force.
Some dedicated Niman practitioners have sought to increase their understanding of the Force by
focusing on the healing arts. To this end, they have incorporated their knowledge of pressure points into the
Skills: Force Sword; Judo; Parry Missile Weapons.
Techniques: Breakfall; Evade; Feint; Judo Throw; Sacrifice Throw.Trip.
Cinematic Skills: Precognitive Parry; Pressure Points; Pressure Secrets.
Cinematic Techniques: Deflect Blasters; Pressure-Point Strike.
Perks: Grip Mastery (Lightsaber); Style Adaptation (Any Lightsaber Style).
Optional Traits:
Advantages: Enhanced Parry (Force Sword).
Disadvantages: Pacifism (Self-Defense Only).
Skills: Diagnosis; Diplomacy; Esoteric Medicine (Force Healing).
Form VII: Juyo
3 points
Juyo as a style is not commonly taught by the Jedi, who see it as an incomplete style which treads
dangerously close to the Dark Side; because of this, it's normally a style taught by the Sith. It is an aggressive
style which relies on a combination of speed and power, melding aspects of Ataru and Djem So.
Juyo practitioners are always on the attack, probing and wearing down defenses with Defensive
Attacks and Feints before moving in with Attacks and Committed Attacks; Deceptive Attacks and Beats are
quite common. Unarmed strikes and grapples are also part of the style. The style doesn't train to defend
against blaster fire, being intended for lightsaber dueling.
While not part of the style, Juyo practitioners, particularly the Sith and other Dark Jedi, often use the
Force to affect their opponents' minds, causing the opponents to lose control of their emotions.
Skills: Force Sword; Judo; Karate.
Techniques: Feint.
Cinematic Skills: Sensitivity.
Perks: Grip Mastery (Lightsaber); Style Adaptation (Any Lightsaber Style).
Optional Traits:
Disadvantages: Bad Temper; Bully; Callous; Sadism.
Skills: Acrobatics; Jumping; Psychology; Force Staff; Tactics.
Form X: Jar'Kai
4 points
Jar'Kai is a form developed from an ancient sword fighting style of the same name on the planet Atrisia
in the Core Worlds. Unlike other forms, Jar'Kai stylists wield two lightsabers, one in each hand.
The strength of Jai'Kai comes from being able to attack with one lightsaber while parrying with the
other. Some stylists use a regular lightsaber in the off hand, while others use a shoto, a short lightsaber with a
blade that is roughly 18" long.
True Jar'Kai masters are rare; most lightsaber wielders who learn the form use it to supplement their
primary form rather than studying it directly. Using the shoto in the off hand has also proven useful in defending
against opponents who wield a lightwhip, such as the Sith Lords Githany and Lumiya.
Exhibitionists with steel swords are common throughout the galaxy; these replace the primary skills with
the Broadsword Art and Main-Gauche Art skills instead. The style is easily adapted to any pair of balanced
one-handed weapons.
(Personally, I found the dual lightsaber sequence in Attack of the Clones to be far too short.)
Skills: Force Sword; Main-Gauche; Parry Missile Weapons.
Techniques: Close Combat; Counterattack; Disarming; Feint; Retain Weapon; Reverse Grip;
Cinematic Skills: Precognitive Parry.
Cinematic Techniques: Deflect Blasters; Dual-Weapon Attack (Force Sword); Dual-Weapon Defense
(Force Sword); Whirlwind Attack (Force Sword).
Perks: Grip Mastery (Lightsaber); Off-Hand Weapon Training (Force Sword).
Optional Traits:
Advantages: Enhanced Parry (Force Sword);
Skills: Broadsword; Broadsword Art; Force Saber; Force Saber Art; Force Sword Art; Jitte/Sai; Jitte/Sai
Art; Knife; Main-Gauche Art; Rapier; Rapier Art; Saber; Saber Art; Shortsword; Shortsword Art; Smallsword;
Smallsword Art.
Techniques: Weapon Adaptation.
The Force
The Jedi Code
There is no emotion, only peace.
There is no ignorance, only knowledge.
There is no passion, only serenity.
There is no chaos, only harmony.
There is no death, there is only the Force.
The Sith Code
Peace is a lie; there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I obtain victory.
Through victory, my bonds are broken.
The Force shall free me.
To the Jedi, the Force is a living entity with a will of its own, a will they serve. To the Sith, the Force is
an energy source they seek to control. And to the rest of the Galaxy, the Force is mysterious and unknowable,
with little to separate it from being called "magic".
All are correct, from certain points of view. And yet these differing opinions, rather than being accepted
as parts of a greater whole, have sparked war after war as the darkness attempts to snuff out the light, and the
light attempts to illuminate the dark. Some have even speculated that the Force itself is creating the conflict
between the Jedi and Sith, with both sides vying for supremacy but ultimately neither winning in the long run.
The Jedi seek to let the Force guide their actions, opening themselves up and letting the Force flow
through them. Doing so requires that the Jedi relinquish their passionate emotions and enter a state of
meditation while moving.
The Sith, on the other hand, embrace their passions to grant them power. Usually, they tap into their
darker emotions, believing them stronger: fear, anger, hate, and avarice.
Other sects of Force users exist in the Galaxy as well: the Matukai, who use the Force to strengthen
their bodies and perform incredible physical feats; the Zeisan Sha, masters of telekinesis; the Baran Do Sages
of the Kel Dor, who study the Force intellectually rather than spiritually; the Fallanasi, who specialize in highly-
realistic illusions; and the Sorcerers of Tund, who use the trappings of magic.
Instead of listing Force Powers here, I've made a separate document for them.
A note on midichlorians
(or: Keep your science out of my mysticism!)
Midichlorians are a microscopic life form that reside inside the bodies of all living beings, but are found
in higher concentrations among Force sensitives. This makes a midichlorian count useful in both the Republic
and the Empire to discover those with untapped Force potential. The Jedi believe that midichlorians are
essential for communing with the Force.
The Jedi have it backwards. In reality - and some Sith (and others that dabble in the Dark Side) have
discovered this - midichlorians are parasitic life forms that are attracted to Force sensitivity. This is why
experiments in injecting midichlorians to induce Force Sensitivity will always fail. (One side effect of the
midichlorians is that they are known to retard aging in their hosts. Some masters of the Dark Side have been
known to exploit this to further extend their own lives or the lives of their captives.)
With some notable exceptions, the gear in Ultra-Tech at TL11^ can be used as-is, using standard
space-opera superscience switches. Avoid or ignore most of the Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and
nanotech gear, as well as most cybertech that's not a prosthetic.
All characters start with a full wardrobe of buzz fabric clothes. Common equipment among the 50% to
80% in mundane sundries include but are not limited to a datapad, a comlink or holocommunicator, and a
Miscellaneous Gear:
Datapad: $110, 0.55 lb, 2B/19 hrs
TL11 small computer: C7, 10 XB, $100, 0.5 lb, 2B/20 hrs.
TL11 datapad terminal: $10, 0.05 lb, 2A/20 hrs.
Personal Comlink:
Small TL11^ Gravity-Ripple Communicator: 1,000 mile range, $1,000, 0.5 lb, 2B/10 hrs.
Holocommunicator: $3,000, 1.5 lbs, 2B/9 hrs
Small TL11^ Gravity-Ripple Communicator: 1,000 mile range, $1,000, 0.5 lb, 2B/10 hrs.
Mini Holoprojector: $2000, 1 lb, B/1 day.
TL11 Electro-Optical Binoculars: Night Vision 9, 64x magnification, $500, 0.6 lb, 2B/100 hr.
TL11 Hyperspectral Binoculars: Hyperspectral Vision, 64x magnification, $2,000, 1 lb, C/10 hrs.
Sensor Pack:
TL11^ Small Ultrascanner: 2,000 yard range (10 miles in search mode), +6 to detection in radscanner
mode, $2,000, 1 lb, B/4 hrs.
Glowrod: Use the flashlight stats.
TL11 Vapor Collector with internal 50 gallon drum.
Stealth Field Generator (TL11^): This is a belt that creates a form-fitting force field around the wearer that
bends light in the visible, IR, and UV spectrums, granting effective invisibility. This gives a +9 to Stealth while
standing still, or +6 to stealth while moving no faster than a walk. Any outside field electrical effect (including
but not limited to regular and Force-generated lightning strikes) disrupts the field entirely, rendering the wearer
visible. $40,000, 1.5 lb, 2C/10 min. LC 1.
Tables for the setting's weapons are at Details for various
weapons are as follows:
Melee Weapons
Lightsaber: The lightsaber is the ubiquitous weapon of both the Jedi and Sith. While recognized as the
weapon of the Jedi Knight, the lightsaber in its current form is a Sith innovation; lightsabers from before
Naga Sadow's invasion (ca. 5000 BBY/1300 BTC) had external power packs on the Jedi's belt and
connected by a cable. Jedi lightsabers can be any color, but are traditionally blue, green, or yellow;
Sith lightsabers are traditionally red. Colors such as violet, orange, cyan, and silver-white are less
common but not unheard of. Lightsabers have the inherent ability to deflect blaster fire. The blade is
the traditionally 80 to 90 cm (32-36 in) long. The color of the blade is determined by the crystal it uses;
said crystals have to be attuned on a molecular level using the Force.
Double-Bladed Lightsaber: Also known as the saber-staff, the double-bladed lightsaber was first used by the
fallen Jedi Exar Kun, derived from schematics found in a Sith holocron, when he declared himself a
Sith. Despite the saber-staff's reputation for being a Sith weapon, many Jedi are known to use one,
including some Masters (such as Zez Kai-Ell in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords).
Shoto: Also known the short lightsaber, the shoto is sometimes used in the off hand by Jar'Kai masters, but
may be used in the primary hand by Jedi (and Sith) who are shorter than the Human norm (such as
Yoda), or by those who wield them in pairs. The shoto's blade is 45 to 60 cm (18 to 24 in) long, but
otherwise retains all the properties of the lightsaber.
Lightfoil: Unlike the lightsaber, the lightfoil's focus crystal does not need to be aligned using the Force; indeed,
any kind of crystal can be used as the focus. This weapon is designed for use with fencing styles
(many who use this weapon study the Jedi style Makashi), and is seen as a weapon of nobility.
Why use melee weapons? There are many answers to this question. Knives are useful and commonly
considered to be tools rather than weapons; you normally can't cut a rope with a blaster. Beyond that, the
primary reasons for the prevalence of melee weapons such as vibroswords and vibro-axes are cultural.
Because of the Jedi's long tradition of using such weapons, swords (vibro and lightsaber alike) are seen
as more civilized by the citizens of the Republic. Axes, on the other hand, are seen as symbols of strength
among such races as Gamorreans and Houks.
Beskar (Mandalorian Iron)*: Beskar is the strongest and most indestructible metal known in the galaxy,
forged by the Mandalorians from ore mined on the planet Mandalore and its moon Concordia. A beskar blade
is 20% lighter than a steel blade (adjust MinST accordingly), and cannot be broken by physical or energy
attacks. +99 CF.
Cheap: +2 to break and if thrown has -1 to Acc. -0.8 CF.
Cortosis*: Blades made out of a high percentage of cortosis are able to short out lightsabers on contact
for 1d minutes; this requires a successful Parry by either weapon or a deliberate Attack against the lightsaber.
The weight and damage of the weapon is unchanged, but can be used to parry blaster fire without damaging
the weapon. Treat as cheap for breakage against physical weapons, due to its brittle nature. +19 CF.
Cortosis-Weave*: Weapons made by alloying cortosis into the durasteel gain the ability to resist attacks
from lightsabers and blaster fire, negating the lightsaber's destructive parry against the weapon. Unlike the
purer cortosis blade, cortosis-weave weapons do not short out lightsabers. Weight and damage are
unchanged. +4 CF.
Fine: All weapons are considered Fine at no additional cost. Cutting and impaling damage is at +1,
and the weapon is -1 to break. +0 CF. Already factored into the table linked above.
Good: This is the standard weapon with stats listed in the Basic Set, Low-Tech, or Martial Arts. -0.6
Phrick*: Identical in properties and price to cortosis-weave (above).
Superfine: A step up from Very Fine, a Superfine blade is at -2 to break, adds +2 to cutting and
impaling damage, and adds a (2) armor divisor. +5 CF.
Very Fine: A step up from Fine, a Very Fine blade adds +2 to cutting and impaling damage and are at -
2 to break. +3 CF.
Vibroblade: Cutting damage gains +1d damage, and both cutting and impaling get a +1 bonus and a
(3) armor divisor; blades that are also superfine (above) increase this to (5), while the bonuses to cutting and
impaling damage from Fine and Superfine stack. Note that the "Force Pike" is in reality a vibro-spear, having
nothing to do with the Force (not sure how it got its name). (Because it's a consolidated list, I used Low-Tech
for the stats in the table linked above.) +9 CF; already factored into the linked table.
* Beskar, Cortosis, Cortosis-Weave, and Phrick are mutually exclusive.
Cheap, Good, Fine, Very Fine, and Superfine are mutually exclusive.
Ranged Weapons
The primary ranged weapon in the Galaxy is the blaster, a particle beam produced via acceleration of
tibanna gas mined from gas giants. Other energy weapons in common use are ion weapons, suitable against
droids and cyborgs, and sonic weapons, considered non-lethal to most species and commonly used by police
and security forces.
Other ranged weapons available in the galaxy include disruptors, charrics, lasers, bowcasters, and
Blaster Pistol: The most common sidearm in the galaxy, used primarily for personal defense. Sporting blasters
have the same stats, but are Fine (Accurate). Heavy Blaster Pistols exist as well, producing a more
powerful bolt at the expense of range. Holdout Blasters are smaller, designed for easier concealment
at the expense of raw power. The pistol and heavy pistol come with stun settings by default, but those
without are available at half price.
Blaster Rifle: The most common military weapon in the galaxy, capable of short bursts and automatic fire.
Blaster Carbines sacrifice some power for a more compact form suitable for urban and shipboard
environments. Sporting Blaster Rifles are semi-automatic, designed for civilian self-defense use but
occasionally see action as military sniper weapons. The rifle and carbine come with stun settings by
default, but those without are available at half price.
Bowcaster: This weapon, hand-crafted as a rite of passage by the Wookiees of Kashyyyk, is an interesting
melding of disparate technologies. Occasionally called a "laser crossbow", it fires quarrels which are
encased in a sheath of blaster energy providing increased penetration.
Charric Pistol: This Chiss weapon is rare outside the Ascendancy but can occasionally be found in stock at
many black market weapons dealers. It's more powerful than the blaster, firing a bolt of superheated
plasma, but sacrifices a lot of range and uses more power per shot than a blaster.
Charric Rifle: A heavier version of the Charric Pistol, this plasma weapon is extremely rare outside the
Ascendancy. Unlike the blaster, it is only available in a semi-automatic mode, being incapable of
automatic fire.
Disruptor Pistol: This variation of the pistol is banned throughout the Republic and Empire; even the Hutts
(publicly) don't care for this weapon. This pistol is a variation of the blaster, pushing almost ten times
as much tibanna gas through its particle accelerator, producing a bolt that is capable of cutting through
durasteel starship hulls and vaporizing a Human in a single shot. These are favored by criminals, and
occasionally bounty hunters. ("No disintegrations!")
Disruptor Rifle: A rifle version of the disruptor pistol, above, producing an even more powerful disintegration
beam. The Disruptor Carbine also exists, commonly used by Hutt forces on Nar Shaddaa and
elsewhere in Hutt space, as well as criminals and mercenaries throughout the galaxy.
Ion Weapons: Developed during the Great Droid Revolution, the ion pistol is a weapon that fires a non-lethal
microwave bolt designed to fry electronics while leaving organics unharmed. Comes in pistol, carbine,
and rifle variants, all of which are semi-automatic.
Laser Sniper Rifle: A very long-range weapon which fires a rainbow laser, commonly used by specialized
military and intelligence forces. The laser has less armor penetration than a blaster, which is why
military forces phased it out of service with the advent of the blaster. Its increased range when
compared to blasters, however, makes it favored by snipers. (Laser weapons were commonly used
during the Unification Wars and Xim's war against the Hutts through the Pius Dea Crusades, but fell out
of service following the Great Hyperspace War when the Sith invaded the Republic for the first time.)
Light Repeating Blaster: This light assault automatic weapon is usually seen fired from a bipod or from the hip,
and always encountered as military weapons. The Heavy Repeating Blaster - including the E-WEB
blaster seen in The Empire Strikes Back - is a heavier tripod-mounted weapon used as a crew-served
weapon, normally from emplacements.
Scattergun: This is the standard shotgun, shooting lead pellets or rifled slugs. It often lacks a stock, being the
backup close-quarters weapon for many soldiers and scoundrels across the galaxy, particularly when
dealing with laws that forbid blasters.
Sonic Weapons: These non-lethal (to most species) weapons are most commonly used by security forces, but
have been known to be used by slavers not wishing to injure the "merchandise". They project a cone
of concentrated sound which will stun most beings. Care must be taken, however, as they will prove
lethal against those with extremely sensitive hearing, such as Sullustans and Bith.
Underbarrel Grenade Launcher: Many soldiers across the galaxy mount one of these under their rifle, firing
explosive grenades farther than can be thrown.
Wrist Blaster: This blaster is worn on the wrist or forearm. It is otherwise identical to the Blaster Pistol in range
and power. Comes standard with a stun setting.
Wrist Launcher: This weapon, worn on the wrist or forearm, launches 15mm gyrojet rockets, which must be
hand-loaded after use. The most common rockets mount an explosive warhead, but other rockets can
be used.
Wrist-Mounted Flamethrower: A favorite of many bounty hunters and mercenaries, this unit produced a jet of
superheated plasma in a convenient wrist- or forearm-mounted unit.
Plasteel Armor: DR 60 (Built off the Light Clamshell armor, p. UT176).
Cuirass: $600, 12 lbs (this is the armor in the book)
Fauld: $200, 4 lbs
Sleeves: $400, 8 lbs.
Gauntlets: $80, 1.6 lbs.
Leggings: $800, 16 lbs.
Boots: $80, 1.6 lbs.
Full Set: $2,160, 43.2 lbs.
Helmet: $240, 4.8 lbs.
Battlesteel Armor: DR 75
Cuirass: $750, 15 lbs
Fauld: $250, 5 lbs.
Sleeves: $500, 10 lbs.
Gauntlets: $100, 2 lbs.
Leggings: $1,000, 20 lbs.
Boots: $100, 2 lbs.
Full Set: $2,600, 52 lbs.
Helmet: $300, 6 lbs.
Durasteel Armor: DR 90 (Built off the Heavy Clamshell armor, p. UT176).
Cuirass: $900, 18 lbs (this is the armor in the book)
Fauld: $300, 6 lbs
Sleeves: $600, 12 lbs.
Gauntlets: $120, 2.4 lbs.
Leggings: $1,200, 24 lbs.
Boots: $120, 2.4 lbs.
Full Set: $3,240, 64.8 lbs
Helmet: $360, 7.2 lbs.
Beskar (aka Mandalorian Iron): gives +50% more DR and Hardened 3, both vs energy attacks only;
+99 CF.
Cortosis Weave: Not even the Mandalorians can afford to outfit every one of their warriors with beskar.
Thankfully, there's cortosis, which gives +10% more DR for the same weight or -10% weight for the same DR,
at the cost of being semi-ablative, as well as one level of Hardened; +19 CF.
Personal Force Screens:
The TL12^ personal force screen is still in use in the KOTOR era but considered LostTech even before
the Battles of Ruusan; in fact, production seems to have stalled in the TOR era. Most have the Energy option
for protection against blasters and lightsabers, but a few (produced by Mandalorians) have the Kinetic option
for protection from blades.
Episode 1: An Unexpected Gathering
Episode 2: Do a Barrel Roll!
Episode 3: Beware Mandalorians Offering Hugs
Mini 3.1: Nerf Burger
Episode 4: With Friends Like These....
Episode 5: Don't Forget to Make That Left Turn Around Albuquerque
Episode 6: Greenhorns and Grizzled Veterans
Episode 7: Big Red Lasts Longer
Episode 8: Here Today....
Episode 9: ... Boom Tomorrow
Episode 10: New Information
Episode 11: Cleaning Up the Mess
Episode 12: Blockade Running
Episode 13: "Dantooine. They're on Dantooine."
Episode 14: Clandestine Meetings
Episode 15: Into the Ruins
Episode 16: Blooming Plots
Episode 17: More Loose Ends
Episode 18: Jedi Are Too Curious
Episode 19: Nano-Sithspit
Behind the Scenes: OOC channel for Episode19:
XP total: 55 XP for all