Barcelona Investigation Report
Barcelona Investigation Report
Barcelona Investigation Report
The Summit been over, we offer an official notice about all that went on during. We have
spent three days doing this, because of the immense amount of work it has taken us.
Monday, we spent faring well to the lecturers, while -at the same time- we packed up
everything, paid invoices and caught up on our rest. Pepón, until today, had been
keeping bed, perhaps victim of the concerted effort, and I've also been very emotionally
"spent" due to the disagreeable incidents which occurred 10 minutes to the end of the
Summit, right after the heartfelt -posthumous- 'Recognition' to the three great
personalities of Spanish ufology.
Using what was left of my energy, I've read, listened, researched, meditated, made
desicions and, finally, have gone into action.
Our first take is a very positive one: the Summit was a great success! Over the two days,
more than 1400 people came to Sitges for the event. The lecturers said that they had
never been in an event of this magnitude (except Dr. Steven Greer in just one occasion).
And an event of this subject had never received such large media coverage; more than
70 registered media teams covered the 'scoop', the event has been on 'prime time'
newscasts and the press delegates recorded hours of content which they will gradually
offer on tv and other information outlets.
The audience -great!- mature. They applauded warmly and excitedly after the lectures
and was also able to acknowledge the amazing work that the lecturers have done
towards disclosure of the UFO files and the extraterrestrial presence, as well as its
public diffusion. Javier Sierra, the Summit's presenter, did an exquisitely professional
job; and the audience, the translators and collaborators were amazing, as well.
And the best is still to come. Next week we will have ready the documentary "Behind
The Scenes", with all of the lecturers in a round-table distended conversation conducted
by Project Camelot's Bill & Kerry; in addition to the 18hr. coverage of the event complete
with Spanish and English translation, all in DVD format for easy TV viewing. On top of
this, all of it will be 'hung' on the web and will be freely available for all to see. We can
safely estimate that hundreds of thousands -maybe even millions- of people will see the
event, and in this sense, Pepón and I will have accomplished our main goal with all of
this: 'Maximum Diffusion'.
An intense year of work, economical and personal risks, and many 'detractors' have
been the price we had to pay for undertaking this project. In the beginning, it was about
money and how people wanted the event to be free; but this was not possible if we
wanted to bring the 'line up' that people wanted to see; or use an auditorium confortable
enough to hold a 2-day event; or have a far reaching publicity campaign to inform about
the event. Next issue was about the lack of Spanish lecturers, but sadly, as it stands,
Spain does not have leaders with enough 'pull' for an event of these characteristics. We
hope this changes soon.
And the last issue had to do with the event's 'content' itself. Expressed by just a few who,
already being expert researchers of the subject, expected a higher level of information,
or that the lecturers would have touched other really interesting subjects.
But this, however, was outside of the scope of this Summit. In this sense, we wish to
emphasize the fact that we in no way -whatsoever- censored any of the information.
Having said this, we did center the lectures around the main subject, and left other,
perhaps 'juicier', subjects for future events. So, about the 'level' of the Summit's content,
and having in mind the main goal of this event, which is to awaken as many people as
possible to this new reality, the most efective way to achieve this is with information that
produces the least amount of 'dissonance', while, at the same time, encourages to
research further.
These few issues, against the hundreds of sincere congratulations, did not affect the
final result -a success! Everything went along smoothly, until someone (10min. before
the Summit's ending) came and rained on our parade. We were expecting an attack, we
knew it and were prepared, but what we could not have imagined was that it would come
from one of our own. Weak spirits and those filled with rage and resentment are the
most susceptible of being used. Add to this mix the ego and the eagerness for
recognition, and you get just the right 'culture medium' from which certain actions spawn
-even unwillingly and against deeply rooted personal beliefs! At the end, the sole
beneficiaries of this are those who set out to 'divide and conquer'.
Almost two dozen people, instigated by Rafael Palacios, tried to 'take' the stage by force
to make a public denunciation about something that they had no proof of. And this was,
astonishingly, to accuse Dr. Steven Greer of having made death threats to five of the
assitants to the Summit. The attempt was thwarted by a few of the organizers and two of
Dr. Greer's personal detail who, obviously not understanding what was going on, did
their job clearing the stage. The spectacle was embarrassing and the last image, taken
home by the public and the lecturers, was ill-fated. One of the lecturers does not want to
be invited again (...divide and conquer...). Others, like Dr. Greer and his companion, left
deeply disturbed by the 'hospitality' recieved in Spain after so many years of working
towards ET disclosure.
Pepón Jover and I, after taking a while to recover from the blow we recieved as hosts,
organizers and as persons who've been betrayed by who we least expected, decided
that, if the issue did not trascend, we would leave it be. But Rafael Palacios, far from
apologizing, has continued to publish his slanderous allegations in his web, and this has
forced us to get to the bottom of this issue. The slogan of the Summit is "Time For
Truth", and we must act accordingly. So we decided that, if Dr. Greer had indeed
threatened anyone from the public, the Organizers would denounce in solidarity with the
affected. But, that if the whole thing is part of a 'truth manipulation', we will hold the
authors accountable for it. Because of the event's great diffusion, the authors have
caused great damage to different persons and to humanity in general.
We have spoken with all of the lecturers, members of the audience, with a detective and
with the alleged 'threatened'. The conclusions which, we feel compelled to disclose are
as follows:
From the five alleged 'threatened':
- Two did not exist. Their answers have been, 'Someone told my friend' or 'I heard
someone say', but who, in any case, had already left. Great.
- Jacobo Guerra Gómez confessed to me that he was not threatened, but that was -only-
poked with a finger after he had touched Dr. Greer's musculature in a relaxed chat and
in front of numerous witnesses.
- José Molina never got to talk to Dr. Greer. When he was about to, Molina heard the
gossiping that Dr. Greer had threatened other people and simply joined the 'riot'
instigated by Rafael Palacios and others.
- And Gerd Huebner, a german living in Portugal, came to the Summit exclusively to talk
to Dr. Greer. Huebner has yet to answer my calls.
To this we add:
- Dr. Steven Greer was never alone with any of the alleged victims, so it would not be to
smart on his part to threaten anyone with so many witnesses.
- Confirmed by Bob Dean and Nick Pope is the typically american joke of those who
have been in the military, and which Dr. Greer himself said in public: "I can give you my
phone number, but then I would have to kill you", "I can give you my room number, but
then I would have to kill you." Please, lets keep in mind the language barrier.
- There is no motive. None of the people, who claim to have a free-energy engine, do
actually have it. But it always sounds nice to say, "When I presented my engine to
Steven Greer his face changed and threatened my life. That's how good my engine is."I
insist (and from experience) that, as it stands, nobody has any engine/project at a stage
to be taken seriously.
Now, if all of this reaches he who is bitter and angry because he was denied time with
the mic -outside of the event's program and demanding it by force, the organizers
deemed this unappropiate- the result was, evidently, an explosive reaction. The really
sad part of all of this is that he who advocates in favor of the Truth, is actually
manipulating the facts according to his own personal agenda.
This evidence is, in my opinion, sufficient enough to resolve this matter; although, and
always at my discretion, I am witholding much more. When someone recieves a death
threat, the logical next step is to go to the police (the Mossos d'Esquadra -Catalan
police- building was right in front of the auditorium), but not, in any case, become judge,
jury and executioner. Public lynching without a proper trial is not the best way to
administer justice. Let this be clear: accusations must be backed by evidence, otherwise
this is a crime of slanderous allegations punishable by the Spanish Civil Code. More so
in front of a thousand people, TV cameras and agravated by the perpetrator's journalist
Faced with an injustice, one must never quit. And this injustice has been against
The organizers exhort Rafael Palacios, and those implicated, to publicly retract from
their accusations during the Summit, including all the posterior allegations dumped in
their web pages; or, be that the case, present reasonable evidence to back their public
claims. Unless this is done, the organizers and those affected, reserve their right to
prosecute in light of the damage that was provocked.
If there's one thing we all agree on, this is that truth must prevail. Many have given their
very lives for it and this is the road we will always walk on.