Why Is Human Relation Important Tool in Business?

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5. Why is human relation important tool in business?

6.What makes you a winner?

Every individual has his own goals in life. This may include a goal for self-
fulfilment or a goal for the general welfare. Likened to a race, goal is something a racer
is very eager to achieve. It is something that a racer has to win to complete his being.
With this concept, I always consider myself to be a racer who aspires to be a winner in
the attainment of my goals. When I had already reached the end, my goal, there I can
say that yes I am a winner. Im a winner not because I was able to outrun the other
racers but because I was able to surpass the challenges by taking every steps necessary
to get there. I would say that to be a winner, it has a lot to do with dedication, passion,
and making sacrifices. It takes a positive attitude to be win the race.
Ever since I was a child, I always perceive myself to be standing in a
courtroom as I defend client enslaved by in!ustice. Truly, it has been my long term
goal to be a lawyer, to be one of the successful lawyers to whom the society will look
up to. Though theres no clear line where this dream originated, I am really desperate of
making it a reality. There are times however, that I tend to get tired of holding it and
thinking to give it up. "ne of the reasons of my weakling tendency is the demands of
being a law student. That I have to set aside a portion of my social life !ust to cope up
.There are lot of sacrifices to do because of heavy workloads. #ut then, when I think of
the number of miles I had already taken, Im again empowered and say that theres no
way of returning back. I have to win the game I had already started. Thinking of the
unwavering support of my family as they watch me run towards the goal strengthens me
to !ust keep going and be the winner. $eeing also the several clients condition as they
seek !ustice reminds me that their cases lie in my winning the race. I dont want later on
to regret for losing the game without even trying my best.
%or me, attainment of the goal that would give benefit to myself, my
family and the society at large is what makes me a winner. I am a winner when I already
reached the end taking all things possible for its attainment without causing any harm to
others. To be a champion would give great satisfaction but a racer need not be a
champion to be called a winner. &ore importantly, I can say that I won the game when
my success speaks of the success of the society where I belong. This means that my
becoming a lawyer, if 'od forbids, would be of great part for the betterment of the
society. $uccess must not be confined only to building up of self- image but rather it
must radiate throughout the humanity.
7. Give at least three most embarassing moments of your life.
When I hear the phrase (most embarrassing moment), I cannot avoid
myself from closing my eyes , taking a gasp and then smile. I think, the reason for the
smile is associated with the feeling of thankfulness because I was able to deal with the
actual scenario of embarrassment. Though such moment had caused me a sort of shame,
I can still say that Its s worth remembering. $uch moments were the part of my life
where I could get so much lessons to learn. Let me then relate the three most
embarrassing moments of my life , how I dealt with it and what lessons I learned from it.
#ack when I was in grade school, I was that too shy and so awkward to
e*press my self whenever Im asked to recite, especially when the topic that confronts
me deals with mathematics. I really hate mathematics. I dont even review my lessons
then because I doesnt interest me. $o there was one time when my teacher asked me to
recite, I nervously stood up and waited for the +uestion. ,fter hearing the +uestion, I was
like stupified and it was already apparent that I had a da-ed e*pression on my face. I
dont know what to answer. I had an idea in mind but I was not pretty sure of it. I even
had heard some my classmates whispering from each other about my inability to answer
the +uestion that was so easy if only I had reviewed my lessons. I stood for several
minutes while my teacher scolds me. I felt like I was so berated. Its really embarrassing.
,s It was like stumbling in a race while people are watching. Its not fun. Enough for the
harsh feelings. That embarrassing e*perience always struck my mind till then and up to
now. I wont forget it. Ill be bringing it for the rest of my life so as to remind me that it
pays to be always ready and prepared. In every endeavour we partake, we must not leave
it to chances. .ust like in an organi-ation, an employee has to be always prepared so he
can adapt with the demands of his work. /e must ac+uaint himself of the dealings of the
organi-ation so as not to put the organi-ations name at risk by his own misfits.
$econd on the list was when I was in fourth year college. $o this is how the story
goes, I was in the fourth floor of a four- storied building of our campus, wearing my
school uniform with a high- heeled shoes. Im with my friend on our way to the room
where to get our school identification cards. We were so amused by the good outcome of
our I0s and that made our day. Then for a while, somebody informed us that a mass is
going on in our chapel. That made us to be in a hurry because we wanted to attend the
mass. ,s we go downstairs, my foot suddenly slideslipped on my second step. Imagine,
I was stumbling from fourth down to the third floor. It really caused so much physical
pain but what is more unbearable is the eyes of people staring at me with grinning
smiles. It is really shameful. &y friend immediately assisted me to stand and asked me if
Im alright. "f course Im not okay. ,nyway, Im still thankful that somebody is there to
assist me. /ow I dealt with it1 I !ust stood up with my head bowed down and !ust
proceeded in the chapel. The bottom line here is that, sometimes we encounter downfalls
because of getting in a hurry. Things must be carefully taken first before we have to
make a move. 2es, we stumbled and get hurt, but this does not mean to give up. We must
learn how to rise up. In the conte*t of organi-ation, we must consider our co- employees
as friend who can e*tend help to us. We must seek guidance from others to be better. We
have also to learn how to bow down our heads and lessen the pride.
,nother embarrassing moment was when I was in first year high school. This has
something to do with the guy I admired so much during that time. The guy Im referring
to was my classmate and also one of my closest friends. /e did not know that Im
totally in to him. 3obody even knew it. In our class, I used to write anything at the back
of my notebook whenever Im so bored listening to a teacher. "ne of the things that I
had written for that matter was his name. I had written his name in such a way that It
could not be understood by anybody in a single glance. , month after that, we were
asked to perform a speech choir as a class. We always had then a rehearsal. 4nconscious
of those things I had written in my notebook, I laid it down to one of the chairs stated in
the place of our rehearsal. When our leader gave us a ten minutes of break, my friends
and I seated near the chair where I placed my notebook. Then suddenly, the guy I
admired approached me and asked me something. I was then surprised as he showed me
my notebook and pointing through his name that I had written before. 5now what he
asked me1..he asked me why his name was written there, and his eyes give me a clue
that he totally understood the reason why . I did not know what to answer to that
embarrassing +uestion. Lesson learned1 ,lways mindful of your actions.

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