Performance Analysis of An Adsorption Refrigerator Using Activated Carbon in A Compound Adsorbent
Performance Analysis of An Adsorption Refrigerator Using Activated Carbon in A Compound Adsorbent
Performance Analysis of An Adsorption Refrigerator Using Activated Carbon in A Compound Adsorbent
Fig. 5. Adsorption bed temperature versus time.
750 Z.S. Lu et al. / Carbon 44 (2006) 747752
desorption, which is conducive to improving the adsorption
refrigeration performance. The maximum average SCP is
161.2 W/kg, with the corresponding average COP of 0.12.
The performances could be further improved if the desorp-
tion temperature is increased, in which case high tempera-
ture solar heating will be required. It should be pointed
that the measured COP is the refrigeration eect divided
by the total heat input, which is not the solar COP, the solar
COP would be about 40% that of the measured COP due to
the solar heating eciency.
5. Results and discussion
Refrigeration performances are inuenced by heat and
mass recovery operations. The average SCP obtained for
the cycle without any heat or mass recovery process, with
mass recovery only, and with heat and mass recoveries
are 514.3 W/kg, 797.5 W/kg and 1026.2 W/kg, respectively,
at the condition of 40 min of cycle time and about 20 C
of evaporating temperature, about 114 C of desorption
temperature and about 30 C of condensing temperature.
In normal shing period, refrigeration performances of
ice-maker on shing boats varies with dierent tempera-
tures of seawater. The average SCP and COP increase as
the temperature of cooling water decreases. At the highest
temperature of cooling water of 30 C, the lowest average
of SCP and COP are still as high as 528 W/kg and 0.26,
For the solar ice-maker refrigeration modes, the average
SCP increases with heating power and the highest average
SCP is 161.2 W/kg, and the corresponding COP is 0.12
when powered by 80 C hot water. The values could still
be improved if high temperature solar collector was used.
In summary, we have designed a high eective adsorp-
tion ice-maker. This work has adopted two new concepts,
mixture of activated carbon and CaCl
as adsorbent and
heat pipe for heat transfer, which are really very eective
to improve the performance of adsorption refrigeration
systems. The achieved average SCP and COP are far higher
than those obtained in other experimental systems. A com-
parison between the study reported in this paper and other
studies is shown in Table 3.
This work was supported by National Science Fund for
Distinguished Young Scholars of China under the contract
No. 50225621, Shanghai Shuguang Training Program for
the Talents under the contract No. 02GG03, the State
Key Fundamental Research Program under the contract
No. G2000026309. The authors thank Mr. Z.Z. Xia, Mr.
Y.X. Xu for helping to install the experimental setup.
The contributions from Mr. Daou is also appreciated.
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