Newsltr Sept 13 2013

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Mrs. Southworths and Mrs. Judds Class Newsletter

Our class has made amazing progress in just
two short weeks. The students have learned how
to do things in our class and have improved
dramatically in their ability to sit correctly at the
carpet and pay attention, follow directions, walk
in lines, work at tables and get along with each-
other. ow that they are becoming so proficient at
doing school, we can begin to move forward at a
faster pace on academics.
!n language arts, the students have worked
on learning to name letters "-#, write the upper
and lower-case letters with good handwriting, and
they have worked to learn the sounds those letters
make. They have learned how to read and write
the words $!, am.% They have begun to write and
illustrate sentences and some are able to sound
out new words by writing the sounds they hear.
The students have worked on writing their name
with correct upper and lower-case letters and
most write their name correctly all the time now.
&hen listening to stories, the students practiced
identifying what the author and illustrator do and
predicting what would happen in a story. They also
began naming rhyming words.
!n math, the students identified and
described shapes, including trapezoid and
rhombus, identified and e'tended "( patterns,
practiced counting a variety of ways, and worked
on sorting. &e also made a variety of graphs.
)or science, we collected weather data and
will continue to collect data and look for weather
patterns throughout the school year.
)or social studies, the students thought of
ideas of what we should do at school to help
everyone learn and make a happy class. &e
connected our list to the *ainerberg *igh )ive
rules and began learning the rules. The students
also learned how the *ainerberg *igh )ive *ero
works and how they can be a *igh )ive *ero.
Our Past Week
Newsl et t er
Sept . 13, 2012
Vol ume 1, I ssue 1


KE1a.17 Read their own name
KE1a.24 Listen to stories read aloud and use the vocabulary in
those stories in oral language
KE1b.1 Locate the title and the name of the author of a book
KE1b. !enerate and res"ond to #uestions
KE1b.4$dentify ty"es of everyday "rint materials
KE1c.% &nderstand what is heard or seen by res"onding to
KE2a. 'rite using "ictures( letters( and words
KE2a.7$dentify "ictures and charts as sources of information
KEb.2 Recite short "oems( rhymes and songs
K)1a* $dentify and name numbers u" to 1+
K)1b* &sing one,to,one corres"ondence( count the number of
items in sets u" to 2+
K)2a* -escribe in their own words how ob.ects are alike and
K)2c* $dentify( re"roduce( describe( e/tend( and create "atterns
K)%c* 0sk and answer #uestions and make "redictions based on
data collected
K)1e* Estimate the number of ob.ects in grou"s u" to 2+ and
verify the results
K)2c $dentify( re"roduce( describe( e/tend and create "atterns
K)%a !ather( sort( and inter"ret data
K1E2d Recogni3e what a friend is and what a friend does
K1E2b Recogni3e that humans grow and change
K441.a 5ollow rules( share( take turns( and coo"erate
K44K1 5ollow directions
K44K2 6artici"ate in making rules and guidelines
K4d1 $dentify weather changes that occur day to day
K1E2a* Recogni3e several safe behaviors "racticed at home and
at school
" I C K I E " I C K I E . . S O # T $ WO R T $ S O # T $ WO R T $ % %E # E # . . D O D E ! D O D E ! . . E D # E D #
See for more details
+earning ,tandards
Investigating at the Science Center
Ms. Southworths Classroom Newsletter Page 2
Oct. 4 at 8:20 School pictures
Oct. 14 No School, Discoverers Day
Oct. 25 No School, Teacher Proessio!al
Develop"e!t Day
Nov. 1 No School, Teacher #or$ %ay
Nov. &, 8 No School, Pare!t'Teacher
Da&l' S(hedule )note (han*es+
-./0--.10 "rrival, morning routines, table work
-.10--.20 )+#, 3days 1,4,05 +ibrary 3day 65
7eeting 3day 25
-.20-8.// 7orning 7eeting
8.//-8.4/ &riting
8.4/-8.20 ,nack
8.20-1/./0 ,tory
1/./0-11.// 9uided reading:+iteracy centers
11.//-11.10 ;ecess
11.10-16.// 7ath
16.//-16.4/ +unch
16.4/-1.// ;est and ;ead
1.//-1.6/ Table work. review and practice
1.6/-1.4/ <losing 7eeting
1.40-6.60 1-=.#., 6a-<ounselor, 6b-#nrichment
4- "rt, 2- *ost ation, 0-7usic
;efer to the folder for specials each day

Look&n* !head
Ne)t #ee$, #e #ill rea% a!% tal$ a*out
eeli!+s as part o our la!+ua+e arts, health, a!%
social stu%ies #or$. ,e #ill lear! to i%e!tiy a
variety o eeli!+s a!% %iscuss #hat #e ca! %o to
help ourselves eel *etter. ,e #ill co!ti!ue to
%iscuss the -ai!er*er+ -i+h .ive rules a!%
%evelop a %escriptio! o each rule or our
classroo". ,e #ill also %iscuss #ays #e ca! help
each/other. The stu%e!ts #ill !a"e, i%e!tiy the
sou!% a!% #rite letters ./N. They #ill a%% !e#
si+ht #or%s: a", 0, ca!, "o", %a%, a. 0! "ath,
#e #ill revie# shapes, #or$ o! patter!s a!%
cou!ti!+, #or$ #ith "easure"e!t 1capacity2 a!%
#or$ o! rea%i!+ a!% #riti!+ !u"*ers.
$a&ner,er* $&*h -&.e $ero
>ou may have heard your talk about the
*ainerberg *igh )ive *ero. ow that our class has
developed school rules, we are participating in the
school-wide *igh )ive *ero program. #ach day,
several students are selected who have either
modeled e'emplary behavior through the day or
have achieved a personal best. (ecause only a few
are selected, not every child who has done a good
job will get it every day. !t is special. =lease make
sure your child knows you are proud of him:her for
showing such positive behavior at school.
#ach day you can check how your child did
at school. >ou will know your child did a good job
in school if he:she has a smiley face in his:her
folder. ,ometimes your child may also have a
sticker in the folder. !f there is a note in the
folder, please discuss the behavior with your child
and help your child think through what he:she can
do better the ne't day.
?indergarten is the best time to establish
positive behavior and good citizenship. This year
we will learn how to think of others, not just
ourselves, and to make choices that positively
affect the class. &e appreciate your support@

Volunteer Corner
Thank you to Mrs. Newsome and to Mrs.
Graham for volunteering in our lass this
week. !e always a""reiate the o""ortunity
for more individual attention to students.
Mrs. Graham hel"ed students learn to write
letters and Mrs. Newsome hel"ed hildren
learn a#out what they an do at the siene
enter. !e will usually have a game or
ativity ready for you to lead if you volunteer
during enters. !e would also a""reiate
hel" making o"ies and "re"aring for lessons.
Co/&n* E.ents
Com"uter Programs to Try
Starfall: Excellent program to
practice and review letters and sounds. It also
has phonics books for students to read.

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