Sanskrit Manuscripts in The Turfan Collection
Sanskrit Manuscripts in The Turfan Collection
Sanskrit Manuscripts in The Turfan Collection
Vortrag anläßlich des Workshops Digitalisierung der chinesischen, tibetischen, syrischen und
Sanskrit-Texte der Berliner Turfansammlung, Berlin, 02.06.2005
The Sanskrit manuscripts in the Turfan finds form a major part of the manuscripts and block
prints of the Turfan collection brought back to Berlin by the four German expeditions to
Eastern Turkestan (Xinjiang). By now, more than 7000 catalogue numbers are allocated and
catalogue numbers 1-3199 are already described or published in parts 1-9 of the catalogue
series Sanskrithandschriften aus den Turfanfunden abbreviated SHT , being part of the
“Union Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in German Collections.”
Apart from a few manuscripts, which were acquired on the market, and several others,
the find spot of which can not be reconstructed, the manuscripts were found in the following
places on the northern Silk Road: Tumšuq near Maralbaši, the sites Qizil, Qumtura, Sim-
sim(?), and A¢iγ-Iläk(?) in the Ku¢ā region, Šor¢uq, and the sites Turfan foothills (=
Qurutqa), Xo¢o, Yarχoto, Murtuq/Bäzäklik, Sängim, and Toyoq in the Turfan oasis.
In his introduction to the first part of the catalogue series SHT Ernst Waldschmidt
gave a comprehensive survey of the work on these manuscripts between 1904 and 1964, a
summary of which I want to give now.
Soon after the first expedition had returned in 1903, the first Sanskrit texts were
published. Richard Pischel, who at that time held the chair of Indology in Berlin, edited in
two publications fragments of three block prints (SHT 612, 613 and 614), two of them could
later on be identified as belonging to the SaŁyuktāgama. Heinrich Stönner, who held a
position in the Museum of Ethnology in Berlin, followed with again two publications namely
the short Dharmaśarı̄rasūtra (SHT 596) and three folios of a block print of the
Suvarņabhāsottamasūtra (SHT 575). And finally in 1907 and 1908 three more publications
of Sanskrit fragments came out: Emil Sieg edited fragments of a Sanskrit grammar (SHT
489, 534, 633, 644) and Pischel the first fragments of the Udānavarga (SHT 447-449).
After Pischel’s early death in 1908 Heinrich Lüders succeeded to his chair at the
university in Berlin. In 1911 his edition of Bruchstücke buddhistischer Dramen came out as
the first part of five in the series “Kleinere Sanskrit-Texte.” This palm-leaf manuscript
belongs to the earliest extant manuscripts of Indian origin from Central Asia known so far.
Around 1912 Lüders undertook the direction of the scientific processing work on the Sanskrit
texts from Turfan. He also worked on Sanskrit texts from Khotan, which had been sent to
him by A.F.R. Hoernle from London. He dealt with four folios of the so-called Kashgar
manuscript of the Saddharmapuņðarı̄kasūtra, one folio of another manuscript of this text and
a fragment of one folio, the text of which could be identified by Jin-il Chung only recently
as a sūtra of the Madhyamāgama. These manuscripts were published in 1916 in Hoernle’s
Manuscript Remains of Buddhist Literature Found in Eastern Turkestan.
World War I meant an interruption of the work for many years. It was only from
1922 on that further editions of Sanskrit manuscripts of the Turfan finds came out.
Heinrich Lüders’ wife Else played an important part in the work on the manuscript
material. During more than twenty years she did transliterations of countless fragments,
reunited matching parts of manuscripts and identified several fragments, possibly with the
help of Heinrich Lüders. Everyone dealing with the material knows about the difficulties in
this work. She never edited any fragment, but many scholars in the following decades
profited from her work. Since some of the fragments got lost during the Second World War,
her transliterations are extremely valuable. Some of the fragments could be found again, but
others are still lost.
It was Else Lüders again, who, for the first time, arranged the manuscripts according
to their contents by fixing groups of numbers for the various literary genres. Soon some of
these numerical groups turned out to be insufficient and had to be enlarged. Therefore
another paper label had to be attached to the glass plates see handout, figure 1: the side
mark T III MQ 73, that means “3rd Turfan expedition, Qizil, room with red dome of the
Ming-öi” you find on the left margin of the original; the label on the upper left with the
number three indicates that it is the third plate of the catalogue number; on the label upper
right you find the identification: Kātantra, Gramm., fol. 15 and the “old number” 945; on the
label lower left you find the “new number” 1606; the lower label right indicates the
publication; the label on the upper middle indicates the catalogue number, under which the
original can be found now. Else Lüders’ system, however, has been retained more or less.
The numbers 1-199, for example, were intended for Prātimokşa manuscripts, for Vinaya
manuscripts the nos. 200-299 were reserved, for Karmavācanā manuscripts nos. 300-399, for
Sūtra manuscripts nos. 400-849 and so on. Moreover, a capital letter was put before the
number to denote the find-spot; X means “unknown find-spot.” Later on this numbering was
called “Lüders number.”
The scientific processing of the Sanskrit manuscripts from the Turfan finds is hard to
imagine without the name of Ernst Waldschmidt. He came to Berlin in 1920 and four years
later as a pupil of Heinrich Lüders he did his doctorate with the edition of Sanskrit fragments
of the Bhikşuņı̄prātimokşa from the Turfan finds. His postdoctoral thesis from 1930 was
again an edition of manuscript fragments, this time from a collection of Buddhist sūtras. In
1936 he succeeded Sieg to the chair of Indology in Göttingen, but was still freelancer at the
Oriental Commission in Berlin and was elected as member of this commission in 1942.
World War II again meant a considerable set-back for the work on the Sanskrit Turfan
manuscripts. It had to be stopped almost completely. The manuscripts were removed from
Berlin in 1943 in an attempt to save them from the air raids and brought back there only in
1947. A minor part of them, namely about 1000 glass plates supposed to be Tocharian texts,
were sent to Göttingen, to be dealt with there by Emil Sieg. But these fragments turned out
to be exclusively Sanskrit texts, which Waldschmidt had already worked on in Berlin in some
cases. Because of the transport about two thirds of the glass plates were cracked and some
had lost their labels with numbers. They had to be arranged and remounted between sheets
of glass again. The manuscripts, which were brought back to Berlin, suffered the same fate.
By means of Waldschmidt’s good and intensive cooperation with the newly founded Institute
for Oriental Research of the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin, which replaced the
Oriental Commission, the transliterations of Else Lüders got accessible in Göttingen and
photoprints of the Sanskrit manuscripts were sent there too. So the conditions were
established for listing the manuscripts by Waldschmidt and his co-workers in Göttingen to
provide a provisional catalogue.
In the fifties and early sixties a great number of text editions came out, not only by
Waldschmidt himself but also by his pupils like Herbert Härtel, Kusum Mittal, Valentina
Rosen, Dieter Schlingloff and Chandrabhāl Tripāţhı̄, as well as by other scholars like Heinz
Bechert, Franz Bernhard and Friedrich Weller. The first publications came out in the
“Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin” or in the series
“Sanskrittexte aus den Turfanfunden” respectively, being a publication of the Institute for
Oriental Research of the German Academy in Berlin. Later they appeared in the
“Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen.”
In 1950 Waldschmidt was still optimistic to provide a catalogue of the Sanskrit manu-
scripts in the foreseeable future. This plan had to be revised rather soon, since two years later
several huge cardboard boxes with some thousands of unmounted and unnumbered Sanskrit
fragments came up, which had not yet been transliterated by Else Lüders. It was Dieter
Schlingloff’s outstanding service during his employment at the Institute for Oriental Research
in Berlin between 1954-1961, that these about 6000 fragments were mounted between sheets
of glass and numbered with the so-called “vorläufige Numerierung (Vorl. Nr.)” that means
temporary number, written in pencil in order to distinguish them from the Lüders number
(see handout figure 2). He also made first transliterations of the major part, which was and
still is extremely useful for the further work. Later on it turned out that only very few of
these fragments with a temporary number already had a Lüders number before, which had
been lost because of the removal during the war. They were now rearranged under their
former number. A different arrangement was applied to the Udānavarga fragments later on
in the edition by Franz Bernhard. He classified the fragments according to a system of letters
(see handout figure 3). Moreover, an additional system of numbering is to be found on some
of the glass plates, always written in pencil, therefore called “pencil numbers” (see handout
figure 4; label upper right). These numbers have been applied shortly after World War II by
a technical assistant in Berlin as current numbers during an inventory. These various systems
of classification play a minor role nowadays, since all manuscript fragments are arranged
according to their catalogue numbers. Concordances enable us to find the various numbers
used in earlier editions under their present catalogue number.
In 1957 the Sanskrit manuscripts were included as part X in the project “Union
Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in German Collections.” The paleographical research on
the Sanskrit manuscripts carried out by Lore Sander, a pupil of Waldschmidt, is of major
importance for the cataloguing process. She classified the scripts in seven main types and
five special types, and that made it possible to arrange the fragments according to the type
of script. The first three volumes were edited by Waldschmidt, assisted by Walter Clawiter
and Lore Sander (formerly Lore Holzmann), part 4 and 5 by Waldschmidt and Sander. Heinz
Bechert, in 1965 successor of Waldschmidt on the chair for Indology in Göttingen, finally
took over the direction of the “Sanskrithandschriften aus den Turfanfunden” from
Waldschmidt in 1984, and I was entrusted with the further work on the manuscripts.
The first volume of SHT came out in 1965 containing the catalogue numbers 1-801.
The manuscripts are arranged according to their find-spots and within these groups according
to the type of script and finally to their contents. We are dealing here mainly with already
edited manuscripts. Selected facsimiles are added to demonstrate the different types of script.
SHT part 2 came out in 1968. Apart from the edition of some fragments already
described in part 1 this volume contains facsimiles of Vinaya and Sūtra manuscripts of some
of the catalogue numbers of part 1. These facsimiles were initially meant to be published as
part 2 of the series “Faksimile-Wiedergaben von Sanskrithandschriften aus den
Turfanfunden.” The first and only part ever to appear was published in 1963 by Mouton &
co in The Hague.
SHT part 3 came out in 1971 with catalogue numbers 802-1014 and facsimiles of
most of the manuscripts described here. Contrary to part 1 with many rather extensive
manuscripts one catalogue number in part 3 often contains only fragments of one or more
folios of the same manuscript. Therefore, with only a few exceptions, the full text of the
fragments is given to make the text material accessible to scholars and thus enable the
Brāhmı̄ script.
To give a comprehensive survey regarding the contents of the manuscripts would be
too timeconsuming in the course of this talk. Therefore I would like to refer to my handout
(pp. 3ff.), where you can find a title index of the identified texts, which is still provisional,
but might provide an idea of the literary genres to be found in the manuscripts.
Fett markierte Nummern sind erstmals in den SHT-Bänden wiedergegeben (Cat.-Nos. in bold types have been edited completely
or partially in the volumes cited).
A. Buddhistische Literatur
1. Vinaya
Adhikaraņavastu der Sarvāstivādin VI 1401(?); VII 1686(?), 1739(?)
Bhaişajyavastu der Sarvāstivādin VI 1407a(?)
Bhaişajyavastu der Mūlasarvāstivādin VI 1423(?)
Bhikşuņı̄prātimokşasūtra der Sarvāstivādin I 44, 539; V 1071, 1215; VI 1560
Bhikşuņı̄vinaya I 394, 540, 541, 549; V 1358, 1047a; VIII 1843(?)
Bhikşuprātimokşasūtra I 39, 40; IX 2200, 3029
Bhikşuprātimokşasūtra der Dharmaguptaka I 656
Bhikşuprātimokşasūtra der Mūlasarvāstivādin I 2(?), 41, 100d, 355
Bhikşuprātimokşasūtra der Sarvāstivādin I 28, 42, 43, 73 93, 94 (dazu VII 1612), 95 119, 168w2, z3, 177k6, 352 354, 360, 361, 382 392,
400 (s. SHT IX Erg.), 473 477, 493, 494, 535 538, 650, 655, 657, 658, 665 678, 762; III 851; V 1074, 1084, 1215V R2, 1285; VI 1282,
1443, 1490, 1538; VII 1651, 1681B(2); VIII 1800; IX 2045, 2130, 2368, 2448, 2547c, 2641, 2954, 3047, 3049
Bhikşuprātimokşavibhaňga der Sarvāstivādin I 542 + II 542, I 543 550, 554, 557b, 559a, 560, 561, 562a, I 563 + VI 1454 + IX 3004, I 564,
565, 567 569, 763; III 988(?); V 1028(?), 1037, 1041(?), 1043(?), 1046(?), 1052, 1061(?), 1066(?), 1072, 1080(?), 1085(?), 1090(?),
1092(?), 1094(?), 1097, 1098, 1106, 1323, 1479(?); VI 1283, 1345(?), 1372(?), 1374, 1378(?), 1400, 1401(?), 1407a(?),b, 1444(?), 1452(?),
1465, 1466(?), 1468, 1469, 1471, 1472, 1473(?), 1483, 1487, 1489, 1496, 1501, 1518, 1529, 1530, 1536, 1570; VII 1608a(?), 1686(?),
1739(?); IX 2284(?), 2286, 2287(?), 2288(?), 2850(?), 3032(?), 3079(?)
Caņpāvastu der Sarvāstivādin V 1049, 1121
Carmavastu der Mūlasarvāstivādin I 598(?), IX 2281
Carmavastu der Sarvāstivādin I 591
Cı̄varavastu der Mūlasarvāstivādin I 551, V 1100; VII 1724; VIII 1984; IX 2222, 2231, 2232
Cı̄varavastu der Sarvāstivādin VI 1353b(?),c(?)
Devadattavastu der Sarvāstivādin I 552; V 1376; VI 1295, 1369b, 1383 + 1481; VII 1741
Ekottaradharma/Vinayottarika der Sarvāstivādin V 1057, 1108 + 1086a
Karmavācanā I 29, 45, 46, I 120 + II 120, I 121 123, 124(?), 125 128, 129(?), 130(?), 131, 132, 133(?), 134(?), 135 138, 393, 395, 433, 435,
555 (s .auch V 1088a), 570, 572, 651, 679, 764; III 854(?), 858; V 1027, 1028(?), 1088a, 1215; VI 1484(?); VII 1655; IX 2031(?)[dazu I
679 + III 854b], 2441(?), 2567(?), 3135
Karmavācanā der Mūlasarvāstivādin I 573
Karmavastu der Mūlasarvāstivādin(?) VI 1388
Karmavastu der Sarvāstivādin s. Caņpāvastu
Kaţhinavastu der Mūlasarvāstivādin VI 1437; IX 2973b
Kaţhinavastu der Sarvāstivādin I 557a, 571
Konzil-Bericht s. Vinayanidāna
Kośāmbakavastu der Sarvāstivādin V 1048b, 1051
Kşudrakavastu der Sarvāstivādin III 988(?); V 1036, 1079; VIII 1943(?)
Pāņðurohiyakavastu der Sarvāstivādin III 988(?); V 1048a
Poşadhavastu der Mūlasarvāstivādin V 1033 + VII 1761
Poşatha-Kalender (?) VII 1656
Poşathasthāpanavastu der Sarvāstivādin V 1062, 1078
Poşathavastu der Sarvāstivādin V 1028(?), 1150
PratisaŁyukta-khaņðaka der Sarvāstivādin V 1093; VIII 1943(?)
Pravāraņavastu der Mūlasarvāstivādin VI 1578
Pravāraņavastu der Sarvāstivādin V 1091
Pravrajyāvastu der Mūlasarvāstivadin V 1030
Pravrajyāvastu der Sarvāstivadin s. UpasaŁpadāvastu
SaŁghabhedavastu der Mūlasarvāstivādin V 1045d,f,h,i(?), 1075, 1083, 1163(?); VI 1430, 1431, 1539(?); VII 1719 + IX 3115 + 3116; IX 2220,
2317, 2341, 3026(?), 3103
SaŁghabhedavastu der Sarvāstivādin s. Devadattavastu
SaŁghāvaśeşa-Abschnitt im 10. Adhyāya des Daśādhyāya-vinaya der Sarvāstivādin V 1056; VI 1364, 1382
SaŁghāvaśeşapratikaraņavastu der Sarvāstivādin IX 2289
Śayanāsanavastu der Mūlasarvāstivādin V 1045b,i(?); IX 3026(?)
Udayana-Legende s. Bhikşuprātimokşavibhaňga der Sarvāstivādin (V 1097)
Upāliparipŗcchā I 553; III 937; IV 566(?); V 1038, 1053, 1054 [Bl. 9, 13(?)], 1055(?), V+VI 1058 + 1412, V 1064, 1067a(?),b, 1160, 1438
UpasaŁpadāvastu der Sarvāstivādin I 124(?), 129(?), 130(?). 133(?), 134(?); III 854a(?); V 1073, 1077; VI 1452(?); IX 2031(?)[dazu I 679 +
III 854b]
Varşāvastu der Sarvāstivādin VI 1339
Vinayamātŗkā der Sarvāstivādin V 1039, 1059, 1063, 1068; VI 1520(?); VIII 1940
Vinayamuktaka (~ Parivāra) der Sarvāstivādin V 1056; VI 1364, 1382
Vinayanidāna der Sarvāstivādin I 556
Vinaya-uddāna VI 1377
Vinayavibhaňga der Sarvāstivādin s. Bhikşuprātimokşavibhaňga
Vinayavibhaňga der Mūlasarvāstivādin I 574; V 1044; V 1124, 1583(?); VI 1319, 1398, 1434, 1510; VIII 1864; IX 2084
Vinaya der Sarvāstivādin (unbestimmt) V 1040, 1042, 1046, 1047b, 1050, 1060, 1069, 1081, 1082, 1088b, 1095b, 1116, 1130, 1147, 1155(?),
1157(?), 1165, 1185, 1187b,c, 1313; VI 1337, 1386, 1408, 1419, 1482, 1484(?); VII 1688, 1742; VIII 1851, 1893, 1953; IX 2242, 2285,
2613, 2723, 3068
2. Sūtra
a) Kanonisches Sūtra
Acela-Kāśyapasūtra (Version eines?) V 1133a
Agaņņasutta (Entsprechung zum) V 1583
Āhārasutta (Entsprechung zum) III 1001
Āļavakasutta (Entsprechung zum) V 1343(?)
Ambalaţţhika-Rāhulavādasutta s. Rāhulovādasūtra
Ambāşţasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) III 885, 978; IV 495b(?); V 1290c, 1351; 4314
AnavatāgrasaŁyukta (Sūtra aus) I 167
Aňgulimālasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) I 160c
Aňguttaranikāya (Sūtras entsprechend Suttas aus) III 977; VI 1326 Bl. 212, 1341; IX 2772
Apaņņakasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) III 966; IV 165 (Fragm.27(?), 32, 37); VI 1261(?), 1579
Apramādasūtra (Madhyamāgama) IV 412 Fragm. 30R5 6
Arakasutta (Entsprechung zum) VI 1324 + VII 1720; VII 1770cA
Araņavibhaňgasutta (Entsprechung zum) II 163a
Arthavistarasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) I 6a,b, 164d, 168 (Fragm.l1+n2+n1+q7, m1+t3+s4+w4+u9+l2+m3+q2, m5+l3+v4+m6+u2+u7+u5+l5, p4+q6+v3,
s2+s6+q3, u4), 177 (Fragm.f6+l5+n4+k4+k2, m1+l3), 186, 498 Fragm.4+19, 505 Fragm.3; III 866b,c, 869; V 1136a; VII 1654, 1699; VIII
1875; IX 2215, 2981, 3058, 3097
Āryamārgasūtra (Madhyamāgama) V 1125
Āţānāţikasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) I 10, 31, 33, 165 (Fragm.26R), 173a,b, 174, 175, 177i1(?), 180, 371a, b, 419, 444, I 621, I 681, 792; III 959, 986;
IV 32 (Fragm.65), 33 (Fragm.11 18, 30); V 1189; VI 1242bR; IX 2161, 2256, 2384, 2402, 2487(?), 2814
Avasrutānavasrutadharmaparyāya (SaŁyuktāgama) V 1416
AvetyaprasādasaŁyukta (Sūtras aus) I 162
Ayakkāsutta (Entsprechung zum) VI 1586
Bāşpasūtra (Madhyamāgama) V 1348
Bhārgavasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) I+IV 32 (Fragm.7 25), 165 (Fragm.3 6, 60), 500 (Fragm.1, 2); III 992
Bhayabhairavasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) I 164c,g; IV 32 (Fragm.33 41), 165 (Fragm.15 16), 500 (Fragm.4); IX 2401(?)
Bimbasārasūtra I 581; V 1163(?)
Bodharājakumārasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) IV 33 (Fragm.17 28, 35), 165 (Fragm.20 24), 180 (Fragm.1 2); III 997R; VI 1361, 1373a; IX 2063d
BodhyaňgasaŁyukta (Sūtras aus) VI 533, IV 162
Brahmajālasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) III 803, 882b(?); V 1571; VI 1248, 1356; X 4189
Brāhmaņadhammikasutta (Entsprechung zum) VI 1370; VIII 1994
Brahmāyu(þ)sūtra (Madhyamāgama) V 1148
Cailasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) III 947
Campāsūtra (Madhyamāgama) IV 412 Fragm. 1 5
Candra(maņðala)sūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) II 176; III 876; V 1263, 1284; VI 1242a
Caňkı̄sūtra s. Kāmaţhikasūtra
Catuşparişatsūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) I 3, 9, 11, 149, 159, 168 (s. auch SHT IX Erg.), 177 (s. auch SHT IX Erg.), 181, 182, 185, 367, 368, 399, 400
(s. auch SHT IX Erg.), 401, 410, 411, 430, 478, 498, 505, 512, 577, 580, 584, 586, 605 607, 652 (s. auch SHT IX Erg.), 682, 683, 685,
769 775, 784; III 896, 967, 999; V 1163(?); VI 1446, 1568, 1572a(?); VII 1779b(?); VIII 1880; IX 2099, 2247, 2291, 2518, 2996
Chachakkasutta (Entsprechung zum) VI 1226
„Chapāņa“ im SaŁyuttanikāya (Entsprechung zum) V 1152
Cūlakammavibhaňgasutta (Entsprechung zum) VI 1210
Cūļasaccakasutta (Entsprechung zum) s. Kāyabhāvanāsūtra
Dakkhiņāvibhaňgasutta (Entsprechung zum) III 979
Daśabalasūtra I I 166, 168, 173c, 362, 420, 426, 501, 502, 503, 507, 514, 581, 583, 765, 766; VI 1543, 1564; IX 2018a,b,d1 3,e,f, 2066, 2162
Daśabalasūtra II (SaŁyuktāgama) I 504; VI 1220, 1457Vz R
Daśottarasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) I 161, 168 (s. auch SHT VII IX Erg.), 171, 172, 177 (s. auch SHT IX Erg.), 365, 367, 398, 400, 407, 423, 426,
428, 505, 508, 509, 511, 512, 595, 652, 685, 777, 779 782; III 863, 915; VII 1646A, 1682; IX 2101, 2215, 2537, 2538, 2681, 2785
Dharmacakrapravartanasūtra I 581
Dharmamudrāsūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) I 160bV
Dhvajāgrasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) I 176, 178, 418V1 5, 496V, 499, 504, 506, 581, 681; VI 1242bV; VII 1687A
Dı̄rghilasūtra (Madhyamāgama) VI 1384
DiţţhisaŁyutta (Entsprechung zu Abschnitten im) IV 30
Duþkhadharmasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) V 1099
Ekottarikāgama (Abschnitte aus) I 590(?); II 163a(?); III 952(?), 974, 975, 1000, 1343(?); V 1445 (Sūtra 26?); VI 1395(?); VIII 1829 (dazu VI
1462), 1876 (dazu IX 2071), 1957
Gandhasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) V 1183, V 1396 + IX 3056
Gautamı̄sūtra (Madhyamāgama) III 979
Ghoţamukhasutta (Entsprechung zum) V 1332b(?)
Giñjakāvasthasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) I 162a
Gopālakasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) VI 1381
Gośŗňgaśālavanasūtra (Madhyamāgama) V 1346
Hastaka-Āţavakasūtra(?) V 1343
Hemavatasutta (Entsprechung zum ?) IV+V 50a,h+j+i
Indriyabhāvanāsutta (Entsprechung zum) VI 1226
Janarşabhasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) IV 32, 165; VIII 1872
Jı̄vakasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) VI 1525V1 R2
Kaivartasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) IX 2085
Kāmaţhikasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) IV 165 (Fragm. 29 31), 177n5; III 883a; V 1025R4 7
Kāraņðavasutta (Entsprechung zum) IV 412 (Fragm. 1 5)
Karmārasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) VI 1381
KāśyapasiŁhanādasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) V 1119; VI 1296; VIII 1874
Kāyabhāvanāsūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) III 931a, 997V
KhandhasaŁyutta (Entsprechung zu Abschnitten im) IV 30
Kşemakasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) IV 30c
Kūţatāņðyasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) III 978; V 1290b,c,g
LakkhaņasaŁyutta (Entsprechung zu Abschnitten im) IV 30
Lokakāmaguņasutta (Entsprechung zum) V 1442; VI 1404
Lokeccasūtra I (Dı̄rghāgama) III 806; IV 495c; V 1352a+b; VI 1413; VIII 1918; IX 2330
Madhyāmāgama (Sūtras aus, Entsprechung zu Sūtras im CMĀ) I 409 (134), 413 (97), 581 (97, 134); II 163 (9, 169); IV 412 (122, 123,
131 133, 135, 138, 141); III 804 (132 133), 865 (97), 868 (97), 872 (133), 979 (180), 1007 (133); V 1070 (131), 1114 (201), 1117 (14),
1118 (3), 1125 (189), 1148 (161), 1166 (201), V 1279 + IX 2155 (205), V 1332a + VI 1493 (203 204), V 1346 (184), 1348 (12), V 1402
+ 1403a + IX 2082a (20), V 1421 (134), 1422 (134); V 1151 + VI 1415R2 5 (134), 1424 (131), 1583 (154?), 1896 (132); VI 1210 (170),
1238 (97), 1244 (135), 1246 (97), 1252a (163), 1267 (8), 1272 (97), 1291 (133), 1294 (97), 1302 (133), 1324 + VII 1720 (160), VI 1329
(9), 1360 (46 48), 1379 (24 25), 1384 (72), 1397 (28), 1423 (132?), 1522 (133); VII 1687B (134), 1701 (4), 1721 (130), 1770cA, dA (160);
VIII 1802 (133), 1913 (133), 1914 (135), 1981 (118); IX 2047 (133), 2067 (97), 2932 (133)
MaggasaŁyutta (Entsprechung zu Abschnitten im) IV 162
Mahā-assapurasutta (Entsprechung zum) I+IV 562b; VI 1392
Mahācattarı̄sakasutta (Entsprechung zum) V 1125
Mahāgosiňgasutta (Entsprechung zum) V 1346
Mahāgovindasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) IV 32 (Fragm. 61 64); I+IV 165 (Fragm. 18 19, q)
Mahallasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) IV 495dV4 R5
Mahallisūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) III 805
Mahānidānasūtra (Madhyamāgama) I 413, 581; III 865, 868; VI 1238, 1246, 1272, 1294; IX 2067
Mahāparinirvāņasūtra mit Mahāsudarśanasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) I 9, 151, 168, 169, 170, 177, 183, 367, 370, 377, 399 (s. auch SHT II, VIII und
IX Erg.), 400 (s. auch SHT IX Erg.), 402 406, IV 412 (Fragm. 62), I 415, 417, 421, 425, 431, 478, 479, 495a, 498 (s. auch SHT IX Erg.),
510, 512, 513, 578, 579, 585, 587, 588, 592, 618, 619, 684, 685, 694, 790, 791; II 685; III 967; VI 1271, 1508, 1512; VII 1650; IX 2305,
2491, 2508, 2616, 2976
Mahāparinirvāņasūtra der Dharmaguptaka V 1024
Mahāsaccakasutta (Entsprechung zum) s. Kāyabhāvanāsūtra
Mahāsamājasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) IV 33 (Fragm. 31 32), I 177n7, 424, 581, 680, 796 (= III 906a); III 891, 892, 894a, 906a,b; V 1300, 1513,
1540; IX 3134, 3152
MahāsiŁhanādasūtra s. Romaharşaņasūtra
Mahāsudarśanasūtra s. Mahāparinirvāņasūtra
MahātaņhāsaŁkhayasutta s. Svātisūtra
Mahāvadānasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) I 3, 9, 164, I 168y2, 177 (s. auch SHT VI und VII Erg.), 399 (s. auch SHT IX Erg.), 400, I 478, 498 (s. auch
SHT VI und IX Erg.), 600 602, 652 (s. auch SHT VI und VII Erg.), 686; II 685; III 916; IV 165 (Fragm. 41), 412 (Fragm. 34); VI 1592;
IX 2009, 2032 2034, 2172, 2446, 2995
Mālakyasūtra (Madhyamāgama) V 1279 + IX 2155
Māņicarasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) V 1138
Māraduhitaraþsūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) V 1441
Māratarjanı̄yasūtra (Madhyamāgama) IV 412 (Fragm. 8 11); V 1070, 1424
Māyājālasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) IV 33 (Fragm. 4+6+7, 8+9+10+19+39, 11+12+15, 13, 14, 16, 36, 38, 40 42; s. SHT VII Erg.), 165 (Fragm. 1,
2, 28, 29; s. SHT VII Erg.); III 883b; V 1025V R3
Nagarasūtra s. Nagaropamasūtra I und NidānasaŁyukta des SaŁyuktāgama
Nagaravindeyyasutta (Entsprechung zum) VI 1226
Nagaropamasūtra I I 152, 154, 157, 179, 366, 420; II 176; IX 3025
Nagaropamasūtra II I 154, II 176, 179; III 875, 905, 906c, 909, 971; V 1275 (dazu IX 2482); VII 1675; IX 2605
Nagaropamasūtra (Madhyamāgama) V 1118
Nandakovādasutta (Entsprechung zum) VI 1226
Nandikasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) IV 162aR5ff.
NidānasaŁyukta des SaŁyuktāgama (Sūtras aus)
„Abhaya“ (Sūtra 25) I 381
„Acela“ (Sūtra 20) I 381
„Ādi“ (Sūtra 16) I 381, 504 (Bl. 124 125V5), 688, 696V R2
„Bhikşu“ (Sūtra 17) I 381
„Bhūmika“ (Sūtra 22) I 381
„Bhūtam idam“ (Sūtra 24) I 381
„Brāhmaņa“ (Sūtra 18) I 381, 615
„Dı̄pa I“ (Sūtra 3) I 158, 381
„DŗşţisaŁpanna“ (Sūtra 23) I 381; IX 2436
„DvayaŁ kāşţhe“ (Sūtra 8) I 381
„KāŁsı̄“ (Sūtra 9) I 381
„Kātyāyana“ (Sūtra 19) I 381, 615
„Kumbha“ (Sūtra 10) I+II 51, 381, 689, 695
„Markaţa“ (Sūtra 7) I 381
„Naðakalāpika“ (Sūtra 6) I 381, 725
„Nagara“ (Sūtra 5) I 153, 155, 156, 167, 369, 381, 408, 616, 617, 659, I+II 690 (s. SHT VII Erg.), I 691, 692, 693, 787
„Na yuşmākam“ (Sūtra 13) I 381
„Nivŗta“ (Sūtra 12) I 381
„Pratı̄tya“ (Sūtra 14) I 381, 785
„Śūnyatā“ (Sūtra 15) I 381
„TiŁburuka“ (Sūtra 21) I 381
„Vŗkşa I und II“ (Sūtra 1 und 2) I 51, 158, 381
„Yo vadet“ (Sūtra 11) I 381, I+II 680a, I 689
NidānasaŁyutta [Entsprechung zu Mahāvaggo XII.64(4) atthirāgo] V 1089
Pacalāsutta (Entsprechung zum) IV 412 (Fragm. 32)
Pañcatrayasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) IV 32 (Fragm. 1 6), 33 (Fragm. 1 7); III 882b(?)
ParivrājakasaŁyukta des SaŁyuktāgama (Sūtras aus)
Kokanada I 612
Anāthapiņðada I 612
Dı̄rghanakha I 612
Śarabha I 612
Parivrājaka Sthavira(?) I 612
Brāhmaņasatyāni I 612
Pāţalakasūtra (Madhyamāgama) V 1402 + 1403a + IX 2082a
Pāţimātŗsūtra s. Bhārgavasūtra
Potalakasūtra (Madhyamāgama) V 1332a + VI 1493
Prahāņasūtra II (SaŁyuktāgama) V 1445(?)
Prasādanı̄yasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) IV 32 (Fragm. 66), 165 (Fragm. 43); VIII 1870
Pratı̄tyasamutpādavibhaňgasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) I 504
Pravāraņasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) V 1193; VI 1598
Premasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) V 1375
Pudgalasūtra(?) (Dı̄rghāgama) IV 165 (Fragm. 27), I 422
Puņyasūtra (Madhyamāgama) IV 412 (Fragm. 32)
Rāhulovādasūtra (Madhyamāgama) V 1117
RaŁbhakasūtra (Madhyamāgama) V 1332a + VI 1493
Rāşţrapālasūtra (Madhyamāgama) IV 412 (Fragm. 11R5 16); III 804; V 1896; VI 1423(?)
Rathavinı̄tasutta (Entsprechung zum) II 163b; VI 1329
Romaharşaņasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) IV 32 (Fragm. 41 57), 500 (Fragm. 5); V 1102(?)
Şaðāyatanavibhaňgasūtra (Madhyamāgama) VI 1252
Śakrapraśnasūtra (Madhyamāgama) I 409, 581; V 1151 + VI 1415R2 5, V 1421, 1422; VII 1687B
Śaktiśatasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) III 947
SaļāyatanasaŁyutta (Entsprechung zu Abschnitten im) IV 30
Śalyasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) IV 32 (Fragm. 25 33), IV 165 (Fragm. 6 14), 500 (Fragm. 3 4); IX 2578
SaŁgrāmajitsūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) V 1183
SaŁyuktāgama (Sūtras aus, Entsprechung zu Sūtras im CSĀ: T 99) I+IV 30 (3 9, 73 75, 103, 130 131, 163, 259 260, 339 340?, 508 510,
982?), I+IV+V 50a, h+j+i (1329), I+II 51 (283 284, 292, 415 417, 422 424, 440 442, 485), I 58 (283 285), 61 (252), 160bV(? 80), c
(1077), I+IV 162 (854 855), I 167R3ff. (938), I+II 176 (583, 981), I 178 (981), 184 (979), 241 (252), 376 (81 83), 381 (283 303,
343 346), 418V1 5 (981), 496V (981), 499 (393?, 981), 504 (298, 348, 349, 612, 981, 612), 506 (981), I+VI 533 (723 729, 747), 581
(981), I 582 (369 371), 612 (967 972), 613 (831 832), 615 (300 301), 616 (287 288), 617 (287), 630? (252), 659 (287), I+II 680a (293,
351), 681 (981), 688 (298), 689 (292 293), 690 (287), 691 (287), 692 (287), 693 (287), 695 (292), 696V R2 (298), 724 (252), 725a (288),
785 (296), 787 (287); III 876 (583), 881 (349), 890a (442), 947 (400 401), 994 (276?); V 1031 (983 984), 1099 (1172 1173), 1101 (95),
1107 (1106), 1112 (1146), 1113 (254?), 1120 + 1178 (993), 1127 (650?), 1132 (302?), 1138 (1323 1324), 1140 (1213 1215), 1145 (506),
1146 (506 507), 1152 (1169 1170), 1156 + VI 1499 + IX 3121 (253, 254), 1161 (1117), 1168 (379), 1174 (= 612, Bl. 157), 1183
(1072 1073), 1193 (1212), 1250 (995, 1282), 1263 (583), 1284 (583), 1305 (379), 1311 (312 313), 1313 (497?), 1347 (43), 1375
(983 985), V 1396 + IX 3056 (1073), V 1416 (276), 1441 (1092), 1442 (234); VI 1226 (273 282, 304), 1242b (583, 981), 1381
(1247 1248), 1393 (454 455), 1394 (322), 1399 (1207 1208), 1404 (234), 1457Vz R (348), 1534 (1307), 1586 (1227), 1598 (1212); VII
1644 (994 996), 1687A (981); VIII 1839 (565), 1863 (483, 485 489), 1879 (323 333), 1884 (485 489, 483), 1950 (449 450), 1965
(393 395); IX 2051 (743), 2052 (272), 2410b? (252), 2436 (344)
„Tac ca bhikşuņā“ I 613
„Śikşā“ I 613
s. auch AnavatāgrasaŁyukta, AvetyaprasādasaŁyukta, BodhyaňgasaŁyukta, DiţţisaŁyutta, LakkhaņasaŁyutta, MaggasaŁyutta,
NidānasaŁyukta, ParivrājakasaŁyukta, SaļāyatanasaŁyutta, SatyasaŁyukta, SkandhasaŁyukta, VedanāsaŁyukta)
SaŁyuttanikāya [Entsprechung zu Mahāvaggo XII.64(4) atthirāgo] V 1089
Sandakasutta (Entsprechung zu) III 886A5 B8, 942
Saňgı̄tisūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) I 3, 168 (s. auch SHT VII und IX Erg.), 177 (s. auch SHT VIII und IX Erg.), 367, 411, 416, 426, 427, 429, 498 (s.
auch SHT VII, VIII und IX Erg.), 505, 589, 594, 597, 608 611, 652 (s. auch SHT VIII und IX Erg.), 685, 687, 776, 778, 783; III 895, 991;
IV 412 (Fragm. 33); V 1154; VI 1414, 1559, 1597; VII 1654; VIII 1922; IX 2214, 2273, 2362, 2787
Śaňkarakasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) IV 33 (Fragm. 28 29, 33); 165 (Fragm. 24 26, 42); 180 (Fragm.3 4, 6 [= IX 2063e])
Sātyakasūtra s. Kāyabhāvanāsūtra
SatyasaŁyukta (Sūtras aus) II 51; III 890a, 947
Satyasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) I 499
Saptasūryasūtra VI 1344(?)
Śikhālakasūtra (Madhyamāgama) IV 412 (Fragm. 22 31); VI 1244; VIII 1914
Siňgālovādasutta s. Śikhālakasūtra
SkandhasaŁyukta (Sūtras aus) I 376; IV 30
Śoņatāņðyasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) V 1251, 1352c
Śrāmaņyaphalasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) V 1290a; VI 1525R3ff.
ŚroņakoţiviŁśasūtra (Madhyamāgama) IV 412 (Fragm. 6 7)
ŚroņakoţiviŁśasūtra V 1029, 1113 (CSĀ?), V 1156b + VI 1499R5 (CSĀ)
Śrutasūtra(?) (Dı̄rghāgama) IV 495 (Fragm. dV1 3, e); IX 3066
Sūcilomasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) V 1138
Sujātaputrasūtra s. Śikhālakasūtra
Śukasūtra (Madhyamāgama) VI 1210
Śukasūtra (Dı̄rghāgama) V 1290d f
Sunakşatrasūtra s. Śalyasūtra
Svāgatasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) I 504; III+IV 881
Svātisūtra (Madhyamāgama) V 1114, 1166
Tŗşņāvicaritasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) V 1375
Upādāyaparitasyanāsūtra (SaŁyuktāgma) V 1347
Upakkilesasutta (Entsprechung zum) VI 1384
Upālisūtra (Madhyamāgama) IV 412 (Fragm. 17 21); III 804, 872, 1007; VI 1291, 1302, 1522; VIII 1802, 1913; IX 2047, 2932
Upasenasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) I 61, 241, 630(?), 724; IX 2410b(?)
Upastabdhasūtra s. Mahallisūtra
Vacchagottasutta (Entsprechung zum) V 1101
Vanapatthasutta (Entsprechung zum) VI 1304a(?)
Vappasutta (Entsprechung zum) V 1348
VedanāsaŁyukta (Sūtras aus) II 51; IV 30g
Veņukātyāyanagotrı̄sūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) V 1156 + VI 1499 + IX 3121
Vidyāsthānopamasūtra I 160a, 366a, 497, 499; IX 2210A
„Vı̄ņā“ im SaŁyuttanikāya (Entsprechung zum) V 1152
Vratapādasūtra (SaŁyuktāgama) V 1107
Sūtras (unbestimmt) I 24, 147V, 160b, II 163, I 178, 496R, 620, 789; II 504 (Bl. 129); III 807, 808, 816, 820, 834, 836, 860, 862, 864, 866a,
867, 877(?), 878, 880, 882, 886, 894b, 908(?), 913(?), 917, 927(?), 928, 931b, 932, 935, 938 940, 948, 950, 955, 962(?), 963, 965, 968,
973, 980, 982(?), 995, 1004, 1010; V 1026(?), 1032, 1111(?), 1116(?), 1127, 1129, 1133b, 1135, 1136b, 1139, 1143, 1144(?), 1151V1 R1,
1157(?), 1159, 1163, 1164, 1169(?), 1172, 1180 1182, 1185(?), 1187b,c(?), 1313(?), 1332b; VI 1216aR2 6, 1415V1 R1; VII 1662, 1735,
b) Nichtkanonisches Sūtra
Dharmakāyasūtra(?) (~ T 766) I+IV 623; VII 1689
Dharmaśarı̄rasūtra I 596; III 893
b) Erzählungen
Cūðapanthakāvadāna V 1349
Dharmapālāvadāna I 35 aV (s. SHT X Erg.)
Dhūma(Dhūpa)-avadāna V 1318a
HaŁsa-Jātaka s. Vinaya: Devadattavastu (SHT V 1376; VII 1741)
Kşemāvadāna V 1318b
Kunālāvadāna VII 1658; IX 2754, 2942
Maitreyāvadāna V 1126
Mandhātāvadāna I+IV 558; III 982a(?); V 1162
Mŗga-Jātaka s. Vinaya: Devadattavastu (SHT V 1376; VI 1383 + 1481)
Sahasodgatāvadāna V 1330, 1524; VI 1335
Śārdūlakarņāvadāna VII 1750; IX 3104
Śibi-avadāna I 35 a♦R, b (s. SHT X Erg.)
SiŁhalāvadāna V 1425
Śroņakoţikarņāvadāna I 591 (Carmavastu der Sarvāstivādin), 598 (Divyāvadāna oder Carmavastu der Mūlasarvāstivādin)
Subhadrāvadāna IX 2115a
Supriyāvadāna III 873
Svāgatāvadāna s. Vinayavibhaňga der Mūlasarvāstivādin (V 1124 + IX 2084)
Valgusvarāvadāna V 1318c
Virūpāvadāna V 1186; VI 1494 (zu V 1186a); IX 2822 (Fragm. b zu V 1186c)
Avadāna-Texte (unbestimmt) III 927(?), 982(?), 987; V 1111, 1144(?), 1165(?), 1169(?), 1317; VII 1677, 1722; VIII 1935
Abhidharma-Texte (unbekannter Kommentar zu den Abhidharmakośakārikās) VII 1698, 1747; VIII 1903, 1904, 1906, 1907, 1908; IX 3278
Abhidharma-Texte (unbestimmt) I 15, 18, 653; III 809, 810, 920, 946, 961, 962(?), 989(?), 998; V 1176, 1309; VI 1307; VII 1600, 1604, 1660,
1685, 1702, 1706, 1728, 1729, 1732, 1734, V 1740a + IX 2225, VII 1740b + VIII 1844 + IX 2226, VII 1744, 1745 + VIII 1852, VII
1753(?), 1763; VIII 1803, 1809, 1827(?), 1834 1837, 1840, 1845, 1847, 1848, 1853, 1854, 1862, 1871, 1912, 1925, 1933, 1934, 1938,
1972; IX 2004, 2027, 2028, 2070(?), 2235, 2329, 2478, 2808, 2882, 2917, 2968, 3024, 3027, 3030, 3070, 3084, 3102
b) Lehrbegriffe
Aufzählung und Behandlung verschiedener Lehrbegriffe I 363, 427, 614, I+IV 623(?), I+II 661, I+IV 687a, I 778, 786; III 1003; V 1103, 1115,
1122, 1158, 1170, 1427; VI 1566; VII 1689(?); IX 3053
c) Kommentar
Kommentar zu samādhibhāvanā und kāya V 1171 + VI 1458
Kommentar zu den smŗtyupasthānas V 1104
Kommentar zu Udānavarga III 922; IV 649c,d
Kommentar zur edlen Wahrheit vom Leiden III 802 (zu derselben Hs. IX 2015 2017)
Sūtrakommentare (unbestimmt) I 24, I 34 + IX 2013, I+IV 36(?); V 1026(?), 1087(?); VIII 1828
d) Yoga
Yogalehrbuch I 150, 164a, 183a, 407a
Yogavidhi I 150; III 918
Unbestimmt: V 1175 (Hinweis auf Höllen- und Götterklassen, ähnlich Yogalehrbuch); VIII 1816
5. Kultus
a) Schenkungsformular I+IV 23, I 24, 47, 126, I+IV 140, I 141 144, I+IV 146, I 396; III 852, 853, 855 857, 859; V 1233; VI 1212, 1213(?),
1231, 1232, 1234 1237, 1391(?); VII 1646B, 1781; VIII 1931(?), 1942(?); IX 2064(?), 2471(?), 2501
f) Orakel
Würfelorakel III 897, 898
6. Mahāyāna-Sūtra
Anantamukhanirhāradhāraņı̄sūtra III 1014
Aşţādaśasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā III 933, 951, 956; V 1022
Bodhisatvabhūmi III 964
Daśabhūmikasūtra I 414
Gaņðavyūhasūtra I 531; III 960
Karuņāpuņðarı̄kasūtra III 976
Kāśyapaparivarta IV 374
Prajñāpāramitā (unbestimmt) I 532
Prajñāpāramitāhŗdayasūtra VIII 1923
Ratnameghasūtra III 945
Ratnarāśisūtra (Zitat aus) III 860 (Bl. 42R)
Saddharmapuņðarı̄kasūtra I 622
SaŁdhinirmocanasūtra III 923, 981
Śatasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā I+IV 645; III 1012; VI 1587 (= V 1385); VII 1755a,e,f, 1757c,d; IX 2327(?)
Suvarņabhāsottamasūtra I 575, 576; V 1034, 1132; VII 1693; IX 2006a,c
Ugradattaparipŗcchā (Zitat aus) III 860 (Bl. 42V)
Vajracchedikā V 1195; VIII 1910, 1939
Texte (unbestimmt) I 647, 648; III 836(?), 884, 949; V 1110, 1192, 1197; VI 1577; VIII 1997
7. Schöne Literatur
a) Drama
Śāriputraprakaraņa des Aśvaghoşa I 16, 57
Dramen (buddhistische) I 16
b) Epos
Buddhacarita des Aśvaghoşa I 432; IX 2054
Buddhacaritra (Entsprechung zum) I 24p,w,ii
Saundaranandakāvya des Aśvaghoşa I 515; III 921
Kāvya-Anthologie I+IV 378; VII 1628, 1669
Texte (unbestimmt) I 4, 25, I+IV 52, I 138♦V6ff., 191, 193, 197, 201; III 812, 813, 837 839, 911 (dazu IX 2527), 919; IV 145 (Sammlung
von religiösen Gedichten), 187 (Sammlung von religiösen Gedichten); V 1624; VI 1625; IX 2109(?), 2449, 2677
d) Erzählung
Jātakamālā des Āryaśūra I 625, 638; VIII 1867
Kalpanāmaņðitikā des Kumāralāta I 21, 638; V 1015(?); IX 2952
Texte (unbestimmt) I 24, 26, I+IV 37, I 191; III 824, 835, 870; VI 1225; VII 1663, 1673, 1674, 1676
8. Unbestimmt
Fragmente mit Wendungen aus:
5 abhavyasthāna V 1123
6 abhijñā IX 2766, 3059, 3080
agraprajñapti VII 1749
ānāpānasmŗtibhāvanā IX 2065, 3091
4 āryasatya III 874
37 bodhipakşikadharma V 1427; IX 2056
37 bodhipakşikadharma und 32 mahāpuruşalakşaņa VI 1453
daśanāmaka VII 1718
5 indriya V 1127
madhyamaśı̄la VI 1268
32 mahāpuruşalakşaņa I 593+603, 604, 768; V 1045a; VI 1453; IX 2035, 2037, 2895
pratı̄tyasamutpāda-Formel III 833
7 saddharma III 878
saptaratna VI 1387 + VIII 1857
śı̄laskandha und samādhiskandha VIII 1873
3 smŗtyupasthāna III 989(?); VI 1550; VII 1717
4 smŗtyupasthāna IX 3039
4 smŗtyupasthāna und 4 samyakprahāņa I 614; III 1002
4 vaiśāradya VI 1504; IX 2323, 3006A
4 vaiśāradya und 3 smŗtyupasthāna VI 1550
5 vimuktyāyatana IX 2509
Maňgala-Verse IX 2773
Verehrungsformeln VII 1694
Verse I 626; III 814, 841, 911 (dazu IX 2527); V 1179; VII 1601, 1610, 1613 1615, 1617V, 1618, 1620 1623, 1625 1627, 1629, 1630, 1631a,
1632 1637, 1639 1641, 1642a, 1661, 1667, 1670 1672, 1711 1713, 1716A, 1765 1769, 1770a,b, 1775, 1776, 1778, 1782, 1783, 1785,
1787 1789; VIII 1801, 1831 (A2: Sn u. Th), 1927, 1932, 1979; IX 2005, 2012, 2038 (Parallele zu Uv 7.11e 12d bzw. PrMoSū, Schlv
8e 9d), 2059, 2062(?), 2083(?), 2109 (Parallele zu SHT III 838), 2314, 2769, 2966, 2967
Werk eines Dharmatrāta IX 2026
Liste von Göttern VII 1791
B. Wissenschaftliche Literatur
2. Metrik
Chandoviciti I 654
3. Lexikon
Synonyma in Śloken VI 1221; VII 1723(?)
5. Ikonographie
Mahākāla(?) V 1200+1201
6. Nı̄ti
Laghucāņākyarājanı̄tiśāstra V 1418
7. Medizin
BheðasaŁhitā I 641, 642
Rezepte I 24; III 910
Siddhasāra des Ravigupta VIII 1901
Texte (unbestimmt) I 17, 643; III 827 831; VII 1645(?), 1655(?); VIII 1926, 1929, 1996, 1999, IX 2379(?), 2461(?)