Musshir Kanchwala has over 9 years of experience in the media industry working on various projects in advertising, films and television. He currently works as a business development consultant and operational manager for an international studio. Previously he has held roles like senior executive producer, creative supervisor, executive producer and line producer for production companies; managing projects from pre-production to post-production. He has expertise in strategic planning, operations management, marketing and achieving business targets.
Musshir Kanchwala has over 9 years of experience in the media industry working on various projects in advertising, films and television. He currently works as a business development consultant and operational manager for an international studio. Previously he has held roles like senior executive producer, creative supervisor, executive producer and line producer for production companies; managing projects from pre-production to post-production. He has expertise in strategic planning, operations management, marketing and achieving business targets.
Musshir Kanchwala has over 9 years of experience in the media industry working on various projects in advertising, films and television. He currently works as a business development consultant and operational manager for an international studio. Previously he has held roles like senior executive producer, creative supervisor, executive producer and line producer for production companies; managing projects from pre-production to post-production. He has expertise in strategic planning, operations management, marketing and achieving business targets.
Musshir Kanchwala has over 9 years of experience in the media industry working on various projects in advertising, films and television. He currently works as a business development consultant and operational manager for an international studio. Previously he has held roles like senior executive producer, creative supervisor, executive producer and line producer for production companies; managing projects from pre-production to post-production. He has expertise in strategic planning, operations management, marketing and achieving business targets.
CURRICULAM VITAE SUMMARY Over 9 years of experience in the meia in!stry has he"pe me #ein$ part of vario!s cha""en$in$ pro%ects ran$in$ from Avertisement to &eat!re fi"ms an Te"evision han"in$ ifferent 'or( profi"e) A strate$ic *"anner 'ith experience in concept!a"i+in$ an imp"ementin$ effective strate$ies for eve"opin$ ne' #!siness, expanin$ existin$ share an achievin$ tar$ets) Exp"orin$ ne' mar(ets, stanari+in$ istri#!tion operations, initiatin$ promotiona" activities for achievin$ hi$hest mar(et share) Expertise in mana$in$ entire operations 'ith (ey foc!s on #ottom "ine profita#i"ity #y ens!rin$ optima" !ti"i+ation of reso!rces) O-.ECTIVE To p!rs!e a career in the Entertainment In!stry 'ith a esire s!ita#"e position in 'hich my ac/!ire expertise, creative ta"ent an commitment to exce""ence 'i"" have va"!a#"e app"ication) That 'o!" he"p Syner$i+e or$ani+ationa" re/!irements an persona" s(i""s for the eve"opment of the or$ani+ation an se"f) *RO&ESSIO0AL E1*ERIE0CE At *resent 2 3) Associate 'ith Team 4or( St!io as a -!siness 5eve"oper cons!"tant an operationa" mana$ement for Internationa" Mar(ets post pro!ction faci"ities for Commercia"s, &eat!re &i"ms, an Animation Series) 6) 4or(in$ inivi!a""y 'ith inepenent t pro!cers 7irectors for their respective re$iona" movie promotion an *ro!ction, #ein$ instr!menta" in p"annin$ the *0A for the movie an esi$nin$ the comp"ete mar(etin$ p"an for TV7*rint7O!toor for re$iona" an internationa" mar(et) 8) A"so active"y invo"ve in ne$otiation for -roacast ri$ht 'ith ma%or Te"evision partner) 9) -ein$ instr!menta" in esi$nin$ istri#!tion p"an territory 'ise ne$otiatin$ 'ith exhi#itors for n!m#er of Screen an n!m#er of sho's for m!"tip"ex an sin$"e screen Musshir Kanchwala HP-+91-9870249416 E-mail ID- [email protected] 20!2"7# $h%ll &ln'# &h%m(ur# )um(ai 400071 [9X MEDIA Pvt. Ltd.] 9xm Sr. Executive Producer and Operations [June!!9 Aug2013] RESPONSIBILITIES 4or(e on M!sic content, *romos, Channe" I5 for 9xm an ha #een active"y invo"ve in Channe" operation, Sa"es Inte$ration, an cross channe" activity aro!n 9x Meia 0et'or( 3) Core mem#er of the fiction team 'hich han"es animate sho's s!ccessf!""y at present) 6) Active in coorination 'ith mar(etin$, *R : promo team a"on$ 'ith pro%ect "o$istics) 8) Invo"ve in creative s!pervision of "o$o esi$ns, Voice Over artistes, $raphic esi$ners, so!ns en$ineers, specia" effects an a"" other aspects of post2pro!ction 9) At present han"in$ sho's "i(e --L investi$ates, -o""y'oo Extra Lar$e i;e -o""y'oo 5riven coverin$ shoots for 9xm -o""y'oo properties, M!sic *"ayers <) Shot Movie *romo=s in 9xm for >-!ha ho$a Tera -aap, 5on, Roc( star, E( main A!r E( T!, Action Rep"ay,?(hoon Maaf, 5a#aan$, Reay, *"ayers, An%anna An%anni, Love Aa% @a", Shooto!t at 4aa"a, Once !pon in M!m#ai 5oo#ara ,.a# Ta( hai .aan ,&orce, A$ent Vino,*yaar Impossi#"e, The 5irty *ict!re, A$neepath, *hata *oster 0i("a Aero, -esharam,Roc(star , T!m Mi"e , E( Tha Ti$er, Chennai Express, @hi"ai ?BC, Do"maa" 6:8, Yam"a *a$"a 5ee'an, Mi"(a Sin$h, Lay v7s Ric(y -aha", Reay, @arti( Ca""in$ @arti(, 5a#aan$, Ao!sef!", Roc( star)
C) Con!ctin$ pre2pro an s!pervisin$ #!$ets of a"" contents 'hich $o O02Air from pro$rammin$ sie) ETarante""a *ict!res *vt) LtF) Creative S!pervisor7Exec!tive *ro!cer EMay6GGB2.!ne6GG9F Musshir Kanchwala HP-+91-9870249416 E-mail ID- [email protected] 20!2"7# $h%ll &ln'# &h%m(ur# )um(ai 400071 RESPONSIBILITIES *rk%+ has an %,%cu-i.% /r+uc%r 0r 1%l%.isin an+ 2ilms 0r In+ian an+ )ala'sian )ark%- 0r r%s/%c-i.% /r3%c-s m%n-in%+ (%lw. 1- 2ilms an+ 1%l%.isin 1i/u 4anan 1i/u 4iri 5 )ala' 2%a-ur% 2ilm 4ra66'-In+ )ala' 2%a-ur% 2ilm 7arius E/is+ic 17 s%rial 8&n-%n- $u/%r.isr 0r )ala'sian an+ In+n%sian )ark%-9 :.% /lus :.% )inus 8&r%a-i.% $u/%r.isr Hin+i 2%a-ur% 2ilm9 1as-% 0 In+ia 8&r%a-i.% $u/%r.isr an+ 70, cnsul-an- $ci-0i Hin+i 2%a-ur% 2ilm9 "5eve"ope strate$y for company promotion an cross channe" entry 82 Short2"istin$ of 5irectors 7 Star Cast for &eat!re fi"m an seria"s, instr!menta" in si$nin$ the cast an cre' for the pro%ect EFrames Pictures Pvt. LtdF) E&e#6GG? > Apri"6GGBF Associate Director#Executive Producer RESPONSIBILITIES 1- *rk%+ as an ;sscia-% Dir%c-r ! E,%cu-i.% Pr+uc%r cnc%/-uali6ing# +ir%c-ing ;+<s# shr- 0ilms #;u+i .isual CLIE0TS ITC7Ayatt7&o!r seasons EA!io Vis!a"F -em#os -!r$er (in$ ETVC animateF
ETata E"exi LtF E&e#6GGC2 .an6GG?F $%x Line Producer RESPONSIBILITIES *"annin$ an exec!tin$ the strate$y 'ith V&1 an S&1 epartment to meet the ea"ine for respective pro%ects mentione #e"o') (GOD TUSSI GREAT HO) (ROAD SIDE ROMEO) (MUMBAI MERI JAAN) Musshir Kanchwala HP-+91-9870249416 E-mail ID- [email protected] 20!2"7# $h%ll &ln'# &h%m(ur# )um(ai 400071 (JODHA AKBAR) &DRONA) (IRON MAN) ['r( an)*es Entertainment Pvt) LtF) EA!$6GG<2.an6GGCF Creative S!pervisor7Exec!tive *ro!cer RESPONSIBILITIES *"annin$ an exec!tin$ the strate$y from *re2*ro!ction to *ost>*ro!ction for respective pro%ects mentione #e"o') T)V)C > Atco2mart 7 0i(har *aanmasa"a A!io Vis!a" 2 A5&C, Do2 Air Air"ines, 0irma" Lifesty"e &eat!re &i"m 2 Det2Set2Do H*re2*ro!ctionI Acaemic J!a"ifications Mastered in Advertisin) # +inema ,-i*m Media Mana)ement and Strate)ic Mar.etin)"!!0 1A+2ELO3 I4 MASS MEDIA " M5M1AI 54I$E3SI'6 &SOMAI6A +OLLE7E8 " 9st c*ass 2S+ Mum:ai 5niversit("!! SS+ Ma;aras;tra 1oard"!!! Other J!a"ification M)S) Office Cora" 5ra' *hotoshop &C* S@ILLS; *!#"ic spea(in$ Musshir Kanchwala HP-+91-9870249416 E-mail ID- [email protected] 20!2"7# $h%ll &ln'# &h%m(ur# )um(ai 400071 *ro%ect *resentation *ersona" Information AREA OF INTEREST Creative2Art7Scriptin$7*hoto$raphy LANGUAGE KNOWN En$"ish, Aini, Marathi, D!%arati, -en$a"i EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIITIES Listenin$ M!sic, *"ayin$ &oot#a"" 4ritin$, Reain$, Internet S!rfin$) NATIONALIT! Inian MARITAL STATUS Marrie Expecte CTC23<"a(hs Eper ann!mF EReferences 'i"" #e f!rnishe on re/!estF M!sshir @anch'a"a I05IA