Bos 04 - 21
Bos 04 - 21
Bos 04 - 21
14 BOS
Town of Milton
Board of Selectmen Regular Meeting
Monday, April 21, 2014
Milton Town Hall
In attendance: Chairman Tom Gray, Bob Bridges, Michael Beaulieu and Elizabeth Dionne Town
Administrator. Also in attendance was Kimberly Ladisheff Recording Clerk.
Public in attendance: Pam Arnold, Steve Panish, Andrew Kellar, John Katwick, Bob Carrier, Gail
Pennell, Larry Brown, Chief Richard Krauss and Esther Culverhouse.
Chairman Gray called the meeting to order at 6:00pm and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Town House Checking Account: Town Treasurer Pam Arnold gave some background as to how the
Town House bills were paid previously. She explained John Katwick would come in with invoices and
accompanying minutes for her to pay out of the Town House checking account, which she would issue
right away if everything was in order. In December of 2011 changes were made that were recommended
by the towns auditors. The new procedure was for the bookkeeper to pay all bills from the general fund
and then the general fund would be reimbursed from the individual accounts on a quarterly basis. John
explained the Town House has a longer process because they do not meet all the time. He also stated they
lost their interest when the new accounts were set up. Pam then explained the reason they took the money
out of TD Bank was due to TD charging service fees and charges and stopped the interest. The town
decided on going with Federal Savings who also wouldnt pay interest but there wouldnt be any other
charges. Pam stated she feels Johns frustration is getting the bills paid on time. To speed up the process
Pam recommended to have a vote for up to a certain amount if they know a bill is coming in. John stated
the BOS gave approval for bills to be paid up to $5000 with proper backup and questioned if he had to
come before the BOS again for approval. The answer was no. E. Dionne stated since the town hired a
bookkeeper the payables have been going smoothly. It was explained to John that if he needs something
to be paid sooner hold a short meeting in order to approve the minutes so the bills can be submitted.
Milton Mills Cemetery re: renewal of annual rental agreement: The Milton Mills Cemetery Assoc.
agrees to provide burial sites for all Milton residents upon request at the then current rates in order to help
the Town of Milton carry out its responsibility to maintain a public cemetery under RSA 289. MMCA
agrees to provide the Town of Milton with an option to bury contract at the cost of $1.00 annually to
guarantee that right. B. Bridges motioned to accept the contract effective May 1, 2014 to April 30, 2015
and have the Chairman sign the contract. M. Beaulieu seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Police Chief Richard Krauss re: Federal Vest Grant: Chief Krauss asked permission to apply to the
federal govt to continue to be a part of the bullet proof vest grant program. He stated they have to
purchase one concealable body armor which is $850 and one tactical vest at $2700. The federal govt
will pay up to 50% of the cost of the grant. The rest of the money will come out of the PD Grant line. B.
Bridges motioned to allow the police department to go forward with the grant for vests. Motion seconded
by M. Beaulieu. Motion carried.
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Police Chief Richard Krauss re: new wage scale based on warrant article: Chief presented the new
PD wage scale and explained the warrant that went before the people did not have any type of schedule
for corporal and above. The Chief laid out the pay scale up to 9 years with a minimum and maximum
incomes. E. Dionne questioned the steps and Chief Krauss explained it was based on a 2% increase.
There was some confusion as to the steps and Chief Krauss explained they will start at step 1 which is
what the people voted. The new officers will start at the beginning and the others will start at the year
they are at. B. Bridges motioned to approve the new wage scale for the PD effective May 4, 2014.
Motion seconded by M. Beaulieu. Motion carried.
Andrew Kellar re: NH Solar Garden: Andrew explained NH Solar Garden is a company that started
only recently. He presented an early stage executive summary to develop a ground mounted solar garden
and thought the capped landfill in town would be a good location for one of these. The town is not
creating any value from the landfill so the best idea would be to lease the land for one of these solar
gardens. Those that cant afford to put their own in or dont have the right roof pitch, etc. the option is to
find a central location to build a community solar garden where businesses, schools and other residents
can share a percentage of that with all the other entities. There would be no cost to the town to put one of
these solar gardens in and his company takes care of all the maintenance. The benefit to the community
would be 1.5 cents per kWh savings for joining and a solar rebate would be paid out every 6 months to
group members, the only restriction is you would have to get your electricity from PSNH. There was
discussion and questions from the Board and the public. T. Gray stated the next step would be to perform
the utility pre-application interconnection process, see how the residents feel about it and put out to
RFP. E. Dionne will have Pat Smith contact CMA engineers to see if the landfill would work for this
Approval of Minutes
B. Bridges motioned to approve the regular meeting minutes of April 7, 2014 as written. Motion
seconded by M. Beaulieu. Motion carried.
B. Bridges motioned to approve the April 7, 2014 nonpublic 1
session minutes as written and seal for 1
year. Motion seconded by M. Beaulieu. Motion carried
B. Bridges motioned to accept the April 7, 2014 nonpublic 2
session minutes with one change and seal
indefinitely. Motion seconded by M. Beaulieu. Motion carried.
B. Bridges motioned to approve the April 17, 2014 workshop meeting minutes as written. Motion
seconded by M. Beaulieu. Motion carried.
Expenditure Report: Nothing to report at this time.
Administrator Comments: E. Dionne stated she needs the board to make a motion to ratify a decision to
hire ICI to repair the fire station at a cost of $22,035.36. It was not the Town of Miltons fault this
occurred and Primex has agreed to waive the $1,000 deductible and will not hold out a percentage of the
payment as they usually do. Motion by M. Beaulieu to ratify a decision to hire ICI to repair the Fire
Station at a cost of $22,035.36. Motion seconded by B. Bridges. Motion carried.
Department head credit cards: the proposal was to go with Federal Savings Bank for a Visa card they
offer to municipalities. She is requesting approval for 5 cards, one for Police, Fire, Recreation, Public
Works and the TA and recommends the standard card which doesnt earn any point but there is no fee. It
has an Interest rate of 14.2% and each card has its own bill. This is only to be used on rare instances
when a company doesnt deal with POs. M. Beaulieu asked to table this discussion until the next
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Volunteers & liability: brief discussion on the town trying to minimize the liability exposure when
volunteers are involved. E. Dionne received an email from David Witham of Primex capturing some of
the important elements such as all volunteers should be on a roster, sign a volunteer agreement, types of
work allowed should be closely evaluated to ensure risks are minimized, safety and health standards must
apply and appropriate protective equipment must be worn such as gloves, hard hats, work boots, etc.
John Katwick recommended that when these liability waivers are signed there needs to be a place they
can be kept at Town Hall where they are readily available.
Resignation letter: E. Dionne stated she received a resignation letter from Amelia Capone-Muccio, the
Public Works secretary. She has received another job opportunity and her last day is Thursday, April 24.
Motion by B. Bridges to accept Amelia Capone-Muccios resignation. Motion seconded by M. Beaulieu.
Motion carried.
Resident request: a request was received from Leo Lessard to purchase 99 St. James Way from the Town.
E. Dionne explained to him the 3 year waiting period. Board agreed they need to wait the three years.
Allen Hastings Way Bridge: on the list of bridges that was insured but it is closed and the Board
wondered why it was not highlighted. After speaking with Nancy Mayville of NH DOT a bridge is red
listed first which are the highlighted ones then after a certain amount of time it is closed. Notified Primex
and they have removed it from the list of liability insurance.
Recording Clerk: this position pays a $50 stipend for a Selectmens meeting. Kimberly has requested to
no longer do the recording clerk job. E. Dionne has been collecting resumes and she and Kimberly have
done interviews and wants to get the Boards approval to hire a new recording clerk. There wouldnt be
any change in budgetary figures. Tom stated he is worried about the perception and the backlash
knowing they made the budget committees recording clerk funds were cut. The Board decided to table
this discussion for another meeting.
Selectmens Comments
Mike Beaulieu: mentioned Les Elder has been sending out letters and contacting other companies about
the library bid and they have only gotten one response.
Tom Gray: received a message from Bass Fanatics who holds the kids tournaments at the beach. They
are asking for permission again this year and they have two dates, July 12 and August 9. They are also
proposing a second sponsor appreciation day on June 7
This is a free fishing day as no license is required
and it would be at Baxter Lake. Bob stated he agrees with letting them come for the tournament but as
Selectmen he doesnt feel it is right to attend the customer appreciation day. The same conditions as last
year would apply for insurance.
Tom mentioned Pat Smith having his clean-up day on Saturday that was sponsored by NH the Beautiful
and it was very successful. Many people showed up and they got a large amount cleaned up.
Mike Beaulieu: stated he does approve getting a new recording clerk.
Steve Panish mentioned there is another clean-up day, Milton Earth Day, this coming Saturday from
10am 1pm at the Farm Museum. The difference is Pats was to clean up town roads and the one
Saturday is for state roads. Larry Brown stated there will also be a pot luck lunch.
Public Comments
Esther Culverhouse: stated as she was coming through town she noticed the plywood on the Fire Station
and wanted to know what was going on. T. Gray explained they were starting the work to fix the damage
done to the building at no cost to the town.
John Katwick: wanted to give an update on the Prospect Hill Cemetery. He stated it is moving right
along and they are requiring a lot of documentation from him and he is submitting all of that to Lebanon.
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It is probably going to take through the rest of the year but it looks positive. B. Bridges mentioned Pat
Smith, DPW Director is keeping track of all the hours he is putting in over there and will submit a bill to
the town of Lebanon. John asked that before any bills are submitted he would like to look at them and
approve them as a Cemetery Trustee of this town. He stated we have already budgeted on a default budget
of $5,000 to do that cemetery this year and ended up with a remaining balance in the general fund of over
$800. He feels he should be involved with this.
B. Bridges motioned to adjourn at 8:10pm. Motion seconded by M. Beaulieu. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kimberly Ladisheff
Recording Clerk
_________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
Chairman Tom F. Gray Robert L. Bridges James Michael Beaulieu