A Brief History of Aviation: Lighter-Than-Air
A Brief History of Aviation: Lighter-Than-Air
A Brief History of Aviation: Lighter-Than-Air
Early Construction
San Diego
High Performance
Air ail
!un !acts
AE "
Langley Aerodrome
AE "
!rancois de Ro#ier and ar$uis d%Arlandes rode a free-flight& hot-air 'alloon on "(
)*+ (,-./ de Ro#ier 0as later 1illed attem2ting to cross the English Channel/
3ac$ues Charles and another rider ascended free-flight in a hydrogen-filled 'alloon
over Paris in 4( DEC (,-./ *ver 544&444 2eo2le 0itnessed the event/
adame 6lanchard 0as 1illed 0hen her
hydrogen 'alloon e72loded during a
fire0or1s dis2lay that she 0as hosting in
Paris& 4, 3UL (-(8/
The Hinden'urg airshi2 e72loded on 49 A:
(8., over La1ehurst )3/
;n (8.-& the US <overnment 2urchased all
1no0n sources of helium and refused to sell
any to <ermany/
USS Los Angeles
AE "
Wright Brothers
Orville and Wilbur Wright succeeded in demonstrating sustained heaver-than-air
flight on (, DEC (84./ The longest flight on that day 0as =8 seconds/
The >right 'rothers 0ere granted US Patent -"(.8. for a ?!lying achine?/
;n 3A) (8(5& the US Court of A22eals u2held a >right 'rothers la0suit against Curtiss
Aircraft Com2any/
The US <overnment started 'uying aviation 2atents in (8(,/
(4 *CT (85, - US Patent
*ffice issues a 2atent on
the )orden 'om'sight& (,
years after Carl )orden
a22lied for it/
>right 6rothers at @itty Ha01
noteA red type denotes
material that is admissi'le on
home0or1 and e7amsB
AE "
Aircraft Structures
DEC (8(= - The 3un1ers 3(& an all-metal& fully-cantilevered-0ing mono2lane& 'egins
a series of successful test flights/
DEC (8(8 - Adol2h Rohr'ach develo2s metal-surfaced 0ings 0ith a metal 'o7-s2ar
internal structure& 0hich 'ecame 1no0n as the ?stressed-s1in? conce2t/
"5 )*+ (8"5 - )ACA
Su'committee on metals
concludes that duralumin
girders on airshi2
Shenandoah ?0ill not fail
'y fatigue in less than 54
4. SEP (8"= -
Shenandoah is torn a2art
in a thunderstorm& 1illing
(5 of 5. a'oard/
3un1ers 3(
AE "
Aviation in San Diego
Glenn Curtiss o2ened a flight school on )orth ;sland in (8((/
*ther aircraft manufacturers CRyan& Rohr& ConsolidatedD soon follo0ed/
Charles Lindbergh fle0 the S2irit of St/ Louis CRyan ):PD for the first time over San
Diego on "- APR (8",/
Lind'ergh crossed the Atlantic in the S2irit of St/ Louis on "4-"( A: (8",/
The Convair !":-( Sea Dart& a hydro-s1i
0ater-'ased fighter& e7ceeds the s2eed of
sound over San Diego on 4. AU< (8=5/
Convair 0as a0arded a contract to 'uild
Atlas missiles in Sorrento +alley on A:
AE "
Need for Speed
The roc1et-2o0ered E (9. first fle0 in SEP (855& and eventually reached s2eeds
over ach 4/-=/
(5 *CT (85,- Chuck Yeager e7ceeds the s2eed of sound/
Scott Crossfield e7ceeds ach " in a D-==- on "4 )*+ (8=./
E6-,4 +al1yrie first flight on "( SEP (895F e7ceeds ach . on (5 *CT (89=/
The E-(= air2lane& 2iloted 'y >3 @night& achieves ach 9/, on 4. oct (89,/
E6-,4 +al1yrie
E (9.
AE "
Unmanned Aircraft
A radio-controlled 2ilotless air2lane 0as flo0n in (8(9/
(, AU< (8(, - )avy )8 tested as an unmanned ?aerial tor2edo?/
*n "- SEP (8(-& a radio on one 3)5 air2lane 0as used to fly another 3)5/
(5 *CT (8.8 - )avy authori#es develo2ment of e$ui2ment for remote-controlled
flight testing/
The first fully-automatic transcontinental flight occurred on 4, 3U) (8.9/
49 AU< (859 - T0o unmanned 6-(, drones are flo0n from Hilo H; to uroc CA/
)avy )8 CSea2lane version of 3)5D
AE "
The first successful flight 'y an autogyro 0as accom2lished 'y 3uan de la Cierva on
48 3A) (8"./
A t0in-rotor helico2ter& designed 'y Heinrich !oc1e& 0as successfully flo0n on "9
3U) (8.9/ ;t set an endurance record of ( hr& "4 min in 3U) (8.,/
Igor Sikorsky designed the first 2ractical single-rotor helico2ter/ The +S-.44 first
fle0 in free flight on (. A: (854/
The cDonnell !lying 6i1e&
the 0orld%s first ramGet
2o0ered helico2ter& first fle0
on "4 AU< (85,/
cDonnell EH-"4 !lying 6i1e
AE "
Air and Space! "ai#
The USPS first regular air mail route& 'et0een >ashington DC and )e0 :or1& 'egan
service on (= A: (8(-/
48 SEP (8.( - Roc1et mail delivery 'egins 'et0een t0o Austrian to0nsF service
continues until (9 AR (8../
4- 3U) (8=8 - .&444 letters are carried 'y Regulus missile from su'marine 6ar'ero
to )AS ay2ort& !L/
(5 )*+ (894 - !irst letter carried
'y satellite mail C.( or'its and a
distance of a'out a million milesDF
a letter from USA! Chief of Staff
to the Secretary of Defense&
recovered from Discoverer E+;;/
Regulus issile
AE "
Aviation $un $acts
Aerial RefuelingA
4. *CT (8(- - Conce2t of inflight refueling demonstrated 'y snatching (== l's of 0eight
from a moving sea sled/
(" )*+ (8"( - !irst aerial refueling occurs 0hen >esley ay ste2s from the 0ing of one
aircraft to that of another 0ith a =-gallon can of gasoline stra22ed to his 'ac1/
"4 APR (8". - !irst refueling 0ith an actual hose& at Roc10ell !ield in San Diego/
<eorge Smith eGected from an !-(44 Su2er Sa're flying at ach (/4= over Laguna
6each on "9 !E6 (8==/ He 0as unconscious for five days& 'ut resumed flying nine
months later/
"- DEC (858 - USA! re2orted that "-year investigation had found that there 0as no
such thing as a Hflying saucerI and that ProGect Saucer at >right-Patterson A!6 had
'een discontinued/
AE "
iracle of !light