Chapter-Viii 8.1. Housing & Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO) Limited Urban Development

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8.1. Housing & Urban Development

Corporation (HUDCO) Limited
Housing and Urban Development
Corporation Ltd. (HUDCO) was incorporated
as a fully owned Government Company under
the Companies Act, 1956 with the main
objective of financing Housing and Urban
development projects in the country. In order
to achieve this objective, HUDCO finances a
variety of housing and urban development
projects formulated by the State Housing
Boards, Development Authorities,
Improvement Trusts, Co-operative Housing
Societies etc. Over the years HUDCO has
emerged as the leading public financial
institution with the major objective of
financing and encouraging housing and urban
development activity in the country and has
developed sound capabilities of project
preparation, appraisal, financial planning and
For the purposes of the Performance
Budget Report, the operations/performance of
the organisation and the performance
description have been categorised under three
broad heads:-
(i) Performance during the year 2000-O 1
(ii) Performance during the Current Year
2001-02 (upto November 2001)
(iii) Future Plans/Outlook
8.2 Performance during the Year 2000-01
Operational Highlights
The dawn of the new millennium witnessed
another year of momentous operational
growth in the edifice of HUDCO be it in
respect of its performance, expansion of equity
base, streamlining of operations or fostering
strategic collaborations. HUDCO surpassed
the allocated MoU targets, both in housing and
urban infrastructure development and scaled
new heights of operational performance.
During the year 2000-O 1, HUDCO sanctions
touched Rs. 7912.73 crores, over 19.90%
above the target of Rs. 6600 crores. The
assistance has bean instrumental in supporting
construction of over 3 1 lakh dwelling units
and over 4 lakh sanitation units, and taking
up 78 urban infrastructure projects throughout
the country. The loan released during 2000-
01 amounted to Rs. 4829.32 crores, surpassing
the MoU target of Rs. 4200 crores by 15% in
Cumulativelytill 31st March 2001, HUDCO
has sanctioned a total of 14751 schemes
i nvol vi ng a t ot al proj ect cost of
Rs. 55354 crores with HUDCOs loan
component of Rs. 36837 crores. HUDCOs
assistance has helped in the construction of
126.40 lakh residential units, over 46.66 lakh
sanitation units and in the implementation of
1840 urban infrastructure schemes effectively
improving the living conditions in the urban
and rural areas, in I760 towns and thousands
of villages.
HUDCO has contributed significantly
towards national development in the following
operational areas:-
. House (including the 2-million
Housing program)
. Profitability with Social Justice:
Emphasis on EWS & LIG
. Disaster Relief
. Housing through NGO/CBO
. Rental Housing initiatives
. Special initiatives in the North-Eastern
. Initiatives in Rural Housing
. Establishment of Model Villages/
Model Improved Slums
. Urban Infrastructure Development,
. Water Supply, Sewerage/Drainage
. Waste management efforts
. Commercial Schemes, Energy
Efficient Projects
. Area Development Projects
. Transport Sector, Social Infrastructure
. Innovative efforts in Urban
Infrastructure Sector (Project
Initiation Fund)
8.3 Financial Highlights
Like previous years, HUDCO has
continued its tradition of being a profit-
making organization with social focus and
2000-01 has been another yet another year of
impressive financial results. The profit (after
prior period adjustment but before non-
recognising income in respect of loans which
had become NPA) was Rs. 316.36 crores as
against Rs. 3 11 crores for the previous year.
After providing for income tax/wealth tax,
Rs. 106.93 crores was available for
appropriation. Out of the above, Rs. 20.87
crorcs was paid as dividend to the Government
of India and Rs. 2.13 crores was paid as
dividend tax. The rest was transferred to the
various reserves. The Total reserves of
HUDCO at the end of 2000-01 stood at Rs.
762.65 crores.
.8.4 Awards
HUDCO once again bagged the Gold
Medal for the 5th year in a row at the India
International Trade Fair-2000, for its pavilion,
the HUDCO Build-Tech-projecting the
availability of innovative and appropriate
technologies and alternative building
materials for housing, building and habitat
8.5 Performance during the Current Year
2001-02 (Upto November 2001)
Performance Targets for the year 2001-02
The performance in any year is aimed at
achieving/exceeding the targets as laid down
in the Memorandum of Understanding signed
between HIJDCO and the Ministry of Urban
Development & poverty Alleviation. The
targets laid down in the MoU form the basis
of the overall operations that the organisation
undertakes during the year. The targets and
achievements for 2000-01 and for 200 l-02 are
indicated below:-
S.NO. Performance Cri teri a
1 Resource Mobilisation
Target Achievement Target Achievement
(2000-01) (2000-01) (2001-02) (2001-02)*
4000 5291 4350 1399
2 Loan Sanctions
(a) Housing** 3600 3871 3900 130
(b) Urban lnfrastructure 3000 4042 3250 621
3 Loan release
(a) Housing 2700 2842 3000 558
(b) Urban Infrastructure 1500 1987 1650 856
4 2 Million Housing Prog
- - -Units sanction
(a) Urban 4 lakhs 4.70 lakhs 4 lakhs
(b) Rural 6 lakhs 7. 32 lakhs 6 lakhs 0. 48
5 Evaluation by DPE
*For the year 2001-02 (upto November 2001)
l * Includes Hudco Niwas
Very Good
Dwellings Sanctioned During the Years
2000-01 and 2001-02
The table below indicates the category-wise
break-up of dwelling units sanctioned by
HUDCO during the years 2000-01 and
2001-02 (upto November 2001). Over 96%
of the dwellings sanctioned by HUDCO during
the year 2000-01 and over 98% of the dwelling
units sanctioned during 2001-02 (upto
November 2001) are meant for families
belonging to EWS & LIG categories (including
upgradation), with monthly income not
exceeding Rs. 5500/-.
S.No. Category
1 EWS (R)
2 EWS (U)
5 HIG/Rental
6 Upgradation
7 Hudco Niwas
No. of Units Percentage
620503 20. 03
137423 4.43
5659 0. 18
6713 022
17663 0. 57
2228950 71.96
80740 2.61
2001-02 (upto Nov. 2001)
No. of Units Percentage
67000 26.85
160054 64.15
20 0.01
280 0.11
300 0. 12
18525 7. 42
3349 I .34
I TOTAL 3097651 100.00 249528 100.00
8.7. The summarization of performance for
the current year has been made on the basis
of activities/projects undertaken in thevarious
areas such as Housing, Rural Housing, Retail
Hous i ng ( Hudc o Niwas), Urban
Infrastructure, Training & Research
Cons ul t a nc y, De s i gn & De ve l opme nt ,
Community Development, Human Resource
Development, Resource Mobilisation, etc.
which are given below:-
Lower the unit cost, higher is HUDCOs
loan component.
Longer repayment period for EWS &
LIG categories.
Night Shelter Schemes
HUDCOs housing operations have a major
social orientation with HUDCO having a clear-
cut mandate to provide financial support for
affordable shelter to the EWS/LIG categories.
55% of HUDCOs loans are earmarked for
EWS & LIG categories, out of which minimum
15% of total loans are earmarked for rural
areas. This has helped in over 95% of the
houses sanctioned by HUDCO benefiting the
EWS & LIG groups. The other significant
provisions that help the poor in gaining access
to shelter include:
During 1990-91, for the rehabilitation of
footpath dwellers in the cities with over one
million population, construction of night shelters
was taken up with Central assistance and with
suitable contribution by the Municipal bodies/
States and loan assistance from HUDCO. The
scheme provides night shelter facilites in
exclusive lots to single men, women and
children living on pavements, depending on the
characteristic needs of an urban centre.
HUDCO has so far (upto 30. 11. 2001)
sanctioned 110 schemes with project cost of
Rs. 133.20 crores of which HUDCOs loan
component is Rs. 40.91 crores. Completion of
these schemes will lead to creation of 18115
beds, 25965 WCS, 2086 baths and 1833
urinals for the benefit of footpath dwellers.
. Lower interest rates for EWS & LIG
Of the above, 4 schemes with a total project
cost of Rs. 1.10 crores with Government of
India, subsidy of Rs. 0.58 crores have been
sanctioned during the current financial ,year
2001-02 (upto 30.11.2001). On completion,
these schemes would lead to creation of 271
WC seats, 128 baths and 9 urinals for the
benefit of footpath dwellers.
8.8. Schemes for Land Acquisition and
Development of new Human settlements
Under these schemes, HUDCOs loan
assistance is available for acquisition as well
as for development of land. The scheme will
help the housing agencies to orient their
activities as promoters of houses. It is
envisaged that after land development stage,
the public agencies may act as a catalyst and
accelerate total development of the new human
settlements and may undertake construction
of only EWS/LlG housing. The rest of the
developed land could be made available to
cooperative sector, private builders, individuals
etc., and some part could be reserved for
shelterless service population where schemes
could be implemented with the association of
NGOs and State Slum Improvement Boards.
For the year 2001-02, a loan sanction target
of Rs. 275 crores was fixed for Land
Acquisition schemes against which a total loan
sanction of Rs. 82. 10 crores as been achieved
upto November 200 1.
8.9. HUDCOs contribution to
Governments additional Z-Million
Housing Programme
As a part of the National Agenda, the
Government has accorded priority to Housing
for All and it was proposed to take up
construction of 2 Million houses out of which
13 lacs would be in rural areas and 7 lacs in
urban areas. HUDCO has been entrusted
with a task of funding one million houses every
year, out of which 6 lakh houses are to be
funded in rural areas and 4 lacs in urban areas.
HUDCOs contribution to the 2 million
housing programme has been significant as
during the year 2000-01, HUDCO sanctioned
a loan assistance of Rs. 578.87 crores for
construction of4.70 lacs unitsagainst its target
of 4 lacs units in urban category. In the rural
category, HUDCO has sanctioned 7.32 lakh
units with a loan assistance of Rs. 643.32
crores. During the current financial year i.e.
2001-2002, so far HUDCO has sanctioned a
loan amount of Rs. 47.94 crores for
construction of 47938 units(as on 30. 11 .2001)
in urban &rural areas. Cumulatively, HUDCO
has sanctioned a total loan amount of Rs.
3550.76 crores for construction of 2834830
units under 532 schemes in 14 States and Union
8.10. Initiatives in Rural Housing
HUDCO started its rural housing activity
from 1977-78 by extending loan assistanceon
affordable terms for construction of rural
houses, Every year HUDCO earmarks 15%
of its funds for housing sector exclusively for
financing EWS houses in the rural areas. Over
the past 24 years. HUDCO through its rural
housing operations has been able to contribute
to the construction of around 77.84 lacs rural
houses in various states of the country.
In addition to its normal rural housing
operations, HUDCO has also been entrusted
with the task of funding one million houses
every year under the 2 million housing
programme of Government of India launched
during 1998. Under this programme, a target
of financing 6 lacs rural dwelling units has been
assigned to HUDCO. Till now on cumulative
basis, around 17.40 lakhs rural dwelling unit
have been sanctioned under the programme.
Out of normal housing scheme allocation
of Rs. 1750 crores for the year 2000-01 a
tentative allocation of Rs. 262.50 crores (15%)
was made under EWS Rural housing category.
Under 2MHP, for its rural component, a target
of6 lakh dwelling units was fixed with tentative
loan assistance of Rs. 600 crores. Thus, overall
a target of Rs. 862.50 crores was fixed for
financing rural housing schemes during the
current year. Against the allocated target, a
total of 70 rural housing schemes, envisaging
construction of 23,75,817 dwelling units with
HUDCOs loan assistance of Rs. 1080.72
crores were sanctioned during the year
2000-01 Rs. 437.39 croresfornormal housing
and Rs. 643.32 crores for 2 million housing
(a) Current years Loan Sanction
So far during the current years, a total of
4 rural housing schemes in the state of
Karnataka, envisaging construction of 67,000
dwelling units with HUDCOs loan assistance
of Rs. 67 crores have been sanctioned under
normal as well as2 million housing progmmme,
against the allocated target of Rs. 772.50
( b) Cumul at i ve Loan Sanction
On cumculative basis, a loan amount of
Rs. 2889.79 crores has been sanctioned for
the construction of 6044186 rural dwelling untis
under normal housing programme and a loan
amount of Rs. 1769.82 crores has been
sanctioned envisaging the construction of
1739443 rural dwelling units under2 million
housing programme. Thus, overall a loan
amount of Rs. 4659.59 crores has been
sanctioned till date in various states across the
country anticipating the construction of
7783629 rural dwelling units.
(C) Retail Housing-Hudco Niwas
HUDCO Niwas scheme since its inception
in March 1999 has received an overwhelming
response from over 2.63 lakh applicants on
account of its competitive terms, value added
services and user friendly options, HUDCO
Niwas in its successive two years ofoperations
has achieved commendable results with
sanctions touching a record Rs. 2328. 14 crores
and disbursement crossing Rs. 1469.82 crores,
thereby emerging as the fastest growing retail
financing scheme. During the year 2000-01
alone, an amount of Rs. 1068.3 I crores was
sanctioned for 80,704 applicants. During the
year 2001-02 (upto November 2001), a total
of Rs. 87.56 crores has been sanctioned to
more than 3287 beneficiaries through HUDCO
Niwas and Rs. 291.24 crores has been
released to the applicants so far during the year.
(D) Urban infrastructure financing
Indias successive Five Year Plans have
emphasized the need for multi-pronged efforts
in order to check the deterioration ofconditions
in our cities and towns and the need to devise
special arrangements to assist in the orderly
and timely investments in urban infrastructure.
The existing arangements are clearly
inadequate to deal with the growing deficit in
urban services, both in terms of maintaining
services and extending them to un-serviced
areas. The acceleration in the rate of
urbanisation has heightened attention both to
the inadequacy in existing infrastructure in
terms of water supply, sewerage, sanitation,
solid waste management, conservancy
treatment effluent, roads etc. and the poor
access to these services of a large population
at low income levels. Since the level of
urbanisation will continue to grow, the financial
requirements of urban development will also
continue to increase. If we seek to promote
efftcient and equitable urban growth, ways and
means have to be found to provide incentives
as well as control mechanisms for local
authorities to conserve resources while making
the necessary investments in urban
infrastructure and services. This necessarily
implies a systematic financial structure which
increases the access of local authorities and
functional agencies to capital funds alongwith
an assumption of much greater financial
responsibility to make the former possible,
while improving the access of the urban poor
to basic services like water supply and
sanitation in an integrated spatial framework.
Institutional finance for urban infrastructure
is a new concept in India. The growth of urban
settlements during the past years has put
tremendous pressure on urban services like
water supply, sanitation, drainage, solid waste
disposal, transportation etc. In order to
supplement the efforts for urban development
including improvement ofservices, the Govt.
of India decided to entrust the task of urban
infrastructure financing to HUDCO, which
already had necessary expertise to appraise
such projects as well.
As the market leader in urban infrastructure
financing, HUDCO continued extending
finance for a variety of projects. During the
last financial year i.e. 2000-01, a total of 78
UI projects were sanctioned with a total
project cost of Rs. 6349.68 crores and a
HUDCO loan component of Rs. 4039.45
crores. Further, for supporting the
infrastructure projects, an amount of Rs.
1986.88 crores has been released. The projects
sanctioned include 16 water supply schemes,
II sewerage/drainage/solid waste
management schemes, 5 commercial
schemes, 6 area development schemes, 16
transport schemes and 24 social infrastructure
schemes. During the current financial year
(upto 30.1 1 .2000), HUDCO has sanctioned 39
UI schemes, having a loan amount of Rs. 2089
crores and Rs. I I I I. I I crores has been
released to the borrowing agencies.
Cumulatively, 833 UI projects
havi ng HUDCO l oan component
of Rs. 16,292.86 crores have been sanctioned
by HUDCO, out of which Rs. 8833.02
crores have been released to the borrowing
In addition to providing long term finance for
projects such as water supply, sewerage/solid
waste management, transportation,
commercial projects, social infrastructure, etc.
under the infrastructure portfolio,
HUDCO is also involved in the following
activities for the development of urban
(i) Providing consultancy services for
fomulation of solid waste management
(ii) Pfoviding project development initiation
(iii) Involved in Central Government
sponsored Integrated Low Cost
Sanitation (ILCS) scheme by
providing financial assistance and
routing GO1 subsidy to various State
Government agencies.
8.11. Integrated Programme for Low Cost
Sanitation and Scavenger Rehabilitation
In a concerted effort to eliminate the in-
human practice of manual scavenging still
prevalent in the country, the Govt. had
prepared an action plan for implementing the
programme for conversion of dry latrines to
water-seal pour flush latrines. construction of
new water-seal pour flush latrines where none
exist and simultaneous rehabilitation of the
scavengers thus liberated, all over the country
on a whole town basis.
. The centrally sponsored program of
ILCS is being implemented through
HUDCO from 1989-90. The subsidy
available from the Ministry of
Welfare for the purpose is transferred
to HUDCO, which sanctions the
amount together with its own loan
component, to various nodal agencies
and local bodeies implementing the
schemes of low-cost sanitation in
different states of the country. Upto
30th November 2001, a cumulative
loan amounting to Rs. 575.22 crores
has been sanctioned for this
8.12. Programme-Wise Performance
(cumulative as on 30.11.2001)
The sector-wise information on schemes
sanctioned by HUDCO so far is given below:-
(Rs. in crores)
8.13 Resource Composition
Programme No. of LoanI
Schemes Sancti-
I. Water Supply 325 5109. 19
2. sewerage 54 601. 68
3 . Drainage II 847.4 I
4. Sol i d Wast e Management 19 216.60)
5 . Tr anspor t Nagar/Terminals 25 682. 32
6. Commercial 69 705. 08
7 . Social 1nfrastructure 91 1460.64
8 . Roads/Bridges 92 3698.3 I
9. IDSMT schemes 22 34.72
I0. Area Development 107 1915.86
I 1 Airports/Ports 8 378. 07
12. Miscellaneous 4 642. 98
Total 833 16292.86
During the years, HUDCO has been able
to achieve a significant success in its
resource mobilisation efforts. Mobilisation of
an all time high of Rs. 5291.01 corres was
achieved during 2000-01 as against Rs.
3839.06 cr or es raised in 1999-2000,
registering a growth of about 38%. This
mobilisation has been through a basket of
options covering both domestic and
international sources.
During the current financial year 2001-02
(upto 30.1 I .2001), resources amounting to Rs.
1537.60 corres (including Govt.s support
through equity) have been mobilised against
the MoU target of Rs. 4350 corres. The
details of resources mobilised during 2000-01
and 2001-02 are as follows:-
(Rs. in crores) 1
S.No. Sources of Funds 2000-01 2001-02*
I Equity Support from Govt.
1. MoUD (Housing)
2. MoUD (Urban Dev)
3. Min. of Rural Development
I I Bonds & Borrowings
I, Banks/Institutions
2. Public Sector Bonds
3. Public Deposits
III International Borrowings
I V Grants
155.00 47.00
25.00 25.00
3577.50 432.47
899.39 787.51
201.33 232.01
24.26 13.42
5291.01 1537.41
*Fund released during the period 1.4.2001-30.11.2001
8.14. Government Support through Equity:- crores had already been subscribed by the
HUDCO was established with an equity base
Government towards equity as on 31.03.2001
of Rs. 2 corres in 1970-71. Over the years, the
out of which Rs. 782 crores equity has been
HUDCOs equity base has been expanded by
subscribed in the last 3 years only (1998-99
the Government and the present authorised capi- to 2000-01) as compared to Rs. 396 corres
tal base of HUDCO is Rs. 1250 corres, which
equity in the last 28 years (upto 3 1 st March
i;s under consideration with the Government of 1998). During the current year, Rs. 230
India for increase to Rs. 2500 crores. Against
corres has been allocated by the Government
the above-mentioned authorised capital, Rs. 1I78
towards HUDCOs equity, out of which
Rs. 72 crores has been received upto
8.15. Community Development
A, HUDCO has a mandate of providing
55% of its annual housing budget to
the EWS & LIG category clientele.
As a government institution
HUDCOs objective is to effectively
reach out to the poor and evolve af-
fordable dwellings. Since most of
the poor are from the unorganised/
informal sector, HUDCO opened a
special channel for extending loans
to the rural and urban poor through
NGOs. Under this scheme, HUDCO
has been providing loan assistance for
house construction/up-gradation to
economically weaker sections (EWS)
and low-income groups (LIG)
categories, both from the urban and
rural areas. The implementation of
such schemes is through NGOs with
a proven track record of having
worked successfully with the
development needs of the informal
sector/unorganised sector clientele
particularly those specializing in the
micro credit activity. During 2000-01,
HUDCO continued to extend signifi-
cant support to the NGO/CBO initia-
tives in housing delivery and sanc-
tioned 11 schemes for construction of
4235 housing units with a total
HUDCO assistance of Rs. 12.31
In the current financial year (2001-02),
HUDCO has sanctioned EWS housing
schemes for construction of 54 units at a cost
of Rs. 22.66 lakhs with a HUDCO loan com-
ponent of Rs.11 lakhs in Bangalore by
Ambedkar Sewa Sangha & Indira Welfare
Association. The significant projects proposed
to be undertaken during the current year in-
clude housing scheme for Beedi Workers at
Village Kumbahari in district Solapur in
Maharashtra. The housing scheme envisages
construction of705 units at a cost 0f Rs. 407.14
lakhs with HUDCO loan component of Rs.
176.24 lakhs.
B. Research projects being coordinated:
1. ADB-TA- Strengthening Micro Finance
Institutions for Urban Infrastructure Finance:
This TA focuses on Integrating MFIs in Ur-
ban and Environmental Infrastructure Devel-
opment, initiating capacity building pro-
grammes for MFIs for Urban Infrastructure
Financing, initiate Pilot Projects by assisting
selected MFIs in identifying, selecting, financ-
ing, and monitoring sample urban infrastruc-
ture projects. This TA is presently under im-
2. ADB TA on Reducing Poverty in Urban
India: The TA aims to assess the impact of
current urban poverty reduction strategies pro-
grams at the central and state level. It will help
formulate a national urban poverty reduction
development framework, and will outline
capacity building and investment areas for
consideration by external agencies, providing
for synergies of different development efforts
by the Government, communities, private sec-
tor and external assistance agencies. This TA
is under consideration.
3. HUDCO-USAID grant-in-aid to GMHST-
Implementation of lntegrated Slum Improve-
ment Project: The objective is to refine and
implement a new community development
based partnership approach in infrastructure
investment planning. Infrastructure provision
on financial and social sustainability basis. The
project aims to establish adequate Social, Fi-
nancial, Physical and Information Infrastruc-
ture. The project is under implementation.
8.16. Training, Research & Consultancy-
Hu ma n Se t t l e me n t s Ma n a g e me n t
The Human Settlement Management Institute
(HSMI) was founded in 1985 by the Housing
and Urban Development Corporation Ltd.
(HUDCO) to promote applied research and
provide training support for professionals in-
volved in the planning and development of
human settlements. HSMI is also a Research
and Training Wing of HUDCO and its
activities are supported by a core group of
qualified and experienced professionals from
various disciplines.
At HSMI, the emphasis is on participatory
learning and sharing of experience, which is
amply reflected in the output generated in the
course of i ts trai ni ng and research
. In-house research
l Contract research under the IHSP
Research Cycle;
l HUDCO supported Documentation
Studies; and
. HUDCO supported policy and market
The in-house research programe is carried out
in areas relevant to the policy base of
HUDCOs operations and to serve as educa-
tional material for HSMI/IHSP workshops.
The information in respect of training programs
conducted/planned is given below:-
. Provisional Figures includingtraining
programs conducted outside Delhi and
at Decentralised Training Centers
under HUDCO Chair.
8.18. Research and Consultancy
Under research, consultancy and documenta-
tion efforts, HUDCO (through HSMI) is han-
dling the following major projects:-
. Preparation ofnational Report for Is-
tanbul+5 on behalfofthe Ministry of
Urban Development & P.A.
. Study on Urban Indicators Program
as signed to HSMI by Ministry of
Urban Development & P.A., Govern-
ment of India, to develop city level
indicators for identified cities under the
categories of shelter, social develop-
ment and eradication of poverty, en-
vironmental management, economic
development and governance.
. Research study on Evaluation of So-
cial Housing Schemes was under-
taken by the Intstitute. The study was
sponsored by the Ministry of Urban
Development & P.A., Government of
. An MoU has been signed between
HUDCO and Technology Information
Forecasting and Assessment Council
(TIFAC) for the implementation of
projectentitled the Mission for Appli-
cation of Technology to Urban Re-
newal and Engineering (MATURE).
The prime objective of the Mission is
to employ community based interven-
tions as a means of catalyzing the
urban renewal in selected locations.
The identification of the town under
the Mission is underway. This project
is the result of a new initiative by the
Department of Science and Technol-
ogy, Government of India, with the fi-
nancial assistance from UNDP.
. Study on assessment of Training Sup-
ply & Demand with reference to cost
effective environment and energy
friendly building technologies. This
study is sponsored by Swiss Center
for Development Cooperation in
Technology and Management
(SKAT) with funds from the Swiss
Development Cooperation.
. DFID funded project on Community
Asset Management in collaboration
with Westminster University, UK,
with the objective of working out a
system for community based public
asset management and to diseminate
cost effective construction technol-
8.19. Other Activities
In addition to the above projects being un-
dertaken, the Institute brings out a quarterly
professional journal Shelter, HSMI News
and other research publications. A special issue
of the Shelter was brought on World Habitat
Day on the theme of Cities without Slums. The
Institute also brought out special publications
of State of India Cities 2001 and Best Prac-
tices for Good Urban Governance.
The Institute also lends desired support to
the Ministry in its endeavors in the sector and
wasentrusted withorganising the India Launch
of Good Urban Governance Campaign on be-
halfofthe Ministry.
8.20. Publication-Journals and News
HUDCO brings out number of publications,
which providedetailed information on various
issues relating to rural & urban housing, urban
development, land development and rehabili-
tation, for the purpose of information sharing
&dissemination to its employees, agencies and
the public at large. In addition to the above,
various in-house journals and newsletters are
also published on Hudcos activities.
The various publications/newsletters brought
out by HUDCO are:-
l Action Plan Manual as per GoI guidelines
of May 1995)
Nirman Bharati
HUDCO Build-Tech
Indian Building Centre Movement
HUDCO in figures
Awas Bharati
Urban Infrastructure Financing
Vikas Bharati
HUDCO Niwas Patrika
HUDCO Corporate Profile
HUDCO Vittiya Vaarata
HUDCO economist
8.21. Future Outlook
HUDCO, since its inception in 1970, has
made steady and significant strides in the field
ofhousingand urban infrastructure financing,
to emerge as the pioneer and the trend setter.
Catering to the needs of every section of the
population, with a basket of delivery options
both in housing and urban infrastructure
development, HUDCO aims to achieve
sustainable growth in these sectors. Having
emerged as the market leader in its operational
area, HUDCO aims at consolidating its position
and enhancing the performance by laying
emphasis on its core competencies and
exploring diversified avenues of service
The effective span of HUDCOs omnipres-
ent techno-financial umbrella could be gauged
by the fact that on an average, one in every
16 houses in the country has invariably availed
HUDCOs assistance. This has earned the
institution the rare distinction of being in the
array of the largest facilitators of housing
across the globe. In a bid to widen its cover-
age, HUDCO has fanned out and spread its
wings far and wide, touching the daily lives of
the people in every alternate town and city in
India besides thousands ofvillages.
Shelter for all has been identified as a pri-
ority area in National Agenda for Governance.
Despite the die-hard efforts since independ-
ence, the nation has been unable to cope up
with the ever-growing need of shelter to every
citizen in India. As per estimates, Indias
population has crossed the one billion mark on
1lth May2000 and by theyear2021, the popu
lation will exceed 1.35 billion. These precari-
ous situations will not only lead to the short-
age of decent shelter but also food grains,
water, power, proper infrastructure, etc. To
house 1000 million population, lndia needs at
least 200 million houses. According to figures
available, at present we have nearly 167 mil-
lion houses. Hence, there exists a yawning gap
to be bridged.
HUDCO emerges as the only organisation
of its kind to deal with the growing demand of
shelter and infrastructure development in the
human settlements and make available its
techno-financial assistance to benefit the vast
multitude of the city & village population.
HUDCO is now geared to support nearly 1.5
million houses per year both in urban and rural
areas. HUDCO as the market leader in the
housing and city infrastructure sector, will
continue to build foundations for a stronger
Indian by developing sustainable shelter and
services for human settlements in harmony
with nature.
8.22 Major Government Programs (to be
implemented through HUDCO):-
Valmiki ,Ambedkar Awas Yojana
(VAMBAY)-VAMBAY is a new
Centrally sponsored scheme shared on
a 50:50 basis with States which en-
visages an annual subsidy of Rs. 1000
crores from the Ministry of Urban
Development & Poverty Alleviation
to be matched by an equal amount of
long term loan from HUDCO to be
availed against usual State Govern-
ment guarantee. The programme was
announced by the Honble Prime Min-
ister in this years Independence Day
speech. The State Government has
been given the option to obtain re-
sources from any other source (i.e.
other than HUDCO) e.g. budgetary
support, own resources of local bod-
ies, loans from other agencies, etc. A
Sanctioning Committee in the Depart-
ment of Urban Employment & Pov-
erty Alleviation will scrutinize and
sanction the projects received from
each State Government; the subsidy,
however, will be released only
after the State Government/Local
body has contributed its own share of
50%. Both the subsidy and the loan
(when required) will be released by
Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan-The Ministry
of Urban Development & Poevery
Alleviation has taken a major initia-
tive to provide 100% sanitation in all
six mega-cities, 29 metro-cities and
other capital cities of States/UTs. This
will have significant thrust towards
providing sanitation in all slum areas
which would be maintained by the
community with appropriate pay &
use charges from the families. The
scheme provides for a grant compo-
nent of 50% of Government of India
and 50% loan assistance from
HUDCO. It is proposed to complete
the project for 100% coverage for
sanitation for all in a phased manner
duringthe 10th plan period. In the I st
year, it is proposed to take up I !akh
sanitation units and the additional units
would be taken up in subsequent
8.23. Hindustan Prefab Limited
Hindustan Prefab Limited is a Government
of India Enterprise functioning under the
administrative control of Ministry of Urban
Affairs & Employment since 1955. After crea-
tion of new Ministry of Urban Employment &
Poverty Alleviation, this PSU has come under
the administrative control of this Ministry The
Company has its registered office and Fac-
tory at Jangpura, New Delhi- 1100 14.
8.24. Operational Areas
Construction works at various sites all
over India.
The following items are manufactured
at Jangpura factory:-
Prestressed Cement concrete
Rly. Sleepers.
ii) Rly. Br i dge s l abs / bal l as t
iii) Prestressed cement concrete
electric poles. Light weight
autoclaved cellular concrete
blocks for insulation and partition
walls etc.
8.25. Construction Works all over India
At present,.the company is executing the
following major construction works:
(Rs. in lakh)
Construction of Building for Employ-
ees Provident Fund Organisation at:
a) Janakpuri, New Delhi 624.00
b) Faridabad, Haryana 400.00
ii) Construction of staff quatiers for RBI
at SALBONI; Distt. Midnaporc in
West Bengal 2349.00
iii) Construction of staff quarters for SB1
at Durgapur, West Bengal
iv) Construction of Office Building for
Gujrat Mineral Development Corpo-
ration at Uhuj & Ahmedabad, Gujarat
861 .00
Prefab Bridges for Northern Rly in
Delhi-Ambala Sector 348. 00
vi) Construction of Regional Office
Building at Wazirpur: Delhi for EPF.
8.26. Capital:
The Companys authorized capital is Rs.
10.00 crore and the paid up capital is Rs. 6.97
The loan liability to the Government is
Rs. 11.13 crore excluding interest of Rs. 31 . 05
crore thereon as on 31.12.2001.
8.27. Performance:
During the year, the company has achieved
production and turnover of Rs. 13.87 crore and
Rs. 10.00 crore respectively uppto 31.12.2001.
Achievement during 1999-2000
(Rs. in crore)
Actual Actual
1999-2000 2000-2001
a) Factory turnover 8. 15 4. 90
b) Construction 7. 51 5. 74
Total 16.32 10.64
8.28. Order Book Position
equity in HPL to the extent of 74% of Gov-
As on 1st December 2001 order worth Rs. ernment share holding. The matter has since
23.00 cr. were in hand.
becn considered in this Ministry and it has been
8.29. The Disinvestment commission has
decided to recommend the case for disinvest-
recommended disinvestment of Government
ment to the comp etent authority.
MGlP(PLU)MRND-5587-UD-14.3.2002. 1 0 8

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