This document analyzes the reliability of two fault-tolerant control system designs for a single-engine aircraft: a two-channel hot standby configuration and a mixed-channel system combining an electronic channel with a hydromechanical backup. It describes the components and failure modes considered, provides failure rate assumptions, and outlines the main reasons each system could fail during a mission.
This document analyzes the reliability of two fault-tolerant control system designs for a single-engine aircraft: a two-channel hot standby configuration and a mixed-channel system combining an electronic channel with a hydromechanical backup. It describes the components and failure modes considered, provides failure rate assumptions, and outlines the main reasons each system could fail during a mission.
This document analyzes the reliability of two fault-tolerant control system designs for a single-engine aircraft: a two-channel hot standby configuration and a mixed-channel system combining an electronic channel with a hydromechanical backup. It describes the components and failure modes considered, provides failure rate assumptions, and outlines the main reasons each system could fail during a mission.
This document analyzes the reliability of two fault-tolerant control system designs for a single-engine aircraft: a two-channel hot standby configuration and a mixed-channel system combining an electronic channel with a hydromechanical backup. It describes the components and failure modes considered, provides failure rate assumptions, and outlines the main reasons each system could fail during a mission.
Reliability Analysis of a Single-Engine Aircraft FADEC Page 1
Reliability Analysis of a Single-Engine Aircraft
FADEC Inlmningsuppgift SUMMARY The task is to analyse two options to a fault-tolerant Full Authority Digital Elec- tronic Control system (FADEC) intended for control of an aircraft gas turbine engine. The study concentrates on an application for an aircraft equipped with a single engine, such as the JAS 39 Gripen. 1. INTRODUCTION The evolution of aircraft gas turbine engines has led to ever increasing demands on engine control systems to increase thrust and improve fuel consumption. These demands have resulted in a widespread use of electronic control systems. The earlier generations of such systems, which used the supervisory concept, were introduced in the 1970s and can be found in a number of aircraft in operation today. It is used in the version of JAS that is in operation today. The supervisory concept does not fully meet the requirements of the most modern engines, however, and this led in the 1980s to the Full Authority Digital Electronic Control (FADEC) concept. A FADEC system con- trols all the functions required of the engine and introduces a number of improvements, such as: (i) the possibility of implementing sophisticated techniques from modern con- trol theory, techniques that can both increase the performance and the reliability, (ii) a reduction in weight owing to the limited use of hydro mechanics, and (iii) the possibil- ity of implementing built-in support for maintenance, which lowers the cost of mainte- nance and improves the reliability of the system. As these examples indicate, FADEC supports endeavours toward increasing performance and reliability and reductions in overall cost. FADEC systems are currently in operation in a number of aircraft, of which examples are: the new military aircraft F-18E/F and Euroghter and the civil air- craft Airbus 320, 321 and Boeing 777. In aircraft equipped with more than one engine, a single failure in one of the engines does not alone lead to a catastrophic situation. The aircraft can still operate with one engine only, although with degraded performance. However, in a single- engine aircraft, the consequence of such a failure is indeed catastrophic. Thus, to intro- duce FADEC in a single-engine aircraft puts very hard constraints on the reliability of the FADEC. The reliability of the single components are of the order 10 -3 h -1 . This fig- ure is not good enough for the aircraft and implies that the system must be made fault tolerant. Each and every component failure can not be allowed to cause a system fail- ure. The analysis is restricted to faults in electronic parts, i.e. sensors, computation units and the electronic part of actuator servo valves. Hence, the unavoidable hydro mechanical parts of a FADEC system are not considered. Furthermore, only the com- ponents that are safety-critical are taken into account in the analysis. Faults occurring in these components are assumed to be permanent and independent. Page 2 Reliability Analysis of a Single-Engine Aircraft FADEC ACRONYMS AND EXPLANATIONS FADEC - Full Authority Digital Electronic Control CU - Computation Unit IU - Input Unit OU - Output Unit CM - Control Module (consists of CU, IU and OU) FVG - Fan Variable Geometry CVG - Compressor Variable Geometry PS3 - Pressure measurement WFM - Fuel measurement (and control) A8 - Exhaust nozzle, variable geometry H/M - Hydromechanical control unit 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE FADEC PROTOTYPES The two fault-tolerant designs that you are supposed to model are presented in Figure 1 and Figure 2. The basic hardware of a single channel, in the following also called a Control Module (CM), does not differ between the two systems modeled. It consists of an Input Unit (IU), a Computation Unit (CU), and an Output Unit (OU). Input to the CMs is produced by redundant sensors measuring the parameters needed for control. The control laws are calculated in the CUs, and the results are converted, amplied and given as output to the actuator servo valves. To achieve a high level of fault tolerance, the systems are designed to enable each of the CMs to access each of the redundant sensors, as well as to access each actuator servo valve. The control parameters that are measured and controlled and that are safety-critical for the engine (JAS-Gripen RM12) are shown in Table 1. The difference between the systems is that in the one-channel system (also called the mixed system) one electronic channel is replaced by a hydromechanical backup. Reliability Analysis of a Single-Engine Aircraft FADEC Page 3 The necessary fault tolerance is achieved by (i) the addition of extra hardware and (ii) the implementation of concurrent error detection mechanisms (CEDM) and self-tests. Both the two-channel and the one-channel approach rely on CEDMs and self-tests that are implemented in software and run in the CUs of each CM. 2.1 Functional Description of the Two-Channel Hot Standby Conguration In the two-channel concept, one of the CMs (the master) is in charge, i.e. it con- trols the actuators. In case of an error in the master module, the control is passed to the other CM, and the erroneous module disconnects. An error in the standby module results only in a disconnection. There is of course a small probability that the module does not detect an error in itself even though there is one. Here, we will assume that the coverage probability for the master channel is 0.99. The coverage probability is the probability to detect, locate and properly handle a component failure. (To handle a component failure properly means to switch in a standby component) Here are the main reasons for a critical system failure in the two-channel case. The intensities are given in the end. Two sensors or actuators of the same kind fail during the same mission The two electronic channels fail during the same mission The master channel fails and the backup channel is not switched in. TABLE 1. Safety critical parameters for the RM12 gas turbine engine Parameters measured by sensors Parameters controlled by actuators Variable geometry of fan - FVG Variable geometry of fan - FVG Variable geometry of compressor - CVG Variable geometry of compressor - CVG Compressor discharge static pressure - PS3 Variable exhaust nozzle - A8 Main fuel - WFM Main fuel - WFM V S S S S V V S S sensor bus actuator bus interconnect bus sensors actuator S S V FIGURE 1. Two-channel FADEC FIGURE 2. FADEC with H/M backup servo valves to actuators FVG CVG PS3 WFM FVG CVG A8 WFM CU OU IU CU OU IU V S S S S V V S S sensor bus actuator bus sensors actuator S S V servo valves to actuators FVG CVG PS3 WFM FVG CVG A8 WFM CU OU IU H/M Page 4 Reliability Analysis of a Single-Engine Aircraft FADEC Engine extinction. If the exciter fails and after that there is an engine ame-out. 2.2 Functional Description of the Mixed-Channel system The fault tolerance of this systemis based on the single modules ability to detect an error in itself and to disconnect in a controlled fashion. In case of an error in the electronic channel, the control is passed to the hydromechanical unit, and the erroneous module disconnects. The coverage probability for the electronic channel is also assumed to be 0.99. The hydromechanical backup (H/M) is a hot standby. It is inspected every tenth mission. This means that if the unit breaks down in the rst mission after an inspection, the pilot will, unknowingly, y the next nine mission without a backup. The main reasons for the one-channel system to fail are: Engine extinction If the exciter fails and after that there is an engine ame-out. Two sensors of the same kind fail during the same mission The electronic channel fail and the H/M backup is broken - or breaks down during the same mission The master channel fails and the H/M backup channel is not switched in 3. GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS AND FAILURE INTENSITIES To be able to model the system and obtain results from these models, some assumptions are necessary Every component is assumed to fail independently of every other component. Thus, the various subsystems - control modules (including the electronic parts of the servo valves) and sensors (CVGs, FVGs, PS3s and WFMs) - fail independently of one another. Each ight mission is supposed to be two hours. Constant failure rates. The assumption of constant failure rates means that we neglect the possibility that the failure probabilities are higher during certain phases of the ight mission. It further means that the distribution for the time to failure of a component is exponential and that any type of wear out problem is neglected. Perfect repair of the electronic parts. This means that the system is as good as new after every ight mission, that is we assume that at the inspection after every mis- sion all faults are successfully repaired. Note that this is not the case for the H/M backup. The hydromechanical backup (H/M) is a hot standby. It is inspected every tenth mission, and is then repaired if necessary. Reliability Analysis of a Single-Engine Aircraft FADEC Page 5 Permanent hardware faults. All faults are assumed to be permanent without possibil- ity of repair until after the mission, when all faults are repaired. The coverage factor are assumed to be 0.99 for the master channel of the two-chan- nel system. The coverage probability for the electronic channel of the mixed system is also assumed to be 0.99. Sensor coverage. If one sensor fails the control module might receive the wrong sig- nal. However, there are detection mechanisms and with a very high probability (0.999) we assume that it is possible to cover a sensor failure, i.e. to choose the cor- rect value. This high probability is also explained by the fact that it is often only crit- ical if there is a large deviation from the correct value. The secondary sensors and actuactors may be assumed to be on hot standby, but these are checked before every mission. The actuator coverage probability is assumed to be 1.00. This implies that both actu- ators of one type have to fail to cause a system failure. Engine ame-out. The engine is assumed to become extinct (ame-out) once in a hundred missions and these instances are assumed to appear independent of each other and with constant intensity. The following failure rates shall be used in the modelling: TABLE 2. Intensities Component Rate a given /hour a. Rates are only of the right magnitude CVG and FVG sensors 0.002 PS3 and WFM sensors 0.005 all actuators have the same rate 0.0005 Input unit 0.002 Computation unit 0.002 Output unit 0.001 Hydromechanical backup 0.0001 Engine Exciter 0.002 Page 6 Reliability Analysis of a Single-Engine Aircraft FADEC EXERCISES Please give all answers with three signicant digits. Use i for intensities. 1. What is the probability of having a critical system failure during a mission, due to loss of the value from the CVG sensors? Loss of the value means that either both CVG sensors are broken or that we use the value from the erroneous one. Assume that all other components have failure rates zero. This means that we can neglect the probability that the mission ends in advance due to some other failure. 2. What is the probability of having a critical system failure during a mission, due to loss of the value from any of the sensors? In the following exercises assume that sensors and actuators never fail. 3. Model the two different systems using only Markov Chain Modelling. To solve the following exercises, you may use either set up a system of differ- ential equations based on the models and solve them, or you may simulate the models with a computer program. 4. What is the probability of failure during ten missions of the two-channel system? 5. What is the probability of failure during ten missions of the one-channel system? You may assume that the 10 missions start with a newly inspected H/M unit. 6. Compare the reliability of the two systems. How would you improve the system?