Sneeze 3
Sneeze 3
Sneeze 3
Sneezing occurs when a particle (or sufficient particles) passes through the nasal hairs
and reaches the nasal mucosa. This triggers the production of histamines, which reach the
nerve cells in the nose, which then send a signal to the brain to initiate the sneeze. The
brain relates the initial signal and creates a large opening of the nasal cavity. In certain
individuals, sneezing can also be caused by exposure to bright light. This is called the
photic sneeze reflex.
In recent years studies have shown that stifling or holding back sneezes can cause
damage to the sinuses as well as the inner ear. This is due to the back flow of air pressure
which can be very painful. The symptoms of this can include tinnitus, or reduced high
frequency hearing, and in extreme cases, rupturing of the ear drum.
Sneezes spread disease by producing infectious droplets that are 0.5 to 5 µm in diameter.
About 40,000 such droplets can be produced by a single sneeze.[1]
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[edit] Beliefs and cultural aspects
In 410 BC the Athenian general Xenophon gave a dramatic oration exhorting his fellow
soldiers to follow him to liberty or to death against the Persians. He spoke for an hour
motivating his army and assuring them a safe return to Athens until a soldier underscored
his conclusion with a sneeze. Thinking that this sneeze was a favorable sign from the
gods, the soldiers bowed before Xenophon and followed his command. Another divine
moment of sneezing for the Greeks occurs in the story of Odysseus. Odysseus returns
home disguised as a beggar and talks with his waiting wife Penelope. She says to
Odysseus, not knowing to whom she speaks, that he will return safely to challenge her
suitors. At that moment their son sneezes loudly and Penelope laughs with joy, reassured
that it is a sign from the gods.
[edit] Onomatopoeia
Some common English onomatopoeias for the sneeze sound are "achew!", "atisshoo" and
"achoo". The first syllable corresponds to the sudden intake of air, the second to the
sound of the sneeze. In Cypriot Greek, the word is 'apshoo'. (This is also the name of a
village, which is the cause of much mirth.) In French, the sound "Atchoum!" is used, and
in Japanese, "Hakushou!"
In English-speaking countries, it is common for at least one person to say "God bless
you" (or more commonly just "Bless you") after someone sneezes. The origins and
purpose of this tradition are unknown (one common myth is that in medieveal England, a
sneeze was believed to be the soul trying to escape the body, and saying "Bless you"
forced it back in), although several competing explanations are given. Today, it is said
mostly in the spirit of good manners.
[edit] Cultures
In many cultures words referencing health or good health are used instead of "Bless you".