HNC Electrical Engineering Sunderland
HNC Electrical Engineering Sunderland
HNC Electrical Engineering Sunderland
Electrical-Electronic Engineering
2 Department: Engineering
3 Course Validation Number:
4 UCAS Code:
5 Qualication/Award Title: Higher National Certicate
6 Awarding Body: Edexcel
7 Professional Accreditation:
The BTEC Higher National qualications in Electrical/Electronic Engineering have been
developed with career progression and recognition by professional bodies in mind. It is
essential that learners gain the maximum benet from their programme of study. Thus this
development has been informed by discussions/relevant publications from the Engineering
Council UK (EC (UK)), the Institution of Incorporated Engineers (IIE), the Occupational
Standards Council for Engineering, Engineering Professors Council (EPC), Engineering
and Marine Training Authority (EMTA) and the Electricity Training Association (ETA).
We have added value to this BTEC Higher National qualication by acquiring recognition
from the Engineering Council UK. The following list is an indication of relevant professional
bodies who recognize this BTEC Higher National in Electrical/Electronic Engineering
designed to comply with the Engineering Council UKs SARTOR regulations:
The Institution of Incorporated Engineers (IIE)
Institute of Measurement and Control
Further details of professional body recognition and exemptions for BTEC
Higher Nationals are given in the publication BTEC Professional Recognition
which is available on Edexcels Website (
8 Relevant QAA Subject Benchmarking Group:
(include QAA reference number for Units)
9 Mode (ways of studying the programme): PT
Programme Aims
10 The overall aims of this programme/course are to:
meet the needs of industry, commerce and the public services by focusing on:
the education and training of electrical/electronic engineers/technicians who
are employed at a professional level in a variety of types of technical work,
such as in: electrical, electronic or communication design, manufacture,
maintenance and technical services areas of the engineering industry
providing opportunities for electrical/electronic/communication engineers/technicians
to achieve a nationally recognised level four vocationally specic qualication
providing opportunities for full-time learners to gain a nationally recognised
vocationally specic qualication to enter employment as an engineer/technician
or progress to higher education vocational qualications such as a full or part-time
degree in electrical/electronic/communication engineering or related area
providing opportunities for learners to focus on the development of the
higher level skills in a technological and management context
providing opportunities for learners to develop a range of skills and techniques
and attributes essential for successful performance in working life
This qualication meets the needs of the above rationale by:
developing a range of skills and techniques, personal qualities and attributes essential
for successful performance in working life and thereby enable learners to make an
immediate contribution to employment at the appropriate professional level
preparing for a range of technical and management careers in
electrical, electronic or communication engineering
equipping individuals with knowledge, understanding and skills for success in
employment in the electrical/electronic/communication engineering-based industry
providing specialist studies relevant to individual vocations and professions
in which learners are working or intend to seek employment in electrical/
electronic/communication engineering and its related industries
enabling progression to or count towards an undergraduate degree or further
professional qualication in electrical/electronic engineering or related area
providing a signicant educational base for progression to Incorporated Engineer level
Programme Learning Outcomes
(A) Knowledge and Understanding
11 The Learning Outcomes are:
Individual learning outcomes are applicable to each unit of this programme
Business Management Techniques (H1)
To achieve this unit a learner must:
1) Manage work activities to achieve organisational objectives
2) Select and apply costing systems and techniques
3) Analyse the key functions of nancial planning and control
4) Apply project planning and scheduling methods to a specied project
Engineering Science (H1)
To achieve this unit a learner must:
1) Analyse static engineering systems
2) Analyse dynamic engineering systems
3) Apply DC and AC theory
4) Investigate information and energy control systems
Analytical Methods for Engineers (H1)
To achieve this unit a learner must:
1) Analyse and model engineering situations and solve problems using algebraic methods
2) Analyse and model engineering situations and solve problems using trigonometric methods
3) Analyse and model engineering situations and solve problems using the calculus
4) Analyse and model engineering situations and solve problems using statistics and probability
Project (H2)
To achieve this unit a learner must:
1) Select a project and agree specications and procedures
2) Implement the project within agreed procedures and to specication
3) Evaluate the project
4) Present project outcome
Electrical and Electronic Principles (H2)
To achieve this unit a learner must:
1) Investigate circuit theory
2) Investigate two-port networks
3) Investigate complex waves
4) Investigate transients in R-L-C circuits
Engineering Design (H2)
To achieve this unit a learner must:
1) Prepare a design specication
2) Prepare a design report
3) Use computer-based technology in the design process
Electronics (H2)
To achieve this unit a learner must:
1) Investigate signals and noise
2) Investigate types of ampliers
3) Investigate circuits with feedback
4) Investigate oscillators
Digital and Analogue Devices and Circuits (H2)
To achieve this unit a learner must:
1) Investigate power supplies for electronic systems
2) Investigate operational amplier circuits
3) Investigate digital electronic circuits
Programmable Logic Controllers (H1)
To achieve this unit a learner must:
1) Investigate the design and operational characteristics of programmable logic controllers
2) Investigate programmable logic controller information and communication techniques
3) Investigate and apply programmable logic programming techniques
Instrumentation and Control Principles (H1)
To achieve this unit a learner must:
1) Investigate the operation of modern instrumentation systems used in process control
2) Examine process control systems and controllers
3) Examine the use of regulating units in control system
12 The Teaching and Learning Strategies are:
Edexcel does not dene the mode of study for BTEC Higher National qualications. Centres are
free to offer the qualications using any mode of delivery that meets the needs of their learners.
Here at COSC this may be through traditional classroom teaching (practical and
theory), open learning, distance learning or a combination of these. Whatever mode
of delivery is used, we will ensure that you, the learner has appropriate access to the
resources identied in the specications and to the subject specialists delivering the units.
This is particularly important for learners studying for the qualication through open
or distance learning. Full guidance on Edexcels policies on distance assessment. and
electronic assessment. Are provided on the Edexcel website. (www.edexcel/
Learners studying for the qualication on a part-time basis bring with them a wealth of experience
that will be utilised to maximum effect by our tutors and assessors. Assessment instruments
based on the learners work environment will be encouraged. In planning this programme we
have aimed to enhance the vocational nature of the BTEC Higher National qualication by:
1) liaising with employers to ensure that the programme is
relevant to the specic needs of the learners
2) accessing and using non-condential data and documents from learners workplaces
3) linking with company-based/workplace training programmes
4) making full use of the variety of experience of work and
life that learners bring to the programme
The specications contain a balance of practical skill development and knowledge
requirements, some of which can be theoretical in nature. Tutors and assessors will ensure
that appropriate links are made between theory and practice and that the knowledge base
is applied to the sector. To do this we are required to develop relevant and up-to-date
teaching materials that allow learners to apply their learning to actual events and activity
within the sector. Maximum use will be made of the learners previous experience.
13 The Assessment Strategies are:
Learners must pass all 10 units on their programme of learning to be awarded a BTEC Higher
National Certicate The assessment of BTEC Higher National qualications is criterion-referenced
and centres are required to assess the learners evidence against published learning outcomes and
assessment criteria. All units will be individually graded as pass. merit or distinction.. To achieve
a Pass grade for the unit learners must meet the assessment criteria set out in the specications.
This gives transparency to the assessment process and provides for the
establishment of national standards for each qualication.
The units in BTEC Higher National qualications all have a standard format which
is designed to provide clear guidance on the requirements of the qualication for
learners, assessors and those responsible for monitoring national standards.
(B) Skills and Other Attributes
14 The Learning Outcomes are:
Learners will be expected to develop the following skills
during the programme of study the ability to:
a) analyse and synthesise a range of concepts and summarise information critically
b) read and use appropriate literature with a full and critical understanding
c) think independently, research into and solve problems
d) insight and judgement in relation to the margins and consequences of error
e) recognise the moral and ethical issues of engineering, environmental
and scientic enquiry and experimentation and appreciate the need
for ethical standards and professional codes of conduct
f) design, plan, conduct and report investigations and communicate the results of their
study and other work accurately and reliably using a range of specialist techniques
g) use their knowledge, understanding and skills to evaluate and formulate
evidence-based arguments critically and identify solutions to clearly dened
problems of a routine nature and some requiring innovation and creativity
h) apply complex theories to practical realistic work situations
i) apply their subject-related and transferable skills in contexts
where the scope of the task and the
j) criteria for decisions are generally well dened but where some
personal responsibility and initiative are required
k) develop an appreciation of the interdisciplinary nature of
building services engineering, and of the
l) skills required to work in non-adversarial teams with other professions in construction
m) ability to take responsibility to manage and direct their own
and where appropriate the activities of others
n) identify and address their own learning needs within dened contexts, recognise
their own learning style and undertake guided further learning in new areas
15 The Teaching and Learning Strategies are:
As above
16 The Assessment Strategies are:
As above
A copy of the full specication of each unit, its learning outcomes and criteria
for grading is available at or from your tutor
Programme Structures
Reference Points: NICATS level descriptors; Subject Benchmark Statements,
QAA Qualications Framework; Awarding Body Specications
17 Explanation of routes, compulsory and optional modules:
The BTEC Higher National Certicate in Electrical Electronic Engineering
is a 10-unit qualication of which ve are core units. This programme
must contain a minimum of ve units designated at H2 level.
The BTEC Higher National Certicate in Electrical Electronic Engineering
is awarded on successful completion of 10 BTEC Units 5 core and 5
optional. Each unit represents 60 hours of part time study.
On this course at COSC the units in bold are the units to be studied.
Core units all ve units must be taken Unit level H1 or H2
Business Management Techniques H1 Engineering Science H1
Analytical Methods for Engineers H1 Project H2
Electrical and Electronic Principles H2
Specialist units Choose ve units
Engineering Design H2 Telecommunications Principles H2
Data Communications and Networks H1 Electrical, Electronic and Digital Principles H1
Microprocessor Systems H1 Digital and Analogue Devices and Circuits H2
Electronics H2 Utilisation of Electrical Energy H1
Electrical Power H1 Operational Ampliers H1
Applications of Power Electronics H1 Digital Networks H1
Health and Safety and Risk Assessment H1 Further Analytical Methods for Engineers H2
Programmable Logic Controllers H1 Measurement and Testing H1
Instrumentation and Control Principles H1 Electronic Computer-Aided Design H1
Mechatronic Systems Principles H1 Combinational and Sequential Logic H1
Further Electrical Power H2 Further Electrical Principles H2
Quality Assurance and Management H2 Control Systems and Automation H2
Manufacturing Electronic Products H2 Project Management H2
Managing the Work of Individuals and Teams H2 Engineering Mathematics H2
Programming Concepts H1
18 Opportunities for work placement/study abroad:
It is recognised that a high percentage of students attending this course will already be
in employment. However, any opportunities for work placement or employment for any
student not already in work will be a matter of priority and all students will be given
the opportunity to take up such placement or employment within the industry.
19 In order to gain entry to this programme/course you must satisfy the course entry
requirements listed below (guidance is available from college staff prior to enrolment):
COSC will review the prole of qualications and/or experience held by applicants, considering
whether this prole shows an ability to progress to a Level 4 qualication. For learners who
have recently been in education, the entry prole is likely to include one of the following:
a BTEC National Certicate or relevant subject or an adequate performance in more than
one GCE subject. This prole is likely to be supported by GCSE grades at A* to C
other related Level 3 qualications
an Access to Higher Education Certicate awarded by an approved further education institution
related work experience
Mature learners may present a more varied prole of achievement that is
likely to include extensive work experience (paid and/or unpaid) and/or
achievement of a range of professional qualications in their work sector
Knowledge/skills: Engineering (knowledge of the electrical industry is essential)
Personal skills: Motivation and commitment
Literacy/numeracy/IT skills: A high standard of key/common
skills is required or can be attained on the course
Physical skills/attributes: N/A
Other prerequisites:
Edexcels policy regarding access to its qualications is that:
1) the qualications should be available to everyone who is
capable of reaching the required standards
2) the qualications should be free from any barriers that restrict access and progression
3) there should be equal opportunities for all wishing to access the qualications
COSC are required to recruit learners to BTEC qualications with integrity. This will
include ensuring that applicants have appropriate information and advice about the
qualications and that the qualication will meet their needs. COSC will take appropriate
steps to assess each applicants potential and make a professional judgement about their
ability to successfully complete the programme of study and achieve the qualication.
This assessment will need to take account of the support available to the learner within
the centre during their programme of study and any specic support that might be
necessary to allow the learner to access the assessment for the qualication. COSC will
also show regard for Edexcels policy on Learners with Particular Requirements.
Learners with Particular Requirements
For learners who have not recently been in education COSC will need to review
the prole of qualications and/or experience held by applicants, considering
whether this prole shows an ability to progress to a Level 4 qualication.
20 To qualify for this award students are required to pass all compulsory modules.
21 Students may choose to leave the programme with an interim award
as long as they full the following necessary requirements.
22 Students from this programme may progress to further study, eg:
HND in Electrical and Electronic Engineering or on to a Degree
23 Students from this programme may pursue a variety of careers, eg:
Technician, Supervisor, Management
Quality Management and Enhancement
City of Sunderland College uses a wide range of mechanisms
to assure and enhance the quality of the programme:
Regular evaluation of programmes by students, staff and employers
Annual monitoring of programmes and modules
Annual self-assessment of programmes
Peer observation of teaching
Internal inspection
Staff development
Indicators of Quality:
24 OFSTED Inspection Outcomes: N/A
25 QAA Subject Review Grades: Review in 2005
26 Prizes awarded to students:
27 Professional accreditation:
Learning Support/Resources
27 Students will be offered a range of academic and
personal support as follows (please specify):
Access to electronic databases
Personal Tutors
Programme Handbook
Learning resources (specify):
- Module Guides
- Library skills induction
- Library facilities, Learning resource centre, Laboratories
28 You will not be required to participate in residential experiences.
28 You will not be required to attend educational visits.
29 You will not be required to undertake work experience
and it will not form part of your nal assessment.
Special Learning Support
During a course of study students may be entitled to receive special learning support
to enable them to achieve their qualications (advice is available from college staff
prior to enrolment and during the course). Any application for an HE Disabled Student
Allowance (DSA) should be made to the colleges Student Services section.
Personal Financial Expenditure
30 This programme/course may involve students in
personal nancial expenditure only as follows:
Tuition fee
Registration to another body or bodies, eg a professional institution
Purchase of stationery
Purchase of textbooks
Purchase of equipment
Purchase of consumables