The document outlines a proposed mobile app called "The Mole Mapper" that aims to help address the problem of late skin cancer diagnosis. The app would allow users to monitor their moles over time, get reminders for checkups, and be notified if any moles appear at risk of cancer. This could help catch cancers earlier before specialist appointments are needed. The document describes the vision, industry analysis, target customers and their needs, product details, suppliers and partners, strategy of cost leadership, value chain activities including a focus on technology development, business processes including algorithms for diagnosis, system choices including a customer relationship management system, and conclusions.
The document outlines a proposed mobile app called "The Mole Mapper" that aims to help address the problem of late skin cancer diagnosis. The app would allow users to monitor their moles over time, get reminders for checkups, and be notified if any moles appear at risk of cancer. This could help catch cancers earlier before specialist appointments are needed. The document describes the vision, industry analysis, target customers and their needs, product details, suppliers and partners, strategy of cost leadership, value chain activities including a focus on technology development, business processes including algorithms for diagnosis, system choices including a customer relationship management system, and conclusions.
The document outlines a proposed mobile app called "The Mole Mapper" that aims to help address the problem of late skin cancer diagnosis. The app would allow users to monitor their moles over time, get reminders for checkups, and be notified if any moles appear at risk of cancer. This could help catch cancers earlier before specialist appointments are needed. The document describes the vision, industry analysis, target customers and their needs, product details, suppliers and partners, strategy of cost leadership, value chain activities including a focus on technology development, business processes including algorithms for diagnosis, system choices including a customer relationship management system, and conclusions.
The document outlines a proposed mobile app called "The Mole Mapper" that aims to help address the problem of late skin cancer diagnosis. The app would allow users to monitor their moles over time, get reminders for checkups, and be notified if any moles appear at risk of cancer. This could help catch cancers earlier before specialist appointments are needed. The document describes the vision, industry analysis, target customers and their needs, product details, suppliers and partners, strategy of cost leadership, value chain activities including a focus on technology development, business processes including algorithms for diagnosis, system choices including a customer relationship management system, and conclusions.
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Name Yadi She NetID yshe830 Group Number: 9 Website Link: Tutorial Details Tutor: Day: Time: Claris Chung Monday 9am Time Spent on Assignment: 30 hours Word Count: 1528
2 THE MOLE MAPPER INTRODUCTION With the increase in skin cancer cases in New Zealand and globally, we face a detrimental issue where people are suffering and dying due to late diagnosis, because appoitments are often expensive to book and have a long waiting list which means that most people wont really bother with getting their moles checked out. Cancerous moles arent checked out in the early stages until its too late and that is our problem. The solution that we have come up with is an app that will allow you to not only monitor what is happening with your moles, but also remind you when its time to check up on your mole and when you need to see a specialist. This will mainly benefit smartphone users who are aged 25-44 because as shown in New Zealand statistics among people aged 25 to 44 years, melanoma was the leading cancer among males, while among females aged 25 to 44 years it was the second most common cancer (Cancer Society, 2013). 3. BUSINESS SECTION 3.1 Vision Our vision is to provide a service that will revolutionalise skin cancer diagnosis, by providing a free and easy to use app that will allow anyone, anywhere and at any time to keep track and monitor development in their moles, so that they can receive treatment as soon as they are at risk and decrease the amount of deaths due to late diagnosis. 3.2 Industry Analysis: Skin Cancer Medical Industry Industry: Skin Cancer Medical Industry Force: High/Low: Justification: Buyer power: Low Buyers dont have many options when it comes to mole mapping because the only solution they have is to book an appointment with a specialist
3 or GP Supplier power: High Other than skin cancer specialists, whom are very expensive to book and also have a long waiting line, the New Zealand Cancer Society has other information that provide you with
information about where you can get your
skin checked (Cancer Society, 2010). Threat of new entrants: Low Technical apps are difficult to develop, and would not only take a lot of expertise but also a lot of money to hire developers and liaze with partners. Even though its a free app for the customer, once they start using one mole mapping app, they would tend to not bother with another one that provides the same function, especially if they have a busy timetable Threat of substitutes: Low The only other competitor out there currently would be mole specialists and dermatoligist, and they are expensive and have a long waiting time, compared to our app which is free and can be accessed at anytime of the day. Rivalry among existing competitors: Low This app will eliminated the need for the customer to get diagnosed by a GP and then forwarded onto a specialist. (Ministry of Health. 2013).
Overall attractiveness of the industry: High, this is a very favourable industry to go into because this type of service is hard to replace, because once the customer starts using the
4 app, all their data will be stored in the app, and they will be reluctant to start again on a new app. 3.3 Customers and Thei r Needs Our target group of customers are every one who uses smartphones and have a busy schedule, people who do not have time or the money to book an appointment with a specialist (National Cancer Institute, 2011). This app will address their need by providing a quick and easy solution that they can use from the comfort of their own home. It caters to their convenience and it means that they can get the information and education they need to determine if they are at risk of melanoma, before investing time and money into seeing a specialist. Due to the large target market and the variation of age groups that can benefit from this app, customers will also need an interface that is easy to operate and doesnt require much, or any, technical knowledge. 3.4 The Product and Service The inbuilt alarm system prompts the customer when they need to check up on their mole or if their moles are at risk of becoming cancerous, which addresses customers who have a busy lifestyle or are forgetful. The app is easy to use, which addresses customers who arent confident with smartphones or want a something that they dont have to learn how to use. This is a free app that customers who cannot afford expensive appointments can constantly use, and only if it becomes malignant that they have to seek a specialist, which means that they only have to spend money when they need to. 3.5 Suppliers and Partners Suppliers: App developers to help us create and maintain our app, making sure its easy to use, making sure that there are constant updates made and any bugs or glitches can be fixed. Our other suppliers would be the Apple App Store, the Google Play store, and the Windows app store, so that our app can be available to Apple, Android and Windows users. Partners: Skin cancer specialists would be one of our partners because when the customers are at risk, the app will recommend them to the specialists partnered with us. Another
5 partner would be pharmaceutical companies, who provide incoming customers whoa re diagnosed with skin cancer. 3.6 Strategy: Cost Leadership This app is targeted at a broad market (anyone who has a smartphone, has a busy schedule, and is not financially capable of booking multiple appointments with mole/skind cancer specialists. This will be a free app, which will directly target those who cannot afford to book a specialist appointment, and would be more motivated to be wary of these issues if there was a free service, hence the low cost bracket, resulting in our strategy being cost leadership. 3.7 Value Chain Activity: Technology and Development (R&D) The most important value chain activity for this business is technology and development (and R&D) because the app will need to be constantly updated, as well constantly developed to make the app more user friendly as well as catching up to all the smartphone updates and bug fixes. When there are advances in diagnosing skin cancer, or when there are updated information on what causes skin cancer and how you can prevent yourself from getting it, we will need to constantly update the information in our app so that our customers stay informed, and meets with customer satisfaction, which includes the research component as this is constantly being researched in the real world. There are also constant bug fixes that need to be addressed. 3.8 Business Processes 3.8.1. ALGORI THI M FOR DIAGNOSING CANCEROUS MOLES:
3.9 Functionalities Allows you to take pictures of your moles and store them within the app, so that you can build a database for analysis and detecting skin cancer Allows you to rate and review the app to improve customer satisfaction
8 3.10 Systems
I have chosen the Customer Relationship Management System, because this correlates and untilises the rate and review part of the app, as well as addressing customer satisfaction, which is the main objective in our vision, and stated, the definition of CRM as a companys goals can be best achieved through identification and satisfaction of the customers' stated and unstated needs and wants (Business dictionary, 2014). Our rate and review function will allow customers to constantly provide feedback about our app, so that developers can customise the app, and improve improve customer satisfaction.
9 3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems
Value Chain Activity Processes Functionalities Specific Information System(s) Broad Information System(s)
Technology and Development (R&D) 1. Capturing images taken of the customers mole 1. Layering these pictures to keep a timeline of how the mole if developing
Reporting CRM 2. Rating and feedback 1. Inputing a rating out of five stars as well as allowing for extra feedback to submit, and be reviewed by developers for future app upgradesc Predicting CRM
10 CONCLUSION This app uses the combination of systems, to capture and analysize data, and IT to translates and communicate that information, not only to the customer, but also to developers and partners so that it can assist the customer in their everyday life, and reduce the number of late diagnosis and deaths due to skin cancer, making the world a better place, and improving quality of life. This app is something that can easily be incorporated into their everyday lives, so that everyone can become more health conscious when it comes to skin cancer, and its severity. REFERENCES
1. National Cancer Institute. (2011). Anyone Can Get Skin Cancer. Retrieved from
2. Cancer Society. (2010). Where can I get my skin checked?. Retrieved from 0skin%20checked_Mar2010.pdf
3. Ministry of Health. (2013). How the Elective Process Works. Retrieved from services/how-electives-process-works
4. Business Dictionary. (2014). What is Customer Relationship Management. Retrieved from management-CRM.html
5. Cancer Society. (2013). Skin Cancer Facts and Figures. Retrieved from cancer/skin-cancer-facts-and-figures/
S.110 Business Systems: Deliverable 2: Business Section 2014 Name Marthalena Heather Netid Group Number: Website Link: Tutorial Details Tutor: Day: Time: Time Spent On Assignment: Word Count: 1641