The document is an advertisement for 50 Junior Research Fellow positions at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research in Kalpakkam, India. It provides details on:
1) The eligibility requirements including age limit, educational qualifications, and subjects of study. Candidates must have a M.Sc., M.Tech. or be in their final year of B.E./B.Tech. with a minimum of 60% marks.
2) The selection process which will involve an application screening, written test, and interview. Some candidates may be exempted from the written test based on other qualifications.
3) The broad areas of research projects including chemical sciences, physical sciences, and engineering sciences like
The document is an advertisement for 50 Junior Research Fellow positions at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research in Kalpakkam, India. It provides details on:
1) The eligibility requirements including age limit, educational qualifications, and subjects of study. Candidates must have a M.Sc., M.Tech. or be in their final year of B.E./B.Tech. with a minimum of 60% marks.
2) The selection process which will involve an application screening, written test, and interview. Some candidates may be exempted from the written test based on other qualifications.
3) The broad areas of research projects including chemical sciences, physical sciences, and engineering sciences like
The document is an advertisement for 50 Junior Research Fellow positions at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research in Kalpakkam, India. It provides details on:
1) The eligibility requirements including age limit, educational qualifications, and subjects of study. Candidates must have a M.Sc., M.Tech. or be in their final year of B.E./B.Tech. with a minimum of 60% marks.
2) The selection process which will involve an application screening, written test, and interview. Some candidates may be exempted from the written test based on other qualifications.
3) The broad areas of research projects including chemical sciences, physical sciences, and engineering sciences like
The document is an advertisement for 50 Junior Research Fellow positions at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research in Kalpakkam, India. It provides details on:
1) The eligibility requirements including age limit, educational qualifications, and subjects of study. Candidates must have a M.Sc., M.Tech. or be in their final year of B.E./B.Tech. with a minimum of 60% marks.
2) The selection process which will involve an application screening, written test, and interview. Some candidates may be exempted from the written test based on other qualifications.
3) The broad areas of research projects including chemical sciences, physical sciences, and engineering sciences like
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam is a premier research institute dedicated to the development of robust fast reactor technology based on intense multi-disciplinary research. IGCAR is empowering young, talented and motivated students to contribute to path-breaking discoveries in frontier areas of engineering/scientific research and cutting-edge technologies by offering Junior Research Fellowships. Applications are invited from interested students for the award of Junior Research Fellowships of the Department of Atomic Energy tenable at the Centre. The selected candidates will be eligible to register for Ph.D. in Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI, a deemed to be university of Department of Atomic Energy) or University of Madras. IGCAR offers a unique opportunity to carry out research for their Ph.D. in the areas of physical, chemical, engineering, environmental and information sciences. The vibrant research and developmental activities of IGCAR encompass a wide spectrum of fields including condensed matter physics, high temperature chemistry, environmental science, applied mechanics, non destructive evaluation, structural mechanics, fluid dynamics, Robotics and Development of Intelligent Machines, Thermal Hydraulics and Structural Mechanics, Design of Critical Components, Nanotechnology, Modeling Studies, Post-accident Safety Analysis, Wireless Networking, Parallel Computing, Embedded and Simulator Systems, Advanced materials and manufacturing technologies, Reliability, Chemical Process Design, Modeling etc. State-of-the-art infrastructure is available at IGCAR for carrying out excellent research.
NO. OF FELLOWSHIPS: 50 (Indicative)
CALENDAR FOR IMPORTANT TASKS Last date for receipt of applications : May 2, 2014 Written Test : May 25, 2014 Interview : June 9 -14, 2014 Likely Date of Joining : July 8, 2014
At IGCAR, we believe in EXCELLENCE WITH RELEVANCE. Our strengths are the highly stimulating and scholarly environment, knowledge and motivating faculty, excellent library and state-of-the-art facilities.
Emphasis is on research areas at the interface of science, engineering and technology. The research projects identified for the selected students are generally multidisciplinary in nature. Only those candidates interested in pursuing their research in multidisciplinary areas need apply. Selected JRFs will have to undergo one year of course work starting from August, 2014 as stipulated by HBNI.
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1. AREAS OF RESEARCH PROJECTS: CHEMICAL SCIENCES: Chemical thermodynamics, Solid state and high temperature chemistry, Electrochemistry, Spectroscopy and laser, Radiochemistry, Advanced separation techniques, Actinide Chemistry, Trace and ultra trace analytical techniques and Chemical sensors. PHYSICAL SCIENCES: Condensed Matter Physics: Investigations on behaviour of materials at low temperatures, high pressures and magnetic fields to explore novel properties of materials, Materials Physics : Investigations of defect properties of solids using ion beams and positrons and Computer simulations of material properties; Studies on surfaces and nanomaterials, and exploration of materials for sensors and detectors. Investigating phase transitions and dynamics in soft matter. ENGINEERING SCIENCES: Robotics and Development of Intelligent machines, Thermal Hydraulics and Structural Mechanics, Design of critical components, Modeling studies, Post-accident Safety Analysis, Wireless networking, Parallel computing, Embedded and Simulator systems, Non-destructive Evaluation and Reliability, Chemical Process Design and Modeling. 2. DISCIPLINES: The qualifying degrees for the above projects should be in one of the following disciplines: a) Physics b) Chemistry c) Computer Science d) Metallurgy / Materials Science & Engineering /Materials Technology e) Chemical Engineering (Those who have obtained their B.Tech degree in Chemical Engineering under the category of petroleum, polymer, sugar, oil, soap technology etc., are not eligible to apply)
f) Mechanical Engineering g) Atmospheric Science h) Nuclear Engineering/Nuclear Science & Technology i) Library and Information Science 3. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENT: The candidate must be an Indian national. The candidate should be less than 28 years of age as on 01.07. 2014 (date of birth 1 st July 1986 or later). A relaxation of up to 5 years in age can be given in case of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe applicants, 3 years in case of Other Backward Class applicants and 10 years in case of Physically Challenged applicants. 4. QUALIFICATIONS: Category A: (Those who have completed M.Sc., M.LIS or M. Tech.)
a) The candidate must have obtained a minimum of 60% marks in Master of Science (M.Sc.)/ Master of Library & Information Science (M.LIS) degree from a recognized University in one of the following disciplines.
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i. Physics or Materials Science: Mathematics/Numerical Methods must be one of the subjects studied at the M.Sc. level. Aggregate of 60% at B.Sc. level with chemistry as ancillary subjects at B.Sc. level ii. Chemistry: Aggregate of 60% at B.Sc. level with Physics and Mathematics as ancillary subjects at B.Sc. level
iii. Library and Information Science: Master of Library and Information Science with B.Sc. Mathematics/Physics/Chemistry (60% at B.Sc level).
iv Atmospheric Science: M.Sc in Atmospheric Science/ Meteorology with minimum 60% marks and with basic degree in B.Sc (with Physics, Maths as one of the subjects)
b) Candidates with M. Tech. in Nuclear Engineering/Nuclear Science and Technology from a recognized University/Institute. A minimum aggregate of 60% at post graduation and graduation level is a must from a recognized University/Institute.
Category B: (Those who have already completed B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. Engg./B.Sc. [Tech.] from a recognized University) / M.Tech.
The candidate must have obtained a minimum of 60% marks in one of the following disciplines given below:
(a) B.E/B.Tech in Computer Science or M.E/M.Tech in Computer Science would be considered as eligible qualification
(b)M.Tech in Atmospheric Science (with any M.Sc, with Physics and Mathematics as one subject at B.Sc. Level or with any B.E or B.Tech with Physics and Mathematics as one of the subjects).
Category C: (Candidates in the final year/semester of M.Sc./ Master in Library & Information Science /B.E. /B.Tech. /B.Sc. Engg. / B.Sc. [Tech.]/M. Tech.)
The candidate should be in the final year/semester of M.Sc. / Master in Library & Information Science /B.E. /B. Tech. /B.Sc. Engineering/B.Sc. [Tech.]/M. Tech. degree course in recognized Universities in one of the disciplines as mentioned above in Category-A and Category-B. Such candidates should have scored marks above 60% in each previous semester/year and minimum aggregate of 60% in B.Sc./B.E./B.Tech. level [in the case of M.Sc./ Masters in Library & Information Science/M.Tech. candidates]. In case such candidates eventually join the Centre, they shall have acquired aggregate marks of 60% in the qualifying degrees. Relevant certificates to this effect should be submitted at the time of joining the Centre.
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Note: I. Candidates in all the categories should have had consistently good academic record. II. Candidates with M.Tech degree should have acquired aggregate marks of 60% in their undergraduate programme (B.E/B.Tech degree).
Applications will be scrutinized and suitability of candidates will be decided on the basis of their academic performance. The candidates meeting the requisite qualifications would be called for WRITTEN TEST. For candidates under Category A, B & C percentage of marks of each previous semester/year of the qualifying degree will be used to decide the cut-off. Hence, candidates are advised to attach copies of all necessary mark sheets along with calculation showing the average marks scored.
Suitable candidates under the above said categories A, B & C will be selected based on WRITTEN TEST and INTERVIEW. It is proposed to conduct the Written Test at Chennai, Kolkatta, Bhubaneswar and Hyderabad, subject to sufficient number of candidates opting for a Centre.
Exemption from WRITTEN TEST: Suitable candidates satisfying any of the following will be exempted from the written test and will be called directly for the selection interview. (a) Candidates with valid UGC-CSIR-NET Fellowship. (b) Candidates with valid JEST score of 90 percentile and above. (c) Candidates inducted to M.E./M.Tech. degree through GATE (with a score higher than 90 percentile), with an aggregate of 60% or higher in their M.E./M.Tech. degree. A copy of the GATE score to be submitted. (d) Candidates with a valid GATE score higher than 90 percentile.
Selection Interviews: The Interview for all short listed candidates will be conducted at CHENNAI/ KALPAKKAM. 6. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: i) The Application Form and Hall Ticket Form can be downloaded from the IGCAR website Send the completed Application Form and Hall Ticket Form along with the required enclosures by Post (Registered or Speed post of Indian Postal service), so as to reach IGCAR on or before 2 nd May, 2014 to:
The Assistant Administrative Officer [R], Recruitment Section, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kancheepuram District Kalpakkam 603 102. Tamil Nadu
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Superscribe the envelope: JRF, Advt. No. 01/2014 & also the discipline clearly (as given in 2 - QUALIFYING DEGREES)
The applicant in due course would receive Hall Ticket, appropriately endorsed by IGCAR which will permit the candidate to appear for the written test and/or the interview. 7. GENERAL INFORMATION: The list of candidates selected for the award of Junior Research Fellowship will be displayed on the IGCAR website. The selected candidates will also be informed by post. The final induction of the selected candidates as JRFs will be subject to production of all necessary documents in original (Proof of Date of Birth/Caste certificate/ physically challenged certificate if applicable, B.Sc./M.Sc./MLIS/ B.E./B.Tech./ M.E./M.Tech. degree and Marks sheets) on the dates intimated to the candidates by the department.
The number of fellowships indicated in this advertisement is approximate and may vary as per the requirement at the time of final selection. The Centre reserves the right not to fill up the fellowships if it so desires. The fellowship shall not confer any claim or right for regular employment in the Centre or any Unit of Department of Atomic Energy. Opportunity for meritorious candidates exists for the position of Visiting Scientist under KSKRA scheme.
Medical The selected candidates are eligible to join the Contributory Health Service Scheme of this Centre as applicable. Accommodation The Selected candidates will be provided with subsidized bachelor Hostel Accommodation during the tenure. TRAVEL ALLOWANCE Candidates called for the interview will be reimbursed to and fro second class railway fare from their normal place of residence as per rules. FELLOWSHIP AND TENURE The selected candidates will be initially taken as Junior Research Fellows (JRF) and will be paid a stipend of Rs.16,000/- per month (consolidated). The fellowship will be provided initially for a period of two years. Continuation of the fellowship is subject to satisfactory performance and review at the end of each year. On satisfactory performance, the tenure of Fellowship will be further extended and upgraded to Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) from the third year onwards with a stipend of Rs.18,000/- per month (consolidated). The total period of the fellowship shall in no case exceed five years. They are entitled for contingency grant including book allowance of Rs.20,000/- per year.
Candidates are advised to visit the website periodically for further information and updates in this regard.
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8. IMPORTANT CHECK LIST Attested copies of the following certificates must accompany the application form without which the application is liable to be rejected. Proof of date of birth (SSC/HSC Certificate or Birth Certificate) Caste Certificate, if applicable Degree Certificates and Mark lists of B.Sc./M.Sc./ Master in Library & Information Science MLIS/B.E./B.Tech./M.E./M.Tech./B.S. Engg./B.Sc[Tech]. Consolidated mark sheets and calculation for aggregate marks of the qualifying exams to be attached. Candidates under Category C to provide the mark sheets of all previous years/semesters. Sheet giving details of conversion from CGPA to percentage marks, where applicable UGC-CSIR NET Fellowship certificate, JEST-2012 or later score sheet, GATE score sheet where applicable.
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PROFORMA FOR APPLICATION Advertisement No. IGCAR-01/2014 Application for the position: JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOW
1. Name in full (in block letters) : 2. Date of Birth (DD-MM-YYYY) : / / 3. Nationality Indian : Yes / No 4. Sex : Male / Female 5. Marital Status : Married / Unmarried 6. Fathers / Husbands Name :
7. Address: Permanent Correspondence
Ph.No: E-Mail ID:
Ph.No: E-Mail ID:
8. Educational Qualifications: Exam. Passed University/ Institution Year of Passing Subjects Total Marks Obtained Class/ Division and % marks Main Ancillary B.Sc./B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. Engg. or Tech.
M.Sc./M.E./M.Tech. Master in Library/Information Science
UGC-CSIR NET Fellowship/ Valid JEST/GATE Score (if applicable)
9. Do you belong to : Scheduled Caste (SC) / Scheduled Tribe (ST) Other Backward Caste (OBC)/Physically Challenged (PH)/ General [Strike out whichever is not applicable] 10. Wish to be considered based on : UGC-CSIR-NET fellowship (If applicable) 11. Preferred exam centre : Chennai / Kolkatta / Bhubaneswar / Hyderabad
I hereby certify that the above stated information is factually correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have not suppressed any information and in case I give any false information or suppressed any fact, then, my fellowship would be liable for termination without any notice or reasons thereof.
Place : Date : Signature of the candidate
Paste your Passport size photograph here and get it duly attested Page 8 of 8