IQ Test Questions With Answers - Brain Teasers & Puzzles
IQ Test Questions With Answers - Brain Teasers & Puzzles
IQ Test Questions With Answers - Brain Teasers & Puzzles
This is a collection of puzzles, and the puzzles in this article are interesting and will
involve the reader while solving them. The puzzles are short in length but will force you
to exercise your brain and use your logical skills. The puzzles are of a wide range and
they vary from simple ones to the more difficult ones.
1. Two people were walking in opposite directions. Both of them walked 6 miles forward
then took right and walked 8 miles. ow far is each from starting positions!
a" 1# miles and 1# miles
b" 1$ miles 1$ miles
c" 6 miles 6 miles
%. & person has certain number of cows and birds. They have 1'% eyes and (## legs.
ow many cows and birds does he have!
(. & person has 1# red socks and 1# white socks in a drawer. )hat is the minimum
number of socks that he should take to get a correct pair!
#. )hen a number is multiplied by 1(, it becomes greater to 1$* by an amount with
which it is lesser to 1$* by now. )hat is the number
*. )hen asked in an e+am how much time is left, the teacher answered that the amount of
time left is 1,* of the time already completed. ow much time is left!
6. Two people on cycle are traveling at 1$ miles,hour in opposite direction. )hen they
are at a distance of *$ miles, a housefly lands on the first cyclist and then flies to the
other at a speed of 16 miles,hour. )hat is the distance covered by fly!
'. -y successor.s father is my father.s son. and i don.t have any brothers or sons. )ho is
my successor!
a" /ephew
b" /iece
c" 0aughter
d" -yself
8. & fast train leaves 1ondon for Brighton and at the same time a slow train leaves
Brighton for 1ondon. The fast train leaves at 8$ mph and the slow train travels at (* mph.
)hen they meet, which is farther from 1ondon!
2. & girl, a boy, and a dog start walking down a road. They start at the same time, from
the same point, in the same direction. The boy walks at * km,h, the girl at 6 km,h. The
dog runs from boy to girl and back again with a constant speed of 1$ km,h. The dog does
not slow down on the turn. ow far does the dog travel in 1 hour!
1$. & pool has four taps. The first tap takes two days to fill the pool, the second tap three
days, the third four days and the last one only 6 hours. ow long will it take to fill the
pool using all # taps at once!
11. This was a burglary in the 3ilver 4ity 5ewelry store last 3unday. Three suspects6
7obert, 3cott, and Tommy were caught and 8uestioned. 9ach person said, :;ne of the
other two stole it. < did not do it.: 1ater on the police found out that Tommy was lying
and there was only one thief. )ho was the thief!
1%. =ames visited an island. There were % tribes living on this island. The east tribal
people always tell a lie. The west tribal people always tell the truth. =ames saw a guy
passing him. e asked the tour guide to ask that guy where he lives. The tour guide asked
the guy and came back with the answer6 he lives over west. 0id the tour guide tell the
truth or tell a lie!
1(. < have a horse. 0o you know what color it is! &llan said, :< guess it is not black:.
Brian said, :<t is either brown, or gray:. 4harlie said :< know it is brown:. < said, :&t
least one of you is right and at least one of you is wrong.: )hat is the color of my horse
if the color is one of the above!
1#. & lady and a gentleman are sister and brother. )e do not know who is older.
3omeone asked them6 )ho is older! The sister said6 < am older. The brother said6 < am
younger. &t least one of them was lying. )ho is older!
1*. & si+ digit number (1%1(% has two 1.s, two %.s and two (.s. This number has a very
interesting attribute6 1 digit e+ists between two 1s, % digits e+ist between two %.s and (
digits e+ist between two (s. 4an we add two more #s to become an eight digit number
and still holding the above attributes plus # digits e+ist between two #s!
16. 3uppose 8 monkeys take 8 minutes to eat 8 bananas. >a" ow many minutes would it
take ( monkeys to eat ( bananas! >b" ow many monkeys would it take to eat #8 bananas
in #8 minutes!
1'. & group of friends went to a hotel for 0inner. &fter having their dinner the Bill
&mount was of 7s %#$$. 3o they decided to distribute it into e8ual amount for each. <n
the group two friends forget to bring their purses along with them. 3o later on it has been
decided that 7s 1$$ has to be paid more by the other friends on calculated amount. 3o
total how many friends were there in the ?roup!
IQ Puzzle Test Answers
1. 1$ miles each according to @ythagoras Theorem.
%. 9ach 4ow has % eyes and # legs and each bird has % eyes and % legs. 1ets call each eye
as + and each leg as y. &lso each bird is n and each cow is m so6
n>%+A%y" A m>%+ A #y" B 1'%+ A (##y
%+ >nAm" A %y>nA%m" B 1'%+ A (##y
>nAm" B 86 and >nA%m" B 1'%
n B 86 C m
86 C m A %m B 1'% or m B 86
This implies n B $.
The owner has $ birds and 86 cows.
(. This is a classic probability puzzle and many puzzles are based on this logic. <f the
person picks up two socks then there is a possibility of them being different in colour. <f
he picks up three socks then they are guaranteed red or white. 3o the minimum number of
socks re8uired are three.
#. 1et the number be +
1$* C + B y
+ B 1$* C y
1(+ B 1$* A y
1# + B %1$
+ B 1*
*. 1$ minutes. The total time was one hour and already *$ minutes are over.
6. Dou can assume that when the fly lands on cyclist 1 they are *$ miles apart. The fly
has to travel *$ A + miles at 16 miles,hour. ere + is the additional distance at 1$
miles,hour. 3o the problem is now simplified as
y B *$ A + >distance"
>*$ A +",16 B +,1$ >time"
*$$ A 1$+ B 16+
6+ B *$$
+ B %*$,( B 8(.((
y B 1((.((
'. 0aughter
8. )hen they meet they are both at the same distance away from 1ondon.
2. 1$ km. Because the dogEs speed is 1$ km,h.
1$. First, work out how much of the pool gets filled by each tap in one hour. The first tap
takes #8 hours to fill the pool, so in one hour it fills 1,#8 of the pool. The second tap 1,'%.
The third tap 1,26. &nd the fourth tap fills 1,6 of the pool in one hour. )e need to add all
those fractions together6
1,#8 A 1,'% A 1,26 A 1,6 B 61,%88
3o, in one hour the pool will be 61,%88 full and it will be completely full in %88,61 hours
B # hours #( minutes and 1' seconds.
11. Tommy was the thief. e was not telling the truth. e stole it.
1%. <f the guy was from the west, he should answer the truth6 < am from the west. <f the
guy was from the east, he also should tell a lie6 < am from the west. The answer will
always be6 E< am from the westE. 3o we know the tour guide was telling the truth.
1(. <f the horse is brown. then every one is right. This is not the answer. <f the horse is
black, then every one is wrong. This is not the answer either. Therefore, the horse is gray.
To verify the answer, &llan was right, Brian was right, but 4harlie was wrong.
1#. 3ince there is no conflict between what they said, it meant that either they both told a
lie or both told the truth. <n this case they both told a lie. The answer is the brother is
1*. The number will be #1(1%#(% or %(#%1(1#. ;f course these % numbers are actually
the same, 5ust reverse the direction from one to become another one. The way to solve
this is, first all, put down two #s and reserve # spaces between these two #s. Then you
determonw the positions for two (s. 3ince you can not put both (s between #s, one (
must be outside of two #s. &fter that you 5ust need to try a few cases to find out he
16. >a" 8 -inutes because each monkey takes 8 minutes to eat a banana. >b" 8 -onkeys
are re8uired to eat #8 bananas in #8 minutes. 9ach money will eat 6 bananas.
1'. There were 8 friends in the group. 9ach friend was to share 7s ($$ to cover the cost
of %#$$.