The Effects of Access To Health Care On Infant Mortality in Indonesia
The Effects of Access To Health Care On Infant Mortality in Indonesia
The Effects of Access To Health Care On Infant Mortality in Indonesia
distribution, is a Hausman statistic, calculated as:
Chamberlains approach provides a means of estimating the effects of independent
variables on a dichotomous outcome variable when observations are grouped and group
membership affects the outcome. The conditions for using Chamberlains approach with
logistic regression are that each group contains two members, that the outcomes of the
members differ, and that explanatory variables vary between the members.
The problem in this analysis is to estimate the impact of measured group-level variables
(access to health care within villages) on individual outcomes. Omitted group-level variables
such as wealth or degree of remoteness are a potential source of bias. The data and analysis
problems are similar to the circumstances under which Chamberlain recommends conditional
maximum likelihood estimation with logistic regression. The outcome variable (death) is
binary, the data are grouped at the village level, and independent variables vary within
villages over time. Villages, however, have more than two members. If infants born in the
same village are grouped into pairs of observations, Chamberlains approach provides a
means of eliminating bias from omitted variables. The use of pairs, matched on village
residence, corresponds to the matched case-control designs common in the epidemiological
The process of creating matched pairs required several steps. In the first step births were
separated into two cohorts: births before mid-1983 and births after mid-1983. Infants from the
earlier cohort were matched to the 1983 community-level data, while infants from the later
cohorts were matched to the 1986 data.
To provide pairs of infants within each village infants from the early cohort were
randomly paired with infants from the later cohort. Because the factors that produce or
152 Elizabeth Frankenberg
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prevent a neonatal death may be quite different from those associated with a post-neonatal
death, the matching procedure was performed twice to avoid matching neonatal deaths to
post-neonatal deaths. First I coded each child according to whether it had died within the first
month of life and, within villages, randomly matched children born between 1983 and mid-
1984 with children born after mid-1984. The pairs were kept when one child died and the
other survived. I repeated the steps with the children who survived the neonatal period,
coding them according to whether they survived to 13 months of age.
Within each village
infants born between 1980 and mid-1983 were randomly matched to infants born between
mid-1983 and 13 months before September 1987, the interview date. Again, the pairs were
kept when one infant died and the other survived. The matching was done without
replacement, to guarantee that the resulting pairs were obtained randomly.
Infants should be matched to the community data so that the period for which they are
exposed to the risk of death coincides roughly with the period to which the community data
refers. The neonatal exposure period is only a month long, while the other period is one year
long. Accordingly, the matching rules differ by exposure period. The diagram below depicts
the matching rules.
Figure 1
Matching rules: individual observations to community-level data
Month 0:
1/80 6/84 8/87 9/87
|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | oooooooooooooooooooooo | ccccc |
Months 1-13:
1/80 6/83 8/86 9/87
|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | oooooooooooooooooooooooo | cccccccccccc |
xxx = births in this period matched to 1983 data
ooo = births in this period matched to 1986 data
ccc = censored
Two files of pairs of infants were constructed: one for neonates, and one for post-
neonates plus the thirteenth month of life, hereafter referred to as the post-neonatal file. Each
pair of infants serves as an observation, with the following characteristics: both infants were
born in the same village, but in different time periods, and one infant had died in the specific
period of exposure. The earlier infant was assigned the 1983 village characteristics, while the
later infant was assigned the 1986 village characteristics.
For each observation (pair) I
created a dependent variable measuring whether the early child died (zero) or the later child
In choosing a cutoff for mortality after the neonatal period, it is necessary to consider the
problem of censoring. The individual-level data were collected in September 1987. The
analysis must be restricted to children born long enough before the survey to have had a
chance to survive for the entire period under consideration. I chose to analyse survival to 13
months rather than to a later age or to 12 months because I can consider children born after
the 1986 community data were collected and because a number of children were reported to
have died in the thirteenth month of life: had I considered infant mortality they would have
been excluded. If I analysed survival over a longer period, say from months one to 18, I could
not consider children born after March 1986.
The community data are available for two years but I analyse births from over an almost eight-year
period. The community data measure inexactly the levels of facilities in existence during infants
survival experiences.
The effects of access to health care on infant mortality in Indonesia 153
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died (one). The independent variables are the differences in characteristics across the two
The model is a logistic regression of the odds that the later child died, yielding the log
odds that the later child died rather than the earlier child, as a function of change in access to
health services between time periods. If access to facilities improves survival chances, the
chance that the later child died rather than the earlier child should decrease as access to
facilities improves over time. The advantage of this approach is that the parameters are not
biased by omitted fixed characteristics at the village level. The approach does not yield
unbiased estimates, however, if changes in community characteristics are correlated with
omitted village characteristics that are changing over time. For example, if changes in the
number of government health clinics in a village between 1983 and 1986 are a response to
planners observations that mortality in the village is increasing, then the fixed-effects
parameter estimates for health clinics will be biased.
A disadvantage of the approach is that the conditions on the data set limit the number of
observations. For each village the size of the early cohort differs from the size of the later
cohort, so that some infants are not paired and cannot be analysed. Additionally, pairs of
which both members survived or both members died are dropped because they do not
contribute to the estimation process (Fleiss 1980: 114; Chamberlain 1980). Because death is a
relatively rare event, most of the dropped pairs were ones in which both children survived.
However, 50 post-neonatal pairs and 43 neonatal pairs were rejected because both infants
died. The process also means that certain villages do not contribute any pairs to the analysis
file. This happens most frequently because there are some villages in which none of the 20 or
so women interviewed in the DHS had lost an infant since 1980. Thus, villages with
particularly low fertility or infant mortality are likely to be underrepresented. The women in
the DHS sample gave birth to almost 13,000 children between 1980 and September, 1987.
Using the pairing process described above we constructed an analysis file of 652 pairs of
children (298 neonatal observations, 354 post-neonatal observations) from 269 villages. The
small number of pairs limits the precision of the parameter estimates, but not their
The pairs provide a means of estimating the effect of community features on mortality
risks, free of bias from omitted village-level characteristics. The alternative approach is to
estimate the parameters of the community features from a data set of cross-sectional
observations. The parameter estimates from the cross-sectional data set may be inconsistent
because of the omitted village effects. If the data set of pairs is a subset of the cross-sectional
data set a Hausman statistic can be constructed to test formally whether the cross-sectional
estimates are inconsistent.
The effects of individual-level, family-level, and community-level variables were
analysed, including those by which survival risks generally differ: first birth, sex, birth order,
length of the preceding birth interval, and maternal education. The infants birthdates were
included to capture the time trend in mortality. Each variables values are calculated as the
difference in values between the two pairs of children: for example, maternal education is
measured as the difference between the education of the mother of the early child and the
mother of the late child.
The focus is on three community variables. The numbers of health workers and doctors
in each village capture access to trained health personnel. The numbers of maternity clinics
capture access to fixed-site health services. A measure of access to government health clinics
is not included in the analysis. Unlike the 1986 data, the 1983 community-level data on
availability of government clinics did not distinguish between health centres and subcentres;
however, the 1986 data presented in Table 1 suggest that these facilities are located in
different types of villages, and we know that the two types of facilities differ in terms of
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quality and staffing levels. Because I did not want to combine the two types of facilities, I did
not include measures of change in access to government clinics in the models.
The health services variables are of interest from a policy perspective. The Government
of Indonesia invested considerable resources in the mid-1980s training health workers
(USAID 1988): between 1984 and 1988 these workers numbers increased dramatically. The
size and direction of the effects of doctors, health workers, and maternity clinics indicate
whether these investments have translated into reductions in mortality risk.
Changes in access to facilities were measured as changes in the number of facilities or
personnel within a village. I experimented with other measures of accessibility, such as per
capita availability, an indirect estimate of proximity, and measurements at various levels of
aggregation (village or subdistrict). I rejected these measures because they are more difficult
to interpret in the context of a model of differences and because the incorporation of
population and land area into the measure of accessibility substantially increases the level of
correlation across the facilities of interest. Unfortunately, no information was collected about
the quality of the health services, so we are limited to analysing measures of availability.
Frequency distributions for both levels of access and changes in access to facilities are
presented in Tables 2 and 3. Table 2 shows that in the villages analysed, levels of maternity
clinics increased between 1983 and 1986, while levels of health workers changed little and
levels of doctors decreased. Table 3 shows that a considerable number of villages experienced
a change in access to facilities and to personnel between 1983 and 1986.
Table 2
Levels of health infrastructure, 1983 and 1986 percentage distribution and mean
Variable 1983 1986
Maternity Clinics
% %
0 71 71
1 21 16
2+ 8 13
Mean 0.41 0.59
0 59 69
1-10 29 23
11+ 12 8
Mean 3.9 3.0
Health worker
0 32 42
1-10 55 47
11+ 13 11
Mean 5.2 5.1
Based on the 269 villages that contributed observations to the pairs file
Table 3
Frequencies, change in community variables (percentage distribution)
Change 1983 to 1986 Doctors Maternity clinics Health workers
+3 or more 15.6 3.7 26.4
+2 4.5 4.5 8.2
+1 12.7 9.7 10.4
The effects of access to health care on infant mortality in Indonesia 155
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0 51.3 65.8 25.3
- 1 6.1 13.4 5.2
- 2 3.4 1.8 7.1
- 3 or more 6.4 1.1 17.4
Based on the 269 villages that contributed observations to the pairs file
Possibly the addition of the first health care provider to a village has a stronger impact on
mortality than the addition of subsequent providers of that type. I tested for a differential
impact by estimating a model that includes terms for whether any maternity clinics were
available in the baseline period, 1983, and whether villages in which clinics were added
already had established clinics. There were no villages in which the number of health workers
or doctors increased from zero in 1983, so it was not possible to repeat the analysis for these
provider types.
Researchers have often suggested that the impact of access to health facilities varies by
level of education (Caldwell 1979; Rosenzweig and Schultz 1982; Caldwell, Reddy and
Caldwell 1983; Al Kabir 1984). One argument suggests that education and access to services
are substitutes: access to services is more beneficial to the infants of poorly-educated women
than to the infants of well-educated women. Another argument posits that education and
access to health services are complements: infants of educated women have more to gain
from access to services than do the infants of uneducated women (Barrera 1990).
Both arguments are logical, and each may hold in different settings. The relationship
between maternal education and access to facilities depends on how education affects use of
health services, how use of services lowers the risk of death, and how education affects the
ability of mothers to translate health service resources into lower risks for their babies.
Education facilitates service use if educated women feel more competent interacting with
health service personnel, producing a positive interaction between maternal levels of
education and access to health services (Lindenbaum, Chakraborty, and Elias 1985). If health
services lower mortality risks by changing womens behaviour, for example by persuading
mothers to use oral rehydration therapy, and if educated women are better learners, the
interaction between access to services and education will be positive. On the other hand,
increasing service availability may benefit uneducated women more if these are the women
for whom distance or congestion discourages service use. Similarly, if educated women
already follow healthy child care practices, increasing service availability may benefit
uneducated women more because there is greater scope for changes in their behaviour as
services become more available.
The relationship between access to services and levels of education can be explored by
interacting educational level with access to services. Models were estimated that included
interactions between education and the health infrastructure variables, distinguishing between
women who have completed at least a primary school education (seven or more years) and
women who have less than a completed primary school education.
For each pair, I interacted the education of the early childs mother with the level of
facilities in 1983 and the education of the later childs mother with the level of facilities in
1986, then differenced the two products. The coefficient of the interaction term multiplied by
the value of the interaction term for a pair of children yields a value that adjusts the main
effect of a change in access to facilities for the absolute and relative levels of maternal
I estimated four separate models, each of which included an interaction term between maternal
education and one of the health service variables and so avoided estimating a large model in which the
variables were highly correlated. Nevertheless, correlations between levels of facilities and the
interaction of levels of facilities with maternal education are fairly high, between 0.4 and 0.8.
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education within the pair, so that the effect of adding a health centre is different when both
mothers are educated from when neither is educated.
The first issue to resolve is whether neonatal and postneonatal observations can be pooled.
The issue can be explicitly tested by comparing the likelihood statistics from a model applied
to a pooled data set with the sum of the likelihood statistics from separate models (Table 4).
Adding these two likelihoods is equivalent to estimating a model with the pooled data set that
includes an interaction term between the age interval and each of the independent variables,
so that the effect of each independent variable can vary with the age of the child. The test
statistic is insignificant: one cannot reject the null hypothesis that the effects of changes in the
variables on the neonatal mortality risks are the same as for post-neonatal risks. This result
contrasts with the accepted wisdom that the determinants of mortality change over the first
year of life. Possibly the number of observations in this analysis is too small for differences in
the magnitude of effects across age intervals to translate into statistically significant
differences in the comparative fit of the two models.
Table 4
Fixed-effects analysis of mortality determinants, neonatal and post-neonatal age intervals,
Indonesia, 1987 DHS data
Age interval Variable Coefficient t Statistic
Neonates Birthdate -.00359 0.534
N=298 Female -.47301 2.399
Previous interval -.01258 2.679
Birth order .04587 1.002
First birth -.26009 0.856
Maternal education -.04986 1.302
Maternity clinic .08521 0.728
Health worker -.00045 0.026
LL= -181.09 Doctor -.01714 0.965
Post-neonates Birthdate -.00099 0.147
N=354 Female -.09315 0.594
Previous interval -.01178 2.651
Birth order .07331 1.726
First birth -.32389 1.198
Maternal education -.13602 3.637
Maternity clinic -.15820 1.805
Health worker .01972 1.876
LL= -227.71 Doctor -.01628 1.446
Sum LL= -408.79 Pooled LL= -416.93 Difference in LL= 8.14, 10 DF
Some of the coefficients do exhibit different effects across the two age intervals. The
differences are broadly consistent with other analyses suggesting that as a child ages, socio-
economic factors gradually replace biomedical factors as the most important determinants of
mortality (DaVanzo, Butz and Habicht 1983). Specifically, the coefficient on sex of the child
is much larger for the neonatal pairs than for the post-neonatal pairs, the opposite pattern
holds for maternal education, and the community variables have larger and more significant
effects for post-neonatal than neonatal mortality.
The effects of access to health care on infant mortality in Indonesia 157
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The preferred model is the one in which neonatal and post-neonatal observations are
pooled (Table 5). The parameters of the model reveal the effects of access to health
infrastructure and personnel on the relative risk of mortality. By comparing the fixed effects
model with the alternative (cross-sectional) model, one can determine the degree to which
results are affected by failure to control for omitted variable effects.
To test formally for differences between a fixed effects model and a cross-sectional
model, one must estimate a standard logit model, with explanatory variables identical to those
included in the fixed effects model (Maddala 1988:435). The construction of the data set for
the cross-sectional model should parallel that for the fixed effects model. Accordingly, I
constructed a pooled file of neonatal and post-neonatal observations, in which infants were
matched to the community data as depicted in Figure 1. This file is equivalent to the file of
pairs constructed for the fixed effects models.
The results from the fixed effects model and the cross-sectional model are presented in
Table 5. In both models individual and family-level mortality determinants exert relatively
predictable effects on the odds of death, and the effects are of comparable magnitude.
Table 5
Fixed-effects and cross-sectional estimates of mortality determinants, pooled neonatal and
post-neonatal observations, Indonesia, 1980-1987
Variable Fixed Effects Cross Section Hausman
Coefficient t Coefficient t
Birth-date -.00537 2.99 -.00500 3.44 0.09
Female -.25504 2.13 -.24458 3.46 0.01
Previous interval -.01278 4.00 -.01857 7.47 8.34
Birth order .05312 1.74 .05159 3.01 0.11
First birth -.32562 1.64 -.37717 3.02 0.004
Maternal education -.07083 3.33 -.06738 6.46 0.04
Maternity clinic -.15762 2.31 -.04403 1.08 4.32
Health worker .01358 1.66 -.00415 1.08 6.14
Doctor -.01695 1.90 .00281 0.56 6.92
Constant 2.8212 1.92
Log likelihood -416.93 -3594.77 23.4
N 652 24190 9 DF
The fixed effects estimates indicate that a decline in mortality risks has occurred over
time in Indonesia. Of children born one month apart, the later childs odds of death are 0.5
per cent lower than the earlier childs. Male children have about 29 per cent higher odds of
death than female children.
The coefficients on previous interval length, first births, and
Most children appear in this pooled cross-sectional file twice, once as a neonatal observation and
once as a post-neonatal observation. This repetition of observation parallels discrete time hazards
models, which are commonly used to study demographic phenomena (Trussell and Hammerslough
1983; Martin et al. 1983; Foster et al. 1986). To the extent that the mortality risks of a child are
independent across age intervals, the repeated observations are not a problem. If mortality risks are not
independent the estimated standard errors will be incorrect.
This excess risk is consistent with the ratio of the male to female infant mortality rate calculated for
all births between 1977 and 1987, which is 1.28 (Sullivan, Bicego and Rutstein 1990). Males were also
found to have considerably higher mortality risks than females in the World Fertility Survey of Java and
Bali (Martin et al. 1983).
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birth order must be interpreted together; first births must be compared to a child of a certain
birth order, with a certain preceding interval length. First births face mortality risks
comparable to those of second-order births with prior-interval lengths of 34 months or more.
Each year of maternal education decreases the odds of death by about seven per cent,
comparable to the effects documented by Cleland and van Ginneken (1988) in a major review
of the relationship between maternal education and infant mortality.
If increases in the availability of health care decrease mortality, the parameters of the
community-level variables should be negative. The coefficients on maternity clinics and
doctors are negative and significant (p<.03 and p<.06, respectively). Within a village an
increase of one maternity clinic decreases the odds of death of an infant with access to that
clinic by about 15 per cent, relative to the infant born before the clinic existed. The impact of
additional doctors is much smaller. An additional doctor decreases an infants odds of death
by around 1.7 per cent.
Contrary to expectations, the effect of additional health workers on relative mortality
risks is slightly positive. An infant born after health workers are added to a village has about
1.3 per cent greater odds of death than an infant born before the addition of health workers.
The effect is significant at the 10 per cent level.
The effects of the community variables in the model estimated with the pooled cross-
sectional data set are very different: none of the health service variables significantly affects
mortality risks. In the cross-sectional model the coefficient on maternity clinics shrinks to
about one quarter of its size in the model of differences. The cross-sectional estimate of the
coefficient on health workers is negative, whereas it is positive in the model of differences;
the reverse is true of the coefficient on doctors.
It is possible to test the hypothesis that the parameters from the pooled cross-section are
consistent, with a Hausman statistic. The Hausman statistic follows a
distribution; the
statistic is 23.4, which is significant at the one per cent level of confidence. The hypothesis
that the estimates from the pooled cross-sectional data are consistent is rejected.
It is possible also to determine which parameters are particularly inconsistent by
constructing individual Hausman statistics for each parameter. The variables for which the
individual Hausman tests are significant are birth interval lengths, maternity clinics, health
workers, and doctors. The significance of the Hausman statistic for these variables implies
that fixed, omitted characteristics of the village are correlated both with mortality and with
the distributions of birth interval lengths, maternity clinics, health workers, and doctors.
Eliminating these fixed factors from the model produces markedly more consistent estimates
of the effects of these characteristics on mortality risks.
The significance of the overall Hausman statistic means that the effects of community
characteristics on infants survival chances as estimated in a standard logit analysis are
biased. To what extent would interpretation of the pooled cross-sectional results generate
misleading conclusions? With the exception of previous interval lengths, the effects of
individual and family level determinants are consistent across the two models. The
coefficients on all the health service variables from the pooled cross-sectional results do
generate misleading interpretations.
I also estimated a model that included terms testing for an additional impact from adding
a maternity clinic to a village in which none had existed, over and above the effect of adding
more clinics to villages that already had some. This model indicates that adding a maternity
clinic to a village in which none was present before does have a stronger impact on mortality
than adding clinics to villages in which they are already present, but the effect is not
significant (results not shown).
None of the interaction terms between education and health services or personnel is
significant, probably because correlations between the interaction terms and the main effects
are somewhat high, even after dichotomizing educational levels. Including the interaction
The effects of access to health care on infant mortality in Indonesia 159
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terms does not improve the fit of the models (statistical results not shown). Although the
interaction terms are not significant, the signs of the terms are interesting. The addition of
maternity clinics reduces the risk of death more for infants of women with at least a primary
level of education than for infants of women with lower levels of education. Results are
similar for access to doctors services, but the differential impact is quite small.
The potential for maternity clinics to reduce mortality risks is clear from a theoretical
standpoint. Maternity clinics provide services to women while they are pregnant, when they
give birth, and after the birth in the form of baby care. These clinics concentrate on services
that directly affect foetal development, birth, and infant health, so they are well-positioned to
affect infant mortality. The services provided by health workers and doctors are much more
general. The large effect of maternity clinics in reducing mortality risks suggests that
Ministry of Health effort in the 1980s to increase access to maternal and child health services,
in part by increasing the number of trained midwives, has paid off. In the 1990s major
programs have been implemented to assign midwives directly to villages rather than to
clinics. As data become available it will be interesting to evaluate the effect of these programs
on infant mortality.
The effect of adding maternity clinics appears to be particularly strong in villages in
which no clinics were present before, and for the infants of women with at least a primary
school education. Possibly modern obstetric services may be more appealing to educated
women, who view themselves as middle class, than to uneducated, more traditional women
who prefer the services of traditional midwives, and the accompanying birth rituals traditional
midwives perform. Lindenbaum et al. (1985) noted that in Bangladesh education tends to
change womens ideas about their status and consequently about what behaviour is
appropriate. Additionally, to the extent that education and income are correlated, educated
women are probably more able to pay for the services of maternity clinics than are
uneducated women. After childbirth, educated women may be more capable than uneducated
women of converting the instructions received at maternity clinics into healthy practices.
The effects of increasing access to doctors are small, but encouraging: the presence of
doctors does lower mortality risks. A review of available literature suggests that Indonesians
frequently use private services as a source of health care (Haliman and Williams 1983;
Berman et al. 1989; Linnan 1990). The results of this analysis suggest that the services are
Increases in the availability of health workers appear to raise mortality risks a small, but
marginally significant, amount. Although there seems no reason why health workers should
actually raise mortality risks, their presence was not expected to substantially lower them.
First, health workers are widely available as a source of care in Indonesia: over 70 per cent of
the DHS villages have at least one, and 21 per cent of DHS villages have more than ten.
Increasing the numbers of health workers probably does not greatly increase access to their
services. Secondly, the category is vague, encompassing people with varied levels of training,
probably ranging from graduates of the Health Worker Training Schools of the 1960s, to
recent graduates of Paramedical Academies.
While some health workers probably do
positively affect survival chances, many other poorly-trained ones probably have no effect.
Berman et al. (1987) describe the various sources of informal modern care available in Indonesia:
volunteer health workers, unlicensed injectors, paramedical workers from health centres and subcentres,
and others. All of these workers are probably encompassed by this variable.
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Possibly their effect is harmful if their presence delays people from seeking better, but more
expensive or more distant sources of care.
The results presented above strongly suggest that increases in access to health care and
particularly to maternal and child health services decrease mortality risks for Indonesian
infants. Unfortunately, the community-level data on health care are not sufficiently detailed to
support the formulation of specific policy recommendations.
The data have several limitations. First, it is impossible to isolate the roles of public and
private services. It is likely that both public and private services are included in the maternity
clinic variable (see Footnote 5). Although the measures of doctors and health workers pick up
private practices, some (but not all) of these practices exist because the government stations
newly trained health personnel in government clinics, often in areas where they would not
otherwise choose to live. Most graduates of Indonesian medical schools, midwifery
academies, etc. are required to serve in a government post for several years before they are
allowed to practise privately as their sole job (Berman and Sakai 1986; USAID 1988). While
in these posts,
personnel then open private practices in the areas as well. Consequently,
the distribution of public services partly determines the distribution of private services: if a
village did not have a health centre, it probably would not have a doctors practice either. It
does seem clear that government expenditures on training programs for health personnel have
been beneficial and that the existence and distribution of private services must be credited
partly to public programs.
A second limitation of data is that we know almost nothing about the training levels,
services provided, or quality of the health personnel and facilities we are analysing. The lack
of data on training levels makes it particularly difficult to interpret the finding that mortality
risks increase with the addition of health workers. Also, while the addition of a maternity
clinic substantially reduces infant mortality risks, it is not clear what levels of services or
quality of care account for this impact.
Analysis of the effects of access to health care on mortality contributes both to policy makers
perceptions of program impacts and to researchers understanding of the determinants of
demographic outcomes. Use of national-level data is appealing in that representative data
provide insights into the functioning of the existing health system. On the other hand, the
non-experimental nature of national-level data complicates the analysis considerably. If the
distribution of health care is not random with respect to mortality or its determinants, standard
estimates of program impacts will be biased. Policies of the Ministry of Health, literature on
health services in Indonesia, and exploratory data analysis with censuses of village
infrastructure all suggest that the distribution of health services in Indonesia is certainly not
random. The processes that generate the distribution of health services, however, appear
complex and difficult to capture with available data.
Rather than trying to construct and include variables that control for these processes, this
analysis employed a fixed-effects approach that takes advantage of data from two points in
time. In this approach changes within villages in infant mortality risks are related to changes
within villages in access to private facilities. Fixed characteristics of villages that might affect
both access to facilities and mortality risks are differenced out of the equation and so do not
bias parameter estimates.
The fixed-effects approach yields considerably different results from those of a standard
cross-sectional logit. A formal test for differences between the two models concludes that the
parameter estimates of the cross-sectional model are biased. The cross-sectional estimates
also turn out to be misleading. Comparison of the two models confirms the importance of
designing the analysis so as to account for non-random allocation of health services.
The effects of access to health care on infant mortality in Indonesia 161
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The results of the fixed-effects model suggest that health services do significantly alter
infant mortality risks. In particular, adding maternity clinics and doctors to villages reduces
the risk of infant mortality.
The results of this analysis should be of interest to several audiences. From a policy
perspective the analysis indicates that efforts to improve health care have lowered individual
risks of mortality. From a theoretical perspective, the results serve as an empirical
justification for models of infant mortality that include community-level determinants. From
a methodological perspective, the statistical approach developed here should be applicable to
other data sets.
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Demography 25, 2: 249-263.
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Policy and Planning 3, 2: 131-140.
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