The Divine Liturgy Slavonic English 1

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The document outlines the structure and contents of the Divine Liturgy according to the rites of St. John Chrysostom and St. Basil the Great.

The Divine Liturgy follows a specific order including elements like antiphons, litanies, scripture readings, and prayers. It provides a breakdown of each part and their order.

Parts of the liturgy that involve singing include the antiphons, hymns like the Cherubic Hymn, and responses from the choir.


St. John Chrysostom

, 2003

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THE GREAT LITANY .............................. 5
THE FIRST ANTIPHON ........................... 6
THE LITTLE LITANY .............................. 7
THE SECOND ANTIPHON ....................... 7
THE LITTLE LITANY .............................. 8
PRAYER OF THE TRISAGION ................. 9
THE GOSPEL READING ....................... 10
SUPPLICATION ................................ 11
THE CATECHUMENS ...................... 13
THE CHERUBIC HYMN ......................... 14
GREAT ENTRANCE .............................. 15
THE CREED .......................................... 16
THE ANAPHORA .................................. 17
THE LORDS PRAYER ..................... 19
THE CLERGY ................................... 21
THE DISMISSAL .................................... 23

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Deakon: Master, give the blessing.

Ppiest: Blessed is the kingdom of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now
and for ever, and to the ages of ages.
Choir: Amen

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Deacon: In peace let us pray to the Lord.

Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: For the peace from on high and for the
salvation of our souls, let us pray to the
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Choir: Lord, have mercy.
: , Deacon: For the peace of the whole world, for the
welfare of the holy Churches of God, and
for the union of all, let us pray to the Lord.
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Choir: Lord, have mercy.
: , - Deacon: For this holy temple and for those who
enter it with faith, reverence, and the fear
of God, let us pray to the Lord.
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Choir: Lord, have mercy.
: Deacon: For our great Lord and Father his holi ,
ness, Patriarch Alexis, for our Metropol
itan ... (or Archbishop, or Bishop), for
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the honourable order of presbyters, for
) ( ), the diaconate in Christ, for all the clergy
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and the people, let us pray to the Lord.
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Choir: Lord, have mercy.

Deacon: For the God-kept country of ours, for its
civil authorities and army let us pray to
the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: For this city (or town, or village, or holy
monastery), for every city, town and village, and for the faithful who dwell in
them, let us pray to the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: For seasonable weather, an abundance of
the fruits of the earth, and for peaceful
times, let us pray to the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: For those who travel by land, air or water, for the sick, the suffering, for those
in captivity, and for their salvation, let
us pray to the Lord.

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Choir: Lord, have mercy.

Deacon: For our deliverance from all tribulation,
wrath, danger, and necessity, let us pray
to the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Priest: Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and
keep us, O God, by Thy grace.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: Calling to remembrance our most Holy,
most Pure, most Blessed and Glorious
Lady, Mother of God and ever-Virgin
Mary, with all the saints, let us entrust
ourselves and one another and our whole
life unto Christ our God.
Choir: To Thee, O Lord.
Priest: For to Thee belongs all glory, honour and
worship, to the Father, and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever,
and to the ages of ages.
Choir: Amen.
Choir: Bless the Lord, O my soul: Blessed art
Thou, O Lord. Bless the Lord, O my
soul; and all that is within me bless his
Holy Name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and not forget all His benefits.
Who forgiveth all thy sin, and healeth
all thine infirmities.
Who redeems your life from
Who crowns you with mercy and
Who fulfills all your desires with good
So that your youth is renewed like the
The Lord is full of compassion and mercy, long-suffering and of great goodness.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, all that is
within me bless his Holy Name. Blessed
art Thou, O Lord.

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Deakon: Again and again in peace let us pray to
the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deakon: Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and
keep us, O God, by Thy grace.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deakon: Calling to remembrance our most Holy,
most Pure, most Blessed and Glorious
Lady, Mother of God and ever-Virgin
Mary, with all the saints, let us entrust
ourselves and one another and our whole
life unto Christ our God.
Choir: To thee, O Lord.
Deakon: For Thine is the dominion, and Thine is the
Kingdom, the power and the glory, of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,
now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.
Choir: Amen.
Choir: Praise the Lord, O my soul! I will
praise the Lord as long as I live, I will
sing praises to my God while I have
Put not your trust in princes, in sons
of men, in whom there is no salvation.
For when their breath departs, they
return to the earth, on that very day
their plans perish.
Blessed is he looks for help to the God
of Jacob, and who puts his trust in the
Lord his God,
Who made heaven and earth, the sea,
and all that is within them; Who preserves the truth forever,
Who executes justice for the oppressed,
Who gives food to those who hunger.
The Lord sets free those who are in
bondage, the Lord enlightens the
The Lord uplifts those who are downtrodden, the Lord loves the righteous.

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The Lord protects those who journey,

He receives the orpan and the widow,
and destroys the way of the sinner.
The Lord thy God, O Zion, will reign
forever, from generation to generation.


Deacon Again and again in peace, let us pray to
the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and
keep us, O God, by Thy grace.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: Calling to remembrance our most Holy,
most Pure, most Blessed and Glorious
Lady, Mother of God and ever-Virgin
Mary, with all the saints, let us entrust
ourselves and one another and our whole
life unto Christ our God.
Choir: To Thee, O Lord.
Priest: For Thou art a good God and a lover of
mankind and unto Thee do we send up
glory to the Father and the Son and to
the Holy Spirit now and ever and unto of
Choir: Amen.
Choir: In Thy Kingdom remember us, O
Lord, when Thou comest into Thy
on 12 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for
theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn: for they
shall be comforted.
on 10 Blessed are the meek: for they shall
inherit the earth. Blessed are they that
do hunger and thirst after righteous-

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ness: for they shall be filled.

Blessed are the merciful: for they shall
obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in
heart: for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they
shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake: for theirs
is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are ye when men shall revile you,
and persecute you., and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake.
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad; for great
is your reward in Heaven.

Deacon: Wisdom! Stand aright!

Choir: O come, let us worship and fall down
before Christ. O Son of God, risen
from the dead, save us who sing unto
Thee: alleluia.
Choir sings:
the appointed Troparia and Kontakia.
Priest: For Thou, our God, art holy, and to Thee
we give glory, to the Father, and to the
Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for
Deacon: And to the ages of ages.
Choir: Amen.
Priest: O Lord save the Gog-fearing
Choir: O Lord save the Gog-fearing
Priest: And hear us.
Choir: And hear us.
Choir: Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us (thrice).
Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit; both now and
for ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immor9

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tal, have mercy on us.

Deacon: Let us attend.
Priest: Peace be with you all.
Reader of the Apostol: And with Thy spirit.
Deacon: Wisdom!
Reader and Choir:
Prokeimenon, e.g., in tone 1: Let Thy
mercy, O Lord, be upon us: as we have
set our hope on Thee.

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Deacon: Wisdom!
Reader: The reading of the Epistle to the Romans
of Saint Apostle Paul (or: the reading of
the Epistle of James; or: the reading of
the Book of Acts of the Holy Apostles,
Deacon: Let us attend.
Reading of the Apostle.
Priest: Peace be with thee.
Reader: And with thy spirit.
Deacon: Wisdom.
Reader and Choir: Alleluia(three times)
Deacon: Bless, Master, him who proclaims the
Gospel of the holy Apostle and Evangelist...

May God, through the prayers of the holy

and glorious Apostle and Evangelist...,
grant thee to proclaim the word with
much power, for the fulfilment of the
Gospel of His beloved Son, our Lord,
Jesus Christ.

Deacon: Amen.
Priest: Wisdom. Stand aright. Let us listen to
the holy Gospel.
Choir: Peace be with you all.
Deacon: The reading is from the holy Gospel according to Matthew(or another Evangelist, (or another Gospel, depending on the

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Choir: Glory to Thee, O Lord, glory to Thee.

Priest: Let us attend.
And the priest reads the Gospel. When
he has finished
Choir: Glory to Thee, O Lord, glory to Thee.
Deacon: Let us all say, with all our soul and with
all our mind, let us say.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: Lord Almighty, the God of our fathers,
we pray Thee, hear and have mercy.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: Have mercy on us, O God, according to
Thy great mercy, we pray Thee, hear and
have mercy.
Choir: Lord, have mercy (three times).
Deacon: Again we pray for our great Lord and
Father his holiness, Patriarch Alexis, for
our Metropolitan... , and for all our brethren in Christ.

Choir: Lord, have mercy (three times)..

Deacon: Again we pray for the God-kept country
of ours, its civil authorities and army, so
that we may lead a quiet and silent life in
all piety and purity.
Choir: Lord, have mercy (three times)..
Deacon: Again we pray for our brethren, the
priests and deacons, for monks and nuns,
and for all our brothers and sisters in
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Choir: Lord, have mercy (three times)..
: - Deacon: Again we pray for the blessed and ever memorable holy Orthodox patriarchs,
and for the founders of this holy church;
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and for all our fathers and brothers, Or ),
thodox believers, who have gone to their
, rest before us, and who here, and in all
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the world, lie asleep in the Lord.
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Choir: Lord, have mercy (three times)..
: - Deacon: Again we pray for those who bear fruit

and do good works in this holy and ven , ,
erable house, for those who labour in its


service, for those who sing; and for the

people here present who await thy great
and rich mercy.
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Choir: Lord, have mercy (three times)..
Priest: For Thou, O God, art merciful and lovest

mankind, and to Thee we give glory, to
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the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
, , , Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages
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of ages.
Choir: Amen.

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Deacon: Have mercy on us, O God, according to
Thy great mercy, we pray Thee, hear and
have mercy.
Choir: Lord, have mercy ( three times ).
Deacon: Again we pray for the repose of the
soul(s) of the servant(s) of God,..., who
have (has) fallen asleep, and that they (he,
she) may be pardoned all their (his, her)
sins, both voluntary and involuntary.
Choir: Lord, have mercy ( three times ).
Deacon: That the Lord God will establish their
(his, her) soul(s) where the righteous rest.
Choir: Lord, have mercy ( three times ).
Deacon: For the mercies of God, the Kingdom of
Heaven, and the remission of their (his,
her) sins, let us ask of Christ, our immortal King and God.
Choir: Grant this, O Lord.
Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Priest: For Thou art the resurrection, and the life,
and the repose of Thy servant(s),..., who
have (has) fallen asleep, O Christ our
God, and to Thee we give glory, together with Thy Father Who is without beginning, and Thine all-Holy, Good and
Life-Giving Spirit, now and for ever, and
to the ages of ages.
Choir: Amen.

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Deacon: Catechumens, pray to the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: Let us, the faithful, pray for the catechumens, that the Lord will have mercy on
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: That He will instruct them in the word
of truth.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: That He will reveal to them the Gospel
of righteousness.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: That He will unite them to His Holy,
Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: Save them, have mercy on them, help
them and keep them, O God, by Thy
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: Catechumens, bow your heads to the
Choir: To Thee, O Lord.
Priest: That with us they also may glorify Thine
all-honourable and majestic Name, of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages
of ages.
Choir: Amen.
Deacon: As many as are catechumens, depart; catechumens, depart; as many as are catechumens, depart. Let none of the catechumens remain. As many as are the
faithful, again and again in peace, let us
pray to the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and
keep us, O God, by Thy grace.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: Wisdom.


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For to Thee belongs all glory, honour and

worship, to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever,
and to the ages of ages.

Choir: Amen.
Deacon: Again and again in peace, let us pray to
the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: For the peace from on high and for the
salvation of our souls, let us pray to the
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: For the peace of the whole world, for the
welfare of the Holy Churches of God,
and for the union of all, let us pray to the
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: For this holy temple, and for those who
enter it with faith, reverence and the fear
of God, let us pray to the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: For our deliverance from all affliction,
wrath, danger and constraint, let us pray
to the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and
keep us, O God, by thy grace.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: Wisdom.
Priest: That being always guarded by Thy
might, we may give glory to Thee, the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now
and for ever, and to the ages of ages.
Choir: Amen.
We who in a mystery represent the
cherubim, and sing the Thrice-Holy
hymn to the Life-Giving Trinity, let us
now lay aside all earthly cares.


: Deacon: Our Great Master and Father Alexey, His

Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and of all
, Russia, and our Master His Grace Met (
ropolitan N (or: archbishop or: bishop),
) may the Lord God remember in His king (: , : dom always, now and ever and to the ages
) ( of ages.
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Priest: May the Lord God remember you and
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all Orthodox Christians in His Kingdom,

always, now and for ever, and to the ages
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of ages.
. , Choir: Amen. That we may receive the King

of all, invisibly escorted by the hosts
. , , of angels. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.


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Deacon: Let us complete our prayer to the Lord.

Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: For the Precious Gifts here set forth, let
us pray to the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: For this holy house and for those who
enter it with faith, reverence and the fear
of God, let us pray to the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: For our deliverance from all affliction,
wrath, danger and constraint, let us pray
to the Lord.
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Choir: Lord, have mercy.
: , , Deacon: Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and
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keep us, O God, by Thy grace.
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Choir: Lord, have mercy.
: , , Deacon: That the whole day may be perfect, holy,
peaceful and sinless, let us ask of the Lord.
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Choir: Grant this, O Lord.
: , , - Deacon: An angel of peace, a faithful guide, a

guardian of our souls and bodies, let us
ask of the Lord.
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Choir: Grant this, O Lord.

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Deacon: Pardon and remission of our sins and offences, let us ask of the Lord.
Choir: Grant this, O Lord.
Deacon: Those things which are good and profitable for our souls, and peace for the
world, let us ask of the Lord.
Choir: Grant this, O Lord.
Deacon: That we may complete the rest of our life
in peace and repentance, let us ask of the
Choir: Grant this, O Lord.
Deacon: For a Christian end to our life, painless,
unashamed and peaceful, and for a good
answer before the Dread judgement seat
of Christ, let us ask.
Choir: Grant this, O Lord.
Deacon: Calling to remembrance our most Holy,
most Pure, most Blessed and Glorious
Lady, Mother of God and ever-Virgin
Mary, with all the saints, let us entrust
ourselves and one another and our whole
life unto Christ our God.
Choir: To Thee, O Lord.
Priest: Through the compassion of Thine OnlyBegotten Son, with whom Thou art
blessed, together with Thine all-Holy,
Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and
for ever, and to the ages of ages.
Choir: Amen.
Priest: Peace be with you all.
Choir: And with thy spirit.
Deacon: Let us love one another, that with one
mind we may confess.
Choir: Father, Son and Holy Spirit: Trinity,
One in Essence and Undivided.
Deacon: The doors, the doors. In wisdom let us
I believe in One God, Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth, and of all
things visible and invisible. And in One
Lord, Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten
Son of God, Begotten of the Father be-

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fore all ages. Light from Light, true God

from true God, begotten not made, of
one essence with the Father; through
Him all things were made. Who, for us
men and for our salvation came down
from heaven, and was incarnate of the
Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and
became man. He was crucified also for
us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered
and was buried; and rose again on the
third day, in accordance with the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and is
seated at the right hand of the Father.
And He shall come again in glory to
judge the living and the dead; His Kingdom shall have no end. And in the Holy
Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of life, Who
proceeds from the Father, Who together with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified, Who spoke
through the prophets. In one holy, catholic and Apostolic Church; I confess one
baptism for the forgiveness of sins. I look
for the resurrection of the dead, and the
life of the age to come. Amen.
Deacon: Let us stand aright; let us stand with fear;
let us attend, that we may present the holy
offering in peace.
Choir: Mercy and peace: a sacrifice of praise.
Priest: The grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and
the love of God the Father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you
Choir: And with thy spirit.
Priest: Let us lift up our hearts.
Choir: We lift them up unto the Lord.
Priest: Let us give thanks unto the Lord.
Choir: It is meet and right to worship Father,
Son and Holy Spirit, Trinity, One in
essence and Undivided.


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Singing, crying, shouting the triumphal

hymn, and saying.

Choir: Holy, Holy Holy, Lord of Sabaoth;

heaven and earth are full of Thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is
He That comes in the Name of the
Lord. Hosanna in the highest.
Priest: Take, eat; This is My Body, which is broken for you, for the remission of sins.

Choir: Amen.
Priest: Drink from This, all of you; This is My
Blood of the New Covenant, which is
shed for you and for many for the remission of sins.
Choir: Amen.
Priest: Offering Thee Thine own of Thine own,
on behalf of all and for all.
Choir: We hymn Thee, we bless Thee, we give
thanks to Thee, O Lord, and we pray
to Thee, our God.
Priest: Especially for our most Holy, most Pure,
most Blessed and Glorious Lady, the
Mother of God and ever-Virgin Mary.


Choir: It is truly meet to bless Thee who didst
bring forth God, ever-blessed and
most pure and Mother of our God.
More honourable than the cherubim,
and incom-parably more glorious
than the seraphim, Thou who without
corruption didst bring forth God the
Word, and art indeed Mother of God,
Thee do we magnify.
Priest: Amongst the first, remember, O Lord,
his Holiness, Alexis, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, and our bishop,...
Metropolitan of... , and grant that, for
Thy holy churches in peace, safety, honour, health and length of days, they may

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rightly proclaim the word of Thy truth.

Choir: And each and all.

Priest: And grant that with one mouth and one
heart we may glorify and praise Thine
all-honoured and majestic Name, of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages
of ages.
Choir: Amen.
Priest: And the mercies of our Great God and
Saviour, Jesus Christ, shall be with all of
Choir: And with thy spirit.


Deacon: Having remembered all the Saints, again
and again in peace, let us pray to the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: For the Precious Gifts here set forth and
sanctified, let us pray to the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: That our God, Who loves mankind, having accepted them on His holy and immaterial altar above the heavens as a
savour of spiritual fragrance, may send
down upon us in return His Divine grace
and the gift of the Holy Spirit, let us pray.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: For our deliverance from all affliction,
wrath, danger and constraint, let us pray
to the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and
keep us, O God, by Thy grace.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: That the whole day may be perfect, holy,
peaceful and sinless. let us ask of the

, .
: , ,
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: .
, .

Choir: Grant this, O Lord.

Deacon: An angel of peace, a faithful guide, a
guardian of our souls and bodies, let us
ask of the Lord.
Choir: Grant this, O Lord.
Deacon: Pardon and remission of our sins and offences, let us ask of the Lord.
Choir: Grant this, O Lord.
Deacon: Those things which are good and profitable for our souls, and peace for the
world, let us ask of the Lord.
, .
Choir: Grant this, O Lord.
: Deacon: That we may complete the rest of our life
in peace and repentance, let us ask of the
, .
Choir: Grant this, O Lord.
: - Deacon: For a Christian end to our life, painless,
, , , unashamed and peaceful, and for a good
answer before the Dread judgement seat
of Christ, let us ask.
, .
Choir: Grant this, O Lord.
: - Deacon: Having asked for the unity of the faith
, ,
and the communion of the Holy Spirit,
let us entrust ourselves and one another
and our whole life unto Christ our God.
, .
Choir: To Thee, O Lord.
Priest: And count us worthy, O Master, that with
, , boldness and without condemnation we
, may dare to call upon Thee, the God of
, , , Heaven, as Father, and to say:
( ):
Choir(or allpeople praying):
, !
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hal , lowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom
, ,
come; Thy will be done on earth as it
. is in heaven. Give us this day our dai ,
ly bread, and forgive us our trespass , es, as we forgive those who trespass
, against us. And lead us not into temp ,
tation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Priest: For Thine is the Kingdom, the power and
, , the glory, of the Father, and of the Son,
. , , ,
and of the Holy Spirit, now and for ever,
, .
and to the ages of ages.
Choir: Amen.


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: .

, , . .

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, .


Peace be with you all.


And with thy spirit.

Bow your heads to the Lord.
To Thee, O Lord.
Through the grace and compassion and
love towards mankind of Thine onlyBegotten Son, with Whom Thou art
blessed, together with Thine all-Holy and
Good and life-Giving Spirit, now and for
ever, and to the ages of ages.

Choir: Amen.
Deacon: Let us attend.
Priest: The Holy Things for the holy.
Choir: One is holy, One is Lord: Jesus Christ,
to the glory of God the Father. Amen


Deacon: With fear of God, with faith draw near.

Choir: Blessed is he that comes in the Name

of the Lord. The Lord is God and has
appeared unto us.
Priest: I believe, Lord, and I confess that Thou
, , ,
art in truth the Christ, the Son of the Liv , ing God, Who camest into the world to
, save sinners, of whom I am the first. I
, . believe also that This is indeed Thy most
Pure Body, and that This is indeed Thy

Precious Blood. Therefore, I pray Thee:
. : have mercy on me and forgive me my
transgressions, voluntary and involun , ,
tary, in word, in deed, in knowledge and
, in ignorance; and count me worthy to
, partake without condemnation of Thy
most Pure Mysteries for the remission of
sins and for life eternal. Amen. Of Thy
. .
mystical supper, O Son of God, today
, ,
receive me as a communicant; for I will
not speak of the mystery to Thine ene, , ,
mies, nor will I give Thee a kiss, like
, , : Judas; but like the thief I confess Thee:
, , Remember me, Lord, in Thy Kingdom.

Not for judgement or condemnation be

. the partaking of Thy Holy Mysteries unto

me, O Lord, but for healing of soul and
, ,
, - Choir: Receive the Body of Christ; taste of
the fount of immortality.
Priest: O God, save Thy people, and bless Thine
, .
, Choir: We have seen the true light; we have
received the Heavenly Spirit; we have
, found the true faith, worshipping the
, Undivided Trinity; for the Trinity has
: .
saved us.
: , , Priest: Always, now and for ever, and to the ages
of ages.
. Choir: Amen. Let our mouth be filled with
Thy praise, O Lord, that we may sing
, ,
of Thy glory; for Thou hast counted
us worthy to partake of Thy Holy, Di
vine, Immortal and Life-giving Mys, teries; Keep us in Thy holiness, as we
meditate on Thy righteousness all the
, day long. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
. , , .
: , - Deacon: Having received the Divine, Holy, Pure,
Immortal, Heavenly, Life-giving and
, , , Dread Mysteries of Christ, let us worthi ,
ly give thanks to the Lord.
, .
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
, .
: , , Deacon: Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and
keep us, O God, by Thy grace.
, , .
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
, .
: , , Deacon: Having asked that the whole day may be
perfect, holy, peaceful and sinless, let us
, ,
entrust ourselves and one another and our
whole life unto Christ Our God.
Choir: To Thee, O Lord.
, .
Priest: For Thou art our Sanctification, and to
Thee we give glory, to the Father, and to
the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and
, , ,
for ever, and to the ages of ages.
, ,
Choir: Amen.
Priest: Let us go forth in peace.

: .
, .

Choir: In the name of the Lord.

Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.
Choir: Lord, have mercy.

, ,
, , ,
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, , .
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, , .



O Lord, Who blessest those who bless

Thee, and sanctifiest Those who put their
trust in Thee: save Thy people and bless
Thine inheritance; preserve the fullness
of Thy Church; sanctify those who love
the beauty of Thy house; glorify them in
return by Thy divine power, and forsake
us not who put our hope in Thee. Give
peace to Thy world, to Thy Churches, to
the priests, to all in civil authority, and
to all Thy people. For every good gift
and every perfect gift is from above,
coming down from Thee, the Father of
lights; and to Thee we give glory, thanksgiving and worship, to the Father and to
the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and
for ever, and to the ages of ages.
Choir: Amen. Blessed be the name of the
Lord, from this time forth and for evermore (thrice).
Priest: The blessing of the Lord be upon you
through His grace and love towards mankind, always, now and for ever, and to
the ages of ages.
Choir: Amen.

, ,
, ,
. . . , .
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, , ,


Glory to Thee, O Christ Our God and

our Hope, glory to Thee.

Choir: Glory to the Father and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit: both now and
for ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Lord, have mercy. (Thrice) Give the
Priest: May He Who rose from the dead Christ,
our true God, though the prayers of His
all-holy Mother of the holy, glorious and
all-praised Apostles, of our Father among
the Saints, John Chrysostom, Archbish23


(: , ) ( ), ,
, , ( ) ( ;
, ,

op of Constantinople, (or: of our Father

among the Saints Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia) and
of Saint N (of the Temple), of Saint N
(of the day), and of all the Saints, have
mercy on us and save us, as He is good
and loveth mankind.
Choir: Preserve, O Lord, Our Great Master
and Father Alexey, His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and of all Russia,
and our Master His Grace Metropolitan N (or: archbishop or: bishop), the
brethren of this holy house, and all the
Orthodox Christians, for many years.

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