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Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement (Scotland)

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(within the meaning of section 32 of the Hosing (Scot!an"# Act $%&&#

This tenancy agreement is between
'an"!o(")s name
'an"!o(")s a""(ess
(the landlord)
(in the case of joint landlords, the term 'landlord' applies to each of them and
the names of each joint landlord should be written above. ach landlord
individually has the full responsibilities and rights set out or implied in this
agreement) of
Tenant)s name .
(!the tenant)
(in the case of joint tenants, the term 'tenant' applies to each of them and the
names of all joint tenants should be written above. ach tenant individually
has the full responsibilities and rights set out or implied in this agreement)
A""(ess in respect of
(!the premises)
Desc(i*tion of
"hich comprises
together with any fi#tures, furniture and effects therein and more specifically
described in the inventory attached to this agreement and e#ecuted by both
the landlord and the tenant $and shared use of the following communal

Te(m The tenancy is granted for a fi#ed term of months
(which must not be less than si# months).
Date of sta(t +an"
en", of tenanc-
The tenancy begins on the day
of &'
$and ends on the day
of &'%
Sho(t Ass(e"
The tenancy is a short assured tenancy within the meaning of section (& of
the )ousing (*cotland) +ct ,-.. ('the ,-.. +ct') and possession of the
premises can be recovered in terms of *ection (( of the ,-.. +ct. The
tenant hereby ac/nowledges that s0he was served notice in 1orm +T2 before
the creation of this tenancy to this effect. The tenant was not immediately
before the creation of this tenancy a protected or statutory tenant of the
+.(io( notice/
he(ita0!e sec(it-
The tenant hereby ac/nowledges that s0he has been served notice that the
premises are subject to a heritable security (a mortgage) granted before the
creation of the tenancy and that recovery of possession might be sought in
the event of default in payment of sums due to the heritable creditor under
such security (3round & of 4art , of *chedule 2 to the ,-.. +ct,%
+.(io( notice/
!an"!o(")s home
The tenant hereby ac/nowledges that s0he has been served notice that
possession might be recovered on the ground that at any time before the
beginning of the tenancy the landlord occupied the premises as his0her only
or principal home and that the landlord re5uires the premises as his0her only
or principal home (3round , of 4art , of *chedule 2 to the ,-.. +ct,%
+1a!se statement The tenant confirms that s0he has not /nowingly or carelessly made any false
or misleading statements (whether written or oral) which might affect the
landlords decision to grant the tenancy.%
.e(sons (esi"ing at
the *(emises
The premises will be used to accommodate

... only.
General Terms
$2 3t is ag(ee" as fo!!ows
.a-ment fo( the
(,) the wee/ly0four wee/ly0monthly payments for the premises at the date of this
agreement shall be6
7 Rent
7 Se(4ice cha(ge
(&) the payment of rent is due in advance on .
e#cept that the landlord ac/nowledges that where any payment of housing
benefit is made directly to the landlord, such payment will be deemed to have
been payment in advance though made in accordance with the housing benefit
regulations currently in force
(() the landlord may increase or decrease the rent by giving the tenant not less
than four wee/s' notice in writing of the increase or decrease. The notice shall
specify the rent proposed. 8o increase shall ta/e effect before the end of the
fi#ed term or, thereafter, ,& months from the date of the last increase
(9) with the e#ception of any changes in rent this agreement may only be altered
by the agreement in writing of both the tenant and the landlord
Notice 0-
(2) the tenancy hereby created may be terminated by the tenant before the
e#piration of the term by four wee/s clear notice in writing
Se(4ice of
(:) the address at which the tenant may serve notices on the landlord (including
notices in proceedings) is

+ny notice, or any other communication arising from this agreement, shall be
validly served on the tenant if posted or delivered to the premises.
Stam* Dt-
'an" Ta5
(;) The tenant shall pay the whole stamp duty land ta# (if any) due on this tenancy.
The Landlord's Obligations
22 The !an"!o(" ag(ees
.ossession (,) to give the tenant possession of the premises at the start of the tenancy
Tenant6s (ight
to occ*-
(&) not to interrupt or interfere with the tenant's right peacefully to occupy
the premises e#cept where <
(i) access is re5uired to inspect the condition of the premises or to carry out
repairs or other wor/s to the premises or adjoining property= or
(ii) a court has made an order for possession or
(iii)the tenant has ceased to reside in the premises and the tenancy has been
determined by notice to 5uit
Re*ai( of
st(ct(e an"
(() to /eep in habitable repair the structure and e#terior of the premises
Re*ai( of
(9) to /eep in good repair and proper wor/ing order any installations provided
by the landlord for space heating, water heating and sanitation and for the
supply of water, gas and electricity
Re*ai( of
common *a(ts
(2) to ta/e reasonable care to /eep the common entrance, passageways,
stairways and other common parts, including their electric lighting, (if any) in
reasonable repair and fit for use by the tenant and other occupiers of and
visitors to the premises
Otgoings in
(es*ect of the
(:) to pay and indemnify the tenant against all rates, assessments and outgoings
in respect of the premises, (but e#cept the use of any telephone).
The Tenants Obligations
22 The Tenant ag(ees
.ossession (,) to ta/e possession of the premises at the commencement of the tenancy and
not to part with possession of the premises or assign the tenancy
Rent (&) to pay the rent $and service charge% wee/ly0four wee/ly0monthly and in
7ate(8 fe! 9
(() to pay all charges for gas and electricity consumed and telephone calls made
during the occupation of the premises by the tenant and a fairly apportioned
part of all standing charges made in respect of the premises for $water%, gas,
electricity and telephone and telecommunication services
Conci! ta5 (9) to observe and perform any obligation on the part of the tenant arising under
the >ocal 3overnment 1inance +ct ,--& or regulations made there under to
pay council ta#
Use of
(2) to use the premises for residential purposes as the tenant's only or principal
home and not to operate a business at the premises or to allow them to be
used for any illegal, immoral or disorderly purposes
Nisance (:) not to cause or allow members of their household or invited visitors to cause
a nuisance or annoyance to neighbours
Racia! an"
(;) not to commit or allow members of their household or invited visitors to
commit any form of harassment which may interfere with the peace and
comfort of, or cause offence to, any other neighbour, member of their
household, visitor, the landlord or employee or contractor wor/ing on their
Noise (.) not at any time to play or allow to be played any radio, television, record or
tape recording or a musical instrument so loudly that it causes nuisance or
annoyance to neighbours or can be heard outside the premises between the
hours of ,,.'' p.m. and ;.(' am.
.ets (-) not to /eep a dog, cat or any animal which may cause a nuisance to
neighbours or damage the landlord's property, without the written consent of
the landlord. This written consent can be subse5uently withdrawn by the
landlord. +ny pets must be /ept under control and any damage or nuisance
caused is wholly the responsibility of the tenant
not to carry out internal decorations to the premises without consent in writing
from the landlord
Not to a!te( the
not to alter the premises, nor to alter nor install electrical or other services,
with the e#ception of a /ey meter for the electricity supply, without the
previous consent in writing of the landlord
to share responsibility with other residents for ensuring that communal areas
are /ept in a clean and fit condition and are not obstructed in any way or used
to store any items, even temporarily
Ga("en (,(
to maintain the garden to a standard at least as good as it is at the
commencement of the tenancy
Damage (,9
not to cause any damage to the premises, fi#tures, furniture or effects and not
to remove any of them from the premises. To ma/e good or pay for any
damage to the premises or to fi#tures, furniture and effects or to the common
parts caused by the tenant or any invited visitors to the premises, fair wear
and tear e#cepted, and to pay to the landlord any costs incurred by the
landlord in carrying out any wor/s in default
State an"
to leave the premises in the same clean state and condition as it was in the
beginning of the tenancy
Note of the con"ition of the *(emises an" an in4ento(- a(e attache" to
this ag(eement8 an" the *(emises8 fi5t(es8 f(nit(e an" effects mst
0e !eft in a com*a(a0!e con"ition at the en" of the tenanc-
to report to the landlord promptly any disrepair or defect for which the
landlord is responsible in the structure or e#terior of the premises or in any
installation therein or in the common parts
Access (,;
to allow the landlord's employees or contractors acting on behalf of the
landlord or any other person authorised by the landlord access at all
reasonable hours of the daytime to inspect the condition of the premises or to
carry out repairs or other wor/s to the premises or adjoining property
(8ormally at least &9 hours notice will be given, but immediate access may
be re5uired in an emergency)
O4e(c(ow"ing (,.
not to allow more than person(s) to reside in the premises
'o"ge(s8 S0:
!etting an"
not to ta/e in lodgers, sub<let the whole or any part of the premises or assign
this tenancy in whole or in part
3ns(ance (&'
not to do or suffer to be done on the premises anything which may invalidate
the insurance of the premises against fire or otherwise increase the ordinary
premium for such insurance
Gas c-!in"e(s (&,
not to use or /eep on the premises mobile gas heaters, gas cylinders, oil
burning appliances, paraffin or petrol
to inform the landlord if the premises are unoccupied for a period of longer
than &. days
;iewing the
to permit the landlord at reasonable hours in the daylight within the last &.
days of the tenancy to enter and view the premises with prospective
purchasers or tenants and to display a notice for the sale or letting of the
Mo4ing ot (&9
to give the landlord at least four wee/s notice in writing when the tenant
wishes to end the tenancy. To give the landlord vacant possession and return
the /eys of the premises at the e#piry or sooner termination of the tenancy
and to remove all personal furniture, possessions and rubbish. The landlord
accepts no responsibility for anything left behind at the premises by the
tenant at the end of the tenancy
'ocation of
to leave the fi#tures, furniture and effects detailed in the inventory at the end
of the tenancy in the rooms or places in which they were at the beginning of
the tenancy
7ashing !inen (&:
to pay for the washing (including ironing or pressing) of all linen and for the
washing and cleaning (including ironing or pressing) of all blan/ets and
curtains which have become soiled during the tenancy, the reasonable use to
be allowed for.
The Tenants Rights
<2 The tenant has the fo!!owing (ights
Right to
(,) the tenant has the right to occupy the premises without interruption or
interference from the landlord for the duration of this tenancy (e#cept for the
obligation contained in the agreement to give access) so long as the tenant
complies with the terms of this agreement and has proper respect for the
rights of other tenants and neighbours
Sec(it- of
ten(e fo( the
"(ation of the
(&) the tenant has security of tenure for the duration of the tenancy as a short
assured tenant as long as they occupy the premises as their only or principal
home. ?efore the e#piry of the term the landlord can only end the tenancy by
obtaining a court order for possession of the premises on one of the grounds
listed in schedule 2 of the )ousing (*cotland) +ct ,-.. (as amended by the
)ousing +ct ,--:). The landlord will give the notice periods prescribed by law
before ma/ing the relevant application to the court.
E5*i(- of
(() the landlord can only end the tenancy at the end of the term by giving the
tenant at least two months' notice that they re5uire possession of the
premises and by obtaining a court order for possession. The court will ma/e
an order for possession if it is satisfied that the term has e#pired and the
proper notice has been given
Cessation of
sho(t ass(e"
(9) if the tenancy ceases to be a short assured tenancy the landlord may end the
tenancy by giving four wee/s notice in writing to the tenant.
@n the event that any rent or other sum due under this agreement is unpaid for twenty<one days after becoming due
(whether formally demanded or not), or if there is material breach of any of the tenants obligations, then the landlord
may re<enter upon the property and this tenancy shall immediately come to an end and the re<entry shall not prejudice
any of the landlords other rights and remedies.
?oth the >andlord and the Tenant consent to registration hereof for preservation and e#ecution
Signe" 0- the tenant
*ignature of witness signature of tenant
full name of above (print)
date of signing
address of witness place of signing
Signe" 0-=on 0eha!f of the !an"!o("
*ignature of witness signature of landlord
full name of above (print)
date of signing
address of witness place of signing

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