Gr. 130087 Barcelona Vs CA & Bengzon Cause of Action Forum Shopping

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G.R. No.

130087 September 24, 2003

Diana M. Barcelona Vs. CA and Tadeo R. Bengzon

Facts: Petioner Diana Barcelona and respondent Tadeo Bengzon contracted marriage after their whirlwind
courtship. The union begot five children.
On March 29, 1995, private respondent Tadeo Bengzon filed a petition for annulment of marriage on ground
of psychological incapacity against petitioner Diana Barcelona. On May 9, 1995, respondent filed a Motion to
withdraw which the RTC granted on June 7, 1995.
On July 21, 1995, respondent filed a new petition for annulment of marriage on ground of psychological
incapacity against petitioner Diana Barcelona. Petitioner filed a motion to dismiss on two grounds (1) there
was no cause of action in the second petition (2) it violates SC Administrative Circular on forum shopping.
RTC issued an order to defer resolution on the motion of petitioner until arguments in the hearing. Petitioner
then filed a motion for reconsideration.
Petitioner Diana filed a Petition for Certiorari, Prohibition and Mandamus before the Court of Appeals
assailing the trial courts first order deferring action on the Motion and the second order denying the motion
for reconsideration on 14 February 1997. The Court of Appeals dismissed the petition and denied the motion
for reconsideration.
Hence, this petition.
Issue: Whether the allegations of the second petition for annulment of marriage sufficiently state a cause of
action and whether respondent Tadeo violated SC Administrative circular on forum shopping.
Ruling: Petitioner contends that the petition fails to allege the root cause of the psychological incapacity.
Subsequent to Santos and Molina, the Court adopted the new Rules on Declaration of Absolute Nullity of
Void Marriages and Annulment of Voidable Marriages: The complete facts should allege the physical
manifestations, if any, as are indicative of psychological incapacity at the time of the celebration of the
marriage but expert opinion need not be alleged.
Since the new Rules do not require the petition to allege expert opinion on the psychological incapacity, it
follows that there is also no need to allege in the petition the root cause of the psychological incapacity since
root cause can only be ascertain by experts.
On whether respondent Tadeo violated SC Administrative circular on forum shopping, as the court have ruled
that an omission in the certificate of non-forum shopping about any event that would not constitute res
judicata and litis pendentia as in the case at bar, is not fatal as to merit the dismissal and nullification of the
entire proceedings considering that the evils sought to be prevented by the said certificate are not present.
The dismissal of the first petition precluded the eventuality of litis pendentia. The first petitions dismissal
did not also amount to res judicata. Thus, there is no need to state in the certificate of non-forum shopping
in the second petition about the prior filing and dismissal of the first petition.
Hence, second petition is not subject to attack by a motion to dismiss on the grounds cited by the petitioner.
Petition is denied and decision of RTC and CA were affirmed.

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